Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Dungeon – End of Bootstrapping 1 hour Stream! hosted by cryptodungeonma. In the 'Crypto Dungeon – End of Bootstrapping' 1-hour stream, Validator and Game Developer shared exciting insights on the upcoming Dungeon Chain launch within the Cosmos network. The discussion revolved around the project's development progress, community engagement, technological innovations, partnerships, and future plans post-launch. With a focus on the gaming sector, Dungeon Chain aims to make a significant impact on both the DeFi and gaming industries, utilizing cutting-edge technology and community support to drive its success.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What is the Dungeon Chain project about?
A: The Dungeon Chain project is an upcoming release within the Cosmos ecosystem by a Validator and Game Developer.

Q: Why is community support essential for projects like Dungeon Chain?
A: Community engagement is crucial for the success and adoption of cryptocurrency projects.

Q: How are partnerships influencing the development of Dungeon Chain?
A: Collaborations and partnerships play a significant role in enhancing the project's capabilities and reach.

Q: What role does bootstrapping play in the development of Dungeon Chain?
A: Bootstrapping is pivotal for project initiation and early-stage development.

Q: What sectors could Dungeon Chain potentially impact post-launch?
A: Dungeon Chain might have implications within the DeFi and gaming industries.

Q: What are the technological innovations integrated into Dungeon Chain?
A: The project incorporates cutting-edge technologies to enhance its functionalities and user experience.

Q: How does Dungeon Chain align with the overall goals of the Cosmos ecosystem?
A: Dungeon Chain contributes to the ecosystem's growth and diversification of applications.

Q: What challenges have Validator and Game Developer faced in developing Dungeon Chain?
A: The developers have overcome various challenges unique to operating within the Cosmos network.

Q: How will the launch of Dungeon Chain impact the crypto community?
A: The release is expected to generate interest and discussions within the community.

Q: What are the future plans for Dungeon Chain post-launch?
A: The developers have outlined their roadmap and strategies for the project's evolution after launch.


Time: 00:15:42
Introduction to Dungeon Chain Project Insights on the background and concept of Dungeon Chain within Cosmos.

Time: 00:25:19
Development Progress Update Updates on the current developmental stage and milestones achieved by the Dungeon Chain project.

Time: 00:35:50
Community Engagement Importance Discussion on the value of community interactions and support for cryptocurrency projects.

Time: 00:45:37
Partnerships and Collaborations Exploring the partnerships and collaborations shaping the Dungeon Chain project.

Time: 00:55:02
Future Roadmap Insights Details on the post-launch plans and vision for Dungeon Chain.

Time: 01:05:11
Technological Innovations Features and innovations integrated into Dungeon Chain to enhance user experience.

Time: 01:15:29
Challenges in Cosmos Network Insights on overcoming obstacles faced while operating in the Cosmos ecosystem.

Time: 01:25:44
Impact Analysis Considerations on the potential impact of Dungeon Chain within the DeFi and gaming sectors.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction to the Dungeon Chain project by a Validator and Game Developer.
  • Information on the imminent launch of Dungeon Chain within the Cosmos ecosystem.
  • Insights on the development progress and milestones of the Dungeon Chain project.
  • Discussion on the significance of bootstrapping and its role in project development.
  • Exploration of the challenges and opportunities faced by Validator and Game Developer in the Cosmos network.
  • The importance of community engagement and support for the success of cryptocurrency projects like Dungeon Chain.
  • Details on the technological aspects and innovations integrated into the Dungeon Chain project.
  • Insights on the collaboration and partnerships established by Validator and Game Developer for Dungeon Chain.
  • Discussion on the future roadmap and plans for Dungeon Chain post-launch.
  • Considerations on the impact and potential of Dungeon Chain within the DeFi and gaming sectors.

Behind the Mic

Presence in Thoughts

You're everywhere I go see you in everything I'm thinking.

Physiological Awareness

Body. I can feel the color and I feel my body blur I'm into you I mean to. You that my head takes back. We. Could leave this place freedom. Is it just a fantasy?

Dreams of Freedom

Cause the unknowns we could. Live this place freedom lies to chase. What if I escape with you? What if I? Escape me? What if I escape with. What if I ladies and gentlemen, we're back. Just kidding. We never left. Happy Saturday. Hope you all are having a fantastic weekend.

Weekend Reflections

Yo, who's having a good weekend so far? And that one. Happy birthday weekend. Spam that 100 if you having a good weekend this far. Bunch of fucking losers. You are. Good weekend? Good weekend. Just got back from two hour shoulder session at the gym. Stayed up till three in the morning working last night, and then went for a run.

Recovery Rituals

Came back home, cryo chamber, ice bath, and then back in the ice bath again. I did it twice. So, yeah, I mean, while y'all are having a good weekend, just been working nonstop the whole time, as usual. We got some cool stuff cooking right now. A modern day Gordon Ramsay, if you will. Well, even though.

Comparisons and Realities

Well, Gordon Ramsay already. Gordon Ramsay is Gordon Ramsay in the modern day. So a modern day Bobby flay. Actually, if Bobby Flay and Gordon Ramsay had a baby, they'd both probably get monkeypox, because it only spreads through faggots. So. Interesting. So, guys, there's. There's been a lot happening in the past, you know, 24, 48, 72 hours.

Testing and Observing

A lot of testing going on, as I'm sure you've been able to notice. A lot of tests being conducted, a lot of boosts being sort of in there, a lot of messaging being kind of sliced in there. I've been looking to see if anyone is really on track yet, and I can confidently say that no one's even fucking close. No one's even remotely close. And if you really looked into everything, I think you would already be.

A Call for Action

You would already be a very happy person, maybe even a millionaire, if you were able to truly decipher the imagery that has been. I'm just saying, yo, she, bro. I gotta tell them, bro, because it's. It's right in front of their eyes. I can't believe they figured. I think it's one of those things, Shibo, that it's so obvious to us.

Deeper Understanding

But if you've never seen these pictures before, it's like you're. You're lost. You understand? Makes sense. Makes sense. You got. Are you at the gym, too? Cardio legs. Right.

Workout Routines

Legs and cardio. Cardio after your workout. No, you never do cardio after your workout. After your workout, you want to rest. Bark. Are you in the tub? No. Why? He's definitely on wide spectrum. Is that good? Well, I'm just pouring her water. She's thirsty.

Caring for Pets

Don't let her drink the bath water. She's, she's drinking. She's not drinking liquid death yet. You know, I figured, like, I. She's drinking pond water and survived, so I figured, like, brittle water is like liquid death to her, you know? Listen, chibo, don't do cardio after your workout.

Best Practices

Your body needs to rest, bro. Go into a state of rest and fuel nutrition. Use some cardio before your workout. 1015 minutes. Get your. Get your blood pumping. But then. Then go hit your workout and then do cardio later in the day if you want to do it. I don't know if Jay has any comments on it.

Cardio Insights

I know Jay does a lot of cardio, but, yeah, I would. Yeah, I wouldn't combine the two. If you're going to do cardio separately, you would do it separately. Go back to the gym or go outside, guys, it's Saturday. We're out here. We're active. Lot of shit going down, guys.

Updates in the Community

This morning a photo was posted by Shibo, who has now quit the space today. So he's gone. A photo. Photo was posted by Shibo. I can tell you right now that you guys were on to something. I can tell one of you was very on to something, and then I forget who came off mute and interrupted them and they lost their train of thought, and then you guys went.

Missed Opportunities

You guys completely derailed. But, But, yeah, you said that you guys were getting close. Look, guys, things are heating up. We're in August. Things are heating up. Things are heating up. We are getting closer to exiting purgatory.

Market Reflections

We ain't there yet. What's purgatory? $140 Solana. That's purgatory. And we've been stuck in purgatory for a long time. So we're getting close to exiting, guys, and things are heating up. Things are cooking, guys, just as a quick update, I just want.

New Initiatives

I want everyone to hear this. We closed the deal for our Kols that is going to be starting on Monday. For some of these kols, it is going to be the biggest and longest they've ever dealt with, ever seen. I don't know. I've had some pretty big, pretty long ones.

Defining Big Deals

This one is going to be bigger and longer than maybe anything you've ever definitely bigger than anything you've experienced, Webb. So when you say big, do you mean like girth? Biggest? No, I mean, look, it's.

Significance of Scale

It's long and it's. And it's. There's a lot. There's a lot to. There's a lot to behold. A lot. A lot to unpack. A lot to take in. Yeah, there's a lot to take in. Yeah, a lot to take in.

Involvement and Capacity

Yeah, a lot to take in. Some people, I ain't gonna lie, some people are not involved in this deal because they just can't handle it. They can't handle the size. They can't handle the intensity, they can't handle the speed of.

Initiating Changes

You must be talking about V. No, I'm just. No, no. V is definitely. V is definitely. V is concerningly able. Let's leave it at that. I'll leave it at that. But, guys, this deal just locked in, the payment secured.

Expansion of Partnerships

The product is amazing. And some of these kols get some of these people you see with the badge. Not everyone that has a badge, by the way, is involved with. With this yet. We're taking it one step at a time.

Addition of Key Players

Like, we just added Roman to that. Yo, Roman going so fucking hard. We had everything finalized. I said, yo, put Rome's. Put Rome's fucking name on there. Let's get him involved in here.

Acknowledging Leadership

Because I just see Rome stepping up in a way that. No, he's keeping the other badges in check. That's how I know. That's how I know you got a leader, someone that. It's a national board leader. You just tell.

Rising Up

So I like it. Rome is now involved. And if I see some good stuff from y'all, you know, we're gonna scoop you into. I mean, here's the thing. You know, we have right now at Burke Media, I believe we're at 20 different.

Networking and Opportunities

We got 20 kols in our network for deals. So you can just do the math, right. Some of these kols are smaller. They write threads. You know, they're not super involved, but they're still getting paid.

