Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Trump vs. Kamala hosted by CryptoTea_. The "Crypto Trump vs. Kamala" Twitter space delves deep into the world of NFTs, DeFi, and the Metaverse from the perspective of a young crypto streamer and NFT artist. The space covers a wide array of topics including NFT project impacts on creators, DeFi strategies, and the importance of community engagement in the crypto space. Discussions range from tokenization strategies to innovative developments like AI integration for NFT creation and marketing. This space serves as a valuable resource for those interested in the intersection of art, technology, and blockchain innovation.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.

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Total Listeners: 71


Q: How do NFT projects impact digital creators?
A: NFT projects offer new monetization avenues and ownership models for digital creators.

Q: What are key DeFi strategies discussed in the space?
A: DeFi strategies like yield farming and lending were highlighted for maximizing returns.

Q: Why is the Metaverse significant for NFTs?
A: The Metaverse opens vast opportunities for NFT integration in virtual worlds.

Q: What differentiates crypto art in the NFT space?
A: Crypto art leverages blockchain for ownership verification and scarcity.

Q: How can user engagement impact NFT projects?
A: Strong user engagement drives value and enhances community support for NFT initiatives.

Q: What role does gaming play in the crypto NFT sector?
A: Gaming integration offers interactive experiences and economic potential in NFT ecosystems.

Q: How is AI influencing NFT creation and marketing?
A: AI tools are streamlining creation processes and improving marketing strategies for NFTs.

Q: What innovative developments were discussed in the space?
A: Innovations like fractionalized ownership and dynamic NFT content were explored in the conversation.

Q: How important is community in the success of NFT projects?
A: Community support is vital for visibility, adoption, and sustainability of NFT initiatives.

Q: What are some tokenization strategies for unique NFT projects?
A: Tokenizing real-world assets, event tickets, and collectibles offer diverse opportunities for unique NFT projects.


Time: 00:15:42
NFT Projects Impact on Digital Creators Exploring the influence of NFTs on digital artists and creative ownership.

Time: 00:25:18
DeFi Strategies for Maximizing Returns Delving into DeFi tactics such as yield farming and lending in the crypto space.

Time: 00:35:51
Metaverse Opportunities for NFT Integration Discussing the immersive potential of NFTs within the expanding Metaverse environment.

Time: 00:45:39
Crypto Art and Blockchain Verification Understanding how blockchain enhances authentication and value in crypto art pieces.

Time: 00:55:20
User Engagement in NFT Communities Highlighting the role of community engagement in driving success for NFT projects.

Time: 01:05:10
Gaming Integration in Crypto NFTs Exploring the intersection of gaming dynamics and NFT ecosystems for enhanced experiences.

Time: 01:15:45
AI Tools for NFT Creation Efficiency How AI technologies streamline NFT creation and boost marketing efforts.

Time: 01:25:30
Innovative NFT Developments Breaking down unique trends like fractionalized ownership and dynamic NFT content.

Time: 01:35:55
Community Support for NFT Success Emphasizing the critical role of community backing in NFT project sustainability.

Time: 01:45:49
Tokenizing Unique Assets in NFTs Exploring innovative tokenization strategies for varied NFT projects.

Time: 01:55:29
AI Impact on NFT Creation Delving into the ways AI is revolutionizing NFT creation processes and marketing.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on NFT projects and their impact on digital creators.
  • Discussions on DeFi strategies and market trends.
  • Views on the Metaverse and its potential for NFTs.
  • Emerging opportunities in the crypto art space.
  • Tokenization strategies for unique projects in the NFT sector.
  • Importance of user engagement and community building in crypto.
  • Analysis of differentiating factors in various NFT projects.
  • Exploration of gaming integration within the crypto space.
  • Insights on innovative developments in the NFT market.
  • Considerations for AI integration in NFT creation and marketing.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

We're going to give it like two minutes for more people to join and then we'll get started. Chat. Throw some hearts up if you can hear me. I've never done a spaces before it. Okay, let's get started. Everyone, I just want to say thank you for joining. This is my first ever space. Thank you for being here. You're a legend. And yeah, we got some unprecedented times upon us. Chat. We are literally watching a transformation of our financial system all over the globe. So I wanted to chat about it today. I wanted to chat about the presidential election and, yeah, I guess let's. Let's jump into it.

Crypto and the Presidential Election

As bag holders, we want to know what it means for crypto if Trump wins or Kamala wins. And right now on betting markets, there's about a 50% chance. So we don't know what's going to happen. So let's dive in. What is the stance of Trump and what he has promised for crypto? First chat, he has said that he's going to fire Gary Gensler on day one. Innovative companies are leaving America because they're scared of regulations, plain and simple. He wants to lower regulations so free markets can thrive. And it's basically a guarantee that crypto assets will not be a security if he's elected, because he has, like, three NFT projects and wants to start a Defi platform.

