Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Poolz x Portkey, AwakenSwap, WSPN hosted by Crypto__Poolz. Engage in a dynamic live Twitter Space event with Crypto Poolz x Portkey, AwakenSwap, WSPN at Binance Square. Explore collaboration opportunities with AMASpace and DAO, discover giveaway strategies for engagement, and delve into the world of blockchain projects. Network with industry leaders, learn about innovative initiatives, and participate in community-driven discussions for business growth. Join this space for valuable insights, partnership possibilities, and community networking within the marketing agency niche.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: What are the advantages of collaborating with AMASpace and DAO?
A: It opens doors for joint projects, increased visibility, and community engagement.

Q: How can giveaways enhance audience interaction in the crypto space?
A: Giveaways can boost brand awareness, attract new users, and incentivize participation.

Q: Why is networking crucial in the blockchain industry?
A: Networking fosters partnerships, knowledge exchange, and business growth.

Q: What insights can Portkey, AwakenSwap, and WSPN provide?
A: They offer information on innovative projects, trends, and opportunities in the crypto sphere.

Q: How does Binance Square contribute to community engagement?
A: It serves as a platform for joint events, discussions, and networking within the crypto community.


Time: 00:08:15
AMASpace and DAO Collaborations Exploring partnership potentials and community involvement.

Time: 00:14:45
Giveaways for Audience Engagement Strategies and benefits of using giveaways in the crypto space.

Time: 00:22:30
Networking Opportunities Discussing the value of networking for business development in blockchain.

Time: 00:30:10
Insights from Portkey, AwakenSwap, WSPN Learning about innovative projects and potential investment opportunities.

Time: 00:40:55
Binance Square Community Events Involvement in joint events and discussions in the crypto community.

Key Takeaways

  • AMASpace and DAO collaboration opportunities in the crypto space.
  • Engagement with industry leaders for valuable insights.
  • Potential benefits of giveaway strategies for audience engagement.
  • Exploration of business proposals and networking opportunities.
  • Information on Portkey, AwakenSwap, and WSPN projects.
  • Insights on joint events and community involvement through Binance Square.
  • Platforms and tools for entering the crypto and blockchain space.
  • Importance of AMASpace and DAO in the crypto ecosystem.
  • Networking possibilities for business growth and discussions.
  • Value of engaging with leading projects like Crypto Poolz.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the X Talks

Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, wherever you're at in this world, to another episode of xtalks presented by layer one X Blockchain protocol. So we're still waiting for a few people to join us. Give us just a few more minutes and then we'll to get them up on the panelist stage here. Once we do, we'll get started. So just give me about another minute. I'm sending out invites right now and then we'll kick it off. All right?

Panelists and Goals of the AMA

Hey, everybody, my name is Cody. I am the chief experience officer here at layer one X. In this X space AMA, we do deep dives into cutting edge of crypto blockchain and the decentralized future of what ifs in web three. Likewise, we make sure that we invite some of today's leading crypto experts, various project founders, including other layer ones, to join us in these deep conversations. Our goal with the xTalks AMA series is to boost the L one X ethos, which is to unite all chains, projects, and users in web three and not compete against them. We felt there was no other better way to do this than to come to the table to discuss various hotels topics, so please be sure to share this link with this episode of x talks.

Exploring Crypto Gaming

It will definitely help us out and allow our panelists to get an opportunity to reach a broader audience. Plus, you know, I would love you guys forever if you did so. Likewise, please give each of our panelists to follow. They are definitely taking time out of their busy schedules to join us today, and we appreciate it and so definitely deserve a follow from our listeners. In this episode, we're going to be exploring out the dynamic landscape of crypto gaming, uncovering strategies that studios may use to employ to attract new gamers. The innovative development techniques behind the gaming that's going on right now, that's shaping the future and marketing hacks for community growth methods, et cetera, including some of the tricks that studios and developers use to keep players engaged and invested.

Introducing the Panelists

So with that being said, let's kind of get to know our panelists a little bit better. And as I mentioned, we've invited some pretty good projects to join us as panelists today, and I'm excited to have you guys get to know them. So with that being said, let's kick it off. If you wouldn't mind taking like 30 seconds to introduce yourself, your project, and definitely who's behind the handle. And let's get started with easy. Go for it.

Panelist Introductions

GM. GM. Thanks for having us in this space. This is Jared, behind the easyaccount, we are a next gen launchpad and marketplace for digital assets, tokens and rwas. This is definitely a topic that we are very interested in, so I'm looking forward to learning from everybody in this space and also contributing my $0.50. Awesome. Welcome, welcome. And Genso, go for it. Your turn. Hey guys. GM Gm. For those of you who don't know the voice behind the account, my name is Nobara and I'm looking after the global communications over at Genso Kichi, which is a 3d mmorpg with UGC and metaverse utilities as well. Really happy to be here.

Excitement from the Panelists

I think I missed last week's session because our schedule has been so hectic lately, but I'm super happy to be here. Loving the speaker panel, so really looking forward to kicking this off. Thank you for having us. It's always a pleasure having you, Navarro. It's been a while, for sure, since you and I have been on an AMA together, but always a pleasure to have you back. Uncaged. Go for it. Yeah, absolutely pumped to be here. You've got King Snooch behind the account and uncage is a team of gaming enthusiasts from Playtica, Cody, Suzuki and Disney.

Discussing Gaming Projects

And we're all about crafting fun and unique games. And our first game, uncage soccer, mixes sports, rpg strategy and board game fun. And we're excited to be pushing the boundaries in mobile gaming in web three. Love it. Welcome back. Call of the void. Go for it. Hey, man, happy to be up here. It's Matt behind the account, layer one. You do sound like you are blasting some aliens from back in the day. Occasionally I'm getting a little bit of like.

