Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Crypto Arena present X Space Marvin AMA | $100 USDT Giveaway hosted by CryptoArena_Co. The Crypto Arena X Space Marvin AMA offers a deep dive into the world of crypto marketing and partnerships. Participants gain insights into the importance of research, affiliate collaborations, and engaging with the community through AMAs and giveaways. The discussion highlights the significance of strategic hashtag use for visibility and growth in the crypto space. Overall, the AMA session provides a valuable platform for both experienced and beginner crypto enthusiasts to learn, engage, and network.

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Q: Why is DYOR important in the crypto space?
A: DYOR empowers investors to make educated decisions and avoid scams.

Q: How do affiliate partnerships benefit crypto projects?
A: Affiliate partnerships help in marketing, driving traffic, and expanding project awareness.

Q: What are the advantages of engaging in AMAs?
A: AMAs allow for direct interaction with the community, sharing insights, and building trust.

Q: What is the impact of crypto giveaways on community engagement?
A: Crypto giveaways boost participation, attract new users, and create buzz around projects.

Q: How can hashtags enhance visibility in the crypto community?
A: Hashtags like #BNB, #ETH, #ARB, and ZkSync can increase discoverability and engagement on social media platforms.


Time: 00:15:42
Importance of DYOR in Crypto Discussion on the significance of conducting thorough research before investing.

Time: 00:25:59
Affiliate Partnerships in Crypto Exploring how affiliates support crypto projects' growth and marketing strategies.

Time: 00:35:17
Insights from Crypto AMAs Learning from experts and gaining valuable insights through AMAs.

Time: 00:45:21
$100 USDT Giveaway Details on the ongoing giveaway and its impact on community engagement.

Time: 00:55:37
Hashtags for Crypto Visibility Maximizing reach and engagement using popular crypto hashtags like #BNB, #ETH, #ARB, and ZkSync.

Key Takeaways

  • DYOR (Do Your Own Research) is crucial in the crypto space to make informed investment decisions.
  • Affiliate partnerships play a significant role in promoting crypto projects and expanding reach.
  • Engaging in AMAs can provide valuable information and insights from experts in the field.
  • Crypto giveaways like the $100 USDT giveaway attract community engagement and interest.
  • Utilizing hashtags like #BNB, #ETH, #ARB, and ZkSync can enhance visibility and reach in the crypto community.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hello, everyone. Can you guys hear me? I think we already have our guest joined here. I think Mister Raven, I'm seeing his. Hello, Ernest. If you're hearing me right now, can you maybe give the access for the microphone to mister? Oh, there we go. Hello, Mister Raven. Or am I correct with mister? Yep, you're right. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Yeah, it's a pleasure to have you here. Nice to meet you, Mister Ravenous. Okay, so is it okay if we wait for a minute or two so we can wait for more community members to come in? Sure. Okay, wonderful. So once again, guys, to the people who are already joined in our space for today. Welcome to crypto arena. And of course, we will be starting our aim in just a few minutes, so I hope you guys can check out the social media links of Marvin that are, that is, that are already posted in our telegram community as we are still waiting. Okay, thank you so much, Mister Raven. And yep. Yep. All right, just let me know when it starts. I'll be here. We can just wait a little bit. Yeah, okay. For sure. Mister Evan, thank you very much.

Meeting Formalities

All right, Caitlin, I think we're good to start. People are coming in, right? Yep, people are coming in. So Mister Raven, are you ready? Absolutely. Okay, so first, let me welcome everyone to our Ama for today. So hello, everyone. Hello, crypto arena community. Welcome back to another x space Ama. And today, guys, of course, we will be getting to know more about Marvin. So for today's AMa, we will be joined by Mister Ravenous. Mister Raven will be the one to be with us today, of course, on this Ama to answer all of the questions that we have about Marvin. So hello, Mister Raven. Thank you very much for being here. We appreciate your effort to be in our community to speak with us today. Thank you so much and welcome. Thank you for having me. It's an honor to be here. I've been, you know, around the puppies ecosystem for quite a while, and I am a true fan.

