Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Moon Shoot <> UX INU ($XUNU) Reward : 150$ USD hosted by CryptomoonTW. Crypto Moon Shoot presents an insightful journey into the world of Blockchain marketing with a focus on UX INU ($XUNU) and a $150 USD reward. The discussion highlights the pivotal role marketing agencies play in promoting Blockchain projects through strategic partnerships, engaging initiatives like giveaways and AMAs, and the use of platforms like Telegram for community interaction. The value of collaboration, transparency, and effective marketing strategies shines through, emphasizing the importance of marketing in project success and community engagement.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How do marketing agencies contribute to Blockchain projects?
A: Marketing agencies support projects through partnerships, promotions, and outreach efforts.

Q: Why are engagement strategies like giveaways important in the Crypto space?
A: Giveaways help boost community involvement and create excitement around projects.

Q: What role do partnerships play in the success of Blockchain initiatives?
A: Partnerships can significantly impact growth, visibility, and success in the Blockchain industry.

Q: How do AMA sessions benefit Blockchain projects?
A: AMAs provide direct engagement opportunities, transparency, and build trust with the community.

Q: How can rewards like the $150 USD incentive impact project participation?
A: Rewards drive interest, incentivize participation, and enhance project visibility.

Q: Why is community collaboration crucial in the Crypto and Blockchain space?
A: Collaboration fosters innovation, expands reach, and can lead to mutually beneficial relationships.

Q: What platforms are effective for community communication in Blockchain projects?
A: Platforms like Telegram offer accessibility, direct communication, and community interaction.

Q: What is the significance of strategic marketing in the success of Blockchain ventures?
A: Effective marketing strategies are key for raising awareness, attracting users, and ensuring project success.

Q: How does Crypto Moon Shoot exemplify the importance of marketing in the Blockchain ecosystem?
A: Crypto Moon Shoot showcases the strategic role marketing plays in promoting projects and engaging the community.

Q: What are some common tactics used by marketing agencies to support Blockchain initiatives?
A: Marketing agencies employ strategies like partnerships, giveaways, and AMAs to drive visibility and engagement for projects.


Time: 00:15:49
Strategic Partnerships in Blockchain Exploring the impact of key partnerships on project success.

Time: 00:30:12
Community Engagement through Giveaways Discussing the effectiveness of giveaways in building project communities.

Time: 00:45:28
AMA Transparency and Trust Building Highlighting the importance of AMAs for direct engagement and trust.

Time: 01:00:05
The Value of Collaboration in Crypto Understanding the benefits of collaboration for industry growth.

Time: 01:15:42
Reward Incentives for Participation Exploring how rewards like the $150 USD offer drive community involvement.

Time: 01:30:18
Telegram as a Community Hub Utilizing Telegram for effective project communication and engagement.

Time: 01:45:56
Importance of Strategic Marketing Discussing the crucial role of marketing in project success.

Time: 02:00:32
Impactful Promotion Strategies Examining effective promotion tactics employed by marketing agencies.

Time: 02:15:11
Marketing for Blockchain Visibility Highlighting the role of marketing in increasing project visibility and adoption.

Time: 02:30:07
Case Study: Crypto Moon Shoot Success Analyzing how Crypto Moon Shoot exemplifies successful marketing in the Blockchain ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Marketing agencies play a vital role in supporting Blockchain projects through partnerships and promotions.
  • Engagement strategies like giveaways and AMAs are effective in bolstering community involvement.
  • Blockchain initiatives often rely on marketing agencies for visibility and outreach.
  • Successful partnerships can significantly impact the growth and success of projects in the Crypto space.
  • AMA sessions provide direct engagement opportunities, fostering transparency and trust.
  • Utilizing Telegram for communication can enhance accessibility and community interaction.
  • Rewards and incentives like the $150 USD offer for UX INU help drive interest and participation.
  • Collaboration is key in the Blockchain industry, emphasizing the value of partnerships.
  • Effective marketing strategies are essential for project awareness and user adoption.
  • Crypto Moon Shoot illustrates the importance of strategic marketing in the Blockchain ecosystem.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hello, mister Hachi. Hi, how are you? I'm pretty well. How you doing? I'm fine. All right, that's perfect. Good to know this. So, am I audible to you properly? Am I audible to you properly? Can you repeat your question? Because you are coming broken. Oh, yeah. Am I audible to you properly? Yeah, I can't hear you properly. All right, awesome. So, yeah, please wait for a few minutes so that more people join in here and then we will start shortly. Thank you. Okay.