User Engagement and Humor

So maybe you're secretly gaming on an old Atari. Yeah, I've been in space too long. I'm actually. My career is probably older than half of the Gen Z founders in this film, but yeah, I'm behind Gordon Void. We are a top down ARPG mobile web three extravaganza with about 200 and something counting monthly active users. Play us now. Enjoy us more. Play us on the toilet, as a lot of people say. And I'm excited to be on this panel with all of my besties.

Discussion on Gaming Ecosystem

I love you all and let's get into this. Lovely enthusiasm. Divisive. Go for it. Hey, yeah, and it's been a while since we've crossed paths on spaces too, so, yeah, happy to be back. I am representing the player gaming blockchain and really liked what you said about layer one x there in the beginning, uniting so in relation to that player gaming blockchain, we're uniting gamers from all EVM chains and even gamers that don't have crypto and blockchain knowledge to be able to get into our ecosystem player games and have options whether you're web three or web two native.

Launch of Player ID System

So definitely like what you said there and can relate that we want to, you know, unite all gamers and chains instead of, you know, make it a big siloed competition. Our player id system did just go live this week and like I said, you can create an id in our ecosystem from any EVM chain. And we're getting closer and closer to, you know, our gaming ecosystem rollout. But at least, you know, you can claim your identification and kind of start customizing your profile and things like that.

Continuing Participation in the Event

So definitely good to see the wheels start turning and, you know, definitely excited to hop into the discussion here as well. So happy to be here. Love it. Let's see turf gaming. Go for it. Oh, I think they dropped out. We'll get back. Get them back up here shortly. Ramy. Same that. Click. Everybody. My name is Rami. I'm the client integration manager at XP Network.

Introduction of XP Network

XP network is a multi chain NFT bridge. We currently support 30 blockchains, EVM and Nanivm. And thank you for having us, guys. Nice. So choice. Morning Cody and friends. Hoping that you're all doing great. Excited to be here with a lot of friends and legends on the panel, on the speakers. I see a lot of fans over there from our project. So excited for the conversation. Looking forward.

Thrust Hubs Overview

I'm representing thrust hubs. We're building the web three native discord alternative with on chain roles, with on chain tokens, and pretty much a place where you can build your community and curate it. So looking forward to the topic. Great to have you back. And last but not least, turf Gaiman. Hi, everyone. I hope I'm audible, I got dropped off in the last minute. Awesome. So, yeah, this is Divya and I'm the co founder of Tolfgaming.

Esports Engagement and Distribution

We are an esports engagement and distribution network powered by dynamic prediction markets. Our infrastructure delivers an unrestricted access to competitive culture within the gaming industry, making games esports ready and enabling any host to facilitate competitions permissionlessly on a global scale. So that's pretty much about us. Happy to be here. Would love to talk more about gaming and let's see how the thing goes.

Overview of Today's Discussion

All right, well, welcome. As our listeners are tuning in, you can definitely see we've got a great lineup for today's list of panelists for our discussion and topic. If you haven't done so already, please go ahead and give this space a share. Likewise, give our panelists a follow. They are definitely going to be asked some pretty hard questions, so let's go ahead and do that. We've got some other people joining us on the panelists here in just a few minutes and we'll get them up as well.

Initiating the First Question

But in the meantime, let's go ahead and kick this off with our very first question. So the main question that I have to kick this off with is, who will strike it rich during this next crypto cycle? Is it the gamers, is it the studios? Or is it the investors in your gaming projects? Any thoughts on that call of the void? Go for it.

Potential Winners in Crypto

It's probably the ruggers. That's what I think. I'm joking. But I do think that it's going to be a combination. I mean, some investors will strike you rich, but we all know that like 90% of startups fail, and probably even more when you're adding the complexity of web three to this. And also the difficulty with building in public is like, if you like, don't succeed in the project, people call you a rug anyway.

Investor Perspective

So I think at first the investors will make their money back because VC's tend to, otherwise they wouldn't be in business. But I definitely think that there will be a lot of people coming up. I'm not sure we'll see the sort of axie level of success, but there are still plenty of opportunities because there's only about 50 or so verifiably web, three games in, say, the mobile space, versus 800,000 other games available on Google Play Store, an Apple app store.

Opportunities in Gaming

So I do think there is plenty of opportunity to go around for everyone to take a slice in the pie. But it's on a project by project basis. Who actually strikes it rich? Love it. Makes total sense. I agree with you on lots of different points you made. Well, gotta agree with Matt there. I think that Roger is probably gonna make it rich, but we'll see.

Identifying Personas in Crypto

In our space, we have different Personas, right? We got builders, developers, investors and holders. We got educators and influencers, users, gamers, community members. We also got those that definitely have bad intentions. Scammers, rosters, pump and dumpers, speculators and I. People, misleading information, right?

Intentions in Gaming

But from the two sides, we got people that I'd like to separate on just two categories. So those with the good intentions and those with the bad intentions, and sadly, from both sides, we'd see people winning and making it, striking it rich, right? That's why crypto becomes so attractive to a lot of people. They think it's the easy way for anybody to become rich.

Investor Returns

Can agree more. I definitely believe that the investors and the VC's are going to strike it rich, or at least they're going to get their investments back with some profits because otherwise they wouldn't be in business. That's the right take. But I think that everybody has got potential to strike it rich if they know what projects to follow and if they actually know how to contribute from their own.

