Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Stalkers X Hydro Online hosted by StalkersCrypto. Crypto Stalkers X Hydro Online space delved into the realms of Binance's influence, web3 Marketing strategies, and managing over 500 KOLs effectively. The discussion highlighted the importance of community engagement tactics like #AMA sessions and #Airdrop campaigns, along with the significance of staying updated on #News within the crypto sphere. Insights on leveraging direct messaging for business collaborations were also shared.

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Q: What role does Binance play in the crypto community?
A: Binance is a key player, influencing trends and providing a platform for various crypto activities.

Q: How can web3 Marketing impact digital strategies?
A: Web3 Marketing introduces innovative approaches to engage audiences and navigate the digital realm effectively.

Q: Why is managing KOLs important in the crypto space?
A: Effective KOL management can boost brand visibility, credibility, and community engagement.

Q: What are the benefits of hosting #AMA sessions in the crypto field?
A: #AMA sessions foster community interaction, knowledge sharing, and brand transparency.

Q: How can businesses benefit from #Airdrop campaigns?
A: #Airdrop campaigns attract new users, create buzz, and incentivize community participation.

Q: Why is staying informed on #News crucial in the crypto industry?
A: Remaining updated on #News helps businesses make informed decisions, track market trends, and seize opportunities.

Q: How can direct messaging benefit business collaborations in the crypto domain?
A: Direct messaging enables efficient communication, networking, and the initiation of partnerships within the crypto ecosystem.


Time: 00:15:40
Binance's Influence in the Crypto Space Exploring the impact of Binance and its role in shaping crypto trends.

Time: 00:25:17
Strategies for Effective web3 Marketing Insights on leveraging web3 Marketing strategies for digital success.

Time: 00:35:29
Managing Over 500 KOLs Successfully Key tips for effective KOL management and relationship building.

Time: 00:45:40
Importance of #AMA and #Airdrop Campaigns Discussing the benefits of hosting #AMA sessions and running #Airdrop campaigns.

Time: 00:55:17
Leveraging Direct Messaging for Business Growth Exploring the use of direct messaging for collaborations and engagement in the crypto sector.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Binance's impact on the crypto space and its association with influential community members.
  • Insights into web3 Marketing strategies and their relevance in the evolving digital landscape.
  • Effective management tips for handling over 500 KOLs and building successful relationships.
  • Exploring the significance of #AMA sessions, #Airdrop campaigns, and staying updated on #News in the crypto world.
  • Opportunities for business collaborations and engagements in the crypto sphere through direct messaging.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Project Overview

Greetings, everyone. Let's wait for a couple of minutes so that all members would be able to join this x space. Make sure you guys check out hydro online, their ex, their telegram, website and all stuff. So we'll be starting in a couple of minutes. It hello, crypto stalkers. Hello, everyone. I hope everyone is doing great and having a wonderful day.

Sound Check and Audience Engagement

Hello, guys. Yep, I'm here. Clear. Am I audible? Yeah, yeah, you are audible. Thank you. It's a wonderful day and we are going to talk about a good project in this competitive world of crypto, as everyone will agree with me that this is the digital age where user experience is very important. So choosing right monetization strategy is very important and mandatory when it comes to digitalization.

Adoption Challenges in the Crypto Space

And I have gone through your twitter, and I agree with you. I second you guys, that people are still adopting all strategies that comes with its own drawbacks. And as you talked about, it's like the Google Adsense. Of course, it cannot give you the same revenue and the same satisfaction, user satisfaction at the same time. So you have to compromise one thing at times. But we are happy to have you here as a guest with crypto stalkers.

Introduction to Hydro Online

And we'll be talking about Hydro online, what you guys are offering and what are the features and what different strategies you are adopting. I'm humbled and overwhelmed to hosting you, to be hosting you. So that is very intriguing. So please welcome our today's guest from the core team of Hydro online. And let's jump into the conversation. It's not decency if I not let my guests more. So, yeah, let's start with introductory segment.

