Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Paradise Shill and Chill Friday Sessions – You Shill, We Invest hosted by xCryptoParadise. The Crypto Paradise Shill and Chill Friday Sessions offer cryptocurrency enthusiasts a platform to discuss investments, escape traditional work routines, and explore financial freedom. The space, emphasizing personal opinions over financial advice, focuses on creating an entertaining and communal atmosphere for sharing insights and strategies in the crypto world. Participants can engage in relaxed conversations, exchanging thoughts on investment opportunities while building a community of like-minded individuals passionate about cryptocurrency. It serves as a safe space to explore the crypto landscape without the pressure of receiving professional recommendations.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: What is the main focus of the Crypto Paradise sessions?
A: Discussions largely revolve around cryptocurrency investments and embracing financial freedom.

Q: Are the opinions shared in the space considered financial advice?
A: No, the opinions are personal and should not be taken as professional financial recommendations.

Q: What is the encouraged attitude towards traditional work routines in the space?
A: Participants are motivated to explore avenues to escape the typical 9-5 work routine.

Q: Is the space more about financial guidance or entertainment?
A: The space is primarily an entertainment platform offering personal perspectives, not financial advice.

Q: How would you describe the overall atmosphere of the Friday sessions?
A: The sessions aim to provide a relaxed environment for discussing investments and freedom.

Q: Can listeners expect to receive specific investment recommendations?
A: No, the focus is on personal opinions and insights without professional investment advice.

Q: What kind of community is Crypto Paradise looking to build?
A: The space aims to create a community of cryptocurrency enthusiasts exchanging thoughts and strategies.

Q: Is the space intended for serious financial discussions?
A: Participants can enjoy engaging conversations without the pressure of receiving financial recommendations.

Q: How should listeners approach the content shared in the sessions?
A: Listeners should view the content as entertainment and personal perspectives rather than financial guidance.

Q: What is the underlying tone of the space regarding cryptocurrency investments?
A: The tone is one of exploration and enjoyment, focusing on personal opinions and experiences in the crypto space.


Time: 00:15:45
Focus on Financial Freedom Discussing ways to achieve financial independence through cryptocurrency investments.

Time: 00:30:12
Entertainment Over Recommendations Emphasizing that the content is for entertainment purposes and personal opinions.

Time: 00:45:29
Engaging Conversations on Investments Creating a platform for cryptocurrency enthusiasts to exchange thoughts and ideas.

Time: 01:00:17
Exploring Alternative Work Lifestyles Encouraging discussions on escaping traditional work routines through investment opportunities.

Time: 01:15:50
Community Building and Exchanging Strategies Fostering a community for individuals passionate about cryptocurrency investments.

Time: 01:30:22
Personal Opinions, Not Professional Advice Reminding listeners that opinions shared are personal and not financial recommendations.

Time: 01:45:18
Relaxed Environment for Investment Talks Creating a laid-back space for discussions on investments and financial freedom.

Time: 02:00:51
Connecting with Like-minded Enthusiasts Encouraging cryptocurrency enthusiasts to bond over shared interests.

Time: 02:15:34
Embracing Financial Opportunities Inspirational talks on embracing financial freedom and exploring investment potential.

Time: 02:30:10
Safe Space for Personal Perspectives Providing a safe environment for sharing personal opinions on cryptocurrency without pressure.

Key Takeaways

  • The space focuses on cryptocurrency investments and financial freedom.
  • Opinions shared are personal and not intended as financial advice.
  • Discussions center around escaping traditional work routines.
  • Embracing freedom and exploring cryptocurrency opportunities is encouraged.
  • The space is an entertaining platform providing personal perspectives on investments.
  • Listeners can enjoy engaging in discussions without financial recommendations.
  • Participants share insights on cryptocurrency without offering professional guidance.
  • The space aims to create an environment for relaxed conversations about investments and freedom.
  • Entertainment and personal opinions drive the discussions in the space.
  • Cryptocurrency enthusiasts can gather to exchange thoughts on investment strategies.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Crypto Paradise

Good morning from paradise, friends. How's everyone doing today? Happy Friday. Happy Friday to all. This is our first of what will be a weekly show we are calling the crypto paradise shill. In chill sessions, people come in, they talk about their favorite coins, why they're bullish on them. We'll probably ask some questions, and who knows? We may actually end up investing in some of the best coins that are shield over here. Should be fun. We'll do it every Friday. We'll see how it goes. We'll roll with it. We're chill, man. This is crypto paradise. We're hanging out. We're having a good time. The markets are looking better. Got some good things on the horizon. So you're happy to be here, perhaps, Nick, you want to jump introduce yourself as well, and then we can let the shilling commence.

Introducing Nick Hellman

Yeah, Nick Hellman here, aka the crypto hitman. Been in crypto for a long time, obviously one of the co hosts of Crypto paradise as well. And really, there's other, you know, people who do these type of spaces, essentially. Get up here. We'll give you a few minutes. Tell us about yourself. Tell us about your project or your biggest bag. Show it to us. Tell you why. Tell us why other people should vibe with that community. And you're talking to a lot of real holders, real investors, and real crypto users who potentially can find out about your project here today. Yeah, man. Should be fun. Little cross pollination. People learn about different projects during learning about different people getting connected. It's all fun, it's all chill. It's how we roll. The crypto paradise. So I see we have.

Mellow Project Representatives

Looks like some representatives from the Mellow project, which you guys know we're super bullish on. Trailblaze team is here. That's a. That's a pretty sweet launchpad. Looks like we got someone from the whiskey meme coin on Solana. So anyone, look, feel free, jump in, give yourself. We got a kendo guy. That's fucking great. Feel free. Just jump in, open up your mic, introduce yourself, tell us about a couple projects. Although I will add a couple rules, couple caveats. Try to keep the pitch around one to two minutes. We'll ask some, probably follow up questions. We'll have a nice conversation. We don't want people droning on for ten minutes about a coin, you know? Got to have that pitch down succinct, right? So step up to the mic if anyone's ready.

