Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Gaming Roundtable Discussion hosted by WOLF_WebThree. Delve into the Crypto Gaming Roundtable Discussion to explore the exciting fusion of cryptocurrencies and gaming, highlighting the transformative impact of Web3 technologies, NFTs, and decentralized finance in reshaping the gaming landscape. Discover the significance of community engagement, the challenges faced by crypto gaming projects, and the evolution of play-to-earn models. Uncover key insights on ownership, user experiences, and the future potential for integrating blockchain in gaming. Stay informed on the latest trends and opportunities driving innovation and sustainability in the dynamic world of crypto gaming.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does blockchain integration enhance ownership in gaming?
A: Blockchain ensures transparent, secure ownership of in-game assets, providing players with true ownership.

Q: What role do NFTs play in the crypto gaming space?
A: NFTs enable unique, verifiable digital assets, promoting ownership and scarcity in games.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for crypto gaming projects?
A: Engaging the community fosters loyalty, feedback, and drives sustainable growth in the gaming space.

Q: How can cryptocurrency enhance user experiences in gaming?
A: Cryptocurrencies offer seamless transactions, token rewards, and new monetization paths within gaming ecosystems.

Q: What are the benefits of integrating DeFi into crypto gaming projects?
A: DeFi integration enables decentralized finance services, lending, and borrowing options within gaming platforms.

Q: What are the challenges faced by crypto gaming projects?
A: Regulatory uncertainty, scalability issues, and user adoption hurdles are common challenges in the crypto gaming sector.


Time: 00:10:45
The Fusion of Cryptocurrency and Gaming Exploring the potential synergies and innovative opportunities in the intersection of crypto and gaming.

Time: 00:25:20
Web3 Impact on Gaming Dynamics Analyzing how Web3 technologies are reshaping player interactions and ownership in gaming.

Time: 00:40:15
NFTs Revolutionizing In-Game Assets Understanding the role of NFTs in providing verifiable ownership and scarcity in gaming environments.

Time: 01:05:30
Community Engagement for Sustainable Growth Highlighting the importance of community involvement in driving the success and longevity of crypto gaming projects.

Time: 01:20:55
Challenges and Opportunities in Crypto Gaming Discussing the obstacles and potential rewards in the evolving landscape of crypto gaming.

Time: 01:35:10
Play-to-Earn Models Reshaping Gaming Exploring how play-to-earn models are transforming traditional gaming paradigms and empowering players.

Time: 01:50:40
Decentralized Finance Integration in Gaming Examining the benefits and implications of DeFi integration within crypto gaming ecosystems.

Key Takeaways

  • Exploration of the intersection between cryptocurrency and gaming for innovative opportunities.
  • Insights on the impact of Web3 technologies on the gaming industry and market dynamics.
  • Discussion on the potential for blockchain integration in gaming to revolutionize ownership and in-game assets.
  • Importance of educating the community about emerging technologies and market trends for informed decision-making.
  • Exploring the alignment of blockchain technology with gaming for decentralization and security.
  • Insights on leveraging cryptocurrencies in gaming environments for enhanced user experiences and monetization.
  • Understanding the role of NFTs and decentralized finance (DeFi) in shaping the future of crypto gaming.
  • Discussion on the challenges and opportunities present in the crypto gaming landscape.
  • Importance of community engagement and inclusivity in driving the growth and sustainability of crypto gaming projects.
  • Exploring the evolution of play-to-earn (P2E) models and their impact on the gaming industry.

Behind the Mic

Introduction of the Session

Namdeh Sadeena. Hey, everyone. Welcome to Wolf. What? Three? It's great to have everyone in here. My name is Kate. I'm the voice behind the accounts. Happy Tuesday. Hope everyone's Labor Day was good. A lot of people in here that I'm excited to see. So we got William in the house after his short hiatus to go ahead and knock out a pretty big milestone in his life. Dude, how was, man? How was everything that went down? It was great. I just accepted the co host invites. I hope that doesn't mess up my mic. And can everyone still hear me? Yes, sir. Perfect. Yeah, everything was great that my voice is still kind of gone. I don't know if anyone can tell, but it was a good time, dude. Really crazy weekend. I'm happy we had such a fun time. So many friends and family showed up, and it's so funny.

William's Weekend Experience

Crypto and Dpin were mentioned, like, ten plus times from my family who aren't into crypto at all. It was really funny. They're like, my. My brother called me a very prominent speaker in the. In the crypto space for his toast, and, like, everyone was like, kind of, like, question mark. They're like. They're, like, scratching their heads. They're like, what? And then my. In. In my wife's vows, she actually called me. She, like, she titled me, like a Game of Thrones title. It was really cute. She was, like, master of d pen or something, and I, like, teared up a little bit. It was really. It was really cute. But no, it was a good time, man. It was really good time. I'm happy. I'm happy to be back there. I'm really happy to get back to work.

Celebrating Achievements

What a legend. Being called master of deepen or king of defense. That is wild, bro. That is wild. Web three has truly entered the real world. I love it. Dude. That's great. I'm super happy for you, man. That's so cool, man. What a win. What a win. So anyways, man, we got some awesome people in the house, guys. If you could just take a couple seconds and repost the space for us, let us know. Let your communities know that you're live on spaces. We're talking gaming. Bottom right corner, the little purple pill down there. If you hit that and repost the space to help us out tremendously. I think we're still waiting on a few people, but we can go ahead and get started.

Continuing the Conversation

I know the. We're still moving around and testing out a bunch of different times and days for the gaming space. So I appreciate, like, Mikael Lawana. I think Nick's might be coming by as well. Who were. They're hosting the gag me space right prior to this. So I really appreciate you guys coming in. I see you guys talking about guilds, though. How's the conversation over there? It's fire, dude. It was getting heated. We had a bunch of guilds come through. They're still there. Yeah, we're a two-hour space, so I just want to make you feel a little bit bad there, Kate, or no, a little bit good. Let's reframe this into a little bit good. This space is so important to us every day. We're like, whatever, Nick. See you later. And left it to come here, so, yeah, no, that should make you smile happy. Everyone's happy. Thanks for having us.

Engaging with New Participants

No, I really appreciate you, Mikael and Luana. So, yeah, thanks so much for. For coming by. And we got some new people in the house. We got Chewie. we got trophy in the house. We have also Marcelo with outer lumenous. Course. We got Zette in the house. I thought over to Zet. I'm sure Zet's got a million stories, so feel free to post some of those and pin them up at the top as well. But it's great to have everyone in the space, but, yeah. Third, over to Zette. To my majestic, mighty, masterful master of deepin. I will always be your co player through the darkest dungeons with dragons, to the Valhalla that awaits. Something like that. William. Congratulations, brother. Much love, y'all. So happy for you, man.

Community Acknowledgements

The master of deepen, himself. All wet up lockdown, ladies. Sorry about it, but happy for you, brother. And happy to be here, you know, mighty. GmGn, everybody. You know what's up. It's your boy Zett, aka Metazette, and we're here talking games as always with wolf, web three. Stoked to be here on a Tuesday. Try out a Tuesday. Pull up on a Tuesday. So I'm feeling good. Kate, how about you? I'm feeling good. I'm feeling a little bit tired. I stayed up last night to watch to finish death Note, so I went through. Dude, dude. What do you think? What do you think at the end? I'm not sure. I think I need a day to really see if I usually.