Entity Contributions

So definitely pushing forward and bullish about the people that comes with the right intentions and knows how to add value. So they can strike a breach by creating their own voice, their own brand, and supporting the right projects.

Understanding Profit Motives in Gaming

So, yeah, I would just separate them on those two categories. People with good intentions, bad intentions. Sadly, from the two groups, we'll see a lot of people making it rich. But mostly for me, it's going to be the crazy good scammers and fraudsters rocking people, or those who know how to contribute and position themselves on the space so that they can or get the profits they deserve for the contributions.

Game Economics and Gamers' Sustainability

I want to say something about gamers making it rich. We got to be aware that a lot of the gamers in web three are actually grinders who come from countries where it's actually worthwhile to do web three grinding full time. And so for them, they have already struck it rich, right? They get to join a guild and get all the equipment rented to them, and they're able to make a good income better than what they could in their original countries. But then again, how sustainable is it, right? Because if they're completely reliant on a game and they're just extracting and extracting, how sustainable is it? Because we do need more gamers who actually spend their money on the game. So, yeah, I think gamers are doing well, especially if it's worthwhile in their country. But will they start get rich? I guess we'll see.

Consistency and Dedication in Gaming Communities

Hey, thank you. I think my connection dropped off for a second. Yeah, I just wanted to. To kind of add my thoughts around this. I think gamers could strike it rich this year, and it is based on insights that I'm having from Genso and other games that require kind of larger portions of information and dedication. I've noticed that a lot of the players that are consistent and that are putting in the time and they're putting back value in the community. So people with information about the game, whether it's how to make the perfect built, how to get a certain drop, how to kill a certain boss, those people are really kind of respected internally by the community and in the end they end up becoming content creators.

Community Building and User Generated Content

But the difference is that they're not these kind of promoted kols or anyone who you don't really know. The background of it is people that have risen from the community and they have a lot of buy in from internal players and community members. So from that perspective, and with the added utility of UGC content and so on, I really feel like gamers could strike it rich because it could be the time in which your knowledge and kind of dedication and consistency with a specific game or a product could pay off in the long run and could help you build your own community and following. So, and that's also really inspiring for other community members who then go on to kind of do the same thing.

Evolving Gaming Standards and Studio Profitability

And I think this will become a stronger and stronger trend as time goes on. If we don't kind of only focus on tone games and we keep on making a bit more complex games where you do require that database. It could be kind of my opinion, because games are so complicated that we do really rely on our players to kind of collect that information and feed back to us what they're finding useful, what they're not, because there is just so much to it because it is an MMORPG. So from that perspective, I do feel like the gamers and people that invest in games and that are actually putting in the time, do you have a chance of making really big profits in the coming months and years? Because consistency is key, for sure.

Investor Insights and Market Dynamics

No, I love it. Love it. Definitely some great points. Different point of view from there. I feel a similar passion that I think that with every cycle we always have new projects, including new games come out. And so that's the other way that a lot of gamers will walk away, the winners striking it rich, right? So lots more to for them to participate in more opportunities. It just seems like everything keeps evolving. So. Yeah, great points. Turf gaming, let's go with you and then we'll go with uncaged.

Shared Economy in Gaming

Yeah, like, I totally agree in terms of what I would say is investors are going to make a huge ton of money because in general or in traditional gaming market, there are less odds of getting a success because they eventually have to pay, put a lot of money into few specific games. Now in this whole economy, you can see a lot of gaming investors have evolved and they have more options in terms of where to put money. So investors are gonna make money. And you know the crazy part, the gamers, right, who are involved in the game particularly, can have the same level of tokens that the investors have by playing the game.

Gamers' Economic Role

So, yeah, if you can think, like, how gamers are going to earn. So obviously, gamers can have a huge chunk in terms of how they are doing the gameplay or how they are operating it. So this is something that I feel is a shared economy is getting created where gamers, studios and investors are collaboratively sharing a whole cut in terms of the economy that is getting built. And it will make every single party leverage. But obviously, when there is a token play happening, there will be an extra advantage in terms of how the token play works out and who get the maximum returns out of it.

Focus on Studios' Profits

Yeah, I don't know if you guys can hear me or not, but, I had a little bit of a different take on this. Basically not so much wondering who's going to be the one that makes it. Rich, but more of who I would. Like to see be rich, and that's going to be the studios. And the reason I say that is because, you know, if the investors make it rich, they're just going to move to something else to invest in. If the gamers make it rich, they're just going to keep gaming. But if the studios make it rich, they're going to make better games.

Barber Shop Conversations and Casual Discussion

So in my opinion, I'm hoping that the studios are the ones that are going to be making it rich. Dude sounds like he's shaving. I'm actually getting my hair cut at this moment. So. Yeah, sorry about that. I was gonna say, I feel like I'm at the barber shop having a good conversation with my boys, you know, type of thing. So, yeah, that's a great take on that, for sure.

Shifting Marketing Strategies

So with that being said, let's just kind of move into the second question really quick, which is kind of around marketing. My experience, speaking with many of you on a lot of different AmA's, you know, there's. There are some challenges, there are some advantages when marketing games. What are the most significant misconceptions about marketing a game within the crypto sector and what are you or your project doing to address these misconceptions? Misconceptions defy zoo. Go for it.

Challenges in Game Marketing

you know, that's a. It's an interesting question. you know, I think. I think there's some misconceptions that there's a set in stone right way to, you know, market a game. It's it's really about, you know, defining your target audience and really who you're trying to bring into your game and maybe not following along what everyone else is doing with, you know, different, you know, short term hype and play to airdrop and then, you know, maybe not having all the systems in place to actually, you know, keep players around to, you know, start leveling up or progressing, doing things within your ecosystem that are actually keeping them around.