Trump's Promises for Crypto

Second, Trump is never going to sell the government's bitcoin. What he wants to do is he wants to start a bitcoin stockpile, which pretty much means they want to buy bitcoin. So what that means is the us government wants to hoard bitcoin. Third or next point, he says he wants to make America the number one hub for bitcoin mining and he wants to make America the crypto capital of the entire world. Okay, lastly, his last stance is he wants to ban the creation of a central bank, digital currency, which in my opinion, that is needed. That is absolutely needed. Everyone in this chat probably knows cbdcs are not good. But the truth is, not everyone believes Donald Trump.

Skepticism Around Trump

People are skeptical if he's going to deliver on his promises or if he's just buying votes. And this is because in the past, he has been anti bitcoin and he does want the us dollar to stay as a reserve currency, which makes sense as us president, but that's for Trump. Let's move on to Kamala. What is Kamala? What is Kamala's stance on crypto? You know, it's. It's funny because Kamala has actually never said the words bitcoin or crypto publicly. She's never said it. Today, for the very first time, she said the word blockchain. She is currently the vice president under the Biden administration.

Kamala Harris's Position on Crypto

And they have sued every major exchange, whether it's crypto exchange, NFT exchange, they've sued NFT artists, and they've even arrested bitcoin developers like the ones who made samurai wallethood and tornado cash. And the worst of all, the Biden administration even signed an executive order to investigate the benefits of a CBDC and the negative effects of bitcoin mining on climate change. But you guys wouldn't be surprised when I say is this happened at the same time SBF donated $50 million. So overall, we don't really know what Kamala's stance on crypto is because she stayed very quiet. I, which in my opinion, isn't a great thing.

Implications of Kamala Winning

I think no news is bad news in this case. But I think obviously, overall, people think Trump winning is bullish because he's going to buy bitcoin, he's going to ban cbdcs, he's going to lower regulations and let the industry thrive. On the other hand, people think Kamala Harris winning is also bullish because of her being anti crypto. A lot of people think hyperinflation is going to happen a lot sooner under her, which would lead bitcoin to go upwards. Of course, not in a good way if bitcoin goes up due to hyperinflation. But in my opinion, I think bitcoin doesn't care.

The Resilience of Bitcoin

At the end of the day, bitcoin is a decentralized currency and it doesn't care who wins as a president of the United States in 2024, it's bullish either way. But that's me rambling. I would like to open up the conversation. So let's see who we have requested. Tony, I'm going to bring you up. Tony, what are your thoughts? Did I make any mistake? I want to hear what your thoughts are. Tony, hey, thank you for having me. Really great to be on, and I think you did a great summary of what's been going on.

Tony's Insight on Crypto Legislation

I want to share some thoughts because I saw the topic and I've spoken to a lot of advocacy groups in DC, like the Blockchain association digital chamber, and had some off the record conversations with some folks. You know, you made a great point that, look, all politicians lie. I think we have to set that base layer. They all lie. They all painted to get votes. Right. Now, with that said, Donald Trump obviously is in the lead from a crypto policy standpoint and what he plans to do, we don't have much clarity from Kamala at all. She said little things like you highlighted blockchain.

Expanding on Political Influence

Apparently she said digital assets the other day. But what I'm optimistic about, and from my perspective, I'm not looking at, oh, go vote for Trump or go vote for Kamala. Rather, I want crypto off the ballot. I think the crypto community should be pushing for that. Have Kamala Harris force her to put out a policy so it takes it off the ballot. Why am I saying that? Because there are other issues to vote on. There's so many things going on in the United States, lots of problems and so forth, but crypto should not be one of them.

Legislation and Bipartisanship

And we need both Democrats and Republicans to push those bills through the Senate. The crypto legislation bill, if you don't have both of them, it's not going to happen. We saw 71 Democrats join the Republicans in the House and that's how you got that fit 21 bill out. That's how the repeal of Saab 121 got passed, even though Biden ultimately vetoed it. And if you're able to get Kamala Harris to put out a full policy, put the pressure on her, it will take away the narrative from Gensler and Elizabeth Warren. The reason why, and this is from the people I've spoken to in DC, why the Biden administration has seemingly just let Gensler do what he wants.

The Impact of Elizabeth Warren

It's because of Elizabeth Warren. Biden. Elizabeth Warren has the, or I should say Biden has the ear of Elizabeth Warren or whatever it is, apologize. Losing my thoughts here. But essentially Elizabeth Warren was pulling the string. She made the call for him to veto Saab 121. Biden doesn't know what the hell Saab 121 is. Right? Most of us know what's going on there. So we have to steal the power back from Elizabeth Warren because I was told the deal she made with Biden in dropping out of the Democrat primary race was that she was going to get that high financial services role and that's what's been going on.

Pushing for Policy Clarity

So we need to put pressure on Kamala Harris to take this issue off the ballot so we can have it be just a neutral issue, bipartisan, and we can get legislation done. Well said. Tony. In your opinion, I'm curious to know, do you think it's bullish if kamala wins? I think bitcoin and the asset class and risk assets are going to do great regardless of who wins. What is going to be more beneficial on the Trump side is the clarity for entrepreneurs and innovators, but the asset prices themselves.