Anime Reflections

I really like at the end of shows to go back on YouTube and just get everyone's general thoughts on the show and get a breakdown of things I may have missed. Like, I loved attack on titans ending. I thought it was the necessary one. To end. It still took me, like, 7 hours to, like, come to grips with reality after because I couldn't. I just couldn't believe how it ended, with death Note. I'm not 100%. I don't know. I'm kind of satisfied, I guess. But, yeah, it's the second part of the season. Like, so, like, the after episode 25, when it goes on, like, the second part, it just felt, like, really rushed, you know? And that's, like, the one thing I didn't like about it. But everything else, it seemed like, okay to me. That's a great point.

Exploring Endings

I pretty much I saw that was actually a post, like, on Reddit or something. And I went back and I rewatched the ending of 25, and I was like, oh, yeah, this would have. This would have been a better ending, I think. Actually, I think it's the ending we wanted to. I don't want to have any spoilers here, but it's, like, one season, 37 episodes, 20 minutes long episodes. Like, it's binge worthy. I highly recommend it. I'm not, like, super deep into the anime space, but I'm just kind of getting started there. But, yeah, that was my last 12 hours or so I'm a little bit tired. So I'm hyped to have everyone in the space so we can all talk gaming and I don't have to talk the whole time.

Acknowledging Trophy's Presence

but, yeah, man. Yeah, it's been great. I'll throw it over to trophy real quick, and then I'll throw it back to the. The co-host. We got Chewie and Trophy in the house, but trophy. How you doing, man? Yo, yo. Was good, was good. can you guys hear my voice? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yeah. Trophy puts out a bunch of awesome content out in the gaming world, so it's great to have him in the space. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, Kate. Zates Williams. Luana. Mikael. I'm glad to be in this place. First of all, I'm a content creator. Unique side of gaming. I actually went out to get ice cream, and I'm actually sitting down inside taking ice cream right now on this space. So, yeah, I'm happy to be on this panel.

Chewie Joins the Discussion

Love it, dude. Love it, love it. We got Chewie in the house as well. Last-minute confirm. It's great to have you, Chewie, thanks for coming by. Yeah, thanks for inviting me. Great to be here as well. Lots of recognizable faces and names as well. And. Yeah, and just getting to know individuals here is great as well. Master of deep ins, keeper of the sacred bond, and tire of knots, I suppose. Yeah, I like those titles. I like them a lot, actually. That's the new shirt, I think, William. Well, we had, like, a Game of thrones, like, esque wedding, too, so, like, the titles just, like, needed to happen. Like. Like, there was, like, certain lines in there.

Incorporating Humor

We snuck in the vows that were, like, Game of Thrones y, so. And people were, like, chuckling a little bit. It's because my. My wife loves Game of Thrones, man. She freaking loves Game of Thrones. I don't know. I heard that, like, day man in the style of day man, you know, like, deep in. Master of the deep in. I'm actually quite jealous because I really doubt my. My misses would even allow me even consider it. Like, even when our kids were, you know, when. When we had a bun in the oven. I'm a massive Star wars fan, as maybe, you know, from my name and stuff. And I obviously, you know.

Personal Touches

Well, actually, the first thing I said, you know, it never matters what your second name is, so at least give me that. To be able to name my child that. So my daughter was going to be named Catherine Skywalker, but, yeah, I wasn't allowed, so there you go. Oh, my God. That'd been so cool. It would have been cool, right? Dude, that actually would have been amazing. Yeah. Yeah. That wasn't allowed, but there you go. Love it. Love it. Let's do a quick mic checks around the room real quick, I think. I don't know about you guys, but I have a feeling the spaces rugging issues are behind us, bro. I feel like that was the last week thing.

Looking Ahead

I'm down to, you know, put in a shoebox, put it up in the corner in the closet. Never think about it again. We'll see what happens, dude. We'll see what happens. I'm like, I've been in the last. Anyone else here? Kate? I can't hear you. I hate all of you. I hate. I hate all kidding. Let's do a couple of my checks, though, real quick. We'll throw it to Marcelo. Outer lumen. We'll get bread in the house, Luana, and then we can. We can jump into the conversation. Let's go, guys. Super happy to be here. It's always a good day when we're discussing gaming. I'm super excited to talk about gaming.

Closing Remarks

Congrats, William. Congrats, will, the master of deep. And you've come. You've come a long way, brother. Super super proud of you, man. And always happy to see some friends winning and shout out to some other friends here. I see you, Mikel. I see you, Chewy. And some new friends as well. Excited to be here, but, yeah, man, here for the vibes, here for the gaming talk and everything else. Super happy to be here, guys. Thanks again for inviting me. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Great to have you out of Lumen in the house. Great to have you out of Lumenous. Loving the PFP every time I see it.

Pet Names and Cooking

We always do that to the pet, you know, like our dog. Blah, blah, blah. The first ever name, like, everything. I made this dinner dish, it's the first of its name. I don't know. That, to me, is kind of like the. You know, the fortune cookie where you, like, add in bed. You just add, like, the first of its name to everything. It's too funny. It's.

Importance of Titles

The titles are so important there. Like, the titles are just so much fun, you know? Like, you just add whatever you want and, like, kind of spice it up. Make it funny, make it serious. I don't know. Like, it just. It's really cool.

Celebrating Achievements

Let's go. William. First of his name. I love it. So my wife did walk in here and just said she wanted to add that she put master of deep in. Knower of crypto in the. In the vow. I was already crying at the, like, halfway. At the halfway marks. I forgot a lot of it. My gosh, dude. We got Brad, first of his name in the house. Bread. How's it going, Mandev? Mike check. Gm, fam.

Shouting Out Achievements

First of all, shout out William. Congrats, brother. Finally. Finally. I've been, like, giving you shit for, like, months now. Just being like, when. When. When, you know, gave you some shit in the telegram. I don't think the other 400 something members know that we're friends, so, like, I probably sound like a huge asshole, but, like, that's cool, you know, whatever. You know? I love you. Congrats. Happy to be here.

Gaming and Crypto Conversations

No, happy to talk about gaming and you know, where we've come in the past, like, I feel like, you know, we've been talking about, like, crypto gaming, web three gaming, for like a solid year. You know, it was rumbles and now it's like very much a primary main topic. And it's come so far, you. So I'm already bullish on web three gaming.

Discussion on Upcoming Conversations

Let's go, let's go. Let's hit Lawanna. And then I'm down to kind of throw it back to zet and get into this conversation. Lawana, how's it going? First of your name, how are you? How are you? How is everybody doing? William. Oh, my God. I just want to say congratulations. I saw your picture, so beautiful. Oh, it was so romantic.

Appreciation for Community

I love it. I just wanted to say thank you to wolf, web three, to making this awesome spaces. It's really cool to connect with each of you. I'm super happy to have trophie here. Trophi is a very good friend of mine for a very long time, actually. Probably like, we know each other for like, what, four years trophy, kind of like that.

