Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The virtual space delved into the world of Crypto Gaming, exploring top games and strategies such as Farming and Alpha gameplay. Discussions revolved around the development and integration of Web3 gaming technology, fostering a vibrant community interested in the latest trends. Participants engaged in lively conversations about the evolving landscape of competitive gaming and the exciting opportunities that blockchain technology presents.


Q: What were the main topics discussed in the Twitter Space?
A: The discussions primarily revolved around gaming trends, innovation catalysts, and community engagement within the gaming industry.

Q: How do industry experts predict future trends in gaming?
A: Industry experts speculate on upcoming trends based on current market dynamics, consumer behavior, and technological advancements.

Q: What is the significance of indie companies in driving innovation?
A: Indie companies are crucial as they bring fresh ideas, creativity, and unique perspectives to the gaming industry, often leading to innovative breakthroughs.

Q: Why is community engagement important for the gaming community?
A: Community engagement fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and a sense of belonging among gamers, developers, and enthusiasts, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Q: How do gaming trends impact market dynamics and consumer behavior?
A: Gaming trends influence market demand, consumer preferences, and the development of new technologies, shaping the gaming industry's direction and growth.

Q: Who were some of the notable speakers participating in the discussions?
A: The space featured industry experts, thought leaders, and gaming enthusiasts who shared valuable insights and perspectives on the future of gaming.

Q: How can listeners benefit from the insights shared during the space?
A: Listeners can leverage the shared insights to stay informed, make informed decisions, and gain a deeper understanding of industry trends and developments within the gaming niche.

Q: What key takeaways can individuals interested in the gaming industry derive from the space?
A: Individuals can learn about gaming trends, innovation factors, community engagement, and the importance of adaptability within the dynamic gaming landscape.


Time: 00:02:09
Tweet Preparation Discussion, Discussion on preparing and selecting tweets for topics.

Time: 00:05:20
Addressing Misconceptions, Addressing misconceptions and the original intent behind Jonah's comments.

Time: 00:11:57
Importance of One Successful Game, Emphasis on the importance of one successful game to kick off the ecosystem.

Time: 00:15:34
Consumer Understanding Gap, Insight into the gap in consumer understanding of the development process.

Time: 00:29:31
Pushing the Envelope in Web3 Gaming, Call to raise the bar and push the envelope in the Web3 gaming space.

Time: 00:37:35
Friction Removal for Onboarding, Highlighting the need to remove friction in onboarding to make the space more accessible.

Time: 00:47:01
Ongoing Issues Acknowledgment, Acknowledgment of ongoing issues in the Web3 gaming space.

Time: 00:54:23
Speculation on Catalyst for Web3 Gaming, Speculation on the next catalyst for the Web3 gaming sector.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussions on cyclical gaming trends and future predictions.
  • Speculation on the next catalyst for industry innovation.
  • Importance of indie companies and flagship projects in driving innovation.
  • Exploration of upcoming gaming trends and meta developments.
  • Recognition of community engagement and knowledge sharing.
  • Analysis of industry trends and forecasting future innovations.
  • Notable contributions from industry experts and thought leaders.
  • Encouragement for further research and exploration in gaming.
  • Adaptability in response to the evolving gaming landscape.
  • Invitation for audience engagement and continuation of conversations.

