Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Trust Community VYUG AMA hosted by CryptoTrustCMM. The Crypto Trust Community <> VYUG AMA Twitter space provided valuable insights into building trust within crypto communities, leveraging AMA sessions, discussing major cryptocurrencies like BTC and BNB, utilizing platforms such as Telegram for engagement, effective promotional strategies, live streaming's role, opportunities within the X_Space community, the importance of networking, group engagement dynamics, and leveraging social media for promotions. This space aligned with the Marketing Agency niche, focusing on community engagement, promotional tactics, and networking strategies within the crypto industry.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: Why is trust crucial within crypto communities?
A: Trust fosters credibility, loyalty, and long-term relationships within crypto spaces.

Q: How do AMA sessions benefit crypto influencers?
A: AMAs help influencers connect with their audience, share insights, and establish authority in the community.

Q: What impact do major cryptocurrencies have on community conversations?
A: Currencies like BTC and BNB often drive discussions, market trends, and influence investor sentiment.

Q: Why is Telegram a popular platform for crypto enthusiasts?
A: Telegram offers secure messaging, community features, and real-time interaction, making it ideal for crypto discussions.

Q: What are some effective strategies for promoting crypto projects?
A: Promotions through partnerships, giveaways, influencers, and social media can amplify visibility and engagement.

Q: How does live streaming contribute to crypto conversations?
A: Live streaming provides real-time engagement, fosters audience interaction, and humanizes crypto discussions.

Q: What opportunities does X_Space offer to crypto participants?
A: X_Space provides a platform for networking, collaboration, and exploring innovative projects within the crypto space.

Q: Why is group engagement important in crypto communities?
A: Group interactions foster learning, sharing of ideas, community building, and mutual support among crypto enthusiasts.

Q: How can social media be utilized for promoting crypto ventures?
A: Social media platforms enable targeted reach, brand visibility, and engagement through content sharing and community interactions.

Q: What value does community collaboration bring to crypto projects?
A: Collaboration enhances creativity, expands networks, and drives innovation among individuals and groups in the crypto space.


Time: 00:15:47
Building Trust in Crypto Communities Discussions on strategies for cultivating trust and credibility within crypto groups.

Time: 00:25:12
Benefits of AMA Sessions Exploring the advantages of AMA sessions for engaging with and educating crypto audiences.

Time: 00:35:59
Impact of BTC and BNB Conversations How conversations around major cryptocurrencies influence market sentiments and community dialogues.

Time: 00:45:28
Utilizing Telegram for Crypto Engagement Insights on leveraging Telegram's features for community building and interactive discussions.

Time: 00:55:41
Promotion Strategies in Crypto Space Strategies for effectively promoting crypto projects and engaging with target audiences.

Time: 01:05:03
Role of Live Streaming in Crypto Discussing the role of live streams in humanizing crypto conversations and enhancing audience engagement.

Time: 01:15:22
Exploring Opportunities in X_Space Overview of the collaborative opportunities and project exploration within the X_Space community.

Time: 01:25:16
Networking in Crypto Communities Importance of networking, partnership building, and collaborative efforts for growth in crypto communities.

Time: 01:35:47
Group Engagement Dynamics Insights into the dynamics of group interactions, knowledge sharing, and mutual support in crypto-centric groups.

Time: 01:45:29
Utilizing Social Media for Crypto Promotion Strategies for leveraging social media platforms to promote crypto ventures and engage with diverse audiences.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of building trust within crypto communities.
  • Benefits of AMA sessions for engaging with audiences.
  • Influence of major cryptocurrencies like BTC and BNB on community discussions.
  • Utilizing platforms like Telegram for community engagement.
  • Promotional strategies within the crypto space.
  • The role of live streaming in crypto discussions.
  • Exploring new opportunities within the X_Space community.
  • Networking and collaboration in growing crypto communities.
  • Understanding the significance of group engagement for crypto enthusiasts.
  • Leveraging social media for crypto promotions.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Crypto Trust Community

Hi, guys. Welcome and welcome back in your favorite community, that's crypto trust community. So yeah, stay tune like and retreat this piece. And yeah, invite your friend as well. It's going to be very wonderful Q and a session. So yeah, stay tuned. Thank you.