Session Readiness

All right. So are you ready? Shall we start? I think we are good to go now. Yeah, I'm good. Let's start. Perfect. So, yeah. Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's Ama session with Axio Inu. We are thrilled to have you all here as we dive deep into one of the most exciting and fun projects in the Amimi space. And, yeah, let me tell you a little bit about the Xu Inu. It's a community-driven project that's blank. The playful spirit of dark theme cryptocurrency with innovative tokenomics on the base network and bringing value and entertainment to the crypto community. So, yeah, whether you are a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a Mimi lover, today's session is going to be both insightful and exciting. So, yeah, stay around with us.

Audience Engagement

Also, feel free to ask your questions throughout this session. And we will make sure to cover as much as possible without further ado. Let's get started. Okay, so, Saiya, please give us a brief introduction about yourself and your background to our audience, and then we proceed further. Yeah, I'm a crypto investor since 2017, and I decided that. And you do Memcoin on base network is needed. So I proceed and I developed. All right, glad you know this. And moving on, let's jump over to the main topic. So, yeah, let us know, like, what is Xunu? And highlight some of the features to our listener.

Project Overview

Yeah. Zuino is a document mem coin built on the base network, designed to combine the playful spirit of mem coins with the power and scalability of decentralized finance. And some of the key features of Zuino is the base network integration. Leveraging the base network fast, secure, and low-cost infrastructure to ensure seamless transactions. It is a community-driven, it's a strong and again engaged community that drives the direction and the growth of the project. We have strategic allocations, thorough road plant allocations for development, marketing, liquidity, and team support to ensure sustainable growth.

Future Expansion Plans

Also, we have our ecosystem expansion. We have plans for future expansion into merchandise, real-world events and partnerships, adding tangible value to the coin. All right, thank you for that insightful answer, sir. And it's great to hear like, how INU not only embraces the fun and community-driven aspect of mimi coins, but also brings unique value through its innovative tokenomics and strategic allocation. And I love how the project integrates features like low 4% buy and sale tax and the focus on rewarding both early adapters and long-term holders. So it's clear that the project is not just about the hype, but also building a sustainable and engaging ecosystem on the base network.

Story Behind the Project

So, yeah, thanks for that answer. So moving on. I believe like a Q, Inu has daily captured the attention of the crypto community with its fun and innovative approach. But we are curious to know more about the story behind it and what was the inspiration behind creating this project? And with so many dog-themed meme coins in this space, like how does the project stand out and offer something unique to its community? Yeah, Zuino was inspired by the explosive popularity of dog-themed mem coins like Dogecoin, Ebinu, Floki, and Bonk.

Market Differentiation

But Dogecoin is on the BSC network. CBN was on Ethereum. Also, Loki was on Ethereum, Bonk on Solana. But there is not any dog-themed meme coin reach 1 billion market cap on the base network. So we have a vision to offer more than just the hype. And the coin differentiates itself by being built on the base network, providing a more secure and efficient platform for users. Additionally, Zuino places a strong emphasis on community engagement and long-term value creation, aiming to be more than just a meme, but a serious player in the decentralized finance space and having as an element the growth, the upcoming growth of the base network and also of Ethereum.

Project Insights

These two elements will help us to grow. All right, that's awesome and thank you for that. Inspiring as I could say. And it's clear that the project is more than just another dark-themed meme coin issues by your answer and the thought and the vision behind it creation really shine through. And I love how the project aims to combine the fun and light nature of mem coins with real innovative tokenomics that bring value to the community. So yeah, let's dive deeper into how QX achieve these exciting goals as well in the near future. So I have another question, like could you share with us how the allocations are structured and more importantly, how they will benefit and empower the community as the project grows?

