Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Moon Shoot LTD Token Official Reward 200$ hosted by CryptomoonTW. Crypto Moon Shoot LTD Token Official space delves into the vital role of marketing agencies in advancing Blockchain projects. Through strategic partnerships, giveaways, AMAs, and $200 rewards, the space highlights community engagement tactics and the importance of direct communication via Telegram. By incentivizing participation and fostering connections, this marketing agency aims to drive interest in Blockchain initiatives and support project growth.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How does a marketing agency benefit Blockchain projects?
A: It provides essential support in promoting, strategizing, and enhancing project visibility.

Q: Why are partnerships crucial in the Blockchain space?
A: Partnerships amplify resources, credibility, and reach for Blockchain projects.

Q: What role do giveaways play in community building?
A: Giveaways foster engagement, attract new users, and reward existing community members.

Q: How can AMAs benefit blockchain projects?
A: AMAs build transparency, trust, and direct communication channels with the community.

Q: What motivates community participation in rewards like $200?
A: High-value rewards incentivize active involvement, attract attention, and drive engagement.

Q: Why is Telegram preferred for community contact?
A: Telegram offers real-time interaction, group features, and a direct line of communication with the audience.


Time: 00:15:20
Marketing Agency Support for Blockchain Understanding how marketing agencies boost Blockchain project visibility.

Time: 00:25:45
The Power of Strategic Partnerships Exploring the benefits of partnerships in enhancing Blockchain initiatives.

Time: 00:35:10
Community Engagement through Giveaways How giveaways can drive community participation and interaction.

Time: 00:45:30
AMA Sessions for Transparency The importance of AMAs in establishing trust and communication.

Time: 00:55:15
Incentivizing with $200 Rewards The impact of high-value rewards on community engagement and interest.

Time: 01:05:40
Telegram: Hub for Community Interaction Why Telegram is a preferred platform for direct community contact and engagement.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of marketing agency support for Blockchain initiatives.
  • Utilizing partnerships to strengthen Blockchain projects.
  • Engagement through giveaways and AMAs can enhance community interaction.
  • Incentivizing with rewards like $200 can drive interest and participation.
  • Creating a strong Telegram presence for community contact and engagement.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Community Engagement

Hello, hello. How's it going? We're sharing it around to our community right now to get them to join and listen in.

Welcoming Participants

All right. Hello everyone. Glad to have you all. And how did you get person behind the RTD token? Hello, this is Cryptohero speaking for limited. I'm an official speaker for the project and happy to be here. Thank you for having us.

Starting the Session

All right, glad to have you here mister Crypto hero. So yeah, please wait for one or two minutes so that more people down in here and then we will start shortly. Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you. Retweet the space, everyone. Let's go.

Engagement and Anticipation

All right. Okay guys, so as our guest said, that really did space also and invite your friend here. It's going to be very wonderful Guinness session. All right, so are you ready? Shall we start now? Sure, let's go. Let's, let's start. Oh wow. I see it. There's a lot of listeners. Let's get it. Okay, perfect. Hello everyone and welcome to today's exciting AMS session.

Overview of the Project

We are thrilled to have you all here as we dive into the groundbreaking project that is set to revolutionize the advising advertising landscape Ltd token. Whether you are from a web to space or a part of the rapidly growing web three community, this platform promises to bridge the gap and offer seamless ad management and monetization solutions like never before. So yeah, you are in the best place. So yeah, listen, this AMA puts your volume up because it's going to be a very wonderful Q and A session.

Segments of the AMA

And before we start, I would like to inform you all that today's session comprises of three segments. First one is introductory one where I will some where I will ask some basic question related to the LTD token. Then we have Twitter X segment and last one I could see, the final segment, it's your favorite. That is the live segment. So yeah, be ready for that as well.

Introduction of Cryptohero

All right, so let's start this a bit session. Okay, so please introduce about yourself first and give us an overview about the Ltd token. Yes, absolutely. So I'm crypto hero again. I'm a speaker for limited. Token Limited is a project that's really, it's going to be a Dow community run project.

Background and Vision

But the inspiration comes from Shib Dream, who is a longtime supporter of the Shib ecosystem. He owns Shibarmy Co. Which is the biggest Shib news website and really he has a dream to bring together communities to build to really support Shib and the Shib ecosystem and really support the Shiberium ecosystem which is an l two off of Ethereum Limited token is designed to have so many things.