Community and Vision

I am the one who is always there to support the community and to underline the main values and goals of the community as well. Yeah, as well. I can also probably introduce myself very quick. I am a bitcoin maxi, just a regular bitcoin moxie at Djenan, you may say so as well. I am a person with a pretty diverse vision, I would say, on the crypto itself and the web three. So I'm just Persona, I'm just a character in this crypto space that supports some of the projects that are really close to my heart. Thank you so much, Mister Raven. That was a really amazing introduction from you. Once again, it's very nice to meet you. So thank you very much once again for your presence. We appreciate it. Thank you very much. It's an honor for our community to have you here.

Basics of Marvin Coin

Okay, so to get our ama started, Mister Raven, of course, let us start with the basics about Marvin. So Mister Raven, can you maybe give us an introduction that can introduce to everyone what Marvin coin is all about? And also can you outline to us what are the main objectives, mission and vision of the project? Sure. So Marvin is actually the latest trend in the crypto space. It is part of the puppies community, of the puppies ecosystem. It is one of the latest tokens that you can actually have latest coins. So for the people that want to have a very deep understanding of Marvin, you can follow marvincoin.com and you will actually get the full introduction and the full information on that. But of course, before that, saying that we have the story that is coming up with the how did Marvin start? So Marvin, in our understanding, is a personal pet of Elon Musk.

Charitable Initiatives and Community Impact

Because Musk's family, Elon and both main masks, they were actually interacting with the puppy's ecosystem for quite a while. So basically, the community decided to make this kind of special pet, a special doggy, a special puppy, specifically only for Elon Musk. All right. And just as well. In general, we are like, the mission of Marvin's is actually a charitable mission. At the heart of the Marvin community lies a commitment not only to drive financial innovation, but also to make a meaningful impact on the world. Because Marvin's charitable initiatives focus on rescuing stray dogs, of course, providing them with food, medical care, love, and safe homes. Combining. So by combining digital currency and animal welfare, puppy's ecosystem is aiming to build a community that helps both people and pets thrive. So this is just a simple introduction, I would say. And this is just something that I feel like what comes to my mind when we mention Marvin.

Inspiration Behind Marvin Coin

Thank you so much for that. That was actually a great introduction, and I believe that really helped everyone who are listening to us to have a better understanding of the project. I have more questions about the information that you mentioned just earlier, but still, let me proceed with the following questions. So still with the basics, Mister Raven? Actually, it's very interesting that you guys integrated the concept of the animal wellness as well. I'm really interested on that. Can you tell us what exactly is the main inspiration that drove the team to create MArvin coin from the love of dogs or for the love of animals? Are there any specific things that pushed you guys to create this project? Yeah. So, as I already said, like, the main inspiration was, of course, the support that we saw from the Elon Musk and May musk.


So basically, the Musk Family, they're in LOve with puppies, specifically with, if we talk about animals, we talk about dogs and specifically puppies. So the small dogs. So this is something that we saw on, like, 24 February. There was the post by Elon Musk in the very beginning of the. Of this whole ecosystem and community. And like, just starting from that was the history because there was the puppies community, created the puppies ecosystem as well. And then after that, we got huge interactions with mainly Maymask, but also with the Elon Musk's Twitter accounts. We had some reposts, we had some likes. We also probably had one or two comments from May mask herself, the mom of Elon Musk as well.

The Beginning of Marvin's Story

So this is the story of how it all started. And now if we come up to Marvin, and as I said already, Marvin is supposed to be served as the main pet of Elon Musk himself. So we basically used our imagination as a community. All of our concerns about did Elon Musk that, you know, he actually loves puppies and he loves dogs. So we came up with this, like, mystical creature that is called Marvin. It is a name of a puppy. It is the name of a puppy that would be just serving to Elon Musk as a personal pet. Yeah. But basically that's it.