Arrangements and Expectations

Alright, so we have a speaker now, Mister Abdul Abed and Miss Richard as well. So are you guys ready? Yes, we are ready, but let's just wait for a few more minutes so that more people can join us. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. So yeah, do let me know who will be the translator or something like that. Hi, lovely. I am the translator for the founder. This is Abdul from the great growth team of the Vuk. Okay, yeah, that's great. And yeah, let's wait for a few minutes so that more people join in here it. All right, guys, I think we are good to go now.

Initiating the AMA Session

So are you guys ready? Shall we start? Yes, I can see some good numbers there. So I believe we can initiate the mnO. And yeah, more people will join us later on as well. So yeah, let's start this Ama. Hello, everyone, and welcome today's AMA session with Ryu. We are thrilled to diving into the future of the Metaverse and the revolutionary VR headset they are bringing to life. So we are thrilled to have all of you here as we explore this exciting project together.

About Crypto Trust Community

And before we get started, I would like to share a bit about the crypto trust community. We had a privilege to conducting AMA based promotion for over 900 plus client to date. Some of our esteemed clients include Bitgid, Mexc, LB, Gitio, beta Network, Coinderpu, etcetera, and, yeah, many more. And we could say, like, we are excited to add Vu to this list as well and can't wait to learn more about their vision for the Metaverse. So, yeah, guys, let's get started.

Self-Introductions of the Speakers

And to kick things off, guys, could you tell us a bit about yourself and share some background of your journey? And of course, we are eager to hear what brought you to this exciting point with buprenorphine. Yeah, sure, definitely. And we would start with the introduction. And our founder would start with our introduction. Obey. Sir, can you proceed? Yes. Hello, everyone. Myself, obey chan, founder and CEO of Vuk Metaverse. And about Richard Hakur. Richard Hakur is the GM and project head and Abdul growth manager, Bakika Abdul.

Progression of the Conversation

Continue. Yeah, so you can start with one by one and let us know that what are the questions from our community and your community and whatever it is, we can start with answering with them. All right, got it. And Miss Richa and Abdul, do you guys want to share something about your journey as well? First of all, I would like to introduce myself. So, yes, I'm Racha, the project head at Vogue. And I'm really excited to be here with all of you today.

Discussion of Project and Journey

And thank you so much for taking the time to join our Twitter space, and it's always amazing to connect with our community. I'm looking forward today to chat with you all about the Vogue and what we are building here. All right, thanks, Miss Richa, for the introduction and moving on to Abdul. Would you like to share something? Yes, sure. So this is Abdul from the VYU growth and the business development team. And I am here managing all the stuffs related to the marketing and the growth part of the VuE metaverse from the past one year.

Sharing Exciting Developments

And here is a small introduction of myself. And I think before we dive into the question answer, I just want to quickly share something exciting that happened right now. And many of you might know, Vogue is still in development, but we believe in full transparency. And because of that, we are live without beta testing. And yes, we are letting our user experience, we are letting our users to experience vo even while things are still under development.

Community Involvement and Offers

The platform is under development. But we want you all to be a part of this journey from the very beginning. And I would say your feedback is really valuable for us. And apart from that, we are also running an airdrop. You can get some vuk token for free. I would say it's super easy. Just head over to our website, follow some simple step, and you will get some Vuk token ready to go. And also, I would like to mention, we have got a special offer where you can buy Vyuke token at a very discounted price right now.

Encouragement to Engage

This will give the early access to everyone. It's great opportunity to be a part of this from the ground up. So I suggest all the community to participate in the airdrop. I suggest you all to download the wallet to get some early access benefits, and also to explore the metaverse and a beta testing. All right, thank you, Miss Richard, for informing us. So, Lesnar, you can be the part of this wonderful community.

Acknowledging Contributions

Bye the token. And be the early supporter, early opportunist of this wonderful project. Also, thank you guys for sharing your background with us. And it's always inspiring to hear the journey that led you here. And it's clear that your experience and your passion have played a key role in shaping Bu. And I'm sure that audience, our listener, appreciate getting, you know, the person behind the project a bit better so now let's dive deeper into like how this background influencing our work better beyond.