Financial Gains

They're getting paid. I mean, on this deal, they're. They're getting paid a nice fucking. A nice. Go takeout lunch, extra fucking chicken, extra salmon meal, the whole thing. Cookie smoothie. They're getting a nice.

Productivity and Profit

Every day for two weeks. They're gonna get that just for writing a thread for ten minutes, five minutes. Not bad. Fuck it. You can even write it while you're eating that lunch. Get the lunch while it's cooking at the restaurant.

Managing Tasks

Go fucking write your ten minute thread about the project or your ten go make your post about it. And that's it. Now the upper echelon, I call upper echelon. One of them's not even on fucking stage.

Leadership and Challenges

Upper echelon. Where the fuck is King Ann? Yo, Chibo. Knocking King aunt down a percent. Just remove 1% from whatever he was supposed to get. Now he said he was gonna be late.

Late Comers

He was giving back to the homeless. Yeah, yeah. Gonna be late. Gonna be late, motherfucker. Being late is not showing up 30 minutes early. If you ain't here 30 minutes early, you're already late.

Expectations and Communication

King answered a dm me at 1230 said, when are we? Why isn't your space started? I'm ready. But he didn't even bother. Take him down a percent. Some, some people on this deal are going to because it starts on Monday.

Excitement for New Beginnings

Some people are going to see the number that they're going to get every day for two weeks and they're going to be extremely happy. I think you're going to start, you're going to see shit switch up very quickly.

Insights on Change

I don't know if you have a predictions book, Shibo. I think you're going to see a lot of people straighten up their back and say, shit, I should have been going harder this whole time because I can get, I screwed up.

Shifting Dynamics

The numbers are not even close for these, for this deal specifically. We've changed a lot of shit around, okay? The numbers are not even close. Some of y'all gonna be making, some of y'all gonna be making some fucking, some very nice, very, very nice daily payments.

Vision and Potential

And here's the other thing too, on this topic, okay? You, you guys understand our vision from day one. Back in 2022? I tweeted, would you work full time in web three for $10,000, fully remote?

Job Opportunities

We're hiring guys. That wasn't a joke. I've been manifesting this. Book's been manifesting this. She will been manifesting this. We've been telling you all that.

Goals and Realizations

It is our goal. It's actually, it feels more like a fucking, not even a goal. It's not a matter of if. It's just, it feels like it's, it's just a matter of when.

Looking Ahead

At this point. And some of y'all on this deal, you gonna be, you go, I mean, all said and done, you gonna be close. I'm gonna leave it at that. I'm gonna leave it at that.

Opportunities for Others

But what that means for you, if you're not in on these deals, what does that mean for you? That means that all you need to do is actually get your shit together and try.

Motivation to Act

Because I can tell you all right now, I mean, we could have easily pocketed this shit. No, I'm just kidding. But I'm telling y'all right now, like, when it comes to, you know, what we're looking for.

Looking for Dedication

What are books and Shiba looking for in the community? All we're looking for is effort. I don't care if you are the smartest cookie in the shed.

Value of Humility

In fact, some of the smartest people are the worst. They think they know everything. It's the people that got the hustle. It's the people that got the drive.

Understanding Growth

It's the people that are. Have a borderline mental disability. Those are the people that I like the most because they don't have a limit and they understand what it's like to go through a learning process.

Process and Participation

I feel like some people, they understand the learning process anyways. If you're too smart, you won't. You won't. You won't participate in this because you think you know it all.

Growth Through Learning

It's the people that can humble themselves and say, I'm willing to go through this process, the branding, the whole nine, and learn everything.

Hyper-Analysis and Execution

To put myself in a position to get paid big time. And that's exactly what some of you all about to find out. Shit.

Risks of Involvement

Now, here's where things get interesting. Us paying kols for marketing is. Is one thing. That's cool, right? One deal.

Future Prospects

Now imagine if five of these deals get stacked on top of each other. Now, when I say imagine, I mean just a matter of time.

Brisk Market Flow

It is literally just a matter of time. Back in March, February, guys, we had so much deal flow, I'm not even joking.

Massive Deal Flow

We were getting probably between barkbooks and Shibo. Probably 20 to 100 inbound leads a day.

Understanding Inbound Leads

What is an inbound lead? An inbound lead is a project that wants to team up with this community to do some awesome shit.

Expanding Horizons

Get the name out there, get there some exposure, the whole nine. That's what it is. We had a hundred, sometimes 100 people trying to do that a day.

Infrastructure Growth

We did not manage it properly, and we did not have the systems and the operations and the organizations that we do now.

Reflections on Past Experiences

After going through this February and March, it was very eye opening books. Shibo Bark got on a call, and between us three, we said, how do we get serious about this shit?

Support and Community

How do we, how do we feed our people? How do we take care of our people? And how do we put these motherfuckers on?

Core Values

Most importantly, how do we put people on? How do we put them in a position to get paid? Because this space, guys, the grass is always going to look greener.

Community Perceptions

It's always going to look like they're making tons of money over at another NFT. It's always going to look like they're making tons of money at another community.

Queries and Discoveries

And then you actually start to ask people, hey, have they ever given you anything? And the answer is almost always no. So the grass always looks greener.

Social Media Illusions

Social media makes you think that there are billions of single, beautiful people out there when there's really not. They're all evil anyways.

The Reality of Influence

Social media makes you think everyone's rich. Everyone's driving a sports car. Everything. I tell you right now, most people are not doing it like that.

Recognition of Realities

And our whole most people are not even big influencers. Guys, I've talked to big influencers that post Rolexes and Lamborghinis as their GM's, and they legitimately have $4,000.

False Images

They have four grand to their name, and they're posting, like, stolen pictures. So, listen, at the end of the day, being an influencer in this space, being anyone of interest in this space, is difficult.

Knowledge Requirement

It requires a lot of knowledge that's not easily obtained. And our whole.

Simplifying the Complex

Our whole thing here, guys, with this fucking system that we're setting up, is to take away the complexity of managing a web three business.

Equal Opportunities

So y'all, all y'all need to do is focus on being fucking great, being fucking awesome, doing a great job, and we're gonna deal with all the bullshit for you.

Rewards for Efforts

Every fucking afternoon or nighttime, you're gonna open up your wallet, you're gonna see money in there for being you, for doing your thing.

Shared Experiences

And books, barkshebo just did two years of eating shit and learning things the hard way and getting shoved around, getting our time wasted.

Journey of Learning

We've seen it all. I mean, so books and I now fucking, we can predict a call before it.

Team Dynamics

Within the first 5 seconds, we'll start texting each other. She was like, the goat beat. So, like, it's a french dev.

Pre-emptive Awareness

It's gonna be a bitch. Like, it's gonna do this, it's gonna do that. We have so much experience now that we're just flying through.

Avoiding Pitfalls

But for a lot of y'all, that's experience that takes a long time to earn, which you guys can certainly earn it, but why go through all that pain when you could literally just focus on growing as a creator.

Focus on Growth

And that's exactly what we provide here. So, look, a lot of people don't like that idea.

Criticism and Responses

They actually try to demonize it or say it's a bad thing. Not a lot of people, but I've seen it. And I asked them, I said, what are you doing?


What are you doing for yourself and what are you doing for anyone else? And the answer is, nothing.

Critics' Silence

Always nothing. It's always the people that had do nothing for others that critique what you do for others.

Charitable Efforts

Like, we donate to Omar, people say, well, don't you think it's a little bit biased to be donating to the Middle east?

Confronting Skepticism

It's like, dude, have you ever donated in your life? Like, have you ever even have you donated a brain cell to your. To your head before?

Lack of Awareness

Because I don't think there's very many in there. Always something, bro. Imagine getting fudded for donating.

Absurd Criticism

You can't. You can't make this shit up. Listen, let's make it very simple.

Future Projections

I anticipate by November December, we will have five to ten concurrent deals at a time, which are basic, and the deals are going to get larger.

Anticipating Growth

Oh, and on this one specifically, the one that starts on Monday, if this community goes hard in the paint, two weeks after, we're going to do a product launch with them, and everyone in this community is getting blessed.

Community Benefits

Everyone in this community is getting tokens. Everyone in this community is eligible to win giveaways, and the spaces hosts are going to get the biggest deal they've ever seen.

Choice and Agency

So up to you. How you want to run it. I just wanted to start today's space off with letting y'all know that you are fucking slacking.

Criticism of Participation

And it's embarrassing. It's sad to see the fighting that this guy owes me $40 and arguing about it for 5 hours.

Misguided Focus

Some of y'all be going in other people's spaces that are hosting hate spaces. And you go up on stage and retweet it and say, everybody get in here.

Community Engagement

Let's prove this guy wrong. Yo, we don't gotta prove nobody wrong. This is not.

Intentions to Succeed

We are not in the business of proving anybody wrong. We're in the business of proving the fucking ten to 20 to 30 fucking people, right?

Defining Success

Making them rich. Fuck all these other faggots. We got like 30, 40, 50 people that are really about this life, that are really about this game.

Community Commitment

We're gonna make y'all rich. That's it. That's the only thing. What do you do, make a bunch of faggots rich?

Community Contribution

That talk shit on the Internet? Hell, no. Give me that dollar bill, bitch. I'm gonna give it to this guy right here on stage, who's a winner, who's a killer.

Simplicity in Goals

It's actually so simple. And we're just playing. We're just watching it.

The Waiting Game

All y'all are just watching it play out over time. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Long-Term Vision

Just watching shit play out over time. It always get. It plays out in the, at the end of, look, the game's not over at fucking halftime.

Determining Outcomes

They don't just come out and say, oh, my gosh. The, the Steelers have lost the game because they're down 14 points.

Future Perspectives

Hell, no. Yo, we got the whole bull market, man. We got the whole bull market. We didn't even. We're in the first quarter.

Challenges Ahead

Why y'all? Why are people already fucking giving up? Why are people already, like, looking to tear us into the ground?


You know, we have a whole game to play. We have a whole bull market to prove ourselves.

