Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Market Dive WTF hosted by SX_Bet. Crypto Market Dive WTF is revolutionizing the sports betting experience through web3 technology, top-notch security, and partnership with renowned investors like @nascentxyz, @hack_vc, and @cmcc_global. The platform prioritizes user experience, transparency, and fair play, setting it apart in the gaming industry. By leveraging blockchain technology, Crypto Market Dive WTF ensures secure transactions and enhances trust among users. With a focus on innovation and cutting-edge solutions, it aims to lead the way in creating a safe and efficient betting environment for sports enthusiasts.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What makes Crypto Market Dive WTF stand out in the sports betting industry?
A: The platform stands out for its focus on web3 technology, security, and top betting odds.

Q: How does Crypto Market Dive WTF ensure wallet safety for its users?
A: Through robust security measures and blockchain technology, user wallets are safeguarded.

Q: Why are partnerships with prestigious investors crucial for Crypto Market Dive WTF?
A: Partnerships enhance credibility, trust, and the platform's potential for growth and innovation.

Q: What are the key priorities in user engagement for Crypto Market Dive WTF?
A: User experience, security, and transparency are pivotal for customer satisfaction and trust.

Q: How does Crypto Market Dive WTF leverage blockchain for sports betting?
A: Blockchain technology ensures transparency, fairness, and efficiency in sports betting operations.

Q: What sets Crypto Market Dive WTF apart from traditional sports betting platforms?
A: The platform's focus on innovation, security, and web3 technology distinguishes it in the industry.

Q: How does Crypto Market Dive WTF aim to revolutionize sports betting?
A: Through cutting-edge technology and a commitment to user safety, the platform aims to transform the sports betting experience.

Q: Why is user trust essential for Crypto Market Dive WTF's success?
A: Establishing trust through transparency, security, and fair play is fundamental for user retention and platform growth.

Q: What benefits do users gain from betting on Crypto Market Dive WTF?
A: Users benefit from top odds, secure wallet transactions, and a user-friendly interface when betting on the platform.

Q: How does Crypto Market Dive WTF ensure a fair playing field for all users?
A: By upholding transparency and fairness in operations, the platform ensures equal opportunities for all participants in sports betting.


Time: 08:15:40
Web3 Technology Focus Exploring how Crypto Market Dive WTF leverages web3 for innovative sports betting experiences.

Time: 09:25:17
Investor Backing Discussing the significance of partnerships with @nascentxyz, @hack_vc, and @cmcc_global for Crypto Market Dive WTF.

Time: 10:35:29
User Security and Experience Highlighting the platform's commitment to user safety and seamless betting interactions.

Time: 11:45:52
Blockchain Integration Understanding the role of blockchain in ensuring transparency and fairness in sports betting on Crypto Market Dive WTF.

Key Takeaways

  • Crypto Market Dive WTF is the leading web3 sports betting platform globally.
  • The platform provides users with the best betting odds while ensuring wallet security.
  • Backed by @nascentxyz, @hack_vc, and @cmcc_global, it boasts prestigious investor support.
  • The focus is on creating a safe and reliable environment for users to engage in sports betting.
  • Innovation and cutting-edge technology drive the platform's operations.
  • Partnerships with renowned investors enhance credibility and trustworthiness.
  • User experience and security are top priorities for Crypto Market Dive WTF.
  • The platform aims to revolutionize sports betting through blockchain technology.
  • Emphasis on transparency and fair play within the sports betting ecosystem.
  • Offering a seamless and efficient way for users to access sports betting through web3 technology.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Show

Subscribe it. Here I am stop where you standing what you need is a lover a man to take over oh, girl, don't look in the father when you think of the treasures that we both bring in a state of mind too cool to be careless looking for the right thing oh, baby, don't look any further tonight we're gonna taste a little paradise I'll still be looking in your every eyes and we'll go on and on. And on and on. I won't you rock me all night long I'll still be looking in your ebony eyes and we'll go on and on and on and. On.

Looking for a Partner

I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund six five I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund six five blue eyes finance, trust fund six five I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund six five blue eyes financed just done. Six five I'm looking for a man in finance trust fund six five their eyes finance, trust fund six fine. I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund six fine blue eyes. Finance, trust fund I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund looking for a man in finance just finance. Trust, finance just looking for a man in finance that's all I want that's all I want I'm looking for a man in finance.

Welcome to the Show

GM. GM. Everybody, welcome back to a banger show with SDHE X Bet, the largest web free sports betting platform in the world. Get the best odds from the safety of your own wallet. Really excited for today's show. I'm looking for a guy in crypto. Five nine. Short fry. Defi small guy. Look, guys, this one, honestly is going to be a banger of a show. Really, really excited to talk all about the market. It is rebounding right now, so already, just props to SXbets for getting that into the title straight away. Let's bring the guests in here, and we've got some amazing speakers to talk all about it.

Fridays and Market Rebounds

Don't you love this? It's a Friday. It's a Friday. And the market's rebound and everything is right in the world. We have mixie AI creating games using Mixie's no code platform, powered by our next gen AI gaming engine. We also have soulstorm with us today. Soulstorm, the fully automated ideo platform on solana. Join us for exclusive ido opportunities. We have Grimmel, grimlinks. Is that all? Grimlinks? Grimlinks, gremlins. There we go. Cause mixie AI. Mixie AI Media Group space host puke cast rug radio. I can't believe I read that so wrong. I'm just gonna pretend that never happened and fudge it over to.