Delving Deeper into the Project

All right, so now that we have gotten to know you better, let's dive into the heart of the project. So could you walk us through what Bu is all about? And we are especially curious to hear about its standout feature and what makes unique in the world of Vo. Yeah, sure. So I am just like translating for the founders and the founder will answer in their region languages. What is Vogue haikyuu.

Introduction to Vug Metaverse

Realistic meta joki bilku same vaisahi Jesse Hamji real word may ham hay k say wo aura environment jitna behavu puragapura hyper realistic same like Jessaki real world hair AGI continue care. Yes. So Vug is basically a hyper realistic metaverse platform where we are building a platform that same as around the world like ours. And just like we are in the starting phase of building the metaverse and then we'll continue the development in the vuk token and the metaverse and the gaming and a lot of more things are coming. That's correct.

Features of Vug

Abdul Vyug is like stepping into a future version of reality. It's a metaverse platform. But what makes it special is that it's a hyper realistic, as Abdul said it already. Imagine a world where you can walk through cities, explore forest, build businesses, or even attend virtual events all in one place. It's like. It's more like having a second life, but one where the technologies futuristic and everything feels extremely real. So that is view for all of us.

Addressing Real-World Problems

Hamne jon ki aj ki bhatbari problems institution or virtual offices traffic problem traffic control Karega Kyuki Janiki Education KlE Entertainment Kleo Yafirapo Commercial corporate sector. So basically, a vug is just like building all the real world phenomena. Just like we have added the rivers, we have added the mountains, we have added the forest so that it look like a real world. Not just like a gaming or just like. Only it's just like a. You can say not a real world. But when you explore the view, you feel the reality of the metaverse.

More About Vug's Functionality

And we have solved many problems like the education part, the corporate part, because right now there are some problems occurred with the persons who want to travel from one place to another. So we have solved the problem to just like sit on a one place and connect with anywhere in the world with the Vyug metaverse very easily. Anything else, sir? Next question. Yeah, lovely. You can connect. You can just like go ahead with the further question.

Impression of Vug's Features

All right. Okay, got it. Mister Abdul and thank you for answering this question. And it sounds very incredible. The feature you have highlighted really set apart in the VR space and it's clear that a lot of thought and innovation have gone into making the. Making the speech, I could say, and our listener, our audience is just as impressed and eager to see the. See these features in action. So let's dive even deeper. So I have another follow up question for you, like how do you see these features transforming the way we experience the metaverse?

Transforming Experiences in Vug

She is asking that. Jobi Vyukijo features. Education part Laker KR commercial, corporate or tourism entertainment platform computer system mobile per year metaverse computer per or any web or mobile per indoor release Karnavali so. So basically Vuke is just like a different from other metaverse. Because of no other metaverse have solved the problem. Like, just like the corporate part, the education part, the entertainment part. And we also solve just like a the problem in terms of from one place with a live feature, you can say the other metaverse is just like only on the one phase of use.

Comprehensive Accessibility

It's just like on the web. But our metaverse is comes over the three phases, you can say on the three places. First is the web, second is on the mobile and third is on the VR. So that everyone can easily engage with it our metaverse and also connect with easily. In fact, I would also like to take this question. I think what really sets Vogue apart is our focus on realism and the idea of solving real world problems. That is something which is making Voyo is itself unique.

Mission and Vision of Vuk

Most metaverse platform out there are very entertainment focused, which is great. But we wanted to go beyond that. In Vu we are creating space where you can not only have fun but also learn, work and track, even improve your everyday life. Another thing which Mister Obed has already said that we are available on multiple devices like mobile, web and VR. So we are not just limiting ourselves, you know, our attention to detail is really something that user will notice.

Depth and Realism

We have put a lot of effort into making Vu feels like a real world with everything from weather system to the way light interacts with object. It's that kind of depth that makes Vuk unique itself. Okay, got it. Thanks for that clarification. And we, and yeah, could see all these features. Looks very amazing. So moving on, we have heard about the amazing feature of Vuk, but let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture. So could you share with us the mission and the vision driving this project?

