Crypto Memes and Blockchain Trend 2025


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Memes and Blockchain Trend 2025 hosted by Tokocrypto. The 'Crypto Memes and Blockchain Trend 2025 ?' Twitter space brought together experts to delve into the future of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and blockchain innovations in an engaging and insightful discussion. Topics ranged from the impact of decentralization on security and transparency to the pivotal role of community engagement in fostering innovation. With a focus on regulatory compliance, NFT revolutions, and the influence of memes on social media perception, the space encapsulated the blend of humor and technology that defines the crypto industry. Participants explored how Indonesian exchanges set standards in compliance and discussed the creative opportunities emerging from merging humor with tech solutions.

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Q: How does decentralization impact the future of cryptocurrencies?
A: Decentralization increases transparency, security, and removes the need for intermediaries in crypto transactions.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial in the crypto space?
A: Engaging the community fosters trust, builds a loyal user base, and drives innovation through feedback.

Q: What role do memes play in the development of blockchain trends?
A: Memes add a layer of humor and relatability, making complex crypto topics more accessible and shareable.

Q: Why is regulatory compliance important for crypto exchanges?
A: Compliance ensures legal operation, protects users' funds, and strengthens the credibility of crypto platforms.

Q: How are NFTs transforming the concept of digital ownership?
A: NFTs provide verifiable ownership, facilitate provenance tracking, and enable creators to monetize digital assets in new ways.

Q: What benefits do 24/7 customer support services bring to crypto exchanges?
A: Around-the-clock support enhances user experience, resolves issues promptly, and boosts user trust in the platform.

Q: What sets Indonesian cryptocurrency exchanges apart in terms of regulations?
A: Exchanges in Indonesia adhere to strict regulatory standards, ensuring a safe and compliant trading environment.

Q: How do crypto memes influence the perception of cryptocurrencies on social media?
A: Memes create engaging content, drive conversations, and humanize the often complex world of cryptocurrencies.

Q: What innovative opportunities arise from merging humor and technology in the crypto space?
A: The fusion of humor and tech fosters creativity, community bonding, and showcases the lighter side of the crypto industry.

Q: How can the connection between memes and blockchain open up new avenues for asset creation?
A: The intersection allows for the tokenization of digital art, unique collectibles, and the creation of meme-inspired NFTs.


Time: 00:12:45
Decentralization in Crypto Exploring the impact of decentralization on security and transparency in the crypto landscape.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Engagement Strategies Discussing best practices for engaging the crypto community and fostering a loyal user base.

Time: 00:37:59
The Rise of NFTs Examining how NFTs are revolutionizing digital ownership and the creation of unique assets.

Time: 00:45:32
Regulatory Compliance in Indonesia Understanding the regulatory landscape and compliance standards for crypto exchanges in Indonesia.

Time: 00:58:05
Crypto Memes and Social Media Analyzing the role of memes in shaping online culture and influencing the perception of cryptocurrencies.

Time: 01:10:20
Innovation through Humor Exploring the creative possibilities and community engagement opportunities arising from humor-infused tech initiatives.

Time: 01:22:40
Blockchain Trends 2025 Predicting future trends and developments in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

Time: 01:35:15
Compliance Standards for Exchanges Highlighting the significance of regulatory compliance for the legitimacy and security of crypto platforms.

Time: 01:48:29
NFTs and Digital Asset Ownership Delving into the transformative power of NFTs in redefining digital ownership and monetization.

Time: 02:01:10
Customer Support Excellence Emphasizing the value of 24/7 live chat services in enhancing user satisfaction and trust in crypto exchanges.

Key Takeaways

  • Decentralization is reshaping the future of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
  • Community engagement is vital for the sustained growth and adoption of crypto trends.
  • Innovation and forward-thinking strategies are key drivers of success in the crypto space.
  • Understanding the intersection of memes and blockchain can unlock new opportunities for digital assets.
  • Regulatory compliance and licensing play a crucial role in the legitimacy and security of crypto exchanges.
  • The integration of live customer support services like 24/7 live chat enhances user experience and trust in crypto platforms.
  • Cryptocurrency exchanges in Indonesia are spearheading regulatory compliance and licensing standards.
  • The rise of NFTs is revolutionizing digital ownership and the creation of unique assets on the blockchain.
  • Crypto memes are shaping online culture and the perception of cryptocurrencies in social media.
  • The merging of humor and technology opens doors for creative expression and engagement within the crypto community.