Pudgy Pops and Market Vibes

What is this? Pudgy. Pudgy pips. Pudgy pops. Pudgy pops. Pudgy pops is one of the sexiest mfers in this space. Termly online speculator, penguin on the Internet vibe guy and just all around legend. So look, guys, this one is going to be genuinely. I feel like we just need to shoot the shit. It's a Friday. The market's up. I can't wait just to get into it and just hang with the homies. Hang with the homies on a Friday. What more can you want to for the listeners, for anyone here likes and retweets of the show go a long way. Let's get some more people in here to vibe out on this amazing Friday.

Audience Engagement

Whether it's a morning, afternoon, evening or nighttime, wherever you are, or pre evening. This is a new one for me, by the way. I think four till six. There is no term for it. Doesn't work in afternoon, doesn't work for evening. We need a pre evening. So I'm just going to get that out there. Like, just the way you can't make fetch happen on mean girls. I feel like I'm not going to make preening happen, but we'll see. We'll see what happens. Sxbet, who do we have behind the mic today? Are you excited for today's show?

Market Insights

Yo, yo, it's Declan. What's going on behind the mic? As usual, good things today. I'm looking at CMC and my entire screen is green. So yeah, it's a happy Friday. You love to see that. Okay, Declan, why? I'm just going to put it out there. I've not been paying attention. Let's pretend I'm asking this for the audience and not myself. Why are we seeing green across the board right now? Help. I think things are brightening up with Powell and us interest rates. So that's definitely a little macro catalyst going on.

Market Trends and Analysis

Probably more than a little macro catalyst, that's for sure bullish things. And I think generally people are just coming to the realization that dips are getting bought and remembering that we're actually just a few percent off of last cycles highs. And there's no reason to be freaking out. With bitcoin ranging between like 57 and 62, all good bags packed spot and comfy, it's a good Friday. No need to freak out. Oh, my God. Like, it's so right on this one. Like, I feel like this was exactly the conversation we had a couple of weeks ago when we talked about the market.

Guest Speakers and Market Discussions

And it was just like, feels we just have the information before the market reacts to it. It was like, it felt very clear that, you know, it's like, there's very little in terms of that isn't bullish when you look at the actual news items that are coming into the space, but the market just isn't moving. So be very interesting to see where it all goes from here. And look, we've got some amazing guest speakers with us, so I'm going to get the mic over to these guys to see what's going on. Mixie AI, I believe we have grimlinks with us on the mic. Grimlinks, how are you feeling today? Happy Friday.

Celebration and Market Growth

Happy Friday, brother. And I find amazing. You're tasting music, by the way, always cracks me up. And I still remember when that meme was going all over instagram and I saw these, like, first dj's starting putting it together because, of course, it sounded too good and it was just like that. But yeah, I mark it going up and to the right. Brings a smile to my face just before the weekend. I love it. I'm super pumped. And we need to realize, guys, and if you haven't already, I mean, we have a small audience, but I mean, everybody here is quoted just for showing up as well.

Understanding Market Cycles

And we need to realize that these cycles are meant to be a natural progression of the market. So we will get days that there will be downtrends, we will get days. There will be uptrends. But the market as a whole is growing. There is way more volume. There is way more adoption. And when there is adoption, regardless of how low the prices will go, there will always be a massive rebound. And I am super bullish of the years to come because I remember even at the beginning of crypto as a whole, people didn't even know what it was. Now everybody knows it.

Looking Ahead

It's becoming a common theme. Of course, we're not there yet, but we are still early. And that makes me even more bullish because there's an opportunity. And I love that, you know, more projects like xx bet are coming into the space and bringing, you know, the web two audience to our platform, to our space, because that makes the difference that, you know, changes things around for all of us. I love it, homie. And yeah, definitely heavy. Agree with that one. What do you think? Do you think my lyrics are ever. Is anyone going to do a mix?

Conversations and Future Prospects

Crypto, five nine, short fry, defi. I feel like that's. We have to. Now we have to clip that and we have to make it. I'm just saying. I'm just saying if that could be a thing that we can just propel, maybe it's the start of the next bull market. Who knows? Who knows? I believe we have Anna behind the mic today. Welcome to the stage. Thank you so much for joining us. How are you feeling? Happy Friday. Market's looking okay, right?

Market Observations

Hey. Hey. I hope everybody's doing well. Yeah, it's a little bit late for me, but, yeah, I mean, like, the market looks pretty good right now, but I think, like, in general, like, we had, like, a lot of fear going on, especially, like, because of the.

Market Dynamics and Recovery

Yeah, of the things. What happened with the yen? Right. Like, I don't know, like, if you have been following this, but, like, in the past few years, like, the Japanese central bank kept, like, the interest rates, like, almost to zero. Now they, like, pulled them up and, yeah, like, I think a lot of people, like, sold huge amounts off and this, like, increased, definitely, like, the fall of the charts, but, like, yeah, we slowly recovering and, yeah, I'm seeing, like, a green future. Me, too. Me, too. And I think, honestly, it's kind of crazy, isn't it? Because realistically, inflation, like, these big moments in the traditional world, should have almost the opposite reaction that they're currently having to the crypto market, especially when you look at bitcoin and some of these things that are literally almost anti inflation, and then they're literally built to define the fact that, look, inflation is getting out of control. It was seen from 2008 how bad that can go.