Grand Vision and Features

It's a huge grand vision. It's a supporter of the Shib metaverse. It's going to have a ton of different things. Right now they have a builder fund that was just announced to help projects that are building on Shiberium. It's going to have cross-chain staking with one of the partners canine finance, as well as cross-chain staking for Shibdeh between Ethereum and Shiberium.

Partnerships and Launch Details

We have partnered with Ape Terminal and have an IDO direct to offer happening with Ape Terminal as we speak. That direct offer has had over 35,000 entrants to date and that IDO closes on Monday. So if someone is actually looking at getting in prior to us going live on public launch, there is an opportunity to sign up through ape sale right now or ape terminal right now.

Join Telegram for Opportunities

And that link will be shared in our telegram. So if you join our telegram you can find the link and join up and 1000 entrants will be drawn to actually have basically a pre-sale opportunity into the launch. The launch is already set. The launch is set to happen on the 29th and we're really excited for it. A lot of preparation has been going into it and there is going to be a major exchange announced with that launch.

Building Communities

And really the biggest purpose behind the token is really bringing communities together, working within communities, growing Shiberium. And the biggest utility is going to be our DDAD, our digital advertising platform, which is going to offer web two and web three advertising connections. So it's going to connect real-world businesses into crypto advertising and allow crypto projects to advertise to web two and have revenue generation opportunities.

Revolutionizing Marketing

And it's going to be a full platform that we believe is going to really have an opportunity to revolutionize the way marketing is done within crypto and really connecting to legit businesses and furthering that connection to web two and web three and growing exposure to crypto. So that's the basics behind limited. There's so much more, there's so much more involved, but that's our initial start.

Overview of the Limited Token

All right, that's wonderful and thank you so much for that comprehensive introduction. And it's fantastic to hear about your background and a little bit about overview about the LTD token. And we all are very excited about the launch as well. And I'm sure our audience is already interested in how LTD token is not just about revolutionizing advertising, but also about building and sustainable and engaged community.

Features of the LTD Token

So yeah, that's a very good to know about it other than this. Let's talk about the features. Like could you please highlight some of the feature of the LTD token to our listen? Yes, absolutely. So I kind of probably went a little bit overboard with my initial. I tend to do that, I get excited. But the main feature is the advertising platform.

Advertising Platform and Partnerships

And really bringing projects into that advertising platform. If you pay attention to the limited socials, you'll see that there's been partnerships with lots of projects among the Shiberium community, among the shib support communities and projects built around it. And that's kind of the ideal situation for limited in preparing for this digital advertising platform and showing these web two communities or these web two businesses that we have, all these communities that we've partnered with that are working together to grow.

Additional Features and Events

So that's, I mean, the advertising platform is going to be a huge piece. There's also an NFT collection that has sold out. There's going to be building around the metaverse and businesses inside the metaverse. The limited token already does own some land in the Shib Metaverse, which is being built as we speak.

Events and Engagements

There was a great advertisement for that just recently, and we just got back from E Toronto, which was a great experience for limited. We were one of the title sponsors there, had a main stage appearance and sponsored the official after party. We had a big yacht party and really had an amazing time, made some amazing connections and brought together a lot of great communities.

Collaborative Projects

And we also have the Musical Dreams project, which is going on or just ended, and we're talking about doing another where we've brought together artists and support musical artists, and there's really just so much being built around this. But the cross-chain staking and the digital advertising platform and the Metaverse are really the three key features right now of what we're going to be advertising.

Looking Forward to the Launch

But the interest in this launch is huge and we're just very excited about the launch upcoming this week and everything that's going to be coming with it.

Strategies and Community Involvement

All right, that sounds pretty promising. And thank you for shedding light on the key feature of the LCD token. And it's fascinating to hear like how these features are not only innovative but also strategically designed to cater to both the traditional and blockchain based advertising needs.

Expanding Partnerships

So yeah, thanks for that answer. So moving on, let's talk about the partners. Like with 42 web three community partners and 21 web two clients, how does Ltd plan to expand its reach and continue to attract new partners in both spaces? Yes.