Guest Introductions

Can you please introduce yourself and your team to my community and tell us a little bit more about Hydro online? So, let's go. Sure. Thanks. Thanks a lot for the intro. So, hi everyone. My name is Gabby Ossichano. Gabriel Oschino. I'm the CMO chief marketing officer of Hydro online. My background is basically mainly around programmatic media buying, adopts, that kind of thing.

Background and Founding of Hydro

Basically working with GMP Stack, Google Stack for over seven years. And yeah, around 2018, me and Reggie and a couple of other founders, we set up Hydro in its first. It used to be called something different before, but it was rebranded and updated into Hydro about a year ago. But yeah, this whole thing started around 2018. Reggie and I and a couple of other founders put this thing together basically to offer the Internet an alternative to ads to generate revenue, passive revenue. Simple. And without sacrificing the UI Ux.

Hydro's Goals and Project Purpose

Great. Thank you for would like to add more details about your intro or about Hydro? I mean, jumping into the next questions. Sure. All right. All right. Thank you for introducing yourself to my community. Appreciate that. So, whenever you start a project, you must have certain goals in your mind that led you to commence a project. And, of course, you have certain things in your mind that you want to rectify the certain problems in the space, and you initiate with the project.

Identifying Problems in the Crypto Space

So what problems Hydro aims to solve in the crypto space? So, basically, publishers, website, and app owners can install the hydro script on their platform. Actually, SDKs are not available yet, but. So apps will be coming soon. But right now, for any website out there, Hydro can be easily integrated and gives them access to the freemium version of Hydro.

Hydro's Freemium Model and Features

So basically, it's completely free. It's easy to set up, and you can get access to the first and most basic, so to say, tier, product tier, which is the freemium, and you can test out the platform, basically see how it works, check out all of the details about it, and if you're happy and you want to continue and if, you know, you're a larger, mid to larger publisher, it might make a lot of sense to upgrade your. Your tier to the second product here.

Understanding Hydro Plus

So to say the Hydro plus, which basically means paying collateral, actually, it's still your money. So it's still your. Your collateral. You can withdraw any time. But for the period of using hydro plus, you get a. You lock up around $500 worth of collateral, you get access to the next product here. You don't have any limitations. You have higher rewards and so on. So, basically, how this works is half of the money is used to buy and stake hydro.

Ecosystem and Validator Integration

The other half is pulled together with other publisher purchases and used to buy and fractionalize validator from layer ones and layer twos. So, basically, the other networks that were integrating the yield generated from these validators is basically what powers the whole ecosystem and pays the website owners. And while we take our cut, of course. So we're currently fractionalizing, like I said, sui, but as we have also a grant for them from them, as you've probably seen on our social media.

Future Plans and Network Integrations

But our long term plan is to integrate many other networks as well, such as Avax, Nirdan, Ethereum, Solana, and so on. These are the ones that we've been also already looking into. But, yeah, right now, we're only on Sui, and basically what will happen is these web two users will be able to seamlessly hop on from one protocol to another basically all within the hydro platform. So hydro services kind of a bridge between these networks as we advance and add more of them.

Hydro as a Revenue Stream

So, yeah, what, just to conclude what problem Hydro solves is basically, Hydro is very short. It's just another possible revenue stream for website owners. It's completely passive, it's completely free in its first tier form. So basically that's what it does. It can also, sorry, just one thing to complete. It doesn't replace ads, so it can be used alongside ads. It doesn't affect your adsense revenue or anything.

Introduction to Hydro

You can, you know, you can continue doing the traditional methods and basically add to your revenue through hydro. Perfect. And that premium thing is also free to access, right? Yes, yes, completely free. That's great. Great. So thank you for introducing your project and how you aim to solve your problems in the crypto space. And you know that we all belong to crypto space, and there are many projects launching every day, and there must be many that are also working for the online monetization and removing the traditional method.

