Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Portfolio Reviews hosted by Phemex_official. Crypto Portfolio Reviews on Phemex offer valuable insights into optimizing investment strategies, managing risk, and exploring NFT and DeFi opportunities. Learn from experts about effective derivatives trading, portfolio diversification, and practical tips for enhancing performance in the dynamic crypto market.

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Q: What insights does Phemex provide for crypto portfolio management?
A: Phemex offers valuable tools and resources for optimizing crypto portfolios and enhancing trading strategies.

Q: Why is understanding derivatives trading important in the crypto space?
A: Derivatives trading allows investors to hedge risks, speculate on asset prices, and diversify portfolio strategies in the crypto market.

Q: How can NFT trends benefit a crypto portfolio?
A: Investing in NFTs can provide opportunities for portfolio diversification, potential high returns, and exposure to a growing market segment.

Q: Why is risk management crucial for crypto investors?
A: Effective risk management helps mitigate losses, protect investments, and promote long-term sustainability in the volatile crypto market.

Q: What practical tips can experts offer for improving portfolio performance?
A: Experts can provide insights on asset allocation, market analysis, and strategic decision-making to enhance portfolio yields and minimize risks.


Time: 00:15:48
Derivatives Trading Strategies Discussion on effective strategies for utilizing derivatives in crypto portfolio management.

Time: 00:25:20
NFT Investment Opportunities Exploring the potential of NFTs in diversifying and enhancing crypto investment portfolios.

Time: 00:35:10
Risk Mitigation Techniques Insights on risk management tools and practices for safeguarding crypto assets in volatile markets.

Key Takeaways

  • Phemex as a leading global crypto exchange offers valuable insights for crypto portfolio management.
  • Understanding derivatives trading is crucial for optimizing crypto investment strategies.
  • Exploring NFT trends and DeFi protocols can enhance portfolio diversification and potential returns.
  • Incorporating risk management strategies is essential for sustainable growth and protection of crypto assets.
  • Learning from experts in the crypto space can provide practical tips for portfolio performance improvement.

Behind the Mic

Dog Barking Disruption

Dude, not. Not the dog ruining the song. I'm out here playing Dave Ramsey and the dog comes out here and just starts barking. Not ruining the song. Your dog's adding just, you know, adding new. New lyrics. You're right. You're right. I appreciate you, William. Let me double network. I'm going to shoot you a co host invite right now. Let me know if you get it. Shooting it over right now. You should be getting it. And make sure all the speakers are on stage. Be a pretty cool conversation, guys. Welcome to Wolfud three.

Starting the Space

All right, I think we can get started here. Wow, that's crazy. Starting a space with Dave Ramsey, bro. That's wild. I feel like we should be getting copyrighted or something. No, I'm kidding. I grew up with that song. Like, my dad literally listened to Dave Ramsey every single morning for like nine years. I just. I do. I just need to change it up. I love suits, but, like, we've got to switch it up. So I'm going to make it happen. I'm putting my foot down. We're going to. We're going to make a change here and we'll be back, I'm sure. But, yeah, listen, it's great to have you guys here. Welcome to Wolf what three. We're talking deep ins today. We got some amazing people on the panel.

Panel Introductions

We've got William up here, of course, Daven Network, who's sponsoring this show. I'll get into that in just a second. Before we dive into the broader world of deep inside. We got Ladytrader in the house, of course. We got Gabe hotspotty nfy, we got Alex, we got Jax, we got Benny. I think we got a couple more people coming, but, yeah, huge shout to everyone here. If you could just take a quick second and retweet the space for me, it takes just a couple seconds. I would really appreciate. Bottom right corner, that little purple pill. It would help us out tremendously. And we'll get this conversation out there to the people, and especially for the ones who can't make it live, I'm sure there are a lot of people end up tuning in.

Retweet Request

You know, they're in different time zones and stuff, and it would be just tremendously helpful. So I really appreciate it. If you like deep ins, then help us out. Hit the retweet button and let me switch over my mic. Okay. That should be a little bit more crisp, but yeah, guys, we have. We have a Wi Fi network up here, co hosting. They're gonna be sponsoring this show, so it's great to have them here. They're gonna be chiming into the conversation just to talk dpins, really. Today, they've got some crazy investors, including, you know, multi can capital, multi coin capital, borderless capital, y combinator, you know, including a bunch of private investors, angel investors and stuff like that.

Sponsorship and Investment

They're a pioneer in building low cost public wifi networks india since 2017. They're going strong right now. They really just entered the deep end space a year or two ago, and they're really doing a great job. They're building on Solana blockchain. They're playing through thousands of hotspots right now. Right now india with super fast and cheap Internet, and they're doing a great job. They're powered by blockchain, and they're hoping to offer some of the craziest returns. And the deep end conversation is really interesting for me specifically because it introduces an entirely different angle to a business that most you just don't hear about. A lot of the crypto companies are just a bunch of nonsense, you know?

The Business Landscape

And these guys, when you. When you. When you get involved and you purchase a hotspot, which I pinned up at the top here for season two, you can get them involved right now. Participants in the season will research, will receive Genesis rewards for early participation. They've got an airdrop coming at some point, and when you get these hotspots, they take care of deployments and all those things for you, maintenance, so you don't have to worry about any of that stuff. So they're doing a bunch of cool stuff in the deep end world. It's deep. It's fascinating to me because it brings in the real world. So I can't wait to get into the conversation. I'll throw over to William and just get you just do a quick little mic check and make sure everything's going well on your end.

Mic Check

Oh, dude. My mic hopefully sounds amazing, but your mic sounds crispier than Dave Ramsey, bro. Like, that was. That was beautiful. I honestly was jamming out super hard when you played that song. I was like, oh, my God, I'm blasting the past. I'm going to start dancing. So I did, but no one obviously, saw my moves on here, unfortunately. But I'm really excited to talk to all of our friends here. We got Dava network, Alex. Alex from demo. Frickin killing it over there. Gabe over there, man. Hot spotty. Of course, all these guys. Jack spin. Jax is freaking awesome. Just really excited to talk to all of you, man.

Excitement for the Conversation

So, yeah, everything's fantastic on my end. Let's go. Let's go. I'll throw to David network and make sure Mike's working on that end as well. How are you guys doing? Hey, I'm doing good. Yes. Happy to be here to meet everyone. We have some of our founders here as well, Karam and shoobs. My name is Dawn. I take care of a bit of marketing, a bit of communications at Dubba. So super happy to be here to be a part of these spaces and to see where this goes. Dude, Don, I was going to ask if that was you, man. I was going to say, guys, Don makes a nasty tea.