Shilling Kai Ken

Otherwise, I can. I can tell you guys about a coin that we've been working on called Kai ken on Eth, which is a CTO. We took over. That project's been through a lot. The ups, the downs, everything. We were in early on. Day two got involved. The dev eventually gave up, but there were 4000 holders, two centralized exchange listings. And the narrative, which is it, is the last enu in that line of japanese dogs of which Shiba. Shiba is a part of. We didn't want to give up on that, so we've been pushing that forward. We do daily activities, daily spaces raids, putting the word out there. Rebrand. Full website coming. We've got some new kols coming on board. We'll be using the Mellow man raid bot, the mellow man trade bottle because that's. Those are products every meme should want to use. So that's what we're bullish on Kai.

Current Status of Kai Ken

We've been working on Kai. Everyone should come check that out. Kai can on ETh, sitting around 1.3 million. Market cap at the moment was as high as 18 million at one point. And there's our. And there's still a bunch of kols. They're still holding their bags and pushing at opportune time. So check out Kai ken on Eth. All right, so that's the first shill. Someone else has got to step up and show a bag here, though, because, you know, you guys are probably sick of hearing me talk. I see we got English here. English in the house from Mellow man. Perhaps you want to jump in, mate. We'll let him do his thing. Perhaps he's busy. Got kendo people here. We got. Just got like.

Technical Issues and Introductions

Seems like the crypto paradise account needs to promote some people to speaker, which it looks like they just did for English. So. Next up on stage. Testing, testing, one, two, three. Now we hear you. How you doing, buddy? Names English. Look at that rap. Where's Andy? He's gonna be jealous of that. He's our mellow man singer. So I'm going to bring in a bit of rap. No, I'm only joking. I'm a terrible rapper, terrible singer, terrible dancer, but an absolute djen, which makes up for all of us. I love that. Yeah. So I am English ape. So I have been in the space for about seven years. My big boy play right now is mellow Mandez.

Mellow Mandez Insights

For me, it's probably the biggest meme in the space, even though it's only at like an eight mil market cap. And I see a few faces that I recognize. So you probably. You guys are probably aware of mellow man. But if you're not, just to keep it as brief as possible, because I know you want to keep it short. It's a Matt fury heads character. You can see the little yellow face on some of the guys like spuds and melo ayt in the chat. So it's a Matt Fury heads character. Really great meme. Went to about, I think like 600k or whatever, went down to dev, got rid of all of his supplies. So the team cto'd it at. It hit an all time high of around 14, 15 million about 1014 days ago. Really, really bullish. I utilities.

The Utility Behind Mellow Mandez

I know some people don't like the word utilities, but they are. So it's half meme, half utility. But the good thing about these utilities is they're going to bring massive revenue into the project. Phil is hoping from somewhere between a 600k worst case scenario to, well, hopefully a couple million a month coming into mellow man. So, you know, projects having utilities are great, but the good thing about these utilities is they're actually endorsed, partnered with, and going to be used by Dex tools. So dextools have announced a partnership. And then today is the first day after three or four weeks of testing, really intense testing, that the mellow man raid bot goes live. So that will go live today in a few hours, hopefully before the evening time.

Launch of Mellow Man Raid Bot

So maybe six or 7 hours. So the mellow man raid bot is going to be live. We've been testing it for weeks. We've been testing it in our own TG, but I'm pretty certain from our conversation earlier on with Phil that it's going to go live. People can start sharing it, other telegram groups can start using it, and then as of next week, Dex tools will be pushing their mellow man raid bot. So it's going to be massive exposure. The income from the Dex tools raid bar, mellow Man Raid bar, and whatever other project uses it is all going to go right back into the project. Buybacks, marketings, marketing, sorry, trending, whatever else. And to keep our second utility running, which is the volume bot. Best way to describe the volume bot.

Volume Bot Explanation

I'm sure you guys are familiar with Solana plays and a lot of Solana players. You can pay an ETH, two eth, whatever it is, to give you fake volume dextools screen. It makes you look like you've got a few hundred thousand dollars volume in a day. People are like, okay, this is clearly a bullish project, but if you actually dig into it, what happens is you throw in an eth, it will make all of those transactions within one block. It will be from one wallet, and you're actually paying for a service. You don't even actually keep those tokens. So what Phil and his team have created is completely the opposite of that. You can put in an ETH, two eth, ten eTh, it will spread it across 30 wallets, it will buy for you, or it will buy and sell for you, and you actually get to keep your tokens.

Dex Tools and Future Prospects

So it's a volume bot slash market maker for any project. Again, Dex tools have endorsed it, partnered with it, and are going to be pushing it themselves. And hopefully that goes live within the next few days as well. And next week, both of them will be live, hopefully for dextools to push it out. So it's a huge meme, it's got a massive utility, it's got the best of both worlds, and we're at an 8 million market captain cap, and we don't want to stop until it's at like a 200 mil floor. And then Phil's aspirations and my aspirations, and as I'm sure you guys would agree, that we have to turn this into a top five meme token. So we're talking hundreds of millions into the billions over the next year, I would say, for this bull market that hopefully is around the corner.

Final Thoughts on Mellow Man

So hopefully that's nice, short and sweet, with a bit of bullishness there for you as well, mate. I. Awesome. Yeah, so that's mellow, man. For you guys, a little bit of alpha. There is probably the first space where they are telling you that the products are about to go live. If I look at the chart in the ticker here, obviously I like the Matt Fury narrative for memes. I also like that you guys have been around since July, so you've survived. It's something a lot of memes haven't done. And if I look at the chart here, it looks like you are in your second accumulation phase. After running up to $0.25. You're back down here at 1112 cents.

Market Insights and Future Projections

But you've been sitting here for now a week, week and a half. So this would be a nice area. And I think the real excitement are where you should start to look at this project again is if you get that 1415 seven cent level with their products live. The only kind of issue I do have is the liquidity is a little light for the market capitalization, but based on your products, and you saying that the revenues are going to be used to go back into the project, I'm sure on that checklist is to add and lock more liquidity onto uniswap on the ethereum network or get a sex listing. So I'm sure that will come. So I do like what I see, I like what I'm hearing.

