Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space CryptoFi XSpace AMA <> Zchains || Giveaway $100 USDT hosted by CryptoFi_global. Dive into the CryptoFi XSpace AMA on Zchains for a comprehensive look at the evolving trends in the crypto space. From DeFi innovations to NFTs and marketing strategies, this insightful event delves into key aspects of the blockchain industry. Discover how community engagement, wallet security, AI integration, and strategic partnerships are shaping the future of cryptocurrencies. Stay informed on regulatory matters and the exciting opportunities presented by the Metaverse. Join industry leaders and experts as they discuss serious business matters in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How does community engagement impact DeFi projects?
A: Community involvement fosters trust, feedback, and wider adoption of DeFi initiatives.

Q: What sets NFTs apart as digital assets?
A: NFTs offer ownership verification, scarcity, and unique metadata, setting them apart in the digital asset realm.

Q: What role does marketing play in the success of crypto projects?
A: Effective marketing builds awareness, credibility, and user acquisition for crypto ventures.

Q: Why is wallet security crucial in the crypto space?
A: Wallet security protects assets and sensitive information from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

Q: How does AI benefit blockchain applications?
A: AI enhances data analysis, automation, and decision-making processes in blockchain systems.

Q: Why are partnerships essential in the crypto industry?
A: Collaborations bring together expertise, resources, and networks to drive innovation and growth in cryptocurrencies.


Time: 00:05:10
DeFi Innovations and Opportunities Exploring the latest DeFi trends and opportunities for investors and developers.

Time: 00:10:25
NFTs as Digital Collectibles Discussing the rise of NFTs as unique digital collectibles and their impact on the art market.

Time: 00:15:40
Community Building in the Metaverse Analyzing the role of communities in shaping virtual worlds and digital experiences.

Time: 00:20:15
Wallet Security Best Practices Tips and strategies for keeping your crypto wallets secure and protected.

Time: 00:25:30
AI Integration in Blockchain Examining how AI technologies optimize operations and scalability in blockchain networks.

Time: 00:30:55
Partnerships Driving Crypto Success Showcasing the power of strategic partnerships in fostering growth and innovation in the crypto sphere.

Key Takeaways

  • DeFi opportunities continue to expand and innovate within the crypto space.
  • NFTs are gaining traction as valuable digital assets with unique ownership structures.
  • Community engagement is vital for growth and sustainability in the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Innovations in blockchain technology are shaping the future of decentralized finance.
  • Marketing strategies play a crucial role in promoting projects and services in the crypto sector.
  • The Metaverse presents exciting possibilities for immersive digital experiences.
  • Wallet security remains a top priority for crypto enthusiasts and investors.
  • AI integration is enhancing efficiency and scalability in blockchain applications.
  • Partnerships and collaborations drive advancements and adoption in the crypto industry.
  • Regulatory compliance is a key consideration for projects to thrive in the ever-evolving crypto landscape.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the AMA

Hello, everyone. So we are going to start our AMa shortly. Let's just wait for other listeners to join, and we will be starting shortly. For sure. Hi, Parsa. Is my audio okay? Hi, Caitlin. Yes, loud and clear. Okay, wonderful. So, hello, everyone. I am Parsa, one of the team members of Cryptofi team. I am your host for today. And today we have a special AMA with a special team. We are delighted to start our AMA with Z chains team and also our lovely guest Caitlin, along with their team members as well. You can follow zchain team from their website, which is zchains.com and x telegram, discord, or instagram. You can follow them in every platform that they have. So let's get started. Katelyn, can you hear us clearly?

Caitlin's Introduction

Yes, Parsai. Hello, nice to meet you. And I can hear you loud and clear. Very well. All right, so let's start. Before we get to all the questions, can you give us a short introduction about your whole team and the people you work with and also your background check? Yeah, for sure. So, hello, everyone. So a little bit something about me is. Hello, I am Caitlin, just like what Mister Parsa mentioned. And I am speaking here, of course, on behalf of the Z train steam. So, as per my experience, I've been on the crypto space for more than four years now, and I've actually been very active in marketing and communication. So, basically, that is my expertise. So, about the team that I work with, of course, they're very professional, and z change is actually built by a very competent team, a very experienced and skilled team. So, basically, unfortunately, some of the team members that we have cannot join the space as of the moment. So here I am speaking on behalf of them. So, yeah, I'm very looking forward to answering some questions from the crypto fi community. Thank you very much for inviting us over.

