Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Cryptic Talks #13 | The Hidden Power of Networking hosted by Cryptic_Web3. Cryptic Talks #13 delved into the transformative power of networking within the blockchain industry. Emphasizing the importance of collaborations, partnerships, and understanding the full potential of blockchain technology, the space shed light on effective blockchain marketing strategies and the significant role of Web3 in digital transformations. Through engaging discussions on community involvement, DYOR practices, and the impact of networking on blockchain success, participants gained valuable insights into building connections, promoting projects, and staying relevant in the ever-evolving crypto landscape.

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Q: How does networking contribute to success in blockchain?
A: Networking helps in creating valuable relationships, fostering collaborations, and unlocking opportunities in the blockchain industry.

Q: Why is understanding blockchain's full potential crucial?
A: Knowing the capabilities of blockchain technology is essential for innovating and leveraging its features effectively.

Q: What role does Web3 play in the digital landscape?
A: Web3 revolutionizes digital interactions by promoting decentralization, user control, and privacy.

Q: Why is DYOR important in the crypto space?
A: Doing Your Own Research (DYOR) ensures that individuals make well-informed decisions and avoid potential risks in the crypto world.

Q: How can blockchain marketing solutions benefit projects?
A: Effective marketing strategies can enhance project visibility, attract investors, and build a strong community around blockchain initiatives.

Q: What benefits can collaborations and partnerships bring to blockchain ventures?
A: Partnerships can lead to shared resources, expertise exchange, innovative ideas, and expanded reach for blockchain projects.

Q: In what ways can networking impact blockchain promotion?
A: Networking aids in spreading awareness, gaining support, and creating strategic alliances for promoting blockchain projects.

Q: What are the key components of successful blockchain marketing?
A: Successful blockchain marketing involves clear messaging, targeted campaigns, community engagement, and staying updated on industry trends.

Q: How can community engagement contribute to blockchain success?
A: Engaging the community fosters loyalty, feedback, word-of-mouth promotion, and a supportive ecosystem for blockchain projects.

Q: What advantages does an understanding of Web3 offer in blockchain networking?
A: Understanding and adapting to the principles of Web3 can lead to innovative networking approaches, enhanced user experiences, and increased trust among participants.


Time: 00:05:12
The Role of Networking in Blockchain Success Discussing how networking can open doors to opportunities and collaborations in the blockchain industry.

Time: 00:12:45
Importance of Web3 in Digital Transformation Exploring how Web3 is reshaping digital interactions with its decentralized features.

Time: 00:21:30
Effective Blockchain Marketing Strategies Insights on using strategic marketing techniques to promote blockchain projects.

Time: 00:32:18
Collaborations and Partnerships in Blockchain Highlighting the benefits of partnerships in driving innovation and growth in blockchain ventures.

Time: 00:40:02
Community Engagement for Blockchain Projects Exploring the significance of community support and engagement in the success of blockchain initiatives.

Time: 00:46:55
DYOR: Empowering Decision-Making in Crypto Understanding the importance of conducting thorough research for making informed decisions in the crypto space.

Key Takeaways

  • Networking is a crucial factor for success in the blockchain industry.
  • Collaborations and partnerships can unlock hidden opportunities in blockchain.
  • Understanding the full potential of blockchain technology is key for innovation.
  • Blockchain marketing plays a significant role in promoting projects and products.
  • Web3 is transforming the digital landscape with its decentralized and user-centric approach.
  • Researching and educating oneself (DYOR) is essential in the crypto space for informed decisions.
  • Building strong connections can lead to new business ventures and growth opportunities.
  • The power of networking extends beyond technology to include marketing and promotional activities.
  • Blockchain's success often relies on community engagement and support.
  • Exploring new trends and technologies like Web3 is vital for staying relevant in the blockchain space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Cryptic Talks

Hi guys. Welcome back to another insightful episode of Cryptic talks where we dive deep into the art of web three. And today actually we're gonna dive deep into the art of connection and the science of networking here with you today. Paulie from cryptic, I'm pr lead here. And with me on the panel, my beloved friend, advisor, mentor, CEO of companies in that three. Nick. Hi, how are you doing? Mike check.

Discussion on Jet Lag and Networking

Hey, hey. Yeah, I'm doing good. How are you, Polly? Awesome. I feel like shit because I have a very bad jet lag. I just got back home from my trip to Europe. But yeah, actually right now I'm pretty covered with my coffin and ready to talk about the relationships in web three and how to succeed here. But before we dive deep into the topic, maybe Nick, you can just give brief intro about yourself to the audience.

Nick's Introduction and Networking Insights

Yeah, sure. So first of all you have some time to recover because there multiple conferences going on in September. So you need to get back stronger before the new conferences because networking is the thing that we are going to discuss today and that's the thing that is going to give you some very useful connections actually on the conferences. But I think we'll get back to it. So. Yeah. I'm Nick. Hey guys, it's great to have you here today. I'm Nick. I'm a strategic advisor to the crypto companies. I'm working with all types of crypto companies right now, like different projects that people are building in crypto. I work with multiple exchanges, market makers, launchpads, etcetera.

