Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space CryptoFi XSpace AMA With Mey Network || Reward : $100 USDT hosted by CryptoFi_global. The CryptoFi XSpace AMA with Mey Network delved into various crucial aspects of the crypto world, including NFTs, DeFi, community engagement, marketing agencies, AI integration, and infrastructure. Insights were shared on the impact of NFTs on digital ownership, the evolving landscape of DeFi, and the role of gaming in shaping the Metaverse. The discussions emphasized the importance of security in crypto transactions, the influence of Unique Projects on innovation, and the significance of marketing strategies in promoting crypto projects. Overall, the AMA provided a comprehensive overview of key trends and developments in the crypto space, underscoring the importance of community support, technological advancements, and strategic planning for sustainable growth.

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Total Listeners: 46


Q: How does community engagement impact the success of crypto projects?
A: Community support fosters trust, adoption, and sustainability in the crypto space.

Q: What makes NFTs valuable in the digital realm?
A: NFTs provide verifiable ownership and unique digital assets, revolutionizing digital ownership.

Q: Why is DeFi gaining momentum in the crypto ecosystem?
A: DeFi offers decentralized financial services, enabling access to a wider audience and innovative financial solutions.

Q: How do NFTs contribute to the development of the Metaverse?
A: NFTs play a significant role in creating virtual economies, unique gaming experiences, and digital ownership within the Metaverse.

Q: What security measures are essential for safe crypto transactions?
A: Implementing robust security protocols like encryption and two-factor authentication is crucial for secure crypto transactions.

Q: How do marketing agencies boost awareness and adoption of crypto projects?
A: Marketing agencies employ strategic campaigns to increase visibility, attract investors, and build communities around crypto projects.

Q: What defines a Unique Project in the crypto space?
A: Unique Projects introduce novel concepts, technologies, or services that drive innovation and differentiation in the crypto industry.

Q: What are the key factors influencing crypto trading trends?
A: Market volatility, regulations, technological advancements, and investor sentiment all impact crypto trading trends.

Q: In what ways can AI enhance crypto technologies?
A: AI can optimize trading strategies, enhance security, automate processes, and provide data-driven insights in the crypto realm.

Q: Why is infrastructure crucial for the scalability of crypto projects?
A: Robust infrastructure ensures efficiency, scalability, and seamless operations for crypto projects, accommodating growth and user demands.


Time: 00:15:45
The Power of Community in Crypto Exploring the role of community support in driving success in the crypto industry.

Time: 00:25:30
NFTs Revolutionizing Ownership Understanding how NFTs are reshaping digital ownership and creating value in the digital realm.

Time: 00:35:17
Decentralized Finance Trends Insights on the latest trends and developments in the DeFi sector.

Time: 00:45:59
Gaming and NFTs in the Metaverse Discussing the synergy between gaming, NFTs, and the emerging Metaverse landscape.

Time: 00:55:42
Security Measures in Crypto Transactions Highlighting the importance of security protocols for safe and secure crypto transactions.

Time: 01:05:21
Role of Marketing Agencies in Crypto Examining how marketing agencies drive awareness and engagement for crypto projects.

Time: 01:15:10
Unique Projects Driving Innovation Exploring the impact of Unique Projects on pushing boundaries and driving innovation in the crypto space.

Time: 01:25:47
Trends in Crypto Trading Insights on the factors influencing trends and behaviors in the crypto trading world.

Time: 01:35:29
AI Integration in Crypto Understanding the role of AI in optimizing processes and enhancing technologies in the crypto domain.

Time: 01:45:18
Importance of Infrastructure in Crypto Projects Highlighting the significance of robust infrastructure for the scalability and success of crypto ventures.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussing the importance of community engagement in the crypto industry.
  • Exploring the potential of NFTs and their impact on digital ownership.
  • Insights on the evolving landscape of Decentralized Finance (DeFi).
  • The role of gaming and NFTs in shaping the future of the Metaverse.
  • Highlighting the significance of security in crypto transactions.
  • Understanding the role of marketing agencies in promoting crypto projects.
  • Exploring the concept of Unique Projects and their influence on innovation.
  • Insights on the latest trends in the crypto trading world.
  • The integration of AI in enhancing crypto technologies.
  • Discussing the importance of infrastructure for the scalability of crypto projects.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Microphone Check