Excitement for Future Ventures

So it's so cool to actually see him, like, really pushing on web three and, like, gaming and, like, making like, great content. So shout out to him and nothing. Super excited. I am the CMO of Kokodi. Please come check out our game. Thank you. Legend, legend status.

Encouragement to Share the Space

We got a bunch of awesome people in here. Yeah. Guys, if you haven't already, please hit the repost button for us on the space. And without further ado, I'll throw it over to zet. Word.

Political Commentary

Thanks. And if you all want spaces, you know, to not be rugged and you want to make spaces great, not to get all political, but vote Trump, because Kamala is just going to put an end to these spaces, believe me, with Elon. And so let's make spaces great again, not to get all political, but to jump into. I think we got to talk about Sugar town.

Discussion on Sugar Town

I mean, I feel like I got to at least is burning on my chest and I feel like that's a pretty big topic in the space. So I would love to get everyone's opinions on Sugar Town. I'm a holder and not going to lie hearing that it's by Zynga. Yeah, that Zynga definitely was a factor for me.

Future of Gaming

I'm bullish on camel and the team and you know what they're doing now? Like, they got skin in the game and all that, and I get that. And, and, I believe that they're going to be passionate, but it's also just like a brand new uphill battle for a brand new startup, as opposed to having, you know, Zynga backing.

Seeking Perspectives

So I'd love to jump into that and kind of get everyone's opinion, and I'll probably start with William on that. Well, I. I'm going to just be straight up here. The past week has been a blur to me, so I'm going to need help getting caught up on all the news, so I'm happy to discuss it to the fullest extent I can.

Overview of Recent Events

I'll give my opinions on things, but I'm just gonna need a full on support here, Zed. Okay, word. So you know Sugar town, right? Yeah, I know Sugar town. Like, what? Did something happen this past week? And you know Zynga, right? Yeah, I know Zynga. Well, they were backed by Zynga.

Major News Announcement

That was a big, you know, the big thing. The, like, the main thing for Sugar town when they came out is that they were backed by Zynga. Well, they just announced with a countdown, no less, a ten day countdown, which they delayed even. It was crazy.

Countdown to Change

It was like some crazy big news. Crazy big news. Kind of like bored ape Yuga style of a news drop in that they did this ten day countdown. They did this ten day countdown, then they delayed the announcement only to announce that they are actually no longer backed by Zynga, they're no longer with Zynga, and that the team of Sugar town itself had acquired the IP and Sugar town and now under a new name of D 20 labs.

Shock and Surprise

So that's basically the news. What the. Are you serious? This is pretty wild, dude. I knew they were backed by Zynga for a bit, but I mean, obviously when they came out, it was all like, how's the big thing? I was like, oh, they're backed by Zynga.

Digesting the Information

Like, this is a Zynga project. that's very interesting. That's. Honestly, that's kind of. Wow. I have to digest that for a second. I see bread. Stand up. Mikael, I saw you raise your hand initially, but, did you still want to go or did you want to pass off to bread?

Seeking Input from Others

Yeah, whoever wants to go. I. I do have a quick take. Oh, no, please. Then by all means, please go. So I'm just curious to see, like, right? Like, I think we can believe, like, any marketing spin, it's really easy to create a story and I think they're trying to, like, soft land this really bad news.

Speculation and Theory

But I wonder, like, my curiosity is if it's, like, the symptom of much bigger. Like, a portender of much bigger things to come. Like, this feels a little reminiscent of when we first started hearing a first few things from shrapnel about, like, just one important team member leaving, and then a few more trickling out, and then, you know, more and more starts to trickle out, and there's just a lot more going behind the scenes.

Doubts and Discussions

Like, I would be willing to bet that it's probably a little bit more than we're hearing about, because why in the world would you time a ten day countdown announcement, like, knowing that news is not going to be received? Well, I think there might have been, like, another plan in the works, and this was a last minute pivot with a delay.

Conversations about Timing

Like, I'm definitely being a conspiracy theorist here, but, you know, I bet there's more to the story than we're hearing. No, I'm 100% behind on that. I mean, that's. It's so. It's just interesting, like you said, like, you know, having a ten day countdown, like, kind of building, like, a.

Perception and Reality

Somewhat of, like, a hype around the. Like, a hype atmosphere around this. Like, supposedly, like, bad news they knew about all along. It just sounds like such a weird play. Like, I don't know why you go about doing that, like, maybe, like, reverse psychology or something.

Theories and Thoughts

You're just like, man, like, if we just come out and say it's gonna be worse, but if we delay it, maybe it'll better. I don't know. I don't know. So anyways, I see bread. Your hands still up. Go ahead, man. Yeah, no, I think, you know, great take.

More Behind the Scenes

There's definitely more going on. and I think that there's like, oh, can you got me. Sorry, I was getting a phone call. Oh, that's, That's Cade saying that the. The rugging has ended. Yeah, I was calling bread, actually, but go ahead.

Revelations in the Community

My attempts to rug cade. no, it's, There is more going on behind the scenes. And I think, like, the proof of that is the fact that D 20. Right. The company that, like, essentially acquired, sugar town from Zynga is made of X Zynga members, right? They're like.

Foundations of New Beginnings

It was like, D 20 is founded by X Zynga vps, right? So it's kind of like, all right, are we. What. What are. What are we doing here? Is it like, you know, decrypt and rug radio now have Dastan, or Dastan, or however you pronounce it like, as an umbrella kind of thing, you know, is it essentially like Azuki and beans and, you know, there's a whole bunch of kind of inner workings there because it's all the same members.

Lack of Clear Communication

And so realistically, nothing has been obviously super confirmed about really anything other than the fact that, yeah, they kind of split ways for a minute. My initial feeling is that this has to do with funding allocation and who's getting funded for what and if who's going to raise another round or how they can build out further and do something really cool.

Uncertainty in Future Projects

I'm just not sure what that is yet. Yeah, no, it's another excellent take, man. Another excellent point of view. Just again, it just bewilders me as to why they even would do this. Like, I don't know why a company would even like, consider like this marketing, like the ten day delayed on the marketing side of things and saying, hey, we're gonna wait ten days to reveal, like, hey, we're.

Handling Bad News

We're not backed by this large company anymore. We actually bought the IP off. My curious, my curiosity is in the, how much money the IP was actually worth, like, how much they actually buy this, like, you know, this IP for, from Zynga. And was it very, a very seamless transition, you know, but I saw a chewie's hand up there.

Thoughts on the Transaction

Go ahead, Chewie. Yeah, I think. I think it went quite cheap, to be honest. I mean, one of the biggest things with Zynga, right, is revenue. So Sugar Town had no revenue, right. So I think it was quite obvious that personally, I was not surprised singer sort of dropping sugar town because like, especially within sort of like the token launch and stuff, because I think there was a lot of things around the token and what I was hearing especially was just around regulation and how they were actually going to do it.

Financial Struggles and Future Implications

And because they were hemorrhaging money, they just couldn't, you know, they weren't going to launch anything. So it just made sense for them to kind of like sell off, essentially. So I think the only problem at the moment is that obviously, you know, on the timeline, a lot of it was basically Zinger this, Zinger that, zinger this. And now it's like, no more zynga.