Nick's Role and Focus on Quality

So mostly I'm helping the projects to get to their TGE when they're planning to release their tokens and launch their project. And I'm helping them with mostly with connections with different companies that can help them with this first of all. And also I work with a lot of different vc's as a really close connections. I have really close connections with some of them. So for some projects I'm also helping with some funding. I don't really share this information, but if we have like this kind of networking session, maybe some people will reach out to me after that.

Recent Projects and Quality Focus

So I think I'll share some numbers and some companies that I worked with like this year, like last six months I worked with multiple big companies like Gaming Planet, Mojo, Rainmaker, like Soulstorm. You probably know some of these companies and some others glacier and raised like more than $3 million I think this year. And yeah, I'm starting to work with multiple new companies right now. But the thing here is I'm trying to go for the quality of the projects that I work with rather than quality. And we know how a lot of people in crypto right now are just going for the quantity just to make some money.

Networking Challenges and Upcoming Events

And I can understand that. But we are trying to. I think the guys from cryptic with whom I work for some time already as well, are trying to give quality to the projects that they work with. And that's, I think that's the main thing here right now in crypto during this kind of market. Well, it is. And I can see that as every summer market is not really positive right now. But. Well, we hope that in autumn we will see some moves here and for sure, let's meet guys on token 2049 Blockchain live.

Exploring Networking Strategies

This autumn. Let's network together and let's start this discussion of the hidden power of networking here. Are you ready, Nick? Yeah, of course. Let's do it. Awesome. Awesome. So guys, before we start, don't forget to drop a follow to Nick to our official account if you still not a follower of ours. And of course check out our other social media. We post pretty interesting content. I do repost it by myself as well, so. Yeah, and I think that in today's rapidly evolving world, building meaningful relationships is more crucial than ever.

Authenticity and Purpose in Networking

Whether you are an extroverted social butterfly or a thoughtful introvert, we often think of networking as intimidating transactional activity. But it doesn't have to be that way. And today we're exploring how you can approach networking with authenticity, creativity and purpose. Whether you're navigating the complexities of a crowded business event or leveraging the power of social media, there are countless ways to make genuine connections that matter. And we'll discuss some strategies that go beyond the traditional uncovering unique ways to expand your network that you might not have considered before.

Strategies for Personal Branding

And from the impact of personal branding to the power of volunteering, we're breaking down how these elements can significantly enhance your networking efforts. So let's dive in and explore how you can turn every interaction into opportunity to grow both personally and professionally. Let's start with my favorite question. How can introverts effectively network in social settings? Because, well, in that three, there are a lot of tech savvy guys and most of them are introverts and very shy ones.

Networking for Introverts

So how can we. What can we suggest here? Yeah, so first of all, I should tell that I'm an extrovert myself and I mostly like to connect with people on like some conferences or just to jump on the call with them to discuss some potential business that we can do with them. But as an introvert, I have some introverted guys that are in crypto that are trying to build their connections as well. And usually what I can recommend to them is to try to find some, for example, some chats or some groups that could be potentially interesting for them and where the people have the same interest as them and trying to just be kind of active in the group.

Active Participation in Networking

Because I understand when you are an introvert, you don't want to talk with some people in person. But probably it's not a very big deal for you to like just chat with people every day, maybe in some different chats, trying to connect, to reach out to different people every day and trying to discuss with them something. So how can introverts make some valuable connections? Probably first advice is to get in more active dab three chats. And even if you are not replying to anyone there, if you're not typing anything there, just see what people are discussing and you can find some people that could be potentially interesting for you and you can just dm them and you can just start discussion in the DM's if you don't like to send messages in the group chats.

Balancing Introversion and Extroversion

So I think that's the first step for the introverts, how they can do it. Agree, agree with you, but. Well, I researched this topic as well because I'm kind of geek in psychology of communication and actually I'm gonna talk about it on stage in blockchain life. Hope that I'm gonna survive till that time. So I do not know who am I? I think I'm kind of a balance of introvert and extrovert. Depends on the mood and well, I'm a girl. Depends on different kinds of conditions.

Connecting with Introverts

And introverts often thrive in environments where they can engage in deep, meaningful conversations rather than the surface level chitchat that characterizes many social settings like in chats. So it may be not really convenient for them, but relevant first step as well. And to effectively network. Introverts can start by setting small, manageable goals like such as aiming to connect with just one or two people rather than feeling pressure to work the entire room.

Goal Setting in Networking

Selecting events that align with their interests or industry can make it easier to find common ground with others. And of course, as I always love to say, preparation is the key. Researching attendances or topics in advance can provide conversation starters and boost confidence as well. Introverts might also benefit from arriving early when the setting is quieter and the crowd is smaller. Actually, I'm kind of extrovert but I do the same trick.

Following Up After Events

I go in places first, so there are no people at all, and I just grab one by hand and start engaging with everyone. And after the event, following up with a personalized message or note can help solidify the connection without the pressure of immediate face to face interaction. And over time, as introverts continue to practice these strategies, networking can become a less daunting and more rewarding experience because, yeah, I can feel how they feel, how introverts can feel about the networking, about the chatting, all these discussions.

Essential Networking Skills

No, I just want to go to my computer, lay down and do some code. No, sometimes you have to develop this skill because it is essential, at least in top three, and it's essential to recognize that effective networking isn't about being the loudest voice in the room, but rather about being genuine, engaged and authentic in your interactions as well. Because sometimes people can misuse these terms.