Allocation Structure

Yeah. Some of the Zuino strategic allocations are designed to ensure sustainable growth and community benefit. We have some funds allocated for development that will be used to build and improve the Zuino ecosystem, including smart contract enhancements, new features, and integrations. We have also some allocations for marketing. Marketing funds will drive awareness and adoption through strategic campaigns, influencer partnerships, and community incentives, ensuring that it reaches a wider audience. Also, we have the allocation for liquidity, which ensures that the coin will remain stable and can handle the large volumes of trading, which is crucial for maintaining investors' confidence.

Community Airdrops and Projections

And also we have some allocations for airdrops. This allocation we are going to airdrop on some other community, on some other project's investors. We have about 10 million tokens. So this means 10 million different wallets. And according to some statistics, and also charge byte, at least 500,000 might invest in the project. So this is our strategic allocations, the funds for development. And the team is only 3% marketing another 3%. The liquidity was 90% and also we had the three. We have also reserved 3% for upcoming sex listings and 1% of the total supply is allocated for the airdrops, which is a free marketing, as I call it, because it is something that will happen from us and directly with the other project's developers.

Concluding Remarks on Strategic Allocations

We will discuss with them and we are going to airdrop to the community members. All right, thank you for breaking that down so clearly, and it's fantastic to see like how thoughtfully the project has structured its allocation and focus on development ensure that the project continues to innovate while marketing and liquidity efforts drive growth and stability for the community. And of course, allocating resources to the team reflects a commitment to long-term success and maintaining a dedicated core team. So yeah, it's great to know like how these allocations are not just technical details, but truly designed to benefit and empower the community every step of the journey.

Continuing the Discussion

So yeah, thanks for that and let's keep the momentum going with our next question. So yeah, this question says, like the ex, you empowers and embrace the fun, playful side of the crypto world, but at the same time, it's important to offer real-world, a real value to its users.

Balancing Playfulness and Value

So how does Xunu strikes that balance between capturing the playful spirit of the community while still providing a rewarding and beneficial ecosystem for its holder? So basically, since Zuyno is a trading meme coin and has liquidity to be traded, this means that it has a value, and its value is that he can reward the potential investors and tele adopters when we are going to reach a higher market cap. They will be the rich, they will have more money. So it has a value. It's not just a meme coin and also it captures a playful spirit by embracing its document branding and engaging the community with fun. Also with interactive content, contests and meme culture. And at the same time, the project offers a rewarding ecosystem and other decentralized finance features that provide real value to holders. This blend of entertainment and the value ensures that the users enjoy being part of the community while also benefiting financially.

Meaning of Zhui and Origins

All right, thanks for that answer sir. And also listen, if you want to know more about the Srinu, please check out your documentation. Can say white paper or website. You will get more deeper information over there. All right, so before jump with the another question I would like to know like what's the meaning of zhui? Could you please let us know? Yeah. Zuino is a name created from Chatubti, but apart from. So I asked it about some tickers in order to create a coin, a document mem coin. It gave me some tickets and as we knew it was the only one that it was unique. I searched almost more than 100 tickets and names provided by TsajBT, but Saljibti that one was the only one that it was unique at the moment because I didn't want to have a name that another project exists already. I wanted a unique ticker and a part of this after I did some research on the Internet about zoo and I found out that also zoo is the most common surname in China.

Community Initiatives

I find also other nice content about zoo also in Taiwan it was the main currency many years back. It was the name was Kuzu. So it was also for some personal reasons as well. The X and the combining both together had something also with my personal life. So it is a I came up with this name. All right, that's fantastic and thank you for clarification, sir. All right, so moving on to the question like community is at the heart of any successful project. We all know that. So Zoo Enum is no exception. So could you tell us more about the community building initiative you have in place and how does we, you know, plan to engage and reward early adapter who are crucial to the project initial success? So about the community we are having, we had already some calls, we are arranging also some amaz. The community can help us with some upvotes on some crypto tracking sites by participating on the Telegram daily, keeping nice conversations and building an organic community.