The Path Forward

We have a whole bull market to finish what we've started. We have a whole bull market to unveil our plans.

Defining Success

Just because you don't like how we move or how, or you don't like our timing doesn't mean it's wrong.

Understanding Preferences

Just means that you're a faggot. That's all it really means.


At the end of the day, if you don't like how we do things, go suck a dick and get monkeypox on your lips. I don't know what to tell you.

Reflections on Engagement

I thought it'd be on your whole body. Yeah, we don't just invent timing and strategy and operations.

Process Transparency

We don't just spin a fucking wheel of fortune and say, all right, this is gonna take eight weeks.

Intentionality in Actions

Everything we do is by design. Everything we do is by design. And if you don't like it, deal with it.

Openness to Change

I mean, I just fucking, like, stop. Like, just go, walk away. Like, just stay away.

Criticism and Actions

But they can't. They can't. Same people that complain the most, if we dropped a pre sale link right now, they would send to it.

Community Dynamics

So sick. These fucking individuals are. But it's okay because the API sees everything.

Accountability Measures

I mean, we've literally told you from day one, hey, we're inventing this tool as API.

Proactive Approach

We're going to track all the things that you say, keywords, how often you interact, and you're going to be rewarded accordingly, like it.

Future Visions

And then we do that like, we're gonna do that and everyone's gonna be blown away.

Underestimation of Efforts

That's the worst part. Books she bought. That's the worst part.

Delivery of Transparency

We've told them exactly what we're doing, exactly what our plan is, exactly how we're, you know, how we're getting away with everything.

Looking to the Future

We've told them everything. And when it all goes down, they're gonna sit there and be like, holy shit, who could have known?


Don't say I didn't warn you, Barb. You warn them.

Preparation for Events

I warned them, bro. You warned them, bro, multiple times. What did you say specifically?

Impartial Oversight

Listen, the API in the sky don't lie, bro. It sees all.

Surveillance Mechanisms

So, I mean, that's that, guys. If you think you could fucking skate by scotch free, yo, every single on.

Transparency in Conduct

It's on chain and off chain interactions that are being watched.

Discussion on Terminology

Scotch free. I don't know, like, Michael, scot free? Is it scot free? It's scotch free.

Clarifying Miscommunication

Like, it's scotch. You said it, right, okay.

Transparency and Warnings

Yo, Shiba been warning you all. That. That's why I think it's important that this money gets sent out, Sibo, because I think people are gonna see it and realize, oh, my God, if I actually just had worked twice as hard, this number would be double.

Reflections on Efforts

Think about that for a second. If I work twice as hard, this number would be double. I mean, it's all. I mean, it's all simple, guy.

Simplicity in Approach

At the end of the day, it's just math. Hard work should pay off, bro.

Insights on Productivity

You know what I'm saying? If they did a lot more, if they did a lot less finger pointing, Shibo, and they did a lot more thumb pointing, I think they'd be mad.

Accountability in Community

10,000 a month. You like that? Have to agree with you on this.

Discussion on Responsibility

You understand, cuz? Like finger pointing, others thumb pointing at yourself.

Understanding Accountability

So you're talking about accountability? I stole it.


I saw I stole that. Accountability, huh? They need to take accountability.

Call for Responsibility

They needed to. They need to stop doing whatever the fuck that they're currently doing and pivot in the direction of making money.

Efforts Towards Improvement

You understand? Too much time wasted, too many video games.

Engagement Observations

Yo, we got on a call with King aunt and his in his wifey. And I made King aunt sit in the background.

Interview Insights

And I asked and I interviewed his wife, I said, yo, when's the last time King aunt played video games?

Emotional Responses

You know, she started to cry. Hold on, hold on. I didn't ask you.

Clarification of Responses

I didn't ask you, cuz. She's like, I don't know what you. So I didn't ask for your opinion and I don't want to hear it.

Focus on Direct Questions

I asked King Ann. I said, King Ann, when's the last time you played video games?

Responses and Timeframes

And he says it's weeks. Weeks or months? What's his answer? Weeks or months?

Confirmation of Timing

Katie comes in the room. I said, katie, when's the last time King Ann played video games?

Hence, the Truth

He said the day that he left for Toronto which was three days before. Yep.

Witnessed Observations

I had, I had a two witnesses on that call.

Expressions and Accountability

So king it, we want to fess up now or do we want to talk books?

Reflections on Commitment

What did you hear? What else did you hear? All bunch of fucking bullshit.

Acknowledging Shortcomings

All bunch of excuses. Whole bunch of giving up, whole bunch of lateness.

Patterns of Behavior

Whole bunch of slacking. I heard ask him what he did on the flight and he said that he was doing all like a bunch of other shit which wasn't done.

Distracted Behaviors

And come to find out that he was playing a mobile game called like warriors of Moria.

Memory Refresh

Let me refresh your memory on something. Last week they were meeting with all these projects and setting up all these meetings.

Collaborative Efforts

How many of those projects have we spoken to? And closed.

Reflections on Efforts

My pockets. Empty books. Slack brother. Slacken bullshit.

Seeing the Bigger Picture

That's what we're, that's what we're loaded with as if we're stupid.

Customer Connections

Listen, difference, you know who gets us in front of customers? Eva gets us in front of customers.

Event Impact

Hundred percent. Listen, they all went toronto and they were hit me up in the DM's, DM spam dming me that they had like the best combo ever.

Return on Investment

You're right. Books. Guess how many dollars were created from that event? Zero.

Outcomes of Activities

Zero. Zero. They think they're being productive but they're walking around interviewing samurais thinking that's going to bring in money.

Value of Time

Not a penny was, not a penny was raised. Way too much time.

Misallocated Resources

Way too much time leaving the dinner table and disappearing for 40 minutes and then coming back later pretending like nothing happened.

Ineffective Meetings

Way too much time spent. Way too much time spent borrowing shirts and meeting and fucking and creating monkeypox with the locals.

Results of Actions

Way too much time wasted. Not enough money made. I mean that was it.

Visual Descriptions

Pulling the pants up to the belly button, tucking the shirt in and having reading glasses in the neck.

Thoughts on Presentation

Belt tight. Belt tight. Belt tight. Smelling.

Estimated Experiences

Smelling like black beans. Smelling like rotten fish and chips. Smote like smelling like sour cream and onion.

Assessing Quality

Left out for three weeks. Listen, at the end of the day if you didn't get paid, then you got gay.

Modern References

You know that button from staples? You've got mail or that you've got mail? You are gay.

Failing to Generate Results

You didn't come home with shit. You came home empty handed.

Experiences of Disappointment

Hey, I went on a hunt. Okay, great. Where's the.

Inquiries and Responses

Where's the meat? Oh, I didn't. I didn't kill anything, but I saw a bunch of cool animals.

Finding Value in Experiences

Like, I saw elk and I saw a bear, saw a turkey, I saw salmon. Yeah, but I didn't catch anything. So then.


So then what the fuck do you want me to tell you now, huh? He would tell you, good job.

Sights of Serenity

You went and saw. You want sightseeing seeing in Toronto, and now you all are recovering from it.

Unpacking Difficult Themes

It's taken. Shiba. Shibo fucking gave up. Since he got back, King Ant hasn't been on spaces one.

Engagement Fluctuations

They're all in turn be yawning on the call. Yo.

Tiredness and Vacation Aftermath

They're all fucking tired. From what? From what? Tired from what? They went on a vacation and partied and did nothing, came back, and now they're paying the price for it? Exactly. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Books. Now, they came home with a million dollars to Millie. If. If. If a new Ferrari showed up on my doorstep today, it'd be one thing. You know, they. Okay, they did a good job, but none. So I got nothing. Books. I really. I'm at a loss for worse, to be honest with you. I can't. Let me ask you a question. Are you surprised? Books. I'm just gonna leave it there. Are you surprised? Am I what? You broke up. Are you surprised? I'm not surprised, but not at all, brother. Not at fucking all. No Toronto people. Anything to save yourself. I recognize that. I didn't get to any of the satellite events. Yeah, I think about the events.

Experiences with Events and Networking

Well, you can walk to a bar, you can go to a nightclub anywhere in the United States anytime you want. But we're worried about these NFT satellites. No, it was an NFT tall. Got to one of them. The Solana meme coin dinner, whatever. At the distillery. Reed distillery. Yeah. He didn't like it, but I didn't. I didn't lock in any of those. I guess I was focused. I wasn't focused in the right direction. What I did lock in was identifying the best opportunity in space. And I am hopeful that relationship continues to grow and we see what happens. Right, pac? Yeah. He knows. Ant knows. Excuse me, sir. I'd like to buy this Ferrari. Okay, so that will be two good relationships that are thriving. That's how much it costs. Okay, great. I have. But I have that. I have it. Be found it in Toronto. We buy the car with that. Yeah.

Disappointment and Consequences

The worst part about it is I went to bat. I went to bat for these guys. I convinced. No, you're not off the hook, buddy. I'm not off the hook? Yeah. Against me and books his wishes. You took him clubbing? Yeah. huh. huh. Yeah. Listen, I thought it would have been a celebratory. You took them clubbing? Yeah, clubbing. And. And then. And I was like, okay, maybe like, beg to God. They got good contact. They got fucking. They got. Goddamn. They got. They got some guy who just got off his nine to five at staples, put on a fucking button down shirt and a tie. My uncle got. Y'all got fucking. You got fucking mister Rogers in a goddamn sweater vest. Hey. Ruining the video. And then you got plague sitting there with his six, five foot ass. Sitting there looking around like he def. Like y'all.

Critical Insight on Online Behavior

It was. It does that. I mean, nothing short of a. Actually, I don't. I learned a lot of bird lessons, you know, nothing. I don't often use this word, Cibo, but it was nothing short of a giga catastrophe. When you say it like that, bar. Listen, bark, I thought buying them, you know, all the bottles, you know, showing them the way, I thought it would have gave them a gigaboost. Bark. Don't say I didn't warn you. It gave them a giga. Hulk. V got. V got some vee. Got sick with some fucking disease. I'm sure the rest of y'all are. It's just a matter of time because I know everyone was. Everyone was riding that ride, and it's. Hey, oh, hey, no, bark.