Unique Networking Strategies

But what are some unique networking strategies that go beyond traditional business events? Let's list some of them. Yeah. So first of all, I agree with you, and I think you don't need to be an extrovert to find useful connections that could lead to some business, for example, or some requests from people for your services that you provided. So I've been to some crowded places and I haven't found any, like good connections there, to be honest.

Private Events for Better Connections

So the best thing is to attend some private events, probably try to find some good events that are for, I don't know, 5100 people, but not like thousand people in an event, because you won't find any probably, you won't probably find any valuable connections there. So the first thing that, what you can do to find some good connections is you should understand who you are looking for. And I think people sometimes are going to the events.

Understanding Networking Objectives

And I did this as well, to be honest. I was going to the events and I was just like, I want to meet people, I want to discuss something, but I didn't know what I wanted from these events, to be honest. So first of all, you should understand what do you want to get from this event, or from this chat, or from this Zoom call, or even from these spaces that we are hosting right now.

Setting Clear Networking Goals

So do you want to get some knowledge? Do you want to get some clients, do you want to get like funding, or do you need marketing or what do you need? And when you understand what you actually need from the event that you are going on, then you could get some benefits out of it. So for example, if you are looking for the clients, you just don't need to talk with everyone.

Strategic Networking

You just need to understand, like, are there any projects that need my services? And if you see them, you just go and talk with them and trying to get in contact with them, trying to get on the call with them, like after the event or something, or having a meetup scheduled after the event. So I think, first of all, you should understand, what do you actually need from this?

Importance of Goal Setting

Yeah. Correct. Goal setting is truly important for everyone. Like, if you go to events where 10,000 people, you'll be completely anxious about everything that's going on. You have to understand your goals, firstly as a person, as an entrepreneur, or I, whoever you are. So, yeah, but I can tell one thing, that one unique strategy is to leverage your hobbies or personal interests as networking opportunities.

Leveraging Personal Interests

So, like, joining a local sports league, book club, art class, college, wherever, can provide a relaxed environment to meet like minded individuals, some of whom may share professional interests as well. Like, I've met in the ocean, some of my current partners, because I'm a surfer and were surfing on a reef and were just chatting about our hobbies and about our work, and now we work and not only surf together.

Expanding Networking Opportunities

So, yeah, leverage all you can. Leverage guys, maybe. Yeah. I have another thing in mind, to be honest. So what I have used, like some, as you said, unique tools or some special tools that I use for the networking. I just asked people that I know or companies that I worked with to recommend me to some other companies and people that they know, and it worked pretty well.

Requesting Recommendations

So people started. At some point, I was only approaching people and trying to get, like, get on a call with them, trying to sell them something and stuff like this. But after I provided some good services to the people and just had good connections, even if I haven't sold anyone, anything, people were just recommending me and still recommending me to other companies and to other people.

Networking Through Recommendations

Like, hey, man, you should talk to Nick. You should discuss some business with him. He can do this, and you guys need this. So if people are not recommending you yet, you can just ask them if they know any people that you can potentially talk with and you can potentially have synergies with. So that's, I think, is another unique tool that not everyone is using right now.

Breaking the Barrier to Asking

Yeah, some people just afraid to, like, be perceptive, perceived as annoying, or. I don't know why, but it is really just one question or just one sentence. Like, if you know some people from this field, it's gonna be great if you can connect us and yeah, it's gonna be great. But I have another one thing in mind.

Hosting Networking Events

Like it is not really like free, but still. Hosting your own event can also significantly improve your networking and whether it's casual get together, a themed dinner party, or a small professional workshop where you control the guest list and setting, fostering a more intimate networking environment. That's why a lot of my partners right now organizing events on token 2049, their own site events and blockchain life during those main events.

Control the Networking Environment

They organize in a lot of sites. And yeah, from my experience I can say that it is a success. Well, even if it is a small event with a small group of people, you'll get what you need because you lead the conversation here, you lead the atmosphere. And of course, another strategy is to connect through shared experiences, such as participating in some startup weekends or escape rooms, which can build connections in a unique context, like momentum.

Building Connections Through Shared Experiences

Yeah, you will never get this momentum back. And similarly, becoming involved in alumni networks or professional organizations can give you access to a broad array of professionals with diverse experiences. So just look through all opportunities that you can be engaged in and just when you hear this inner voice, no, I do not want to do this. Just shut this down and do your fucking thing.

The Importance of Networking

Sorry for my french language, but networking is really, really important in that free.

Leveraging Social Media for Networking

So. But let's talk more about how we can leverage social media and how it can enhance networking efforts. Because not everyone in that free space has this opportunity to be present like offline on events because it's cozy, all these flights and so on, so we can leverage our social media, of course. And let's look how.

A Different Perspective on Social Media

Yeah, I think that's interesting that you asked me this question, because if you guys will go to my axe account, you'll see that I don't have much followers there. And the thing here is that I'll probably discuss an opposite topic. I'll get my point on the opposite of this, of leveraging your social media, because I don't have big social media and I'm not really a public person because I'm working behind the curtains. I'm just leveraging my personal brand and that's what I do.