Growth and Strategic Planning

I don't want anyone coming and be high. I want them to be high, but I don't want questions like when Lambo so life for good and all of this. It's just I want to build something organic for the community and the community can help us. Also with upvotes on Dex tools, Dex screener, also on the crypto tracking sites regarding after that we have some, we are arranging some partnerships behind the scenes with some callers. Also, we have already started some talks with five of the top 25 from Coinmarketcap exchanges so we can build the trust and transparency also with them. So when the time is to come is arrived in order to list our token to them, it will be fast and efficient. We are not going to delay because the contract is not good. So in order to avoid any delays about the contract or anything else, we try to keep a good collaboration with these exchanges.

Plans for Exchanges and Community Growth

It is exchanges that most people use personnel as investors. I use these exchanges and we have partnerships. We try to have some partnerships with some callers also on Twitter. We try also to start a marketing campaign on China through Weibo influencers and we have a lot of things planned. As the project grows, all the things will roll out and at the end everything, everybody will be happy. Of course we have Coinmarketcap and coin geo listings and after that we proceed with sex listings. Most probably we will be able to list our project on Coinmarketcap and Coinzeco at 100k market cap and we are going to have the first sex listing around 1 million market cap. Once we reach these milestones, we are going to have these listings. Also. We have been, I have already conducted some callers and some influencers which they are going to onboard on the project later on as it grows.

Future Milestones and Expansion Plans

All right, thanks for that answer. And it's exciting to hear like how Z is putting such a strong focus on community building from the start. And it's amazing to see like how they will, how the user will be rewarded for your support. So yeah, looking forward for it. Moving ahead as zu continue to grow, we are sure that the community is excited about what's coming next. So could you share with us some of the key upcoming milestone of the Z Unu roadmap? And also like how does team plan to secure strategic partnerships and listing on the major exchange to further boost the community visibility and growth? I know you already answered about something related to the partnership and listing, but still could you please share some insight about it? So we are going to have Coinmarketcap and coins initially where we have to reach 100k market cap.

Roadmap and Future Goals

So once we reach this, we are going to have Coinmarketcap and coin Gekko fast track listing. We are not going to wait for seven months to list them. We are going to do it fast track after that. I have already one exchange which is on top 15. We had some discussions yesterday so the contract for them is safe and they are good even to list us right now. But I think that we have to wait a little bit. So once we close the 1 million market cap, we are going to list on this exchange and after that I believe that close to 10 million market caps. Also another four sex listings will roll out. Now regarding some partnerships, we have some partnerships around. I had some discussions. Some of them they told me that they are going to onboard on the project close to seven k market cap, some other at 100k market cap and some other after the million and some of them also they are waiting for the project to complete successfully its first week on life.

Building Towards the Future

So after the wake and once they see us that we are here, we are keep building, some of them will come on board. We have many things planned. This is just a small summary about of what is gonna happen on the short term and as we cross some milestones like 100k market cap, 1 million market cap, 10 million market cap, we are going to reveal all our plans. Of course our plans doesn't stop at 10 million market cap. Our ultimate target is to reach 1 million market cap. But let's stay focused, keep growing organically and as we move forward, we have plans also to reach the 1 billion. That's fantastic. And it's great to hear like about the exciting milestone ahead for the unit and the team.

Expanding the Brand

Plans for securing strategic partnerships and exchange listing will surely take the projected new height. So all the way best from our side. So let's keep the energy going with our next question. So yeah, z, you know, plan to expand beyond the digital space into areas like merchandise and railroad event. That sounds pretty exciting as I go through your website. So could you give us a sneak peek into the kind of brand building efforts they team is considering and what can the community expect in terms of engaging budsi, you know, in both the digital and physical worlds? Yeah, we have an idea of some merchandise launching a line of branded products like apparel, accessories and collectibles.