The Institutional Influence and Future Outlook

Let's implement a technology that supports a financial instrument that actually, you know, hedges against that inflation and gives some decentralized, like, support to a very centralized world. And for some reason, the market reacts in tandem right now. So I can't wait for that to change. But, yeah, definitely been interested in watching what's going on with Japan, with the US as well. And I can't wait to dive a little bit more into this pudgy pops legend. How is it going? Happy Friday. What's your thoughts on the market right now on this upcycle? Happy Friday, Jack. I'm happy to be here with everyone today. I'm going to, like, my sights are high. It's funny. When you asked Declan earlier, why is the market green across the board? I thought you were going to ask why are you looking at coin market captain and not coingecko?

Market Trends and Speculations

But then that isn't, you know, that's not the direction you went with it. That's why I was throwing up all those laughing emojis. But no, so that washout of all, like the on chain leverage I think we saw at the beginning of the month here, post ETF, I kind of got, you know, I was a little too heavy on the leverage, but I think that was what the main washout was. And we're going to see a nice increase into the end of the year. And, you know, this consolidation in this chop, we could range this way into the start of next year and we'd still be on track for the cycle. So, you know, we're in it. We're in a good spot. The vibes are high, you know, the tech's getting better, more people are coming to the space. There was an interesting number I was heard yesterday, like last cycle there was only, you know, like a couple hundred million or something like that.

Political Influence and the Evolution of Crypto

Last election cycle invested into crypto lobbying. And this cycle we've seen 10 billion invest into crypto lobbying. So we're seeing a massive increase in the last four years in the amount of money that is going into the lobbying space for crypto, for these elections. And we're seeing a lot of anti crypto smaller seats, you know, different, like councils and different, you know, state heads that are being DC or unseated because of their anti crypto policies. So I think that is a major turning point that weren't seeing in the last elections. And we're only going to see, you know, an increase where something like another crazy number, you know, in the tens of billions for real world assets on chain, you know, so all these things are just going upwards and all those statistics and the hard numbers are really the only things that matter, right? All that volume and those things prior to they proceed price.

Retail Participation and Market Sentiment

So we're in a great spot. I love it, man. Yeah, definitely. Really interesting to sort of speculate now. What does that mean? Like, you know, if we do still chop for the next couple of months, like, will that be our last chance to do any sort of DCN before the up only cycle? And, yeah, like, I really do wonder, like, where this, what this cycle is going to turn out to because I think, look, 2017, I think we saw a very, it was like a huge upcycle, but it lasted for what, like two days. Like, there was very short period of time. And then the last 120 21, it was significantly longer. These are the questions I have when we talk about the market right now and the little choppy motions that we're seeing.

Election Spending and Market Impacts

A little upcycle, like, is which way is this going to go? Is it 2017? Is it completely new? Is it 2021 cycle? What are we seeing? How do we play this one? I think is really interesting to dive into soulstorm. Anna, Mike, over to you. Yeah, so funny thing, like, by the way, I just, like, I was about to read an article, like, about like the election and like nearly half of all corporate elections spending, like in 2024, like all the money comes like from crypto companies and it's like about 119 million. So that's like kind of a crazy number. It's just like, because I have the side open, it's just wanted to add this info. Yeah. That is, it's bullish for us, right? Bullish when that much money is being plowed into this thing.

Market Sentiment Shifts

I think, yeah. We've seen it in the sentiment shifts, if we're being clear. Like, I think the other thing is regardless of whether, you know, policies, parliament, politics, whether they go pro or negative, crypto, it feels at this point that they're acknowledging crypto is not going anywhere. Like I say this often, but I do think that in itself is such a huge milestone. Like, I think only even in 2021, like Covid sort of period as well, people were still heavily speculating that the upcycle was still going to all go to zero. And I just don't see that narrative anymore. I also really don't see retail paying much attention still, which is another massive bullish indicator. So definitely really interesting to me, like how this all plays out.

Retail Confidence and Crypto Sentiment

Declan, what's your thoughts on this so far? Is there anything else that you've got your eyes on the, are there any other sort of updates, milestones, like key metrics that you're keeping close attention to that's going to give us more of an idea of where this market's going to shake out over the next couple of months? Yeah, that's a good question for sure. I think it's interesting to talk about retail not being here at this point in time. And I feel like for me, at least from my perspective and what I see from my IRL, non crypto friends who are out of the market, I feel like they often wait for in the current market, you very much so have to have patience, and I feel like they all come flocking when patience is taken out of the equation.

Market Dynamics and Retail Behavior

And things are at coming to peak volatility or higher volatility, and they have the chance to make gen wealth easier than they do at this point in time, at least. So I think when things start to. I think at some point we'll likely have some sort of catalyst that kicks off whatever that next aggressive leg up to new highs is. And I think around then is when we start to see retail come back more. I know last show we talked a lot about retail being scared from FTX and various other bad actor moves from previous cycles. I think that's all started to wash away. And I think when euphoria starts to come back, the everyday person who might consider investing in crypto is probably going to be a lot more likely to be putting their money back in this cycle.

User Experience and Accessibility in Crypto

We've got so many better on ramps. Ux for so many different things is far better than it used to be. I think it's a lot easier for people to get involved now, and people are obviously warming up to it now that it's directly in the, like, you know, words from Trump and Kamala, like it's getting like we just said, it's getting tons of political attention now. I think when euphoria starts to come back, people are going to be chomping at the bit to get into crypto and it'll likely come in one foul swoop when none of us are expecting it and send things off. But yeah, I see that. I see that happening at some point myself. I think.