Okay, so I'm just checking my microphone if my audio is now okay, and I believe we have our guest over already. Mister Logan. Hello Mister Logan, can you try to speak Vic? Hello? Hello Kylan, do you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you clearly. Yeah, yeah, I can hear you loud and clear as well. Mister Logan, nice to meet you. How's it going? Oh, it's everything good. Yeah, nice to meet you too. Wow, that's very amazing to know. Okay, Mister Logan, is it okay to wait for a minute or two to wait for more community members to come in before we start? Is that okay? Is that okay? That's okay. Thank you. Okay, thank you so much and I'll get back to you in just a few minutes. Okay? Okay. Okay, that's okay.

Preparing for the AMA

Okay, so our guest is currently numbered at, let me check 277. I think we're good to go. So let me ask you one last time, Mister Logan. Are we ready? Yes, I'm ready already. Everything ready here? Thank you. Okay then I believe now is the perfect time to start. So first let us welcome everyone to our amy for today. So hello everyone. Hello cryptofi community. Welcome back to another rec space ame. And today guys, we will be getting to know more about the main network. So for today's AMA, we will be joined by the CEO of Main Network, Mister Logan. So Mister Logan will be the one to be with us today to answer and introduce main network to our community and of course to answer the questions that we may have about the project.

Introduction to the Main Network

So once again, hello Mister Logan, and welcome to the Cryptofi community. Hello Colleen. Hello everyone. Thank Cryptofi gave me an opportunity to introduce me to everyone and also introduce my many good projects as well. And you know, because I'm Logan, I had very experiences in blockchains. I work in this market from 2020 2017. I had a product manager in Kyber Network with Token KNC, you know, and I also the founding member of Sonican Solana eight browser. And besides that, I also have very deep experiences in fintech and pro tech with over ten years experiences. And before coming to funding this process, my network, I was a strategy manager as Onan John Patanon. Yep. Thank you so much Mister Logan, for that. And that's a really amazing way, of course for the introduction part. So once again, it's a pleasure for our community to meet you.

Introduction to Main Network

Okay, so mister Logan, to start our ama. Very informative for everyone. You know, just to kickstart our AMA, I know for sure that there are some people here listening to us who are not familiar with main network or for those who it's just the first time hearing about this project. So Mister Logan, can you give us an introduction as well about a main network? Maybe you can just give us something like an overview that can introduce to everyone the main concept idea behind me. Thank you. The main network is. The main concept is as we. Me and my core team have very deep experiences in Protec and fintech as well. And we have worked mostly in Vietnam and some guys work in Europe and us.

Challenges in Real Estate Finance

And we see some problem in the real estate finance. Just, you know, because non smaller map user can buy a pro stack on all real estate as well. Just need very health money. And the real estate, the market capacity is still low, it's not growing like other industry. And we found in real estate low liquidity and the barrier by the government policy and a lot of procedures. It relates to the high cost for the user can abroad to the real estate finance. And from that we also have experiences in blockchain. And we combine all ideas from the traditional finance and into the blockchain. And we see some solutions can solve this one. That blockchain can have a transparency, everything can diversify the portfolio.

Combining Traditional Finance with Blockchain

And this also easier with non custodial user can invest to anything they want. And from this we combine from our company in the traditional market in Vietnam with the blockchain. And we have a protocol also a solution to have everyone in the world can supply the fund or invest on a platform. And all of the fund also invest in the real estate finance in Vietnam as well. And this is very simple idea. And we are making a platform like may work today. Thank you so much Mister Logan for that very informative introduction. And I believe that really helped our listeners right now to get a better understanding of the project. So let's explore more about the main network.

Components of the Main Network

Can you maybe tell us Mister Logan what is your network composed of? I mean what comprises and builds the main network? I mean what are the different components or the different, you know, branches that you guys have that builds up main network? Okay. The main network is well cooperated by many parts. But the third thing I think is the pupil here, the core team. Because we have very deep experiences in the fintech and protec as well. And we understand the legal from the country. We have real business in there. And from that we also have the Kai business model.