The Importance of Dedicated Effort

Hey, bark. That's. Don't interrupt. That is like, I got to defend my honor here. That's bullshit. Don't around with me like that. Listen, I didn't say who am I gonna do that? I'm just saying y'all are like. I mean. I mean, I just saw the fucking photos. Like, I mean, the saliva was shared. We're gonna put it like that. Saliva was shared. What do you want me to say? You want me to lie up here and be like, holy shit, they brought in a million dollars of deals. Is the best day. I'm so proud of them. Fuck, no. I've never been more disappointed, actually. She. Bow. Yo, can I be honest with you, bark? No, be honest. Be honest. Be honest. Be honest. Are you? Well, let me ask you, Sheba.

Discussion on Hardships and Fairness

Okay, go ahead. King. King, are you a little bit tired? Like, you a little bit exhausted after that trip? No, not tired at all. Let's keep going. You're a liar. Let's go to tall. Negative on it a little bit. If he's tired, he's a. It was the first day back. I slept 10 hours, and I was an hour late for sheep of space. So. Yeah. So look, we got liars and wussies, boys. We got liars and wussies. Books, liars and wussies. Two things I hate the most, bro. Two things I hate. Bunch of them. A bunch of them. You told me larp. Liars and wussies. Liars. Wussies. And. And they don't. They don't even, like, at the very least, if they click, like on the post and max, engagement, I.

Community Expectations and Responsibility

At least, you know, they're an engaged liar. And we'll see. But not even that. Not even that. Not even that. So, listen, that's the last event. You know, we had our basil already planned off or whatever, but that's actually just going to turn into me books and shibo going to the club and getting that golden bottle, and we're just going to have. We're just gonna dump it on the ground, get a video of that, and then leave. So that's really what it's come down to there. Those. These AI videos are getting so good. I think we could just AI video the whole fucking conference. Like, hey, we did bark fest. Bark fest. The dojo dogs networking event and the monkeypox after party. But instead, yo, that's actually a crazy name. The monkeypox after party.

Caution in Social Interactions

Imagine catching it at the after party. Yeah, we're gonna manifest the end of the world. Like, yo, I ain't gonna lie to you guys. Yo, Covid, every time I went to, like, a party with some dirty motherfuckers, either my girl or someone I know got Covid from the party, yo. Telling ya. So y'all gotta wash up our brush. I was at. Listen, I was at the clouds at fucking some nightclub in Taiwan with Alex, and we're sitting around the table having fun, networking. You know? You know, it. Whatever. There was, like, eight, five people at the table, and one of them kept coughing. They're like, I'm sorry. I keep coughing, like, oh, what's wrong? She's like, oh, well, we all have Covid.

Health Concerns in Gatherings

I was like, then why the fuck are you guys here? And then two days later, we got fucking Covid. People don't even care. I mean, people be walking. People be wiping their ass with their hand at these parties and walking out of the bathroom. That's disgusting bark. Listen, listen. I tell you. Okay, never mind. Everyone washes their hands and keeps great. In great health and great. No, it's not true. Bart, have you ever been to the casino and watched everybody walk out after they're using the bathroom? And while you're washing your hands at the sink, you watch people just walk out of the bathroom and they're touching all the machines and all. Listen, listen.

Personal Standards and Community Values

You won't catch me in a. Like. The only casino I'm in is on the 57th floor of the aria, okay? So I'm not dealing with any of that shit. I'm on the. I'm at the casino where they wheel that. They. You just tell them what you want and they wheel it into the room. That's. That's the best. Give me a Johnny Walker on the rocks. Actually, fuck it. Give me a Johnny Walker knee. And. Well, tell them about the treadmill we got last time. Make it to Johnny Walker knee. Give me a Monte Cristo White label. Give me a motherfucking. I want a treadmill and I want a box of doughnuts. Also, I want to pick my door. I want to pick it. I want to pick a route depending on how I'm feeling after this fucking cigar.

Expectations for Improvement

Okay. I want. What else do I want? I want a violinist in here, stat. 1 hour. I want a violinist. I want them playing Beethoven only. And after every song, I want you to bring me a shot of close Azul until I puke on the floor. And then I want you to get someone that doesn't speak English to come in here and clean it up with their hands. And I'll tip you all very well. And guess what? That's. That's what I'm doing. And that's what I'm doing. But forget that. Forget that. Forget it. This is their last chance for redemption. For y'all to step up. Let me just put it this way. Don't say that we didn't warn you.

Community Growth and Individual Effort

Am I right about that? Shebo books. You guys agree with that statement? Absolutely, bro. If they say that we didn't warn them, I will call them a liar. Because we'll just go back to this space. This is your warning. This is your warning. If your badge gets ripped, if your spaces. If your spaces stop getting as many people. I mean, these are all the signs that things are not going in the right direction. Look, sometimes, again, it's not even about the effort so much. It's really just about. I'm sorry. It's not so much about the results. It's about the effort. Like, when I tune into your spaces, are you sitting there making fucking fart, fart noises for 45 minutes and then yelling at somebody because they owe you $30, or are you hosting spaces?

Diligence in Community Engagement

Are you putting in effort? Are you building something? Do you have a page for your spaces? Do you have a name for your spaces? Do you have content for your spaces? Do you have, are you building a brand? Are you doing all the things that we've told you all to do? Because at the end of the day, the people that we see, like, look, not that we're tracking how y'all spend your money, that's fine. You do whatever you need to do with your money. But when Bookspark and Shibo see you guys reinvesting that money into yourself and into your brand and into what you're doing, it tells us, okay, they have.

Investment Choices and Community Impact

That they are on the right path. Let's give them more money because they, will you be able to use that money to fulfill their purpose? They're gonna be able to use that money to follow their goals and achieve them. Versus when we pay somebody, if that, if your payment goes straight into fucking weed and Papa John's and fucking in fucking fortnight skins and Goddamn. And goddamn. You're getting fucking takeout every night. Like, if what we see, I'm just paying attention. I'm paying attention. The people that are investing the money properly are gonna get more. They're gonna get more and they're gonna get a lot, but it's gonna, this all happens over time.

The Journey of Community Development

There's divine timing to it, but then there's also, you know, look, bark books and sheep. Oh. Know how long it takes to kind of get going? You know, it doesn't happen overnight. It takes time. It takes months. It takes even years to get going. So when we see people going at a good pace, they're trying, they're not just, they don't just disappear for fucking, yo, if you're just, if you're disappearing for four days, five days, this place ain't for you. This place ain't for you. Five days, the whole industry can change. The market can change, the industry can change the products and change. You need to be, this is you everyday kind of MFR.

Commitment to Community Success

Look, you got a wedding or a funeral or a baby. That's it. You get. You still better GM, though. You still better GM. And drop a couple engagement farming tweets. Like, yeah, like, if I was in the hospital, intern knows, like, keep the fucking farm running. Like, let's make sure we got post pumping out. Like, let's fucking rock it and roll. Bush and Shiba know that. Continued operations. Continued operations. Books is out. We're gonna figure out how to get someone on his account. Keep that. Keep the fucking. Keep the gravy train rolling. So, look, it's so simple.

Guidelines for Crypto Engagement

Acquire crypto, acquire more crypto. Acquire more crypto. Acquire more crypto. Acquire more crypto. Someone else say it. Acquire more crypto. Say it again. Acquire more crypto. Someone else saying, acquire more crypto. Acquire more crypto. I'm gonna steal your. CRG ghostwriter. Oh, he knew she was a ho. And she ain't had no crypto. CLG ain't got no float. He too busy working host. Man, shut the fuck, man. Listen, bro, that's why I got to see you. Some music, bro, so you cannot rap. Got me out here trying to freestyle on the track. Send me the fucking music, bro.

Discussion on Supply and Demand

This is what you call Max fucking fomo you want so bad, bro? Supply demand is real, bro. Got a fresh fit straight from the stove. God. Acquire more crypto. Popping tag. So I can get in for the low. More crypto, more crypto, it's your g. Is gay, but it. Keep it on the low. You know, I never talked to Poe. Stone. If I ever see you, I'm a dunkin your ass at your ass. Free, my bro. I'm so glad that chaos got off a crow. I got the extended mag so I can shoot some mo.

Casual Banter and Upcoming Plans

I got extended mask. We're making stallion there so I can shoot her toe. Put some caviar on and suck her toe ski trying to figure out what the fuck is mg coat. There's money glitch. Ho. You never smashed that ho. But I gotta go. But you never know. All I know is web is a tranny because last night he told me his asshole, so. Okay, guys, we need to proceed. No, look, you don't always have to, like, one up everybody that you speak. No, I didn't mind the last word and everything. The very everything you do.

Final Remarks on Commitment

Very last one. No. There we go. There we go. What last word? No, let me just check on something, ladies and gentlemen. All right, guys. Yo, Shibo. I need just. You see. But you got a second? Why? Why you got a second? Oh, absolutely. I have more than a second. Listen, I'm looking at my clock. It's looking like we have more than a second. Yeah, listen, I just want you. I want you to tell them, you know, where. Where you see everywhere you see this going? Just tell them where you see it going. Every. Any, you know, this or that or.

Expectations for the Community

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So the way I see this going is that those who have been paying attention are gonna. Are gonna benefit the most here. Those who are Max engaging, those who have no dzon for bark books and Shibo, those who understand the inner workings of how this all works are gonna benefit the most. Now, everything in life ain't fair, guys. I'm gonna start by saying that everything in life ain't fair. Life is not fair. Some of us were born broke. Some of us were born rich, you know, some of us.

