CYBRO AMA: Weekly news and Q&A


This space is hosted by Cybro_io

Space Summary

This Twitter Space acts as a hub for diverse discussions on technological advancements, ethical dilemmas, cryptocurrency insights, and societal challenges. Participants engage in fiery debates about free speech under Elon Musk's Twitter leadership, modern world wars, AI's social media moderation role, data security, decentralized finance impact, historical injustices, and the transformative potential of blockchain technology. Morality's intersection with technology, particularly in AI, remains a central theme, fostering deeper understanding of contemporary issues and their societal impacts.


Q: Can true free speech exist on Twitter under Elon Musk?
A: Opinions vary, with some believing it can while others point to instances of enforced silences.

Q: How do current events compare to historical world wars?
A: The definition of world war is shifting with new and ongoing global conflicts.

Q: Are social media algorithms capable of understanding context?
A: AI algorithms often struggle with context, raising ethical concerns.

Q: What is the future of cryptocurrency regulation?
A: Cryptocurrency regulation remains a contentious topic with debates on impact and regulatory needs.

Q: How secure are our personal data in today's digital landscape?
A: Concerns regarding data privacy and personal information protection are widespread.

Q: What impact do decentralized platforms have on traditional finance?
A: Decentralized platforms are seen as disruptors to traditional financial systems.

Q: How should historical injustices be addressed in today's society?
A: Reparative justice plays a vital role in addressing social and economic disparities.

Q: What challenges do technological advancements pose to our daily lives?
A: Rapid technological changes lead to significant societal adjustments and challenges.

Q: Can morality keep pace with rapid technological advancements?
A: There are concerns about technology surpassing ethical standards, especially in AI development.

Q: How might blockchain technology reshape traditional paradigms?
A: Blockchain's potential to revolutionize societal aspects is explored and debated.


Time: 00:46:22
Ethical Concerns about AI

Time: 00:46:35
Personal Story

Time: 00:46:45
World War Three Discussions

Time: 00:47:06
Global Conflicts

Time: 00:54:47
Free Speech on Twitter

Time: 00:55:01
Ethics and Social Media

Time: 00:55:21
Anonymity and Accountability

Time: 00:55:37
Impact of AI Algorithms

Time: 00:55:43
Elon Musk's Influence

Time: 00:58:47
Cryptocurrency Future

Key Takeaways

  • Free speech on social platforms like Twitter under Elon Musk is a subject of debate.
  • Perspectives on global conflicts and world wars are evolving amidst current geopolitical tensions.
  • Ethical concerns arise around AI algorithms in moderating social media content.
  • Cryptocurrency discussions focus on adoption
  • regulation
  • and future trajectories.
  • Privacy and data security in the digital age are critical points of debate.
  • Decentralized platforms challenge traditional financial systems.
  • Reparative justice and historical accountability are discussed in context to societal inequalities.
  • The social impact of technology advancements and their implications are pondered upon.
  • Morality and technology's intersection
  • especially regarding AI
  • is a prominent topic.
  • Blockchain's potential to disrupt conventional paradigms is highlighted.