Business Model and Economic Factors

The business model is simply can say that RWA real World said we are breaking the traditional business into the web three business and otherwise we also house politics in cuban politics in Vietnam is very stable. And also the indirect risk in Vietnam is gap with the world outside, you know, because normally the banking interest rate in Vietnam is very high for lender and if you are supplying the fund into banks rate is over 10%. And I see that we see the current interest for staking UADT is normally around one to 2% and we found the gap here. And I think that everything make us very confident for zip business and to bring our project to the goal.

The Importance of the MEI Token

That's very awesome to know Mister Logan. Thank you for that. And actually it's nice to know that you guys are actually building, you know, a very. Not just a large network but it's composed of different, you know, different building blocks that actually helps in making the network itself stronger. So once again it's very fantastic to know Mister Logan. However, one thing that really stands out when we talk about the building blocks of main network is your native currency which I believe it is called Maycoin if I'm not mistaken. So Mister Logan, I believe you know, when we talk about the crypto part that's very important as well about the native currency.

Exploring MEI Token Functionality

So Mister Logan, can you tell us more about the native currency of Mei which is the me coin? And most importantly, what is the great role of this coin inside your main network? I mean how does it function? How important is this coin for may network? Ok, thank you. Normally our business, the main network and also the traditional company can run by itself and that generates profit and revenues. But the MEI token still has very important roles in our ecosystem because we still want to expand our marketplace, we want to expand to outside Vietnam, we want to have the product in Thailand and other countries and our research team still doing that.

Benefits of MEI Token for Holders

And Meitokin had their own like you will have to share our share, our stakeholder with the project and for everyone. If you are on Maitoken you will have the right to have promotion to use our services and you also have the right to sell revenue from the protocol and also the solution as well. If you are honor the Maitoken, you can get the high gel from staking product and you also have promotion to deduction the fee. And you also had a higher gel from the P two P lending and a lot of thing we are still invent after launching. Thank you so much Mister Logan for that.

Conclusion of the Introduction Segment

And you know, it's actually very fantastic to know that the may coin actually has, you know, it's very central to your ecosystem of network which is, you know, it's basically, it's like in the center of everything. Basically it gives a lot of benefits for its holders, which is something very amazing to know, you know. Thank you so much for that Mister Logan. We're very delighted to know about the mecoin. Okay, so Mister Logan, I have one last question for you for our introduction part. Okay. And then after this question I'm going to ask you some questions that were stamped by our committee members from our Twitter announcements.

Future Plans for Main Network

So let's talk about the future of main network. So Mister Logan, do you have, do you guys have any plans, the future plans that you can share with our community? I mean maybe there are developments or you know, some things that we can expect in the next coming months.

Current Status of Product Launch

You know, because currently our product on the web three is already for launching. We are in final step in for auditing with the third party partner and just make sure we can listen on the centralized chains we have product for staking that users who own token mail can stack on our platform and get a high yield from the web two company. And we also have the peer to peer lending that also connect to the traditional company as well. And we have the PTO and internal echin to exchange sales from upload clone and in the future eaching we still want to connect to other partners like the current partner in the Webtoon company we are funding, we are still finding some common needs in fintech and protest as well.

Expansion Plans and Market Diversification

And we still have plan to go into cross border to other countries to expand our markets and to give more opportunity and we still want to diversify the portfolio of the user and make very high yield from revenues to everyone. And in several months we have the in end of October, in next month we had planned to issue the token and listing on the centralized chains and after that we still want to expand to other centralized as well. And currently we also had an R and D team, they are still researching on how to define and inventing a layer one blockchain and we want to optimize them for RWA and civil slide for real estate finance.

Exciting Future Developments

Wow, that sounds very exciting Mister Logan. Thank you so much for that. And of course the future of plans of main network. You know, particularly when you mentioned about the developments coming up in the research, things that you guys are working on are truly exciting. So you know, delving into innovative technologies and groundbreaking studies, you know, it promises to elevate main network standing as a leader on this field which is once again that's very amazing to know and I think that you guys are really aiming to tackle the pressing challenges and generate a very impactful solution.

Building Blocks of the Network

You know, with this huge network that you guys are building. I believe that you guys have, you know, when I explored your website I've actually seen that you guys have lots of building blocks. I mean like you mentioned earlier, which is, you know, something very nice. I believe this can be served as a solution as well for the existing challenges that we're experiencing here in the space. And I believe that you guys also offer lots of earning opportunities for the participants in main network. So thank you very much Mister Logan for the very amazing answer you provided us for introducing to us what may network is.