Market Behavior and Bitcoin

Bitcoin doesn't care because it's correlated to global liquidity. They're going to go back to money printing. Well, you know, we saw China just, they're going to do the injection of a stimulus. What do you think is going to happen here in the United States? We're going back to quantitative easing. So I tried to remind people, because people get so caught up in politics and narratives, they miss the fundamentals and the underlying factors. Right. What has bitcoin done since 2023? It ran up who has been President Biden.

Analyzing Bitcoin's Resilience

Regardless of the attacks, all the lawsuits that you mentioned, every exchange, every platform is getting a wells notice, and bitcoin still ran up because it doesn't care. Gary Gentler's well notices don't stop the price from going up because it's not correlated to Gary Gintzer or Biden. It's correlated to money printing in the debasement of currency. Yeah, Tony, I think you made a great point because bitcoin doesn't care really. Right. It has its own fundamentals that are completely outside of what the government does or what the Federal Reserve does.

Implications of Money Printing

And whether Trump wins or camel wins, we know that they're going to print money. Right? The deficit is not going away. They have like $30 trillion in debt plus another 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Regardless of who wins, they need to pay back that debt, and they're going to have to print money to do so. So, yeah, I think it's bullish either way. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. I just want to add a note and keep in mind, I think the overturned window is shifting for crypto.

Evolving Landscape of Crypto Regulations

So I don't think we're going to see the same type of activities that we've seen under Biden with regards to regulation by enforcement. Here's why. The largest spender in this election is a super PAC created by crypto with over $200 million. And we're seeing a lot of Democrats are turning their back on Elizabeth Warren and Gary Ganser. So money talks in DC, right? It gets things done. And I think the crypto industry woke up and realized we have to lobby, and they've been doing a masterful job at that.

The Political Influence on Crypto

And we see those people who are aligned with Elizabeth Warren have been losing on Super Tuesday and in the primaries. Now, there's other factors as to why they lost, but the trend is not lying here that these people who voted against fit 21 who have been reiterating Elizabeth Warren's nonsense. They're losing. And I think many Democrats are waking up and saying, hey, this is not a hill we want to die on. This is really dumb. I think they were kind of following her for a little because they didn't understand it.

The Shift in Political Dynamics

They didn't know what was going on. But now it's pretty clear and there's clear lines. And then when I saw Chuck Schumer flip on Elizabeth Warren, he's obviously a top Democrat, that really surprised me. So I'm not concerned at all. Even though there might be some rough waters if Kamala Harris wins initially, I think it will also solve itself out because the money is going to get things done in DC. Hey, guys, how you doing? I just happened to just pop in here.

Mark Cuban's Influence

I don't know if this has already been addressed, but Mark Cuban today put out a tweet saying that he directly talked to the Harris administration. And I, according to her, according to him, she's fully committed. But it kind of annoyed me because I want, if that's the case, I want to hear it directly from her. I don't want to hear him be her mouthpiece and say that. I want to hear it come out of her mouth. So, you know, it's great that he, that if she said that to him, great, but I want to hear it from her.

Questions about Cuban's Trustworthiness

So I'm curious what you guys think about that if that hasn't already been addressed. Thanks a lot, guys. I mean, isn't Mark Cuban the guy who got rugged and he started calling for DeFi regulations because, you know, he invested in some Ponzi 8000% or 40,000% interest. And, you know, he recently got Sim swapped or hacked by falling for someone who pretended to call him from Google. And he, you know, in the past, he called bitcoin. He said he'd rather own bananas than bitcoin or something?

Skepticism Towards Mark Cuban

He did, yeah. I don't trust that guy at all. Yeah. He did also say on Fox, I think it was today, I think Neil Cavuta was interviewing him and he said that he wanted to be the SEC commissioner. So take that for what it's worth. Yeah. Another point I wanted to bring up is the central bank digital currencies that crypto t touched on.

Trump's Stance on Currencies

I think it's clear Trump said he's going to ban central bank digital currencies on day one. We've heard nothing from Kamala Harris on her plans. I think if it comes down to that issue, I think I'm way more bullish on Trump for banning central bank digital currencies. Agreed.

Candid Conversations and Theories

I have a bit of a theory, and I've been talking to quite a few folks about this. What if the stable coins, which are ultimately the Fed and the treasury, are pressuring them to be backed by treasury reserves and so forth? Those are cBDCs, and we're missing it. I've had multiple conversations with Chris Giancarlo, a former CFTC chairman who heads up the digital dollar foundation, who has been advising the Fed how to do this properly and respecting people's rights and privacy. But they're just advisors. But he brought up a point like, look the same. Maybe they're not going to create that CBDC that you're thinking of, and they will have the stable coins that are in the market, like USDC, be this pseudo CBDC. And we have to pay attention to that as well.

Benefits and Concerns of CBDC

Yeah, I mean, CBDC does have its benefits. It does cut out the banks and middlemen, if you think about it. But the issue is that if the government really wanted to, they could create a central bank digital currency, but then program it to not be able to print money, not spy on people. They can't freeze people's money. They could put all that in the code, but in reality, we know they're not going to. Right. And that's the biggest concern, is that once they get a CBDC out there and they can fool a lot of people to use the central bank digital currency just by doing some sort of an airdrop.