Community Collaboration

So I think that the beauty of limited and the living the dream vision is that it is designed to bring communities together. You'll see even in the viewers or the listeners below, there's people from all different communities, from all different community projects here to support because limited and who ship dream is and the giving nature of ship dream, but also of the community that's built around limited.

Active Collaborations

You see bad idea and canine finance and many of the Shib community here I see tutti frutti women. I myself am also with Sharbee. And we have so many projects that have come together to support and I think that it really is a grand vision of continuing to support other projects.

Builder Fund

I mentioned the builder fund and having the Shibdez Shiberium builder Fund to support other projects. There are taxes that are going to be going into that structure and building that out, and you'll see continued partnerships growing within these great communities that are building.

Vision for Future Growth

And I think that is one of the key things that is being looked for. As far as the web three partners, is there a builders? They're people with vision and people that want to work together with others.

Building Trust Between Web Two and Web Three

And you see a groups of people coming together and doing things in a way that's special and done differently. As far as the web two side goes, ship Dreams history is in web two advertising. So he has a lot of connections to businesses in web two, a lot of great connections that were developed over many years. And I think that expertise is going to bring in a lot of great businesses, a lot of great opportunities for working within web two and web three, where there's a trust built already. And I think that is the hardest part about bringing in web two right now into web three is just the trust built around crypto. And so having those relationships already, having, you know, a base built out in those kind of relationships is such a huge thing. And I think is going to really drive the web two side into this advertising platform where as if you were just a project launching and you didn't have that, it would be a lot harder to do.

Strategic Expansion Plans

All right, yeah, understand and thank you for that insightful response. It's impressive to hear about the strategic approach limited is taking to not only maintain, but also expand its presents across both Baptrus and Baptistry spaces. And yeah, I'm sure our audience is as eager as I am to see, like, how these experiences, expansion plans unfold and what new partnerships will emerge. So let's keep this momentum going as we dive deeper into how these strategies will impact the future of RTD guys. So, yeah, stay tuned with us. All right, so moving on to the another question. This question says, like the platform offers both self serve and full service ad management option. So could you explain the key differences between these options and how they cater to different types of advertisers?

Self Serve vs Full Service Advertising

Yeah, I can start that. So I should start with a caveat that the advertising platform is being built out as we speak. The release for that is scheduled for Q one. But I think that really we have a lot of experts within our team. The team that's been put together with limited comes from a lot of different communities and everyone has their own specialized expertise. So really the idea of having a self serve where you can log into this advertising platform, you can see statistics, you can see where traffic is being driven and how it's being utilized. It is a, it is going to be a full service and a self service, but the self service is where you can actually go in and you can basically do it yourself and work within the platform to drive traffic where you need to. And then the full service will be where you have kind of like a handhold, a white glove service, where you have someone, an expert marketer kind of working with you, helping to guide where to advertise what, you know, what web two or web three area will best for your business and really being able to drive the traffic in ways that you want.

Goals and Vision of the Project

Yes. So the goals is probably the best part, really. I think that the project and the project name is really built around the whole vision. Living the dream is a project, is a vision of Shib dream whose vision is to grow and work within the Shib community. But there's so much more to that vision. The idea of bringing web two and web three together, of crypto adoption of supporting communities that support each other, about working together in a crypto space where everything is cutthroat in the past. Right. The vision of actually bringing projects and communities together to work together, to grow is something that has been adopted here to a level that I don't think I've ever seen before. And it is something that is a vision of Shiberium as a whole. If you haven't been on Shiberium or checked out Shiberium, the l two chain of Shib, the whole community of Shiberium comes together and does meetups and does spaces and works together.

Community Engagement and Support

And this project, this platform, Shib Dream, who has a great following, has the news website, has a reach and an expansion for these kind of projects for these builders to really have a bigger voice than they would otherwise. And we hold a space every two weeks where we invite all these projects and communities to get together. And it's just a special community of people and it's growing quickly. But if you join this telegram, if you join this community, you feel like part of a community. And it's something way different than anything I've ever seen in crypto. And you'll see it among many other projects that support each other. It's really a grand vision, but it really takes a huge number of people coming together, projects having the mindset of instead of being cutthroat and against each other, we're willing to work together to support each other, to see each other's flaws and each other's strengths.