Future of the Metaverse

And what's the core purpose behind Vu and how do you see it shaping the future of the metaverse, if you. Ask me, unless very simple, we want Vuk to be more than just a metaverse. We see it as a platform that evolves with society. Think of it as a space where you can do everything you would in the real world. You know, the work, learn, play, but with the freedom and creativity of a virtual universe. And if I talk about the vision, our vision is to create a future where you become synonyms with the metaverse itself.

Ecosystem of the Future

We are, as I said it, we are not just building a place for entertainment. We are actually building an ecosystem. You know, imagine attending virtual schools, collaborating into the digital workspaces, or even shopping in virtual malls. That's the future we see. You know, we are working towards making Vogue to go to space for all of that. Do you have anything for the mission and vision.

Societal Impact

Pandemic? Karna bare or Abnis Jesse or a pandemic is Abapna business education Puriga sector Sari chisector Hamara Kiloguni problems girls Koleger problem joki even Hamari Asia Sagi girls go parents education Kedra Focus maul saying unkobi darata kamari beti agar bahar Jagi or education Entertainment Karpangi Harik cheese Karpang mission. See that our mission is just like to creating a very easy environment for all the users in terms of that, because we don't know whether which pandemic has been comes out.

Safety and Education

Because we have seen the COVID and I right now we have also listened about the multiple just like diseases has been comes out. So it is easy to take view and use the vug with sitting on a one place for connecting with all over the world in anywhere. Also the fun problem, other problem. We also saw that there are some problems with the girls with their I parents so that they can't easily teach or you can say learn anything with going outside from the home.

Empowerment Through Vug

So that view is also help in the education for the girls with sitting on their homes and easily maintain the decorum for the girls because you know that there is happen, there is anything happen with anytime. So Vuk helps in terms of just like safety for the girls as well and with the easy use case. All right, yeah, got it. Thank you for sharing the mission and the vision behind vu.

Inspirational Vision

And it's exciting to hear about the passion and the purpose driving the project. And indeed your vision for the future of VR is truly inspiring and I'm sure our audience is just as excited as I am to see like how you will make this vision a reality. And one more thing I would like to admire, as Mister Obit said about the girls security and their passion as well. So that is very important. And I really like how you vision about this thing as well.

Discussion on VR Technology and Accessibility

So yeah, that's very great. So moving on, I have another very, quite another very good question for you. So yeah, this question seems like I'm like the feature you have highlighted really set view apart in the PR space and it's clear that a lot of thought and innovation have gone. But wait a second. Oh yeah, this question says, like vuvir emphasizes making the metaverse accessible to all. So what step are you taking to ensure your VR headset is affordable, user friendly and inclusive, allowing a broad audience to participate in the metaverse?

Addressing VR Headset Affordability and Accessibility

She is asking that accessible banare so steps Vyug headset VR headset joy affordable hoga Sabkali or user friendly Hoga Matlab easy to use oga or taki mozadas other audience participate karpa to ham ka steps follow Garayuskalia. Metawars agaramikdoku zadata metawarskandar entry vikarogi so uski subscription ikto yeah her kisi kle users free of cost laker KRCB user rent out current of course there sabiku free of cost. Problem. Naogi khali kushka say quest two compatible connects are the problem. Now.

Making VR Experience Universal and Inclusive

As I said it, you want everyone to experience the Vuk metaverse regardless of the devices they have. And that's why we have designed Vyuk to be accessible on mobile, web and VR. So even if you don't have a VR headset, you can still jump into vogue and have a great experience on your phone or computer. As for our VR headset, as Mister Obayad said it, we are working on making them not just affordable, but super easy to use. The idea is that whether you are a tech savvy or not, you should be able to put on the headset and feel like you are a part of this immersive world.

Focusing on User Experience in VR Development

So we are focusing on simplicity and realism so that the experience feels natural and relatable. And also, I would say we will start the development by the next year. We will make some announcement by the first quarter of 2025 on the VR development. Yeah, and also we have also set up our own server so that anyone can easily accessible with any of the devices. Also, we have only invested one time, just like our manpower has cost has been associated with it, but for when we have built our own server so that the, you can say the engagement or the use case of the engagement is, you can say, easily accessible to all.