Future Merchandise and Events

We have also some other idea about some nfts which we can combine it with the merchandise. It is just an idea of that one. We have an initial plan about this, but as we move further, we will expand this plant and we will make it nice and professional. Also later on as we grow, we might have some real world events where we can organize some community meetups or we can participate on some crypto meetups. Happening around the world. We can have our stand in one of these crypto conference and we will like our Zunu holders to be connected and celebrate the project's growth and somehow to know personally so we can also meet up so everybody knows who is the other guy. And it will be nice to have a nice conversation altogether and also about some collaborations with influencers.

Collaborative Efforts

We want to create an exclusive and some kind of limited edition items that will appeal to crypto and to assess and also the broader public. It is just plans, initial plans, or an idea of what we are going to do, but the final plans will reveal once we have grown enough. All right. Yeah, got it. And that sounds incredibly exciting and it's amazing to hear about it.

Community Connection and Brand Development

And this approach really shows like the, how the project is aiming to build a strong and require nice, stable brand that connects with the community both online and offline. So yeah, thank you so much for that answer once again. Alright, so moving ahead, you know, like, decentralized finance is a major focus in the crypto space nowadays and it's exciting to see like how z, you know, is position within this ecosystem and how does plan to contribute to the broader adaption of DeFi and what role does community feedback play in shaping the project? Ongoing development.

Decentralized Finance and Community Engagement

Yeah. So Inuit aims to contribute to decentralized finance adoption by making decentralized finance more accessible and fun dog fund for the average user. By offering simple and rewarding options. Even those new to decentralized finance can participate and benefit. And also our community feedback is crucial to our development process. We actively solicit input through roles, forums and direct communication to ensure that our features and initiatives align with what the community wants and needs. And as we grow, we are going to have some polls to see if the community agree with us as a development team to proceed with our ideas and if they are interesting to do to offer something else.

Sustainability and Long-term Goals

All right, thank you for that insightful answer. And, and it's clear that the combination of Defi and active community involvement is key to ensuring Z indeed remains a dynamic and impactful project in the crypto space. And we really looking forward to seeing like, how these efforts unfold. So I'm very excited for that. All right, so with the crypto space evolving so quickly, long term sustainability is crucial for any project success. So yes, sir, could you share the long term sustainability plan for Znu? And additionally, like, how does the team plan to evolve the project based on both community involvement and shifting market trends?

Building a Sustainable Future

Yeah. The long term sustainability of Zwin is based on continuous development and also community engagement. I believe because it's a meme coin, the community engagement is the most important. We want the community to come every day on our chat, say hi, ask us questions about what we are doing. Also, we are updating. I started yesterday and every night I will make an update of what happened during the day. So in order to get informed, because we have different time zones, everybody has different time zones. So when they come on the group, they will have an image of what's going on behind the scenes.

Dynamic Features and Community-Centric Approach

And also we plan to regularly introduce new features such as additional decentralized finance tools, governance options and partnerships to keep the project dynamic and relevant. Also, the community involvement will save these evolutions as we will prioritize features and cities that the community actively supports. By staying adaptable to the market strengths and what the community desires, Zuino can remain a thriving ecosystem for years to come. Also, our liquidity is locked until 2040, so we are here to stay. Alright, yeah, got it. Thank you for that detailed answer, sir.

Encouragement and Support for the Community

And it's really encouraging to hear like how Z is focused on long term sustainability while staying adaptable to market trends and community input. So yeah, great to see like Znu is not just about the short term gains, but also building a strong foundation for lasting growth and community driven innovation. So yeah, thanks for that answer. So lastly, I have last question for you, like before jumping our live segments, guys, be ready for that and prepare some insightful questions. Some good question. We will unmute you very soon, so I'll be ready for that.