Tea and Networking

Dude, this tea is incredible. When you meet Don, he's going to make you. So he's going to cook us some amazing tea, and you're going to get blown away by not just the network they're building, but the tea they're making, too. Don, the tea maker. That's why I call him. Yeah, we. We just sent out a bunch of merch for everybody with some indian chai and some, like, chai glasses, straight from India. So, yeah, you know, come by the double office, and we're more than happy to serve you a hot cup of chai over some deep in any day.

Event and Growth

Right on. Right on. Love it. All right, dude, let's. I'm super hyped to jump into the space. There's a whole lot of topics we can dive into on deep ins. I did want to throw it over to William first, though, see if there's any thoughts as far as things that are going around in the deep end industry, just the broader deep end industry. Any top stories, any big projects, or just things that are kind of going around in your circles? I know you're in that world a whole lot more than I am, and we got some experts in the panel that I'm really excited to kind of dive into the topic, but I'll throw it over to you, William, and if anyone else has any top stories or things they want to bring up, please throw up a hand right now.

Discussion on Industry Trends

And while William's talking, we can kind of throw the mic around the panel. So I'm super excited. I'll throw it to you, William. Yeah, man. I mean, there's always lots happening, honestly, in the deep end space. The thing I'm noticing most is, just, like, the user bases of all these platforms are starting to actively grow, which is always great. Like, you're just seeing a very slow, kind of a slow growth, but the growth is still there, like, I'm seeing all these companies like helium mobile, among others. And of course there's daba as well, you know, just posting lots of just, you know, hey, there's more users hopping on board.

User Base Growth

And that's always a great thing to see. So that's one thing I'd point out. The most major thing I saw, honestly. It's kind of funny, too. But, I know, I'm sure everyone saw the McDonald's Instagram hack. That just happens. And I was just thinking to myself, like, man, it's so funny that we don't like all these rugs and like all these like, crazy scams get posted, but you never see anything like that. Or it's really tough to see stuff like that in the deep end space, or I rarely ever see it here. And I'm really thankful for that because I'm just like, okay, you have a bit more professional, more serious people here that understand, like, you know, revenue models and they understand like network growth and everything.

Quality in Deep End Space

And they're not just posting and showing a bunch of, like, meme crap. And so we don't fall for things like this, you know, as easily as like the general user. And so I just thought that was really funny. I saw a hilarious post regarding that, but in the deep ins, in the deep end world, I don't have anything major upcoming just yet. There's lots to go through, just lots of different people to kind of, well, lots of different communities and networks to review. But yeah, just kind of slow and steady, man. We're chugging along.

Random Ant Encounter

Right on, right on. Appreciate it. Sorry, I took a second there. I just noticed. This is so random. I shouldn't even be saying this, but a bunch of ants just came out of nowhere. I'm looking at my window and there's some strange thing on my window sill, and there's like a million ants sitting right there. So I'm going to take out this. If you build it, they will come, Cade. If you build it, they will come. That's all I have to say. I saw hotspotty with their hand up, man. I'll go ahead and toss it to them.

Ants and Hotspotty Introduction

Yeah, I'm sure the answer. Excited to hear your talk. That's probably what happened. Hey, everyone, I'm Daniel. I'm the co founder of Hotspotty and we're building deep in hub and yeah, super happy to be here. I mean, I can recognize so many of the folks and people that we see, like, around the world. There's going to be token 24 9th we're going to break point in a few weeks, but one thing that I would like to tell everyone that's actually happening very soon on Friday, Cyprus and Sunday is a three day event called deep in Revolution.

Deep In Revolution Event

I don't know if for those who didn't realize yet, it's going to be the biggest deep in event ever made. And it's going to be, the website is called Revolution Deep Inhub IO. It's going to be a three day event. We have over 35 founders, investors talking about deep in. There's going to be like a lot of projects that, you know, a lot of projects I'm sure you don't know yet unless you've been like me, just like talking to new projects every day. And it's, yeah, it's super cool to see everything that's happening in space.

Event Promotion

Our event, like if you go to our telegram, which is deepen hub, you'll see like it's kind of blowing up with new people joining the event. It's going to be super cool. It's going to be, I think, 10 hours a day for three days. Everything's going to be recorded. There's going to be a really cool event and I'd like to invite everyone to join. Yeah, I mean, we've been breathing deep for the past four years and it's really cool to see how the space has been growing.

Future of Deep In

And like William, I'm saying it's a steady growth, but it's something that is, we're building something that's real. It's not a bunch of like meme coins and things that are just going to be a phase. We're trying to build companies here. They're going to be here to stay for a long term and actually change the way that we interface with, you know, society, economics and we're building like the share economy 2.0, for example, and super excited to be here.

Community Health and Networking

Well said, man. Well said. Kate, how are the ants doing? Did you make friends with them yet? Yeah, I did. I found, I found. What was the cause originally? I'm hoping that's not a problem. It shouldn't be a problem for the rest of the space, that's for sure.

Reflections on Deepin Events

I'll make sure we'll be all good. But yeah. Interesting stuff all around. I am curious what the deep end IRL events are like. I have not been to one of those. So, yeah, the, in real life deep ins and sort of the meetups there. I'm very curious on what those conversations look like. Maybe I'll throw it over to. We've got a couple. We've got some really awesome people. I want to give a huge shout to everyone who's up here right now. We got Benny, Karam, Jax, Alex, Nfy. How spotty. Gabe, Andy. I'm Lady Trader. And then, of course, our amazing co host. So I saw a few new people had joined, but yeah, I had seen. I think there was also another hand, but I'm curious just to get your thoughts on the perspective of where deepins is going in general from today.

Conversations Around Deepin

Some of the conversations I'm hearing, they dwindle down to the degenerate really fast and they just become about the tge that are coming out. And then at that point, it's not even really about whether it's a dpin or not. It's just about this token that's coming. But now we're starting to get to a point where a few of the companies have been building for a few years. There's definitely some leaders that are emerging that are doing some great stuff. I know, William, you're keeping up to date with a lot of those with Deepin daily, but I am curious on the panel's thoughts, and maybe I can start with Andy or maybe Alex and get you guys into the conversation of where you think deepens goes from here, what direction, maybe for the rest of 2024 into 2025, because I want to know a little bit of a timeline. If we're looking at two to three years for some of these bigger developments, or if we're looking at five to ten year Spanish.