Curiosity About the Crypto Market

Thank you very much, Mister Raven. That was a really amazing explanation about the inspiration and all. So now we're more curious into getting to know more about it. So another question, Mister Raven. Of course, let's toggle a little bit about the general market of crypto. So we know how meme coins are very popular these days. Right? So basically, here in the crypto space, competition is not something that you can eliminate. Right. So my question for you, Mister Raven, is can you tell us what makes Marvin coin different from other meme coins out there? And of course, in support with this, what is your strongest competitive advantage or competitive edge against maybe similar meme coins out there?

Marvin Coin's Unique Features

Sure. Sure. There are actually several very strong points, like ground points that we can come up here. So first of all is, of course, it's all about, you know, web three. It's about the crypto space. It's about the meme, you know, this meme industry and this meme concept as well. So Marvin brings a playful twist to the crypto world with his adorable fluffy charm and making our investments journey delightful as well. There is the innovative investment, of course, it's something that will try to do the innovative way because Marvin actually brings, it brings big growth potential as well. Because if you just take a look at the puppies ecosystem and the projects and coins that it had throughout its story like history, you will see that history might repeat itself and we can actually reach 40 million market cap.

Community and Accessibility Benefits

Again, what some point as well, there is a dynamic mechanism as well, because the whole community is so wide and abroad all over Twitter, so it can actually make the accessibility to big guys, Mario Knofel or Elon Musk's accounts much more easier because the algorithms are actually seeing that there is a big organic and natural cooperation between the community members, of course, as well. We have a global community. This is one of the strongest points, because in Twitter, there are a lot of different algorithms that are just seeing if all the interactions have been made from one small, specific region or was it made from a lot of different ips. So we have the global community, which will actually help us to boost our Twitter operational part as well.

Events and Community Engagement

There are a lot of exciting events offline and online as well from the official account, both the Papiza official account and the Marvin one. So you can actually participate and even ask questions as the community member if you just join some of the Twitter spaces that are being held by our members, and also the offline events such as the rescue charities, the rescue missions. But I'm going to talk about it a little bit later. So I would probably say that these are the main standing points on what makes puppies different to something else. And of course, the main thing is, in my opinion, is the value something.

Value in the Community's Mission

There are so many meme projects, there's so many different animal projects, animal coins on, you know, like web three and crypto, but very few of them actually provide a real value to this world. Whereas the community, the puppies community in the Marvin especially, it's going to make its own boost in making stray dog's life better with the rescue missions. Thank you so much for that, Mister Raven. That's, that's actually impressive. Thank you very much for explaining about, of course, and how you guys stand out from the competition.

Understanding Marvin Coin Tokenomics

So, moving forward to the next question. So basically, of course, you guys have the Marvin Coin, right? The Marvin meme coin, the meme token. So can you tell us more about this token? I mean, I know for sure that I don't know. Do you guys have utilities or. I know for most meme coins they actually don't have, but some integrate. Right. And also can you maybe explain to us how are your tokenomics designed? I mean, I think there's also part on your website where you talked about some percentages going to the charitable mission that you guys have.

Features of Marvin Coin's Tokenomics

So can you maybe just tell us more about the token and about the tokenomics? Yeah, so the token itself is of course being. We implemented the latest technology, so we made it extremely easy to access, extremely easy to buy, which is very important point, I would say. So we made all the very, let's say, difficult things look very simple. And just as for our old members of the community and even the upcoming new members of the community, we made it our best to make it as friendly, user friendly as possible, of course.

Transparency in Tokenomics

And if we talk about the tokenomics itself, so the circulation is 420 billion and the token mechanism is actually 50% pre sale plus 50% mobile pool, additional 50% which makes 100% out of it. So if we talk about the tokenomics itself, it is something that I personally see as very, you know, in this case I'd probably use a word of it is something transparent. So you know that most of the people, and like all of us, we can just see and how can, where is all the money going? How do the community, you know, use all of the rewards of the community, the bonuses and stuff like that?