Hydro's Monetization Model

I know a lot of products, but how does hydro online monetization model work and how it's different from other traditional methods or projects that are working in online monetization? So basically, Hydro just uses a very simple script. It's just a very short JavaScript snippet that you can input into your website. Just like a Google Pixel or Facebook pixel. It's exactly the same process. You copy paste it into the headers of your website, but it doesn't collect any data, it doesn't slow down your website, it isn't affected by ad blockers. It's very simply just tracking how long users engage with your page.

Session Tracking System

So as long as the page is open and the tab is active and everything, it will count as session towards the session duration. So basically it looks at how many sessions you have and the duration of those sessions. The more you have in, the longer the people stay, the more rewards you get. So this engagement time is converted into earnings, basically through a proof of stake system. So basically pull the funds from paid subscription to fractionalized validators from different blockchain networks. Right now it's just sue generating the yield that pays, basically.

Advantages of Hydro

So compared to traditional ads, it's basically a bit more of a steady and potentially higher income, since of course it's based on user engagement rather than just clicks. And also very important to mention, Hydro doesn't basically discriminate on the geographic factor as well. For example, Google pays very differently, you know, western Europe, USA and stuff like that. The clicks are worth a few dollars, up to $10, $15 really, depending on the actual location. But if you look at Southeast, East Asia, eastern Europe, other parts, you know, South America and so on, the pays are considerably less and you're looking at a few cents, a few.

Geographic Payment Discrepancy

1020, $0.30 maybe. So yeah. Very, very big difference that Google applies between different geographic regions, which we don't. So basically that's another advantage to hydro. Payouts are also done not monthly like through AdSense. We're doing them twice a month now. We're still refining the process right now. Actually we've had a huge, pretty huge growth recently. So yeah, we've been accommodating to a huge influx of publishers right now. That's great.

User Engagement Strategies

The features you guys have mentioned in hydro online, of course, that is very intriguing for the user's engagement. It enhances the user engagement, makes it easy and of course affordable too. Thank you for the great explanation. And one thing that I would like to mention, as you said, user engagement and user experience is very important when it comes to any project. And community building and support is also another factor when you start a project and community feedback and their engagement with a project is mandatory.

Community Programs Introduction

And I believe that can be achieved through different programs and airdrops and rewards and stuff like that. I have seen that you guys have introduced two types of community programs, loyalty and community plus program. So would you like to talk a bit more about this community program and what are their different features and how people can avail it? Yeah, sure. So for the. Just to go for the very short version first and then I'll detail a bit basic loyalty program.

Details on Loyalty Program

So the first one you mentioned, the idea is very simple. The publisher can share part of his revenue, which is completely up to him how much with his user, basically. So he can look at the users, which is completely his data. This is nothing to do with us. We just offer him the possibility he can just share a portion of his revenue with his more loyal user, so to say. So the visitors that stay the most on his site and so on. This is, this is just to help him loyal, to help the loyalty of the, of his users, basically to help the publisher, you know, grow his community.

Community Plus Program Description

But which of course is a good thing for us as well. But again, for the plus program that you mentioned, the second one, this is a bit of a different feature, so to say, users can sign up. So this is on the user side, more pay a really low amount. We're still looking at pricing strategies right now it's going to be something like probably fifty cents per month or $5 per year or something like that. And basically that way they support the publisher directly paying a small amount and they get higher rewards.

Future Community Program Plans

So basically they're kind of like super loyalty, super loyal users so to say. So just to detail a bit more, these programs will be active a bit later. We're still working on them and all of the details are still under consideration. But the whole idea is there. Tech has started working on them already and yeah basically the community program, the visit. Just to recap a bit, the visitors will have an introduction to web free to a web three environment as well.

