Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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CTRL AMA: n0 0rdinary kind PFP

This space is hosted by SeizeCTRL

Space Summary

The Twitter space in the NFT niche revolved around the Genesis 404 project, showcasing its commitment to rewarding loyal holders and driving community engagement. Despite challenges in the market, the project’s emphasis on providing perks such as physical NFT versions, airdrops, and whitelist spots for Genesis holders stood out. Conversations alluded to upcoming advancements in the NFT sector, building excitement among participants. Recognition of community backing and a optimistic market forecast added depth to the space, offering insights into the project’s path and community-driven approach to NFT progression.


Q: What is the focus of the Genesis 404 project?
A: The Genesis 404 project prioritizes benefiting its community, especially loyal Genesis 404 holders.

Q: How has the project dealt with market challenges?
A: Despite market fluctuations, the project remains dedicated to rewarding loyal community members.

Q: What rewards did Genesis holders receive?
A: Genesis holders received physical NFT versions, additional airdropped NFTs, and whitelist spots.

Q: Which initiatives were implemented to engage the community?
A: Giveaways and upcoming developments were highlighted to increase community engagement.

Q: What can community members anticipate in the near future?
A: Exciting advancements in the NFT space and a positive market outlook were mentioned.

Q: How was community support acknowledged during the discussion?
A: Participants were appreciated for their time and encouraged to stay updated on future updates.


Time: 00:06:34
Value of Social Currency in NFT Space, Discusses the value and stability of social currency in the NFT space.

Time: 00:13:39
AMA Introduction, Announces the AMA segment and different types of questions expected.

Time: 00:14:05
Origin Story of Control, Shares the project’s origin and the story behind the genesis collection.

Time: 00:23:26
Importance of IRL Experiences, Emphasizes the significance of real-life experiences in delivering the project’s message.

Time: 00:30:07
Tech Challenges and Innovations, Discusses the technological challenges and innovative solutions within the project.

Time: 00:41:18
Game Collaboration Idea, Explains the idea generation and execution of game collaborations to enhance engagement.

Time: 00:47:14
Long-Term Vision, Outlines the long-term plans and vision for the next five to ten years.

Time: 00:50:31
Community Art Engagement, Highlights the continuous sharing of art teasers and community engagement strategies.

Time: 01:05:25
Humanizing the Project, Discusses the importance of humanizing the project and building a deeper connection with the audience.

Time: 01:08:29
Upcoming Innovations, Teases interesting developments and innovations expected in the coming weeks and months.

Key Takeaways

  • The Genesis 404 project aims to benefit its holders
  • especially loyal Genesis 404 holders.
  • Despite market fluctuations
  • the project remains committed to rewarding its loyal community members.
  • Genesis holders received physical versions of their NFTs
  • additional airdropped NFTs
  • and whitelist spots.
  • Initiatives like giveaways and new developments were highlighted to engage the community further.
  • Exciting advancements in the NFT space are on the horizon for the project in the upcoming weeks and months.
  • Market sentiments suggest positive outcomes and significant events ahead.