Refining Marketing Approaches

So I think maybe the misconception is just, at least for me, that every project is really trying to figure out the best methods, and I think we can really just kind of learn from past successes and mistakes, kind of moving forward with newer projects and new campaigns and things like that. So it's kind of an ever evolving kind of aspect within our space that, you know, if you're not kind of refining the process as you go, then you're probably going to fall behind and kind of be using old metas and things that might not work anymore.

Navigating an Ever-Evolving Landscape

Yeah, that's a great perspective. It's definitely an ever evolving landscape, for sure. Encaged. Go for it. Yeah. So I kind of have a little bit of a different take. So one of the things that I've seen that is kind of like the meta, right, is that a lot of companies are just hiring random kols that come in and they show their project and that's like expected, right? Everybody's going to get these kols that don't really care about the project, but they just show it and get paid for it.

Gamifying Marketing Strategies

And on case we're like trying to approach this a bit different and getting real gamer kols that enjoy playing the game and have more skin in the game than, you know, the typical kol that you see who you could tell, like when they're streaming the game that they don't thoroughly, like actually enjoy playing games or just doing it for a paycheck. And we're trying to take a different approach at that and bring in actual gamers that enjoy gaming.

Building Community Engagement

That's a great, that's another great point of view as well, you know, as a kind of a follow up question to that, you know, what you mentioned in cage that you're taking a different approach, you know, kind of going down that vein. What is it that you guys are doing in the crypto space to basically keep the adoption, keep the retention going, especially in a community driven strategy around, you know, gaming, especially where it's evolving and a lot of the trends, a lot of the technology is always changing, it seems like.

Community Connection Through Events

So what are you guys currently doing to keep adoption and retention going? Call of the void. Go for it. Oh, I'll let NK go for it and then we'll go call void. Yeah, one of the things, I'll just go quick, real quick. One of the things that we're doing currently is we're doing monthly Ama's with our community and the developers and doing it as a live stream on x and in the discord with the community.

Addressing Attention Span Challenges

Cold void, go for it. Yeah, I think it's a really interesting thing that basically there's so much said about web three marketing and in the end our attention spans are that of a goldfish. I mean, well, maybe even less because goldfish can probably remember several minutes, but we can't. I mean, we've already forgotten the mammoth Trump stream. That was last night. It was just a word mess and no one mentioned crypto.

The Quest for Survivor Games

And then people lost money on polymarket and then it's just swept under the rug. Like, I think the thing is that we as web three games companies, we put so much stock in gaining this web three audience. And I don't think it matters past 2021 where you could just give a list, white list of nfts to people for a gaming project and then get free publicity and you'd be all over the timeline.

Marketing in a Competitive Landscape

And then it was the token meta where you'd be all over the timeline for just giving some tokens to some kols. I think now marketing is really difficult. And there's a million different systems in web three that make this even slightly possible. Like Z quests and quest platforms up the wazoo. I mean, dude, like, we used to put quests in games, now we don't even have to bother.

Ensuring Engagement and Retention

We can have quests outside of games. Main thing is the people in web three, they want to earn money. The first thing they do, if they don't have a bag already, if they don't own an NFT, if they don't have something, the first thing they'll ask when can I cash out? And I think that the real thing is, will we get a survivable game? I mean, will we have a game that will actually attract people, make revenue and do all the rest of it?

Strategies for Building a Sustainable Game

And if you can find that outside of web three, it's probably cheaper. So I would say, like, for us, strategy around retention is really getting people to refer their friends and making sure that's very rewarding. Making sure that all of our NFTs that you can get in game start at zero, they're all free. So there's no sort of constant fight over floor price. If the floor price is zero, then they bring the value to it themselves.

Creating Value through Free NFTs

And I think if we want people to really embrace Web three, we need to give it away. Yeah, that was my point. Sorry. No, that's a great point. Definitely agree. By the way, a goldfish is 6 seconds and us social media people are less than that on our attention span. So there was actually a study done back in I think like 2016, 2017, something like that established that new benchmark for.

Understanding User Engagement

So congratulations social, you made us a bunch of add kind of people by nature. So turf gaming, go for it. One of the things that actually worked for us and we have enabled that for a lot of gaming companies and studios as well as the curating a competitive culture, just like how CS go evolved, just like how valorant evolved.

The Role of Competition in Community Building

And all these different kind of games have the access or they have their growth strategy and includes the competitive culture where anyone is literally hosting competitions for these games and having a small lan event. So I feel like for curating a community, a full fledged community where people are interacting and doing whatever, competitions are one of the things that can hook people or the gamers together in a way.

Enhancing Player Engagement through Achievement

Like, hey, I am the best in the thousand folks that are out there, or I'm the best in the next 510 thousand folks who are in this lobby. So having these achievements makes people stick to some game. That happened with a lot of games. And I feel like that element of competitive gaming can literally enable a lot of retention and as well as acquisition for a lot of games that are out there.

Psychology of Game Mechanics

Now. I love what you had to say about, you know, the competitive culture, you know, being a UI Ux designer by trade, there's a lot of gaming mechanics that I use when we design, you know, for the user experience. And it's interesting that you bring that up because there are a lot of different psychology models for exactly building that kind of thing within online communities, likewise being able to build that intrinsic motivation to get the people to keep coming back.