Catalysts and Market Responses

I think that we see some catalyst come and send things, likely when nobody is expecting it, and likely when crypto, Twitter is doing its usual thing, injecting fear into everybody, scrolling through the timeline. But yeah, I think it comes at some point, and likely when it does come, it comes with much more force than we've seen it before because it's so much easier to be onboarded now, and the UX is far better for the average person. I definitively agree with this. The idea we're all going to be looking left and some random thing we never, ever anticipated just blows up on the right hand side.

Reflections on Market Behavior

Look, I think we talk about FTX and stuff occasionally. I have this take that calling these things black swan events when they're that frequent is like a little bit tongue in cheek, because realistically, it's way too common to be a black swan event. Maybe a black dog or a black car event would be a little bit more in line with how frequent this thing was. But all of these things come cyclically. And not to get too in the stars about this, but I do see the same sort of way it panned out when were super bullish and we didn't see all of these swan events or whatever we want to call them. I do think we're going to get almost the reverse, as you say.

Future Predictions and Market Sentiment

We're all just going to be talking about, oh, well, I'm not sure what's going to happen next. And, oh, the markets taking a little bit of a dive and all the macro conditions, et cetera, and then something is going to come and no one will have predicted it and we'll be like, oh, right, okay, yeah, that's, that's right. Like crypto. Crypto really is like frickin huge. Like when you look at some of the solutions it has to some of the major problems in the, literally on the planet right now, not in terms of per country, like, literally so many countries experiencing issues right now.

Critical Perspectives on Cryptocurrency Solutions

And I just don't see solutions that are being brought in by literally any government entity. Like, I do think it's going to take a decentralized nature to at least in some way for every person to decide, look, I need at least some exposure to this because these other guys, they are still human, you know, and humans make mistakes. And it just makes so much logical sense that we hedge our bets a little bit to something a little bit less, you know, less reliant on those people being perfect all of the time. Solstorm, I'll throw the mic over to you and then we'll go to mixie on this one. What's your take?

The Impact of ETFs on Institutional Investment

So, yeah, I would like to add that we still need to think about like all the ETFs and yeah, all the ETFs being approved because, like, a lot of institutional money, like, came into the space which also like, definitely, like, I think had an influence on the market. But yeah, I would love to talk, like, more in detail about like, yeah, especially like the meme coin sector because this is like the space we are involved in. And like, it's interesting to see like, which kind of influence also, like, yeah, this investment, this new investment behavior.

Short-term vs Long-term Investments in Crypto

Yeah. Of retail has on like the general market, I would say because like the, let's say, like, the more serious projects currently, like, really struggle finding like, investments because, like people stop thinking long term. They're like more like here for like the short run and like trying just to catch the next 100 x or whatever. So, yeah, I think, like the meme coin industry definitely, like, changed a lot this year. Yeah, I definitely think honestly how to wrap up this conversation and to move it along will be to start looking a bit more macro at the different areas of the space and what this market rebound might mean for them if it continues.

Exploring Trends in the Crypto Market

Mix, I bring you in on the conversation so far. Where do you want to take it? Oh man, market rebound. As I was saying earlier, I feel like there are so many trends we are yet to explore. We had the meme coin trend, we had the altcoin trend, we had the shit coin trend. Before that. We've seen it all. Even NFTs was a trend for a while. Now what we are seeing is people are participating more in the gaming ecosystem. That's why mix AI makes sense. SX bet makes sense because it's gamifying participation.

The Future of Participation in Crypto

It's giving some sort of enticement, some dopamine to the people that are participating in the space, no longer living on expectation of things to come, living on somebody else's dream. You know, we want to see tangible results and I think that's a clear indication that the market is maturing. And for me, it couldn't be a better, you know, outlook for what we have right now. Even the current state in the political, you know, situation in the US, which a lot of people are paying attention to. I don't live in the US. But if you consider that before this year, before these elections, they weren't focusing on crypto, it was never something that people would even consider something to leverage on the crypto narrative.

Decentralized Governance and Election Sentiments

Now you have polymarket, which I know David is like a big ambassador. And the amount of people that are participating and looking at the current election, even outside of the US, just because there is this crypto narrative connected to it creating a new kind of interest. You can't get these kind of people to even go out and vote and you get them there betting against each other to find out who's gonna win. Now that is the evolution of how decentralized governance should be run. You know, it's like have a way for people to participate actively and feel like their, you know, whatever investment or whatever participation they do has an impact on their wallet as well, you know. So this has me bullish to see what is going to happen.

Emergence of Web Three and Gaming

That's why, as I was saying earlier, as expect right on the money that's entering web three and creating this new kind of narrative for this space. It's bullish as hell. We are leveraging a lot on gaming as well, we just released a game called Mac Mech, and you can play it right now. It's quite fun if you like. Candy Crush, bro, is addictive. But we just reached 100,000 players and we just launched it. And I seen this happen with other communities. You look at hamster combat, they were a slow burner. Nobody was paying attention, and they blew out. From one month. They had like 100,000, and it went to 1 million, 2 million, 10 million, 300 million. So people are paying attention. The whole ecosystem like web, two people that didn't touch crypto are getting onboarded. And as they enter Teuton or two other platform, I can guarantee you they will enter everywhere because it's like an oil splat on water, distributes everywhere. It's bound to be something that will change the way that we look at crypto from going forward.