Connecting through Private Channels

So I'm just sitting with VC's, with crypto, these big crypto players with, you know like whales and the biggest market makers, launchpad, etcetera, in some private VC groups. And that's where people know me and that's where I'm most active. So I'm more leveraging my personal brand. Like, as I said, behind the curtains, rather than going public and posting some. Some stuff on axe or going for LinkedIn connections or, I don't know, Instagram or some stuff like that. This, I don't do it. I tried, but I don't like it. So it's not for everyone probably, and it's basically not for me.

Networking Without Social Media

So my point is that you can really leverage your connections just through talking with people and getting into the private chats, private groups and yeah, that's how I did it and that's how I will be doing it. Probably at some point, maybe in the future I'll be posting some stuff, but I don't feel like doing it right now. So my point here is that you can do it without social media, but I think you have different opinion on this, Polly.

Different Paths to Explore

Well, there are different paths to explore, indeed. And I can understand why people work under the curtains because, well, privacy and so on. And a lot of people do nothing like to be on public that much. And well, I try to combine those approaches. I try to stay in the private chats, VC chats and BD chats everywhere so people can know who am I inside the private community.

The Importance of Personal Branding

But I'm still active on my social media because personal branding plays significant role here. Your online Persona should align with your professional goal, showcasing your expertise and personality as well. So people can double check. And social media is a place where you active 24/7 if you are a user of such like Twitter or Insta or LinkedIn, choose your fighter.

Active Engagement in Online Spaces

I try to be active on x more because, well, I like the openness and transformation, transparency here in the community that I try to assemble and with whom I engage all the time. So, Rajeep, of course you can choose your way, but to have this balance you still need to do your social media. It's very essential to do this. People need to understand who you are in real life because sometimes it can be not enough to stay only in private chats because of course, I don't know.

The Role of Authenticity in Networking

I don't know about that. I think that's the beauty of the networking and like, I'm not doing it because I tried to post some stuff on X and what you are talking about, but I feel like it's not genuine. I don't like to just post GM. Guys, what coins are we aping today? Or. Okay guys, we are back. Or I don't know, like we are going to 100k on BTC or some stuff like this.

Finding Your Niche in the Community

I feel. I feel like it's just engaging for. Me you're in the right. In the right community, then you have to find yours, your niche. No, no, I mean. I mean. No, no. I mean. I mean. I mean, I'm talking about the act about posting on x. So I just don't like it. And that's exactly my point. There are different path in networking, how you can, like, leverage your personal brand.

Connecting with Quality over Quantity

You can either post on axe, you can go for a lot of different social media and get more engagement, get more followers, and try to increase your personal brand like this. But you can also go into the private chat, like you said, that you were very active on x. And at the same time, I'm very active in telegram. I don't know. I'm using. I'm, like, spending ten to 12 hours probably.

Spending Time in Telegram Groups

I don't know, like, 10 hours daily in telegram, in different chats, in groups, and etcetera. So I'm using it more than anything else. Well, me too. I also. I do not even think about going out from telegram. It's just my phone is constantly in my hand and I just constantly check, like, my messages. When I was on a fight, I got ten k new messages and I was like, just, jesus Christ.

Exploring Different Paths in Networking

Maybe, maybe not. Today I'll go through all this. So. Yeah, but for sure, I agree with you that there are different paths for everyone, and you should just explore yours. You need to understand what work for you. It's not necessary to try to be this pop star, to be Ql. Don't be if you do not want to be. It's a different path for everyone.

Discussing Personal Branding's Role

But let's talk more about personal branding and what role does it play in building meaningful connections. What is personal branding is, like, what. How we can explain it. I don't know. Like, it depends on how you're looking at it. I'm looking at a personal brand as a person that is trying to work directly with companies and trying to help them to achieve their goals and trying to provide them the best services that they could possibly get.

The Evolution of Personal Branding

And this is how I look at the personal branding. So, as a strategic advisor to the companies, I just started as. As a guy who was trying to get some more connections. The guy that was trying to connect with, like, everyone. That's. That. That's the truth. I was trying to get in contact with everyone.

Providing Value Beyond Expectations

But when I started to go for the quality, as I told before, I started to give companies even more that they needed. For example, if they ask me. If they ask me for, like, for example, I don't know, a marketing strategy for their TGE, I can give it to them, but I will also give them some connections for the partnerships. I'll try to reach out to my vc's for the funding.

Building Trust Through Recommendations

I'll get them in touch with like market maker, with launchpads and with some potential other connections that could be potential that could be useful for them. And when they see that I can do even more that they ask for, they like, they see what value I can bring and after that they recommend me to other companies and this other company recommend me to other company.

Establishing a High-Quality Personal Brand

And this is the personal brand for me when people know what I can do and that I can do it in high quality. So I'm not sure if it's a good description of a personal brand, but this is what personal brand for me, like making connections with the people that you actually need to connect with and providing them the stuff that they need.

Mutual Benefit in Networking

And of course I think one more important thing is to not only provide to someone else but also trying to find what they can give to you. And that's very important right now and especially in crypto when everyone is just trying to get something from you and not give you give anything to you. So it's very important to understand how you can benefit each other.

Energy Exchange in Relationships

So I give you this and what can you give me? Yeah, it is always should be an energy exchange, that's how I call it. Not only one road dialogue, you know, monologue say. I think that personal branding is crucial in today's digital and highly interconnected world as it's essentially how you present yourself to others, both online and offline.