Tokenization and Earnings Sharing

This is very important if the website owners decide to share the earnings with their visitors and also these earnings will be shared in hydro. So that's another use case for the tokenization. So Azure will simply present an option for website owners, you know, to share their earnings by a percentage. So let's say they can opt to share 10% of their rewards for the platform and those will go directly to their most loyal users. So with the community plus program on the other hand, we plan to increase the stickiness, so to say of these users to ad free by rewarding them additionally.

Rewards for Subscribers

So they'll get bigger rewards. And if the visitors subscribe to the community plus program they learn about double the amount. So just to get an idea. Yeah. All right. Browse all the websites. That's great, thank you. I was looking forward to your website and couldn't find on your ex. So is that live or your white paper or stuff? We don't have a white paper. We were from the beginning were of the opinion that it's kind of outdated this practice of having a white paper.

Rationale Behind No White Paper

We want to cater more to the web two audience as well. So we didn't really see the need for a white paper. But you're saying that you found our website, right? Yeah, going through the technology sections and also the product. The sections which are split into the three main products I think should answer most of the questions. Perfect. Thank you.

The Significance of Marketing

Will you? Of course, we talk about the marketing which is a central part of projects. And I believe every project must have dedicated some percentage of the revenue to marketing for more growth and development. So how important can be the influencer part marketing and how hydro platform leverage social media and influencer marketing? And if I can ask about some of your partners at the moment. Oh yeah, sure.

Influencer Marketing Strategy

So this is actually a very important part of our marketing strategy. The influencer part. Absolutely. We're working with, already working with quite a few big name Kos from the industry, from the crypto industry mostly we're looking into more web two guys as well. So we're quite heavily, and on this part, we're quite heavily leaning towards web three influencers, but we do have a few web two ones, but we definitely need to get more. But the idea is that we've already partnered with quite a few and we really realize the importance of virality today's world.

Video Content Focus

So we're focusing on video content most of all, we're passing on video content to these guys as much as we can support them to share. And yeah, we've, so far, we've partnered with about over 230, I think close to 250 kos by now. And some of the biggest names, I mean, Capo, that Martini guy would be another one. Ivan on tech is a really good big one. Bagsy as well, just to give some of the names, but those can be also found on our website as well.

Upcoming Features and Rewards

That's great. They're really big names. So today you are here with the crypto stalkers. Before ending our introductory segment, I would like to ask if there are any hidden rewards and surprises for the users to enhance their, of course, experience that you guys have not announced officially yet, but you guys are working. I mean, what are the scenes looking behind? If you can reveal some of the details, that would be great. And this live expense? What I can reveal at this point is that we're very close to launching our geyser program, which is a new airdrop program completely made by us.

Introduction to the Geyser Program

So it's not through Zle or anything else. It is basically our first and main and only airdrop program. We've been working on it for a couple of months now. So it's going to be basically a whole new interface, a whole new part of the website where you can go and get your referral code and earn your rewards and everything. That's, that's a pretty big one that's coming. There's no official announcement yet because we don't really know the date. We will find out by the end of this week, early next week, but it should be within the month.

Revenue Streams and Profitability

Fine. Thanks. Thank you for. For telling us about the upcoming details. So it's time to start some of the community live questions. And I will randomly unmute few members from the community and some of the Twitter questions. So I have just unmuted Mister Ben, can you please unmute yourself and ask your question about the project? Hello. I'm audible. Yeah, yeah, you are audible. Please go ahead with your question. All right. All right. My question is, what are your primary revenue stream and how do you plan to attract profitability in the time of.

Main Revenue Streams Explained

So basically, our main revenue stream comes from the cut we take from the validator activity. So basically from the hydro plus tier, when people lock up the collateral and they start earning the actual rewards from the fractionalized validators, that's where we take our cut and that's where we make our main revenue stream. But however, a very close one will also be once we're really established and bigger will also be probably the loyalty plus program as well as we are collecting the fee. And, yeah, those are our two main revenue streams at the moment from the base of our platform, basically.

