Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Narratives You Can’t Ignore: Key Trends to Watch out for!! hosted by intoverse_. Immerse yourself in the world of Crypto Narratives and uncover the transformative power of Web3 technologies, DeFi platforms, NFT innovation, AI integration, and ongoing developments in the crypto landscape. Explore the vital role of community engagement, compliance, and education in shaping sustainable crypto projects while embracing continuous innovation and the ever-evolving nature of the industry. Discover the importance of security, decentralized solutions, and strategic crypto investment approaches to navigate this digital frontier with confidence and knowledge.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: How do Web3 technologies differ from traditional web structures?
A: Web3 is decentralized, offering increased privacy, security, and ownership control compared to centralized systems.

Q: Why is community engagement essential for crypto projects?
A: Engaging communities builds trust, fosters adoption, and enhances project sustainability.

Q: What role does regulation play in shaping the crypto industry?
A: Regulatory frameworks impact market dynamics, investor confidence, and project legitimacy within the crypto sphere.

Q: What are the key benefits of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms?
A: DeFi offers financial inclusivity, transparency, and the ability to earn passive income through decentralized protocols.

Q: How do NFTs contribute to the evolution of digital ownership?
A: NFTs revolutionize ownership by providing unique, verifiable digital assets, transforming how we perceive and exchange value online.

Q: How can AI enhance security measures within the crypto space?
A: AI algorithms can bolster cybersecurity, detect fraudulent activities, and improve transaction monitoring in crypto operations.

Q: Why is constant innovation vital for the sustainability of crypto projects?
A: Continuous innovation drives competitiveness, adaptability, and the ability to address emerging challenges within the crypto ecosystem.

Q: What factors should individuals consider when selecting a crypto wallet?
A: Factors such as security features, user-friendliness, supported assets, and compatibility with trading platforms are essential when choosing a crypto wallet.

Q: How can individuals educate themselves about cryptocurrency investments?
A: Resources like online courses, reputable blogs, podcasts, and community forums are valuable for expanding knowledge and making informed investment decisions in crypto.


Time: 00:15:49
Decentralization in Web3 Exploring the decentralization aspect of Web3 and its implications for digital ownership.

Time: 00:30:12
The Rise of DeFi Platforms Discussing the growing popularity and functionalities of decentralized finance platforms.

Time: 00:45:28
NFT Innovation and Digital Collectibles Insights into the NFT market and its impact on traditional asset ownership models.

Time: 01:00:39
AI Integration in Crypto Operations Examining the role of artificial intelligence in enhancing security measures and operational efficiency.

Time: 01:15:57
The Future of Innovation in Crypto Predictions and discussions on upcoming technological advancements and trends in the crypto space.

Time: 01:30:20
Optimizing Crypto Wallet Selection Tips on choosing the right crypto wallet based on individual needs and preferences.

Time: 01:45:48
Educational Resources for Crypto Enthusiasts Recommendations on educational platforms and tools for expanding knowledge and skills in cryptocurrency investments.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 technologies are revolutionizing the digital landscape with decentralized solutions.
  • Understanding the value proposition of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is essential for staying informed.
  • Community engagement and inclusivity play a significant role in the sustainability of crypto projects.
  • Regulatory considerations and compliance are vital aspects impacting the crypto industry's growth.
  • Trends like DeFi, NFTs, and Metaverse are reshaping the future of finance and digital ownership.
  • Exploring unique projects and social finance initiatives can lead to innovative opportunities in the crypto space.
  • The integration of AI and blockchain technology holds immense potential for enhancing efficiency and security.
  • Innovation remains at the core of the crypto space, driving continuous evolution and development.
  • Leveraging wallets and trading platforms effectively can optimize crypto investment strategies.
  • Education and awareness are crucial for individuals looking to navigate and participate in the crypto realm.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Overview

Hello, everybody. Welcome to another introverse, Ama. Thank you for joining us. Today. We are going to be talking about crypto narratives you can't ignore and the key trends to watch out for. We were scheduled to have two amazing guests, one from Lumisher and other from VUE protocol. But I think the guests from Lumishare having some technical difficulties. Hopefully they can join in the Ama before the Ama ends. Once again, thank you to the audience. Thank you to our guest view protocol for being here. I think we can. We can get started and go straight into the AMA. Please. Can you introduce yourself and give a brief overview of your projects?