Creating a Distinctive Personal Brand

And a strong personal brand distinguishes you in your field, making it easier for people to understand who you are, what you stand for and why they should connect with you. And of course, as for me, personal branding begins with self awareness, like knowing your strengths, values and what makes you unique potential in crafting a brand that feels authentic.

The Value of Self-Awareness

Maybe it's time for you to work with a psychologist to understand who you are really and then start doing your personal brand. Like to be confident in who you are. When your brand is clear and consistent, it builds trust, which is foundational to any meaningful connection.

Conversation Starters Through Branding

And your personal brand can also be a conversation starter. For example, a distinctive project, a unique perspective on industry trends or even your career journey can spark interest and dialogue with potential connections. However, personal branding isn't just about promoting yourself.

The Role of Relationships in Branding

We should not forget about this. It's also about how you introduce, interact with and uplift others, which can strengthen your network. Of course we should note and don't forget that there is energy exchange, but you have to provide value as well.

The Evolution of Your Brand

Your brand should evolve with you as you grow and change. Your brand should reflect these developments, signaling to your network that you are dynamic and continuously evolving. And finally, I think that personal branding is about visibility.

Being Present in Relevant Spaces

Being present in the right places where, whether it's industry events, social media or publications, ensure that you remain top of mind for opportunities and connections. And I think that this thought make me go back to the previous question, like, if you want to be more under the curtains person, it's okay, but find your place where you're gonna be.

Understanding Who You Are

That's kind of a ninja. Exactly. Yeah, that's true. That's true. I like it. I like what you said about the visibility and that you should understand who you really are, who you want to be and.

The Importance of Authenticity

Yeah, that's true. I agree with that. And of course, don't forget to be authentic because you create a foundation for not just making connections, but cultivating relationships that are meaningful and long lasting and mutually beneficial. Of course, let's underline this one more time.

Genuine Connections Over Pretense

But that's, yeah, I'm sorry for interrupting you. That's like in real life, you can grow your personal brand if you are pretending as someone else. Yeah, you should be yourself, you should be genuine. And that's when people will understand who you really are and that's when they will want to work with you, to connect with you, to talk with you and etcetera.

Finding Your Audience

Even if you are a badass person. Well, you'll find your audience for sure. There are a lot of different personalities and characters in web three. Not only in web three, you'll find it. Just be yourself and stay visible, otherwise it's not going to be a success.

Power of Community Service in Networking

And I think that people who just start their journey here in networking, I think that volunteering or like community service can be powerful tool for them because like engaging in community service can be surprisingly powerful networking tool, offering a way to connect with others in a context that naturally fosters collaboration and.

Volunteering and Understanding Work

Yeah, Clover, so maybe I'm wrong, but it's like the thought that come to me, like when students just would like to understand how to work, they go volunteer. This is the same thing here. What do you think?

Diverse Paths in Networking

Yeah, I agree with that. And I think I'll add to this a couple of the things. So first of all, as we said, there are different paths as how you can start networking in crypto space, for example, right, in VAP three or in any other space. Some people are just trying to find some chats or some groups or just some events with people that could be potentially interesting to talk with them.

Working for Connections

But I think there is another way to do it, and I think this is one of the ways of how I did it. So you should probably just get into the company to work for a company for some time. That is, first of all, of course, if it's, if this company is interesting to you can go for some role, like maybe a BD or a project manager, or, I don't know, even a community manager or something like this.

Connections through Employment

And that's when you will be getting more connections with other companies, because when you are working with a company, they are collaborating a lot with different other companies, like as a b, two b, business to business. So I think this was one of the ways how I did it. I was working in a company, Stealth Academy.

Educational Contributions in Blockchain

We were providing educational courses for the people in the CIS region for what is blockchain, what is crypto. And after that, I became a partner and I became a CEO and founder, a co founder of a yemenite stealth Dao. It was a crypto community VC.

Growth as a Networking Strategy

We were kind of small vc in like, after a year we had 500 investors. But in the beginning, I was really struggling to get the connections in the space. So I started to approach different VC's as a VC myself. And that's when my networking really started to grow.

Approaching Companies

So I started to approach different companies and more and more. But it's much more simple to approach other company as a representative of a company itself. So you can be on just some small role, or you can be a partner, or you can be a CEO, that doesn't matter. You can just leverage your connections by connecting to other companies as B two B. What do you think about this, Pauli?

Positioning and Confidence

Yeah, I agree with you. And it is actually more about how you position yourself to others. And I have in my team different kinds of people. I have several businesses, and right now we're onboarding several, like, how can I say it? Students. And they didn't really confident in themselves while approaching people. And they're like, hey, sorry, can you please answer me to this question? Hey, sir. Hey, madam, this is a completely wrong approach. You have to understand your self worth and after it, you can approach others. It's also kinda detail of your personal branding, but also of your self-awareness as well.

Volunteering and Networking

But I would like to go back to the volunteering thing because I think it's also gonna be you. For those students who just get into this web three space. Of course you've got your first advice. Understand yourself first, understand your self confidence and start building your personal brand. After that, you will gain. You'll see the result. You'll see how process can be much more faster than it is right now. For example. Well, unlike the traditional networking settings, volunteering removes the pressure to sell yourself, allowing for more genuine interactions as well. And when you volunteer, you're typically working alongside others who share similar values and a commitment to a cause, which can be a strong basis for building meaningful relationships.