Discussion on Z Chain

Thanks for having us. So very well. We all heard that this is doing a pretty good job. So, first of all, I myself have this question as I walk through your white paper, and the questions that I got, basically, the very first question that I got was, what exactly is z change? Can you tell us about that? Yes, for sure. I think that is a very great way to kickstart our AMA. So for everyone's knowledge. Hello, guys. Basically, Z chains is an interoperable layer one network that is driven by its ecosystem and solely focused on delivering experience based services. So basically, Zchains is a high performance network that is based on the proof of stake consensus. So for the people who have been around in the Webtree space for quite some time. I know for sure that you guys are knowledgeable already of proof of stake. Another thing is that the Z chains network is EVM compatible. So with EVM compatibility, z chain facilitates seamless integration with existing Ethereum based Dapps, or what we call Dapps decentralized applications. So, yeah, that's a little bit something about z trains. And I hope that is, that really helped you guys to understand our project better.

ZRC 20 Token Explanation

Yeah, we sure got that as well. And, I myself have been in the crypto space for four years now. And I've seen, TRC 20, ERc 20, BP 20 and everything else. But what, basically what actually gives me most excited is the fact that I think Z chain has a ZRC 20 kind of a platform token. So can you tell us what exactly is this ZRC 20? Yes, for sure. So like you've mentioned, there are several technical standards out there which I know you guys are familiar of. Starting from ERC 20, the BEP twenties. I'm sorry of that. So here at Z chains, ZRC 20 is the technical standard that is used for tokens inside the Z chain network. So similar to TRC 20 on the Tron network and ERC 20 on ethereum, ZRC 20 defines a set of rules and functionalities. The tokens must adhere, of course, they must adhere to this kind of like functionalities and rules in order to. For them to adhere when they created the token on the z chains blockchain. So basically, tokens following the ZRC 20 standard can be seamlessly sent and received within the Z chains ecosystem.

Native Token and Tokenomics

Just proving how interoperable our network is. Very well done. And also the walkthrough, the wireless and your team, and also your telegram as well. I've seen that some people, also your team members, mentioned about ZCD. So can you tell us about ZCD? And what exactly is ZCD? Yes, for sure. So just like every project out there, of course, at the very core of the vibrant Z trains ecosystem lies its native token called, like you mentioned, the ZCD token. So, to talk a little bit about the tokenomics, it has a total supply of 15 billion ZCD tokens that are existing. So aspirates utilities and functionalities within our ecosystem. This token fuels transactions. It powers interactions and also serves as a medium of exchange and payment method for gas fees for transactions, of course happening within our ecosystem. So with the very unique tokenomics that the ZCD token has, the CZD ecosystem aims to bridge the gap between in game and real world economies offering users a truly unique and immersive experience. But guys, please take note that ZCD is not just a utility, it is a golden opportunity for everyone.


So if you guys are really curious about what I've said just earlier, basically, ZCD with its own intrinsic value, ZCD is primed to make waves as it holds the potential to grow and perform very well in the broader market. Very well.

Introduction of ZCD Ecosystem

Thanks for the, for all the answers that you've got. And also you mentioned about the ZCD ecosystem that aimed to bridge the gap between in game and real world economies. And my question is, what exactly is the role of ZCD token within the Z chains ecosystem?

Role of ZCD Token

Well that is a very fantastic question. Thank you for asking that. So just like I mentioned earlier, ZCD is the native token for Z chains. So whenever a project is built and interacted with Z chains, the token ZCD is actually utilized on this process. So for all of the operations within the ecosystem, such as paying for the gas fees. So basically this creates a huge demand for the ZCD token when there are more projects that are of course building inside the Z trains ecosystem. So besides ZCD, besides that guys, ZCD actually possesses, like I mentioned earlier, an intrinsic value and it actually can be bought, sold and traded as an asset crypto on major exchanges out there. So yeah, that is exactly the role. The ZCD token is very central to the Z chains ecosystem.