Long-term Perspectives

I'm always one to tell people to think in decades. That's the approach that Deemo has taken. Bitcoin is what now, 15 years old? I mean, there's a lot of people out there who think, oh, yeah, like. One year, two years, we're going to change the world. And if you look at the history of disruptive technology, it actually takes much longer. It feels suddenly, but the development and the trajectory takes a very long time. Especially we're taking web three principles into brand new industries. So bitcoin came around, and over the last 15 years, people said it's going to disrupt financial services, and, well, it has to some extent. It is still a relatively nascent technology to the financial industry. If you think that helium is going to upset the entire telecom world in the next couple of years, I think you're mistaken.

The Future of Disruptive Technologies

If you think Deemo is going to upset the entire auto industry in a couple of years. We're not going to do it. It's going to take decades. So I'm always encouraging that really long term time horizon, and that's the approach that we at Deemo and the team have taken. But that doesn't mean there isn't a whole heck of a lot of stuff to be excited about in the short run. I think the most important thing that is happening right now at this moment throughout Deepin and really throughout crypto in general, and something that we're working on as well, is making onboarding easier for the average user. We finally have the tools with new wallet infrastructure and account abstraction. If you're in the EVM world where you can really hide the wires of account onboarding and, you know, we're very focused on making the demo tokens that people earn feel like a reward point.

Onboarding and User Experience

We're at a point right now where the crypto experience doesn't have to feel like a crypto experience. It can just feel like a regular consumer app. And so, you know, I think helium mobile is definitely proving this out. You know, we're probably a little bit behind them, but making big strides in our mobile app. I love what daylight has done with their app and many others. I think we're going to be able to see in 2025 and then, you know, even more so in the years that follow huge amounts of web, two consumers, people who just like apps and are not here for the crypto, start onboarding to these apps. And I think that's something to be incredibly excited about. Now you're so spot on there, Alex.

Personal Experiences with Onboarding

I just to add on to your point, I mean, like to what helium is built, I've been able to onboard three to four. I think some of the fifth person is actually switching over right now. But I've onboarded like three or four of my friends onto helium, like just by saying, hey, cheaper cell phone plan, here's the app. And they download the app and they're like, oh, wow, this makes complete sense. And then they find out about the crypto stuff afterwards. And like you said, too, like, it's building slowly but surely. And like, in the next two years, like, we might not see these industries get upset or get like kind of turned over, but I definitely think the five to ten year thought process is the way to be on this stuff.

The Evolution of Deepins in the Future

Like, I've said it over and over again that, you know, deep ins, I feel like eventually down the road when this industry is a lot more mature, are going to be like the default mechanism at like data collection and service, providing to some degree. And I saw a bunch of hands pop up. Oh, my goodness. I guess we'll toss it off. We'll toss it off to Andy here first, and then we'll go to, I guess, hot spotty. We talked. We had you talk earlier. So we'll go to Karam after, and then we'll go to hot spotty, if that's all right. So we'll do Andy Karam, and then hot spotty. Yeah.

Exploring the Future of Deepin

So, the. The question of, you know, what is the future of deepen? Or at least what do the next couple of years look like? And I think Alex hit one of the narratives that I'm looking at. So, in the next run, everyone looks at narratives. One of the narratives I'm looking at is deep in. But within that, I think there's a handful of things that I'm really excited about. One, the thing he kind of jumped on was onboarding. People are using these apps and using these things without even realizing that they are crypto based or web. Three, whatever.

Impact of User Awareness

Take your pick. So take your pick. So, that part is pretty amazing. The ability to bring on the quote unquote normies without them realizing they're coming into the ecosystem is pretty cool. Two, the fact that these are kind of bringing a new wave of how you own your own data, take control of your data before we have companies in the web two, world, they take your data, they sell your data. You don't give your consent for this other than when you first buy the thing. There's some big agreement, or it's in the terms and services and all that good stuff. But now you actually collect your data and you choose if you want to sell it or not.

The Power of Data Ownership

And you can actually make money from this pretty lucrative sometimes with some of these opportunities, whereas you're making no money before. So that, I think, alone is going to make this a really powerful kind of movement in the next, this upcoming bull run when people are learning about this. But the third thing I'm really probably the most excited about is the fact that this is, like, the future of how you build a company. So if you want to take an example of, like, Uber or something, once upon a time, you had. If you wanted to start a taxi company, you had to buy all the cars or license amount, hire the fleet.

New Business Models with DPIM

And then Uber came along and said, okay, we're going to have people with their cars. We're going to pay the money. They're going to build this fleet for us. Now we're taking it one step further with DPIM. And there's a million applications here. But not only are you having people build your infrastructure for you so you don't need nearly the capital you did once upon a time to get started, but you're having them build the network itself. You're having them contribute to sometimes the governance and how the entire network and the system operates, but there's entirely different layers of incentives built on top of it, other than just getting paid your hourly rate or whatever.

Incentives and Opportunities

And so that opens up a whole world of really exciting opportunities for people. And right now, I think we're seeing those early stages. Demo is one of them, helium another. There's a million different companies being built right now that are using these new models that I think is very much worth paying attention to. And then in, like, five to ten years, we're going to look back on some of these like we did. Looking back on, like, an Uber of the world. No, 100%, man. 100%. Andy, again, just completely agree with everything you just said.

The Ongoing Conversation

Karam, what you got for us? Mandy? Yeah, I think I definitely echo pretty much what everyone said so far. Like, thinking in terms of decades is absolutely right. Like, we've already been at this for almost eight years now, so you've definitely got to think about it in decades. It's one of those things that builds slowly over time and then tips over massively into the mainstream. People will think it happened overnight, but it takes a while. I think the next two, three years are still going to be in the deep end space. A lot of early adopters, because Deepin is still a small bit of the entire crypto industry.

The Challenge of Mainstream Adoption

It's not even mainstream in crypto. There's still ways to go over there, and I think hitting the real mainstream is going to take at least another five to ten years. One of the things that also has to happen is projects legit have to hit hundreds of millions or billions in revenue for our sort of value generated in a meaningful way. But it's not about onboarding fees and other things like that, but it's like genuine, actual, serious, meaningful revenue that kicks in when that happens. And people can see that, I think it'll tip incredibly fast, because if you think about it, deepen is an unbelievable set.

Opportunities and Challenges Ahead

It's like a great framework for capital allocation to opportunities that are traditionally really hard to do in the regular system. And there are massive opportunities like this available, right? Like, take what we're building, for example. There is room to build out a new telco in a country like India. And that's, you know, like $30 billion a year in revenue. It's hard to do that in a traditional way, but when you can use something like deepen, it makes it a unique way to align incentives with everybody to tackle these massive problems. And these massive problems are not going to go anywhere, and they haven't been solved until now.