Behind the Mic

It was it was pretty emotional event for everyone, so it was a you know, there’s that period where it was really, I mean, ultra, ultra intense. People were comparing it to this like, you know, Boston Marathon of cycling, you know, and people were, you know, when we crossed the finish line the. Just the last. The way we’re described it, you know, everyone just kind of collapsed over the line, you know, and so it was it was quite a. Momentous occasion to see all those riders crossing the line. I will mention, though, they are mentioning that Pee Wee Herman was sent by Co-Founder. I think it’ll. Will never be the same again without him for the holiday coming up. So real quick. Who loves Pee Wee Herman? The Herman? I was thinking about the movie, I think your big adventure? Pee Wee’s Big Adventure? Maybe I think so. Yeah. I still think that we going to do more research on Pee Wee. I’ve not heard of this adventure stuff. No. But, but, but thinking back to, you know, things down there. But if looking back at, you know, that’s a classic thing to do on those areas where you just start working from nfts and then all the creators out there set the pace, like the early creators and now those guys building on what can be done with the the nfts. Sure, sure. And you’re building out more of the ecosystem of support for artists to create that art. And now, like, you know, things like what you’re working on that kind of. Not just looking at what they’re doing, but looking to see what else is available. Have some tools that they need to get them and all of it really and just how does that work? Yeah, like if you have a platform that is going to be able to. You need to kind of give support services. You know, like we’ve got. Um. The announcements about the curation. Um. Well, it’s, you know, you you work with the artists, you work with the museums. It’s like trying to get the stem as well. It’s really diverse. It’s exciting. I mean, for you what what stood out the most about, I mean, you know, was it was it surprising? For us, it was actually. For us, it was actually really simple. Right. Our Genesis 404 holders have stood by us from day one, and the project has gone through its ups and downs. And we’ve written together during the. During the, you know, one of the hardest or a few of the hardest bear markets in ordinals together. And so it was very. That that decision was super easy and clear for us. We just wanted to make sure that the Genesis 404 holders receive and completely outsized benefit than any other parts of our community, which is actually quite manageable. We. We. You know, right now, we. The Genesis collection is relatively small and the other pieces are not massive. So for us, you know, we rewarded the Genesis holders in a few different ways. Number one, we gave every Genesis 404 holder that was released at the time last year a physical version of their 404. And this was the most massive step that we took at the beginning of the year, is we airdropped, one for one another 404 to the 404 holders, and then each one of those 404 holders get two whitelist spots and two airdropped versions of, of a partner NFT that they, you know, they can. So basically the Genesis holders get three 404s for everyone that they have. They’ve got two whitelists for community members and the response to that was massive and. Um. Obviously we’re, we’re. We had to be clear, the 404 is not something we’re looking to capitalize what we’re looking to enable people to move forward to the next steps. And people were it was just like we’ve got 72 hours in it and they sold out. Um. Just done, just done. Yeah. And we, we and again, it’s not even a large collection. It’s a small collection, but its utility is so high. Because in all honesty, anyone who had a 404 can now almost guarantee a spot on anything we do because this is a 101 and that’s what we’ve always said. They work. Are we expect more? You know, for us it’s great. That’s that I think it’s a it’s a strange situation and a good situation to be in when you’ve got a small road map and a small project that can do so much and they’re going to release more collection. Right. That’s the best collection. If you’ve got 2-3 steps right now but this is the best steps you can have because next steps and next releases are just going to be even better. And the community is going to have access to something that that is again based on the art. We want to keep moving forward in art and obviously shows like this are awesome to be able to help. Um you know the. And and keep keep moving forward. What does that you know that look like moving forward? What type of utility? Because obscene, it’s crazy how big it’s gotten. Sure, sure. Well go have a few minutes before spending days and days building mechanics of. BT. Mechanics of the 404. When you’re kind of looking back at it, when when you’re. From the 404, what, what do you think about what resources do you need to, to achieve what you achieved? Did you already have relationships? That good, that good stuff. What? What do you were you missing that you would have been like, Oh, I wish I had this. Well, I think it’s I’ve I’ve found it. Oh my God, I am Shalom and I found an image. Do you think it’s the right track? I don’t know if it. I think it does because it’s still a unique body that this it’s typeof a that provides like bits of like it’s not ? mentors of 404s where they’ve got excavations. We got specific purely because our kids projects community owns the previous exposition from that artists and artist’s going to yeah his last works, her last works being onboarding onto multi thing on ways to keep building that, you know, while obviously what we also but not just physically exhibit it, sure. But there is the time and like let kid projects come onboard and actually on himself yeah digitally as well. Right. We’ve got to me we’re missing still gotta really t. And we’re moving into you got spend last. We did had time to send. Go move and um more and more we’re looking at the here and seeing the future. Yeah, it is. I mean it it’s like Patrick definitely took the game to another level when it