Behind the Mic

Apologies for Inconvenience

We are sorry for the minor inconvenience for Kalifa and Masaipo. We deeply apologize for the Wi Fi signal. No worries. No worries. It happens all the time. It happens most of the most. Most of the time. We have a Twitter space. Is it okay if we continue? Kawifa, mas Eco and Masikba? Yes, sure. Is that okay?

Discussion on Blockchain Success

So I was actually talking about how blockchain project can succeed. So I said, if you are making a project to create a blockchain, that's for sure gonna fail. But if you are creating a project where the blockchain will save the problem in that project, then this project that uses blockchain will succeed for sure. Because not all projects in the world require blockchains. So many people just run for the name and the buzz. That's why it's not sustainable to succeed. But as long as the blockchain is a solution for a project that needs the blockchain to secure the lack of trust between parties and so on and so forth, then I think that will be a key for the success of the project because the blockchain is a mean and is not an aim.

Hype in Cryptocurrency Projects

What about hype, though? Does cryptocurrency projects need hype as well? I couldn't hear you again, sorry. How about. Sorry, how can you hear my voice now? Yes, yes. Okay. How about hype, though? Like the term hype? Because like, I usually, cryptocurrency projects usually need hype and a lot of the community as well, right? Yes, that's the problem. Because I told you, people create, they try to create this, which is not sustainable. Of course. That's why whenever you're gonna be part of a project, you need to go through the white paper. You need to understand what is it all about. You need to check who are the people behind it. Because all these project success is actually is like one coin with two different sides.

Investing Wisely in Projects

So the success comes from the face of the people on the other side. So if you just invest on a, or work with a project based on a name or based on something which is not sustainable, it will be a hype that will be gone and busted in couple of days, month, or sometimes even hours. That's why always make sure that blockchain and technology is a mean and it's not the end. Because if it's the end, it definitely the world means things will end. Actually. I see very great insights. Actually talking about blockchain projects.

Futurecoin Insights

I'm gonna now ask Max Eko Namahit, as the co-founder of Futurecoin with your experience in launching future focus blockchain projects, what do you see as the next big breakthrough in the blockchain technology, particularly Indonesia or Mas Eco? Hello. Hello. I hope everyone hear my voice. Yeah, so, yeah, maybe there's a lot of mistakes here. I think people will get me wrong because the similarity, actually future coin is the project focused on, you know, educate people Indonesia. But there is same project that called future Coin as well. But I hope people will understand about the differences.

Education and Community Focus

So we have a community Indonesia focused on crip, education, trading. And right now we are focused on, you know, give people education about airdrop, etcetera. So right now we focus on give education, a proper education to people Indonesia so they can make money. You know, right now, Indonesia, the situation is so many people who lay off from their job and we try to help, you know, we try to help them to, you know, get some money, you know, from crypto, especially airdrop and trading, so people can make this as another source of income. Yeah, maybe that's for me. Thank you.

Blockchain Industry Skills

I see. That is actually. Oh, I see. All right, then. Well, I have, I also have. We also have another question for Masik Bao, which is as a leader of the number one exchange Indonesia, what are the critical skills and competencies needed for individuals to succeed in the blockchain industry, especially for people who want to start their career like web three? Yeah, I think you need to start to learn Chinese. Joking. It's like, actually the number one is you need to have the curiosity, you know, because the industry is for every day there is like more than 10,000 new tokens, 10,000 new projects coming and grown every day.

Staying Updated in a Changing Landscape

So the most important thing to keep curious about what new things that might come like in last two years. We talk a lot about AI. Right. That's an AI innovation here and there. And looks like a lot of projects also coming for AI. In previous years, there's a lot of discussion about FWA, like the beginning of the year, actually. There's a lot of talk about FWA and now there is a. A lot of discussion and attention to memes. So it's like never really constant for anything that happened in the web three and crypto world. So you need to understand that the market is moving, that tension is moving.

The Importance of Continuous Learning

There is a lot of new technology as well, and new problems and new solution to defined. So being curious, being eager to learn, I think is the most important part to become the professional and web three and another part of course, in terms of the education again, and about technology on the web. Three, I think everybody should try or at least start to learn about everything that happening. Because as you know, like I said in the AI revolution, now is there, everyone said, now everyone is shifting from blockchain to aih. It's not true, actually blockchain and AI can actually exist in the same universe.

Blockchain and AI Integration

They can exist alongside each other. And I believe the bot technology like AI for using blockchain, actually more sustainable compared to AI that using some random ledger technology rather than blockchain. Because basically blockchain is just a technology to store your data. It's actually only like a digital ledger. So it's a. It's a common sense for like blockchain to connect with all the technology or connect with to all solution on the world. So that's. I think that you need to understand and need to know as well, because in the end, you need to learn every day about what's changing in the world.