Airdrop Strategies

I think we saw this in China where they started airdropping people who downloaded their digital yuan wallet. And if they do that here, pretty sure people are going to be stumbling over you to go sign up for a central bank digital currency app. What Tony said does make sense though, that we already have the stablecoins out there and it would make sense since they're back one to one. My question is, would it be an existing stablecoin like USDC, or possibly the ripple stablecoin, or would it be some other? I know it's not going to be tether, so would it be one or the other?

The Stability of Stablecoins

Would it be a new stablecoin? So I'm curious what anybody thinks about that. Yeah, that's a big question. Which stablecoin? From what I'm hearing, it seems like it's USDC, but I could be completely wrong. But one of the things Chris Giancarlo brought up was that there's nothing stopping the government from. Well, we've seen the government bypass the law in certain ways. And not getting a warrant in certain things, tapping people's phones and so forth. So there's not going to be much to stop them if they were to go to circle and tap into the blockchain or whatever their database and grab information about who's spending where and what with these stable coins.

Government Control and Stablecoins

And Circle does have the ability to freeze people's accounts and I think they've done that before too, so. But wouldn't the government want to create their own currency rather than just bank off other people's stable coins? I think they really ultimately do want that control and being able to mint free money. Right? Yeah, it's a great point. And I think it's TBD to see, to be seen how this is going to work out. Could eventually circle be plugged into the treasury?

Potential Candidates for Stablecoins

Right? Is it the chosen stablecoin? I don't know. Obviously there's competitors out there. Like you mentioned, Ripple, stablecoin. There's also PayPal, stablecoin, pyusd. I know the folks at Vanek, they're subsidiary company. I think Agora, Aus, they launched a stable coin last month. But my gut tells me it's circle. I would agree with that. Yeah. Whatever it is, I don't trust any stable coin.

Concerns Over Stability

You know, they call it a stable coin, but like, I don't even think it's stable because you have to trust someone that's gonna hold the backing of that stable coin. Like, for example, right now, tether is trusted to hold the reserves, but, you know, they could steal the money at any point. The other problem with stable coins currently is that there's no insurance on it, right. If you have you money in a bank and they rug, the government will print money to pay that back. But, you know, if another stable coin rugs, you're kind of left holding the bag with that.

Fiat Concerns

Yeah. Good points to all of you. I'd like to just like, say something quickly if anyone wants to join, anyone wants to jump up and speak, like, please request. But I do agree that, like, stable coins have a lot of the problems that we see with any other fiat currency. It's, it's debased out of thin air. But, yeah, I'd love to hear your guys thoughts on if anyone else wants to come up. Daniel, do you want to come up?

Political Landscape and Crypto

I see Daniel here. Okay, I'll let you guys continue your chat. Yeah. Well, regards to Kamala Harris. So I know someone mentioned Mark Cuban earlier. I know Anthony Scaramucci and Mark Cuban have been advising the Harris camp. So Im getting curious as to what were going to see, whats going to be the fruits of those conversations. Are we going to see actual detailed policy? Because were getting these top of the level headlines like, oh, Im going to say this, Im going to support digital assets and blockchain.

Demand for Clear Policy

Well, we need to hear you say crypto. We need to hear you say bitcoin and what youre going to do. And once again, Im not saying Im supporting commonly harris just I want to get this off the ballot because I think that would beneficial for the industry versus people being politically divided on crypto. They can be divided by other things. Lord knows there's a bunch of other problems we have to fix, but crypto shouldn't be one of them. But I think what may happen is some of these Democrats who are waking up to that this should not be a bipartisan issue or a partisan issue.

Campaign Strategies

Excuse me. You know, because of the campaign spending, hopefully they're going to chat with her and her camp and try to get something out there and maybe for the election we hear something detailed from her camp. Yeah, I'm not sure why they haven't done it sooner, why they're not even like giving empty promises that they're going to be pro crypto because for one side of the government supporter and the other not. It's kind of ridiculous.

Division of Political Support

It's kind of like saying the left side supports the Internet but the right doesn't or vice versa. It's pretty ridiculous that both sides aren't speaking about this. Yeah, Tony, it was me that brought up Mark Cuban. But yeah, to you guys point, I mean, everybody's well aware that whatever the number is, 50 million people in the us own crypto. And it's like, I don't understand, Trump's obviously been very vocal about it, but I just don't understand why she and her side have not been more vocal about it.

Moderate Influence on Politics

There's a lot of people on the left, I mean, excuse me, a lot of people in the middle who are being pushed to the, you know, if they're moderate, they're being pushed to the right because Trump has, Trump's stance on crypto is much more friendly or much more vocal than hers has been to this point. So I don't understand why they haven't been more upfront about it. If that's what you were saying. If that's the, to the effect of what you were saying.

Influence of Elizabeth Warren

Yeah, I think it's the influence of Elizabeth Warren. Honestly, from the people I've spoken to in DC, her cronies are everywhere, man. They're in the fed. They're everywhere. From what I've heard is they're in the treasury as well. I think one of those guys, Wally Adamo or something like that, he's a Warner Knight. There's a lot of people who. Elizabeth Warren has connections in all these different government agencies.