Future Plans for Game Launches and Accessibility

Also, we are planning to just like, launch the games on the Quest two and the Quest three, which is also available in the market so that anyone can play the games which we have been launched in the coming future for the view. All right, yeah, thanks for that answer. And thank you for sharing, like, how Vuka VR is committed to making the metaverse accessible to everyone. And yeah, thanks for that answer. So, moving on, I have another very interesting question for you. I know, like, what's the meaning of vu?

Exploring the Meaning Behind 'Vyug'

But most of our people are all around the globe, so I would like to know, like, what's the exact meaning of vyog and what's the story behind his name? Okay, so Uber sir, should I take this question or you would like to answer it? So, yes. So ryug actually comes from the word yug, which is which in hindu mythology represent an era or a period of time. We actually wanted to capture that idea of creating the next generation, next era, you know, or the future.

Reflecting on Team and Vision for the Future

Vogue is essentially that the future that we all are stepping into together. As for the team, we are a group of people who are really passionate about tech, about innovation and the future. We started with this vision of building something that goes beyond just a metaverse and turns into a new way of life. So our team is filled with young creative minds who are always pushing the boundaries of what's possible. And that's what makes Vogue so special for all of us.

Focusing on Future Development Plans

That's amazing. Thank you for sharing the story behind the Vogue and moving on. Now, I have a last question for you before we jump into the another segment. So, yeah, what are your future development plan? This year is all about growth for us. So rest of the things I think must have been. Yes, sir. So what are the future plans for us? Market may Ari or Bossari foundations Koham Katham Kara kuki Virtual World may logo experiment.

Innovative Ideas and Expansion Strategies

So Hamari development may bha Universities Hamonko Laker K Institutions School colleges Ham colleges institutions in subseham showroom Jenna or online Mobile shopping Current systems Shopping Current Abi Yah Karique Joham Kaplan Kargo Real maybe apnea Passma Deliver Karasaki virtual offices real world to Vologo Kelly virtual offices entertainment multiplexes or logo meetings development. Okay, so overall, our main goal is to keep expanding. Want to bring more people into Vu, keep improving the experience, and start scaling up every day.

Launching New Initiatives and Tokens

What we have built, it so far. And as I said it, we have already launched the beta version of our virtual city Nexara, which is also the capital city of Vuk. It's live now and I request all the user to explore it. And we have also launched our Vuk token which is another big milestone for us. The token is going to power everything within our metaverse from buying land to making transaction. And we are also launching a Vogue wallet.

Summing Up the Goals for Growth

We have also launched a Vug wallet app with zero gas fee for internal transaction, which is something we are already exciting about. So yes, as I said, our main goal is to keep expanding or this year is all about growth for us. All right. Awesome. Awesome. These are the great goal, must say and hope you guys achieve all this goal very soon. All the very best from our side. So that says that was it from the inductive part.

Encouraging Support for the Project

So people, you just need to stay tuned and support them. Also to know more about your update and future plans by joining all the social links of the Vogue. And don't worry, you can find all the social links of Vogue on crypto trust, community x handle and in our telegram as well. So go and support this wonderful project guys. Okay, so moving on.

Transitioning to the Next Segment

Now it's time to start another segment. That is the Twitter one or question x segment. In this segment, our community member already posted their data query related to the video. So we selected some of the best question for you. So let's see like what they ask. So I see one of our community member ask you that, like beyond entertainment and gaming, what real world application do you foresee for VUVR and how do you envision this technology being utilized in areas like education, healthcare and remote work?

Exploring Real World Applications of VR Technology

Can you repeat the question? Yeah, for sure. So this question says like beyond entertainment and gaming, what real world application do you foresee for Vuk VR and how do you envision this technology being utilized in areas like education, healthcare and remote work? Okay, so basically real world application Jessica Entertainment or education Karega Agay in future. Vig AGI Chalk production house PM Laker Kr production house May Agarambaki Videos taking a 180 degree 360 degree Abhiham Legar Kar has 720 degree ye Bah revelation Hoga 720 degree bhat Karamo Video Isari Kiki Hogi Video Candor movies apartheid wallet Kalawagaram Bhatkar Metawaska or metawars may education or corporate?