Curiosity and Industry Engagement

So you need to be curious, but if you don't learn anything or you don't start to learning about that, just want to receive like two times, five times investment coming from your crypto portfolios, I don't think it will be sustained for longer term. If you want to stay in the industry and if you want to keep up with everything, start learning. Start being careers every day. And every day there is always something new for you. So don't learn. Because by joining the industry in general, you basically will be exposed to so many things and be ready to like also filter your information that you get coming from all the sources around the world.

Ensuring Valid Information

We make sure that your information is valid and also, it's also correct with the situation as well. I think that's it for curiosity and eager to learn. I see. So perseverance.

Introduction to Chinese Language Learning

And also you gotta learn Chinese. Just kidding, just kidding. Okay.

Overview of the Segment

Okay, we're going to the segment three where our team, we're gonna pick three questions to be answered by guest speakers live on the space. The lucky three questions also will be rewarded by 100k worth of take on. And I, and I myself will read the questions one by one and we'll be answered by the guest speakers. The first one is Bye Maria, Hay or Khalifa. What are the long term and short term goals of Dubai blockchain center? And what impact will the Dubai Blockchain center have on the blockchain industry? And does Dubai Blockchain center collaborate with other blockchains? If so, what kind of collaboration does it take?

Goals of the Dubai Blockchain Center

Thank you for the question of course, the Dubai Blockchain center since it started, its goal is to be more like a beacon that connects technology providers of blockchain around the world and connected to the Dubai and the wider Middle east. And this is what we've been doing. And we have been able to bridge a lot of companies globally with a lot of government and private sector in the region. The other good news, I have to mention to everyone that our Dubai blockchain center already in collaboration indonesia, where we've launched Indonesia Blockchain center in partnership with Sharia Digital Technology and the Dubai Blockchain center also is expanding in other territory. But I thought might be of your interest to know that we are actually indonesia at the moment. And our goal also to bring all future technology that proven to be successful in the region. Make sure that Indonesia is using the top notch technological applications of blockchain and other technological projects.

Impact and Collaboration

As we just talked about, generative AI's and so on and so forth. Is there a specific date, perhaps, for the indonesian blockchain center? Again, again, sorry. If there any specific dates for the launch of the Indonesian Blockchain center? It's launched already and we are giving lectures and already indonesia, we have. The first lecture was given by myself indonesia already. And I think my team is today and yesterday we're giving other lecture like teaching the teachers, let's say, or training the trainer. So it's launch already and it's in operation. And I think Indonesia blockchain center on Twitter is listening to us at the moment. You can find them between the listeners.

Further Discussions on Blockchain

I see. All right, great insights. Thank you so much, Khalifa, for the answer. Now, moving. Moving on to mass echo, there is someone that wants to ask at Ricky underscore mp nine, what are your views regarding the potential and opportunities of sharia based in the future? Okay, interesting question. So I think maybe there is so much people who can answer this better than me, but I'm trying to answer this. So I'm actually part of, you know, marketing team of, you know, exchange that focus on Sharia compliance. They already, you know, start in this year. And, you know, when we start, there's so much thing that I learned that people actually want to trade, especially in crypto and bitcoin, but they afraid that this is not, you know, not follow the regulation in the religion, you know, the.

Understanding Sharia Compliance

In this case, it's Sharia compliance in Sharia law. So I think that, you know. With. The Sharia based blockchain and exchange, maybe, or maybe, you know, Sharia token, maybe that we will help people that want to, you know, get into the crypto space and, you know, blockchain, but they afraid that this is, you know, contradicted with their religion. Guys, I'm sorry, but I cannot hear anything. So my apologies. If you're talking to me, I don't know. Hello? Yeah, we can hear you, Echo, but unfortunately. Yeah. I just now started hearing you, so I don't know if you had a question. I was supposed to answer it. I didn't hear anything.

Continuing the Discussion

Oh, no worries. No worries. We were asking to mas echo currently. It's okay. Maybe you can continue. Okay. So, yeah. My point is with this kind of, you know, Sharia blockchain that will help people that want into crypto space, but they too afraid that this area is contradictive with the Sharia law. So I think, you know, crypto, Sharia is, you know, have a special place in the future, you know, so maybe the one who want to, you know, start in crypto space but want to stick to their, you know, religion low, you know, Sharia law that can start with, you know, with Sharia blockchain or something like that.