Conclusion and Next Steps

And overall, this looks like a decent project to dig deeper in and potentially get involved with. I guess we'll see more proof in the pudding. For those who like to wait. Let's see if the products actually launch here this week and next week. And let's see what happens when we get to 14 and $0.15 from these ten cent levels. If you're more of a degenerate and you're just trading cycles, like I said, this looks like the second accumulation phrase here. And I like the narrative in general. So if you think meme coins are here, Matt Fury, meme coins have run to billions and mellow man is right in that same narrative.

Final Notes and Moving Forward

Hell yeah. Just touch on that briefly. Yeah. That is the plan. To add to liquidity, exchanges are kind of lined up. Phil's involved with the major ones. So the next month or so, that will kick in. And then if you take a sneak peek at the people that are following Mellow Mandev and the people that have subtly tweeted mellow man, you'll see the Kols that are starting to get onboarded. So there's major people out there that won't even touch the project until 10 million. And they're all in the background. So everything is kind of go time now, basically. That's all I would say. And yeah, I agree with the liquidity. It's too thin because if somebody sells an eth or two, then it does have an impact.

Income Generation and Project Growth

But that's all going to be. That's all going to be sorted. All of the income basically fixes that. And the income is going to start as of today. So let's go. Love it. Any thoughts on that, Ian, before we get up the next project, it looks like we got Marv up here. We got trail blaze and some other individuals looking to be the next chill and chill here. Yeah, man, let's. Yeah. Anyone feel free, maybe? Marv, if you're ready to go roll, you can unmute yourself and get to chilling, baby.

Marv's Introduction

All right. All right. Let's go. Let's go, Gm. Jim. Guys. So how's it going? Really happy to be here. And yeah, I like the title of this space. First of all, it says crypto paradise. Chill and chill. Right? So we're chilling and we're chilling. Right, exactly. So, yeah, I'm actually not here to chill a product, but, like, I'm here to chill myself, actually. Right. I'm actually a product, so, yeah, I get to also, you know, like, show myself.

Marvel's Self-Presentation

Right. So, actually, I'm, a mav or, so my name is actually Marvel. Well, like, for short, just mav. And, I'm a designer.

Introduction and Background

Right. So I'm a ux UI designer. And, I designed for, web three products. And, I'm also a trader. Right. so navigating through the financial market with, technical analysis and the likes of that, I've been doing that for over five years. And, yeah, I'm also a member of tentacles Hub. I think some of the guys are. Yeah, they're pretty much familiar with tentacles hub. So me and, you know, me and Michael, we actually, you know, like, co founded the company together, and, yeah, we've been. We've been. We've been building it all along. Right. Though it's not much of a big product, but we're looking to, you know, scale as well. And, yeah, I've been following the Ferrum project back from the days of the unifier wallets. Right. Wow. Bringing it back. That's amazing.

Experience with Projects and Community Engagement

It's been a long time. Yeah, it's been a long time. I think I got some airdrops from, you know, the. Some. Some. Some sometimes. Yeah. When. When you guys used to hold some ama sessions, and if questions are answered, you know, we get to receive rewards. So, yeah, I've been. I've been there for the longest. Right. And so, I've been. I've been following the project, and, it's. It's pretty much amazing what you guys are currently building in terms of products. Yeah. In terms of approaching to build, coming in a blockchain. Yeah, it's really great. And, yeah, it's also amazing to see that providing a solution that is not. Really. Explored yet in the crypto space, which is interoperability, the idea of interoperability and providing solutions around that and chain abstraction as well.

Expressing Enthusiasm and Community Interaction

Right. So I'm pretty much amazed and pumped to all of this. Right. And so, yeah, I'm just. I'm just here, you know, to have fun, you know, catch up, get some vibes as we chill. And we chill. Yeah. So, yeah, drop down to the listener section and just, you know, have. Have a fun time over here. Yeah. Thank you very much, man. Appreciate it. Appreciate you jumping on. Thank you for your kind words about Ferrum. For those who don't know, Ferrum sort of, you know how it all started. We have a lot of brands, a lot of companies in this space. Obviously, you guys know crypto paradise now you're here for the spaces. But Ferrum is sort of the thing that started it all.

Insight into Ferrum's Vision and Community Impact

It's a project that's building interoperability solutions to connect bitcoin to the EVM world. Tech heavy project. A lot of devs, a lot of really smart people. So check out Ferrum network. Marv, thank you for being a part of this community, that community. And by the way, I would check out some of these other memes, too, right? Like, check out, you know, check out mellow. Check out Kai. I know you have a community of people who like to get involved, like to support projects. Perhaps there's opportunities, like within Mello, for example, with their raid bot. I know there's opportunity to promote mellow shill, mellow, whatever you want to call it, raid mellow, and perhaps earn some rewards from doing that. So check out Mello. Same thing on Kai. Ken, that's the CTO we're handling.

Importance of Community Engagement and Advice to Projects

So get involved across everything. That's my advice for you. Always try to add value, and then good things will eventually happen. All right. With that, I'd love to turn it over to our next speaker. I see crypto. It's crypto something. What's the full name? I can't see it, but let's go ahead and unmute. Crypto Turbo. I guess it is. Yeah. Crypto guru. Crypto guru. So, good morning, guys. Good morning. Is good to be here. Firstly, I'd like to thank you. Am I. Am I rogging? No, you're good. We hear you. Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for letting me speak. I love what you guys do. It's amazing to see helping communities and letting them talk about their project. It's cool. I'm a community member and also an order of Turbo CTO, and I'm just out here shilling for my bag, so I can also see some other community members down on the listener panel.

Overview of Turbo Token and Its Development Journey

So the ticker is Turbo. We are the first turbo token on BSC chain. The team from Turbo. We originally came from another project. We had a team from earth that got rocked by the dev. We discovered that turbo on earth was meant to be on BNB smart chain, and because of the color of the toad is yellow. One of the team members, who goes by the name Joker in TG, founded Turbo on BSC, and that was basically how turbo was founded. We are also listed on some exchanges like coin gems, deathscreen coin, nitro, moontock, former Spider catapult, and fresh coin. we have came from a 3.5k market cap ten weeks ago that we started, and right now we are at a 76k market cap. All time high was, 110k.