Future Projects and Revenue Streams

So I know it's got the original team as well, but yeah, I think it's going to be interesting to see how the token launch does now that zynga's not involved and see whether that sort of gets it back on its feet. Really. Yeah, I mean, like, does this kind of brings up my whole point of view on certain valuations, on projects in crypto and with NFTs in general is like, is the value, like, only.

Evaluating Brand Value

Oh, my God, Jesus. Is the value only, like, is it only coming from these? Like, the fact that, like, a brand is backed by x or by y, is that like the main value prop? So what happens when that brand says, hey, listen, this is no longer a profitable avenue for us, let's just drop it?

Importance of Fundamental Value

Like, what happens then, right? And it's just, it's a very important kind of factor to look at when you are looking to jump into one of these projects and say, hey, like, does this have any worth outside the fact that, like, let's say Starbucks made it or Zynga made it, you know? Marcelo, go ahead, man.

Critical Insights on Industry Trends

Yeah, no, I'll just start by saying Zynga is not going to make it, so I'll just leave it at that. No, I'm just kidding. But for real, I think that just, there's definitely, you know, details that are left in the dark. There's a lot of stuff that we probably don't know and, you know, there's a lot of different things, but definitely, you know, some great points that were brought up, man.

Exploration of Revenue and Markets

I think, you know, revenue wise or, you know, just even exploring, you know, forgot even the name. Just a blockchain game or web three games. But, you know, these are touchy waters, right, for a lot of these big giants that are already, Zynga's got all these other big games.

Strategic Decisions and Business Impact

So, you know, the question becomes, was it worth it for them to stick around? Was it doing more damage for them in their eyes, obviously, because I think this is a stupid play. I'm very bullish on web three long term, but, you know, they've got metrics to reach and all this stuff.

Analyzing Performance and Outcomes

So the question does become, why? Why did this happen, right? And, you know, there's no great way of delivering bad news like this. So I don't know if the countdown was their strategy of, you know, avoiding damage, doing some damage control type of thing.

The Mechanics of Damage Control

So there's definitely a lot of different things. Personally, I don't think this was a great play in the long run just because there's just so many interesting things happening in the space. And I definitely think that the future gaming has web three involved, right.

Exploring Future Gaming Dynamics

But yeah, there's just a lot of different things. I feel like on their end, it's just their own way of mitigating any risks or any damage. They probably haven't delivered or made the revenue that they would have liked.

The Struggle for Communication

So in their way of avoiding that or doing any more or having any more losses, they probably just pulled out. And obviously, for these guys, it's not an easy way to kind of communicate that. So I think maybe the countdown is there of their way of mitigating that or.

Navigating Through Complexity

I don't know. You know, it's definitely really interesting. I think a lot of us are like, what the fuck is going on? But, yeah, no, it's just really interesting. I think that, you know, there's definitely a lot of things that haven't been publicly communicated, so.

Understanding Behind-the-Scenes Dynamics

But there's definitely some stuff that's happened behind the scenes that there's no other reason why this would happen in my eyes. And, yeah, it's just really interesting. Really. I'm gonna try there.

Experimenting with Communication Strategies

So, Marcel, I'm gonna try their strategy out with my. With my now wife, and I'm gonna, if I forget to bathe the dogs, I'm gonna, like, wait ten days, tell her, and I'll see if it lessens the blow or something, if I, like, forget to do a task for her.

Lighthearted Humor in Serious Discussions

And I'll let you know if it works out. Post on Twitter and say, hey, like, you know, look, guys, it totally worked out. Ten day waiting period. It's a cool off period. It's great.

Understanding Relationships in Light of Humor

Zachary, she might be so grateful you did it, though. That exactly makes her forget. Yeah, see, I understand. Mikael gets it. Mikael gets it. Look at that. It's already working perfect.

Inviting Further Participation

Zed, I saw you on your mic, man. Go for it. All right. You know, I was just gonna say, let me know how that works out for you, William, because I'm not gonna try it with my wife, but I'd love to see how that goes.

Closing Thoughts

So let me know. And then to piggyback off of that. Marcelo, great take another great take. Thank you. I totally agree. It was some kind of, like, messed up strategy that is actually just so beautifully perfect for web three just to mess with my mind, you know what I mean, and just stretch it out ten days. I think really what they did is they just all threw us for a loop.

Exploring Market Reactions

because me, I didn't even know how to take the info. And everyone's debating on CT whether it's a positive or a negative, whether it's. It's a good thing, if it's bearish, if it's bullish, and, you know, and I don't know what to think. So I think it worked because surprisingly, the.

Market Impact Discussion

The floor price, I mean, it did go down like 25, a little more 25% or something like that.

Market Reaction to Negative News

But, but surprisingly, it didn't, the floor didn't crash a lot harder than you would think it would with this kind of negative news. And I think if they just came out and hit you upside the head with it probably would have done that. Maybe so. And, you know, and I, and a lot of ogs that are wise, you know, new, that really is kind of a bearish sentiment when you have a project or a company like Zynga coming into the web three space that ultimately, you know, it might be, you know, get in and get out. I held from the mint. I've held two of these auras, and I'll continue to hold because I am bullish on camel and the team and everything. And I do want to see what they have, you know, under their sleeve and want to see the work that they're going to put in. But I do think it's going to be a big uphill battle.

Zynga's Business Maneuvers

But just to answer your question, like, William, about what you think they sold the company for the metrics and all that. They, I think they probably did a dollar deal, you know, sold it for a dollar and keep our name out of Camel's mouth. That's the contract that, you know, done. Keep, keep our name out of Camel's mouth and we're done here. Anyway. I saw your hand. We'll throw it over to Adder Lumen. Hey, thanks. Yeah, I don't know. In thinking about, like, the announcement of support and the effect that it has or the announcement of, you know, something being dropped or changed, I don't know if there's ever, like, a perfect timing to it. One thing I remember in following Wanderers is they announced the partnership with Animoca brand like a while back. And it felt like it just was like this drop in this giant, like, ocean that nobody even cared or noticed.

Audience Engagement in Web3

I don't know if they were just being overshadowed or what, but it was very interesting on how, like, at least on the more PFP collector folks that happened to play games, it was just like nobody cared. While I do think that some of the more, like, web three game builder folks definitely were privy to it. So I think there's also these two diverse audiences of, like, do you happen to be a collector because you minted and now you're impacted by this potentially versus, are you like, an actual full on gamer and, like, considering what the implications are? And then the other thing I'll say is, I did notice on Sugar Town's website, they have a space coming up today at 330. And I feel like maybe like 70% of our questions are probably going to be answered on that space.

Future Gaming Insights from Sugar Town

We need like part two convo because we're going to then talk about like, all the things that they actually are planning so that we can debrief and be like, oh, okay, got it. So I'm definitely curious. And they seem to have like a lot of folks that RSVP to go. So, I mean, I say a lot air quotes, like 300 plus. So I'm definitely curious about it. Yeah, 100%. I feel the same way. And yeah, I'm definitely a holder and a gamer and that's why I was holding. But the other point, excuse me, I was just finishing something. But the other thing I wanted to ask you guys, your opinion on is because the games were playing with Sugar Town, they did these activations we got to play the NGMI is one of the games.