Safety and Tokenomics

Yes. So lt's main, one of the main focuses is safety. Everything that has come out our contract has already been audited. We've partnered with some amazing people that do auditing services. I'm trying to remember the name off the top of my head. I will get it in just a moment, but everything will be fully audited. The safety is a primary concern of limited and we are working within our partnerships and our partner groups that are filled with amazing developers and very experienced developing developers to build out this ad platform to build out the whole ecosystem of what limited wants to do. But there will be a small tax on every buy and sell it is designed. The tokenomics are designed to go back to the ecosystem in a way that's going to support growth and support our holders.

Introduction to Ltd Token and Resources

Yeah, no issue. And also list if you want to know more about the Ltd token related to the tokenomics and more detail, you can find all the detail over there. Bye website or their white paper. So yeah, please go through it and you will get more comprehensive detail over there. Other than this. Let's jump into the another question.

The Role of Partnerships in Limited Ecosystem

So yeah, this question says like what role do partnership play in the limited ecosystem and how do you plan to leverage these relationship to enhance the platform's value propositions? I'm sorry, can you repeat that one more time? Yeah, for sure. So this question says, like what role do partnerships play in the limited ecosystem and how do you plan to leverage these relationship to enhance the platform's value propositions? Oh yes. So the limited token and the partnerships around limited token and the community are really the main focus.

Focus on Partnerships and Growth

I mean really everything is built around these partnerships, around the growth around these projects that are being partnered with and the web, two companies that are being partnered with. So partnerships, especially around the digital advertising platform are really one of the most important things. And that's why you're seeing announcements even before launch of many great partnerships that are going to support limited, support the growth and be part of these digital advertising platforms as well. I think that the partnerships and the growth among the partnerships and continuing to work with other projects that are building are going to be one of the main focuses of the project going forward.

Analytics and Reporting Tools for Advertisers

Alright, thank you for that answer. So other than this, Ltd has a robust analytics and a reporting tool set, as far as I know. So how do these tools help advertiser refine their campaigns in real time and what kind of ROI can they anticipate? So ROI wise, I mean, to project that is very difficult. But to talk about the possible growth here is pretty amazing, right? I mean, the idea that there's only 5% of the world right now using crypto and the fact that there just is not a huge adoption from web two advertising into web three, yet there's so much opportunity for growth there.

The Future of Crypto Advertising

This is going to be a huge innovation of bringing together that ability to advertise between web two and web three, you can't really project ROI yet, but you're talking supporters from projects of over 42 community partners, of partners among the Shib and Shiberium ecosystems that support a project that's a multibillion dollar project alone. We're talking almost 2 million collective Twitter followers. There is just a huge opportunity for growth in the advertising for crypto, and I believe that this dream, this vision is one that has just an unlimited exponential for growth.

Tokenomics and Community Support

The ROI potential is definitely there, you know, and I think that we will see that growth, especially within our communities, you know, as we go forward, because you're looking at that, the ability to advertise and get information and advertising in front of so many different eyes just within the communities that have been partnered with already. So it's just an unlimited potential. And I did get the tokenomics. So the tokenomics are built out for sustainability and to reward the communities and for growth.

Breaking Down the Tokenomics

The tokenomics, 40% of the tax will be going to maintenance and development, 10% will be going to staking rewards for the cross chain staking. 18% will be going into marketing and advertising for the token and the digital platform. 8% will be going into listings and exchange integrations. We have had a huge interest from exchanges and have on launch day, we have a big announcement about an exchange. 10% will be going into the Shib development fund, which will be going to projects building around the Shib ecosystem.

Support for Shib Ecosystem

10% will be going into strategic token burns and 4% will be going into burning Shib tokens. So burning Shib supporting the Shib ecosystem is a major function of the project. And really, we believe that the opportunity of building that out is going to be done a lot through this tax structure. Okay, I got the answer and thank you for that insightful explanation.

Impressive Analytics and Decision Making

And it's also impressive to hear about how limited, robust analytics and reporting tools empower advertiser to make data driven decision in real life. So. Okay, so now I have last question for you before we jump under the live segment. So I would like to remind all the listener that guys, be ready and prepare some good questions, some insightful questions regarding the RTD tokens.