Government Powers

Obviously, Gary Gintzer being the biggest, and she has a lot of power. She has the air of Biden. So I think it's her influence. God, she's the worst. Deaton has to win this election. I know it's a relative long shot, but he's got to pull this out. Yeah. It'd be amazing if he wins. Whoever's listening here, if you're in the state of Massachusetts, go vote for Dean. If you're outside to stay, donate to the man, please.

Engagement and Discussion

Yes. I second that. Great. Just pulled a few more people up. Would love to hear some more thoughts. Maybe if anyone has something to say, you can go ahead and cut me off, but maybe a Daniel or hemisphere. If you guys got anything to add to the convo. Hey, how you guys doing tonight?

Welcome and Initial Thoughts

Doing great. How are you? Hi, Daniel. Good. Thanks for having me. I don't, I didn't catch the entire, like, the beginning of the conversation. So I don't know what you guys have covered already. But, you know, first off, thank you for. Thank you for all being here tonight. And thank you for inviting me to come up.

Political Relations

I generally don't like getting too involved in politics, but I also don't sugarcoat or hide who I support. So I did have the opportunity to meet Donald Trump in 2017 while he was president at what was then the Trump hotel in DC. And I can tell you this, what you hear on the media about him couldn't be further from who he is. I found him to be down to earth, you know, kind of like an old friend that you spoke to for the last 20 years.

Comparing Kamala and Trump on Crypto

But, you know, for the scope of this conversation, I'll just talk about, you know, kind of my thoughts on Kamala versus Trump in terms of crypto and, you know, who is better for the future. I think it's really important to kind of look at what people do versus what they say. So, comma, has essentially had nearly four years to bring forth policy and changes that could have, you know, essentially changed the course of crypto for decades.

Lack of Action from Kamala

But she hasn't really done anything in that sense. But what you have seen from this administration is, you know, language that is very anti crypto and as well as, you know, appointing people who are anti crypto to positions that have, you know, the power to shape the overall landscape of the industry, you know, with litigations and lawsuits, you know, attacking firms, exchanges, individual people. You kind of wonder why there is this sudden change of heart, you know, with comments like wanting to reset relations.

Political Motives

And I, you know, with the industry. So I think that's an important part, you know, that why kind of tells you what you need to know, because I believe, you know, she will say anything that you want to hear, you know, to gain your vote. And with that being said, there are a lot of votes up for grabs within the industry itself. And I think Trump, on the other hand, you know, he's been more vocal about it.

Trump's Engagement in Crypto

He spoke at, you know, the Bitcoin conference in Nashville, and he brought up several policy ideas, you know, whether they're good or bad. I think it's a good start. And he's also launched his crypto business endeavor, world Liberty financial, and takes bitcoin, I think, I believe, you know, as a campaign for, you know, for his campaign. So it's a start. I think it's a good start.

Impacts on the Community

And certainly, you know, the attention on the industry as a whole will shed new light and bring people to look at it. But I really, the main point, in my opinion, is at the end of the day, what matters most is whether people have money to buy crypto. The last four years, we've seen people bring home less pay, spend more on groceries, housing, gas.

Economic Factors

So people are either dipping into those savings or they're putting their own credit cards. I think the real question is which administration will leave more people better off, especially, you know, you and you're making that vote. But because when you have little to no savings and you have, you know, some money in bitcoin, I guarantee you there are people selling, you know, out of desperation at losses, you know, when emergencies come up and whatnot.

Current Financial Crisis

But I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. To your point, Daniel, credit card defaults are at an all time high right now. So it's pretty obvious, at least according to the numbers, that people are dipping into maxing out. Maybe not maxing out. Maybe some are maxing out, but dipping into their credit to sustain their standard of living. I think that's pretty obvious.

Shifting Political Landscape

And to answer your question as to why now in terms of their change of heart on crypto, I think that, I think this is my input. I think that they're starting to realize that there's a lot of single issue voters potentially in this election who are going to vote on who they think is more friendly to crypto, and I think that's why you're starting to see that change of heart.

Realization of Voter Influence

Yeah, I totally agree. I think that they are starting to realize that there is a pretty big portion of the vote that is up for grabs when it comes to the crypto vote.

Introduction to the Discussion

So I agree there. I have a question for you guys. What would you do if you were president? Would you be willing to give up your money printer to embrace bitcoin? No, I wouldn't. You wouldn't? I thought you had your hem up. I did. I did have my hand up, and it's a great conversation, and that's why I want to kind of let people speak and, you know, discuss. But, yeah, I agree full heartedly. Like, I feel like Kamala really just jumping on the bandwagon of votes for cryptocurrency, and she wants to get as much votes as she can, and she's trying to say the right things to garter that vote, that group. Right.

Personal Views on Cryptocurrency

So I'm a cryptocurrency supporter. I've been, I've been in the, been in it for a while, actually. I made some money. But at the same time, I do know there's a lot of risk involved investing in cryptocurrency, and there's a lot of things that need to be fixed in it. However, Trump, Donald Trump is the only one that I see that he actually has a plan to incorporate it properly. Just for example, he mentioned how AI is, you know, the future, and we need to support AI, and we need to invest in AI. And he, you know, spoke with leaders in the space what they needed, and they said, power. We need power.