Strategies for User Growth

And the second question was. All right, how do you plan to attract and retain a significant user base, especially in the high competitive crypto market? Oh, so basically for this, I mean, we have the advantage that we don't really have a direct competitor doing exactly what we're doing. So we have the first mover advantage, so to say, which we're using quite a lot. And it's been seen in the results that we've been getting in terms of sign ups. We've had a huge amount of organic signups coming from Reddit, mostly.

Organic Growth Through Community Engagement

Like, there's been huge organic discussions, threads open there that we didn't, we really didn't do anything. Nothing related to ads. We didn't pay anything. We didn't use anything. But, yeah, people just got interested because it's the only web three related monetization alternative to ads and it's already been tested. I mean, we have almost 15k publishers. Around 15k publishers already signed up. And it's becoming more and every day more and more approved that it's working and that, you know, people are getting more and more interested in it on their own.

Leveraging Video Content for Growth

It's like a word of mouth organic thing that really worked out for us and we're just trying to sustain it. To answer, to complete your question and answering your question, we're just trying to boost this basically advantage that we've got by using a lot of video content we've been really building over the last month or so content for our TikTok account. Well, that's what we're trying to grow now, Instagram reels, YouTube reels, all of that stuff. So basically that will help a lot in pushing this momentum forward.

Plans for Tutorials and Web Two Integration

Thank you. And Ben, for your all right, there is one question from the Twitter segment that how do you guys plan for big partnership on utilizing to pass your project on to people, those who are non crypto? So basically how we plan to attract more web too. So you have, you guys plan any YouTube channel for your tutorials and how to use your project and how you can enhance your user engagement and stuff? Oh, yes, we already have an explainer video showing how to implement the script and set up the platform for the first time.

User-Friendly Approach and Communication

But yeah, the idea is this is something we've taken into consideration since the rebrand. So we've also always had an eye on this. This is one of our focuses. If you look on our website, we tried to keep language, the actual words used in the copy and so on, as simple and as web tool friendly as possible on our internal communications and everything. When we are preparing some decks and materials to send out to partners, collaborators and so on, we are also always having this in mind.

Security Measures

We're having separate versions for web two and so on, where we have specific words that we use to words and phrases that we use to translate, so to say, terms like validators, nodes yields, stuff like that. We try to always make it as easily digestible as possible for a person that we assume has no touch with crypto and very little touch with finance and tech. That's something we've always had in mind, and it's mostly related to the communications, how we build a copy hide with the websites, collaterals and so on.

Addressing Security Concerns

Perfect. And there is one question from the Twitter segment. You know, the security problem, there can be high risks of bugs and allow hackers to hide online for project and its users. So can you tell about the solutions that you guys offer to prevent any sort of hacking or things like that? Yeah. So, I mean, this is more on the tech side, on the tech department side.

Platform Security Overview

But what I can offer here in terms of details that I have, information that I have, first of all, there's, the way I see it, there's the security of the actual platform where the publishers, you know, earn their money and everything. And also there's the general security question with our social media accounts and all that, which doesn't really affect the publishers directly and their earnings, but it affects the image of the company and so on. We did have a Twitter hack recently, and after that, our tech team actually produced, within a week, produced a whole very detailed procedure document where we upgraded our systems, we have two FA everywhere. We changed all our passwords, all of them. We always follow all the procedures, every one of us, and so on. But on the other side, on the actual platform side, what I can tell you is that everything that's been done and built has been audited by some of the top companies.

Investments in Auditing and Security

Like, we've invested a lot of capital into auditing or our codes and everything. So basically, everything that's been built, even, you know, from the beginning, you keep adding on stuff and so on. Everything that's been made, even the geyser platform, which is separate, has been audited separately and so on. So we use. We use very good auditing services on everything that we build. All right. I have unmuted security on it. Sorry. No problem. So I have unmuted another member from the community. Renovant. Can you please ask your question and unmute yourself? Yeah, I have unmuted you. Please unmute yourself and ask your question. Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to ask, hydro online, how would you try and improve your security? How serious do you, the security system? Will you protect users privacy data?