Marvin's Tax Distribution Mechanism

So Marvin's tax distribution, we have a very smart tax system for a noble cause. So Marvin's tax distribution is designed to make a positive difference. With each transaction, 1% of the purchase tax is used to repurchase and burn tokens, reducing the total supply and enhancing value. Enhancing value. Of course, it is something that each and every meme coin and also like a coin such as Marvin actually needs.

Support for Stray Dog Rescue

Because if there is another 1% of the sales tax is dedicated to our stray dogs rescue fund, then it will be supporting global initiatives to help dogs in need. So this dual purpose mechanism not only aims to boost the token's value, but also contributes to the welfare of stray dogs. So as I already said, there's a buy tax of 1% for token repurchase and burn. And there is a sell tax, 1% allocated to stray dog rescue. So this is pretty much it.

Exploring Charitable Missions

Thank you for explaining that to us further. So if you guys would want to see of course, the detailed tokenomics of Marvin, you can check out their official website for more information. Talking about that, Mister Raven. Actually, the last part you've mentioned about the stray rescue fund. That is really interesting. I think that is called the Marvin's charitable mission, if I am not mistaken. So actually, I'm really interested on this, Mister Raven.

Personal Connection to Animal Rescue

Personally, I am housing 18 cats in my home right now, and I like feeding strays around my community. I like feeding dogs as well. And I actually have one dog, but it's on the other house. But I have this very big love for animals, and I also help some of the, you know, shelters, animal shelters who are rescuing some dogs who are abused, abandoned. So I can say that I'm really interested on what you guys are doing at Marvin.

Marvin's Charitable Mission Explained

So, talking about the charitable mission, Mister Raven, can you tell us more about this? I mean, how do you guys, I think you've already explained it from the tokenomics. I'll just ask the question, how are you involving Marvin in this cause of helping our fur friends? What exactly are you guys trying to achieve, of course, by this charitable mission?

Marvin's Commitment to Change and Rescue

Sure, sure. Yeah. Thank you for the questions. Your questions are very precise and on point, and it is very easy to actually answer them if we're like, they're very detailed, you know? So Marvin's charitable mission is, of course, as I said, it is the main thing that is providing value to this community, to this token, to this whole concept of a Marvin coin, let's say. So at the heart of the Marvin community lies a commitment to, not, you say, as I already said, not only to drive financial innovation, but also to make a meaningful impact on the world.

Community Impact and Future Goals

So if we come up, the Marvin community is more than just a group of crypto enthusiasts. It is a thriving and supportive network driven by shared passion for making a difference. So if we take a look on the rescue dogs missions before, they were, quite a lot of them made that were being held in Asia. But of course, we never stop just on this. We also are aiming in impacting. I mean, our ultimate goal is, of course, having ongoing rescue missions on almost all of the continents of our world.

Expanding Rescue Efforts on a Global Scale

So we already started with Asia. It's gonna go up to Europe as well at some point.

Connecting with Shelters Globally

We've already been connecting with some shelters in Europe, throughout Europe, mainly west Europe, I would say. So that will be like Germany, Spain, Italy, probably Portugal. Then, of course, there's the north american side. We have a pretty good community out in Canada as well as the US. So stray Dog's mission is something that we're aiming to achieve there as well. And then, of course, there's going to be the South America with the Brazil. We saw some interactions from the Brazil community as well, and Africa as well. So Nigeria and Ethiopia, there were some interest from helping not only us, but the whole community to see the impact that we can make throughout the world as well. And of course, last but not least, Australia and New Zealand. So this is the main mission that we have and of course, the main values of the community. All right, thank you. Back to you, Caitlin.

Inspiring Philanthropy

Thank you very much, Mister Raven. That was really actually inspiring. I mean, it's nice to know that you guys are really doing the act. I know. Like you mentioned earlier, there are other, I've encountered some meme projects out there as well, who also has the same, you know, charity mission to help the dogs, the cats, something like that. But it's actually my first time seeing a project that actually acts on it. But at the very bottom of my heart, Mister Raven, I am thanking the entire Marvin team for this very kind hearted act. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much, Mister Raven, for that. So another question. Let's move forward to another question. So, Mister Raven, can you lead us to, throughout the journey of Marvin, can you maybe enlighten us? And what has been the development progress of Marvin since you guys created this project? I mean, since from the very beginning? And how has your community grew over time?