Active Participation and Community Opportunity

Okay, so another question. So community involvement is such an important part of any project success. So how can user actively participate and contribute to the growth of the Z Inu community? Or are there any exciting upcoming opportunity or initiative for user who engage with and be a part of the project journey right now? Yeah. Users can participate in the growth of Zoeynu by joining the community. Engage us with us on social media platforms. We have accounts on Twitter, on Telegram, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, Medium and Discord as well.

Ambassadors and Community Events

So they can engage with us on all the social media, on the top social media platforms. Also they can become ambassadors. They can help us spread the word about Zoe Nu by becoming a community ambassadors which comes with some kind of rewards and recognition. And also they can participate also in events, join upcoming contest summers and other events where they can win some rewards, provide input and connect with other community members. Also they can interact with us on the crypto tracking sites. They can upvote us also they can upvote us on Dex tools Dexcreener, which is something where it will give trust to potential future investors.

Promoting Community Growth and Engagement

All right, thanks for sharing about the ambassador program as well. So guys, yeah, keep the eyes on their axe handle. You will get up to over there about the recent events and upcoming event about it, about the future plans or the development of the project. So please do so. Alright, so yeah, that's nice. That was it from the introductory part as well. So people, you just need to stay tuned and support them also to know more about their update, as I told you before as well.

Links and Communication Channels

And you can find all the social links of the Zhiyun on crypto, Moonshot X and telegram as well. So please do. Alright, so it's time to start another segment. That is the live segment. So in this segment I unmute some of our listener and they will ask you the question. So I see the first speaker is Alexander. Go ahead and ask a question please. Hi Alexander, you are a speaker now. Could you please ask your question? Okay, maybe he faced some network issue. Let me unmute another speaker.

Engaging with Community Questions

Okay, so we have now Alex Hunter. Go ahead and ask a question please. Yeah, we hear you. My question, I want to know if your token is still available on any exchange. How can I buy your tokens? My question. Thank you. Yeah, our token is not on centralized exchange listed yet. It's only listed on decentralized exchange, which is a uniswap.

Buying Tokens and Exchange Information

You can go on our Twitter page, you can find our link tree and from there you can visit our websites where there is where to buy and you can find our contract address. Also you can join our Twitter, our telegram group where you can find also our contract address and then you can use uniswap to buy it. All right, Alex, hope you got your answer, buddy. Okay, thank you. Thank you Alex for the question. So Alexander, are you available now?

Project Integrity and Security Measures

Yeah, yeah, we hear you, go ahead. My question is, how can you touch your project? And we believe you are not a scam project. Are there so many rains failing and exit scams happening these days? That's it, yeah. Okay, so the code ranked has been created through Dex tools, token creator. So which means that the token creator is doing, is making contracts which are audited. So our contract is safe.

Contract Safety and Migration

We also recently immigrated to a new contract because the old one was not possible to lower the taxes to bring them back on four 4% buy and 4% sell as we intended. And also we are not able to renounce the ownership. So we migrated to a new contract. And also if you go on the third party audit providers, you will see especially on Dexools from Quick intel, go plus and honeypot, everything is green.

Contract Safety and Renouncement

So this means that our contract is safe to buy. Also the contract is renounced. I don't have any authority about the contract, I cannot make any change. And also our liquidity is locked till the last day of the year of 2040. So our contract is safe. It is not a rag, is not a scam, it is a safe play on the market.

Token Sniffer Insights

Okay, I would like also to add something more regarding token sniffer, because I, it was something I was checking on. Token sniffer, if you check, our score is 70, you hear me? Yeah, yeah. So on Tokyo Sniffer, our score is 70 to 100. And the only problem that we have this score, otherwise we would, our score would be 100, is that we have locked our liquidity on the DX sale app. And the DXl sale app is not compatible with token Sniffer. If you read the documents from token Sniffer you will find out. But doesn't mean that DXL isn't good because Dex tools is compatible with dxljdev. Also, as you can see, Dex tools is providing some providers where you can lock your liquidity and one of them is DxA. So I think in the future token sniffer and DxL will work on this in order to reach a score of 100. That's also what I'm looking for. I want this 100.