Investment Tips in Blockchain

All right, thank you so much for the answer, Mas Echo. Moving forward to Mas et al, there's someone else, someone wants to ask you a question from. Can you share some tips and strategies for seeing coins or tokens that are currently hyped, accompanied by good fundamentals when entering the global blockchain chain for 2025? Okay. Hi, Anish, thank you for the question. So if you're looking for, if you are like just new in the crypto space, I believe you have so much to learn, right? If you want to invest, please start from the mainstream. Coins for a cycle bitcoin. If you want to invest in the first place and then learning how bitcoin works, how the technology works, then start to looking for another tokens again.

Finding New Cryptocurrencies

But if you already in few years or few times investing in crypto, then maybe if now, if you are looking for hype token or tokens that get more attention during certain period, you can check, I think in the news, in the Twitter space or any social medias or discord group as well that are where everybody is actually discussing. Or if not, you can check on the transaction as well on the blockchain that you are interested with. Maybe, let's say recently, I believe there is a lot of attention coming from the Sui token. So on Sui, we can see on the on chain data there's a lot of new people, new developers also building there. There's a lot of new liquidity also coming there because of the adoption of the a sweet token and swing network I think is getting bigger and bigger.

Analyzing Token Fundamentals

That's why that affected the price as well. So I think if you are looking for new tokens that have fundamentals, then the token that have a blockchain definitely one of the number one tokens that you should looking for because it definitely have the basic fundamental. It is a blockchain. And the second one you can check on the on chain that already available everywhere. So you can check on the like Arkham intel, you can check on each blockchain scan as well. Like Solana, you have a source scan, Ethereum, you have Ethereum scan and the others as well. So it can, you can see how many new wallet address is coming from them or you can check how many liquidity that coming for the blockchain as well.

Strategies for Investing

So based on that, you might also be aware that the more people using the blockchain, the more people actually adopting tokens, then the probability of the tokens or that project build getting hype or attention is much bigger. I think that's a very quick tip, sir, for me. I see. Thank you so much for the answer. Moving forward, we're going to go to the live comment section where there are a lot of people that already get their questions and I'm going to read them for our three speakers. First is by Dykdal. What role of meme coins like Doge and Shiba do you guys think on 2025 crypto trend maybe we can start from.

Discussion on Meme Coins

Maybe we can start from Kalista? I will pass. I don't answer such questions. I'm sorry. Oh yes, it's okay. It's definitely okay. How about mass Echo? Well, so yeah, it's a meme coin, right. So actually people nowadays is tend to like meme coins because you know, high risk, high return, right. I think if people want to start trading meme coin, they need to know about the risk first, you know, they can get rich. There's extreme case that people get rich in one month, but people get broken.

Understanding Risks in Trading

There's so much story about people get broke in, you know, one week, two weeks. Some people first need to know about the risk. If they already know about the risk, you know, they need to, you know, maybe just prepare, maybe like under 5% on their portfolio for the trade if they have to, you know, trade mem coin. But I'm not suggesting. So maybe you need to stick to the, you know, big market captain. So yeah, you can manage the risk as well. Thank you.

The Role of Memes in the Crypto Community

Thank you for the answers. How about Mas ICMA, your opinion? Yeah, I don't think I will mention on specific coins on mimsa, but one thing that I think you need to know as well, mems actually is the symbol of community in the crypto space, right. They are interact, they are discussing, they are talking with each other using memes. Memes is the art on how people communicate and art how to make people understand easily. So there's a plus point on that. However, in terms of the investment, you need to be careful whether you want to invest in the Mims tokens or not. Because again, it's based on the community side. So you need to understand if the community is actually building or they are actually just passing by some speculation or something, because it might possess certain risks that you need to understand first before you invest on that.

Attention and Development in Blockchain

Another memes coin. So is the tension game. So it's like when memes actually develop in certain blockchain, it's bring attention to the blockchain itself or it's another project in the blockchain itself. That's actually a good thing because it can bring attention. The second one, I saw a lot of new developers and also developers coming with a web two or web one tech that actually start their journey in the web team by using meme. So again, it's bring attempt attention, it brings adoption. But if you choose to invest in memes, please be careful because it high quality probably poses some risk that you need to understand first before you actually invest on. So make sure to learn and get more information. Acknowledge first before investing in such a high, volatile parasite.

AI and Blockchain Integration

I see. Thank you for the answers. Talking about blockchain and technology, there is someone that asked this at Yukasuka. This is for Khalifa. Will AI and blockchain technology work together or independently? Sorry, again, your question is not really, you know, that clear. Oh, sorry. There is a question regarding the blockchain technology from. It's for Khalifa. So I hear that will AI and blockchain technology work together or independently? I think Khalifa is still in the listener. Can we bring up to the. As a speaker? Yes, can hear me. Something was wrong with the Internet. I mean, blockchain, if were simplified to normal stuff in our daily life, is a decentralized ledger. It's a database. And AI, I mean, people now get confused with AI as a whole, and generative AI is something else. So of course they can work hand in hand and there is no reason why they don't. They don't need each other in some application. In some application they need each other. So they are 100% going to coexist with no issues. The only difference that when the AI is going to be depending on a blockchain based database, then the authenticity of the data that the AI is using will be more secured. That's the only added value.