Team Behind the Project

So, yeah, be ready for that. Okay, so last question says, like, what are the team member, oh, sorry, who are the team member behind this project and what's their specific role? Yeah, so the team members were put together in such an amazing way and I myself am so proud to be working with this team and with so many of these great people, there are people from different projects around the Shib ecosystem, people that have expertise in listings, in community growth, in advertising, in design.

Leadership and Community Involvement

And I mean, I can't even list all the team members because we do have many amazing team members. But I, you know, our leadership team with Sentinel, with Shiba Cals, Shib Dream, who's the founder, Lago Joe, who's the project lead, are really just an amazing group that really have set a path for us all to work together and use our skills to do so many great things. you know that there is a list of team members on limitedoken.com, you can meet the Dream team.

Joining the Community

And I mean, really that there is a who's who of names among the Shib community among so many of these great projects. And you're welcome to check it out. Join the telegram, meet everyone. We're all there together to support each other and to support this project and the vision. Okay, yeah, thanks for that answer. And yeah, thank you for introducing the talented team behind Limited.

Community Engagement and Transition

It's always exciting to hear about the diverse expertise and passion driving a project forward. So yeah, happy to know about it. And yeah, that was it from the Twitter segment. Hope our community member got your answer. Moving on, it's time to start our favorite session. That is the live one.

Live Q&A Session Overview

So in this segment, our community member ask you the question. I will unmute them soon also. Yeah, the first speaker we have is Abit. Go ahead and ask a question, please. Yes. Hi, Abid. Hello. Yes, hello. How are you? How are you doing? Very well, thank you. It's Friday, it's almost the weekend.

Trust in Crypto Projects

My question is, how can you trust your project? And we believe you are not a scam project. Are there so many rands, polling and exit scams happening these days? Yes. So I think the limited project is built around trust and I think that if you join the project, if you join the telegram, you'll see the community that's been built out. This community started with a NFT project and it started building around this NFT project and it was always designed to be a token project and have a lot of other utility and build around the whole ecosystem.

Community Trust and Audit

But if you join, you'll see the community, you'll see the support and the trust that's being put in it. Again, we have had our contract audited with source Hat. The development team is very experienced and well put together and the team is put together with a lot of people that are trusted among a lot of other great communities that have been in projects for a long time. And again, Shib Dream himself is the owner of Shibarmy Co.

Long-term Commitment to Trust

He's been a well known and long term supporter of Shib and the Shib community for a few years now. And the trust that's being put in from the community comes from what's been built. And so it's been a trust that's been built out over time and we are set to make sure that we have everything done in the right way. Yeah.

Conclusion of the Q&A

Thank you. Have a good day. Thank you so much for the question. Thanks. All right, thank you a bit for the question. Let's move on to another speaker. So yeah, another speaker peer named a TDE. Go ahead and ask a question. Please unmute yourself.

Project Overview

I wouldn't call it a meme token. It really is a utility project built around a meme. Whereas you have meme tokens that have nothing of substance. This token, I mean the main utility is going to be the community and the community projects. But you have the digital advertising platform. You have cross chain staking, which includes staking for Shib and for canine finance who are projects that are long term focused. So you're encouraging holding through staking rewards, through advertising platform, and the growth of that and, you know, of the growth of what's going to come from the metaverse. And there's many other developments in the works, that are going to be coming. The, the vision here is so grand and it changes to so often in a great way. I mean, really the idea is to build out a full ecosystem around this project.

Utilities and Rewards

So there's going to be many utilities, many reasons to hold, and many ways to reward the community for holding. But the main focus right now is going to be the growth and the build out of that advertising platform. The cross chain staking is expected pretty shortly after launch. So there will be opportunity for some kind of passive revenue generation just for holding shortly after launch of the project. So that should help as well.

Engagement and Community

That's really cool. So I'll just say this before I go. Let's live the dream. Let's go. I love it. All right, awesome. Thanks for the question, Didi. Moving on to our last speaker of today's space name Generalax. Go ahead and please ask a query. Seems General Journal X faced some network issue. General X, are you here? We are not able to hear you. Okay, let me unmute another speaker. All right, so we have now boy space. Go ahead, please ask your question.