Long-Term Success through Adaptability

And so it's great to hear that a lot of you guys are focused on those kind of things, those core mechanics within your project, because they're vital. And no matter how often things change in the landscape of web three, gaming or gaming in general, you guys are easily able to adapt to it. And those are the projects, those are the games that usually tend to see success long term as well.

Wrapping Up the Discussion

So, yeah, definitely. Thanks for bringing that up. I won't bore you guys too much with the psychology thing. I guess that's a different AMA for now, but we're definitely at the halfway mark. For those that are just tuning in, my name is Cody. I'm the chief experience officer here at layer one x and your host for today's episode of x talks. We're definitely joined by a great group of panelists that are within the gaming industry to answer the question, who will strike it rich?

Call to Action for the Audience

The gamers, the studios, or the investors? If you haven't done so, please go ahead and share this link out to this episode so that we can get out to a broader audience. I know our panelists would appreciate it. I would appreciate it and love you guys forever. Likewise. Definitely give our panelists to follow. They deserve, they deserved it after the inputs and the thought that they put into their answers for making this a great AMA. And we applaud them and appreciate them for being here.

Engaging Further with the Panelists

So, with that being said, if you guys have any other questions for our panelists or on this topic, please be sure to drop those in the thread below, and I'll bring them up to and present them to our panelists a little bit later in this episode. So, moving forward, let's go on to the next question, which is kind of around the development and innovation in crypto.

Introduction to Game Development Innovations

And so I guess you could say, here's a time for you guys to brag or basically do a quick shout out for some love of another game that you might see that is doing some innovative development. So what are you guys doing to innovate development? Your approach? What are you using? What are you seeing in blockchain games that could redefine the gaming industry standards? Call the void. Go for it.

Creating Fun and Engaging Games

I mean, we're doing something that's very different from many projects out there. We're making actually the game fun. Yeah, that's what we're doing. We're making a fun game that people like to play, and we're making it easy for them to get involved. But actually, we're doing a bunch of fancy stuff with blockchain because it's a game designer's dream, really.

Innovative Use of NFTs and Game Mechanics

So we're doing things like we're allowing people to have NFTs, which will store their off chain progress, which means they can effectively sort of use guild systems and all of those existing things to grind and level up those accounts and then sell them on, which we think is a little bit more fun and a bit more rewarding than just selling tokens. Every time we get them, we're also doing some interesting things with limited NFT drops from bosses. We're making sure that we don't actually drop any NFTs that are actually something that every single player needs.

Balancing the Marketplace and Game Mechanics

So we're not dropping NFTs for swords and armor and all that kind of stuff so that we can balance it. And the reason we do this is that if you have 100,000 players and they all have a common sword and that common sword is an NFT, the first thing they do, as soon as they've got that common sword and they have an option to get an uncommon sword, they're going to sell that common sword. And as long as the price of that common sword is above zero, you will have a flooded marketplace full of common swords. And that will be shit.

Avoiding Complicated On-Chain Transactions

And the other thing we're not doing is we're not putting garages on chain. Because if you actually went to play, say, Mario and you had to buy Mario to actually participate in the game, and there were a hundred thousand or maybe 10 million Marios to choose from and you had no fucking clue which one, and some of them were like $80,000, like, how is a normal player meant to do that? Imagine if you were trying to play Mario and you also had to convert your dollars into yen before you could even do it, and Yoshi was a transaction that you actually had to sign for and get a wallet for.

Financial Realities in Game Development

This would be fucking shit. So we're basically avoiding all of that and anything involving yield bond curves or anything that a normal person would just be like, what the hell is this? And anything that involves floating magic money on a pillar of bullshit, we're also avoiding that. So we actually trying to earn real money from real things that people pay money for because otherwise you're just sitting on a gold mine that you created.

The Consequences of Devaluation

Out of thin air. And every time you sell that gold, the value of it goes down. And if you're just taking a cut of it, then you're basically relying on everyone believing in your own bullshit. And I don't think that can work for 100% of the time.

Enthusiasm for Game Innovations

I love your enthusiasm. I couldn't tell if you're enthused about this topic or nothing. After that, I'm definitely in the news. I love it. I mean, there is so much we can do with blockchain, but most of us are doing really complicated financial things that no one gives a shit about.

Innovative Project Features

Yo, I really like call of the void. Always have base takes and hot takes at that. I just want to share something that I found recently. I found a project that was working on wrapping assets. You can wrap tokens or you can wrap NFTs. So when it comes to on chain assets, I know a lot of games have assets on chain. You probably have 100,000 of the same sword that players can get from the game.

Combining Token Systems with Crafting

Why not make it into a crafting system? I play PUBG, I play mobile legends, I play a lot of web two games, and holy moly, they have a ton of freaking tokens. Token for this event, token for that. It's all B's and it's all very confusing. But I endure because I get something at the end, I get a wolfenhe, the skin. But at least in web three, I get some money, right?

Creating Derivatives from Game Assets

But you know, the, what was his name, he said that derivatives are the next weapon of mass destruction. I think something like that. And so why don't we create derivatives out of our assets? Like why don't an ice sword, you wrap 100 of those ice swords, you get like ice Trebuchet, you wrap 100 of those and you get an ice machete or something like that. And, and it keeps on leveling up.

Game Mechanics and Balance

Dude. Dude, a trebuchet is definitely stronger than a machete. I don't know who tore you. Game design. A trebuchet is top tier there, man. You're not going to go for it. You're not going to get me into a machete after a trebuchet. It's a wooden trebuchet. I have like a golden machete. Come on, Mandy. But yeah, think about it.