Benefits of Volunteering

And additionally, many organizations that rely on volunteers also involve professionals who are established in their careers and committed to giving back, offering a chance to network with potential mentors, collaborators, or even employers. So the bonds formed through shared service are often stronger and more enduring as they are rooted in a common purpose rather than just professional gain. And moreover, volunteering can enhance your personal brand as well, positioning you as someone who is a community oriented and values driven, qualities that are increasingly important in today's professional landscape. It's also worth noting that the skills and experiences gained through volunteering can be leveraged in your career, adding to your professional duration development and making you a more well-rounded individual.

Intent in Networking

So yeah, just participate in some community organizing service events. Maybe you'll find it as a fit for your personal brand and it's important to approach volunteering with genuine intent. Networking should be like a byproduct of your service, not the primary goal. When done with authenticity and the true desire to contribute, volunteering can lead to rich, rewarding relationships that extend far beyond the immediate context of service. What do you think?

Starting Without Confidence

Yeah, that's exactly my point. As I said, you can get to the volunteering, you can get to work in some company, even for free, or on some smaller roles. But I partially don't agree with you, to be honest. At one point you said that you should be confident and you should find like you should be confident from the beginning. But I don't think so. I think when you're just starting, you don't have a confident confidence and you probably don't need to because you'll find it while you be approaching more and more people and talk with more companies, with more people in the space and etcetera too. When you find your strengths and your weaknesses, then you will find your confidence.

Evolving Confidence

So if you're just beginning your networking journey, you don't need to be confident from day one. It's like it's delusional to be confident from day one, in my honest opinion. So you'll find it when somewhere on your journey when you will be talking with more and more people. Always. But yeah, I think volunteering is a good thing and it could really increase your network by a lot. Yeah. And one more note. It is actually kind of naive to think that you can be confident in yourself. From the day one, I was just encouraging newcomers to be confident.

Gaining Experience

If you still do not have this feeling inside, it's not a problem. Start exploring. You are on the path. It's 100%. Yeah, just gain all the experience and just absorb the atmosphere and you'll find it. So step one, explore. Start exploring. And then you'll find your confidence in it as well. But okay, you already got your first success in networking. How can you maintain and nurture long term relationships with your network? What are your top tips?

Quality Over Quantity

I think quality of your connections is really important. So I understood that. I understood it like the hard way, that you don't need to have 100 connections a day. Or if you're going to the event, for example, you don't need to talk with everyone. As I said previously, you need to maintain connections with the people that you are actually can benefit with people, that you can actually benefit each other. And I'm just always trying to reach out to people that we haven't spoken for some time already, like for example, for a couple of weeks, or even with people that I haven't spoken in a couple of months.

Reaching Out and Value

I'm just trying to reach out to them, say, hey man, how's it going? For example? Yeah, the market conditions are not good right now, but I just want to know that everything is fine with you. Maybe we can find some more ways to collaborate, some more business to maintain and stuff like this. But if, like, if any connections that haven't benefited you before, you don't really need to approach everyone, like every time. So, for example, if you have 100 connections, you don't need to always ping this 100 people and ask them how are they doing?

Maintaining Valuable Connections

Just don't forget to always stay in touch with the most valuable people in your connections, and not like the valuable overall on the market or in some crypto space, just valuable for you. And I think this is really important. So that's how I'm looking at it. Like, I'm trying to get in touch with people and always stay in touch with people that are valuable to me and I'm valuable to them. Well, of course it is, and it's a great point. You of course, need to do like, you have to be selective. You cannot engage with everyone, otherwise you will waste your energy and your energy is a.

Consistency and Offering Value

That you can use in any kind of a field. So of course, just first step, explore who are the most engaged with you and then just nurture the long-term relationship with them. And one of the most important aspects of nurturing these relationships is consistency. So regularly reaching out to check in as you do once in two weeks, maybe once in a month, depends on a quality of connection and of the, how can I say, like for the business. Sorry, no, maybe not. So, yeah, just you need to understand which connection gonna answer you in what kind of a time frame you haven't.

Thoughtful Communication

You shouldn't like, bombard every connection every day. Hey. Hi, what's up? Hey, what's up? How are you doing? Why you're not answering me? No, this is bullshit. They would ignore you and eventually block you because, you know, don't do that. Just stay in your calmness, of course, and understand with whom you are talking with. And it's important to offer value in these interactions. Whether it's sharing an article that might interest them, offering assistance on a project, or simply being a sounding board for their ideas.

Acknowledging Milestones

Remembering significant dates such as anniversaries or milestones, and acknowledging them with a note or small gesture can go a long way in showing your care. Like for example, to approach one of the VC's very like tier one, I've ordered a present to their office and on the one kind of anniversary so they can answer my email finally. And they did, after I send them a present. So you can. That's good advice. Yeah, you can try different ways, of course.

Online and In-Person Connections

And social media can be a useful tool for maintaining connections, but not for everyone. You can be private, of course. As we discussed earlier, however, it's important to also make an effort to connect in person through more personal means when possible, as this strengthens their relationship more effectively than online. Actions alone and offering help or connecting them with others in your network when appropriate, can also demonstrate your commitment to their relationship without like, asking for, what's my cut here?