Data Protection Measures

I think we've already talked about it earlier, but would you like to add some more details? Yeah, just the fact that, first of all, we don't really collect data unless otherwise, other than. Sorry. Other than your emails when you sign up and stuff like IPS and general, very basic information, but nothing personally identifiable, and we don't really store that. So, yeah, basically, we also. When you log into our platform, there's also the possibility to log via ZK login. So using Google or Facebook, I mean, it's, you know, regular, top notch, top grade security that's been used everywhere. So your data is pretty much safe. Thank you for answering the question. And there is one question from the Twitter segment. So does Hydro online have published roadmap outlining its future development plans and upcoming initiatives?

Development Roadmap and Initiatives

And what are some of the key milestones or goals that project is working towards right now these days? Okay, so the most important one and the number one priority right now is the Hydro plus, finishing the Hydro plus product tier, because basically right now we're running on freemium just to give the people, you know, a chance to try the platform and so on. But they cannot actually upgrade at this point. But if you've been following our recent bi weekly and monthly updates, the team has been the tech. Our tech department. Our tech team has been making huge, huge advances on this side, and we're pretty much almost ready to launch it, which will, you know, give a whole new dimension to the whole platform.

Upcoming Airdrop Program

So that's the biggest one, the second one, I guess, would be like what I mentioned before, the Geyser airdrop program. So again, guys, that's going to be a big one. And basically everybody can earn from that. It's regular, you know, Airdrop program, which will help us build our socials and our community in their presence more and also give you guys a chance to earn. What else? I think these two are the biggest developments that will be coming out related to the platform in the next, in the short future, short term future. All right. Thank you for telling about the roadmap. So there is one question, if I can ask.

Role of Data Analytics

What role does data analytics and play in optimizing your hydro online operations? And how does the platform leverage real time data to improve performance and predict maintenance needs? So basically, what we're doing internally at this point is every week we have a report built split into three main sections, the socials, the social metrics and all of that, the media buying and all the spends that we're doing to, you know, to increase our reach and visibility and customers, which includes pretty much, you know, everything that we spend the money on. And the third one would be coming from the tech department, which is more along the lines of what you asked about, which we're looking at. First of all, the number of tickets that have come in, how they've been solved, how many of them have been solved in what period of time, and so on.

Support and Improvement Efforts

So the support, we're really pushing and trying to improve our support side because we've been kind of overwhelmed with the huge growth we've seen over the past month. And, yeah, I think that's pretty much it, I guess, off the top. Yeah, I think we have covered the major part of the project, and if you guys have any questions, you can feel free to jump into their community. They will surely entertain you. Are you guys on discord as well? No discord. Our main platform is telegram and Twitter. All right. Telegram and Twitter. So feel free to jump into telegram and Twitter and you can ask your questions.

Future Updates and Conclusion

And thank you for joining us today as a guest. Would like you, would you like to add some more details about the project? Any upcoming updates or something that you want to tell us, the community, so they can check it out? Just. Yeah, not really. Nothing specifically. Just stay close. Like I mentioned, we have a bigger program coming out very soon. So that's an opportunity or earning opportunity for you guys. And, yeah, our new product here is close to launching as well for whoever is using it as a publisher, if we have people here. So, yeah, that's going to be big for our publishers as well. Thank you.

Closing Remarks

Thank you. I really appreciate your time and thank you for telling us about the highlights of your projects. And I hope that hydro online will be able to make a remarkable place in this competitive world of crypto. It's already unique and not many projects are working on the online monetization to making it easy and to enhance the user experience and engagement, of course. So feel free to ask the questions. Community thank you, man. Have a great day. Have a great day, everyone. Thank you very much for having me. Thank you for joining us today.

Final Goodbyes

Good day, everyone.

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