Following the Promise of Deepin

So there's definitely room no 100% there. Karam, I mean, like, I was, you know, grateful and thankful enough to have you on the podcast recently and just discuss a lot of what Dhaba network was doing. And honestly, this, the way you just described, you know, deep in there, really just kind of rhymes true with what you all are doing india. And I just, I really love what y'all are building and kind of your approach and your thought toward the space.

The Long-Term Outlook

And again, just having that long time horizon and having the thought of like, hey, this is a new way to kind of have capital allocation and, like, kind of bring a ton of people together and bootstrap this network to hopefully one day overtake a lot of these, like, you know, giant tech monopolies and whatnot, like we talked about before. But I saw that hot spot of your ham went down there, so I'm not sure if you still want to go. Yeah, no, I just want to add a couple of things. No, just.

Community and Infrastructure

Yeah, I agree with. Everybody says, like, different from a lot of crypto angles. I think deep in is not even like a crypto focus. Right? Like, the crypto is just one part of the incentive to build some sort of infrastructure. So I like to think, like, we're building some. Something that's going to take a long time. And, I mean, for me at least, that I lived this, like, very tight, deep in bubble.

Awareness and Education

Like at the World Mobile Congress, I was on the stage and I asked, like, who here knows helium? Mobile World Congress is the biggest telco conference in the world. And from the whole public, like three or four people raised their hands and that was kind of like a waking call, right? Because, like, we breathe in helium knowing a lot of people see what's happening in space, demo, everything, and then realize, okay, there's actually a lot of work to be done. That's the first thing there's a lot of, like, awareness needs to be done, things like onboarding real people.

The Path to Recognition

And I think one of the cool things that really excited me about deepening is that people who interact with those projects a lot of times don't even need to know that's a crypto project. If you're using a storage project for your website, you don't need to necessarily know what's in the background, what's infrastructure being built on top and what crypto allows is this massive expansion. But I do believe also it's going to take, if you're going to talk in cycles, maybe two more cycles.

Building on a Solid Foundation

I think this one that we are right now is the one that there's a lot of new deepen projects coming. I do think that most of them, those projects that are actually trying to raise money and build on a hype most likely are going to die, like on a daily basis. There is a new AI deepen project asking me to be listed on deepen hub and most of them are just trying to build on the hype. I hope they succeed, but I don't think so.

The Right Projects Will Thrive

So projects that actually bring you value on the real life, on something that can really add value to the humanity or something like that, is actually the one that's going to survive in the long run and products actually thinking long. Term, no, 100% there. Hot spotty. I mean, like, that's the way I've described. And just to your point about kind of bringing on these non crypto users the way I've described DPIn to other people is kind of like, it's like the purest form of a co op.

The Cooperative Model

If anyone who's ever heard of a co op, it's like kind of the purest form of that. Or like kind of a self run company. You know, it's like a company that like, runs itself, that like, is automated, almost completely digital. And most of the overhead is gone because you don't have this like organization kind of managing things. It's, it's run by the people who uphold it. And so it's like the purest form of like a democratic company or something like that.

Excitement and Contributions

You know, it's kind of interesting when you think of it like that. I saw Jax's hand go up and Gabe, I think Gabe, you were first, so we're going toss it to you and then Jaxe. Awesome. Yeah. Great to see everybody. Gabe from Heidnapper here. And I agree with everything I'm hearing. Karam, your comments in particular really hit home with me. I think one thing that is really exciting me when we're on this years, decades long journey to prove out the viability of the DPIN model is that we are really starting to see the first projects that are showing big legacy enterprises the value of this approach.

Legacy Enterprises and Future Projections

The thing that I'm watching most closely myself is kind of the progress of our friends over at helium and I saw this tweet this morning that showing that 7500gb of data has been offloaded to helium mobile nodes in just the beta of their carrier offload program. That's an incredible sign of the progress being made in the DUI space. And ultimately whether you're doing telecom, whether you're doing mapping like us, whether you're trying to break into automotive as demo is, or on and on dealing with very slow moving large legacy industries that they're not going to sign up and download pump fund and start using it today.

The Long Path Ahead

They're going to go through months or even years of proof of concepts. Just getting your contract signed is going to take longer than pump has existed. It takes a long time to get that first dollar, but then you can get to 1000, to a million, to a billion, much faster than dollar one. And we're seeing the first of these projects really prove it out. We're obviously very excited about the progress we're making ourselves. At Hivemapper, we see a lot of projects that are proving out the revenue model, and ultimately that's what's going to take deep into the next level.

Revenue Models in Deepin

I have just one last thought on this and I'll turn it over. I think there's this joke that goes around sometimes about if you're a crypto startup, the worst thing you can do is make revenue. Because once there's revenue, people can value the thing. When there's no revenue, it's all sunshine and moonbeams and unicorns, and it can be worth whatever you want. And I think that's the promise of deepin, and it's the challenge of deepin. And ultimately the revenue is going to be the thing that separates the wheat from the chaff, the good from the pointless, the well thought through and the poorly designed.

The Path to Long-Term Success

And that's going to be the thing that makes deepin a fixture for the long term. And so every time that I see another project making that progress, I'm just so amped and excited and happy for them. Gabe, I love that you pointed that out because when you said, like, oh, like, once there's revenue, it's real.

Fantastical Creatures and Hilarious Moments

I just thought of the Matthew McConaughey and Leonardo DiCaprio, like Wolf of Wall street scene where he's like, yeah, once, like, once you tell them they make money, once they sold it's real. Like it's. And I was like, yeah, you don't want it to be real. Come on. Like he wanted to be this fantastical creature. Like, I don't know, it's just, it's pretty hilarious. Yeah. Like a decentralized unicorn farming network. Yeah. And I love that you mentioned pump fun, too. Like, that was amazing. I was like, I didn't think we'd be bringing that up in a deep inside space. It's freaking incredible. So thank you so much for your comments there. Jax, what do you have for us, man?

Web Three Perspectives and Market Viability

Boys, apologies today. I'm a bit sick, so if it feels scattered, forgive me, but yeah, Jack's here from the building web three podcast interview. A bunch of founders. Yeah, there's a few things I wanted to bring up is I'll ask most of the founders that I interview on which sectors they feel has the longest term viability. And it's pretty much always these three AI rwa and deepens. And every time I hear that, I feel very excited because I feel like it doesn't get as much press online. But this is a really big space. Like, we'll have the Masari interview coming out and he'll specifically mention Deepin and. And how bullish, the interview is on that sector. And you often hear this sentiment as well. And I kind of echo it. Not to hate on like, l one s and l two s, but like, do we really need the 100th l two or l three or l four? Like, at the end of the day, it's kind of getting crazy. So we really need to be solving real world issues.