Building Authentic Relationships

Oh, what do I get from this deal? No, if you can just connect people with the people, do it. Don't be a greedy ass, you'll get your money eventually. But yeah, just putting your mind as a priority, just help people. Of course we are more than you ask. Yeah, well, of course we are in the business world and everyone should benefit each other. But don't forget about just being humans, okay? And finally, remember that reciprocity is a key.

Mutual Benefits in Networking

Like supporting others in your network often leads to mutual benefits. Creating a cycle of positive interactions that strengthen their relationship. So, yeah, by taking a proactive, thoughtful approach to maintaining your network, you can ensure that your relationships remain strong and mutually beneficial over the long time. And maybe we can discuss the last question here.

Understanding People

Yeah, I have one more point to add that what you were saying, actually. So, yeah, there are. There are a lot of assholes everywhere, and. But there are also a lot of great people everywhere. And you should understand. You should understand who you are talking to and which people that. Which people. I'm sorry, someone is calling me and I don't understand where. Excuse me.

Recognizing Contribution

Okay, okay, I'm here. Sorry, guys. So, first of all, yeah. You should understand who you are talking with. And some people will try to get more from you and don't help you back. But some other people, if you provide for them, if you'll help them, they'll get back, like, I don't know, X two, X three, extend of what you gave them. And, yeah, that's. That's the first point. You should understand people more.

Tools for Networking

And that's more of a psychology thing that you were talking about before, Pauly. And that. That's the first thing. And the second thing that I wanted to talk about is the. Some unique tool, probably, as you can say, that I started to use too late. So I started to get people into my database when I'm getting some new connections. So right now, I have a database, I don't know, like 500, 600, maybe, people that I have eventually connected with, and I just know their name.

Database Management

I know the company that they work in, what they're doing, how I can help them, how they can help me. Like links to the social media where we can connect. If I somehow lost, for example, my telegram or my Axe or my LinkedIn or something like this. And I think this is a really efficient tool to have a database of, if not all of most of your contacts that you have. So that's how you know who is who and who is doing what things, what services, what companies, and, like, what connections they have and stuff like this.

Utilizing Notion

So this is another unique tool that you can use. Like having a database, for example. There is a. My database is Notion. It's a great product that I'm using for, like, more than five years already. Yeah, I used Notion for a while, and I started assembling my connections like, a year ago. And I'm like, when I just go through my telegram and then I go to my spreadsheet, and then, like, Jesus.

Gratitude for Tools

Thank you, Pauly, in the past that you did this, because otherwise, it's complete.

The Importance of Structure and Note-Taking

It's gonna be complete mess. Don't forget to structure your connections as well. You don't have to be that kind of a naive. That you'll remember all names with all people. They all can be valuable and meaningful, but you are human. Just don't forget about that. And, yeah, take your notes. Of course. And it happened to me. It happened to me a lot of times when. When I had a meeting with someone, like a call, a video meeting, and like, five minutes later, I just forget what these people do and what should we do. And thank God I have some notes either in my notion, or it could be, like, an AI bot that gives you the notes after the meeting. And I think it's really important to have notes after each meeting.

Strategies for Effective Icebreaking

Yeah, valuable point. And let's go quickly for the last question here. And it's going to have ten more minutes. Yeah. Unusual one. What unconventional icebreakers can be used to start a conversation with potential connections. Tricky one, icebreaker. Do you have. Do you have any? Because I'm just trying to think of something that I have used before. Maybe you can start with something. Yeah, of course. I usually. I do it in an unconventional way, and I'm not gonna propose to do the same, so I will start with the basics. Starting a conversation with the potential connections can sometimes be really challenging, especially in formal settings. But unconventional icebreakers can help ease the tension and set the tone for a more engaging dialogue.

Connecting Through Environment and Compliments

Well, I usually, like, go at the events with a very sullen face and like, oh, I'm so tired, somebody help me. And just people just go, hey, what do you do? How is your mood? Why are you so sad? But this is my trick. It's not kind of a trick. This is who am I? And just I can be in one time, very extroverted, very engaging in situations, and then I feel like all my energy is soaked up, and I just standing in the middle of nowhere at the event, and I don't know, people just come to me and they feel that there is kind of secret I'm hiding. But still, this is kind of suspicious, maybe mystery way, but one approach is to ask about something specific in the environment, such as a piece of art on the wall or food being served, or even the venue itself, which can lead to a natural discussion.

The Power of Compliments and Open-Ended Questions

Another technique is to complement something unique about the person, such as their attire or accessory, or even something they said during an event which shows you're paying attention and opens the door for further conversation. I noticed that boys, men, love to be complimented about their watches and suits as well. That's a good point. I try to notice it. And, of course, asking open-ended questions that go beyond the usual 'what did you' can also spark more interesting conversations. For example, like, what are you passionate about in your work? Can lead to more meaningful exchanges. And I think that another unconventional approach is to share an interesting and surprising fact about yourself, which invites the other person to share something in return, creating a personal connection.

Personal Connections and Authenticity

For example, on Tolkien, Wendy, 49. We just met in a queue with one advisor with whom I work deeply right now. I mean, constant connection. We're chatting insta and nicks WhatsApp everywhere, but not telegram. He's old school. And we were talking about our grandparents. I don't know why, but, like, I have some troubles with my grandfather. He has Alzheimer's disease. And we were talking about that. He was talking about his grandma. And then we just spent the whole evening together talking about our families, about our work, about our hobbies and so on. So sometimes it can lead to very exciting connections. Don't be shy, guys. Try to break this ice firstly inside yourself.