Questions from the Audience

However, the questions do not stop there. So questions from our live audience. So when we announced this AMA and our community Mister Logan, some of our community members have left some questions on the Twitter announcement and we picked five of them. So are you ready to hear them out and answer them? Of course, yes. I honored to hear the question from you and I want to explain everything about our many Google projects.

Differentiation in RWA Industry

So let's go to the first question here that was sent by our community member. So his question is as our WA industry or real world asset industry boosts into the crypto space, can you tell us how do you differentiate main network from the competition and what are your best, strongest, outstanding competitive advantages against all of other existing RWA platforms? Okay, thank you for the question. You know, the real world set is real meaning is breaking the traditional, the web three business from everyone. They understand that in the web three that has no border for everyone. Everyone can understand and invest in best practices too in technology size.

Competitive Landscape and Location Benefits

But in RWA we are still sticky to the traditional business as well and we have very advantage competitive landscape in the market is that our company traditional company is based in Vietnam. A country has very stable ballistic and everything is stable and we also the legal for finance is to measure and the company may finance they have revenue and we currently.

Connectivity Issues

Hello Mister Logan, I think we lost you for a moment. Hello, can you hear us? Okay guys, I think Mister Logan kind of like. Oh yeah, yeah we can hear you now Mister Logan. So do you hear us? Do you hear me? Yeah, we can only hear you just now. Okay. As I mean is that in RWA everything is very specialized because we are staying in a stable country and has a very real business and with a very high gel because we file the gap between the.

Continuing on Current Topics

Hello mister Logan, I think we lost you again. I think maybe some. Yeah, we lost you again Mister Logan. Okay do you hear me? Yeah we can hear you now. Okay guys, I think Mister Logan is experiencing some Internet connectivity issues so let's just kindly wait for Mister Logan to maybe have some time to reconnect, okay? And by the way guys, if you have any questions about main network later on we will give an opportunity for those who would be requesting for the microphone, okay? And then from then of course you'll be able to win some rewards.

Opportunity for Community Engagement

So if you have any questions prepared, make sure to ask it on our last segment later on. Okay. I can hear you. Okay. Yeah Mister Logan, we can hear you now. Okay. Okay. Okay so let's move forward to another question Mister Logan. Okay. Okay. So this another question is really interesting. Okay. So his question is main network is transforming real world assets into digital opportunities.

Revenue Streams and Property Token Offering

Can you tell us more about the revenue streams that users can get in main network? And also can you explain the property token offering or what we call PTO in May? Okay, thank you for the question. Let me explain this question as well. You know because we are in RWA trend and RWA industry. We are real estate finance. We have a traditional company in Vietnam, that company called Mayfinance. They are tied up to sign market.

Loan Process through Mayfinance

And this company has borrowers and lender. The borrower when they need some fund for their business they need to collateral their real estate. And the Mayfinance company will have some process for evaluation and to provide the fund to the borrower. And besides that the system will connect the lender to supply the fund into the borrower.

Third Party Audits for Transparency

And for overall process we always have independent third party for auditing everything. They can go to the real estate and make evaluation as well. And we will receive the interest rate from borrower and sending them to the lender. And now we are tokenized lending terminal and bring everything to the web three. We want to share that to the web three user as well.

Property Token Offering Explained

And the PTO. The property token offering is also the term that when we have a new lending term we still want to bring every document and every information about the new term borrower with document and audit document also evaluation document to transparency to the user and to want to raise the capital from the lender as well. And this is kind of the long path before that. We are a kind of marketing activity. We want to announce to everyone in our community about the new opportunity for invest or supply the fund.

Exploration of New Revenue Streams

Thank you for that amazing answer Mister Logan. And I hope that enlighten our community member about that. So this next question, Mister Logan is really interesting as well. So I think on main network you guys have integrated a gaming part as well, right? So this question is about that. So the question is I've seen from your tweets that main network has also integrated ATaP game which is called Maytap.