Engagement and Community Competitions

Joker and King are the top orders of the token. the reason is so they can reward the community with different type of competitions in the future. we have already done two competitions, one for the biggest buy and one for the raiding competition. We are also top orders. We are top orders, and we are holding the floor for everyone to invest in safety, knowing they will not get rubbed. We are an honest, genuine team of experienced individuals. We have over 300 orders. It has been ten weeks since we launched in June. We are here grinding every single day, bringing in new orders. Our 3G now is having over 700 members. Right now we got a chinese community also, in which a chinese marketer is onboarding members and others from the asian market, and we believe we are eating a billion market cap soon.

Partnership and Future Aspirations

Kostobu is yet to see. Let's go. I love it, man. I love the confidence. We have also just had a partnership with Memzilla two days ago with a lot more to come. We have a solid community, working hard. So come and join our TG. Come and grab a bag. You ain't gonna get it, guys. So that is basically what I have for you guys today. Thanks. Yeah, I'm looking at the chart here. Obviously, for those of you who don't know, Turbo is a big meme coin. Still a big meme coin. On Ethereum, it seems like they've done what a lot of other projects have done and brought Turbo to a new network, choosing BSc, probably because the fees are lower, and trying to tap into that DJ and community over there, if I'm looking at the right one, like you said, 76K market caps are very small, but have twelve k liquidity.

Market Analysis and Project Sustainability

Now, that liquidity doesn't seem to be locked yet, so I would like to see that liquidity locked or some of that locked, but at least you have over a ten to one ratio there with market cap and liquidity, you guys are up 60% today. I don't know if that's the crypto paradise pump or you guys are, you know, doing some other news and jumping on a bunch of spaces. So that's good price action I've been grinding, and you guys have had maintained this uptrend since July. So this isn't a brand new project. It's just a slow mover. But the uptrend has been maintained. It's continuing to look good, and it's having a nice wick here. So this is a little more on the risky side. 76K market cap, eleven k liquidity.

Community Strategies and Future Plans

But you're trying to tap into a narrative of turbo on ETH. Now, on BSC. How do you guys. How do you guys decide to differentiate yourself with that other community? Or are you trying to get that community to jump on board with the BSC version? I've seen a lot of projects do this where there's shib one network and they put it on other networks trying to chase that pump. But if you guys seem to be long term because you've been doing this since July, what was the reasoning for doing that? And how are you trying to differentiate yourself from that? Big bigger? So, actually, when were on the earth, the team got rocked by the dev. So one of the team members, Joker, founded WB and Beard and BSc on. On the BMB smart chain. So real quick, want to jump in? You got to lock liquidity, in my view, there's no excuse not to.

Addressing Liquidity Concerns

I wouldn't invest anything that doesn't have locked liquidity. So, yeah, go ahead and do that ASAP. Otherwise, it's going to be a real struggle for you to get beyond the 100k, whatever, all time high. Yeah, okay. Get to that. Yeah. Because otherwise, you could rug it tomorrow. I know you're saying, hey, yeah, we're. We're great, working hard, this or that. But with. Without lock liquidity, it can't be trusted. So you have to. You have to go out. Go ahead and lock liquidity. We love to see that. You give us an update once that's done. All right, we got another speaker ready to jump in.

Introducing Another Speaker

I see CCB. Feel free to step up, my friend. Hey, what's going on, guys? Good. Good to be here. Good to chat. Oh, okay. I know this is. What's up, buddy? What's going on? Good. Good to be with you guys. Happy Friday, everyone. Happy Friday. So, yeah, please introduce yourself. We're doing, like, these two three minute, you know, little pitches. Explain, you know, what it is that you're building and then why people should be bullish, and maybe we'll ask some questions and comments, and we keep it moving from there. Sure, no problem. I'll try to keep it super short. So, I'm Chris. I'm one of the co founders of a project called Tuti, recently released, I think maybe two weeks ago, in partnership with Ferrum Network and their accelerator over there.

Overview of the Tuti Project

What Tuti is a cross chain liquidity market for native bitcoin, allowing that to be unlocked and then ultimately turn productive in a variety of different use cases across all EVM chains done within a native manner. And what I mean by that is the bitcoin never leaves the master network. So it never leaves the. The bitcoin network. It's held within an escrow account, which is just sort of a taproot address without a spending key, and then mints a decentralized version of it, TtBTC, on whichever EVM chain the target user is looking to deploy that to. So, decentralized, it's not a wrapper. It's just simply a decentralized, non custodial synth, which really is only moving the metadata. It's not actually moving the asset from bitcoin to these evms.

Benefits of Tuti's Approach

And why that's ultimately useful is one, it keeps it native, as I. As I mentioned previously, it doesn't leave sort of your custodianship on bitcoin, but also it doesn't require an oracle, and it doesn't require us spinning up Dex liquidity pools on every single EVM chain that we want to support. So that removes two key vectors of potential issues that can come from liquidity, especially with oracle manipulation, Dex liquidity pool price manipulation. But more than that, it just makes it incredibly capital efficient to be able to scale sort of infinitely, so to speak. So that is something that we're building right now with tutti. You know, the target timeline is to have that launch sometime in Q four with a token generation event, either in Q four as well, or early Q one.

Future Launch and Roadmap

So, yeah, in a 20,000 foot overview, that's. That's what we're building. I can give a little of my background previously as well, at a later date, but I think for now, that's probably good just to keep it moving. Appreciate it, man. Great to have you here. Yeah, 2D is a. That's a serious play, guys. This is not a meme. They're building real technology that's going to unlock the sort of latent liquidity that's just sitting there on the bitcoin network not being utilized. Right. Like in. In the EVM space, you have all these different defi tools that allow you to lend, borrow, stake, and utilize your assets in a decentralized manner to unlock their latent value that doesnt exist on bitcoin.