Background Report on Marvin's Journey

Sure, sure. I'm just going to give you a quick, let's say, background report. So, as I've already said, you know, there was the Elon Musk tweet, the very famous one. So then the puppies community was born. Elon Musk, as we know, you know, the king of the memes every one or two years in the cryptocurrency world calls out a gold dog that has risen basically around 100 to 10,000 times or more. So he actually really loves the dog series. So we had, if you just take a look at the, throw an arrow into the history. So in 2020, we had Dogecoin 2021, we had the Shiba Inu. 2023, we had the floki. And the 2024 is, of course, the time for Marvin. Not only does Marvin have a strong IEP in the form of the Musk's dog series, but it also has a strong community. The community has a group of brothers and sisters who give freely, they work hard and continue to make sustained efforts to promote puppies.

Marvin's Community and Mission

The community also gives puppies a deeper meaning because I love Marvin community dedicated to rescuing stray dogs as already set and finding warm homes for these cute little animals. So we actually all hope that through the influence of Mister Musk and his family, the cute dog coin, Marvin will connect to more dog lovers around the world together for the rescue of stray dogs to fight for this cause. If we talk about now, at present, the community has set up a special rescue fund that has actually been working on all time in Chengdu and Hangzhou. Here out in China, they've successfully organized offline stray dog rescue station rescue activities. And of course, next, we're not stopping, just as I mentioned, we will rescue more stray dogs around the world. Looking forward to more and more people to join. So if we take a look at the Marvin timeline as well, there's also a thing that is called a Marvin voice. It is something that gives an open mic to the community where anyone can ask a question, share their own feelings, share their own emotions, excitement, maybe some feedback for the project as well.

Community Growth and Engagement

And if we talk about the number whys like the community numbers history, Marvin community is more than just a group of crypto enthusiasts. As I said, since its inception, the community has grown to over 10,000 holders and 500 active participants. From the very first numbers, such were like, I would say ten holders and maybe one active participant. And now we have 10,500 who are dedicated to both the success of Marvin and the welfare of straight up. So this is more or less the answer to your question. Thank you. Thank you very much, Mister Raven. That was really very impressive for Marvin and how you guys have been continuously doing all the efforts that you can in order to facilitate growth. Thank you so much for that.

Partnerships as a Growth Strategy

Okay, so another question. So Mister Raven, the following questions that I have for you are somewhat related to growth strategies. So first things first, let's talk about partnerships. Because we know how partnerships are very important, right? Basically, they help you with having more capabilities in your project. They're actually a great helping hand. So my question for you, Mister Raven, is can you tell us how do Marvin value partnerships as well as collaborative initiatives just like this one we're doing right now with the community? And also, can you name some of your current partners as of the moment? Yes, sure. As we all know, especially in 2024, you have to have strong partners in order to reach a place or a goal that you're all aiming for. So the mutual trust, the mutual boost is something that is very important in the web three game nowadays.

Collaboration and Future Prospects

So just as we, if we mentioned about the partnerships, of course, the most recent one that we have right now is the crypto arena one, for example, the one that we have right now at the moment, a $100 USDT giveaway, then we, throughout the history, as a puppies community. There were so many interactions and so many collaborations that we had with the different bridges we had the collaborations with even governmental structures for the stray dogs and for the dog welfare, charity funds and so on. And if we talk about more about the crypto space and web three, of course, one of our biggest partners so far that was providing us with the, let's say, boost and community and views and attention is may mask. May mask. She has been, you know, she has been actually interacting with the puppies community and Marvin now for quite a while. It was more than a year that we have her as even I would not gonna be afraid of this word a maybe a semi ambassador of this movement of this community because throughout, you know, the shout out of people like her, we can actually get a broader attention.

