Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter Space dives deep into the world of NFTs and digital art, exploring how artists combine their skills in graphic design and coding to create unique artworks. The discussion highlights the importance of community support, which provides both emotional encouragement and professional networking opportunities. Participants share their personal journeys from traditional art mediums to embracing digital platforms like Gen AI for creating music and art. The conversation touches on the challenges of public speaking, the balancing act between creativity and technical skills, and how engaging in community spaces can help overcome anxieties. By sharing their stories, the artists emphasize the inclusivity and supportiveness of the NFT and digital art communities, inspiring others to join and innovate in this vibrant space.


Q: How did you transition into digital art and NFTs?
A: By combining a background in graphic design with coding skills.

Q: What challenges do you face as a digital artist?
A: Balancing creativity with technical demands and overcoming public speaking anxiety.

Q: How do you stay creative and productive?
A: Using tools like Gen AI and engaging in community spaces.

Q: What role does community support play in your journey?
A: It provides encouragement and helps overcome anxiety.

Q: How important is networking in the NFT space?
A: Very important; connections lead to growth and collaboration.

Q: Do you have any traditional art training?
A: Yes, many started as graphic designers or had other creative backgrounds.

Q: What is your typical work environment like?
A: It varies, but a supportive and quiet space like a home office is ideal.

Q: How do you handle public speaking and presenting your work?
A: By practicing on platforms like Twitter Spaces and getting comfortable with it.

Q: What tools do you use for your digital art?
A: Tools like Gen AI and other digital platforms.

Q: How has your work evolved over time?
A: It has evolved from traditional media to incorporating more technological elements.

Q: What advice do you have for new digital artists entering the NFT space?
A: Stay engaged with the community, practice public speaking, and continually learn new tools.


Time: 00:05:12
Introduction to Digital Art – Discussing the transition from traditional to digital art.

Time: 00:10:34
Importance of Community – Emphasizing the role of a supportive community.

Time: 00:15:05
Balancing Art and Coding – The challenges of merging creative and technical skills.

Time: 00:20:34
Use of Gen AI – How artists utilize Gen AI for music and digital art.

Time: 00:25:12
Personal Growth Stories – Sharing experiences of personal growth through digital art.

Time: 00:30:10
Overcoming Anxiety – The impact of community support in overcoming anxiety.

Time: 00:35:04
Graphic Design to Coding – Journey from graphic design to incorporating coding in art.

Time: 00:40:20
Creative Tools and Techniques – Different tools and techniques used by digital artists.

Time: 00:45:19
Gen AI in Music Creation – Creating music with Gen AI to enhance digital art projects.

Time: 00:45:41
Closing Remarks – Final thoughts and appreciation for the community's support.

Time: 00:45:54
Farewell Messages – Saying goodbye and expressing gratitude to participants.

Key Takeaways

  • The fusion of art and coding offers unique opportunities for creators in the NFT space.
  • Community support on platforms like Twitter Spaces helps artists overcome anxiety.
  • Artists use a variety of tools and platforms
  • such as Gen AI
  • to create innovative digital art.
  • Balancing technical skills with creativity can be both challenging and rewarding.
  • Networking and making connections are crucial for growth in the art and NFT community.
  • Engaging with an audience
  • even in a digital environment
  • helps build confidence.
  • The digital art and NFT communities are inclusive and supportive spaces.
  • Personal stories reveal how many artists transition from traditional media to digital art.
  • Some artists have a background in graphic design or other creative fields.
  • The environment and context where an artist works can significantly affect their productivity.
  • Speaking on public platforms helps artists refine their ideas and presentations.

Behind the Mic

“`json { "response": "amic nfts too, that it might be really beneficial for the Possum Tales game just because I want to have it so that when you beat the game, you get your NFT. Right. But if you beat the game a second time, I want to be able to update the stats. So have some kind of like burn old NFT function. Give you a mint, a new one kind of thing. So I think there's going to seem even like hooks or some amendments coming up down the road that will really kind of streamline that, which I'm looking forward to. So if I heard you right, it's between the ID and maybe hooks. Yeah, like, I know there's, I think it's called dynamic nfts. I don't know if it's like XLS 46 or it's. I forget the number. I'm really bad. I kind of forget the numbers. But there's that one as well as the dids. Because even with the decentralized ids, like not just about the gaming, but you could hook it up to like a voting system for governments or even just your healthcare data if you go to a different country, how do you access that and that kind of thing? So I see like a lot of just potential altogether with dids. Yeah. It opens the field for so much more things to be possible. I agree. And I think, like, dids will really be helpful in metaverses as well. So you'll be able to transfer from, like, one area to the next, be able to keep your identity and still have it, like, autonomous. Right? Yeah. Awesome book. Did you have more questions, lip? I'm out of no rush. I'm not sure how y'all time looking, though. I don't want to hold y'all. No, we got plenty of time. There's always plenty of time. We don't. Time is a construct. Yeah, that's a script. But I know, too. Like, there was, I think, space mermaids that got a ripple grant, and that was last year. And it was like, kind of like, you know, your space shooter and stuff, and you go around and try and get the high score. You know, those games are great, but they kind of lose their, like, lose their longevity because it's like, okay, you get the high score, and now it's like, okay, I'm done. So I hope it's more of a longevity kind of game. Yeah, for sure it is. And to kind of one more add note on that, with, like, the story mode, I'm trying to actually integrate a lot of the games I grew up playing and trying to take all those, like, really good memories I had from all those games and actually just integrate those into this game itself so that. I'm actually kind of honoring all those games I used to play and making it fun over again so that this game really kind of has that longevity to it. So that's what I'm hoping for, and I'm really looking forward to having that done. And hopefully we get the beating hearts down. Yeah, well, you definitely have a passion for it. And I was wondering as well, you'd spoken about November, once you've done that sort of, I guess, soft launch. Will you be looking for people to better test on that? Oh, I've already have, like, 500 volunteers, so I'm good to go. Like, everyone's like, oh, you got all the beta tests. You gotta let me beta test. So I think the community's firm's gonna be the one beta testing it, and they get to use all their nfts, so it's gonna be great. Yeah. Awesome. That's amazing. Well, if we don't have any more questions from the audience, I just want to round off with saying xrplawesompossum.com for merch, and you can pop over to the XRP cafe to get an NFT of the XRP possum and support if you choose. But, yeah, also give GorQ and XRPL awesome possum a follow, and links are also in their bios. And thank you, Gork, for your time today. I really appreciate you, and it's been a fun space to have you in. What's that? This month, every Gen two possum, you might get an entry into the raffle. Oh, yeah. And also join their discord if you want to be part of the XRP possums. But, yeah, it's been a pleasure to have you on the show and a lot of fun. Yeah, thanks for having me. I really appreciate it. And honestly, like, even though we met in apex, like, oh, man, I'm still so nervous, and people want to chat about stuff. It's, like, just anxiety in me, but it's really nice just getting on, like, on the spaces and talking, just getting comfortable with it and whatnot. So, yeah, thanks for having us. Really appreciate it. Yeah. And I'm going to take us out today with some music that I created on Gen AI. So I don't know if you've heard about Gen AI, but I created some music there. So big love to everyone. Thank you to all the listeners who stopped by. I appreciate you all. Gok, have an awesome afternoon evening to shellfish and Lip, who came up to the stage. Thank you. Have a great day, everyone. Bye, queen. Bye, Gork. Bye, lip, everyone. Good day, everyone. Bye, Jason.

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