Streamlining Web Three and Crypto Adoption

And I think the key to web three and crypto adoption is that we really make things seamless. Like, my mom never goes to a website and is like, oh, wow, this uses aws or oh, wow, they use Mongodb here. Like, we just had to make these things super seamless. So to the extent that, like, helium and daba and all these other projects are making just better solutions, I'll shout out, hivemapper are making better solutions to age old problems. Is. Is really great. And I'll echo at the point of being potentially repetitive, is the long term focus is this really needs to be like a 510 year mindset because as Gabe was saying, like, these sales cycles are really big. Like, if you sign like, a Google, for example, to do, you know, mapping enrichment, that's not a.

Deepins and Company Collaboration

Did we just happy everyone's working on it. I was going to say we did rugging. No, he finished. We pretty much. I think we got to the end. Unless you're just going to keep going. But you brought some great points. Like, you know, we had a call with Devin Network the other day and I also spoke with William off on the phone, and were kind of talking about how, you know, various different companies offer different things. Like, with some of the deep ins, they are database deep ins. Some of them are service based. It's cool that some of them are both. They're offering both the service side of things as well as data and letting people who invest tap into both and capitalize on both. And it kind of goes along with what you're saying there, Jax, like, solving problems and having an actual partnership be complementary, where both sides actually fill up an equation and lead to a common conclusion that actually helps someone, rather than just the typical crypto announcements today that we see, which are basically just nothing.

Investment World Dynamics and Trends

You know, they're like, a partner with this company, and, like, literally nothing happens after that. And it was just for, like, you know, 14k botted impressions and, like, 37 real likes. And I'm just like, man, what are we doing, dude? Like, on the long run, on a five year, ten year time span, it just doesn't matter. Like, you have to be able to solve those. And if you're a company doing both, you're looking. You're looking pretty good. So, yeah, I just want to echo that sentiment there 100%. Karam, I see your hand, brother. I'll start over to you.

Future Networks and Infrastructure Ownership

Yeah. I think one of the things that I think goes a little unnoticed, and it occurred to me the other day, is, so I'm a massive science fiction fan. I'm a sucker for any movie, book, anything that talks about the future. And it's remarkable how almost any representation, like, especially today, most science fiction, is very dystopian in how the future looks, and it's bleak. And the rest of that, when you think of future networks in these Blade runner type things, you think that they're going to be owned by these massive, evil corporations. But what's remarkable is with the general sort of nice step forwards that deepen is taking, and it looks really hopeful, there's actually a really good, unexpected, optimistic future ahead of us where the future is going to be all of the core infrastructure, things like telecom, like mapping, like vehicle data, things along those lines, are actually going to be owned by everybody and not these giant, evil corporations.

Building Resilient Infrastructure for the Future

It's remarkable that this thing is actually going to start happening. I just wanted to throw that in there because I also apologize. I've got to drop off in a little bit. But this was amazing. It's been amazing to hear all of the things that people have had to say and how realistic everybody is about what it takes to build out these networks, because the last point that I wanted to make was just to connect that, which is, yeah, it may take a decade or 510 years to build this sort of thing out, but the remarkable thing is the stickiness once it's done, once you have people regularly mapping, once you have people regularly tracking vehicle data, once you have a distributed telecom network out there, it's going to last 100 years. It's going to be one of those things that's going to be really hard to dislodge once it gets into place.

Caution and Optimism in Industry Developments

Yeah. The thing that I would echo there. Karam, again, thank you for those points, but I would say we got to be on the lookout for any deep ins named Wayland Yutani, just. Just for the sake of recent Sci-Fi movie references. Yeah, just any. Any deepen that names himself after that company. I'm just going to say I'm going to steer clear from that. Just saying. I see your hand is up there, lady Trader. You can take us away. Go ahead.

Investment Insights and Market Narratives

Hey, thank you so much for having me up here today. Very excited and such an awesome conversation that you guys are having. I wanted to talk a little bit about my experience actually recently and how the investment world is kind of looking at deeper narrative right now. So I work with a lot of projects as a marketing advisor and do a lot of KoL activations. And then also, obviously, being a super connector, I'm always on the lookout for projects that are looking for resources or tools and things like that and then connecting them with the right people. And so I was working with one of my clients. They are a decentralized storage project. And when I was working with them and wanted to introduce them to another project who was in need of decentralized storage because they are paying a ton of money with Aws and all of that.

Connecting Projects for Decentralized Solutions

So they were looking for other options. I was like, hey, you know what? Let me connect you with these other clients of mine. And so both of them happen to be my clients, but I was on a call with them when I connected them. And the client who is looking for the decentralized storage, he actually goes and he says, so this person, he has built like multiple hundreds of millions of dollars worth of businesses in web two and in web three. And he's actually part of a major altcoin. And he's asking the project that's building decentralized storage, and he goes, well, do you have decentralized vector storage yet? Because if you do, I mean, that's an $80 billion company that you're holding right now, right away. And I can send you a ton of investors, you know, to invest, you know, a bunch of money.

Emerging Opportunities in Decentralized Storage

And so that was just like just exciting to see how excited people are. They just want, they are looking actively for these opportunities right now. In deepen world, I have a community that I own telegram, you know, it's a veil community. So we invest pretty heavily in projects as well. And this is one of those narratives that, you know, that's always exciting whenever we see deep in narrative and you know, so really exciting to see. And then also echoing with Jax was saying earlier, I mean there are so many projects out there as well right now, AI and everything else. And then you are looking for like as an investor, of course, you know, myself and my community are always looking for projects that are, you know, solving real life problems, not just, you know, not just the hype, not just like because it's, you know, it has awesome backers.

Real World Applications and Investment Perspective

But actually let's look for opportunities that are actually solving real world problems because that's whenever you're talking about crypto, a lot of those, I mean most of the time there is no real life use case for a lot of projects. So it's always refreshing to see. And this is a great spaces, by the way, I'm excited to be a part of this today, but wanted to share that experience a little bit just to give you the investors perspective on what we are looking for right now. Yeah, I would argue there's a real use case for memes and whatnot. Lady Trader. Fantastic to look at and you know, gamble with and casinos. It's so much fun.

Vector Storage and AI Integration

But I'm going to pretend that I know what vector storage is. Kay, do you know what vector storage is? No, but I do believe that someone does like hot spotty. Yeah, I figure yeah, vector storage, no. Yeah, I mean I'm not a pro for sure, but vector storage as far as understand is like the story that you need to have for AI inference. Yeah. For AI LLMs and all of that. Yeah, yeah. Definitely not, I'm not a pro. Like I think once you do like a query on chat DBT, try looks for the closest vectors of information to build the answers.