Reflections on Injustice

The color of our skins determine how people, you know, treat us when they first meet us. Life is not fair. Some of us were born in countries that are. That are fucked up, while others were born with entitlements. This is not meant, this is not meant to be a level playing field. This is just as unfair as life is. But the best part about it is at a certain point, no matter who you are and what situation you were born into, everyone gets a chance to overcome their hardships. Everyone gets a chance to show motherfuckers what they're made of. And that's the beautiful thing about this community, is no, it's not fair.

The Reality of Our Community

If you're not going hard enough, and I don't know about what bark was talking about if your badge gets taken, when your badge gets taken, all you're gonna have to do is just go harder to get that bitch back. So never look at what's going on as it's a. It's finite. It's the end of the fucking road, guys. This is just the beginning of our journey. We love all y'all the same. The exact same. That's the only thing fair about this. We don't have no favorites. Everybody's on a level playing field. Those who are paying attention will benefit.

Trust and Loyalty

Those who are working hard will benefit. And that has already been like, you could already see that based on how we manage or micromanage the. The bark media crew, the opportunities are there for every single fucking Dojan old dog, even the fucking generic dogs or the starter dogs got opportunities in this community. You think that. That somebody with. With a bag that can afford a dojo dog versus somebody with a bag that can't is gonna determine your success? You're absolutely fucking out of your mind. You can't pay your way through this.

Earned Respect in Our Community

This is something that. That you can't just buy into. You can't go buy a fucking Solana nft throw it on and all of a sudden get, get respect from us. You can't go buy a doge nft put it on and all of a sudden get respect from us. The respect is earned through it, through the things you do, right? We can, we are on this applications, so we're on this application so fucking much. We really get to know each other. I can sit here and truly say, I know how y'all move in certain situations, right? I could really say that from the bottom of my heart because I've been watching what you guys, I've been listening to what you guys say, and then I've been watching what you guys do.

Observations on Engagement

Sometimes, guys, there's a discrepancy there where someone talks a big game, but they don't walk that walk, right? In other situations. In other situations, we have people that are silent killers. Look at McDezden. He's not out here yapping his fucking ass off. He's in the shadows doing what he fucking does. And he's remained loyal through all this shit. I'm not. I'm not talking about he's been loyal since before DOJ. No dogs. If MC hit my DM and said she bow, I need blank, consider it fucking done. Because I stay loyal to those who stay loyal to me. And same goes for bark and books.

Building Strong Connections

I'm. And I'm seeing a lot of loyalty be displayed recently. So when it comes to this outbreak, think about the outbreak. When it comes to this outbreak, there are many different. There are many different directions this can go. I think we could all I think we could all understand that there are a bunch of different directions this can go. And I want to make it perfectly fucking clear to y'all. We're not in the. We're not in the driver's seat. You guys are. I think. I think Webb Web kind of cracked that earlier. You guys are in the driver's seat right now.

Technological Advances and Community Dynamics

When we said back in, I think it was December, mid December, when we developed the API dashboard. We developed it strictly an auditing tool. If you guys don't know what an audit is, Google that shit. We wanted to audit the social interactions around us because we spend most of our time on this application. We never knew at that moment that it would grow into what. What it's currently being used for. We never knew that. But thank God we put that shit together. And thank God we've been tracking every single thing that has been happening on this application with those who interact with our accounts since December 20.

Data Analysis and Community Feedback

I'm gonna give you guys a day. December 20. That's a lot of data. That's a lot of data. That's like, that's tall data. That's tall data right there. That's tall data. So as I'm sitting here, just like, yo, there's time to time, guys. What I do is I just go and I look back at some of this stuff. And there were people who, in January, was at the top of the list, meaning they were doing absolutely everything right come February. They weren't even on the list. They were not even on the list. And others who showed consistency day in and day out of, slowly climb their way up that list, right?

Assessing Community Efforts

Look at. Look at some of the spaces hosts. I mean, Uni had gave up completely. She disabled her fucking account. She started at nothing. When she came back, zero, she went on hard mode. She put her shit on extremely hard mode, all pro Madden mode. And climb that bitch climbed up right to the top of the ranks, period. If you're looking for a northern star, you got to look at uni. But I can't give it all just to uni. I can't give all the flowers just uni because it was the people that she was around. Look at the people that she surrounded herself with.

Motivation Through Community Support

Absolute legends like Web King Ann that motivated, pushed her and made sure to support her when she had came back to bring her to the point she's at. And I'm sure she would say the same, that it's not all just one person. So as a blanket suggestion, right? As a blanket suggestion, surround yourself with a few good people, block out that motherfucking noise, stop partaking in the dramatics. If a motherfucker is on a space yapping their mouth away, the best thing you can do is give it no attention because the universe don't be listening to your intention, they just be walking.

Observing Real-Life Consequences

The universe just reacts to your actions. And let me just give you a real life example. In Canada, you're not allowed. You're not allowed to shoot someone dead. If they break into your house, you'll go to jail for murder. You're not allowed to shoot someone dead if they break in your house, you go to jail. So it's like they don't care about your intentions to protect your family and protect your property, but the result of it is you spend life in jail because you just killed someone for breaking in your house. So what I mean to say is not. Your intention isn't always rewarded with what it's supposed to be.

Passion and Community Engagement

So I understand when y'all pop in to a space to defend. To defend the community. It pisses me off. Guys, come on. You guys know me. For those of you who. You guys know a lot. Some of you guys know me better now than ever before. You guys know I'm not the type to just sit there fucking quiet. I'm the type that wants to come off and you pop off. I'm the type that wants to drive to your fucking house, camping your bushes, and wait for you to pop out. I'm really EbK, bro. Ask them boys on 79th about me.

Shibo's Past and Learning Experience

Now how did you get to this point, Shibo? Because I went through some of your old tweets. Shibo used to pop off on anybody that said anything about the question mark. Who about? About the people that were run. I used to pop off. If anybody remembers me back then with the Defi ape and the guns on my fucking shoulders. I used to just spaz, bro, like, saying all kinds of crazy shit, but that shit is bad for business. So when I linked up with my. My few people, few good people, bark, books, intern, will. When I linked up with my good people, they had taught me a little bit. They showed me the way through their actions. So before I make a move, I look to my people, right? I look to see what Bark is doing. I look to see what books is doing. How are these people handling certain situations? When I see someone who's successful telling me something, my ears perk.

Recognizing the Source of Advice

When I see someone who's a fucking bum, a fucking goof, I cover my ears and say, la la. I'm not fucking listening. Because nothing that someone in. In that situation, there's nothing that they could say that'll make me listen to what they're saying. Because I see the results of their own advice. I could see it materialize in their own fucking lives. Right. Right before my eyes, I see a goof acting like a goof, trying to tell me how to get my bands up. Stop it. You think I haven't been burned before? I don't even want to tell you how much eth I've been burned for following around the wrong people. Y'all would be sick. But have you ever seen Shibo sit here and spin up some goof ass hate space or. Or take my time to pop into a. Pop into a poly space and try to talk shit or slander motherfuckers on the top? Zero. You can't say, I've done it. Zero. Zero. Zero.

The Practical Approach

And there's a reason for that. Now, if you find yourself in a situation where you don't know what to do, look at the people around who you actually respect. Look at the people around that have a bag in this space and try to mimic what they do. This shit is easy. I always tell you guys, you can't just hop over a counter and cook at McDonald's. You will get arrested. But the beautiful part about web three is you could literally hop over the counter, start cooking, and they gotta start fucking cooking, dude. This is getting out of here, Mark. I'm pissed. This shit is getting out of hand. I'm pissed. You're right about everything, Shibo. Thanks, bro. I don't only. I don't only agree with you. I emphasize everything that you just said. I mean, I emphasize it as well, bro, to be honest. Emphasize.

Giga Emphasize

I double hard to say that I giga emphasize it. Well, your giga emphasize just gave me a gigaboose, bro. I might just keep going. Listen. Yep. You're gonna have to wait 30 to 40 minutes to keep going. Okay. No problem. I'm built for this bark. No, you got. Dude, no, no. Do you think these are show muscles or go muscles? If you're not a fucking quad trillionaire, then you are not even fucking close. If you don't have open your. If bitcoin doesn't go down 1% or bitcoin doesn't go up 1% and you didn't make $38 million because of that, then what are you doing? I'm a fucking bajillionaire. When bitcoin goes up 1%, you better be making ten figures, one bit.

Achieving Wealth

You're fucking around, huh? When bitcoin goes up 1%, I start buying private jets for my whole family. No. No. Fuck no. When? Listen, I eat ramen and I buy bitcoin. Just like doge mouse. DOJ mouse. Doge mouse. I think before DOJ Mouse sells his dogecoin, he will go homeless. Like, he will go live in a cardboard box before liquidating any of his dogecoin. I have a feeling that if Doge went to, like, $0.06, he would sell his mattress to buy more dogecoin. That's the level that he's on. Look, I mean, good strategy if it pays off. Yeah, but you better have that kind of conviction on yourself and on the shit that you're buying. 100%.

Sacrifices for Crypto

I've been donating all kinds of shit. Donating plasma, donated kidney. 70 grand. You donate one of those things, everyone's got 70 grand sitting in their fucking belly. Just get it out. Get it out. Take that shit out. You only need one. You only need one. So. All right, where are we at now? You told them everything they needed to know, shibo. Yup, yup. This is generational opportunity. Crypto has never been at a better price. So imagine if you were able to make 20 grand a month, 30 grand a month right now, when souls at 140. Bro. This is when I want to acquire crypto right fucking now. Bark. I want to acquire as much as humanly fucking possible right this second.

Urgency in Acquiring Crypto

Bark, right now. Yesterday, the day before that. Acquire the crypto. Acquire more crypto. Acquire, acquire more crypto. You think that they're f. Like, is this going in one ear and out the other, Bark? Or do you think that it's actually starting to click? Dude, they're not going hard enough. I'm sick and fucking tired of it, bark, to be honest. You might have monkey pot. You're sick and tired. You might have monkey pox. Oh, shit. Yeah, bro, do you have bumps all over your. Let's just. Let's put it this way. I'm sick and tired, and there's some bumps on the road, on the weenus. She boy. You sound. You sound sick, too.