Purchasing ZCD Token

Very well. I myself, I'm sold. Where can I, where can I purchase ZCD? I mean, which exchanges is it on? What is going, is there going to be listed in any other exchanges as well? So basically, where can I, or even your members, your team members can purchase ZCD? Yeah, for sure. That's a great question. So now that we talked a lot about ZCD tokens, I know for sure that some of the people listening with us right now are really interested and really curious where they can buy the ZCD token. So like I mentioned as well earlier, because of the intrinsic value, it can be bought, traded and sold as an asset crypto on major exchanges. So ZCD is available on major exchanges out there like we know like Bitmart, L Bank, Maxc and P two B. So basically Zchains is continually expanding ZCD's exchange listings. So stay tuned guys for more additional information.

Developing DApps on Z Chains

Now you also mentioned about Dapps as well. So can I actually, I mean, can we actually develop Dapps on Z chains as well? Yeah, absolutely. That's a really great question. And I think there are fellow developers who are listening with us right now as well. So basically, Z chains is in the process of enabling smooth integration with a variety of Ethereum based dapps, offering developers a flexible and very powerful platform. So guys, stay tuned as we roll out more features and expand our ecosystem to serve you guys better, of course, for you guys to create, to freely create dapps on z chains.

Performance Comparison with Other Blockchain Networks

So we all know that there are tons of projects out there which will basically, every day there is a new project, every day there is a new comparison, and every other project and blockchain is going to be compared to the other networks as well. So my question is this, how actually does Z chains achieve high performances compared to other blockchain networks that we've seen in all these years? Yeah, that's a really great question. And now a little bit something about, you know, the competitive advantages like you've mentioned. So this is how Z chains achieved high performance other than the blockchain networks that we all know right now.

Z Chains Interoperability and Design

So first things first, Z chains is an interoperable layer one blockchain driven by its own ecosystem. Secondly, is it designed to be a high performance network? So it is designed to be like that. So it delivers a high performance like that as well. Like I mentioned, this is designed to be a high performance network that builds on the proof of stake consensus. So like I mentioned earlier, we are EVM compatible as well. So with this compatibility that I've mentioned, Z chain allows seamless integration with the existing Ethereum based apps out there as well.

Enhanced Communication Through EVM Compatibility

So another thing about being EVM compatible, Z chains support the communication with multiple blockchain networks, enabling transfers of both ERC 20 and ERC seven to one tokens by utilizing this centralized bridge solution. And of course, one last thing on how we actually deliver a high performance compared to others is that Z chains is aimed to onboard all kinds of decentralized apps, or what we call the Dapps, that wish to expand beyond their blockchains to build on z chains, of course, allowing them to create limitless possibilities. Very well done.

Benefits of EVM Compatibility

And you mentioned about EVM compatibility that basically allows seamless integration with existing Ethereum based apps. In what ways does Z change EVM compatibility benefit developers and also existing Ethereum based apps? Well, that's a very amazing question. So basically, opening our chain for public development is part actually of our roadmap. So for now we can describe it as follows. So basically what this allows us, the benefit that it gives to developers is first, the EVM compatibility allows developers to port their applications to other blockchains without needing the need to rewrite them.

Scalability and Cost Reduction Through EVM

And they can use solidity, a language that many of you guys are already familiar with, instead of learning a new language for each blockchain. So another thing is the EVM compatibility improves the scalability and lowers the transaction fees compared to Ethereum, which we know that is a major problem of Ethereum. And another thing is the EVM compatibility enhances portability and interoperability across different blockchains. So the decentralized apps that are developed for one EVM compatible chain can be easily migrated to another with, of course there would be minimal code modifications in order to do that, eliminating the need to create separate code bases for each chain. So basically what this do is this reduces the development costs and time.