Optimism in an Upcycle

Yeah, I again just definitively agree with all of this. It's so fun to have this conversation during an upcycle as well. I know this is so premature, by the way. This thing could, even if it was negative, we would have a blast. You know how we roll. That is very true. That is very true. Yeah, it is. It's just refreshing because I think nearly every time this sort of conversation comes up, there's been like a 10% dip or there's. We've almost, you know, jinxed it ourselves. So I definitely love just being a little bit more on the optimistic side. I'd love to take the show in that direction, too. Anna, Mike, over to you on this one. What's your take?

Importance of Community in Gaming and Memes

So I think that, like, gaming and memes, they have, like, one big thing in common. And this is, like, communities, right? And I think, like, the most important thing nowadays in crypto or in general is community building. And, like, projects live from communities. So, yeah. Especially, like, right now in this attention driven economy we live in, as I use or love to say, like, attention is the new currency. Right? So I have also, like, a big bet on, like, the gaming sector because, like, I used to be actually a gamer back then. And, like, with, like, with all the possibilities right now, I see especially also, like, for NFT adoption and, like, converting your assets, like, into, like, real money, let's say. Because when I, like, I think about, like, my years, when I used to spend, like, all my money on World of Warcraft or something, just to think about it, if I could convert it, like, now into, like, some kind of assets, yeah, I would probably, I don't know, like, already buy a villa from that.

Shifting Focus to Gaming and NFTs

Just want to add that I love it. And yeah, again, I think we should definitely start getting into the weeds a little bit more now around like these specific areas. So I love that you brought it to gaming. I do think if we talk a little bit less about crypto as in like these majors, and talk a little bit more about, you know, meme coins, NFTs and their cycle gaming projects, these sort of things, that's a really interesting thing to think about when we look at an upturn and like how that's all going to pan out. Pudgy pops, I'm going to throw this mic over to you first because look, the penguin is calling me. I just have to. But also, like, there's been a little bit of a narrative recently around pudgies and nfts more generally, maybe creeping out of the just absolute down bad season that it's been through. What's your take on this, especially with what's going on with putty penguins directly?

Dynamic of Crypto and NFT Spaces

So, you know, it's kind of an interesting dynamic, I think, of what's happening directly within the crypto space and what's happening in the NFT space and in the penguin space as a whole, I think the penguins have a lot of narrative around what they're building and it kind of generally, you know, amplifies or kind of carries through with the rest of the crypto market. And I do think that there's like a, there's a very distinct style of marketing and branding that goes into building an NFT community. And it's like this community first narrative which is basically around creating a culture in your environment. And that's kind of what you're perpetuating in your organization. And that first starts with you and your team and then that translates to you and, you know, your hot pot and your inner circle and then that translates to everybody in your entire community. And I think that the marketing that takes to build, you know, momentum in the crypto space is a lot more difficult than a web two narrative.

Success of NFT Communities and Ecosystems

And the people who do really rock it in the web three, space will find themselves excelling in the web two arenas. But that, you know, really being able to convert your top of funnel into something like your community first initiative that the penguins have been able to develop into trying to create something like a block chain or a layer two. And any product that comes into the penguin ecosystem that they launch at the physical item instantly goes to number one on Amazon. And they've kind of really perfected their nature of bringing things to market. So if they're able to successfully launch their abstract chain and really reward their long term holders. That's only going to create this massive echo chamber effect that perpetuates the momentum they're trying to build. A. And I, you know, not to take the conversation too heavily into the pudgy penguin ecosystem, but the difference in like, something like abstract raising, like, less than 20 million, what was it, like 1210 or 12 million that they raised for their layer two versus raising something like 225 million on, like, a Mona?

Insights into Project Funding Dynamics

That there's just like. It creates a very interesting, you know, perspective at the very least in what's happening in these ecosystems. So I don't, you know, say I personally can't speak on if it's good or bad to raise, you know, 100 million or 10 million or 200 million or 20, but you can just see the momentum for these things as they're coming to market. And I would imagine there's a lot more, you know, upside on these lower raises. Yeah, I again, like, I think it really interests me to think of the. These, like, these different areas of the space right now. And I think PUBG is definitely included in this and nfts more broadly when we start seeing a little bit more crypto momentum, because my underlying thesis through all of this has always been, for any of these things to succeed, the overarching crypto space needs to succeed first to bring attention back.

Future Of Bitcoin and Market Predictions

I think inevitably that's going to be how this thing pans out. Like, crypto market starts getting media attention, people start seeing the success of that, but then they feel like they're too late because of the success. Because bitcoin is now at 100k. It was on sixty k. I can't just get into bitcoin now. It's already twice. I think the already pumped narrative for bitcoin is so massive. Like the bitcoin breaking app, prior to having, you know, created this, like, feeling of, oh, well, I missed it, you know, versus what's actually going to happen into the next year, which is going to be, you know, just massive runs from financial institutions and unions and countries and reserves and it's going to be wild. Me too. Apologies. It sounds like my mic is having a bit of a mayor here. Look, I do.

Market Trends and Speculation

Yeah, yeah. Like, definitely definitively agree with this and I'm just wondering, like, look, does it all go up or other narratives that I'm also seeing gonna take place, which is people saying, you know, it's nfts or meme coins, you know, like, I think that's one I'm definitely seeing right now, mainly propelled by my NFT followers. I'm not gonna lie. Like, definitely seeing this thing with this idea that, look, only one is gonna exceed in this run. There's always at least one that's gonna have a super cycle. So would love people's take on that. Mixy, you just gave me some emoji, so I'll throw the mic over and to you, and we'll keep this cooking.