Understanding Decentralized Storage and AI Applications

Yada yada. So is that different from, so is that different from like GPU compute for AI then I'm supposing it is. I'm guessing it is. Yeah. The vector storage is a database that when you do a query then it runs the GPU you use to train the models and these vectors are like, after you train the models, you save them in these databases. And those is why you query, in order to have a return of information. That makes a lot of sense, but. I think it is. But I do think also both require some gpu, but the training is the one that's super heavily intense.

Lady Trader's Insights on Decentralization and Demand

That makes a ton of sense. Ladytrader, I saw you on mute. Go ahead. Yeah, I was just going to add that there isn't really a decentralized storage right now that has actually done it. There's one project that has done some databases, but for AI. I mean, yeah, there is a need for that. And so right now that the client who has the decentralized storage is actually looking into it right now to see if they can do this and they can make it happen. And if that was to happen, that's just going to blow up. But it's just exciting times to see people coming together and talking about, hey, we need this. This is our problem.

The Future of Decentralized Storage

And then people basically looking into it. And then, of course there's always narratives and things where it could deliver Rois and all of those things, but exciting things are happening. I'm also invested in some of the decentralized or deep end projects that are similar to what Daba is doing. And by the way, Daba network team, I'm excited. I'm from that part of the world as well. So it's always exciting to see whenever we have really nice projects coming out of that region because there are so many stereotypes and everything that are really awful and so always exciting to see that. And great work, you guys. It's absolutely phenomenal.

Daba's Hardware Integration and Unique Offerings

I was going to add to Lady Trader. The one thing I loved about Dava when I spoke with them was when they elaborated on their. Obviously they have this, they have a hardware component to their DPIn and I have, like, kind of, I've said my piece with hardware D pins where I'm like, hey, listen, it's great that there is, like, this, you know, curated hardware. Sometimes it does add a little bit of a friction there, though. But Daba is different in the sense that you don't even have to, like, manage this hardware.

Seamless User Experience with Daba

It's all managed for you. Like, you literally, you're literally investing in the idea and then, like, the hardware aspects are managed for you and then you're obviously, you're accruing rewards for that. So I really love that feature with Dab and how they kind of differentiated themselves in the Wi Fi router market and lasers. Right? Don't forget about the lasers. Oh, God, the lasers. Yeah, that seems to be a topic that everyone wants to jump into the FSoC systems that we're building as well. But, yeah, very true. Even though hardware is super important, I think what's really more important is making sure end users get connectivity and making sure that we have as many stakeholders in the network as possible that can contribute to this.

Stakeholder Inclusion and Expansion Plans

So, you know, even including other hardware manufacturers. So even in our roadmap and our, you know, our wiki and, you know, just how we plan to expand in the future, we do want to include other hardware manufacturers. We want to include other backhaul providers. We want to make sure that all the stakeholders necessary for making a network like this happen are included in the actual network itself. Yeah, great points there. Great points all around. I do want to. I want to bring Benny into the conversation here. I did have a topic that I was curious to get the panel's thoughts on here.

Data Spoofing Challenges in Deepins

On the topic of data spoofing, this is pretty much cross industry every platform. This conversation could be expanded on a million x, but precisely on the topic of deep ins and data spoofing. Because there's real money involved, there's real companies involved. There's now real life products involved. It's not just a crypto tweet or something like that, or some arbitrary software thing that happens. This is your, you know, in some cases, your Wi Fi. Like, in every case, there's a variety of different deeping companies, but just the idea of data spoofing, how we can sort of protect against that and just get general thoughts on that.

Exploring Real Life Implications of Deepins

So, Benny, I'll throw it over to you and anyone else, please throw up a hand. Yeah. Thank you, man. Sorry, I've just been a little quiet over here, listening to conversation and all that. And great convo so far, and appreciate you guys bringing us on and setting this up, but deus spoofing is like, a real hard one. I'm sure anyone who's been in the deep in space for a while kind of saw, like, all the issues helium went through with, like, the Iot, like, network part of things, and obviously, like, devices spoofing that they were, like, online or doing something just to collect rewards, but wasn't really there and whatnot.

Diverse Solutions to Address Data Spoofing

And it's really different from, like, project to project on how they're doing it, whether it's, like, through some proprietary hardware and adding some sort of, like, check or. And, like, the issue. Like, for example, like, if you had some sort of, like, certificate at, like, the hardware being built. There's issues with people saying like, that's a little bit too like centralized. If you want to create like an open network or if you're doing some sort of like, I know, like pollen. Before they rugged, they tried some sort of method where they would have people drive around and ping these devices. And if the device wasn't on, then there would be some sort of like slashing or some rewards paused or whatnot.

Challenges of Status Spoofing

And to be honest, the real answer right now is I don't think there really is 100% of a solution with status spoofing. I know for us, we're kind of going more of like a deployer route where I. We have. It's not necessarily like anyone can set up a radio and install it. We're kind of working more closely with like deployers and having the network kind of like built out. So like a deployer would get like approved onto the network and then they can install. Even then, that's not 100% solving. We've kind of looked into things with like certificates being installed onto the device as well. Some people who are more into like wanting full decentralization don't really like that. It's hard depending on what project you're doing and whatnot. But I think there's a lot of different methods that people are exploring right now. We're doing a mix, right? Like I said, we're kind of looking into having a certificate, wire guarding or vpn tunneling into the network. And then also a method of, you got to get approved through the dow. If you do get caught, even after that, your tokens get slashed, in a sense. So it really depends on the type of project and how they're exploring it. Right? Like helium tried so many different ways and I think there's only so much you can do, right?

Incentives and Gaming the System

Yeah, just like Kaden, you said, benny, I mean, that's like, that's the issue with these, with when you involve real money in real situations, and we've seen it many times in like web three gaming, just to give an example, is like you give these kind of real world rewards and then you incentivize people to cheat a bit or skirt the system. And it's so tough to avoid something like data spoofing. And you have to really find ways to either heavily de incentivize it or just outright ring it out. There's no one solution that fits all. Of course I saw Alex, Mister Demo man himself, put his hand up. Alex, what are your thoughts on this? Yeah, there's. There's a couple of things. So, one, we have a roadmap item, probably for early 2025 that will get this out the door, but we intend to decentralize the ability to validate data. Coming in to demo right now, of course, the, you know, core team, we've built some heuristics and things like that to find a, you know, potentially fake cars or people who are just, you know, not really participating, trying to game and earn tokens and things like that. But there's nothing that says we need to run that ourselves.