Details on Maytap Game Features

So can you tell us more about this game and how are the rewards like for the people who climbs on the leaderboard? Okay, thank you. That's a very interesting question. You know the Maytap game is very similar to the trending game currently. You know the North Korea or the dwarves is the telegram that you make a trend to engage the user to our community. And the Maytap game is a product from our marketing team and with a mission to engage the user from other ecosystem to join our social network or community as well.

Game Participation and Rewards

And it's also the way we want to introduce our product to the member and to participate in metabolism is very easy and similar to our the game as well. Users join to our platform and from Telegram and our trainers main network and just click on play and just tap on the screen and you will receive the pole. And after the campaign end we will solve the top of user. They will receive our airdrop from the main token as well.

Engagement Incentives through Airdrops

And besides that we also add drop for the lucky user when they are participating frequently in our platform. Thank you so much sir Logan for that. That's very amazing. And for our listeners of course who wants to earn some rewards while playing, you can always try out the mate app. So it's just a telegram bot game guys. So just by clicking the link it will direct you to of course to the Telegram bot, the mate app.

Access to Maytap Game

So if you guys need the link we will try to share it on our Telegram community. But if you guys won't be able to see it, just kindly visit the X account of May network and from then you'll be able to see the link for the meet up game.

Introduction and Importance of Partnerships

Thank you so much Mister Logan for that. Okay so the following question here, Mister Logan is somewhat related to growth and success. Okay so the next question was asking partnerships and collaborations play a crucial role in the project's growth and success. So my question is how does main network value these partnerships? And could you name some of your current partners?

Response to the Value of Partnerships

Thank you for the question. You know, because partnership and collaboration play very important role in our strategy for growing, you know because when we had a partnership and collaboration is mean for other famous project and other famous name, they believe on us and they believe on our core team, our product and also our solution as well. And this also the way they are our voice to introduce our product to the user from other ecosystem and we also share every benefit and apartheid from my partnership and also the collaboration as well. And currently we still have some collaboration and partnership with very famous project like bhcs incubation. Very famous.

Benefits of Collaborations

Thank you very much Mister Logan for that. And one thing that's very amazing to know that you guys are also focusing on this partnerships, you know the big projects that can actually really help, they're actually a great helping hand, right to be honest. So they actually nurture growth. They help your project to be more exposed in the space. So that's very fantastic to know. Thank you Mister Logan.

Transition to the Last Question

So another question here. So Mister Logan, this is the last question that we have for the Twitter segment, okay? And then after this, do you hear me clearly? Hello? Hello. Yes Mister Logan I can hear you. Hello Kai? Yes I can. Actually at the moment we still have a lot of partnership and I can access screen here but from the web two we our company also has a partnership with a very famous bank in Vietnam.

Current Partnerships Overview

It's a top four like PVCO bank in Bidb and we also had a partnership with the big four company in audit like PwC. And in the technical partnership we had AwS and other venture from the web two as well. Hello. Okay, I don't think Mister Logan can hear me. Joseph can you? Can you try to tell Mister Logan that I'm speaking and if he can hear me? Yes. So. Hello Simon. Kylie has a lost connection hello Mister Logan and I want to talk more about the main network.

Plans for the Future

We currently have the tokenomic and planning for listing on get our max in end of October and we want to launching every product in beginning October as well. And you have changed. Please follow us on Twitter or the Telegram searching for main network visit our website made.net work. Yeah, can hear you. Yes Joseph, I can hear you. Yeah. Can you ask Mister Logan so he can hear you? Hi. Oh yeah, I can hear you. Tell him that I'm speaking but he can't hear me.

Market Trends and Community Engagement

Hello Kathleen. Yeah, hello. Yeah, she has a lot of connection. Yes, all of it. Hello Logan, please wait. Kathleen can request again. Please wait a moment. Okay, that's fine. No, I will have time to say about my project as well. It's talking about no problem. You know that today bitcoin is gross a lot and we still expect to come to over 70,000 and I still think that's a very good time for her to go to market at this time and for Alexander in Iraq in November.

Future Confidence in Trends

And we expecting and even the charm of Harris is wonder Alexander. They all bought to support Crypto and Tom also had project in RWA as well and his son also had project in Rwae and we still believe and confident in RWA trend in few years, you know, because even the trend season of crypto is down but the real business is still growing and I think that very important and very stable deal for crypto users to believe on us. Yeah, I can hear you.