Wrapping Tokens into Economic Models

We have all these tokens. Why don't we wrap them into assets and players can grind or players can buy the best assets from the market. And I think the possibilities are limitless. We can probably even set a fee, like, I don't know, like a 5% fee or a 1% fee just to take some of those assets off the market. I think that will be something interesting for games to consider.

Innovations in Community Engagement

So choice, go for it. Perfect. Love to take so far, Yarra diesel legends. So as Matt and the rest of the panelists, at first, we're still pretty early. That's why I didn't talk about bringing the community, though. We have many ways of keeping them around, but the ways that we are bringing on our platform to kind of innovate and add value to this space first is I think that your barber is on the move.

Building Reputation on the Blockchain

I'm caged, man. Your haircut is fucking loud. I know. I know you, man, you can bust gun that yourself. Wait, I'm not unmuted here. You are, man. We're hearing all the buzz cuts. Between the air Cooper and the alien ward that Cody is playing on Tetris. It's going crazy. Sorry.

Future Technologies

I imagine that will be what it sounds like when our minds eventually get taken over by AI. It's just like. And then like we are one that. Will not be part of that future. But yeah. So we're bringing the native infrastructure, like, no social platform is currently allowing you to curate community on chain or bring in the on channel punching credentials.

Blockchain Innovations in Social Platforms

Right. We. Are you still there? Oh, shoot. I think we. I think you just got rugged. Choice if you wanna. He got ddos, he didn't get rugged. He got d Dosthenne, that's for sure choice. If you want to kind of drop out and drop back in, we'll get you back up and you can finish what you were saying.

Continuity in Discussions

So. Yeah, no, that was awesome. Yeah, I totally agree with you guys on that one. Let me get him right back up here real quick. All right. Can you hear us now, sir choice, you there? Nothing. Wow. I can hear, I can hear you. Now, but I see a lot of thumb downs. We good?

Bringing Value to Communities

It's crazy how long. You know, the only space that didn't get brought was the space with Trump. I was wondering why though. I wonder why. Yeah, I wonder why, right? But yeah, so I was saying that we are bringing different ways to innovate on the platform with one of the main ones being setting aside our social five platform from what the regular platforms are offering right now, which are native web two platforms, but they don't allow web three integrations.

Building Reputation Across Platforms

Like you can drop roles on Discord, but they will just work for your server and they will help little to nothing to a user that wants to build reputation on chain. So he goes to a new project that he would like to explore. Kind of all of his background or achievements or the points that he got for his contributions are just staying on the roles and things that he earned on that server, but they won't work for the new one. In our platform, you're actually working on your profile and on your reputation on chain.

Reputation Building through Community Engagement

So you receive points from community managers or from the game itself by APIs. So whenever you achieve something, you're building your portfolio of achievements that you can flex that you made through different communities and different hubs in our platform. And it will stay regardless of which new projects are joining or which new hubs you are joining, then the on chain social graph that you can get from tracking down all of these on chain transactions of both tokens and roles are definitely going to give an excellent perspective and view for the projects.

Innovative Revenue and Engagement Streams

We're also bringing lifetime royalties for the project. So whenever you onboard a user, regardless of where that user is transacting, whether it be on your hub or a different hub, you're going to have lifetime royalties because you were the first person to bring them over. We're also allowing the speculators and the traders to also play the game, but we're making sure that who's creating the assets is going to get a chunk of it whenever a token is being transacted.

Community-Driven Revenue Models

So you launch your token or your community first token and you got people playing the hype game. Fine, let them play the hype game because like unlike with the different regular platforms, they transact with your talking, but you get nothing back. We always about giving back to the person who created talking, who created the community.

Exclusive and Valuable Content Access

So we're also going to have another pioneering thing, which is the exclusive content access, but it's going to be granted by onchain passkeys. So you can have your super alpha channel where only people who's placing money to purchase these passkeys will have access to that specific content. That definitely is going to add a lot of value and perhaps unlock other potential benefits, whether it be in game or inside the project that you are promoting and building on the hub.

Differentiation in the Web3 Space

Then we got like so many things that we are bringing to pioneer that differentiate us from the regular web to social platforms. And for me, it's funny that we've been on the web three space for a long time, but we still rely on the web two platforms like Twitter, like Discord, that are honestly not giving us back, but sometimes just ragging us and taking away.

Understanding Web2 Limitations

So how much is it that we have to pay for the Xenore API or for us to connect to tweet? I think it was a crazy amount. Like it's really expensive. And what is actually discord giving back to us? So it's like, you know, we are that platform that is hoping to empower and help community builders monetize and help users build their reputation and help our community builders and projects profit from whenever people is playing the web.

Revolutionizing Community-Driven Gaming

Three games. Not a great point. It's almost like it would be awesome. Somebody was able to replace Twitter and discord all on the blockchain. That might be a great project. Wink wink. That's coming soon. Yeah, I totally agree with all the points that you guys have made of, you know, just to kind of add in, I've said it before, if you've been on AMA's with me around gaming, I'm a strong believer that the game or the ecosystem that can basically be able to start accepting other games NFTs into their gaming platform or ecosystem will definitely reign supreme.

Cross-Chain NFT Integration

And you know, at layer one X, that's one thing that we are definitely focused on, is being able to allow all games on EVM, as well as non EVM chains to tap into those NFTs. No matter where they're at, no matter the wallet, no matter the chain that they're on. They don't need to be moved. They can just be accessed directly without sacrificing speed or quality of graphics or anything like that.