Health and Accomplishments

What do you mean? Do you have a runny nose? You sound sicker than Lil Wayne, bro. A millionaire. I'm a young money king. How do you feel about this topic right now in detail? I'm a young money, cash money millionaire, yo. Right now I'm on project number 18 of cold Dming and cold contacting. I'm on 19, going through their safeguard, joining their TG. I say, who the fuck's in charge here? Put me in contact with who's in charge. Are you interested in joint doing a marketing push with Bark media? If I can't do that in the TG, then I'm sending a message. Well, first I'm trying to send them a message on x. Like, just go straight to the fucking point.

Focus and Marketing Strategies

If I can't do it on x, then I go into the TG and then I do there. So right now, though, I have every single. And what I do for each day is I make a new freaking watch list for those coins. Right now, I'm trying something new. Just keeping each of those tabs open one of my screens. So, like, I have 19 projects, 18 here that I'm looking at across the top of the board that I've contacted, and then I'm gonna go back through and, like, refollow up on them all day long so that I don't miss anything, you know, make sure that I freaking get that contact from when I said, who the fuck's in charge here? Because I'm already onto the next.

Critique on Performance

Shut up. Too much talking, dude. And then I brush my teeth and then I had breakfast, and then I went out. Notice, notice. Never. All he had to say was bark, give me a sole address. I have a hundred thousand dollars to send to you, but no, he's on 69 to 67 of fucking messages that lead to nowhere. Absolute terrible. Webb, what are you up today? What have you gotten accomplished? The day started, so what? 06:00 a.m. six. It's been 8 hours. What have you done with the past 8 hours? I've participated in my space, sent out a couple of posts. Nothing, nothing.

Accusations of Inactivity

Shut up. Yeah, you got it. You got me. Got me. But no, actually, no. Are you high? Are you high? Are you high? Are you high? Are you high? Listen here, motherfucker. He asked you a question. Are you? What do you mean you haven't smoked since this morning? What the fuck is that? Me, I linked up with solo. I got something cooking. Look, look, I didn't ask. Look, I didn't ask for your. For your fucking documentary, okay? I don't need to know what you did. What you did. I asked, what have you accomplished?

Expectation of Results

And all I hear is that I'm not high anymore since I smoked this morning. Absolutely fucking terrible. Yo, I garbage, crg, how we cooking today? Where's the, where's the monkey pox song? Everything already getting cooked up, man. Yo, dude, shit's in progress. I'm working on it. I'm. Here's it. You know. You know it's here. Do you know you're supposed to say shit you already know? I got. You run it and then you have. You're already on wide spectrum, blanket, method, the whole nine. And you play the. And you play the master track. This shit is getting.

Addressing Disorganization

This is getting out of hand, gentlemen. Or you could just wait for greatness. They'll tell themselves whatever. Listen, procrastinators will tell themselves anything, whatever they need to tell themselves. Like, oh, my gosh, why isn't the work done? Well, if I just tell myself, everything waiting for greatness. Absolutely not. We make. We force greatness to happen in a short amount of time. That's the difference. So diamonds are made under all that pressure? You wouldn't understand. Tall, what do we do? What are we up today? So I finished my graphic for converting my.

Pending Projects

My other account. I'm planning on converting that to page similar to what web has done. Did you just tell me. I said, what have you done today? You told me that you're planning on converting an account like you're planning on it. Because I was planning on. I was planning on a million dollars to get delivered to my doorstep by one of you. And that hasn't happened yet. Well, bark, it's going to be done. I said planning because it's in the process. I've already finished the logo. I made the logo myself.

Productivity Report

That's done. I also set something up on Fiverr. I'm waiting for the file to come back for audio, for intros. What? You have two professional, full time, out of this world graphic designers that specialize in fucking vectors and hectors for web three brands. They understand web three, then they know who you are and they're legit. And you've made the logo yourself? Yeah, I mean, I've been trying to get packed to do my banner for the last month and a half, and that shit hasn't been done, so I just did it myself. No, this is literally what happened.

Plans and Progress

A lot of planning. There we go. Forgot to hit that button. I hear a lot of plannings and tryings and thinkings and wantings and hopings and gropings and throbbing and all kinds of shit, but not one of them has said, bark, send your fucking metamask. Send your Solana address. We got a big one. I was supposed to be sending the calendly. Not only have they. Not only has no one delivered the biggest deal of all time, the only person to even deliver a deal was ace. And then he fucked off. He's like, I'm just gonna bring you guys deals from now on.

Critique on Deal Deliveries

He's the best and the brightest. You're telling me. Aces. Aces leading the pack. I mean, this guy fucking quit and he's closing deals and taking blue shoes. Yo, Shibo. Yeah, yeah. She boat. Tell me what you think of all of this. Listen, bro, it's a numbers game king. It comes off new, tells us about all the numbers that he's achieving and this, and all these deals he's gonna bring in. Yet nothing has materialized. I would never sit here and try to yap about my plans if. I don't know if the plans are gonna work.

Need for Accountability

King Ann, I'm tired of hearing about it at this point. I'm really tired of hearing about it. I feel like you're giving me lip service, no homo. And that there's nothing that's gonna materialize from this. I need you guys to really put your heads together and figure out how you guys can really contribute, you know? Really, really contribute. I'm not saying. Listen, guys, we could keep finding you these. Like, we could keep bringing in business. We're not, we're good. We could say fuck all this and just bring in business just for bark books and she bought and be printing.

Common Goal for Success

But that's not the goal. The goal was to get everybody around us to be making bank. So if we're gonna achieve that and become a Chad ass group of people, dare I say the richest cabal of all cabals, because everybody's making money. It's gonna take some. It's gonna take some strategy. You guys are gonna have to strategize together. How are you gonna put food on everybody's table? Should be like the number one thing you're worrying about when you start your day. I don't know. I don't think they're ready. Bark, is anything ready at this point? I really don't think so, bro. I really don't think so.

Opposing Perspectives

I really don't think so. I really don't think so. I want to do better. Where the hell are we? I don't know, bro. I know. I'm thirsty as fuck right now though. Water, bro. It's been like. Yes, been like three days. And to acquire more crystal, I'm getting. A little bit hungry, bro. I'm kind of seasick, bro. Maybe you could fish. Get him to do it. Get him to do it, man. Let me ask. You, what do you say? He said he's gonna do it.

Fishing and Entertainment

I bet he said he's gonna go fishing for us, man. That's some clear water, man. This shit looks like one of them fucking. This looks like the fire festival water from Billy McFarland. Is that clear? Wow, bro, we must be in Aruba. Wait, is this the case? Is this the Cancun resort you can tell me about? I see, I see the resort. I'm waving my bar. I don't think they see us, bro. They're all fucked up in the pool. It's the fucking open bar, bro. That guy hasn't left the open bar.

Community Engagement

We want to get in at the same time everyone else does. We're not trying to obviously use the community as exit liquidity or anything like that, which I've said to them multiple times. And if you didn't know, there's like 33 people now that are highly trained in order to do this. So we're just trying to look for clues in order to give information to everybody else.

Snipe Challenges and Community Trust

So when you're sniping a coin and you're going about doing that with a group of 33 people, do you find that's difficult? I'm sure you've had already kicked people out, right? Because they've like dumped on like the whole entire group, right? I'm sure that's already happened. Yeah, it's happened, but it wasn't people that were trying to dump on the group. It was people that were trying to steal other people's plays in order to share it into paid telegram chats.

Learning and Scanning Practices

So those people have been removed because we're just do scans. And I'm trying to teach people how to find stuff early. And once that happens, and I noticed that by looking at and tracking it on blockchain, those people get removed from the chat because it's people that are trying to learn. They're trying to do their own scans, see what they're trying to look for, and they're doing very small buys.

Risk Assessment

So you got to think of what kind of shithead type of person is going to try and front run someone who only has, like, $10 to their name, that's trying to make their $10 turn into 20 in order to do a buy right afterwards and put five soul into it to try and dump on their head so they get ejected immediately once I find that out.

Visuals and Symbolism

But good to know that the snipers have been called off on this. I don't think there's really anything else to say about the image other than the shark in the back. I don't know what that's about, but anyone. Well, there's other images that you can see also on the casino machine, the slot machine that's there. As far as having the. The. I guess you could say the cherries that are involved in there if you know the background as far as, like, cherry HQ.

Community Origins

You can see it in almost every single scene. So you can get a general idea of, like, what's this is all about and what's going to be happening in the future. What was Cherry HQ? It was a marketing company that was going to be made in order to do the same exact thing that we're doing now. But when it first started, it didn't really get too much notice from it because of what was going on with everyone that just any chance that they could.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Would try to shit on the community from the beginning. Interesting. Okay. I didn't know that. So that was before bark media or that was like, in, like, coalition, like, with bark media. It was more like a partnership that was going to be developed with other people that were big kols, I guess you could say, that were inside of the space that decided to partner up in order to come together.

Trust Issues

But it's just the person that's also sitting at the bottom of the sea that was involved, that had the, I guess, facility in order to start something like that off the ground in order to. For them to, like, partnership with. But that person individually has a. How would you call it? He's mostly only about himself and only about himself making money and never really cared about anybody else.

Consequences of Associations

So whenever you get involved with him, a lot of things go south afterwards, which all of us have learned. That's why we don't associate with that person anymore. Interesting. Okay. Yeah, I think. I think we onto something, though. I mean, I have a. I have a really good idea of what's going on. It's just I don't know how much I'm supposed to actually say.

Discussing Platforms

I mean, that was what you on stage for, my boy. Yeah, but I feel like I'm going to get muted when I go too far into detail. Well, let's see. Let's test it. Come on. Well, if you look at the individual images and stuff like that, like starting from the beginning, obviously, there's a meta that's starting. So it's something that's popular, you know, sold back up in price.