Community Feedback

Hello. Am I audible? Yes, you are. Please go ahead. All right. Thank you so much. On the course of the AMA, I had to go to their website and I realized that their NFT, their community airdrop is vested for two years. I would love to know why do they take this action on the community? Yes. So. So there are different vesting schedules for the pre sale for the team and for the NFT holders. So the NFT holders, basically, the way the nfts worked, there was 3333 NFTs they just minted out last month.

Vesting Schedule Explanation

But for every three NFTs you hold, you get a small portion of airdrop of limited token. It is going to be vested and released monthly over time. And really, the design of the vesting was designed a lot around of what one of our partner projects did, K nine finance and using that model and making a little bit of adjustments to it. But the idea is sustainability of the project growth over time. Again, this is a long term project where the builders and the team and everyone here is here to support and grow over time.

Future Planning

So the vesting, most of us are really looking at years of building here and really growing the project, growing that advertising platform, growing among the communities and working to grow Shiberium as well. So I think that the vesting schedule and everything around that was designed to bring a comfort level to new holders, to people that are investing at the beginning and knowing that your investment and long term investment is safe and designed to grow with the team.

Presale Performance

Oh, that is lovely. Just a follow up question concerning your presale. Do you plan to hold another presale if this other one does not go well? The pre sale actually sold out within seven minutes, I believe. It was really fast. So the pre sale is sold out. We do have our IDO, currently with Ape terminal. It ends Monday. It has sold out as well. It actually sold out instantly. But there is still opportunity to get in and have an opportunity for the pre sale there.

Community Engagement

So if you go to Ape terminal, search for limited or come into our Telegram, you can get details on how to possibly get into the pre sale through Ape terminal. But we have, it was a sellout at 1000 entries. We are now over 35,000 entries in the IDO. So there's a significant interest in the launch, in the project and we're very proud of that. And to partner with Ape Terminal, who is one of the best in the business as far as launch pads go.

Wrap-Up and Community Call to Action

And they actually came up and talked on our space yesterday, which no one, I think, expected. So it was a great partnership working with them. And again, there's three more days to get in that and that is an opportunity at possibly getting a late pre-sale opportunity. So I think that's why there's such significant interest and our goal is to hit 50,000 entries by Monday. So sign up, let's go. Oh, that is good. All the best to your project. Thank you.

Closing Remarks

Lovely. Thank you, CryptoMon. Thank you so much for your questions. All right, thank you, buddy, for the question and I think we covered most of the part of the project and it's time to wrap up. So thank you so much to everyone who joined us today for this insightful and engaging session. We have had the privilege to learn about the groundbreaking Ltd platform and how it's set to revolutionize the advertising world by bridging web two and web three. The team's vision, eradication and the innovative approach are truly inspiring.

Looking Towards the Future

And also a big thank you to our guest for taking the time to share his expertise and answer our question in such detail. Your passion for creating a seamless and powerful advertising ecosystem really shines through and we are all excited to see what the future holds for Ltd. So all the very best from our side and to our listeners. Also, if you have any questions or need any assistance with anything related to the Ltd token, feel free to join all their social links.

Community Support

Drop those questions for them. Their community manager or their lead member will definitely guide you. And yeah, that was it from today. Before wrapping up, sir, do you want to say something to our community or offer a closing statement? Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much for your time today. Thank you for being here and for listening. We're so excited about the upcoming launch on the 29th. Again, the terminal IDO is ongoing right now through the weekend and we really just want to welcome you to our community, to our Telegram.

Invitation to Connect

Please join the Telegram if you've heard anything you love here, you'll find one of the most welcoming communities there is. There's so many special people there and we would love to invite your special community to join ours and to hear more about and work together. I think that, again, what we're doing is all about working together, working to grow crypto as a whole, working to educate each other.

Final Thoughts

And, you know, I think that as a group, as a team, and everybody is part of that team and we would love to welcome you. So join the telegram, check out our socials and you will be hearing from us. I believe we're going to be making a lot of noise over the next weeks and years. Awesome. Awesome. And also listen, be ready and take part in upcoming events of limited.

Gratitude and Goodbye

Once again, thank you all for being here and let's continue to support and follow this exciting project as it grows and evolves. So have a wonderful day, you all. And yeah, bye. Great weekend. Thank you.

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