Monetizing Gamer Data for Developers

Likewise, you know, we're making it possible that it's an additional revenue stream for games to be able to accept these NFTs because they can put them in their own marketplace and resell them and likewise be able to tap into universal gamer data and be able to have a better idea of who these gamers are and understand where they're coming from and allow the gamers to monetize off of their own gaming data.

Innovative Features for Gaming Communities

I think that easy was the one that was talking about doing the grind. This is definitely one of those grind plays that new games can tap into this user gamer data and be able to target specific gamers for their genre of games. So those are just some of the functions and features that we are definitely focused on over the, over here at layer one X. And yeah, we're pretty excited about it with the games that are launching on us.

Introduction and Last Call for Questions

So we've got just a few more minutes. I'd love to get your guys's take on kind of maybe one or two questions to go. Last call for anybody that has any questions for our panelists, now is the time to throw them in the comments below, and I will get those up if you do happen to have any for our panelists and today's topic.

Questions on Gaming and Community

So one of my last questions that I have for you is, as we stand on the brink of a new era in gaming, where do the lines between play, investment, and community continue to blur? What is one piece of advice that you would give aspiring gamers, developers, or even investors to be successful in this next cycle?

Insights on Web Three Gaming

And sorry for being a little bit quiet in the last few minutes. I was just kind of taking in what everyone else was saying, but I feel like every now and then we're having too many conversations as to, is web three gaming gonna stay? Is gaming dead? What is happening? And we're having all these doom conversations. But the reality is that, you know, all of us are still here. I know almost every single panelist on this space. So I think it's really about remaining consistent and present, but also really putting in the effort of staying kind of in connection with everyone else in the space.

Connecting with the Community

And I don't just mean teams to teams or like people that you enjoy hanging out with. It's also about spending time with your community and other communities and just seeing how different people are going about different problems, obstacles, issues, how they're making it big, how they're celebrating certain successes, how they're trying to, you know, demonstrate their work and what they're putting out into the space. Because when you get too focused only on what you're doing, you kind of go into this head tunnel where you're not really getting any new feedback and any good ideas.

Importance of Consistency

So it's really important to kind of stay in touch with a variety of different people and just really add that to your strategy and try and adapt to the best of your ability. So even if sometimes it feels like you've been on spaces for weeks and maybe there's not that much happening in the market, you don't realize it, but you are remaining consistent. People are still recognizing you and you are seeing how things are shifting and it makes you kind of a lot able to better navigate any situation and kind of market conditions.

Advice for Gamers

So I would definitely say make sure to stay in touch with people, your community, your co players, your teams and so on, because it does make a massive difference over time. I wish they had a 1000% button that. I totally agree with you on that one. Go for it. I amazed by Novara stake. I cannot agree more. I think it's all about how much people is being consistent, and it's about discipline too.

Consistency and Value Addition

And it's about people doing what they have to do, adding value, learning every day, pushing themselves forward. I will target it to gamers because the people that I've been hanging around the most with through my life and it's, you know, sadly, when we got, when some of us real gamers got to web three, we got infected with the type t virus where were taught that we just had to extract value. And when the value was zero, we would jump to the next project.

Finding Enjoyment in Gaming

I think that at this point the industry has made sure, and there are some projects that deliver fun that are deliver you games that you can enjoy and that you can actually play for the fantasy. If you truly do find those games, don't jump to the next one just because of the profits. But remember that you're a gamer at heart and support the projects that give you fun that you truly enjoy.

Creating Value from Passion

You know, put your efforts, spread the word and you will see magic happening. Like when you truly represent a project because you love it, not because you're getting paid your takes, the content that you create, the things that you throw out there will add so much more value than anything that is being paid for. So the value that you will add will not be equal to the value that someone who's getting paid a lot of money is adding.

Opportunities from Passionate Engagement

And then suddenly when you that because you are a real fan of that project, maybe that project is going to reach out to you and tell you hey, you know what, we love what you're doing. Come and work with us or we want to get you involved and that's what you're going to strike it rich. That's how you're going to grow in the industry. That's what you're going to position yourself. But you need to be consistent, you need to deliver value, you need to give back instead of just taking and walking away.

Gaming Industry Advice

If I was to give any advice it would probably be to studios and it would be to spend less on the marketing and more on development. Once you get the development down and your product is ready to ship and properly ready to ship then spend more money on the marketing. If you actually, if you don't have a soul and you just actually care about success, spend all the money on the marketing.

Challenges and Solutions

Show people just a really flashy video, never make a product and then just leave them in the merge because that seems to be the most successful way. And if you are going to get caught at one point just go to China, buy a ton of users, be more popular than genshin impact for a day and then raise eight point God knows what million off of really dumb vc's who can't pay for a data right AI account. I think that's actually the solution to this.

Game Development Priorities

The real thing is to put money into the development of the game, to make a good game, to make something happen. I think the problem that we have is that the actual barrier for us to get our economies going, which we need the token launches, you need to either secure that early or do it on a Dex, because I think the current CeX method is just utterly broken and it's extracting the last little bit of money that games companies have.

Market Challenges

I think that's really a tragedy for the space, because at the end of the day, we want our economies, we want our tokens to be released, and we don't want our tokens to be released when they go down. But unfortunately, you have to pay the piper, you have to pay back all of those souls you've sold. I'm ginger, I don't have a soul. Apologies for that.

Closing Remarks

But we really do have to do something about this CX situation because they are basically murdering the web. Three games industry. Yeah, I do agree with that. I don't know what it is about people wanting to launch. There are tokens on as many centralized exchanges as possible, because what I often see is the project is not ready.