Game Quality and Holder Experience

And then all time highs where you were the goat, they're basically recycled Sugar Town games that maybe are, sorry, recycled Zynga games that Zynga wasn't using currently and repackaged for Sugar Town. But they're really quality, you know, high quality games, fun to play, highly addictive. And for me, that was, you know, the biggest appeal is to play those games with my kid. And then what the future is like holding the Sugar Town auras with the lbts, the, or the, basically their play on soulbound tokens. So, you know, just what being a holder means in that ecosystem. But, like, the gameplay is obviously one of the things that was most appealing to me.

Game Trailers and Community Concerns

And then they showed this trailer when they made their announcement and I tried to pin it to the top. We might be still having problems under the Biden administration here because I don't think I'm able to pin things to the top at this session for some reason. First try on a Tuesday. But anyway, I don't know if I just can't see him, but I tried to pin that. The message from Sugar town when they made the announcement. And so they did a little trailer, they showed a little trailer of some of the games, and I saw someone comment something about, oh, great, now this is the strategy. Make the announcement and then sell ship a bunch of fiverr wrapped games and then pull the plug eventually.

Speculation on Game Quality and Future of Sugar Town

So I wanted to see kind of what you guys think we're going to see from Sugar Town. Obviously, our answer will be, our questions will be answered a little later. And so we don't really know, but is that kind of what you guys think is going to happen and we're going to get some low quality games, like, compared to what were going to get with Zynga. Oh, and let's throw it at Chewie. I don't know who is up first. I see Corey's hands raised. So we'll go to Chewie first and then we'll go to Corey. Yeah. Like, the thing is, I don't like being the pessimist, but it does seem to me that like, that they are clutching a little bit at straws.

Evaluating Development in Gaming

I'm yet to really see kind of like what they've really sort of developed and what they have in the pipeline. So it's really hard to tell apart from loads of graphics and some sort of like, concepts into their ecosystem. I'm not really sure, to be honest. But we've got to see, I mean, stranger things have happened. But I'm also wondering in terms of like the certain individuals as well involved. Obviously one of the individuals, he left from a very prominent project to join the team to try and promote it and stuff. And, you know, that was quite some time ago, almost probably longer than a year ago.

Hopes and Community Reactions

So I really would like to see what kind of things they've actually can release soon so that, you know, the community can sort of like review and see whether it's actually worth, you know, the time to sort of pursue it as well. But, yeah, like I said, I don't like to be the pessimist, but as we know in web three, it can be very kind of like a very grueling process and it can be, you know, like there's a lot of projects that seem to sort of chase their tail a bit and stuff. And yeah, I'm hopeful that's not the case with this, but it seems like it potentially could be. But we've got to see.

Market Trends and Community Insights

Yeah, totally. Thanks, Corey. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for being here. If you're ready, we'll throw to you. Yeah, just it was actually, I had a comment on the earlier question and this may or may not be the case. Do you hear me? Yes, yes. I find the timing interesting that opensea and all the NFTs got, you know, basically got a warning that they're going to be served by the SEC. And I wonder if Zynga, being a very large company, saw some writing on the wall or a lot of risk around what was, what happened to and decided that the auras were too risky and therefore they just wanted to kind of evacuate the whole entire web three aspect around that and the auras.

Risk Management in Gaming Companies

So I don't know. That's the case. I don't know. I haven't looked into the details about all the, whether or not aura would be security or not, but if the SEC is already causing trouble with NFT drops on Opensea, maybe they thought, hey, we still wouldn't be involved in anything close to that. And there again, this is just another angle of why they decided to drop that. But it's something I want to throw out there. Such a great take. Absolutely. I had that exact thought, too, when all this went down. The timing was just too coincidental, and this followed right after that. And also, like, what was with the pause, you know, after the ten day countdown?

Observations and Engagement with Gaming

So I think that's a pretty good assumption. Maybe, but of course it is an assumption. So. Yeah. So, William, have you played any of these sugar town games? Any of these games that they have by chance? I've seen them, but I'm just gonna be completely honest. I have not played any of the Sugar town games. I don't think I played the. What was that one game, like the grapes game? I played down my phone. That was interesting. But I know that wasn't Sugar town, so. But, yeah, I mean, they looked cool.

Mobile Gaming Experience and Future Trends

The aesthetics looks really cool. I just. I just never had a chance to play them cool. Cool. Yeah, I was just curious. I want to talk mobile gaming in a minute. And real quick, before we get into that, I want to throw over to Mikael as well, because I know that forgotten Playland, forgotten playground has some stuff coming up too. Right? What is going on with forgotten Playland? There's. I know ice has been sharing some cool stuff and I'm trying to pin to the top, but you guys have something coming up this week, is that right?

Competition and Community Engagement

Yeah, no, it just actually wrapped up. So good timing. We just crowned our winner of our community clash. So we had eight communities enter competitors from the different guilds. We had a lot of them on stage in the last space, so, yeah, we just had it wrap up. And space maker from good game hunters IO has taken home the 6800 and FP for his community. So that's our first, like, community tournament slash clash. We're going to do more that are more open entries and not so tied to the guilds in the future, but like, super excited and happy for good game hunters.

Looking Ahead to Future Announcements

I'm a big fan of Mister Space fans and all the people that he has in that guild, so woot. That's what's up. Awesome. Well, yeah. Do you guys have anything coming up here in the near future, like the next one? Nothing announced yet, but we do have quite a lot soon. We have announcement coming near the end of this month on some things coming up, so stay tuned. I don't. I'm going to do a ten day countdown, actually, and then it's going to be horrible news. So just want to give everyone fair warning.

Engagement and Information Sharing

Well, obviously we will share that news with you all here, so obviously make sure to stay tuned. And on that note, it's a good time to reset the space real quick. If you haven't yet, please hit that little bottom purple button there on the bottom right there, and pop that bad boy repost the space so we can get the word out there. We're trying out some different time zones here, throughout the week and obviously this is our first time doing a Tuesday. So, we want to get the word out to anyone who might be able to jump in and listen.

Understanding Mobile Game Shifts

And as always, these spaces are recorded and as you can tell, just a ton of alpha and great information is shared here. So you can always go back and listen to the thing from the tippy top and make sure you share it as well. Like I mentioned, I wanted to talk a little bit about mobile gaming. We can keep going down the sugar town path if we want to. If anyone has any more input or insight in that, by all means, feel free to raise your hands. But I don't want to spend the whole space on it, either, as well.

Personal Experiences in Mobile Gaming

But I did want to get everyone's opinions on mobile gaming, because I think that's obviously just, such a massive element here. And, and going forward, we're going to see some big things happen, in that sector. So, what mobile games are you playing? Like, William, I was curious, did you play the Gonzilla at all? You know, the off the grid, of course. I love that. Yeah, I honestly, I think that game is just going to do so freaking well, especially if it goes on consoles.