Behind the Mic

Yes, daily. We have lots of APIs with different people. So we definitely have the work daily. We have to do some hybrid work. So the team is decentralized, some people work remotely, and pretty much every day we're in touch with the team to discuss roadmaps, dev updates, marketing campaigns, and so on. Alright. What about the marketing front? When you plan to conquer the market? What is the timeline? Next month, we will have marketing campaigns. Even if the the the phase two, until the end of this year, will be mainly PI and API… PI means people interested, API means people interact definitely with the development side. We still have to wait until the product will be ready to release. Which is good to go by next year. Chapter three will start primarily at the end of this year until next year. So we will have different campaigns. We’re going to have traditional marketing campaigns, online marketing campaigns such as influencers, professional investment sites, and we will redirect our resources to mainly the marketing this year. That sounds good. Will you plan to launch additional tokens in the future? Yes, sir. In the end of the year, we will have the CBOT as a reward for the LST. And we will have the Genesis batch exactly like what we have to launch the NFTs for the people testing right now. As a result, our staking program will start at first of September or the end of August. Instead we will have staking later because our inflation rules don't apply. Because of the huge number of people asking, this second batch is planned before our second blockchain realized. We do an emission and reward ratio 1 to 20 with liquidity Aries program and the first plasma bout temporary staking. Great. Will you have any buybacks? Yes. When cyber grow with people we will we will launch restrictive programs like profit securing what we maintain the value of the tokens: the tokens equal to differentiate the equals which multi tactics which we use. One by one we will announce only the the selected people and the the the main stakeholders by our criteria and with the time people will get to know our plans. We will have profits and some of the profits will come to official liquidity which markets themselves will get the buyback program or developed it will be a close loop arbitrage with our marketing strategy. Okay, who's going to be responsible for buybacks? We will have multiple people one of the projects the Core Founders and people investors they are keep that in their hands we will keep a discretionary entity for the people and the projects that's how we can control our value of the tokens of CyberCyber. Just to make it everything clear buying back it means that at our tokens will be in control by us one portion about 30 percentage in the other part the big projects and investors they will have to keep tokens for you to facilitate our creation Like founders like core members, and if one of them loose or they change it let us notify and replace the old parts or other things. Will you sell buybacks Yes sir, there will be a protectionistic program with profits over our 10 to 20 percentage we always keep liquidity will do the buyback. We will burn some tokens and people the token holders will earn with selling their tokens at any time. That's our plan, pretty much. But of course there are some details. But I will not tell you because we have to develop it with market makers and with the private team. Okay. Does cyber plan to launch another blockchains? Yes, but only in the end of the year. Maybe next year. In the beginning. Okay. In every project, there is always need for improvement based on user experiences and feedback. What feedback mechanisms are in place for continuous improvement? Well, that's a good question. Yeah. First of all, we use some metrics. So we trace some events in the platform. If the user has accepted the cookies. So we trace the clicks, we trace the conversions, we trace the heat maps. That's what we do to make the product more convenient. Second thing we do is collect the feedback from the users. So you can go to Trustpilot or App Store, Play Store or any medium which receives feedback. We have our support. So people write us directly. We receive the support requirements. And third one is the most important, communities which we have for our Protoname. So people can raise any questions in any time. There are many mechanisms we use to collect the feedback. And of course, we cannot collect all the feedback because it's a lot. But still we try our best to address the main issues raised by the community and our active users. We work with focus groups within our project team. Specifically, we have a feedback community which meets monthly, every second Tuesday of each month we gather. There are people from different focuses. This helps us to gather relevant diverse feedback. The topics usually cover development, how we are going and marketing like do they receive the information via right channels, other relevant questions. Of course after it we make decisions as a team. But without involving much feedback as a company we cannot do development further. And we’re happy to have that feedback process in place. What about the succession of moderators? Do you have a plan? Hmm. That's a great question. We have experience with how much time the moderators plan stays active. We also check and find out for our growth strategy especially for revenue or roadmap project timeline. It will be reflected in the algorithm changes. For some cases, we give some people the possibility to exit like we keep them give a fair possibility. What's special about Cyber's community when you compare Cyber with another crypto community? Well, Cyber's community is definitely unique. First of all, we are trying to be very transparent. If you see our roadmaps, if you see our reports, our communication types, social media, Twitter, Telegram, Reddit. We are very transparent in terms of updates. As I already said, we have feedback meetings every month on second Tuesday when we gather people's