Impact of Community Engagement

And with the broader attention there's of course going to be the more community members, new community members and new investors and so on. And with this we can actually help and make this world better for our doggies, for our puppies and for each and everyone's personal. Marvin. Yeah, this is pretty much it. And I am very, I'm honored that we have all of these collaborations so far. That is very impressive. Thank you Mister Raven, for that. I mean it's nice to know that you guys are partnering up with the right people, of course that would potentially help you to grow and potentially help you expanding the community. So another driver basically for growth. We all know this is a very common fact, right? Especially for meme coins. We all know that one of the things that powers meme coins is the community.

Community's Role in Marvin's Success

So talking about that, Mister Raven, can you tell us how exactly is the community important for you guys? I mean, what role do the community play inside the Marvin project? And of course in terms of community building, can you tell us how will you guys strategize in order to of course expand your community further and of course to invite more people to come in? Oh yeah, sure. As you know, as the institution that is providing value through in the web three space we have to go through, of course we have to go the community way. All the things that we do, all the things that we seek for, all the things that we cherish has to be exactly the same way that the community is perceiving it. Otherwise, no project will ever get successful or even close to the word success without this bond with the community that you have.

Engagement Strategies for Community Growth

So the feedback is always very important for us. We have the, you know, this feedback system not only, let's say, you know, in these Twitter spaces that, where the people can just actually ask us questions. But also on our websites. So if you go on our website or if you go to the official Marvin Twitter page, there are links that can link you up to directly where you can leave your message and we will actually see it and we will respond to it at some point. Then of course we are very much delighted to have a community growth. And we already have it. So over 10,000 Marvin holders that we have right now, 500 active users. These are actually not a small numbers for this whole community power that I would say, or I would frame it this way. And then of course the engagement is very important. Regular updates from our side, regular events, organization from our side and interactive activities.

Community Engagement

Course, this is something that is used as an engine, as the driver for the community because, you know, it's not only about, you know, making it all, you know, it's like the feeling that you have that you're actually belonging to this community. So we have to go make it through the updates, the events and the interactive activities of both offline and online. And of course the charitable impact, the vision, the mission and the values. So the significant contributions to, you know, this whole ecosystem of puppies and Marvin, as well as the welfare projects. So the community has been always the main driver of us. So as we say or as we perceive it, we are only doing, even if we do it in a very hard work, it is just 1% of the work, the utter 99% always depends on our community and the performance of this whole Marvin movement that we have right now. This is also the message that I want to send to our old members and the new upcoming members as well.

Feedback and Interaction

Please interact with us. Please always leave your feedback because it's something that is important. You want yourself to be heard and you want yourself to get an evaluation. We want to have the evaluation of the things that we do. Maybe we do something that is way too over impacted or we are underperforming. So we always need to know that line to balance out how do we perceive ourselves as the community. That was very fantastic. Thank you so much Mister Raven. That was actually very insightful as well. So thank you very much. So to the people listening with us today, I hope you guys can check out the social media links of Marvin that we already shared in our telegram chat. So it's on the pinned messages in our chat. So make sure to join your telegram community. Drop in there and say hi.

Future Plans and Community Growth

And also guys, follow them on their official Twitter account for the regular updates and to stay posted to stay updated. And another thing that we can recommend you guys is of course by visiting their official website link for more detailed information that you can read about Marvin. Thank you so much, Mister Raven, once again for that. So I have one last question for you, Mister Raven. Just to wrap up our amy for today, let's talk a little bit about the future of Marvin. So can you share to us some of the future plans that you guys are planning? I mean, are there any developments or updates that is set forth to be released to the upcoming months? Maybe? Yeah, absolutely. So first of all, we want the, to have the broader implementation of, you know, new community members and the upcoming community members.