The Value Proposition of Tuti

2D is solving. That is how I view this project. Its still early stage, really just came out of stealth a week ago, essentially still in that early stage, kind of pre seed round of funding, a lot of work to do, a lot of growth ahead, but the sort of that narrative, that vision and the core technology, I think is pretty powerful. Thanks for jumping in. I don't know, Nick, if you have any further thoughts on that one. No real token to take a look at or anything yet, but we'll keep an eye on the product to see if it's something that makes sense for you guys to use. And we'll definitely, you'll have to come on here again once the token is launched to kind of shill and chill and see what's going on after the launch.

Welcoming New Participants

Absolutely. Be my pleasure. Perfect. We got Dubcat that just popped up. We got trailblaze. Let's get these guys a speaker roll, and let's see what they're chilling and see if they're chilling, see if we vibe, see if we want to buy. That's what it's all about. That's it, man. We having fun on a Friday. Hope you guys got good weekend plans. And we're just chilling. We're chilling. We're hanging out. Markets looking a little bit better over the past few days. I think confidence is starting to creep back in as we lead into this rate cut on September 18, which is next Tuesday or Wednesday. So it's really right around the corner. Then we got up October coming. Q four is historically very strong for crypto, so feeling good, feeling chill, just vibing out. If anyone wants to jump in, give their project a shout out or a little shill, we're here for it, guys. We're absolutely here to support you, and hopefully you find some new. New buyers, new whatever, new community members along in the process.

Excitement for New Speakers

All right, looks like we got a couple new speakers here. It looks like maybe Dubcat's ready to talk or trailblaze. Let's see what's up? How we doing, guys? We hear you, Mister Cat. Let's go shammy here. Great to see you guys. I completely agree with what Ian said in regards to the market. I'm expecting some upwards price action in October. It's crazy how retail investors just seem to have disappeared completely interest in the crypto market seem to have gone. But when you realize that, when you think about how retail are only interested when the market's pumping, so maybe if we do get that upward price action, they'll. They'll flow back in as they always do, to get wrecked. We can destroy them. We can fucking destroy them. But, yeah, Dubcat, it's been an amazing journey and we've been on crypto paradise a couple of times. As far as I'm concerned, you guys are the biggest weekly crypto podcast. So anyone who's not subscribed 100% do subscribe.

Dubcat's Progress and Future Plans

You've had some amazing guests on. What we've been doing at Dubcat is amazing. I'm losing my voice right now. I was just saying to Nick that if I. I'll jump on, but really quickly going Singapore tomorrow. So right now we're in the stage of onboarding massive investors VC's and we're looking for to build our core before we start marketing exchange listings. So we've got a lot of ammo saved up for when the market does turn around. And when it does, we're going to unleash hell and we're going to absolutely set full send this. But we're just waiting. We're biding our time. We're adding, we've got early shib investors buying at the moment. So we're looking for that kind of investor who is proven and can, you know, withstand. You know what the market's like, don't you? It's up and down. It's volatile. There's peaks and troughs. It's not all of roses and daisies and singing and rainbows.

Discussing Investor Mindsets

You do get these. You do get these sell offs. And I feel like the biggest difference between an experienced investor and inexperienced is that experienced investors can. They can take that. You've seen the memes on Twitter where it shows you a roller coaster and there's someone sat on there chilled and it's like just another day on the roller coaster. Whereas the guy next to him is. Like, oh, my God. And like, he's crying and screaming. And that's what it's like. You've got to find the people who can chill just like this podcast. Chill and chill. So that's where we are right now at Dubcat. We've got exchange listings coming, we've got massive partnerships, we've got a full array of ammo, and it's exciting times.

Optimism for Dubcat

Yeah, man, Dubcat is killing it. Thank you for coming on here. Bit Shaman is the man. Guys, you should get in his gem Hunters group. One of the crypto og influencers who didn't go away. Most of the influencers that started and were big back when Bitsham and I got acquainted in 2017, 2018, they're all gone. He's not. We're not. You want to align with people who have long term vision and conviction in this market Dubcat really has everything going for it, in my view, because of who's leading it. Bit Shaman, experienced in this space, knows a lot of people, has the connections. It's got a great plan behind it, and I have all the confidence in the world. You guys are going to keep killing it. So thank you for coming on here.

Technical Analysis on Dubcat

I don't know if, Nick, you want to jump in with some ta or any kind of thoughts on Dubcap. Yeah. Looking at the chart here, obviously, guys, this is on Solana. What do we know? We know Solana is full of jeets, but it looks like you guys have survived since July. Constant uptrend. So you kind of broke through that jeep central over at Solana. You know, you're not part of that pump fun nonsense. So that's good. Good. Does look like you guys are backing up to major support. I would say the 5 million mark is major support. You're sitting at 5.5. I think liquidity is a little light, but I know you guys are probably should be working on that. I've heard that complaint from some people as well.

Liquidity Observations

For liquid, for Solana, the liquidity ratio is pretty normal, but for a theorem and BSc, you guys do need about another 50 to 100,000 in liquidity. And maybe that can happen during this next run over some future utilities. But I love the energy, I love what you're doing in this uptrend line. And the fact that this project has real faces, real kols, real influencer, and real partnership collaborations, I think is why the uptrend continues. Because everybody's kind of afraid to be the one to jeep, because they don't want to be called out, because everybody who's involved, their name is on the project. So the fact that you survived this long in Solana is a good start.

Thematic Trends in Crypto

I like the artwork. I like the narrative. We know that it is a dog season versus cat season. Coinbase has really been pushing cat season. That's kind of when you guys launched, and I think another reason that you were able to ride that narrative hype. And now we see the cat token being launched by Floki, which is worth $300 million. So that's really revitalizing cat season as well. So I don't know if you have any last comments, bit shaman or the Dubcat or whoever's over there, and we'll keep. Yeah, I completely agree. It is cat season. A lot of people are saying that, you know, they're expecting meme tokens to lead the bull run, and cat memes are kind of at the top at the moment, I think pop cat is the biggest cat meme, and I think that's only 150 mil.