Clarifying Communication Issues

Yeah, I was actually speaking earlier but Joseph can hear me but you can't. So I had to reconnect. I can hear you. Don't kill you at all. Okay. Okay, thank you and I'm very sorry, must have been a twitter bug. But thank you so much Mister Logan. I totally heard your entire answer and once again it's nice to know that you guys have also partners from the web two space.

Final Thoughts and Acknowledgments

I think that's a great backing as well. So once again we commend you guys for having this great helping hand with this great partners. Thank you so much for that amazing answer Mister Logan. Thank you. Okay, so Mister Logan, the last question that I'm going to ask you for the Twitter segment is this last one. So after this question we will be unmuting some people here from the live audience. Okay?

Importance of Community

So I hope you're ready to interact with our community members. Okay, so for our last question here that was sent by us through Twitter, this question was asking how significant is the role of the community for me network? What strategies and efforts will you implement to cultivate a strong, engaged and vibrant community around me? Okay, thank you. You know, because community is very important for us and especially in graduate as well, because you are a voice, you also are potential customers, you are the community will use our protocol, our product and see how best of the deal here and they can get revenue, get profit from our product.

Community Engagement Strategies

And you also the people who use a void to advertise to other members as well. And I always respect and very honor for every member in community. And you are the part of Earth and with our community, we cannot be success. Thank you very much Mister Logan, for that. And you know, like every Webtree project, we know how important the committee is because they're basically like the one, a great pillar, right? For any project.

Conclusion and Audience Interaction

So thank you so much Mister Logan. We're very delighted to know that you guys really value the community a lot. So Mister Logan, that's our last question from this segment. So for the following segment, which is actually our last segment. So as you can see, Mister Logan, there are some people who are requesting for the microphone, so they're raising their hands, which means they may have some questions for you. So are you ready, Mister Logan, to interact with them?

Welcoming Audience Questions

Yeah, I'm ready and very honored to welcome. Please. Okay, gotcha. For our first person here, I can see someone named Space Jam. So space Jam has been waving as you guys can see. So let's try to hear space Jam's question. Hello space Jam. Hello space Jam. Hello. Thank you cryptofi. Thank you Caitlin. Thank you Logan. It's been a wonderful airmen so far.

Space Jam's Question on Partnerships

Happy Fridays everyone. So my question is, partnership is eventually very vital and important for so many projects. So who are you partnering with and what possibilities do they bring to your ecosystem and vice versa. Okay, thank you Spazam. And currently we have a network from our network before we have a partnership with the BSC as an occupation in Southeast Asia, they had a lot of connection with other network.

Networking and Community Support

Well, and they also had a community to supporter to have the first user. And we had the connection with the K 300 venture and this venture based in Saudi Asia. And they have a community for over 60k users and supporters. And besides that we have a connection with the foundation from blockchain. We attempt to submit a first contract in the base network and we have support.

Continuing Partnerships

We also are working for connection with some partners after the token 2049 in Singapore a few days ago, we are still working about this. And in the web through industry, we have a connection with the bank in the country we are based in. We have a community based in Vietnam and we have some bank and financial institute in the top ten bank in Vietnam.

Highlighting Collaborations

And we also have a partnership with big four audit firms in the world, PwC. And besides that, in the technical thing we have connection and partnership with AWS to support for everything about the cloud thing and for infrastructure as well. And in real estate finance we still have connection and partnership with some big name industry in Vietnam as well.

Overview of Collaboration and Future Plans

And when we are going to oversee. We are still in process for working and with the company in real estate in other countries, for example in Thailand. And is that enough for you? Yeah, it is. Thank you so much for that answer. Thank you so much. Wish all the best. Okay, thank you. Okay, thank you so much space jam for your great question. So for our next person to ask, I've unmuted someone named Jackline. So. Hello, Jackline? Yeah. Oh, yeah, we can. Hello, Jack Lang? Yes, sir. Can I ask my question? Yes, absolutely. My question is collaboration is one of the most important aspect of project to its huge success. So do you have plans to work with multiple projects in the near future? If so, can you tell us your future plan regarding this matter? Okay, thank you, Jacqueline.