Game Mechanics and User Experience

Like, it's so polished and very easy to understand. If you've played other games, like other battle royales like Fortnight and like Call of Duty, they take a lot of the best elements from those games and put them into this one. It's still in early Alpha, so I'll say, like, the UI still needs some work and there are some certain gameplay mechanics that are kind of hard to understand for the lay person. But other than that, it's very straightforward and I think that it's going to be one of those games that just like either a, it just does extremely well or b, it's going to do well enough.

Mobile Gaming Landscape and Personal Preferences

I feel like it's it because like obviously there's a lot of competition out there, but definitely played that freaking awesome. In terms of mobile games, I'm not the biggest mobile game player. if I am playing a game on my phone, it's probably poker just because I. That's like the game I play on my phone a lot. But I, I would say was. I talked, I talked about grapes before. I have played like something like Zen list zone zero on my phone before that. That's a fun game also.

Exploring Mobile Gaming Options

But no notable web. Three games aside from the grape game. Awesome. Cool. Yeah, man. Marcel, I see your hand, let's throw over to you. Yeah, man. I'm a big fan of mobile games. Just very bullish. I think that I haven't played off the grid though. That seems really cool. And I'm a big fan of regular PC or console games, but when it comes to mobile, I'm just so bullish in terms of the accessibility, being able to play anywhere and just having it.

Technological Advancements in Mobile Gaming

Having, you know, nowadays having a mobile phone is like having a supercomputer compared to like 30 years ago with the tech that we have. So the sky's the limit. Some games that I've been playing call it a void. Really fun web three game shout out to Matthew Buxton. A lot of fun. Fableborn's been a lot of fun, enjoying that as well. And yeah, man, just paying a lot, a lot of attention to the tan ecosystem. I'm working with Boinkers.

Insights Into Gaming Ecosystems

We've been doing a lot of cool stuff. We just hit 2 million users and we're one of the top grossing Telegram games. I think the whole tan ecosystem is really interesting. Not exactly what we would think of when it comes to mobile games, but definitely still mobile in the way that I see. Just having accessibility to telegram on your phone or desktop and just the idea that they've got nearly a billion users on that platform is insane.

Future Prospects in Gaming Development

And just to think the potential behind just the tan ecosystem, I think the sky's the limit. So yeah, those are a few games that I've been playing and just keeping an eye on what's going on with Ton and all the stuff that's going on over there. Yeah, I think just to add to your point there, Marcel, I think mobile games are only going to get better. I've always told people, just as technology has shown us in the past, since forever, you know, it just gets better and better.

Technological Advancements and Gameplay Innovations

And so I feel like phones will eventually get to the point where they are, like, just as good as PCs, if not better, you know? And, like, they play games, like, beautifully on your phone and, like, you'll have, like, some way to kind of interface with it where it just. It feels better than tapping on the screen because I can't stand, like, shooter games on the phone where you, like, have that, like, control, you know, ui, like Call of Duty mobile.

User Experience Stakeholders

It's so ugly, dude. I hate it. I can't stand those. So until they fix that, until there's, like, a better way to interface with it, I feel like once that's fixed or once there's a better way to do so, you're gonna have those style of games on phones just, like, start popping off and it becomes like the go to thing. And I think there was a good example. There's a company that came out with a device where you hook up your phone to the tv and you're able to use that now as your console.

Innovative Approaches in Gaming Technology

Like, your phone becomes your console. And I thought that was such an ingenious idea. And so I feel like it's just gonna only get better from here. Yeah, no, just to write off of your point, I was literally gonna say that as well. I think that it's. I was gonna say hot take. I don't know if it's a hot take anymore, but, yeah, no, definitely. I definitely think that. Who knows, man? Even our phones might actually become the consoles themselves, where we just plug them into a screen and then away you go.

Future Direction in Gaming Standards

Right. So it's really interesting to see where things are going with this tech and. Yeah, Mandy, we've. It's only been a couple years. We've seen this development. Imagine where we're going to be in five to ten years. Literally is going to be insane. So, yeah. Just wanted to write off what you just said because. Totally agree, bro. You're going to put a guitar jack cord into the back of your head in five years and just tap right into the metaverse.

Rapid Evolution of the Gaming Landscape

Are you kidding me? We'll be, we'll be using our. Our six senses over there. Hey, I'm just. I'm just seeing where all this is going. Stuff's happening quickly, right? I was. I was born when the first Nintendo came out. You know what I'm saying? I'm going to show my age every week, but I'm just seeing how rapidly things are changing. Did you take the red or the blue? Pill. I'm curious. No, no, my attorney is, has advised me to not comment.

Humor in the Gaming Community

That's the Matrix talking. Actually. That's not your attorney. Oh, my God. He's right. All right. I can't even. We see some hands. I see some hands. Outer lumen, you are first. Thank you. Thank you. Get me out of this. With pleasure. So there are kind of three. Well, not just three, there's more. But I'll name my favorite three elements of how I enjoy mobile games that are kind of a requirement for me to play them.

Mobile Gameplay Preferences

And I haven't seen this in web three yet, but I kind of haven't been paying attention to web three mobile games. So please dm me if you have one that actually, like, harnesses one of these three things. One for me is the accelerometer on the phone. So, like, doodle jump is a great example of a game that uses the accelerometer play gameplay function. Anybody here know what doodle jump is? Or should I describe? Of course. Classic. It's iconic, right? Well, like, where's the web three version? Where I, like, go, bing, bing.

Innovative Ideas in Mobile Gaming

I get to a certain point, I can mint something like, come on. I don't know, I'm just like, hot take. I'm bored with web three gaming because the agency is around money more than it is around fun. So then number two for me, and my son's been enjoying this, and I've checked it out and I think it's kind of cool, is like a game, like stitch that apple put out.

Innovative Gaming Concepts

It's just like a creative puzzle game. And you use your finger as a pen in this case. But again, the application is beyond just like some tablet thing that Is like, adapted from desktop to work on mobile. Like, I'm bored. I don't, I don't need that. I need you to, like, have actual innovation and ingenuity in thinking about how the phone functions. And then hit me with a game. And then the other one that I love, and I love Pokemon go for this. For going outside, there was a game, I forgot the name of it, I think started with a j, but it was where you fight, right in Ar. So it, like, literally brought, like a fighting character into your living room, and you like, beat the crap out of them in your living room. And it was the most, like, weird and invasive experience because through Ar, they were in your home.

Immersive AR Gaming Experiences

So, like, the battleground changed. What was you defending yourself in your place? It was very, like, intense. It wasn't like catching a Pokemon in the park. It was like, oh, my God, get this monster out of my house. So those are three, right? This notion of ar and in gaming, my first one is the accelerometer function. And then of course, the second one I mentioned, which is like just using the phone, whether it's like, you know, something that you tap with your finger that's easily and creative. Like, your finger becomes a pen and you draw. That makes sense. My finger trying to figure out some kind of, you know, janky control because it's being adapted to me having like a first person shooter in mobile. Hard pass.