Anticipation for a Super Cycle

Well, I always throw the emojis because I'm enjoying the vibe of the conversation. And, you know, super cycle, I think that we are about ready for that. But it's always a super cycle, if you could consider, because it's always, you know, a massive downtrend, and it gets stable for around a year to year when it consolidates, and then people start getting excited for everything that's happening, and they lose track of reality, and they just like FoMo in because everybody's saying that this is going to be the next big thing. I do believe that bitcoin is going to become a global token or a global currency above USDC or US dollar, sorry, euro, or anything that they might create, because it's not controlled by any government, even though we see the big entities coming into it.

The Integrity of Cryptocurrencies

But that's definitely something that I feel like we have been saying it, we've been preaching it. We all knew it would happen. Those that believed in, you know, as a whole, the crypto ecosystem, which stands for something that is fair, you know, something that is unaltered, unfiltered by the government that decide to have their own agenda. And I'm not just pointing finger at one, I'm looking at all the government, because they're all dirty, they're all run by human beings. And when there is a human, he's gonna have, you know, the possibility to become a thief. They say, you know, you give a man the opportunity and he will take it. And when there is something that is not controlled by a human and it's governed by, you know, the whole ecosystem, it can go with emotion, it can go by with whales, but at the same time, the store of value that it holds is here to stay.

Future Potential and Speculation in Crypto

And it will only get bigger as the supply, you know, becomes less and less. And that's bound to happen as soon as you can't mine anymore. Every half thing, it spells for a potential upswing. I remember still the days when bitcoin was like, $1,000 and I was like, I was a bit skeptical because it pumped from, like, ten dollars to one thousand dollars and was like, I'm not going to buy this. And I wish I had the sense to think the way I do now when that happened. But, you know, we're sitting at like 60,060 2000 right now and I feel that we have no absolute idea of where it's headed. And if people think, oh, it's gonna go 100,000, it's gonna go to 100,000, it could go to a million very easily.

Speculation and Future of Crypto Movement

But it is speculation. It is speculation until we see it happens and at the same time it could go down, you know, but I feel like this all crypto movement that we are part of and we are fortunate to be at this stage, you know, it's gonna change a lot of people's lives and it's gonna make it better because it's not gonna be, you know, subjective to what people or governments have put in place right now. We need that swing. We need the evolution, and AI is gonna play a big part of it. I'll preach it the same way I preach about web three. Oh, I definitely agree with that take around AI, too.

The Synergy Between AI and Blockchain

Honestly, AI is just so perfect with blockchain for, like, so many reasons. But one of the big ones for the takeaways for me right now is it's more and more creating suspicion and confusion over what is real and what's not. So have something so tangible like blockchain and like, the ability that provides to just authenticate these things digitally. I'm just like, oh, my God, this thing couldn't be better. I remember people talking about AI is like, oh, no, crypto. Like, that narrative is gone now because GPT's out and no one's ever going to talk about crypto today. And just laughing my ass off at, like, the complete, knowing the complete opposite is going to come. Solstorm, I'll throw the mic over to you and then I want Declan's take from SX bet on all of this.

Real World Assets and AI Impact

So, yeah, I think, like, definitely I want to add something, like, to the previous, yeah, like, conversation. Like, I think definitely, like, real world assets and this sector will definitely grow in future because I think, like, people already, like, made their bags with, like, memes and, like, will find ways, like, to invest or reinvest, like, in more, like, sustainable, let's say, projects. And that's why, like, I think NFTs will also become like, a big topic because they are, like, basically the connection between, like, these two words and as I said earlier, like, gaming, definitely. But what I would like to add about the AI topic is that actually I think it has positive aspects and it's nice because, like, it saves us a lot of time, but it also creates, like, massive problems in the industry, especially like, for the crypto newbies.

Challenges Posed by Automation and Bots

So, like, let's say also, like, for the projects, when we take like, a regular meme coin project which is, like, about to launch, and the sniping issues we have, like, when the projects are not sniping themselves and like, securing, like, let's say, like, big amounts of the supply, they're just like, yeah, they are, like, about to die. Like, yeah, so you have to kind of regulate this things because, like, all the buying bots and selling bots also, like, kind of creating, let's say, like some, yeah, just general problems in the market and, yeah, like, I would really love to hear your thoughts on that.

Market Movement and Upturns

Yeah, that's super interesting to me. I think, honestly, for the most part, I think these things are going to get wrecked when it comes to, like, a real market movement. Like, as Declan was mentioning from the main SX bet account, like, obviously they have, you know, their exits and they have their sort of protocols to minimize sort of losses. So when I say wrecked, I don't necessarily mean they're going to lose a ton of money. I just think they're going to lose a ton of the up cycle. You know, like, they're literally going to be like, okay, we're going to exit here. We'll just go back, buy back at the lower side, and there will be a moment that none of us predict where that sale is just going to be looked at as like an absolute bottom signal.

Conclusion on Market Sentiments

And I don't think that there is really any control or power or really definitively anything anyone can do to predict when we do see like a major upturn turn again, whether that be, you know, bitcoin to 100,000 this cycle, whether it be to a million, as mixy bullishly said. And I'm down for that. Grim. I'm definitely down for that. But I guess no one can definitively figure out where the top is going to be in the bottom is going to be for this. But I do think a lot of people are really under estimating, like, the actual, like, upcycle of this thing, especially as we've mentioned a couple of times now when retail really start to understand that I probably do just need exposure to this, and then it will be people in different walks of life in different financial positions where they get exposure.