Discussion on Technology Utilization Across Sectors

All right, thanks for that answer. Question technology utilize curry hair to areas and just say education hair healthcare hair remote work. So amid a question, entertainment gaming Mira question Yitaki Apti technology Kesey utilized curry hair areas Oga Jesse education Hoga Healthcare Hoga remote work Hoga Osconika. Concept technology. Hamney use Korea Apti technology Kisarikisa utilize Karigi in sectors may remote work Kolikaria healthcare Kolikaya Education colleague okay yeah got it.

Translating Insights for the Audience

Mister Abdul would you like to translate it in English to our audience? Sure. So basically there is no just like you can say technology involvement in it but we are just building in terms of you can say that whenever the metaverse has been built in the coming days of you can say in the future we also bring our production house for the movies and there is a 720 degree of you can say use of movies where you can interact in the movies as well. So that easily you can just like explore the area of whatever the scene has been created in the movie right now.

Conclusion on the Vuk Metaverse Technology

So this is just like a you can say the real world experience in the vogue metaverse. Oh thank you Mister Abdullah.

Innovative Applications of VR

And that's fascinating to hear and it's incredible to see like how vu VR is pushing beyond the boundaries of entertainment and gaming and definitely the potential application you have mentioned in the education, healthcare and remote work are truly exciting. See I good to know this. Thanks for that answer. Moving on, let's talk about the current market. Right now we all know that market is adjusting sharply so the risks are very high but also a great opportunity for development project. So what are the characteristics of your project and how is your development strategy to be able to complete and rise top among other existing projects?

Market Adjustment and Development Challenges

Hello did you get my question? Lovely. Can you repeat the question? Yeah for sure. So right now market is adjusting sharply so the risk is very high but also a great opportunity for development project. So what are the characteristics of your project and how is your development strategy rb able to complete and rise top among other projects. She is asking that characteristics development scenario development easily hamari hora struggle face karna Pradaide so USIS Maham development view Click as easily. Starting Johamari India may nahi milpare hamni import biki or bhasare SA profile network engineer Baho SATA interview any Agarhambhat Kara do so say team so interview K. Bhatmi selection quality there and other research of Bahasari difficulties face Karnagh Bharati or logo.

Development Difficulties in the VR Space

Yes so we have faced many problems regarding the development of the view because it is not easy to make a hyper realistic metaverse because we also face server problems and when we just like explore the metaverse. So there is a just like a load on a server so that anyone can be explored the metaverse easily in a smooth form. And we also find the developers from the many places around the India and we have taken I think 200 to 300 interviews for a single developer to find the perfect match for a development of our team. Also, we are just like more focusing on solving the problems easily so that we can develop more fastly for the VUE metaverse. Richer ma'am, if you want to add something in it, you can add a.

Opportunities Despite Challenges

Yes. Obviously it was really challenging to build a platform like Vo metaverse while the market is adjusting and there's risk involved. But again, I would say this is another opportunity for innovation and growth. So Vug is focused on providing real value through our advanced technology. We are not just riding the wave of trends, we are actually setting new standard with our platform in the market. Our approach includes creating immersive VR experience, integrating AR for enhanced interaction from AR VR to XR to blend virtual and real world. This forward thinking strategy ensured that VuK remains relevant and valuable regardless the market fluctuation.

Community Engagement and Ambassador Program

All right, thank you to all our guests for sharing insight on navigating the current market landscape. And it's clear that we are a big viewer is well prepared to face both the challenges and opportunity that come with these sharp market adjustments. Thanks for that answer and I'm sure all audience is eager to see like how these plans will unfold. Okay, so lastly, I have, I want to ask about the ambassador program. Do you guys have any ambassador program going on currently? I think. Yes. So I was answering actually. So absolutely. We see every member of our community as an investor and their own way. So we are building Vuk together with our users and anyone who's passionate about what we are doing.