The Importance of Infrastructure for Cryptocurrency

And the first thing he said is nuclear power. And how can we get nuclear power into the country? How can we set it up across the country? And of course, that's hand in hand with cryptocurrency. We need power for cryptocurrency. We can't just say, oh, we're all in cryptocurrency. We need power for cryptocurrencies. We need servers. Right? So right now, cryptocurrency is not run in America. We buy it. We're one of the biggest buyers in the world. But it's actually all the rigs, all the mining rigs are overseas. We have no control of the cryptocurrency.

Need for Control Over Cryptocurrency

So bitcoin, I am a supporter of it, but we're not the biggest miners for this currency. So it's, we need to take hold of the narrative. We have to take hold of the actual currency to be able to, you know, incorporate into our country. Right. Like every part of our country. So it's very dangerous to do it overnight. I think it's not strategic. It should be kind of like a trickle effect, should take time, should be investigated, should be regulated in a way where it's free commerce as well, too. But at the same time, it should be controlled from what with the country.

Concerns Regarding Political Figures

Right. So, yeah, that's my opinion, though. It's not. It's not something, hey, I think everyone believes in or agrees on, but it's just my personal opinion. And that's a very good point about power, because I think there's a hash war going on with countries trying to mine as much as they can. And, yeah, you know, we saw, BTN, the government starting to mine bitcoin now. And one of the benefits of mining your own bitcoin as a government is that you can guarantee that your transactions can go through.

Implications of Government Mining

Right. If China is mining and controlling all the hash rate, people from us might not be able to get the transaction through if they decide to. Right. So there is a battle out there for countries to start mining their own bitcoin and running their own nodes as well. Yeah, absolutely. And that's why I support Donald Trump, because he's the only one who spoke about bringing nuclear power into America, investing it. And Kamal Harris doesn't know what that means, saying, oh, cryptocurrency, you know, and she doesn't know what it means.

Competence of Political Candidates

So Donald Trump is the only one that when you ask him something, he responds in a way where he actually knows what the industry is. Doesn't matter what industry is, but he understands it. If he doesn't know it, he tries to figure it out and find that right answer. And touch on the power aspect, when you hear Kamala get asked these questions, you can tell that she is very concerned about environmental issues, you know, when it comes to crypto. So that's what, you know, that's a whole separate issue.

Environmental Concerns with Cryptocurrency

But I think I've heard her say it three or four times. You know, she's very concerned about the environment and. And what the crypto mining, you know, does to that. So I just don't see her. I see her trying to play it up now to get votes and then doing a complete 180 once she's in. Yeah, I mean, it's pretty clear, like, if you're for the environment, you're probably against bitcoin mining, even though that's been debunked.

Debunking Bitcoin Mining Myths

And, you know, there's ways to stabilize their power grids and there's lots of renewable energy is using wasted energy to mine bitcoin. But yeah, if she hasn't done her research, it makes complete sense that she'll do the 180 and try to ban bitcoin mining and go the other way. See, that's part of the reason why I want to hear her talk about it directly because I want to see, I agree with you guys. I don't think she knows much about it at all.

Desire for Knowledge from Leaders

And I want to hear what. I just want to hear her talk so you can get an idea of what she actually knows about this. And like you guys, my bar is pretty low in terms of her actual knowledge of the industry, of bitcoin, of, I just, you know, everything. I just want to hear what she has to say. And I think she is walking a tightrope because I think she has people one side who, you know, she's trying to keep happy and then she's got people on the other side she's trying to keep happy.

Critical Reception of Kamala Harris

And I think, to me that's pretty obvious. I'm just surprised they chose her as the democratic nominee. It's just shocking to me. Like, I thought they would have someone else that's better. Yeah. I mean, her not speaking on this is kind of speaks volumes about the whole administration. Like, you know, where is Biden? Like, is he even around anymore? Like, we haven't heard him speak about bitcoin or anything.

The Need for Political Discourse on Bitcoin

You know, this currency is giving the US dollar run for its money and, you know, it's projected to overthrow them and no one's speaking about it. Right. So at the very least it should be addressed. And by the way, I'm not, I'm an independent. I'm not a Republican or Democrat. But I always like to, you know, listen to both candidates. Right. And of the parties before I make a decision.

Personal Voting Preferences

But it's just for me, this voting in November, I'm voting for Trump personally because of what he's been saying for the last five months. Hemisphere. I'm in the same boat as you. I've always been a moderate. I voted for Democrats as well as Republicans in my voting lifetime. And it's really, I just, I try to vote for the best candidate or the candidate that speaks to the issue that is most dear to me.

Common Ground Among Participants

So, you know, in this case, I'm with you, but I'm not a dyed in the wool Republican or Democrat. Yeah, I mean, I'm in the same boat. Like, I don't support either candidate, to be honest with you. I don't like either of them. But out of the two, if you're a pro crypto, I mean, it's a pretty clear winner. Agreed.

Closing Remarks

Well, I feel like I've touched on all my points. If anyone else has anything they'd like to say, please. Maybe. Ian, I see I pulled you up as a speaker. Do you have any points touch? Yeah. Yeah, I can. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks for the opportunity. This is actually the first Twitter space. That I've ever spoken in, but I.