Soulstorm's Unique Approach

Like definitely, like Soulstorm is like working on like kind of solutions for like the problems in the industry. Like, for example, like what makes us different? Like actually we've been like the first Solana launch pad and we are like the main competitor to pump fun in a different like kind of approach because we are like a premium launch pad and like only taking really like, let's say serious meme coin projects and doing like really good dd on like everybody we are working with because like pumped fun took over like the entire market, which is like kind of good because like the guys are making like tons of money, right. But the problem is that like daily we have like 20,000 to 30,000 projects which like launching. So there is just like an oversaturated market. Like we are trying to like work on a kind of app and solution for like filtering that issue. And it's actually like a huge project we're like about to work on. And that's why we also created like the OTC platform on Soulstorm.

OTC Platform and Contribution to the Industry

Just like for example, to ensure the, let's say like upselling problem that Kols create for projects and like just dump on tokens. So, yeah, like in the OTC portal, you can just like, yeah, create like kind of vestings and like just a healthier way to like, yeah, sell instead of just like dump the shit out of like projects and, yeah, this is like our contribution to the space. And like, I hope everybody is like kind of doing their part to improve the web free space. Yeah, I think honestly, the days of like the way kol sort of and you know, I think very big pinch of salt when we say kols in terms of the broader sense of the word. But for the people directly involved, I do think that those days are just over definitively because especially in, I think a lot of these things, market success fundamentally deters a lot of the actions that have come and been like quite negative because I think realistically those actions are only taken due to uncertainty from the people actually dropping these tokens, dropping these projects, dropping these products.

Market Dynamics and Sentiment

And once that uncertainty gets washed away a little bit with a general market sentiment shift. They're just not going to want to provide the opportunities that they have that have caused such huge dumps because people have got so much upside with how big of an opportunity they are given with the access to these tokens at way reduced prices. So, yeah, very much love to hear more about what you guys are doing. Declan, mic, over to you, homie. I've got two questions for you. A, how have you found this conversation? Is there anything that specifically is interested you that you'd like to lean into? And then b, a sex bet specific question about how we can play these markets. Are you guys thinking in any way on bets over which, if any, is going to do a super cycle? You know, is there a way we could bet on if nfts are going to have their day, if meme coins, if it's going to be both, like this sort of thing? Was that interest me?

Seeking Opportunities in Betting Markets

Because I just look at, you know, when I look at bets in that sense, I look at this idea of, like, very heated conversations on the timeline, and that's how I feel it's going right now is when we're seeing really heated conversations with these crypto guys and girls in terms of, no, it's definitely meme coins. It's definitely going to be nfts. That's where my brain goes, oh, I wonder if SX bets have got anything to say on that. Yeah, it's funny that you say that because that for sure, as somebody being involved with SX beta, you know, those questions come across. Come across the mind all the time as like, these are, you know, these are things that you would expect people to want to trade on. I would say it's. It's a little bit outside of our focus, like currently, especially with sports season being right around the corner as. As markets like that, you know, tend to lend themselves, you know, more to a prediction market. But we're ahead. We're entering more into that space and there's for sure opportunity there.

Long-Term Goals and Market Focus

I think our focus historically has just been more on sports because we see such a large opportunity there being such a massive existing market that's ripe for disruption. But, yeah, for sure, those are things that we're thinking about in terms of long, early, mid and long term goals for. For what other things we want people to be able to wager on the site. And for sure, those are pressing questions that everybody on crypto, Twitter and involved in the web three space has an opinion about and likely has an opinion that they'd be willing to put some money behind. So stay tuned for more prediction markets like that to be hitting the site. Yeah. In terms of each conversation as a whole so far, I think it's funny to be talking about bringing on retail and when's retail going to arrive and crypto adoption going up.

Retail Participation and Market Cycles

But I feel like a lot of the conversation these days is largely in the context of retail coming as our exit liquidity. And that's, I feel like it is absolutely what everybody wants, but we use that sort of interchangeably with adoption and retail coming. And that's exactly what I think ends up scaring them away a lot of the time. Right. They come when the market's already heated up and all of our bags are packed and then we dump on them when we get to 100k or whatever. We consider whatever people decide the top for the cycle is. So it's funny to see that versus what I'm. It's two pronged. Right. I'm seeing the other side of that as being onboarding them long term to web two or web three applications that are an improved version of what they're used to using in web two, or something that they haven't actually heard of, whether it be a type of platform that didn't exist in a web two form or a platform like us that absolutely exists in a web two form but has vast advantages when it's on web three rails.

Onboarding Users and Improving Adoption

I think I'm also thinking about how do we, like, where does this market go? And like, do we actually have a cycle where we can onboard more people from retail as long term users of crypto and that, you know, like long term, that is really positive and more positive for all of us than just bringing them on as exit liquidity because that's more liquidity on chain, to go into building more applications, that's going to bring more users on chain? yeah, and more eyes on the space, more everything, right. A rising tide lifts all boats. So I think it's interesting to talk that a lot of our conversation about market is all in terms of market blowing up in short term and pumping our bags and then dumping on retail versus market going up because people are coming on chain and using on chain tech and staying on chain rather than just this endless laundry cycle of every few years, we bring retail back for three months or whatever and then dump on them and they're gone for another few years.