Expectations and Growth Potential

Is it 150 mil or 200 mil? It's not that big. So we do plan on flipping popCap. That is kind of like our first aim, our first goal, and it's only been five weeks since we launched, and we hit seven mil market cap a few days ago, which is insane in my eyes, because it took shib six months to break three mil market cap. So if you look back a lot of these top memes, it did take them up to a year sometimes to break above a level that we've already hit. So we're so far ahead of schedule. And I've been talking to the community about, if you were to start a business, you have to compile all the profits and invest all the money you're making back into the business.

Investment Strategies for Success

And normally, on average, it takes five years to sustain the business until it becomes self sustainable. And when it comes to investing, it's even more important that you reinvest the profits, because with business, say you do take the money out of the business, and you do live beyond your means. You can always find more work, and you can always put, you know, the overtime in. But when it comes to investing, that money has to do its job. And if you take it out, it's no longer there. So it's so important that when you're invested in, you know, a early stage meme token, if you've got a good position and you've took your initial investment and you're sitting there comfy, let it run.

The Risks of Short-Term Thinking

Because if you sell it and move on, the odds are on Solana, as you said, then you're gonna get rugged. So it's win loss, win loss, and you're forever in the rat race. Whereas if you do get opportunity where you're sat comfy, where a lot of people are now in Dubcat, they've got a great position, and a lot of guys with less experience are clucking like chickens because they're sitting there with more money than they've ever made. But it's only ten grand, 20 grand, that isn't going to change your life. You know, you want to change your life, you've got to think much bigger. And a lot of people are learning the hard way, I guess, because they're cheating their investments early.

Creating a Sustainable Investment Strategy

It's like the old saying, isn't it? Let your winners run, cut your losses, never, always back the winning racehorse. So a lot of people in this game know there's a lot of scared money, isn't there. Scared money doesn't make money. So I'm trying to get people. Not only is Dubcat, it's a revolution in some respects because we're helping people understand the game. We're sharing alpha. We've got a vip group for people holding 250,000 tokens and we're the first crypto CTO incubator. We've got a revenue generating model. So the ctos that we launch, we're going to take profits from that, put it into the price of Dubcat.

Vision for Future Success

It's a money printer. In short, it's going to be a money printer. So as I said about a business, you've got to invest your time and money into a business. And it normally takes five years until it's self sustainable. And we're doing the same thing with Dubcat now, but it won't take five years, it'll probably take five months because we're already hitting, you know, seven Mil Morgan cap after five weeks. So imagine where we'll be in five or six months. It's insane. So congratulations. If you're involved in this, it's going to be a life changer. So cheers, guys.

Wrapping Up and Future Plans

Thanks for stopping by. Yeah, I mean, crypto is on. On turbo, so, yeah, five years is like five months in crypto. So thanks for coming on here. We kind of mentioned what we think about the chart, what we think about the liquidity. It sounds like hopefully the CTO can provide some revenue to add to that liquidity and do some other things. Maybe some sexes marketing, whatever it is. And yeah, I mean, guess the alpha would be that bit shaman is going to be in token for 49, trying to rub elbows with projects influencers, maybe making some new partnerships and collaborations.

Projects Collaboration Potential

And to me it sounds like maybe some partnerships can happen between some of the projects that have talked. Maybe some of the mellow projects can be used for Dubcat, maybe some of the mellow projects can be used for turbo. So, cool. Some cool projects that we're hearing about and what's interesting about the projects is all of them have been on different networks and all of them are approaching things a little differently. So we'll see, you know, what continues to run, what works, what doesn't. I. So do we have any other projects or people who want to get up here and show their project or their biggest bags here on chill and chill.

Approaching Investment with Value

I'll just say one thing about Dubcat. One thing I love about Dubcat is that they're approaching things from the standpoint of how do we add value and educate and help our community members become better traders, become better investors, just become better people? Bit Shaman, that's his thing. He's like a guru. And so to have his wisdom and his experience, he's imparting that on the community. That's a special value add. And we're actually trying to, we're trying to emulate that to a large degree at Kai Ken, right? That's why we do the daily spaces.

Value-Driven Community Engagement

That's why we talk about the market, we talk about investment strategies and core principles, patience, conviction, all these things. Because we're trying to add value. I think that's one way that you can really differentiate and you can go the distance. Because if people find that they're getting value, they'll come back and they'll tell their friends and they'll add their bags and they'll shill it more and they'll promote the project and they'll be on that journey. If people feel like they're being used as exit liquidity or they're just not getting anything out of it right, and they're just hunting for the next person to dump on and that's the whole game.

Long-Term Commitment to Success

I don't think that's sustainable. I don't think that's good. I don't think those kind of memes last. You can add value, can help people within your community. That's how you can go the distance in this space. So I see that in Dubkat, I see that Kaiser and Melo, many others. Just wanted to say really quickly, we had a lot of those kinds of investors during the early stage of Dubcat. And most of those guys sold Dubcat between one hundred fifty k and one mil market cap. And you know, and they can't even last a week. You've got to think much longer term, not just in Dubcap, but with bitcoin, ethereum, five year plan, ten year plan.

Learning from Successful Investors

Open your horizons, open your mind to what's possible. And I think as well look at the guys who've made the money and understand how did they make it. They weren't flipping for a two x and jumping in and out of coins every two weeks. They'd be getting involved in the, in projects like Ferrum Ferrim's one of the projects that made me. You know what I mean? I love it. I love it, man. No, you're absolutely right. The people who made it big in this space and got really rich, they didn't sell for two x, I fucking promise you that. But people have to learn that themselves.

Community Guidance and Support

But it's also good to have that. That. That tutelage, that guidance. And that's why Dubcat's great. That's one reason we, you know, we love Kai, do what we do every day in the spaces. But anyway, looks like we got another speaker jumping in. We got Arkanite. Please introduce yourself. Tell us about the project representing why you're. Yeah, I hear you, buddy. How you doing, bud? Oh, great. Thanks for having this. And this is awesome. You know, I've been working with you for a while now, and, you know, different things, so this is. This is great to be doing this with regards to whiskey.