Project Readiness and Market Impact

And so what it becomes is it becomes a dumping fest as the market makers that are hired have to defend the floor. If it fails, it just fails really badly. So I would think that, I would agree that we launch on a Dex first, and when it's ready for a huge push, then you can start onboarding the centralized exchanges, and that gives the holders something to look forward to, that gives speculators something to look forward to as well.

Product Launch and Market Trends

And so if you do all of that at once and there's nothing else to follow up, it's gonna be really difficult to defend that flaw, especially when you already have your game launched. There's something about having an actual product that is bearish. It always seems to be like, before you launch your product, Testnet or whatever, that's when the most hype is there, people are speculating and going crazy, and then you actually launch the game.

Market Education

And even if the game is good, oh man, the market is not forgiving. And it could be that the meme coins are taking away all the attention and liquidity. But I do feel that we really need to get the people educated on what it is to have fundamentals and what it is to have a successful game. No, 100% agree with you. And call this alpha, call this a shameless plug for a project that's going to be launching on layer one x.

Upcoming Dex Product

Can't say too much about it because they haven't really come out and fully launched it yet, but we have a Dex product that's going to be launching. Talking with the group that's managing it. Definitely a lot of CeX kind of functions and features built into a dex specifically around projects for gaming projects minting their own tokens, you know, things like that. A lot of bullish stuff that you can do.

Innovative Features and Community Building

And the best part about it is it will be 100% native, multi chained Dex out there. So you'll own the assets, you'll own everything throughout the whole process. So not only could you pair your gaming token with Ethereum or Solana, why not do it all so you could launch your token on multiple chains, which is a big deal. So all with the click of a button.

Final Thoughts

So I think I've probably divulged too much. Hopefully I won't get in trouble for releasing that kind of alpha. But yeah, definitely keep an eye out for the decks that will be launching here this month, actually. So yeah, with that being said, we're at the top of the hour. If you guys want to just take 30 seconds to do an outro, just let people know how they can keep in contact with you and get into your gaming community.

Acknowledgments and Launchpad Opportunities

Yo. Thank you so much layer one x for having us in the space. Thank you all the speakers for sharing their knowledge. Thank you to the listeners for listening in as well. Do follow us on this x account. We have two projects that we are very bullish on that we're launching.

Launchpad Insights

The tokenization on our site. How we do our launches is at the moment we're still a new launchpad, so we don't have any token lockups. You don't have to lock your tokens to participate. Unfortunately, you have to do KyC. So I know some people don't want to do that, but that's fine.

Ticket System for Launch Participation

How our launchpad works is every wallet gets a certain amount of tickets can buy. And let's say that ticket is $10. What happens is each ticket goes through Chainlink and then you get a randomized number generated for your ticket. That could mean that you get a one x. That could mean that you get a ten x. Even 100 x is possible with the way that we are launching tokens.

Community Engagement

And so do check us out, do follow us and if that sounds something that you're interested in, do look us up. Thanks. Thanks for being here. Ginto, go for it.

Gratitude for Participation

Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for everyone who tuned in today. I think it was a really good discussion. Always, always a pleasure speaking to everyone on here. If you are a gamer and if you love mmorpgs, if you love japanese culture and make sure to go to Genso game, we are on Apple Play Store, Android Play store.

Game Accessibility and Community Building

There's a web version of the game as well. You don't need to connect your wallet, you don't need to buy nfts. You can simply just play the game within the next two minutes. If you want to join the community and if you want some useful tips about Genso, then make sure to join our discord and telegram channels and if you want to do any game events with us and reach out to myself because I'm looking after much everything.

Conclusion and Future Engagement

Thanks for having us today. Have a good rest of the day and hopefully I'll talk to all of you soon. Thanks Nabera, appreciate you being here. Defi zoo, go for it. Yeah, I put it down in the comments there.

Following and Keeping Updated

If you want to kind of follow along what's going on with player gaming blockchain, you can follow the on player account and that's P l Y R. You can follow probably most of the news going on with them on my account too. And you know, I do kind of interact with different games and communities as well.

Community Verification and Safety

And I did put our telegram chat in there as well. Just make sure you pass the user verification portal. We do kind of have it pretty locked down to keep out, you know, some of the bad actors you see over on Telegram, but I would say there's bad actors everywhere so picking favorite platforms isn't quite the best way.

Community Engagement Strategies

But our community kind of originated on telegram and kind of, you know, kept most of the activity there. So that is our main community for now. Sounds great and we'll round it out with turf gaming. It was great being here guys, and thanks for having us.

Panel Acknowledgments and Community Outreach

And to the awesome panel that we have here. Feel free to reach us out in our official handle. And if you are a game, if you are a gaming girl, feel free to reach us. We have an amazing proposal.

Exciting Developments in Gaming

Amazing things getting cooked around the competitive edge of the web three and web two. Gaming industry would love to talk more about it. Thanks a lot. Layer one x team.

Final Thank You and Discussion Recap

Yes, and thanks to all of our panelists for being here. But more important, thanks to all of our listeners that have tuned in today's episode. It was a great topic and a great discussion from our panelists. Lots of great input.

Closing and Future Engagement

So if you're just tuning in, my name is Cody. I'm the chief experience officer and your host for today. Feel free to go back and listen from the very beginning because it was a great discussion, a lot of great pointers, point of views coming from gamers, investors and developers. So, until next week, at the same time, we'll have our next x talks, Ama, and were definitely looking forward to that one.

Encouragement for Community Involvement

So until then, keep working to unite all of crypto, and we'll catch you guys on the next one.

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