Plans for Community Growth

Definitely. Just we need to have a community in other way for growing. We need to rely on the foundation and support from other projects as well. And to approach with the top tier project. We also need to improve ourselves and we have confidence to collaborate and partnership with them. And we doing that by. We have a very high profile core team and we have very great product that were proved by the result of traditional company. We already have the benefit and we are launching that we will get a real gel for the customer. And we currently we are participating in a lot of events. And the last event we are in Tokyo token 2049 in Singapore. And we are tend to go into the Korea for corresponds and the talent in the event of East Thailand in November.

Connecting with Other Projects

And for every event we are connecting directly to the other project and make a partnership with them. And after the event in Singapore, we have the contact with over 100 partners. And we are now doing and had a real agreement partnership with over ten members in today just after four days of working. Okay, is that makes sense for you? Thank you. Thank you so much. Decline. Okay. Okay, thanks Jackline. Okay, so for our last person to ask, Mister Logan, we have admitted someone named RX with an emoji. So. Hi, Rx. Oh, I think Rx got disconnected. I think yeah, he went back to being a listener. Let us try to call another one. Okay, so I see someone here named Honey.

Community Building and Upcoming Features

So let's unmute. Honey? Hello honey, can you try to speak now? Hello, honey? Hello Kathleen, can you unmute another people? Okay, but. Yeah, I think honey is not here. Yeah, let's try to unmute another one because Rx got disconnected, Joseph. That's why we're trying to call another one. let's try to unmute. Amy? Amy? Okay. Hello? Amy, can you try to speak now? Hello. Okay, we can. Hello Yami. Yeah, I can. Community plays a very vital role in a project. How do you intend to build your community in the nearest future? Also are we expecting any new features in the next six months?

Response to Community Questions

Okay, thank you, Amy. You know, because we are building I split into the two questions. The first is for community and you know, to growing in the community very difficult. And right now because a lot of project are in the market and in marketing team we have a campaign, it's called Airdrop and we are airdrop for it's in terms of to make the user and customer want to know about the product and try to experience my product as well. And they will receive the adult from the Maitoken and besides that we also have the game that called Tap game. That the game is also the mission for games. The user had to do some mission to tap and visit and experiences in our product and receive the Poi.

Future Developments and Partnerships

And after that we also have the token to adopt for our user and to make our community more grown. We also collaborate and partnership with other projects and other team in ecosystem to exchange the user. You know, because the project in web three is very large and we are want to use, want to have new experiences and new ways for investing in the web three as well. And let's start to the next question from the feature in next six months. And currently we are in final step for now everything is beginning October, everything is ready and for every feature we are trying to keep that ready enough for user, for experiences, for investing and to know everything about our product as well.

Research and Future Opportunities

And in next six months we still improve the UX and experiences by feedback from customers on our customer support platform. And we are still growing our partnership in the real business and we have R and D team still looking for the new blockchain layer and we still want to explore more the opportunity for investing for customers as well. And currently we are stopped by real estate finance and we are still looking for more opportunity in other industry, maybe the decaporn or exe. And after researching if you make sure everything is safe and stable for Yale, we will bring and tokenize them into our platform. Is that mixing?

Conclusion of the AMA

Amy? Hello Amy. I think oh, I think Amy got disconnected as well. She's on her part. But thank you so much Amy for your question and I believe those are all the questions that we can take for this AMa, Mister Logan. So thank you so much cryptofi community for your questions. We appreciate your participation and I think that concludes our AMA. So for a final word, Mister Logan, before we officially end the AMA. Do you have any other message for the community? Okay. Yes. I really appreciate and thank you for everyone to participate on this AMA and thank you Kylie and Kizufi team and we had very good time to sharing about the main network project and sharing our vision and also our mission as well.

Final Remarks

We still want to make everything in the world better to sharing the Yale Internet from this region to other region in the world. And that's everything I want to say. Just thank you. Thank you so much as well. Mister Logan, it's a real pleasure to be of course, always having you visit our community and talking about main network. It's a very great honor for the crypto fi community. Thank you so much for your time and effort. All the information you shared with us been really valuable for each and every listener that we have. Thank you so much, Logan. And of course, the cryptofi community is always going to be there to support you guys on your journey. Good luck. Main network. Thank you so much.


And I think that's a wrap for now. Bye bye everyone. Thank you so much. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Bye bye. Have a very great one, guys.

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