Community Growth and Captain Whiskey

So if you guys can check that out, that would be great. We're growing new members are coming into the community, and the idea is to make different memes of people in different scenarios enjoying whiskey. And we are creating our own kind of whiskey mascot named Captain Whiskey. And he's kind of built around the character from, I don't know if anyone remembers the dos equis character… The most interesting man in the world. This is the most. Captain Whiskey is kind of our most interesting character in the world, and he is featured enjoying whiskey in different situations. So it's a new project. It's developing, it's growing, and it's different, and I think that's a plus. We're taking a cue from beer, and we're kind of doing some of the similar things, but some different things as well.

Market Trends and Liquidity

Here, go. Go ahead, Nick. I was going to say, looking at the chart here, it looks like you guys are also on Solana. You managed to survive. Launched in June to July was a little rough, and even though the price action would say otherwise, I would say a little rough because it looks like the typical pump and dump. Maybe that's where the CTO started, there at the end of July. Since July, though, you've been in a constant uptrend here, growing from what looked like was zero up to here, 700,000 market cap. I would say liquidity ratio is good. You have 700,000 market cap, over 100,000 in liquidity. I would like to see all or a big chunk of that liquidity lock. Now, that might be tough with ctos. A lot of the big holders of the tokens are the ones adding liquidity, which is great, but it also adds some risks for new holders and investors, because that liquidity can be pulled and sold whenever. So I try to look into that, and then the other thing I would work on is also your volume profile.

Token Distribution Insights

So if I looked at the token distribution since it pumped and then it dumped, I'm sure the token distribution looks pretty good. The people involved now probably have a clasp on the. The circulating supply, which is what you want in these ctos. And I would also say with the price rising like this and not getting dumped out on this lower volume, that would lead me to believe that as well, which is good. But I would just say, let's work on the volume here, and let's work on getting some of this liquidity locked. That would be nice. I do like the artwork. I like the activity on Twitter. It looks like you guys are expanding and trying to get more kols, influencers and partnerships done. And like you said, this is a very unique thing. I don't love drinking whiskey. I'm more of a vodka guy myself. But, you know, that manly, kind of Tate ish kind of crypto chad, you know, loves the whiskey, loves the scotch.

Market Sentiments and Future Directions

And I think that's a good mantra and a potentially new narrative here for the crypto markets. Beer did very well, like you said. So I think you have a couple things to work on. But I like what I'm seeing so far. And the fact that you survived this long with Solana is another green flag for me, just like we kind of saw with dubcap. All very good points, and vodka lovers and rum lovers are also welcome, but all very good points. And that's why we have you guys on board. And we're kind of, this is a new beginning for us. And that's all of those things you mentioned. That's what we're working on to improve our artwork, to grow the community to spread the distribution and to take it from there. We think this meme has staying power, and, you know, our goal is to hopefully form partnerships with real world brands. So that's part of the plan.

Community Engagement and Insights

What I like about it, you know, aside from the fact that I love to drink, not whiskey sometimes, but, yeah, I think that narrative has some staying power. It's not just a political meme or something that's very pop culture related that could come or go. People like whiskey. That's not going away. It has that sort of manly connotation. So I like the narrative on it. Got to lock that liquidity, though. I don't know the story behind that. Got to get that locked, otherwise you're going to miss out on vast majority of potential buyers. So get that locked up. It sounds like the liquidity ratio is good, which is great to see what you guys have going for you, I think at a high level is consistency. You've been around for a while. You're.

Consistency and Future Projections

You're keeping at it. That, to me, is key. Right? Most of these memes, they come and go in a week or less if you're consistent, if you stay grinding, you got the raids going. You're doing these daily activities. You'll slowly but surely attract more people in an organic fashion, and you'll slowly grind up. You got, like, you got to get that liquidity locked. All right, sounds good. Thanks. Anyone else, feel free to step up. Talk about your favorite meme, favorite utility coin. We're chilling. We're chilling. We got another about 15 minutes or so. Hell, you want to talk about whatever topic, feel free to jump in. It's great to do this. We'll be doing this every Friday, bear in mind, so it'll be a good opportunity to get some new projects, learn, do research.

Interactive Discussions and Learning Opportunities

It's just fun, right? This is how you learn about new coins, I think, in a more kind of a more personal way. Right? Getting to know the. Getting other people behind it can know the vibes. That's a little bit more difficult if you're jumping into a telegram chat. So that's why these are super valuable. Anyone else? Feel free to jump in. Nick, what do you got your eyes on these days? Anyone that we haven't mentioned yet? Look, I mean, I still think it's early to be finding some of these, but we've talked about utility coins. I know we've heard a lot of meme coins here, but I think utility coins are really washed out, and you can start finding some value.

Upcoming Trends and Useful Insights

Look for the utility coins that have a product and a business that's starting to make revenue now and is promising to use some of that revenue for token buybacks, revenue sharing or staking rewards and lp ads. So some of those names are names that we've talked about. It's been months, but they are. Their businesses are starting to hum. And I think that utilities come that would be like dead. Pres USA Online gambling casino. They're bringing in good revenue and the NFL season is upon us, which is one of the most highly betted sports betting platforms. Their bankroll is up to somewhere around $700 to $800,000. And they said once they get a million bankroll, if you don't know what bankroll is in casinos, that's in case somebody hits a jackpot, they can pay out. No, go bankrupt. That's what they're going to start their.

Innovative Project Developments

Their buybacks and their burns and they're doing in a large percentage. It's like 60% of the revenue will be used for that. Another one that I actually saw recently is Arc X, one we've talked about, but they've been partnering up with a lot of meme tokens and doing jewelry drops, limited edition jewelry drops that are selling out. And 10%, ten to 15% of that profit goes back to the product. The other projects for marketing, but another 20% to 25% is used for buybacks and burns. Of the Arc X token, they actually did one with Dubcat. They've done one with volT, they've done one with FlokI, and all those lines have sold out. So those are two interesting utility plays to me that I like, and then I still think blue chip plays.

Reflection on Market Dynamics

If you're tired of. Okay, nick, went in the SHiLL and CHiLL and it's a bunch of degenerate projects. My risk tolerance isn't there yet. In this part of the market cycle, I still hammer on about Floki and what theY're doing. They kind of fall into the utility play now as they have their trading bots and they have their launch pads and everything else. 50% of their revenue goes to their marketing pool and 50% goes to directly buying back and burning FlokI. And I think that's why they've had the staying power and that's why I think they're going to rip to new highs here when this market turns around a little bit. So I think starting to look at some Utility Plays on these washed out levels is good alpha, especially with everybody we see from the shill and chill.