Challenges in Blockchain Development

I see. There is another question regarding blockchain development from App Victo underscore a six. What are the problems in blockchain development in the news so far for the three speakers? Maybe we can start from Kalifa. I would rather have this answered by the guys from Indonesia better because I'm sure they understand their local issues better than me coming from Dubai. All right, maybe we can start from. Okay, I'm really sorry about, you know, I can hear clearly maybe because my Internet connection. Can you repeat again the question? Oh, yes, that's definitely. This is from 86. What are the problems in blockchain development indonesia so far? The problem with, you know, develop some blockchain indonesia? Great, great. You know, maybe the first thing is, you know, about the knowledge because people want to build something, but, you know, most of people indonesia don't know how to build it, how to build the blockchain.

Educational Gaps in Indonesia

I knew some people that build the blockchain from scratch, but, you know, there's not so many of them indonesia, to be honest. There's trader more than the builder themselves. So maybe the problem is we need to open many class course, something like that to, you know, people who interested to, you know, build some blockchain that can join, that can learn about the blockchain, about how to build it. And they can, you know, start to become a builder themselves. So maybe it's the barrier that we face when we want to develop some blockchain. Second is they don't know how to, you know, first they don't know how to build it and then second is they don't know what's the point to make it, you know, the goal to make the blockchain itself because people maybe know how to build it, but they don't know, you know, how. What's the function of that blockchain if it only for transaction, you know, transfer crypto from one world to another? I think it's very basic. So people need to know about the project that they built, what is the function, what is the goal? What is the big picture about it? So, yeah, I think that's what I know so far about it.

Need for More Developers

Yes. Thank you very much for the answer, Max. Eko maybe Max Iqba has different opinions. Yeah, I think I would like to add some. I will answer it half English and half Malaysian. So you might understand and be relatively so. First time is we definitely need more developers in the space. They have 200 billion citizens. We definitely have the potential to be the biggest crypto market in the world. But unfortunately we lack of developers in blockchain. So because first this is lack access of education on that. There is no education in the colleague or in the university as well. About blockchain is very limited control. Even until now. Any courses for blockchain in Bahasa it's also very limited. I very understand that.

Creating Educational Opportunities

I think taco crypto and I try to build these courses on the Toko crypto academy soon. Hopefully we can have the one question for you to have the certification of blockchain so you can start and be ready to start your own new projects as well. And then the other part, because becoming the blockchain developer is not as sexy as become pandas Indonesia. I believe most of the decision is rather to becoming PNS rather than blockchain developers. Unfortunately for now it can be understandable because to build some projects indonesia is actually quite hard. It's a lot of challenge on the regulation first and then the second one, the adoption education and then again for the use case itself. For any Indonesian out there like blockchain, as Khalifa as mentioned, it's actually decentralized ledgere for data storage. And it's also very simple terms for blockchain.

Challenges in Implementation

But to implement that Indonesia is, I understand, really hard.

Building Blockchain for Logistics in Indonesia

So like if you want to build blockchain for the logistic company Indonesia, it's actually to have the very straightforward logistic and supply chain indonesia, right? But there's a lot of what point this year, a lot of pain point that you might face Indonesia like you need to face like Preman Pungli, to Kampark and the other hidden costs that you probably will face indonesia, right? So I believe that might be so hard for you, but it doesn't mean it cannot be done. So if you want to start your projects and just start with. If you want to start from the memes token as well as first for the other option, I think I can understand. But if you want to build a tangible product, tangible project, and if you need partners to develop that into very good projects, long term projects, and of course most developed project Indonesia, please take Tahoe crypto along. We will happy to help you, to guide you, to accompany you as well to building the local project Indonesia.

Vision for Indonesian Projects

We hope that we definitely as our vision as well, to exchange Indonesia. We will bring more projects, indonesian projects to global as well. Thank you. Thank you so much for the answers. Now we have one more question for all the speakers, which is, how will blockchain technology disrupt traditional industries and create new job opportunities? And what skills and competencies will be essential for individuals to thrive in the blockchain power future? Maybe we can start from Khalifa. I see that cliff is connecting right now. I think he has a web Wi Fi issues. So maybe we can start from Mas Echo first.

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