Access to Larger User Base

And one last thing is that the decentralized apps built on EVM compatible blockchains can also access the broader user base and developer ecosystem that is being provided already by Ethereum. So basically, with Ethereum boasting over 100 million unique wallets, the potential for mass adoption of their DApps on EVM compatible networks is significantly amplified. Very well done.

Security Measures of Z Chains

And now we are talking about, now that we are talking about EVM compatibility, we all want, I mean, everyone wants high security for a project that they're going to be invested on. So how does he change security and scalability while maintaining EVM compatibility? Yeah, that's a good question. Like you mentioned, security is very crucial in the webshare space. Of course, how we do this is that it is all in the proof of stake brilliance, which boosts security, scalability and decentralization by choosing the validators based on their stake.

Proof of Stake and Governance

So what this does is it reduces the risks, it supports high transaction volumes and ensures a fast and reliable performance. So what the POS especially do is POS empowers a diverse group of participants, making security and governance, of course, stronger. Very well done.

Upcoming Developments at Z Chains

Now, I think we should go to the launchpad and developments as well. So what is the following? Development of z chains? Basically? Yes, for sure. That's a really exciting question and I'm very excited to share with you guys, of course, the developments that you can look forward to at Z chains. So the first things that we're going to discuss, like you've mentioned, Parsa, is a scheduled launch of Fraction Z, which is a tokenization launchpad.

Introduction of Fraction Z

So Zchains is very excited to introduce Fraction Z, a groundbreaking tokenization launchpad that is set to revolutionize the way assets are tokenized on the blockchain. So what this do is fraction Z will allow users tokenize their real world assets, breaking them down into fractional ownerships represented by of course, the tokens. So what this do is this opens up new investment opportunities by enabling participation in the asset itself that were previously out of reach for many investors.

Lowering Investment Barriers

So this basically lowers the barrier for the investment. So fraction Z is designed to be a direct competitor to existing platforms like we all know, pink sale.

Enhancements of Fraction Z

But definitely fraction Z has enhanced features and more robust infrastructure. Another thing is fraction Z will offer a very user friendly interface, secure processes and a wide range of tokenization options for everyone, making it a go to platform for both new and experienced investors that are looking to diversify their portfolios. Aside from fraction Z, we are also scheduled to launch the multi chain wallet. So like we've been discussing before, interoperability is at the very core of the Z chains ecosystem and our upcoming multi chain wallet launch is set to further this goal. So how special this wallet is that this wallet will support multiple blockchains, you know, emphasizing the interoperability part, allowing users to manage a variety of cryptocurrencies, including of course our native token ZCD within a single and seamless interface of the multi chain wallet.

Simplification and Centralization of Crypto Management

So the multi chain wallet, having this wallet will not only simplify and streamline the process of managing assets across different networks, but of course this is also ensured to enhance the overall user experience by providing a centralized hub for all of your crypto needs. So basically it's very efficient for everyone. And also, guys, this is a really a must need for every crypto person out there. So with this new wallet, users will enjoy of course greater flexibility and convenience, making it easier than ever to interact with the ecosystem and beyond. So whether you're a trader, an investor or a developer, here in the crypto space, the multi chain wallet will provide the tools that you obviously need to manage your assets efficiently.

Expansion of Market Presence

And of course, one last thing that is scheduled is the listings on more centralized exchanges. So following our successful listing on, like I mentioned earlier, right, the Bitmark, L Bank Mexi and P two B zchains is actually set to expand its presence, its market presence on even more centralized exchanges. So this upcoming listings will increase the accessibility of the ZCD, making it more exposed in the market and providing more trading pairs and liquidity options for our continuously growing user base. So by listing this way, in this way, of course, by listing ZCD on additional sexes or vertical centralized exchanges, we are ensuring that our token reaches a broader audience, making it easier for users to buy, sell and trade ZCD on their preferred platforms.