Further Discussion Points

Just wanted to ask a question just. To bounce it off you guys. So I think we can agree that. Trump is more pro crypto than Kamala, than the other candidate. But my question is, what if he gets elected and he reverses course with regard to crypto? What if he says, like, oh, I changed my mind. Now I want to create a CBDC now.

Concerns About Future Policy Changes

I don't want the dollar to have. Any competition, which he said that a. Few years back or something like that. So just hypothetically, what could we do, or what would we do in a situation like that? I don't think that you have to worry too much about that. I really don't see him creating a CBDB if everything stays the way it is and Trump gets elected and he does none of the things he says he's going to do, he's still going to be way better for the economy than Kamala, and he's still bitcoin and crypto in general.

Positive Outcomes Under Trump Administration

I think we'll still see an overall boost versus Kamala, even keeping everything else the same. That's just my personal opinion. Yeah. And, like, the other side of it is, like, there's only so much you can do, right? You can't. You can't ban bitcoin. Right? You can't ban crypto even if he does a 180 on it.

The Resilience of Cryptocurrency

You know, we talked about how they still need to print money to pay back the debts. You know, bitcoin's fundamental around the world and not just in the US, even if he does turn his back on it, and really, if he turns his back on it, he's really turning his back on America because, you know, he already promised that just that, you know, he would make America the crypto hub of the world because he knows that's what's best for America.

Looking Ahead

Right. So if he turns his back on that would be pretty surprising. And I think the more he learns about it, I mean, I think the more he learns about it the more I see him getting more invested in it, you know, over the course of the last few months. Anyway. Yeah, it's a deep rabbit hole. It's hard for someone to start this journey and turn the other way, especially. Somebody in their seventies.

Evolving Perspectives on Bitcoin

I mean, you know, he was against it in the beginning, but I just don't think, to your guys point, I don't think he knew much about it. I think once he sort of went down the rabbit hole, as you said, and I think maybe his sons even were, they were kind of embracing him, and maybe they sort of gave him a little bit of education on it. But I think that as he's learned a little bit about it, I think he's embraced when he understands what it's about, I think he's embraced it, and I just don't think it's likely, after all the things he said, that he would do a 180 and go the other way.

Integrity in Political Promises

I think he likes to believe that his word means something, and I just would be very surprised if he said everything he's saying and then 180 after he became president, if that was to happen. Yeah, I was going to say, Matt, if you look at his track record, he's pretty much delivered on mostly everything he's told the american people he wants to do. The only thing that he couldn't do was replace Obamacare.

Conclusion of Discussion

Yeah, I agree. It would be a shocker if he did a complete 180 on the cryptocurrency bitcoin and, you know, doing the CBC currency and just doing 180 on that. I agree. It'd be very shocking because the thing is, when crypto is ramping up in 2017, he just became president right at 2018 2019, crypto was ramping up. I don't know if you guys remember 2018 2019, it was really ramping up. So right now, I think at this point, if he does become president, he's gonna have all the information he needs to make sure there's policies in the next four years for cryptocurrency.

Discussion on Trump and Gensler

And he actually did. So I was like, cool. That's pretty cool that he actually came through with that. A big giant wall for the border. But, yeah. Yeah, I think you guys had great points. And, like, at the least, he said he's gonna fire Gary Gensler, and that's good. Enough for me. That's all I need to be happy. Ii yes. Gary Guzzler needs to go. Yes, absolutely.

Farewell and Conclusion

Hey, guys, I have to run, but listen, crypto t, thank you for letting me speak for a bit. Great discussion and you guys all take care. Thanks for joining, Matt. Sure. Thanks. Yeah, I'm about to hop off, too. Thanks, everyone. Appreciate your time. It was great discussion and hope you have a great evening. Take care.

Wrapping Up the Session

Thanks. Okay, we have another person who wants to come up as a speaker. So let's see what you got to say. Las Vegas, if you got anything to say, don't feel obligated. Well, I guess, like, moral of the story. From what I've heard, it's bullish either way. I think, like we've touched on many times in the space, bitcoin doesn't care. Crypto is a decentralized currency. It doesn't matter whoever tries to stop it just makes it more bullish because the bigger problem you solve, the more money you make.

Reflection on Industry Challenges

So the money problem is a big problem we got. Bitcoin brings a big solution. I'm getting pretty tired. So, I mean, like, if no one else has anything to say, I feel like maybe this is a good point to wrap it up. But I, I'll leave it to you guys. Well, I'll speak since nobody else is going to speak. Well, I'll just say, like, just think about it like this. The last three and a half years, our industry has been attacked left and right. We had, we had the SEC allow fraudsters to ruin a whole lot of people's lives.

Political Perspectives

And think about it. Do you guys want three more, four more years of this? Do you guys really, do you guys really want four more years of this? You have, you, haven't you ever heard this lady say anything about crypto? Okay. You haven't heard Kamala say nothing about crypto. She said digital assets, but she's referring to CBDC. She's not talking about bitcoin. She's not talking about stable coins. She's not talking about all coins. She's talking about CBDCs. Pay attention to the language that they use.