Marketing and Rebranding

Which we've been mentioned before by the host and co hosts that are up on stage, that eventually we're going to have to go into a rebranding for an individual pre sale that we race. And from that, we're going to have to rebrand the entire name of the ticker and everything because it got so much fud on it. If you remember from that, the one that I'm talking about, I don't need to describe.

Increasing Visibility

Everyone should be on the same page. If you've been around long enough, anytime we tried to go and do a Twitter account that would get removed, it would get banned, it would get canceled. So even like the one that has been recently created, again, I won't mention already following that account, which I'm not going to post about or tweet about, because I don't want that one to get banned until it can get verified, which takes a couple days.

Token Speculations

So when I saw it first pop up, I decided to follow that account. But for me, it looks like it's going to be, this new token is going to be the new version of money glitch, but it's not going to have the same exact name. But as far as what was accumulated in the LP is what's going to be dispersed into this individual token. And now we're just waiting on further details.

Possible Outcomes

I mean, pretty much, yeah. Well, you got all the way through it without getting muted. That was. I don't think. I mean, I think that was already. I mean, we already kind of figured that part. I thought you were going to say something more. I was, but I feel like if I start going into the Kucoin, recent transactions and stuff like that, I might possibly get muted.

Transaction Dynamics

Well, let's see. Let's test it out. How would you even see something coming out of Kucoin? Because, I mean, that's where this was already talked about previously in this space. That's where the money washed in before. Because when you do these kind of things, you want to make sure nothing gets found early. So it washed through Kucoin.

Tracking Withdrawals

You're saying that there's money coming out. Of Kucoin being sent out and deposited in the same accounts that were the receivers and senders of the same exact address that had the majority of the supply before it was split into those individual wallets. So when the transactions come back, if you're actually tracking it and you see it being funding by the same exchange like Kucoin, and you see money getting sent back into the same exact wallet with.

Financial Gains

Again, obviously everyone's on mute, but, you know, big ups to you guys for actually doing that, because when you transferred over, you actually did a swap as well, which means that the money that was sent in was actually secured, and it looks like it was transferred back over. When Seoul dropped down, it looks like the first one was around $112 in Sol. So if we sent in around 190 and then it was converted and stabled over to USDC using Kucoin when it was sent back in order to be purchased, that means that 197 at close to $1.3 million, again got transferred into USDC.

Investment Strategies

And then when Seoul dropped down to about 111, 112, that USDC money was used in order to purchase Seoul again at that low number. And now that we're back up, that means we're close to almost a 40% increase on the total amount of money that was actually sent into that presale. So, theoretically, that would be a pretty fucking sick money glitch.

Community Support

No, that is a money. Wait, so for one, you're telling me anyone that footed this, that said, oh, yeah, like, things were getting drained, like they knew what they were doing, they moved the money to Kucoin. And not only that, if you put money in and you supported the project, and we're faithful, you've got more money now than when you originally put it in? Yeah, about a 40% increase.

Distribution Considerations

And now if you're going to be going into tokens and distribution of tokens, after all of us retweeting and actually fucking engaging what we've been asked to over and over again, once this thing launches and comes out, as far as whatever money you put in, it's going to be significantly higher than what you thought you were going to get back.

Continuing Conversations

Excuse me, Mc. I don't know if you guys realize. All right. And Alex, I think, lost two necklaces in the water last time. And if you look at the shark. That just goes to show you, though, to make sure you guys are, Max, engaging with these posts. I know it is the weekend. I know, like people. You guys, I've been doing this for a few days now, but don't let off on the gas.

Engagement Importance

Can you guys hear me really close? I don't think. I don't think talk. Every single engagement matters. Oh, no, no. I can't. I can't. Sorry. I'll be quiet, MC bro. I don't know, guys. Like, what do you think about Alex losing two necklaces in the water? Now, we can see there is two expensive necklaces. And if you look at the shark, he has an a on his nose, but I don't know why his eyes look like a music note.

Symbolism in Discussion

I don't know if you guys saw that. Yes. That's because Alex's alt account is called music. If you haven't been around long enough. Yep. No, I didn't know because last time people thought it was him, like on the boat, kind of a representation of him. Yeah, you're getting it, Stone. You're getting it.

Imagery and Interpretations

I definitely is. It's hard. And do you guys know what is the fox in the water? Kind of. The mochi cat is what you talking about. Oh, do you think it's a mochi cat in the bottom? Yeah. Yeah. Like a one. They got monkey pots. Yeah, yeah. Oh. The mookie.

Unexpected Connections

The monkey look like she bo a little bit. Like in real life, right? No, not in real life. In real life. I sent you a picture, I think last time I showed you how it looks like in real life. Tell you one thing, and that's a rap, folks. Gonna be a lot of fun doing this.

Microphone and Community Symbolism

Do you guys know what, why there's a sponge with the mic? Make the microphone float. Yeah. I mean, you get. That's the pop filter. No, no, I make it float. Do what? No, I do it. Make it float. You can't. It can't.

Analytical Perspectives

If it was just a microphone, it wouldn't float like that. That's a good point. Well, I think. I think what it is so if you look underneath the microphone there, if you look at the shape, it's the. I believe that's the bark media logo. And so it's, like, kind of a metaphor for the voices of bark media being like, silenced and put under, like being held down and being like, put underwater and the old account, like, that's my thought process, but that's just me.

Historical References

It sounds very good. That was a very good doubt. Yeah. But I thought Webb was the police web. Like, tell us, bro. Come on. Police? Yeah, right now. And what did you guys say about the number two mc? Anything. Anything. That's someone who's been here since day one. Oh, somebody.

Ongoing Discussions

Somebody said the sponge is web three exposed books's old show. But why would it be that? Just curious. I have no idea. Like, I don't, like, here's the thing with me trying to decipher these things. It's, I don't know, all the history, brother. Like, I wasn't here at the beginning.

The Evolving Narrative

I came in like part of the way through the journey. No, for sure. I'm just curious. Why would be that? That's all. Yeah, I'm gonna say, em, say listen. Anything else you want to share, brother, about the experience? The whole ride, they're on point with the sponge and the microphone.

Sharing of Experiences

That was like one of books's main emojis that he had into all the spaces that he did, which the spaces were very popular ones that I would constantly attend all the time. A lot of information was shared in that space all the time. But after we started to go into a, another token that were going to do, and books being the type of person that he is and didn't want anyone to try and like wreck the community of people that were invested into it.

Community Dissonance

He didn't share any information with anybody else that was on that stage, whether it was co host or other speakers, people that would constantly show up and like grovel at his feet. Once they started doing that individual project, he would not share any information with those people. And because of that, all those people turned on him.

Lessons Learned

And which is why it's showing that sponge and microphone taped to a brick at the bottom of the ocean, because now that's exactly how that people's fucking engagement is right now. That's all I want you to say. That's all I want you to say, brother. Imagine people you never met in your life try to tell someone you know in real life who's never done you wrong is a piece of shit, only to find out those people are exact pieces of shit that they claim he is to be and others are.

Trust Among Peers

And you have someone like MC, you get really close with and all he does is just verify everything your buddy from real life has said about every other fucking loser in this space. It's good to feel. Have a great instinct. Thank you, MC. Thank you, bookspark and Sheba as always. And thank you for the whole community. Love you guys.

Community Bonds

Holy kiss fest. Yeah, listen, have we. Hey, Web. Hey, Web, put the weed down cuz we already solved it. Don't worry about it. But we talked about why the coin that the monkey is fishing with is the only coin that's glowing. That would be symbolism of, like, the. The coin was his.

Symbolism and Meaning

That's his coin because he touched it, right? So obviously he's infected. So that. What does that do to the token, though? So, like, does that change the token in any way? But brothers, don't you think the monkeys represent different communities? The mouth of the monkey in the next.

Artwork Analysis

The first picture, the picture before this one, and I feel like this one represent also the community. Put he jabs on. No. What's the number two stand for? I don't know. All right, jabs. We got. We got a weird looking Solana token, number two. This is straight speculation, but like, what if it was a.

Token Dynamics

What do they call them shits with the Solana, the token and the picture together? What is that, a four? No, us 404 on east. What's the cause on soul? Oh, you tell my. I know what you talking about, but I don't know. Someone said that the.

Discussions of Symbolism

The person being stabbed. Oh, you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. You know the terminology? When you have a token in a fucking NFP on Solana paired together, it's. Called an SPL 404. Goddamn four.

Symbolic Representations

That's also stopped with the fucking rampage at the bottom of the water as well. That's not mochi cat. That's actually fluffy. I don't know if you remember that shit. Yes. That's not mochi cat. Oh, yeah, I'm told the guy didn't make perfect sense.

Community Reflections

Fucking fluffy. The token is fucked up. And there's a number two that makes like, let's log in. That's the fucking shit I was talking about. Fuck out of here. Don't play with me, bam. Laugh all you want. I'm going back to smoking fucking weed.

Moving Forward

All right, well, anyway, somebody said that or low said that the. The person was bark the builder or something. It was like a Defi ape PFP that had, like, sunglasses across the face and, like, a hard hat. I don't know if that's accurate or not, though. Yeah, that's accurate.

Defining Community Assets

That's what is one of his defi apes were before he went over to the golden hoodie when they started doing the whole golden hoodie Dow. Gotcha. Okay. All of these images are just depicting things that have happened within this community over time.

Collective Path

There's all different types of key points to this whole entire. All this imagery, all this artwork that's going on and showing you the entire past. So as it prolongs and starts to continue, then you'll start to see the images change, which is going to be, like, the shakeup of changing everything out.

Historical Contexts

And, yeah, you're on to something as far as, like, the monkeys go. And all the ones that were still trapped over there were the ones that didn't want to be around the infected, because that's what were being called. As far as, like, the question mark community, were all considered to be, like, infected, I guess, in this space, and it seems like the one from this, the only one that was infected, is the only one that actually made it out.