Introduction of Speaker from VUE Protocol

Speaker from view protocol? Yeah, sure. Hey, this is Matt. I'm the lead initiator of the VUE protocol. So I just give you a brief introduction about our team. We at VUe protocol is trying to build the layer two for web three social. Basically, we have, I mean, our mission is to build the decentralized social layer with rest taking, powered by the open network and the Egan layer and optimism. That's the web three native technology we tend to use. And, yeah, I'm very happy to be here and, yeah, I look forward to the conversation. Thanks. Julia.

Project Launch Details

How long has your project been launched? Oh, we just launched last month. It's a fairly new project and we as a team has been discussing the, you know, I've been exploring and debating the ideas since you won, and we just launched our, we just launched everything, the website, including the solar channels and everything. Yeah. How's it been? How's the launch going? Pretty good. We had some support. I mean, some of our team members are pretty seasoned in this space, so we were able to garner some initial support and funding for our projects. So, so far so good. I have my finger crossed. But we are doing everything we can to make this work.

Future Plans and Trends

Oh, and by the way, our MVP will be released in q four, so stay tuned. All right, man. Good luck with your project. Let's get into the question. So what are some of the key crypto trends that you believe will dominate the market in the next year? It's hard to say, but I think the recent report posted by Quantelegraph, I think, already stated that decentralized social media and deeping and decentralized science, some of the whole areas right now gaining traction. But if we are talking about the next year, I think the future trend is always about what attracts most eyeballs. So, I mean, we are really asking about, you know, what excites people.

Future of AI Integration in Web Three

So in next year, I would say. I mean, I would bet my money on AI integration in web three. Decentralized social media and gaming. And a deep end. Yep.

Exciting Developments in Decentralized Social Networking

Yeah, definitely agree with you. Like, deep end is really catching on, especially because of the real world use cases that deep end networks really offer. So I think that's a definitely a good show. Also, decentralized social networking, like ourselves, offering users the opportunity to earn from their social media interactions is another exciting narrative that's really catching on. So I think these, on a personal note, I think these two narratives, they really excite me personally.

Impact of Global Events on Crypto Adoption

So how do you think global events and regulations generally impact the narrative around crypto adoption and development? I think it's pretty safe to say politics always play a huge role in everything. I can't remember, you know, what tv series is, but I think it's. I think it was in the house of cards. You know, the main character says, you know, money comes and goes, but power is like a castle, it stays. So I think, you know, the numbers are very clear on this, just to give you know, some, just to give the, you and the audience some rough numbers. So this year, I think cryptocurrency companies have spent a lot of money on, you know, on donations and political campaigns. Probably half of the corporate donation is from cryptocurrency. So that's a lot of money from crypto.

Influence of Cryptocurrency Money

And I personally think crypto money is smart. I. So I believe it will exert the right influence on the future events and regulations which will naturally feed back to web three and crypto. So to answer your questions, it impact the narrative around crypto significantly, which is why, you know, our space is spending a huge amount of money on that.

The Need for Political Support in Crypto

Definitely. It makes sense for projects to be making huge donations and to be basically trying to lobby for favorable regulations for the crypto market. Because at the end of the day, as much as we love decentralization, at some point, if we're truly going to have mainstream adoption of blockchain technology, we're going to need to have the government on board, and there will have to be some regulation and some capacity to fully have people really take advantage of what blockchain can offer and really see the multiple use cases for blockchain and cryptocurrencies. So I definitely agree that no matter what we say, the political landscape is a huge factor on the market.

Potential Growth in Crypto Sectors

Yeah, totally. I mean, we kind of spoke about this in the first question, but in terms social, in terms of social Phi game five, deep end, these are three really hot, hot sectors in the crypto world. So which of these three sectors do you think has the most potential to grow in the long term? I think my answer is pretty simple. I mean, if you look at the, you know, the underlying logic of these niches, they all have potential to make it in this space. Right? I mean, if you ask yourself, do you want those services in your life? Of course. Right. But the real challenge is whether we can provide real value, valuable services to the user in these niches.

Excitement About Crypto Projects

So I don't have a very. I don't have a straight answers, but I hope all those narratives stays in this space and I hope they made it make it, because at the end of the day, me as a web three and crypto users, I wanted these projects to win because, you know, so I can use their services to benefit me and my family. Just trying to make the question simpler in terms of which excites you the most. Sochify, gamefire, depend. Well, do they all fight as much as each other?

Comparing the Excitement of Sectors

Yeah. No, no. I mean, if you.

The Importance of Social Fi

If I have. If I have to pick one, it's definitely going to be social fi because we are building the. We are building Vue protocol, and Vue protocol is about social decentralized social media. So, yeah, social fi all day.