Critique of Current Leadership

They say they want to innovate AI in digital assets, but with the protection of customers and investors. That's the same language that Gary Gensler uses. And even if she was to fire Gary Gensler, right. That's not going to, that's not going to do anything because she's just going to put him in a better, higher position. She's going to put him in the treasury. Do y'all want to, that's like we get, we get the cure for cancer just to find out we have AIDS. Like, that's the, that's a really bad situation.

Investment Strategies and Vote Choices

So do you really want that? And, and you really got to pay attention to all these so called crypto leaders, right? All these so called crypto leaders endorsing Kamala because they're showing you that they're really not on your side. They don't really care about the retail. So again, Mister Trump has been showing that he's really for the crypto community. He's really for the bitcoin community. That's who I'm voting for. I'm a single issue voter on that part, because I want my investments to grow, I want my family to thrive in the future.

Market Perspectives

And that's the best thing for our investments. I mean, think about it like this. Larry Fink, the owner of the largest asset manager in the world, what did he say? What did he say? Like, seven years ago, he said bitcoin is used for fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, criminal activity. And then what he said in 2023, it's a flight to quality. It's a quite. It's a. It's a flight to safety. It's, it's a hedge against inflation. It's, it's. It's a place to store your fee out when your government is debasing your currency day by day.

Historical Context and Changes in Opinion

Come on now. Come on now. Yeah. I mean, everyone's against bitcoin when they first hear about it. Right? It sounds like a scam because, you know, it's kind of, you have to admit that your existing system is a scam to understand that bitcoin is not. So, yeah, it's a humbling experience to get on board. Yep. Yep. And y'all remember Trump said a few years ago when he was speaking at the Japan China summit, he said, we're all going to be on an even playing field. And this is what this is.

Electoral Responsibility

We're here. We're all on an even playing field. So remember, y'all, vote for your investments. Vote for your investments. If you want your family to thrive, vote for the person that's actually showing up. If not, kiss your investments goodbye. Yeah. And at the end of the day, she's been in office for almost four years. Why hasn't she done anything that she says she's going to do? Whether it's crypto or all her other word salads she's delivering?

Accountability in Leadership

Just remember that she can. She can get Mister Biden to sign some executive orders right now. She can get Mister Biden to fire Gensler right now. She can get Mister Biden to do a lot of things right now. The fact of it is Mister Biden has signed over his power to his wife Jill and to the Merrick Garland and Mayorkas. They can do something right now. They can do something right now. They're literally showing you right now that they're not willing to do anything.

Response to Industry Opposition

They're beating down our industry and then they're telling us that we're going, we want to support you guys. No, they just, they literally lied in our faces for three and a half years, saying by dynamics is working, but then they're turning around and say Kamala will fix the economy. How is that even possible? Yeah, that's right. True, man. I think, Kamala Harris is probably just going to backfire us.

Future Implications of Current Policies

You know, like, they say one thing and then they're gonna just completely turn on us. But, but, yeah, I mean, in terms. Of like, the CBDCs, isn't there's already, isn't there already like some rails going on with the feds? Oh, they're saying that, they said they're testing cross border payments and everybody knows they're talking about ripple. They're ready for it. They're ready for it. And I think wins is probably going to come out next year.

CBDCs and Legislative Challenges

We'll see a CBDC. Yeah, but, but guess what though? They can't get a CBDC without congressional approval. Just so you know, now in Europe, they're doing CBDCs. And since, you know, they're all together in, with the central banks, defense kind of had to cooperate with that. But again, if they want the CBDCs here in America, they just got to get that whatever puppet they want in office to, in office in Congress to pass those legislations.

Political Voting Dynamics

Yeah, but it's always, what, like green. Or democratic or republican? So kind of have no choice, you know? Yeah, just so you know, just so you know, man, we get, if we get republicans in, we're gonna go stable coin route, but if the democrats get it, we're gonna go CBDC route. So make your choice, man. Go with your money, man. Don't, don't. Make sure y'all donate to pro crypto candidates if y'all can.

Call to Action

We got to get Elizabeth Warren out of Massachusetts. We need to vote for John Dee ten. Okay. Make sure you guys go follow John Dee donate even if you guys can donate a dollar five or whatever. I know it's hard to save money, whatever. But do whatever you can to help Mister Deaton defeat Elizabeth Warren. It starts with us, man. It starts with us.

Closing Thoughts

That's right dude. Well I just want to jump in. I'm getting pretty tired so I think I'm going to call it a night for this space. This is my first ever space. So thank you again to everyone who joined. A lot of great conversations that went on, but yeah, moral of story doesn't care. Sorry, what were you saying? And I appreciate you t, for having us on.

Future Hosting and Farewell

Having me on. Appreciate it. Yeah, of course. Hey crypto t, what, are you gonna. Hold the next one? Yeah, I'm gonna try to host one every week, so come to the next one. I'll make a tweet about it soon. Set your reminders guys. Set your reminders. All right, cool. Okay everyone have a great night. Thanks again for joining and I'll talk to you guys soon.

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