was just kind of in its infancy and like, the bare bones of like, seeing a little stick figure jump over stuff and. And Patrick took it to the absolute next level, incorporating all the art and incorporating Penny’s world. It’s just super fun to play and super excited to see how that keeps growing. Yeah. And, you know, and it’s like we’ve got. We’re basically just getting started on this ordinary kind roadmap. You know, we wanted to kind of slowly build up from kind of around about march onwards, quite a transition for an art based project like control to transition into this sort of PFP style of collection. And so we wanted to give it time to embed the idea in people’s minds, but also we needed time for the technical complexity that is embedded in this collection. Right. I mean, our partners, exverse and magic Eden, are having to actually do developments on their platforms for us to be able to do what we’re trying to do here. And both those teams are really goaded. They’re really stepping out and going an extra mile to support us and help us deliver what we think is going to be a really seminal ordinals experience that people are going to remember for a long time. So we spend a lot of time on that, but there’s a lot still to come. We’ve got BTC Nashville coming up. We’ve got some. I mean, anyone who knows us knows that we like our IRL experiences and we think we’ve pulled something together that supersedes everything that we’ve done before. Of course, it had to be. It’s the biggest conference of the year, so no doubt control is going to be make themselves felt and heard in BTC Nashville. And we’ve got some pretty cool collabs coming up. I think that one of them, which is very close to being rolled out again, is something cultural that I don’t think has been done in nfts, regardless of chain. This is something that really focuses the attention back to art, but mainly it focuses the attention back to people like the people that are on. You know, it’s it’s involved with, you know, we talked about this. We were passionate that the art is always the focus in this. And that’s why we’re proud of the people that we associate ourselves with. You know, I don’t want to give a sneak peek or anything like that. I can’t do that now, but you will hear very soon. So, um. And the games out and just the latest on that. So we just have a little bit of a heads up. So the game’s out. The mini games out. It’s been out for two months now. It’s available on iOS and Android. You can go play that. The run. Pence Run is found at runpantiesrun.xyz. Or just search Penny’s Big Adventure. Penny’s Big Adventure on both iOS and Android stores. Like it’s must play. If you’ve not played it. You got to go take a look. Just check it out. Is there anything that’s kind of stood out how the usually it’s these groundbreaking layers that are coming out? But I mean, this session has been going. I understand how many developers got connected. Well, thanks. Thanks for that. Yeah, it’s we we’re looking forward to what’s coming out in that space and it’s. I think it’s it’s super exciting. I’m always like when we cross it here, we’re trying to maintain certain secrecy about what we’re up to. But honestly, I think this community is going to be mind blown by what we deliver. How would you want the like? Um, thrift term like, um, fans, you know, die hard as they are to like support the digital environment and, you know, the PFP stuff has been coming across that seeing seeing that network interact and they aren’t hearing like what they’re seeing. They’re all commitment to it. They’re all super passionate. I mean the team, you know, everything down that kind of environment that’s friendly. But, you know, it has that support network, you know, there are fanatics as well. And we’re rapidly, rapidly learning. You know, it’s everyone involved and that’s kind of the cool thing about it. For all of us who are enjoying it and learning. There is no like, right way to work on that and you know we want to be mindful that we’ve got a set way of doing things and we’re going to give you a community that helps you to learn and raise awareness about what’s happening around us so that we can, together, kind of ride this next wave of change which is coming, which I personally think is going to be very significant. I hope that answers your question. Yeah. Thank you. I really appreciate. Yeah. Then go out to the next person. I think. Is that all of our questions, all of our speaker requests? Hold on, let me check. I’m not seeing any. Okay, thanks. I’m on, like, three devices, so, you know, I’d be, like, running back and forth between the rooms. Well, and then, like, Twitter likes to, like, bug so much because it’s got the same speakers that are also on stage but also already speakers, so. But no additionals. Awesome. Well, if no other questions, do you guys have any closing remarks or anything you’d like to add or just any last sentiments? It’s Grande. Grande. Tall. That’s the alpha. The ticker is grande. The ticker is grande. The ticker is Venti. No, I mean, my closing remarks are. Just wanted to thank everybody that’s spent their time with us today. Stay tuned. Like follow turn on notifications. I think you’ll be very happy with what you see rolling out of control in the next weeks and months. I think that the worst of this kind of market is also behind us. And there’s some pretty interesting things that are going to happen in the next few weeks and months. And, yeah, I just can’t wait to roll out an ordinary kind and invite loads more community members and take them along for the ride for what’s next. Let’s go. Absolutely. We have a allow this giveaway happening I just posted up and it’s on our cease control Twitter page. So check it out. Share with us. How are you? No ordinary kind where we start to unpack the ultimate utility of just being the change. Thanks, everybody. And we’ll talk soon. Be one large medium vent. A need a grande bunzie. Dude, you’ve had way too much caffeine, bro. You need to relax. You need a pico. A picot. Pico like a pico. Tiny stick to art, bro.

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