Strategic Moves for Visibility and Liquidity

So this strategic move is part of our broader plan to enhance the liquidity and visibility of ZCD in the global crypto market. So those are the developments that is set forth, of course, into the future, and you can definitely look forward to it. So I highly suggest everyone to stay tuned on our social media links, of course, for the regular updates of zchains. Thank you, parsae. Thank you, Caitlin. Now I got all the questions that I had in my mind. Now I think we should get into some of our members questions as well. If you have any questions, you can simply raise your hand and we will unmute you so that you can ask your questions about Z chain token. So let's start with Alex Hunter.

Transition to Member Questions

You are unmuted now, Alex, you can. Next week. Now. I think. All right, moving on to. Yeah, yeah. I think we should move on to the next person. So, comfort, I think I'm pronouncing it right, comfort to the one I think Alex is on. Alex? Yeah, Alex, you can ask your question, mate. Yes, my question. Outdoors injections different itself from other layer one network out there. What are you unique future. My question. Yes, of course, Alexander. Thank you for your question. I've actually discussed this just a little bit, just earlier, but still let me give the answer to you. So there are several differentiators of first z chains compared to other blockchain networks out there.

Unique Features of Z Chains

So first things first is we are an interoperable layer one blockchain that is driven by the ecosystem that we are building itself. So Zjains is designed to be a high performance network that builds on proof of stake consensus. So another thing to mention as well is we are EVM compatible. So with this compatibility that we have, this actually allows seamless integration with the existing Ethereum based Dapps out there and also being EVM compatible. Z chain supports communication with multiple blockchain networks, enabling transfers for both ERC 20 and ERC 721 tokens by of course, utilizing the centralized bridge solution that we have.

Scalability and Modularity of Z Chains

And aside from that, Oz chains is aimed to onboard all kinds of decentralized applications that wishes to expand beyond their blockchains. Of course, to build on z chains, allowing the developers, the creators, the builders to create limitless possibilities here at z chains. So another thing that I can mention is Z chains is built, it's actually built to be scalable and very modular. So its built structure and its based networking layer which utilizes lib p two p is modular, extensive and fast. So the separation of the synchronization and consensus protocols allows for modularity and implementation of custom sync and consensus mechanism, depending, of course, on how the client is being run.

Conclusion on Z Chains Capabilities

So another thing that I can mention is that Z chains is designed to offer off the shelf pluggable consensus algorithms such as obft proof of stake. Thank you, Alex. I hope I answered your question. Well. Thank you, Alex, for your questions. So now we are moving on. Let's get to comfort. Comfort, your mic is now on. You can ask your questions. Hello, comfort. Yes, you can ask your question. All right. My question is that what makes Z chain, what are those unique features that makes zchain ahead of their competitors in the blockchain?

Reinforcing Z Chains Competitive Edge

Yeah, for sure, comfort. So actually, the question is a bit similar to the first one that we took. So basically, like I've mentioned, we are an interoperable layer one blockchain, and we are building a very advanced ecosystem that welcomes dapps. So we are EVM compatible. So we allow seamless integration with existing Ethereum based dapps, of course, here on Z chain. So if you have a dapp that is built on the Ethereum blockchain, you can easily integrated on zchains to, of course, to offer you a more limitless possibilities, to offer you more opportunities. So something like that. And also, like I've mentioned, we are very scalable and very modular.

Closing Thoughts

You know, just like I've mentioned from the previous answer, because basically those are the main differentiators that we have and that is how we stay on the curve with the competition that we have. So basically, the architecture itself and the uniqueness that we have that we offer, the technology that we offer is actually the things that makes us ahead of our competitors. Thank you, comfort. Thank you. You answered my question. All right, now moving on to the next person. Thank you, comfort, for your question. And now we are going to be move on to Jackline. Hello, sir. Can I ask my question? Go ahead, ma'am.

Introduction to Developer Tools

Yeah. What are the tools that Gchain will provide for the developers planning to build inside your ecosystem? And how will you onboard more builder and more developers into your platform? This is my question, sir.

Zchains Empowerment

Yeah, thank you, Jacqueline. I hope I pronounce your name very well, but thank you, Jacqueline, for your wonderful question. And like I've mentioned, we are of course empowering our developers here at Zchains. So about the tools that we offer. So basically, opening our chain for public development is part of our roadmap. So for now, like I mentioned, we can describe it as follows. This is actually discussed before on the introduction part. So what we do here is we are EVM compatible, right?