feedback. And we always are participating in things such as Reddit AMAs. Anything where people can ask questions we are trying to be open and transparent. And engaging with them. Because we think that transparency is a key component that builds trust. Providing prompt, accurate answers is also very important to ensure the that trust. We have a strong emphasis on that and it’s what sets us apart. Does Cybercash want to conquer the entire world? Of course. We will try our best. I will be quite honest, yeah, we would love to do that. We want to be bigger than other crypto communities for sure. We have our plans working and our expansion strategies to supply to solve daily problems through unification in the protocols. We want to start with grow in the European markets. Later, we go worldwide. But step by step, that’s how we approach. Does Cybercash plan mainstream adoptive awareness campaigns? Yes, it's part of our strategy. Many companies, crypto companies are failing because they are not mainstream. That's what we hope about us. As I mentioned earlier, we will work with the traditional marketing activities, online marketing, professional investment sites, influencers. For example, Google, Facebook ads and partnering with major agencies are part of our plans. We aim mainstream adoption through diverse marketing approaches. Well if someone wants to join and invest in Cybercash but he doesn't have any idea how to do that? Will you have some team which will help the new investors? Definitely. Definitely. Definitely. Our plan includes having guides, tutorials, support systems geared towards educating and assisting new investors. We are planning to have webinars, tutorial videos, and of course help center support where any person at any level can come and get the needed help to be part of Cyber universe. This is mandatory for us to ensure new members feel welcomed and informed. Particularly useful as many people might find understanding the nuances of crypto complex. I have a question, if the situation will be changed during bear or bull market, will cyber cash be able to modify their strategy accordingly? Okay. Bear-bull market situations are something that we always keep in mind. It definitely influences our profit, our investment strategies for the future, our marketing. But that's business, that's always be there. That said, we have mechanisms and checklists in place for such scenarios. We are ready to modify our strategy based on the market style. We have diverse portfolios which helps us navigating through bear or bull market with minimal impact. This strategy should work for us. What about your team? Are the developers paid sufficiently according to market standards? Absolutely. We consistently benchmark our team’s compensation aligning with current market standards. We are very clear about being competitive because retaining our talent is critical. Outside of compensation, we also provide our developers with additional incentives, bonuses, and work from anything flexible policies, considering their well-being and satisfaction drives our company forward. What is your token supply management strategy? Alright. For our token supply, we focus on key facets like proper distribution, anti-whale measures, gradual token unlocks, liquidity provision, ensuring that the token economy remains healthy and sustainable. So there are caps and rules to not flood the market suddenly maintaining the balance between supply and demand. How do you ensure revenue growth for the future? Our strategy targets diversified revenue streams. We focus on solving user problems through our platform services which in turn drives value creation. Partnerships and integrations add onto that revenue stream. Planning to have in depth analytical tools and subscription models for every individual institutional investors. How do you address regulatory challenges? Regulatory scenarios are always evolving and we have our legal teams keeping track of the changing regulations landscape. We work closely with legal entities to ensure we’re compliant in every jurisdiction. It's important for us to stay ahead of regulatory requirements. Proactively we engage with regulators to influence and conform to the evolving requirements instead of responding reactively. Are you planning to list your currency on more exchanges? Yes, absolutely. Our strategy includes getting listed on multiple exchanges ensuring the liquidity accessibility for our users. So we are targeting both centralized and decentralized exchanges or CEX and DEX. Major exchange listing plans are in our roadmap. Will you have any physical meetups or conferences? Yes, that's something we're planning as part of our community engagement strategy. We recognize the importance of face-to-face interactions and networking opportunities which you can achieve through physical meetups, conferences, and events in different parts of the world. Okay. Thank you very much. You’re welcome anyone who has any other questions? Of course. Please leave them. Let us know. We are collected. If we didn't answer any question this time. Rest be assured, we’ll address them later. Keep following our progress. Not only stops us from doing something. Okay, guys, thank you for joining. There are a lot of questions. Actually, 200 questions is too much for me. But anyway, thank you so much for participating. If you liked today's AMA session, please give me a thumbs up or your heart or something else. If you didn't like it, if I didn't answer your question and you feel that you are unsatisfied, please give me thumbs down. Just give me some feedback, please. And thank you for spending this Saturday with me. I really like that we have an active community, we have active listeners. We have people who ask so many questions. 200 questions is something that drives me crazy. Okay guys, thank you so much. Thanks for coming. And you can always hear the recording here. Twitter spaces. Yeah. So have a good day, have a good weekend and see you next time. Goodbye.

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