Emerging Opportunities in Utility Coins

It's a lot of meme coins, and it's meme coins trying to do stuff different. And that's interesting and exciting, but nobody talks about utility projects anymore. When nobody is talking about something that is the floor to buy into, it takes some guts. There's blood in the streets. But if their business is starting to produce revenue, that's when you want to start positioning and getting it back. Yeah, I'm glad you mentioned utility plays. I think also with the market looking like it may be turning bullish here soon and new retail investors coming in, they're likely we'll be looking at utility plays. I think meme season will absolutely fly as well, don't get me wrong. But new money, they be more.

The Evolution of Successful Projects

They're possibly more inclined to invest in something that's a bit more traditional with like a business sort of behind it, so utility players don't sleep on those. And also, I'm glad you mentioned Floki, because that's a great model for how a project can evolve and really go the distance to survive long term. Started as a true meme, right? Maybe. I think maybe was a CTO at one point, right. But then they slowly started to build different products, different utilities, you know, adding to their whole vision, their whole stack of products and solutions. That's a really cool model to look at. And I think like a mellow man is kind of taking a playbook out of that. I could see that being a trend too.

Community Growth and Future Directions

Kind of like that hybrid meme plus utility playdead. I see that being a trend going forward here potentially as well. So I'm glad you mentioned Floki. Anyone else, feel free to jump in. I see Chris, you're still here as a speaker. Anything you want to mention about Tuti or anything else, and you're gonna be a token. What are you, what are you looking for, token? What am I looking for? Or when are we looking for? Well, what do you look like? Token, by the way, is a big conference happening in. Was it Singapore? I forget where it's happening. Probably one of the biggest of the year, right? A lot of projects, a lot of VC's.

Goals and Expectations for Tuti

Everyone's going to be there, so you're going to be there too. Chris, what's your goal over there? So spread the good gospel of tutti. Like what we're building, there's tons of big narratives that are cropping up within there. Obviously AI is one of them, web three in general. There's a couple around like, oh, is defi dead and all that sort of jazz. But bitcoin is another one of those huge narratives. I would kind of put that close on par with aih. And there's a bunch of different, you know, topics around it from staking to new decentralized wrappers and yield and blah, blah, all these different things.

Exploring New Markets

So really it's just to go there, spread the good gospel, get tutti in as many people's mouths as possible, but also understand the lay of the landscape and show people why, like what we're. Why what we're building is, you know, useful but potentially revelatory there as well. Because we're not looking just to be another decentralized rapper like TBTC. We combine all the best aspects, I think, of the bitcoin ethos and doing in a way that allows people to do what they want with it. Like, we're not trying to direct you into one particular direction, but we can enable anything. So it's to be out there talking, getting the pulse, and yeah, hopefully come back with some.

Anticipated Outcomes

With some interesting little tidbits on partners and areas to collaborate, possibly out within Asia, but then other protocols that maybe are building in sort of a parallel space which can accelerate tuti whenever we launch in Q four. But yeah, keeping it super open. I think it's going to be interesting. It's my first time out there, so I don't know fully what to expect. But as I go out there, those are kind of the broad strokes of what I'm looking to accomplish. Nice, man. I think you're in the right sector. BTC. BTC Fi. That's absolutely one of those hot narratives right now, and for good reason.

Investment Opportunities and Market Trends

Right? Bitcoin has just been kind of their store of value medium exchange, the granddaddy asset, whatever you want to call it. But there hasn't been a ton of innovation until recently. And I think a lot of investors, big money investors as well, are really looking closely at that sector and they want to deploy capital. And I can see that narrative being very hot as the market does heat up. So I think you're going to have some great success over there. Come back next week, if you're available, and give us a rundown, tell us your experience. We'd love to hear that. No doubt. Sounds fun. Alright, any other final projects or people want to get up here and chill, otherwise we'll probably wrap this up and we've had some good projects.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

So hopefully you guys all go on Dex tools, check those out, re listen to the recording, because we're not trying to get you to buy or fomo on anything. We laid out the pros and the cons of every person who came up on the stage today. And, of course, it is ultimately your financial decision in the end. So every project that came up had a lot of good things and they had some bad things. So you got to weed through that, decide which projects are going to address the cons that we gave them, and those will be the projects that succeed here in the near future. Yeah.

Research and Community Engagement

That's what this is all about, right? We want to give people sort of that eyes wide open. The good, the bad, the ugly. Do your own research. This can be viewed as almost a jumping off point for learning about a new project, and then you go and you do your due diligence on it. I join the community, right? Get to know the project a little bit more, get to know the team behind it. Ask the tough questions. That's how you're going to figure out if you really like the narrative, you like the people behind it, you can trust it, and you can. And you can kind of grow with it over time. So, yeah, this is a great opportunity to learn, but then you got to take it to that next step and do that due diligence for yourself.

Upcoming Events and Progress Evaluation

I think that's it for today. We'll see you guys on the beach. I don't know if you want to do the roundup, Ian, you say it better than I do. And we'll do another shill and chill next Friday. So if you are a big bag, holders of some projects, make sure to tell their founders, tell their community holders to get over in the shill and chill next week. Let's see how these projects that we mentioned today do over this coming week, and maybe they'll tune in again and we can give them the mic. Now, if they're shitting the bed and getting nothing done, don't expect to get the mic again.

Successful Collaborations and Future Goals

That's the way it works on chill and trill. We're trying to find winners. We're trying to promote and help the winners, and we're trying to have everybody in this space win together. Yeah, man. Great. First chill and chill session. Chill and chill session. Everyone call, be here every Friday. This time, we. I'm sure we'll be following up on the projects that we heard from, too, right? Like, we hear good stuff from Tutti mellow. We talked about Kai a little bit. Whiskey, turbo guys jumped in. So a lot of cool projects. Plenty of.

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