EVM Compatibility and Advantages

So basically this allows developers to port their applications to other blockchains without the need to rewrite them. And another advantage that we offer for our developers that builds on z chains is that they can use solidity. So I know you guys are very familiar with that, especially for the developers out there. So they can use solidity, which is something very known in the developer industry, instead of course, learning a new language for each blockchain. So we use a language that is already learned by most people. And another thing is that we have lowered transaction here and we are very scalable.

Interoperability and Portability

And another thing, like I've mentioned, we are emphasizing the word interoperability here at zchains. So the EVM compatibility allows us to enhance the portability and interoperability across different blockchains. Basically you can move one Dapp to another Dap, sorry, one dapp from another blockchain at coming towards z chain swiftly. So basically DApps that are developed for one EVM compatible chain can be easily migrated to another. Of course there's gonna be minimal, just minimal code modifications, which eliminates the use to. Sorry. Eliminates the need to create separate code bases for each chain.

Efficiency and Broader Ecosystem

So basically what you're going to do is you're going to slightly modify the code and there you go, you moved it very swiftly. As long as it is EVM compatible chain. So what this actually does is for the developers is this reduces development costs and it actually saves them time. It is time efficient as well for the developers. And one last thing is that the Dapps that is built on EVM compatible blockchains can also access the broader user base and developer ecosystem that is already provided by Ethereum.

Mass Adoption Potential

So basically we know Ethereum has a boasting 100 million unique wallets. So basically what we do for the developers is we expose them, we help them for them to be more exposed as we are, of course, on the, we actually allow seamless integration with the Ethereum Dapps. So basically this gives them the potential for mass adoption for most DApps or for the apps for the Dapps that they created on EVM compatible networks. And yeah, those are the things that we actually provide for our developers.

Developer Support and Cost Efficiency

We offer them more exposure and of course easier developing Dapps because basically we lower the cost and we save them time, of course. All right, thank you for your question, mate. So moving on to the next person. Moonshot, your mic is on now. You can speak here. Moonshot, can you hear us? Hello, Moonshot. So we are going to be moving on to the next person.

Airdrop Details and Campaigns

Richard, your mic is now on. Hold on. I think he's reconnecting. Yeah, Richard, you can speak now. Yeah, I can hear you, Richard. Go on. My question is an exciting event. On going now is the question. Airdrop of Z coins. Can you tell us more about this? How can we join? Is this open for everyone? Yeah, I think that is moonshot.

Ongoing Campaigns and Future Plans

So hello, moonshots. Thank you for your question, and I'm glad you asked that, moonshots. Thank you for that. So, like you've mentioned, we have an ongoing quest and airdrop. So let me tell you guys about it. So basically, the ongoing campaign that we have on quest end. This is a quest and airdrop. It has a total prize pool of 500 USDT to be split to 25 winners.

Additional Campaigns and Social Media

And aside from the quest and airdrop, you forgot to mention that we also have an ongoing campaign at Zili. So that is a Zilli airdrop. So the prize pool on Zili is 10,000 ZCD tokens, and it's gonna be split, of course, to 99 winners. So both campaigns that I've mentioned is open for everyone. And more campaigns are coming up soon, guys. So make sure to stay tuned.

Engagement and Community Growth

So coming up, coming campaigns coming up soon may include trading competitions and also more airdrop campaigns for everyone. So once again, guys, do not forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates. Of course. Thank you so much, moonshots. Thank you so much. All right, so this was the last question. Thanks, everyone for joining us.

Closing Remarks

And thank you, Caitlin, for being with us. We all learned a lot from Z chain program, and if you want to know more about their program, you can check their website, their Telegram, Twitter, Discord, and Instagram. Also, be sure to join and follow crypto five community. You can follow us on telegram, Channel, Twitter, binance, YouTube, discord, tick tock, and Instagram as well. Thank you, everyone, and have a good day.

Final Thanks

Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Parsa.

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