Behind the Mic

[ "So I was going to move us in that direction anyway.", "So take it away, Jonah.", "I would love to hear kind of about the conversation you and stuff.", "Thank you.", "So yeah, I agree with everything you just said.", "Gaming is not a fad.", "Crypto gaming isn't a fad.", "I focused on being here for the communities and the ecosystem.", "I want the ecosystem to win.", "I want people to be educated.", "Anyone who's been following me knows my sentiment on that.", "Look, the games that are coming out are not great.", "Some might be decent.", "Most of them are subpar.", "But when we do hit, we're going to hit fucking hard.", "And I've been really vocal about this and some people didn't necessarily care for it.", "But the games have to be good.", "That's what it is.", "It's literally all it comes down to.", "People don't really give a shit if it's crypto or NFTs or whatever.", "If they care the games are good.", "If the games are good, they'll come and they'll stay and they'll play.", "If they're not, they won't.", "That's what it comes down to.", "Get it out of your head that this is going to go down next week.", "Everything takes time.", "The worst thing that's going to happen is us giving up.", "That's the real risk.", "And the reality of it is the crypto gaming industry is in a bear market", "Gaming as a whole has been pretty meh with a few exceptions.", "Keep the same energy.", "Stay resilient.", "And for the companies that stick around and they're able to build through June, July, August, September, the next year.", "Those will be the winners.", "And anyone who's been following the macro narrative knows that too.", "Meta dropping billions into Metaverse.", "Microsoft dropping billions into AI and games.", "Gaming ain't going nowhere.", "I love it.", "Really agree with that perspective.", "Gaming isn't going anywhere and we can't accept poor-quality games.", "Once we get high-quality games here, everything will move forward", "So speaking of games.", "This is the thesis I'm coming out with.", "I actually predicted if you look between the lines what's going to happen next three months.", "This thesis I've come up with for the next three months.", "We've talked about it before.", "Crypto needs to be more accessible.", "And the way we do that is by focusing on creating better products.", "It is like giving more creators the tools they need to build more easily.", "Because at the end of the day, it's not all about price.", "Not every game is going to be a hit.", "Not every product is going to be a hit.", "But we need to build tools that make it easier for developers.", "And that's where we need to be laser-focused on.", "So that's what we're going to focus on next three months.", "And if you build it, they will come.", "People love good games.", "Tell me a good game that you play.", "Doesn't matter if it's Web2, Web3, Web99, Web100, doesn't matter.", "So why would that change going forward?", "And I think, you know, we just know that these things take time.", "As long as we keep building and we keep supporting one another.", "And we keep innovative, moving forward.", "I'm very, very bullish.", "It's a tough time for sure.", "We're in a tough time.", "But play port forward.", "Right?", "We're going to get through it.", "Appreciate that.", "Absolutely.", "Thanks for giving your perspective there.", "On my side, I want to thank Archie for joining us.", "And Mark for being up here again.", "One topic I've been thinking about is what could the next catalyst for crypto gaming be.", "We saw Axie Infinity and how it exploded.", "And you know, it was a big catalyst for crypto gaming.", "And everyone kind of capitalized on that and started building these play-to-earn models.", "And we've kind of seen a lot of that fizzle out.", "What do we think the next catalyst could be?", "Four-point movements.", "Do we have another Axie moment?", "Is that possible?", "Really curious.", "Thank you.", "So I think Lucas is going to dig into more research.", "And before he joined crypto, he was at Supercell.", "Supercell was where he found skill-based matchmaking.", "It is what we need in Web3 gaming.", "It is something basic like that, but incredibly necessary.", "If you asked me two months ago, it was Netmarble.", "Their game meta was so strong and we were waiting for them to bring it to blockchain.", "We got a lot of companies in Korea developing some iterations.", "Little subtle changes to the Play to Earn model to make it viable.", "It might not be someone from active Web3 space.", "It could be someone from Web2 gaming space who finds opportunities in this bear market.", "They believe in blockchain trend.", "They're willing to take a short-term bet.", "It is a temporary crypto winter, not just gaming.", "We know someone from console, PC, and mobile space will make this happen.", "Thinking about it a lot.", "Thanks for your input.", "Absolutely.", "That's a great perspective.", "Anyone from mainstream can bring innovation.", "Most out-of-the-box thinkers are not yet in the space.", "It is a fantastic assumption.", "And the first value gets generated very rarely is that second.", "And the first innovator gets to set a foundation for others.", "Then they iterate downstream, more and more capital and talent gets involved.", "The pace of innovation increases exponentially.", "I saw that happen with mobile free-to-play.", "I was working with Tiger Global, Benchmark, and Sequoia from those days.", "The innovation kind of accelerated rapidly when new talent, funds, ideas, and teams in the space.", "We got some carrying the charge.", "And not everyone on the panel can yet apply learnings.", "Some built, some try, some fail; achieving breakthroughs can be 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.", "That extra perspiration and cooperation amongst stakeholders will eventually unlock the paradigm shift.", "Really curious to see the Bloodbath in August 2021 enriched with good communities.", "Gaming widespread like film, television, comics as it medium isn't temporary, peaks, and valleys.", "Somewhat cyclical gaming genre to trend.", "Today's Battle Royale in tomorrow’s MOBAs and day after tomorrow something new again becomes mainstream.", "Tactical shooters recently became more dominant.", "Once the cycle resets, gamers move on to bigger and different things.", "Tribute events, like the Red Dead Redemption single-player and MMO integrations, are returning.", "Unique blend of sandbox and structured narrative-driven gaming can pull traditional gamers.", "We saw so much potential if the 2022's cyclical genre…", "Blockchain gaming needs dedicated communities on Discord.", "Re-engage traditional players considering new monetization mechanisms and ease of access.", "User-centric design must account for onboarding speed.", "Feature requests not entirely on new generational technology.", "Play and interact seamlessly without hurdles.", "But great point; we're cautious of very self-contained experiences.", "We're looking at network effects, spiral-free rapid feedback loops.", "Here's a question.", "An out-of-left-field game always hits the ecosystem.", "Isn't Web3 at the cusp?", "Those unknown game studio titles, or revamps of old games, or even indie devs can rise.", "Previous experience highlights gold rush developments.", "That said, let's focus on playing apart and waited moves together.", "Lastly, thanks a lot.", "Surely, you've been great.", "Well, appreciate it.", "There's also one thing curious.", "Haven't seen much of Alex Becker and Elliot tweeting.", "They know it's cyclical.", "Marketing games as future; cycles return.", "Curious, someone mentioned the next catalyst.", "Next indie might storm the world.", "One peculiar flagship or project leads innovation.", "Curious who said it was.", "On this panel, about 15 minutes ago.", "Talking about the next catalyst.", "New indie company takes the world by storm.", "Flagship or project that takes the world.", "Innovative ideas captivate at right moments.", "Foundations and derivatives create new trends.", "Curious what's that new meta.", "Seeking thoughts on this.", "Next ideas anyone?", "Another angle; very first tweet pinned.", "Lists of games Jonah tweeted as decent.", "Any further takes?", "Nice talk everyone.", "Hard to end on that note.", "Great perspectives.", "Let's see for upcoming trends.", "Wrap it up, team.", "Do follow for next week's updates.", "Stay curious.", "Much love. Bye.", "Honored into legendary ideas.", "Listen recorded for in-depth.", "See you all next week's space.", "Much love. Bye guys.", "Appreciate. Really." ]

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