Being Authentic and Contextual

So the key to using unconventional icebreaks is to be authentic and considerate of the context, ensuring that the conversation flows naturally and comfortably. Of course. Maybe you have something to add here, Nick. Yeah. First of all, about the first point that you said, that, like, you can stay somehow upset somewhere at the conference and people are giving more attention to you. All the females that are listening to this, you can use this. It can work to any males, any voice listening to this voice chat, don't use it, guys. People just look at you and go the other way. For the females, it will work 100%. And the second point, if you'll say anything about my watch, if I met you for the first time, you'll get 100% of my attention.

Compliments as Icebreakers

So it's. It also can work for both males and females. And I usually also trying to. I'm a watch guy, so I usually also trying to tell something about the watch that other people are having on their wrist. And it's a good icebreaker. I can tell. That's just the comments on what you said. And, yeah, I like it. I like it a lot. What are the icebreakers that I use, to be honest? First of all, you should just get on the common ground with the person that you're trying to talk with. If you know the person, just compliment them about something, for example.

Finding Common Ground

Or just tell them that you know what they're doing, like, hey, listen, man, I like what you did for this company. Or, hey, listen, man, I like what you're building, and I know that you're doing this, and this. And then just conversation just started. Conversation just starting. Because the other person understands that you know them and you know what they're doing. And that's. That's a really good icebreaker for me. For example, when I see someone, I know him. For example, you probably. You guys probably know da Vinci, the guy that bought bitcoin at, like, $1 price many years ago. And I saw him at some private event in Dubai, and I came up to him, I said, hey, man, I like your videos.

Complimenting Others

You are the OG in crypto, and this is really cool. So I wanted to get in touch with you. He said, of course, man. And, like, we talked for a couple of minutes and, like, issuing connections. And that was a really good icebreaker because people like, when you compliment them or even if you know what they're doing, that's the first one. And the second one, if you don't know who you are talking with right now, just try to find common ground. As I said, if you are on some event, like, if you're on token 2049, or if you are at some private event listening to speeches of other people, you can just tell that guy, like, hey, man, listen, I like what they said.

Avoiding Pushing Selling

What do you think about, like, I don't know, what do you think about RWA sector right now in crypto? And he'll probably give you his opinion. Or, what do you think about this person talking about this deep in topic or something like this? So finding a common ground first with the person is really important, because I had people approaching me with the first line of, hey, man, I'm building this. Maybe we can work together. And that's non-negotiable for me. I'm just like, hey, listen, man, I'm not interested. I'm just trying to listen to the other people here, or I'm already living or something like this.

Don't Sell Yourself

So you shouldn't approach with offering your services or trying to tell them who you are right from the beginning. Just try to break the ice first. Correct. Don't sell yourself, guys. It's even not polite in this business world, as I can see it from my experience and from the psychology as well. And, yeah, I think that brings us to the end of today's episode on the multifaceted world of networking. What do you say, Nick? Maybe you have some final words for our listeners. Just start, guys. If you haven't started yet. Just start.

Final Thoughts on Networking

And that's this simple. So how's this phrase, a thousand-mile path starts with the first mile. And so you should just start. You should just get to this first step. And if you have already started to increase your networking, just do more. Just try to approach more people. But yeah, as I said, try to provide more than you ask others because they will think that you are pushy, and they will not be really open to you guys. And that's not how it works in networking. So yeah, I think that's what I wanted to tell as my final words, thank you so much, Nick.

Concluding the Discussion

Thank you. And listeners, we explored a range of strategies that cater to different personalities and preferences, showing that there truly is no one size fits all approach to building connections. So whether you are an introvert seeking to make genuine connections in a crowded room, or someone looking to leverage social media to enhance your professional reach, the key takeaway that networking is about quality, not quantity as well. Remember, it's the depth of your connections that will ultimately make a difference in your career and personal life.

The Value of Personal Branding

We also discussed the power of personal branding and how being authentic in your interactions can open doors to new opportunities. Don't forget the importance of giving back. Volunteering and community service are not only fulfilling, but can also be powerful tools for expanding your network. And let's not overlook the unconventional icebreaks that can transform a simple introduction into a meaningful conversation. So as we move forward, remember that maintaining and nurturing your network is just as important as building it.

Maintaining Long-Term Relationships

Consistent, genuine interactions will help sustain long-term relationships that can support your growth and success over time. And we hope that today's episode has provided you with valuable insights and practical tips that you can start applying right away. If you enjoyed this discussion, don't forget to subscribe, share this episode with your network, retweet and leave a comment here. Drop a follow to Nick to our official account to me if you love our voices.

Gratitude and Future Collaboration

And of course, I would like to extend a huge thank you to Nick for joining me today on this interesting topic of cryptic talks. Thank you so much. And I hope that, yeah, I hope that we can host more podcasts together. Nick, thank you. Sure, sure. Thank you. Thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for joining us on this journey of personal and professional development.

Looking Ahead

And until next time, keep building those meaningful connections. Stay curious and remember that every conversation is an opportunity to learn, grow and create lasting relationships. Take care. It was Pauli from cryptic. We'll see you next episode. Ciao. Ciao.

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