Validation and Community-Driven Approaches

In fact, it's better if more people can contribute their algorithms for detecting some of that. I think that's something. I know that a couple of other deep end teams are taking a similar approach to that. And I think that's going to be a really useful way for those, for deep end projects to involve the community, but also to strengthen the community. And then something that we've talked about for years is just more composability between deep end projects. We already, of course, use and have shown how we can use Deemo devices to detect where helium hotspots are. We've very easily actually sent, a few months ago to the helium team, were able to send them some data showing some potentially fake hotspots. As you layer on more pieces of connectivity between these deep end projects, you're going to start to see that the infrastructure can become self referential. And then third is very similar to the point the last speaker was making. We can all leverage other pieces of existing technology in order to better validate things that are coming in. So just because it's not built in a decentralized way, it's not some new decentralized service, doesn't mean we can't measure the trust that a new piece of data conveys.

Ensuring Trust Through Multiple Data Points

For example, when we want to be absolutely sure we're talking about the same car. One measure is to connect to the car, another measure is to get to the car's insurance and other measures to get to the title of the car. All of those can be different APIs, different services. The more data points that you have about the car, the more certain you are about its identity, about its ownership, about its history and things like that. There's a handful of ways that we're going to see validation evolve. And at the end of the day, since the beginning, blockchains have been selling trust. And so we're all having to invest heavily in that. No, lost that. Alex. I can vouch that I've owned my car for eight years, and I wish I hadn't because I hate my car, but demos made me love my car a bit more. But hot spotty. Sorry, Benny, I saw you on mute. Go ahead and then we'll go to hot spotty after, Benny.

Deep Integration and Community Involvement

Yeah. Just to add on to like Alex and what he just brought up about like demo products being able to kind of like work with like helium products to point out hotspots that aren't really there, but claiming to be there, that's a great feature for demo that I didn't even like, kind of like building on similar to like what pollen tried to do. But I think like with pollen it's a little bit harder just to have people like buying a device just to check if the devices there. But I even kind of like incorporating other deep end projects. I can see that being a big thing to add value towards checking for all that and making sure that the helium hotspots aren't there, if that makes sense. No, 100% hot spotty. Go ahead. Yeah, I know, exactly. I think that one thing that Alex said that I was going to say this was the composability is super important, right? So that the more different actors that are working interact with people, not going to like, people try to hack, you know, or take advantage of a demon, most likely not going to also try to take advantage of it like a helium device at the same time.

The Evolution of Network Integrity

So I think the composability is something that on deep ins in general is super important and can add a ton of value. And also it's been super interesting, you know, just following the fight with helium against the, you know, like the scammers or like the people trying to take advantage of the network. In the beginning, you could just have like, you know, 20 helium hotspots in the room and they all going to be talking to each other, making a shit ton of rewards, and then slowly they build the proof of coverage, right? And yeah, each different project is going to have their own kind of like solution or like staking, slashing and things like that. But one thing that I'm very happy that we're working on and I could share with you guys is something that we call in deep in score that's being built now on deep in hub. So the idea is that one big problem that we see on crypto in general, especially with its airdrop farmers, people like, they break something, they connect their wallets, they take the airdrops, they move to the next project, they add zero value to that project.

Creating a Reliable Ecosystem

And if you think you are a project, your token is actually equity of your company which is just giving away for people who give a zero fucks for a buyer project. Forget my french. So one thing that we realized like by building hot spotty we had already I think was like around 30,000 Solana wallets that we knew the device, we knew the wallet, we knew the owner and then therefore we can actually prove that guy has done the work, his hotspots been online. So projects came to us like okay, I need some, you know, supply in this part of the world. And then we can work together and build kind of like a marketplace between like you can prove on chain that user deployed a hotspot and it's been online, generate rewards. And if you add this to a lot of different projects, we're gonna, we're building something called deep in score which we can fight like Sibo attack on their drops.

Building a Better Network

Instead of like someone running like a galaxy campaign to like someone tweet something, like something connect their wallet here. They're gonna have to prove of being a good, I call it like a deep in citizen because imagine if you have a demo device has been online, you've been mapping Hivemap where you have a helium hotspot, been online for a long time and everything's connected to your polygon wallet, your solenoid wallet inside of Deepin hub. And based on that it's going to give you like a score and that's going to be really helping the whole network, right? And it's going to help also combat a lot of the scammers, a lot of people trying to choose the network. We're going to be working with all these projects as well and providing data for those projects. And hopefully we can kind of like be the aggregator on chain and off chain aggregator for a lot of projects and try to make the network like better and actually giving the rewards for people actually doing the work.

The Future of Deep Integration

So let me get this straight, hot spot, you're going to be grading people like you're going to have like a kind of grade like I just want to clarify. Yeah, I mean, so just think like that. Like you create an account on deep in hub, you attach your ethereum wallet and your solenoid wallet and we're going to do own chain analysis of those wallets. And based on like deep in projects that we work closely with, we're going to try. Okay, are you a good deep in citizen? Right. Do you have like you know three demo devices that helium hotspot and based on like how good of like a deep in cities anymore. We're going to give you like first we can give you opportunities in space. Let's say if we do like a launch pad, it's much more important for a project doing a launchpad to get users that actually understand deep in and have on chain proof that they deploy those devices.

The Importance of Trustworthy Participants

Then actually just some random people that just like you pay some tokens to be listed on coin list or something like that. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah, I was going to say, I've never been a really good student, so I got really concerned when you mentioned grades. And I was like, wait a minute, like I've usually gotten like, you know, Djdeh and C's back in the day in high school and like early college. And I got really concerned when he said I could get graded on my deep end activities. So hopefully I passed those grades anyways. Benny, I saw your hand go up, man. Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry to talk about my educational history here. No, no, you're good. Honestly, what hotspot is doing is kind of, I think, already been approached with some blockchain projects and making sure that like wallets are actually like legit or they have some sort of usage and they're not just kind of like bought wallets or just using that as a way to make sure that people that are participating in events or airdrops or whatnot are actually real people and not just creating fake accounts or whatnot.

The Future of Deep Integration Projects

So I could definitely see that being something that works. And like I said, just combining that with like what Alex talked and kind of like building on these solutions of the whole deep in ecosystem. I feel like eventually we'll get to a point where one these, you're not going to have it as much. But I think also one point I wanted to talk about that was kind of mentioned earlier was like how like a lot of these deep end projects are actually kind of like focused on real revenues and actually like generating like usage or like monetization opposed to a lot of like blockchains where they stay like more speculative or even for example, a lot of tokens aren't really directly tied towards like the revenue. And I think a lot of these issues are like bigger issues at the beginning of like the, when the network's being created and where like kind of like a lot of the token is used to kind of like incentivize the bootstrapping of the network.

