Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space provided a platform for participants to engage in diverse discussions encompassing personal narratives and insights on societal challenges. Topics ranged from systemic judicial failures to the influence of cryptocurrencies, global conflicts, freedom of speech on social media platforms, societal control mechanisms, and personal independence struggles. Participants shared experiences on living without a driver's license, debated the regulation of cryptocurrencies, and explored philosophical reflections on independence and societal norms. The Space offered a robust exploration of contemporary issues and individual perspectives.


Q: What were some of the personal challenges shared?
A: Systemic judicial failures and living without a driver's license were major points.

Q: How did participants feel about cryptocurrency?
A: They debated its regulation and potential for decentralizing economies.

Q: What was said about global conflicts?
A: They discussed world conflicts and potential parallels to World Wars.

Q: Is it possible to have free speech on social media?
A: Opinions varied; some believed it's limited and controlled by the platforms' policies.

Q: What philosophical topics were covered?
A: The existential threat of societal control and the need for personal independence.

Q: What was the impact of technology on societal norms?
A: Technology was seen as both a tool for liberation and a means of control.

Q: What were the experiences with legal systems?
A: Individuals cited inconsistencies and failures in justice and law enforcement.

Q: How did systemic issues affect daily living?
A: Participants shared numerous inconveniences and disruptions due to systemic failures.

Q: What personal beliefs were shared?
A: Strong beliefs about societal control, independence, and the right to free speech were evident.

Q: How did people address societal challenges?
A: Through sharing personal stories and seeking systemic changes.


Time: 00:00:01
Experiences with systemic judicial failures.

Time: 00:10:20
Debate on cryptocurrency regulation and decentralization.

Time: 00:20:35
Discussion on global conflicts and parallels to traditional wars.

Time: 00:30:15
Conversation on free speech on social media platforms.

Time: 00:40:50
Personal anecdotes about living independently without a driver’s license.

Time: 00:50:22
Insights on how technology influences societal norms.

Time: 01:02:12
Examination of jurisdictional discrepancies and legal settlements.

Time: 01:15:39
Philosophical discussion on societal control mechanisms.

Time: 01:25:23
Challenges and changes discussed around living independently.

Time: 01:40:41
Conclusions on the impact of technology on freedom of expression.

Key Takeaways

  • Personal stories on systemic failures and judicial issues were shared.
  • Debate on cryptocurrency influence and regulations occurred.
  • Global conflicts were discussed in context of traditional wars.
  • Views on free speech on social media platforms were debated.
  • Challenges of living independently without a driver's license were highlighted.
  • Discussions on jurisdictional disparities and legal settlements took place.
  • Bitcoin's potential for decentralizing economies was explored.
  • Conversations often delved into philosophical and societal control topics.
  • Experiences and challenges of claiming personal independence were shared.
  • Technology's impact on freedom of expression and societal norms was a recurrent theme.

Behind the Mic

So let me correct myself there first is a team. And so I heard it was a big success for you guys. Conferences have been a big success. God, I can't talk today. Conferences have been a big success for us as well. And I would love to know what takeaways you have from consensus. Right. The things you guys did right. The things you guys could improve and what you're going to do differently potentially at bitcoin Nashville. Because bitcoin Nashville is supposed to be a banger. I don't know if Trump is confirmed to be speaking there. I think RFK is going to be speaking, and a lot of other big guys like Michael Saylor got to meet him last year are going to be speaking. So I'm excited to again see you guys there and potentially work together. But I'm more interested to know what you guys are going to do differently and how you guys are going to maximize your time there and how you think others should approach it. Right. No, I agree. It was such a positive thing. I mean, I've been going to conferences for a long time. So we as a team went to our first one in April of 2021 as a team. And it's a lot of work. You're exhausted. It's crazy. But it's a great time. So we love seeing Consensus, where our product stood fact-checking with a thousand different people, seeing who has interest, seeing what major funds are looking at. The main thing is there's a lot of people coming up and saying, I saw you on Twitter. So that's really positive. And that's good feedback for us. It means we're entering the conversation. We heard a lot of positive news about us. Also, some of the great contacts we made. I'm really excited for the bitcoin conference. I think we're going to try or I will say the interest is higher on the bitcoin conference. And we're looking to see this in terms of all the sponsors and partners joining us again. So the key things we did right: one, our booth was very strategically located, which was great. Some items to improve: I think there were small things, like having QR codes on our booth for contact info instead of handing out a thousand business cards. I mean, you lose these and it's tough to follow up. One of the things we adjusted was the elevator pitch for our product. We've done this a thousand times, but we made an adjustment and it was more effective. So I think you will see that at bitcoin Miami. Overall, just making sure to be more engaged on social media prior to the event and having a better follow-up process post-event is crucial. We're excited for bitcoin Nashville and I'm excited to meet the Wolf financial team over there as well. I look forward to seeing anyone else that is going to be at the conference. Feel free to shoot us a DM if you want to connect either teams, Mobymedia or Wolf Financial. And yeah, thanks, everyone, for joining. These fireside chats have been an absolute pleasure. I love having. Having Gob George Charles when he makes it up here on. We're probably going to continue to do these every other week, so in two weeks we'll schedule another one. And I think that we're going to be. Is it. I think it's George hosting the next one. Yeah. So looking forward to that. And as always, remember that everything you hear on these broadcasts is meant for educational purposes only. Nothing is financial advice. So be safe out there and we will see you all in the next one soon. Take care."

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