Gaming Preferences and Trends

Like, I'm not interested. I know I have hot takes, but like, sorry. So if you have something that is actually in any of these three, I will gladly try your game, and if it doesn't yawn, I will wait till it improves. Hey, Lumen, I don't know if you tried forgot Playland out yet? Forgotten Playland's not on the phone, but it's actually incredibly fun, very competitive. And I'm just going to say this again, I've already said it in spaces before. I don't usually get super toxic when I play video games. Cough. Cough. But I may have said some toxic things to ice last time I played with them because I got super competitive and sweaty. But, yeah, anyways, chewie, go ahead.

Mobile Gaming Challenges

Yeah, I've got to try that for girls from Playland. I've actually not found the time to give it a go, unfortunately. In the UK, a lot of these mobile games are blocked, so, especially the web, three games. So it's really frustrating sometimes, especially on the mobile. On the desktop, it's a lot easier because you could just throw up a VPN and stuff. But yeah, I play call of void quite regularly. Blast Royale. I play quite a lot of the FPS games that you don't like, but there is some tech that I had the pleasure of trying out which basically had this sensor that you put onto the iPhone and you just hold your thumbs up in the air and it can sort of sense where you're moving your thumbs, which is a much better system than actually on that tiny little screen.

Technological Innovations in Mobile Gaming

Because the biggest problem obviously, with the FPS games is you know, especially with people with fat thumbs and stuff like that, it's very difficult to see the screen because you're swiping away on it and stuff. So this was able to kind of like map your thumbs away from the screen and then you will have full view of the screen whilst being able to aim and stuff like that. So it was really cool tech and I really hope it does become mainstream because I think the one thing with mobile games, the nice thing is the fact that you could be on the train, you're off to a meeting or something, and, you know, for that half an hour to an hour that you're on the train, you. You have an opportunity to kind of like, just switch off a little bit, maybe, you know, sort of let your mind flow a little bit whilst playing a game. So. But, yeah, but a lot of the games I'm playing at the moment not only are web two as well, so I've been playing Delta Force, which is an awesome game.

Community and Game Development

I actually had to chat with the devs about blockchain tech. They seemed very intrigued, but they never got back to me. So who knows? Played deadlock as well. And this is probably a very unpopular opinion, but deadlock to me is just a 3d version of. What's that mobile game called? Mobile Legends Bang. And I personally prefer mobile Legends Bang because deadlocked just. I don't know, it's just. I just don't see the major appeal that it's actually received, to be honest. But that's just me as well. I even tried Spectra divide again. I think that has a small hype to it as well. And also once human as well. They're going through some seasons which are confusing a lot of the player base, so, yeah, once. Humor is very weird.

Game Updates and Community Engagement

Basically, we had a whole phase within a season which didn't have. Have much going on. So everyone was literally twiddling their thumbs in game like going, right, we've killed all the monsters, we've done everything. Now we've got to wait a few days before the new content releases, so. And then the new content came out and it was again kind of like nothing, not a huge amount of stuff. So we all sort of twiddling our thumbs again, so. But yeah, that's what I've been sort of finding time to play with. That's so actually, that's actually very interesting that the Delta Force devs were interested in blockchain. I mean, that's. That's how I feel, like that the whole space is like the whole web two space.

Web Three Gaming Perspectives

I mean, is very like, you know, the half of. Half of the sentiment is like, oh, this is all a scam. Like, keep them out of my video game. And the other half of the sentiment is like, okay, we're interested, but every iteration of this tech put in video games has been very Ponzi scheme y, and we don't like that. So, like, give us something that's not Ponzi scheme, you know? And so I feel like there's like a lot of interest there and a lot of like, kind of anticipation and like, hey, where is this gonna go? I just don't think it's. I don't think the majority of the web two community is gonna, going to accept web three gaming until we have some crazy breakthrough game that, like, meshes web three aspects into it that are, like, completely optional or completely seamless and make it so, hey, listen, like, you can play this game and have a ton of fun and also, hey, by the way, there's like some nfts here and there, but don't worry about it.

Future of Gaming Technologies

You don't have to worry. You don't have to get involved in that or whatever. And I think it's very interesting that the devs there are interesting because that game looks incredible. I know a game you're talking about and I'm actually waiting to get access to it because I love first person shooters on PC and everything. I've been playing Call of Duty for freaking. I'm actually a partner. I actually partnered with them, so I could probably give you a code. Oh, there we go, guys. Gaming. Let's shut it down. Just so you know, it does. So the test does close in five days, so I'll send you the code and then you've got five days to kind of like, check it out and stuff.

Economies in Gaming

But what was interesting about the discussion is because they do have kind of like this extraction economy system. So you go in, you can extract stuff, and when I was talking to them about blockchain, what I was saying was, imagine if all those extractions were on chain. And then because you can sell them, you can craft them, you can sort of do various things with them and, you know, like, it would be a much more kind of like fluid sort of economy and stuff. And that's what they were really interested in. So a lot of the tests, what they were doing with their economy was to see which items would kind of, like, drastically increase in price and what would kind of like, plummet and stuff. And then sort of, you know, and I said, well, you don't have to put everything on chain.

Discussions on Blockchain in Gaming

It could be just the really major stuff or maybe you reach a certain level and then it becomes more serious and stuff and, you know, and then it gives the opportunity to, you know, the players to actually buy and sell items to kind of upgrade their, you know, their stuff. So they were really intrigued. So it was really interesting discussion and I'm hoping to bump into them again at Twitchcon San Diego, which I'll be going to, so. But yeah, I'll report back to the web three space, how those conversations go. Dude, hell yeah. That's freaking incredible, man. I cannot wait to get that code. Thank you so much, Chewie. That's a amazing wedding gift.

Community Engagement in Web Three

A trophy. I don't hate me for saying this. I was going to say trophies. Got a trophy of a take for us. What you got, man? Okay, yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much, guys. I think Twitter was rugging me for a while now, so I just wanted to contribute to the discussions on mobile games. For me, I think the most games that I've been playing on mobile for a long time now that are building in web three, I think fable, Bond, andrometa and super champs. I think these are really cool game because they took their time to make this game really, you know, interesting, attractive.

Accessibility in Mobile Gaming

You can literally onboard. I mean, little children like 1213, when they, once they see this kind of games, they are able to play the games without anyone telling them what to do because it's really easy to, you know, handle. And then I feel like, you know, most web three games should try as much as possible to not like, make all the gaming mechanics centered around a token. I feel like we should focus more on the phone, what it brings, you know, the storyline, the graphics and all of that. We have so much games on evacuates. They are building on a box. We also have like meme coin communities who are actually, you know, doing games that people can actually play for phone without actually connecting your wallet or getting the token first before you're able to play this game.

Web Three Gaming Concerns

No, 100%, man. What do you think of all that? What do you think of what just trophy just said? Yeah, totally. I agree 100%. I am excited to see where everything goes. Real quick. I wanted to just say, though, because we're getting down to the hour and we have some absolute legends here on the panel that we haven't heard from at all or heard enough from. So I want to make sure we kick it over everyone. You hear enough from me, that's for sure. But we have Luana. I'd love to hear from Brads and I'm glad we got trophy back up here and everything, but Luana, if you have anything to add or breads, we'd love to get you up here as well before we have to part ways.