The Evolution of Deep Integration Networks

But as like these networks grow and they become more driven by like revenues and actual like usage and less by tokens, like it becomes less of a problem and you'll see kind of like those players being weeded out and it becoming not as profitable for them to do. Right? Like with helium now for example, it doesn't really, it like I guess to a certain degree depending on hacking it. But even like your time that you need to do to like kind of like break the system and the amount of tokens you're going to get becomes less and less profitable for you to do as the network grows and actually is driven by like the actual usage and revenues towards a product. Right? So I think it's just early on in these days and kind of like combining all these solutions and as the network grow that type of issue will be weeded out.

Concluding Remarks on the Future

Right? Yeah, definitely over time. No, yeah, I'm just saying like, yeah, like right now it's not super profitable to run helium hotspots or especially iot one that a lot of people just turn them off. Right. But for some reason that thing, that momentum start to catch up again when there's free money people gonna try to scam. Like I remember like helium has the thing like it's called helium console that actually you can deploy sensors into the network. And I think like you create an account and by creating account you verify the account. You get like I don't know, $0.10 or something like $0.05 they can actually use to test the network. People created like you know, 100,000 accounts just to like to get I don't know, $50 a. They just like destroyed the helium service for a little bit until they fix it. So like when there's money, people gonna try to find a way.

Continued Efforts in Network Security

It's always a cat and mouse situation. Yeah, I agree. And like it really depends too, right? Like because with crypto you're dealing with like a global group of people and for some people $50 might be like worth a lot more to them depending where they're at. Right. So there's always like incentives to like kind of like hack the system or whatnot. But yeah, just in case I have to hop off because I do have like another meeting soon. I do appreciate like everything you guys have done so far and convos have been good and kind of just like I said, like deep in, I don't think it's going to be the next two to three years like a lot of people mentioned, but I think in the next like five to ten years we'll see a lot of like deep in projects that come emerging out and we're definitely going to see, like, a lot of industries changed or kind of like, incorporating deep.

Future Innovations in Telecom and Beyond

And even on the telecom space, we're talking with, like, a lot of telecom operators right now who find it too difficult on the capex side of things to maintain, like, the radio installed with how fast technology is moving and whatnot. And they're seriously considering, like, deep in as a way to kind of, like, help build out their networks and in areas where, like, they haven't been able to like maintain or even get to it. So I think in the next five to ten years, like a lot of people said one, deep end is going to really, like, explode, but two, like, you're not going to even really realize that you're running on these deep end networks. They're just going to be there and you're just going to be using it and it's going to be seamless. Right. That's, that's the future and that's the hope right there.

Closing Remarks and Future Engagements

Benny, I understand that we're coming to the top of the hour here and I believe that we have a hard stop here at 04:00 so, or 04:00 p.m. eST. So I want to start kind of moving into closing remarks here. Kay. Did you want to, like, start us? Did you want to kind of, you know, pick someone random or start us off or. How'd you want to go about doing this? Yeah, I was going to say we. I mean, we could even do hands. Like, I know some of the speakers haven't spoken as much in the last second half of the space, but I do want to say first just before, but I'll get a chance after that. It's been an awesome conversation. Like, I've two x my knowledge on deep ins in one space.

Gratitude and Engagement with the Community

So you guys are an amazing panel. Seriously, thank you so much for spending an hour with us. And yeah, just please, guys, if you're listening to this space, definitely give a follow to all the speakers on stage here. We've had William up here doing an amazing job, helping co host, of course, David network, our sponsor of the show, lady Trader Andy, Gabe Hotspotty, Alex, Benny, and we had a few other people who are in this space. Definitely give them all a follow and check out what they're up to. So I'm sure they're doing deep ins along with a few other things, but they are, they're absolutely killing it. And if you enjoyed this space so far, please give a retweet.

The Future of Decentralized Internet Services

Bottom right corner. Just take a couple seconds and hit the retweet button for us, it would be tremendously helpful and especially for people who couldn't tune in live, it's really the only way they're going to find out. Otherwise, it's just going to get buried amongst the other Twitter drama here. And so I do want to say a quick thank you to our sponsors, and I'll throw it over to housebody for a final comment here. But yeah, man, this has been a great space and big shout out to David network for sponsoring the show. Like I said, they had some cool investors like multi coin capital, borderless capital Y combinator, so big names for sure. And they're doing a great job putting out decentralized Internet service, revolutionizing connectivity india.

Innovations in Connectivity

Powered by blockchain, they're offering really fast, affordable Internet network without the need for traditional ISP's. And with their deep end model, users can benefit from lower costs, higher speeds, scamless secure connections. And right now, they have their season two out. I pinned this up at the top for people who want to get involved. And when you do this and you've got your own hotspot, they take care of a lot of the shoulder work as far as setting it up and maintaining. So, yeah, definitely give them a follow, check out what they're up to, and get involved and grab one of those, if that's of interest to you, house buddy.

Final Reflections on Community Engagement

I'll throw it over to you for the final comment in the space. Manda. Yeah, I just want to say thanks so much for organizing. This was a lot of fun, you know, but one thing that I would like to just, like, you know, quick plug again is make sure that everyone that's interested in deep into check revolution, Deepinhub IO. We're gonna have over 35 founders from, like, talking about the project, giving the opportunity to people, you know, you're gonna have, like, hivemapper, you're gonna have demo, we're gonna have daba and a shit ton more people out there. So make sure to join. It's gonna be pretty cool event. It's gonna be 10 hours for three days, so 30 hours in total of content. It's gonna be, I think, a lot of airdrops, and I'm not sure, but it's gonna be a lot of cool things.

Invitation to the Upcoming Events

It's gonna be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday now this week. So make sure to join and, yeah, let's. Let's build this thing. Let's go. All right. Yeah. Thank you so much, everybody. Have an amazing rest of your Wednesday. We've got spaces every single day here at Wolf web three. Got actually a couple more today. We've got a space at 04:00 p.m. or. Sorry, 07:00 p.m. eastern market talk, crypto trading type of space. And then tomorrow, we've got some awesome spaces, including RWAs, another market talk space, bitcoin mining stocks and so, yeah, whole lot of stuff here coming up at Wolfe three.

Conclusion and Future Sessions

We'll see you all later. Take care.

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