Building the Community

It is welcome to join the journey. We are active on social media, on Telegram, on Twitter and some other platforms, and we love it when people engage with us, share their ideas and help us to grow. So yes, we are also planning to launch an official investor program soon. So if you are interested, I suggest you to follow us on the social handle so you can get some details. So we would love to have you on board. Alright guys, so yeah, do follow all the social links of Vu to get an update about the ambassador program and any other future development plan.

Concluding Remarks

And I think it's time to wrapping up. We covered most of the patterns, most of the parameter aspects of vogue. So yeah, thank you so much to our guests and everyone who joined us today and this has been an enlightened session could say, and we have learned a lot of about Vogue VR and the incredible potential it has to shape the future of the metaverse and your passion and insights have truly inspired us all. Today we are excited to see like where this journey takes you and how we are will continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what possible in the VR space for everyone tuning in your support and engagement make this session so valuable guys and we are grateful to have such an enthusiastic community.

Engagement and Questions

And guys, if you have more question or need any assistance with anything related to the vehicle, feel free to drop this question on their social platform. Their community manager, the Ardene member will definitely guide you. And yeah guys, before wrapping up, do you want to say something to our community or offers a closing statement. Obesity if you have any closing statement for the community and they are open to. Listening to the market land sale or a land keeper building school colleges, offices, virtual offices, multiplaces banaya shopping malls school college may wahapur whose environment may 3 d environment may say he palik sakta Jesse real world is a homie real world mayhem this country may retain currency joki vu token say Abhapur lending token limited supplier Unlimited supply 3.5 billion suppliers Business CD Bhati crypto in demand Japati or supply come hold kirk token or Abhiham Airdrop Kleebi jara Airdrop Hamari Chizunko follow Korea or kushna kush Airdrop laker Abdul.

Future of Vu Tokens

Yes, so we have many use cases in the vug metaverse as well, just like the NFT use case. Because if anyone has built something in the metaverse, so there is a need of NFTs and there is a demand of buying and selling in terms of Vu tokens only because whenever we live in any country there is a native currency or native token has been present. So that there is a demand of increasing the vuk token when there is a purchasing and selling in vuk metaverse. Also there is a supply of vuke token is 3.5 billion, which is not too big because if anyone, any person or any a trader or any crypto enthusiast would hold the view token, then in the coming days they would definitely get just like a chance to make a profit or to make any just like things for her or his name.

Closing Statements from the Team

And the last thing that when the demand would be increases, then the price would also increases for the Vu token. So that's all with the last words of a founder for the view richer ma'am, if you want to add the last thing? Anything you can just add? Yes, I think Mister Bed has already covered all the area, but yes. Thank you all for your insightful questions and for joining this discussion about Vu. We are really excited about the future and the opportunity that lie ahead and we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what possible in the metaverse. And yes, also I would like to request all the user who has joined us today for this AMa, please explore our platform, download the Vogue wallet and take advantage of our special airdrop and discounted token offers.

Community Invitation

I think your participation and your involvement is really valuable for us. And if you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to us through our social media channels. Thank you. Thank you again. Are we taking any questions from the audience. That I have to check today? Please wait a sec. Also, I want to add one thing as well, that in the coming next month we are going for the precede round of the Vu token. So you guys have opportunity to buy Vuke tokens through Vue Wallet and with a discount of just like from the precede price. And if you hold the tokens before the listing, because after precede, then we will go with the listing part, then you will definitely get the profit in terms of holding the token.

Final Announcements and Farewell

So it's just like an important announcement for the community. You can just buy the tokens from the Vogue wallet app from the play store, you can download it. Thank you Mister Abdul for the extra information and I think there is no live segment, but if our community member have any question, they will definitely reach out to you on your social platform. So yeah, I think it's time to wrapping up and thank you very much to all of you and be sure to follow their channels and stay connected until next time. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at our next AMA. Have a fantastic day ahead. Yeah. Thank you so much guys. All right, thank you.

Gratitude and Acknowledgements

Thank you all. Okay. Thank you so much all of you. Thank you. Thank you everyone. Thank you so much.

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