Joining the Community

So I would actually like to give out a very quick, you know, the way, how you can become a community member. So you can, you have to set up a wallet at Ethereum. You have to connect it to the Uniswap and swap Ethereum for Marvin. Then after confirming the transaction there, you know, you have to go through this process. You have to download a crypto wallet, install a compatible wallet like metamask or trust wallet, then deposit the Ethereum purchase or transfer Ethereum into your wallet to swap it for Marvin. This is the step number two. Step number three, use Uniswap to exchange your Ethereum for Marvin tokens, then confirm the transaction. And as soon as you do that, you will be considered basically as a part of the family. So you can actually follow Marvin on Coinmarketcap, the CMC. We need your interaction there as well.

Engagement and Value Contribution

Don't be shy to leave some of the comments, even honest comments about Marvin Coingecko as well. The major dexs you can find out there as well. Of course, the fodder itself, Elon Musk and his and platform, Twitter and moon. So these are basically the main ways how you can interact with us and how you can become a part of a project that truly brings a value to this world. All right, now if we also talk about the future of this Marvin movement, I actually perceive Marvin as a person from the movie that it's called the Marvin's room. There was this great movie of the Marvin's room back in the days and this, the word Marvin, the name Marvin is actually getting cutting very deep from that movie.

Marvin's Strength and Community Drive

That man was fragile on the inside but very strong on the outside. We have to understand that Marvin that we have right now is exactly the same thing. If without our interaction, without our constant drive to reach Elon Musk and May Mask's attention is not going to go through, maybe we will fail as the community because communities. We have to think and we have to drive the project to the same direction. So I actually, I'm shouting like giving a big shout to each and every one of you and the message as well. Let's stay strong as a part of the community and you will see that we can make great things all together. We can save puppies, we can save a lot of marvins throughout the world, our personal marvins as well. And we can actually gain from this as well.

Win-Win Situation

So this is all double win situation. All win situations from my point of view. And something that, it is truly the project that just burns my heart. It is something that is giving me the passion to work, to wake up, to see how we are changing the world to the better. And if we talk about the goals, of course, you know, we used to reach 40 million market cap back in the days. Now you're reaching the 40 million market cap is something that we just have to go through the same scenario. But then 50 million market, 100 million market is never the last stop. We have to become the new dogecoin.

Aiming for Industry Dominance

We have to become the new Shiba Inu coin. We have to become the new generation of the meme coins out there in the world. This is our main goal. We have to dominate, we have to dominate this whole industry and show people that meme coins are not just used for fun or they are just unuseless utilities. They can actually bring value to this world. If we're going to be reaching 50 million, if we're going to be reaching 100 million up to that point, then there will be huge and huge charity funds for the rescuing all this small and fragile doggies and puppies and marvins around the world. This has been said. Thank you so much, Caitlin.

Community Values and Commitment

You know, this is basically the vision that is coming right through my heart. This is something that I'm saying as, even if you may call it a fanatic. This community, this is something that drives me in. This is something that gives me so much hope and so much blessings to, you know, keep them working with this community. It has been truly, I would even say, exciting and so much irreplaceable community because I've been working on some other, you know, with some other communities and projects before, but nothing can even closely be, you know, considered to be chosen to be compared with what we have right now. We have to cherish it, we have to hold it and we have to grow it.

Conclusion and Gratitude

These are the main things for the future. Thank you, Caitlin. Thank you very much, Mister Raven. That was very inspiring. Thank you so much. For that. So lots of things to look forward to guys. So do not forget to stay tuned on the social media links of Marvin. So everything is shared, guys. Everything is compiled for you guys to check out so you can easily access every link that Marvin has on our telegram. Community thank you so much, Mister Raven, for all of the enlightening answers you provided us for today's AMA. It was such a great pleasure having you here in our community. Thank you very much.

Final Thoughts

Sure. Thank you so much, Caitlin, it's been a great talk, some sharp questions, and you know, I truly cherish you and appreciate you as the interviewer. Thank you. Thank you very much. Once again, Mister Raven and I believe that ends our AMA for today. Crypto arena community, thank you so much for tuning in and for your participation. For our final call, please do not forget to join on their telegram community, follow Marvin on their official Twitter account and also guys, check out their website in doing your own research about Marvin. Thank you so much everyone. Have a very nice day.


Bye bye. Bye. It was an honor.

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