Evolving Narratives

Interesting. Anyone recording this whole making a movie out of this, or is it? Yeah, it's gonna be on Netflix. So. What if it's on two chains? I don't know why you would want to defy liquidity like that.

Token Mechanics

And also, like, gas fees and tokenomics and all that. It just, like, it wouldn't. I don't know. What if it's doge, though? What rules on dogecoin? I mean, like, if it were to be on Dogecoin, you wouldn't get any volume.

Volume Concerns

It wouldn't be good. You'd be talking about wouldn't get any volume. It wouldn't get any volume. We already did that tall before you bought your PFP. We already did that. So don't we, like, we're the ones that brought volume two, doge, so don't say we can't replicate that shit the fuck out of here.

Solana Insights

Well, I mean, with the Dojanos, with the. The ordinals, right? Not with other things. Did we not, or did we. We've been on Solana, like, straight Solana fiends.

Discussions on Potential

Right, but there's no. There's no meme coins built on those coin, is there? Yeah. Or no? Am I wrong? DRc's. DRc's. But it's just the platform itself isn't set up in order to do, like, easy versions of trades.

Complex Market Dynamics

So when you're doing any type of, I guess, meme coins that would be for DRC's on doge, you have to do it in bundled pairs, which a lot of people, like, would steer clear of as far as it is now, because like I said, you could have someone that starts a individual DRC, and then what they do is they buy up all of the supply and then start to individually bundle small amounts.

Manipulation Concerns

Like, say you have, like, a thousand coins they'll set for a certain price, and if you're the owner of their project, you start stacking that up. And that's what I was saying before. That's exactly what eight bit did. He was saying it was a new token that was coming out. It was going to be fucking great.

Founder's Influence

But he was actually the founder of that token that was trying to push it on the community. And every time you would buy into it and then you wanted to go and actually sell, you would never get a sell on it unless other people were buying in.

Community Lessons

Interesting. Okay. It would make sense to tie in doge with the old eight bit symbolism down there. So, plus, like, yo, so what else has been cooking, like, a marketplace? Like, so who knows how long that's been cooking for and what's going on with that?

Market Dynamics

I think that's more than likely bark the builder, because it would make sense with having, like, the savior being stabbed. Like, what bark was trying to do in terms of, like, just, like, helping people and providing value and wanting to start his own collection.

Unfortunate Events

And, like, as soon as he wanted to do that, from my understanding of what people have told me, because I wasn't there. He got stabbed, basically. No, but the skeleton got stabbed by the savior's sword.

Symbolic Death

So whoever the savior is, I feel. Like, stabbed the skeleton. I feel like the skeleton killed himself the way it is. No. The japanese style. Just like. Yes, it looks like he was dishonored.


And just killed himself. Yeah, I think it could be like. He cut his ponytail off and poked himself in the dick. Now, did somebody used to play, like, soul music during their intros, or.

Community Lore

No, I was looking at that part, too. I'm not sure. I don't recall that. Going through this whole entire campaign just really makes me realize how much history of things and that much lore of this community that I've missed since I came in.

Collective Learning

It's crazy to me. So I always got engaged, have real conversation with folks, even outside of spaces. This is the shit you hear. There's so much history in this community.

Remarkable Insights

It's absolutely insane. And I happen to be one of the people that actually saves all of this, because the way that my memory works is all based on photographs, which is why I collect so many screenshots, different spaces, everyone's profile pictures, when they change interactions that we have with people, comments that people leave recorded spaces even if they're not recorded.

Historical Documentation

I just save all the information because it's easier to remember as far as, like, a story. If all the information that I had was brought into anything that would be, like, a short form video, it would be like one of the greatest movies that you would ever see as far as a statement of what web three is and how it starts.

Ending Remarks

Interesting. Okay, well, that's all. All good to know. I don't really have anything else to say, I think. Anyone else have anything they wanted add?

Concluding Thoughts

Yeah, those guys are. What's with shark doing lurking, like, so why is he lurking? Who was the shark and what are they lurking for, man? I've been trying to figure out the shark part for the longest, bro.

Identifying the Shark

Why would it be Alex? Because he's the shark. Alex has always been the shark. That is, he hides in other listeners of every single one of our projects.

Lurking Characteristics

Anything that we go to push, he's always hiding underneath the water, lurking for things in the liquidity pool. That's who's always been in other listeners waiting for us to talk about stuff, because that's who Alex is.

Opportunism in the Market

He's an opportunist. It's not like he's a bad person, but he's. He's here in order to make money. That's. That's why he's always been here. Alex has a lot of fucking money.

Acquisition Strategies

He's made a lot of money in this space. I mean. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead, bro. So the dot. The dots on the shark, is that. I'm gonna sound stupid because I don't know.

Symbolism in Art

Is that like Morse code? Like a pattern? Little dot, big dot, possibly web. Little dot, little dot, big dot, little dot, big dot, little dot, big dot. Go tick.

Identifying Patterns

I don't. It's. That's Morse code, is it not? I don't know. Could be, though. No more Morse code will have dashes that are in between. That's not Morse code.

Artistic Interpretations

That's just the artist's individual, like, drawing itself of what the actual shark is. For. Sure. If you wanted. If you wanted to go off on a tangent, then, yeah, that would make it more similar to it possibly being Alex himself because of those dots would correlate with the actual dots that are on his individual PFP, seeing as how he is a lizard.

Creative Insights

Yeah. Oh, man. Yo, keep smoking weed. MC, right. On the chart. There is four lines, and Alex is like, four letters. Yeah. You keep smoking weed, too.

Communicating Ideas

No, bro, you should stop like a mushrooms and web, stop smoking weed. Maybe you guys will get it quicker. No, we know if I do mushrooms, I get it quicker. I know I need to hit it back.

Final Thoughts

Okay, try. Try and show us. Nobody's got anything else to say? Yes. Bottom is like a. Like a music disc. Because I see ou soul. Oh, I don't know.

Artistic Elements

Right next to. To the microphone. I thought it was a tire first, but it's not. It's like a V. Neil, I think. I don't know. You call that vinyl? Vinyl, yeah.

Music Symbolism

But it's written soul, I think, on it, so maybe someone who used to listen. Oh, you guys saw it? Saw it already.

Understanding the Imagery

yeah, but that's what it say, though, for sure. No, you look at the goddamn shark's nose. It looks like a goddamn Xbox control. Yes, that's true, too.

Further Analysis

That's so true, too. Yeah, but it looks like a twin. And look at the eye. The eye of the shark looks like a music note. That's why people say the music note.


Yo, you know who had an account called music is Alex. Yeah, that's why. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's. That's not far fetched.

Identifying Characters

There's y'all on the song and four. Lines like Alex, four letters, and the small dick, too. No, I'm joking. Well, you're looking at the shark.

In-Depth Discussions

And I mean, not for nothing, but there was, like. There was a whole Morse code thing with fucking goddamn network token, too. So, like, the dots could still be, like, it could all just be symbolism on this fucking shark.

Exploring the Connections

Now, I'm starting to think that, you know, it could be. Could be out lurking now. It could be easily. But he's badged up, so what's he been lurking, doing?

Secrets and Strategies

Because these motherfuckers history. No, listen, it's history. But these motherfuckers could have all been cooking together for a long time.

Untold Histories

And, like, y'all don't even know. Like, a lot of this shit could be part of him, too. I don't know. If you guys see the rug behind it looks like a laying cat.

Hidden Symbolism

Right behind the dead man. The rock looks like a laying cat. Or is it me? I want to say I'm trying to smoke.

Concluding Remarks

What you smoking? No mushrooms today. Stone, third eye looks like a lion cat. Then on the left, what is. What do you guys think is on the left?

Exploring Imagery

Like, the pink and green thing on the left looks like a lizard or something like that. No, my monster I just saw. That is like coral.

Final Notes

Yeah, looks like. Guys, thanks. Box and books and she both making. A lot of c.

Cultural References

Is the Valhalla. Should a calendar sort of look like too? Or is it a keyboard? It's a keyboard for sure. It's definitely a keyboard.

Targeting Positions

Keyboard warrior. No, not. Not keyboard. Not keyboard warrior. If you remember when the community started getting the most fucking pushback and attack was when we.

Historical Interpretations

I think it was actually bark and Alex were the ones that started to call out that actual project Valhalla that it was going to be a rug. And then what they came out with after about a full year of raising all that money, which I think was like, what?

Community Reflections

Like 30 mil? And everyone didn't know what the fuck was going on. And then they came out with a fucking goddamn custom made keyboard. And that's what their utility was for their whole fucking project.

Historical Context

And they called that shit early as hell and got so much slander from it that people's accounts started getting reported and fucking disabled. And that's. That's what that is hilarious.

Personal Reflections

You guys. I freaking love this. Is the helmet dented from the top. Because of the brick you got hittain it. Not going to keep coming up from the only one talking. I'm just mind blown by how much history.

Community Depth

Like, I knew it was a lot of shit, bro, but God damn, it's even. It's even more shit then I'm trying to write. This should take notes.

Learning Experience

So I gotta. Yeah, I'm just extremely entertaining. I know. Everybody else shocked to grits competitive to your. How real does this shit go?

Realism in Discussions

Hey, man, everything operate like. Like the streets do, bro. That's this just web three streets, bro. This is the same type of shit, you know what I mean?

Contextual Understanding

So it's just the same shit, just in a different format. But it's crazy that is this much of it, you know what I mean? Like, I guess. I guess I put it in perspective.

Perspective on History

I understand how people look at me when I get to telling them about Chicago history and shit like that. It's the same. Cuz I'm fucking mind blowing.

Final Imagery Exploration

I'm going back to the other pictures now, trying to look based on what I'm seeing. Told me to see how any of that should relate to what he's saying, that, which is. That's crazy.

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