Global Reach of Mobile Games

I know we're not at a two hour like the Gagne yet. We got to get to their level, but we're trying to get there. So Luana, are you there? Yes, absolutely. I mean, it was very interesting to hear, really, the comments from everyone in the panel and kind of like get to know the insights on those mobile games and everything that is going around that. But I have seen like a lot of actual like games really running into the mobile and even like for us as cocody, we are preparing some alpha when it comes to mobile games. But it's something that I feel like when it comes to, when I see, for example, my focus in the community, I see a lot of people really joining in different other markets that are outside the US that really are prominent in playing those mobile games.

Future Expectations

And I think that we're going to see that happening for sure. Yeah, definitely. Brad Legend, thank you for joining us as well. I'd love to hear from you as well. Yeah, man, I'm looking forward to more web three mobile games. I think it's going to be essentially required though, that we abstract away from the web three aspects of it. You know what I mean? Ultimately it's. I mean, we see this problem all the time with just a lot of dapps that are currently existing, is you have to open them either in your metamask browser or your phantom browser or whatever.

User Accessibility and Convenience

You can't just openly native and interact with crypto through Safari on your iPhone without app switching and things like that. I think that in order to get web three games really integrated into the mobile markets, it's really going to have to be 100% hide the wires. There's no reason that anybody has to even know that these things are on chain realistically, until ultimately there is some sort of benefit that a user could have, at which point, if they're interested in the benefit, then they go through the paces and they're like, oh, it's something about on chain, I don't know, it's a token of some kind, I don't know, whatever. But here, if I just keep hitting this button and then I hit this next button and this other button and now I'm good, you know, I really think that's the only way that we're going to really penetrate that market.

Development Challenges and Opportunities

And, you know, at least for mobile, it'll be a lot easier, I think, for, you know, obviously for steam, you know, anything that's a PC based game, you know, because you can just have modules that plug in extensions, you know, things like that. You've got a little bit more control from a development standpoint, but when it comes to mobile, yeah, your hands are kind of. Well, I wouldn't say your hands are tied, but you definitely have to work within a smaller box than when you're developing anything for PC and then having consoles. And even I feel like an even smaller box because now there's all sorts of different rules and things like that you have to follow.

Community and Developer Interactions

So I think we'll get there. You know, I'm super excited to see some of these web three games start to go over to console. Personally, I'm more of a console gamer, not really on the computer and I mean, I play the idle mobile games, you know. Yeah, the flappy birds and the doodle jumps and those types of mobile games. But I'm most looking forward to seeing web three really integrate to console games. I'm hoping that happens next year for sure. So on the topic of the mobile games with the restrictions bread, isn't that because Apple and Google Play have such a monopoly on the whole market that you have to play by their rules?

Market Restrictions and Development Complications

Isn't that why there's so many restrictions on implementing web three stuff in those games? Yeah, that's a huge chunk of it. But also, I mean, the SDKs, the software development kits that you have to work within just sometimes aren't. I mean, they aren't set up to be making on chain calls. They don't have built in rpcs and they don't have some of these things that I guess, I don't know, we take for granted sort of. I mean, you just hook into your metamask and now you can connect to website, but what's happening behind the scenes is really making RPC calls to an endpoint. Usually it's through alchemy or infuria, and they're just not natively integrated into the Apple SDK.

Navigating Developer Regulations

There's a lot more customizing or breaking that you have to do to get things to work because they have this control, but it's not, I mean, okay, so probably it's for their monetary best interests, right? Like, so they can just have a monopoly and make the most and just kind of own the market. But realistically, there is a level of security there too, and consistency across the different platforms and across their games. They're some standard that, you know, you may or may not disagree with. But yeah, it's definitely harder to build for Apple Mobile than I think.

Conclusions on Web Three Development

Anything else? No. 100% man. 100% Zed. I don't. I don't think we heard from nicks, but I know, we're at the end of the space here. Do you want to just, like, maybe have heard, like, say, have the last. Have the last word or last laugh. Or whatever we want to call it 100%. When I said these incredible legends, of course I was talking about Nick, so I apologize for leaving her name out, but what better way to end the space than with Nick? So please, by all means.

Final Thoughts and Reflections

Oh, my gosh. I love you guys. Hi, zill. I don't know how to leave the space other than I love you guys. And web three gaming is awesome. Just finished, like, the first spaces on my account and super excited to see, like, what web three gaming is doing right now and, like, pulling together as an ecosystem and in my opinion, like, creating one of the coolest verticals in web three right now. Like, I'm just so excited and all for it. I don't remember the question. Sorry. I'm probably, like, off context, but, like, yes, please, can. Kate, can we have, like, wolf web three spaces? Like, you know, next week where I'm not on a Gagne space because I missed.

Collaborative Future Discussions

I missed my bros and my. And my girls. Like, yeah, I was going to say, yeah, were. That was kind of a blunder on our side of things. I was also ed to this. Like, were starting to do more video streams on Wolf, and I've started to open up the conversation for various people for specific podcasts and stuff. But I was like, yo, we can probably incorporate a gaming stream rather than just this every now and then, too. So I'm going to bring that up and see if that's of interest.

Engaging Gaming Communities

I feel like with these conversations, they'd be even better with the video component. Do you know, watch me rage on Call of Duty. Like, what in the background or something is that? You want me to, like, do some sick plays? I would not mind. I feel like that would be pretty funny, honestly. I could listen to, like, ice and will just, like, sit there and play, like, video games, like, all day. Like, they have some of the funnet, funnest dreams. Yeah, he's just easy to make fun of us all. Like, he's. I don't know. It's really funny, man.

Future Gaming Conversations

We have good camaraderie. Let's do this. Maybe we'll do a joint. A joint livestream or something. Dang. No response. It's all good. Yeah, no response. Sorry, buddy. You got hundreds, Kate. Hundos, big boy. Hundos. Right on. Right on. Well, listen, if anyone has any final thoughts, down to third, up in the last. In the next 5 seconds or so, but otherwise, it's been an awesome conversation. I really appreciate it. Zette, William, appreciate you guys leading the combo.

Final Farewell and Plans

Lajuana, Mikael, Nick's Brad. Chewy. Marcelo also had two or three other speakers in here as well, so big shots, everyone in here. Corey. I see him down there as well. Trophy. Yeah. Appreciate all of you. Adeluman. Yeah, we're doing these spaces each week. We'll figure out the time for next week and. Yeah, yeah, it's just join us on our journey, man. Join us in the journey to do a thousand spaces a week. We got the bitcoin space in about an hour.

Upcoming Events and Engagements

We got the tech space in about 2 hours or no, 3 hours, I'm not sure. I think it's 05:00 p.m. eastern. We have the tech space that bread hosts, so looking forward to that one as well. And yeah, we have space every single day here at Wolf 43. Give us a follow, and please follow all the speakers up on stage. And if you enjoyed the conversation, repost the space, bottom right corner so that people who are not here live can listen to this after the facts. But, yeah, I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day. Hopefully we'll see you in a couple more spaces today.

Community Engagement

Take care. Peace.

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