Role of AI and Blockchain in Crypto Trends

All right. Definitely. So what role do you think emerging technologies like AI and blockchain integration play in shaping future crypto trends? I think it's going to be a increasingly important role AI plays in blockchain development, and it's going to be more significant and transformative because AI is a powerful tool. It adds a lot of fuel to your productivity, and the future of development is also going to be way more intense. So to answer your question, I think AI is going to help us to reach the productivity level, and the pace will get a very intense. And with this tool, I think we will witness a radical surge in productivity in project building. And the tools coming out of this cycle will be much better and in larger quantities, the competition will be even more fierce. But eventually, as a market, it will benefit all of us as the end users.

Integrating AI into VUE Protocol

Have you been able to integrate AI into the VUE protocol? Of course. Of course. I mean, our tech develop, our tech team, you know, utilize a lot of AI development tools to, you know, to speed up the development process. I think. I think. I don't think there's anything wrong with, you know, using AI, integrating AI into your life and work. I mean, it's a powerful tool, right? I mean, white out. Yeah, definitely. AI is a powerful tool. And I think if you can AI in tandem with human beings, it makes us more efficient. I mean, interverts. We integrated AI through our smart AI assistant Enkei, which does a number of things from acting as an assistant and guiding new users through the introverse app. You can also use the RAI tool for community management. We can intelligently broadcast messages and manage multiple communities at the simultaneously. So definitely AI definitely makes our lives easier. It could make projects or individuals a lot more efficient. So integrating AI into any project is a great thing.

Future of Development with AI

Yeah. I mean, eventually we as builders won't have to worry about coding. I mean, eventually, way down the road. I'm not saying that's the case right now. And when that day approach, when that day arrives, the only thing that's going to matter is whether you and your team understand your community and whether you can find your niche or PMFD. And, you know, I think AI will help us to reach that stage. And eventually, like I always said, eventually, the competitions, the market, the choice of the market will eventually benefit the end users. Definitely. I totally agree.

Staying Ahead in the Crypto Market

So how do you think investors and developers can stay ahead of the curve when it comes to investing or in the crypto market? This is the, I think this is the most difficult question of all, because on the one hand, I don't know how to predict the future, so I don't know how to stay ahead of the curve. On the other hand, you do need to, you know, you do need to create some space between you and your competitors. So if I had to give answer, I would say you return to the fundamentals so you don't try to chase the trains, you don't try to predict the future.

Building and Progress

But once the building starts, once you started to, you know, put your hands dirty and, you know, get back to coding, you start to see the road ahead. And I think that's the solution, at least for me and for my team. So action is information. So I would say you just start, you just start building and you will eventually see how the curve hall and what the curve is.

Finding the Balance

What do you think about finding the balance rather than. Because what I see with a lot of projects is if they, if this is the new hot thing, they try to integrate that immediately. Do you think it's a important to stay true to your original mission or should you always be looking to integrate the latest narratives? That's a really interesting question. I think the key is, like you said, is to find the balance. But how to find that balance? It varies personally and varies from project to project.

Personal Insight on Balance

Again, I think it all comes down to what kind of human you are and what kind of team you. You have built. So it's. It's a very personal question. I have to say. I don't have. I can't pinpoint an exact answer on that. All right, Matt, thanks for your views so far. So, like, jab, I mean, I know you said view protocol is really a very new project, but do you have any.

Updates from View Protocol

Do you have any events or any updates that you would like to share with the audience members that they could look forward to? Yeah, I think the most important updates would be our MVP, so, which will be released in Q four. I would invite all of you to stay tuned. Again, I would like to reiterate our mission and slogan. So we are building the layer two for web three social and building a decentralized social layer with the resting component, the web three technologies we are using, or web three infrastructure we are using.

Technology and Engagement

It's the Tom blockchain Egan layer and optimism. I think. I think those three projects and technologies really and their services really fit our. Really is in alignment with our mission. And, yeah, please Google us, read about us, and make sure you follow us on Twitter X. We have a lot of content to push out, and, yeah, that's pretty much it.

Conclusion of the Session

All right, man. I think we've pretty much covered all the questions for the day. Today's AMA is gonna be a little shorter than usual because I think one of the guests was having some technical difficulties. So, unfortunately, we just had to go ahead with view protocol. Thank you for joining us. View protocol. Thank you to the audience. Please follow view labs. Also follow Intersect underscore.


Thank you guys for joining. See you next time. Thank you. Have a good one. All right, bye.

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