Future Prospects and Perhaps a Paradigm Shift

I think long term, we really do want to bring them all on chain for an extended period of time and actually using applications on chain because that's what's going to really drive major crypto adoption. And I don't think bitcoin goes to bitcoin or whatever other majors we're looking at. If we're talking long term, those don't hit the insane numbers that we all dream about wherever where we're all retired with ten lambos, unless people are actually on chain using apps day to day. And there's far more liquidity than just us PvP trading against each other. So, yeah, really interested in that spot. And it's just so funny to hear us all talking about. And I mean, like, I'm absolutely hoping that they come to pump my bags, but it is funny that we talk about bringing them on chain and having them there, but all of us with the idea in the back of our mind that at some point they're going to be our exit liquidity.

Reflections on Profit Dynamics

That's so funny, isn't it? I think, look, it's. I don't think for a second anyone who's been here since like the last up cycle and is like held because things are going to go up, ever going to take those sort of profits where it's like, okay, here's all my bitcoin retail. I'm just going to put my feet up now. I don't know what figure that could because every time it multiplies and it gets past, like, your brain is just automatically gonna be like, no, I have been here too long for too much to sell now and give my bags to somebody else. So that interests me because I think, look, worst case scenario in my opinion, on, you know, how I think about this in the back of my mind is I don't want to dump my bags, I want to share my bags. You know, like, I'm like, I'm growing my portfolio, growing my bags.

Mindset on Investments and Sales

But some of these projects I have bought to sell an element of, you know, like the rule of freeze and nfts, I think many people have heard, but like, there's definitely that version across so many different elements. And I'm like, look, you can have a third of my bag and I'll be very happy at a certain price, but those are the two thirds you ain't getting for a long time. Like a long time. And I honestly like for bitcoin to, specifically for Ethereum, for Solana and some of these projects that I genuinely have a really long term view at. I don't know if there's a sell point for me. I think it's more about just leveraging the value that these things bring and just continuing to get more value over earning more and holding more of a percentage of these things.

Summation and Closing Thoughts

But yeah, that was so funny, your take on this. I do completely agree, though that there is. When we talk about that, there's just a clearly that air of dump that we talk about when we mention the word retail, it's just there definitively, I would say, before we throw to these amazing hands and then run the show out, Declan, is there any final bits from Sxbeth that you'd like to cover off before we end the show? And also one really quick bit of ux feedback. If the market does really start to pump Sxbet bots, where it starts actually seeking those big arguments on the timeline, the ones that have attention and just throwing. Why don't you make a bet on that? Like, if they're like definitively like, oh, dude, it's definitely going to be this way. It's like, why not make a bet on that and just link them straight to Essex bet where they can like, incentivize that, like really easy.

Future Directions and Upcoming Opportunities

Just. Just think food for thought, Declan, over to you before we get to mixing something. Yeah, no, good food for thought. That's a fun idea, for sure. Yeah. It would be super dope to be able to integrate something like that in the future. Yeah. On the Essex bet note, lots of exciting things happening. We've got massive tournaments going on just to finish off the summer and then NFL season is right around the corner and shortly after that it's back to NBA and NHL and quite a bit more tennis season is still going on as well. Yeah. So lots of exciting stuff there. We're completely migrated over to our new Essex roll up network. Eight times faster blocks.

Improvements and New Features

So some huge improvements in terms of ux for betters. There we have our new political, like leveraged political prediction markets, which sort of act as a beta to like, poly market, for example's traditional us election prediction markets. So those are the. There's a super sweet way for savvy political traders to basically get leverage on those prediction markets, which you can't really do anywhere else. So if you're a political trader, definitely come check that out. And then the other big thing is just today we airdropped bad credits to the entire. To every single pudgy holder, both big and Lil's. So it looks like we've lost a few of the pudgies that we had this space.

Engagement with the Pudgy Community

But yeah, for sure, if you know any pudgies or if you happen to hold one, make sure to connect your wallet to SX and use those credits. The first few hundred who bet will also get a nice sizable arb bonus. I believe it's 600 for bigs and 300 full l. So, yeah, tapping in with the pudgies community. Big ups to them, doing lots of great things in the space. Yeah, that's about it for me. Love it, man. And look, if you ever want to do a similar thing for D gods, let me know, because those guys are just taking over the timeline right now. So, yeah, I can put you in touch, but look, that's just me pushing me.

Concluding Remarks

Cool, man. Cool. Look, mixies soulstorm. I promised to get to you before the end of the show. We are very close to the end, but would love your 62nd take before we round this one out. I'll be very quick then. I wanted to just piggyback on something that Declan said. And, you know, we're looking at retail, but I think retail in to get them in. There is two simple things that need to be done. Upgrade the security, make it very safe for everybody to feel comfortable about using this technology and massive adoption with simplicity. Something that I think Telegram is doing very well right now with Ton.

Steps Towards Retail Adoption

And this is what every single blockchain need to take example for from. If you only need to click one button to register somebody to a wallet, then they're already there. That's it. That's my take. Love it, man. Thank you so much for keeping that one quick and definitely can't wait to have you back. Soulstorm. Anna, Mike, over to you before we run this one out. Yeah, so I think the key term here is education. And we should, like, educate more in the space to onboard retail. And I definitely don't want to see them as, like, exit liquidity.

Final Thoughts on Education and Safety

And that's why, like, we definitely try to provide safety by, like, really choosing the projects or meme, like, meme tokens we, like, go with on our platform and, like, in the future also, like, with the app we are creating. So, yeah, definitely stay tuned for that. And, yeah, was great to chat with everybody. Thank you so much and thank you to all our speakers today and to the listeners. Really appreciate you guys. And we're going to run this one. Out now for a man in finance.

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