Engagement and Questions

Yeah, I got it. Thanks for explain. All right, thank you, Alexander, for the question. And now, last speaker of today's space is void space. Go ahead and ask a question, please. Hello. I'm audible. Yes, you are. Hi, thank you so much for this great opportunity. On the cost of the AMA, I had to go through your website and I saw that your name is x u n and is gotten from a modern name, France and Japan. So I would love to know, are you focused more on France and Japan and China alone or you plan to involve other countries as well?

Target Markets and Expansion

You mean if about the investors, correct? Yes, yes, of course. We are going to our priorities about Chinese, Japan and France because the name is Kazi. Xu is Kazi for them. But in the meantime we are working also worldwide, doesn't mean that we will stay only on China, Japan and France. We are going to work worldwide. But these guys, China, Japan and France is our main target for the time being.

Contract Address Changes

Okay, lovely. And also, I went through some of your tweets and I realized that you made some changes to your contract address. So I would love to know, do you plan to make further changes on your contract address? And also Big X sale said your liquidity pool has been locked. How sure are we that is locked and for how long will you remain locked? Yeah, our liquidity will be, will remain locked until 2014. You can find the link on our official Twitter. Also you can find the link on our official telegram group. And also there is a post on Twitter from DXL announcing that our liquidity is locked.

Migration to New Contract

2040 you can find the link and you can see that our liquidity is locked. What did you ask me about the contract? Yes, you migrated to a new contract address. I would love to know why that action was taken. Yeah, we did the immigration because the previous contract was not possible to lower the taxes and also it was not possible to renounce the ownership on the contract. For some reason it was shown that the contract was not renounced. But I couldn't do even about this.

Rationale Behind Contract Migration

And also the high feeds, the high fees that exist on the previous contract could be a problem to reach more people to the project. So performing a token swap was the best option since the current holders retain the same token amount and the same price in the new contract and with lower fees. And also because the token creator was robust and we added the taxes, some audits will show some red warning in tax modifiable field which is also big worse for the project. And. But right now, if you check all the audits, you will see that our contract is total green.

Understanding Buy and Sell Fees

That's fair enough because when I checked, I saw 4% buy and sell and I was like, why? But then it's fair enough to get more investors. All the best, your team. Thank you. Lovely. Thank you, crypto mutual for this opportunity. Yeah, that one was only, the previous contract also had the one that bought the mechanism, which if you were going on the third party audit providers, you will see that it was red.

Final Reassurances

So it would, some investors wouldn't invest if they see something like this. But right now, our contract is total safe, our liquidity is locked, we have renounced ownership, so it's safe. All right, thank you board space for the question, and now it's time to wrap up. So, yeah, thank you so much, sir, for sharing such a valuable insight about this eunuch and for walking us through the exciting journey ahead. And it's clear that the INU is not only building the fun and engaging ecosystem, but also fostering a strong community driven project with sustainability and growth as its core.

Community and Future Outlook

And yeah, one more thing. A huge thank you to everyone who joined us today. Your question and enthusiasm make all the difference and it's great to see like such a strong support for Zinu. Remember, the success of the any project is built on its community. And with everyone we have heard today, it's safe to say that Zinu is heading towards the bright future. So don't worry about the safety. You can invest in this project. You can buy the token. And don't forget to join all the social channels of the Zinu.

Closing Remarks

And yes, sir. Before wrapping up, do you want to see something to our community? Yeah, I would like to. Thank you. Lovely. Also, I would like to thank Keto Munsot for having us here. It was our official first ama. So thank you very much all. And we'll be on the telegram, also on the Twitter. You can visit us and you can ask us whatever questions you have. We are there to help you. Also me and my team.

Encouragement to Engage

All right, Bennifer and yeah, guys, as I said, I don't forget to join the social channels. And if you have any question, drop this question on their social channel. Their community manager, their lead member will definitely guide you. And yeah, that was it from today. See you next time. Have a great day. Bye.

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