Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Cozy Joe Friday’s hosted by TraderJoe_xyz. Cozy Joe Friday's operates as a reliable trading platform focusing on user satisfaction and community engagement. With a user-centric approach, the platform prioritizes transparency, service quality, and efficient customer support. Through their active Discord community participation, Cozy Joe Friday's ensures users are well-informed and engaged. By emphasizing trust and loyalty, the platform aims to differentiate itself in the competitive trading landscape, catering to the needs and preferences of the everyday trader.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: What sets Cozy Joe Friday's apart from other exchanges?
A: They focus on providing a user-friendly experience with instant swaps and top-tier rates.

Q: How does Cozy Joe Friday's prioritize user trust?
A: By ensuring transparency, reliability, and efficient customer support.

Q: Why is community engagement important for Cozy Joe Friday's?
A: To foster loyalty, trust, and direct communication with users.

Q: How does Cozy Joe Friday's keep users informed?
A: Through regular updates, announcements, and active presence on Discord.

Q: What values drive Cozy Joe Friday's services?
A: Transparency, reliability, and understanding user needs and preferences.


Time: 00:10:45
User-Centric Approach Discussing how Cozy Joe Friday's prioritizes user experience and satisfaction.

Time: 00:20:12
Community Engagement Strategies Exploring the methods used by Cozy Joe Friday's to build a strong user community.

Time: 00:30:28
Service Quality Standards Detailing the measures taken to maintain high service quality and reliability.

Time: 00:40:55
Customer Support Excellence Highlighting the importance of efficient customer support at Cozy Joe Friday's.

Time: 00:50:32
Platform Updates and Announcements Keeping users informed through regular updates and announcements on Discord.

Key Takeaways

  • Cozy Joe Friday's aims to provide a trusted platform for the average trader.
  • The exchange offers instant swaps and competitive trading rates for its users.
  • Active engagement through Discord allows for direct communication and community building.
  • User trust and seamless transactions are prioritized at Cozy Joe Friday's.
  • Maintaining top-notch service quality is key to attracting and retaining users.
  • Transparency and reliability are core values upheld by Cozy Joe Friday's.
  • Understanding user needs and preferences is fundamental for platform growth.
  • Efficient customer support is crucial for resolving issues promptly and maintaining customer satisfaction.
  • Regular updates and announcements on Discord keep users informed and engaged.
  • Building a strong community fosters loyalty and trust among users.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Opening Remarks

Hey Titan, thanks for joining. We'll be starting in five minutes, so feel free to wait. Testing, testing. Croaking Croaking Crock Rock hello? Hello? Hey, Tariq, I can hear you very well. Yes, I can hear you. I'm just gonna switch to my headphone. Give me 1 second. Fantastic. Cool. So I think we are at 11:30 a.m. eastern. So maybe give people one or two more minutes and we can get started. Started. I think people are slowly rolling in. All right, cool. I think we can probably slowly get started. So I see all the frogs here assembled, so it's great to see and. Yeah, welcome efrog to our low Ama right here.

Presenter Introductions

So I'll maybe start on my side. My name is Tarik Moon. I'm one of the co-founders of Affine and early contributor. Yeah, so I believe we should probably get started with the quick intros on our side and you know, like all the stuff we're all doing to make it super exciting on Linea and some of the other ecosystems. So I'll let maybe the frogs frog started with a quick intro and then I'll. Yeah, sure. Get started. Sure, sure. Thank you, Tariq. Yeah, so thanks for organizing this, amae. We are super busy nowadays, you know, with the token 2049 preparation. But it's good to have this time now, you know, before we leave. So thanks for that.

Participant Insights

Yeah. So my name is Shama, I'm the founder of. Sorry, Shama, do you want to get started? Not sure if you can hear me. I can hear you. I don't know if you guys can hear me. I think. I think Tariq cannot hear you, but we can. Yeah, yeah, I continue and yeah, I think this happens. Technical difficulty. Let me. Let me rejoin. But you guys give me 1 second. Okay? Yeah, it's okay. It happens sometimes, you know, like not sometimes like most of the times, you know. So yeah, we are used to it. Yeah. So. So my name is Shama, I'm the founder of ifrotte.

Details about efrox and Initiatives

Pfrox is a culture movement on Linea, fully integrated with lots of protocols and partners. And yeah, we have a nice NfT collection, og profile picture collection, which are the efrox. And we have a second collection which is froglets. And we have croak, which is our token. And we are building pond fun, which is our meme launcher which will be ready in I hope, you know, one month, two months, you know, 60 days the most. I don't know. But we are doing very well on that and happy to be here with our partners Athene, you know, and Tarik, you know, hope he can come back.

Addressing Technical Issues

I think Derek is still trying to join the. So let's give him, like, a little bit of time till he comes back. He just requested. Let's see if it works. Yeah, this happens very often, you know, like, I'm happy it's not happening to me this time, but this has happened to us, you know, like, our community is used to it, you know, so. Right, right. Can you guys. Can you guys hear me now? Perfect. Tariq, can you speak? Like, I can see you as a speaker? Yeah, I can speak. Can you guys hear me? Yeah, yeah. Yes.

Continuing the Introductions and Engagement

All right. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, finally it's working. Restarting my, you know, like a Twitter app. Don't worry. Yeah, so I just introduced myself, Nefrox. You know, we have, like, today, we have a few efrogs here with us, and it's a mix with other community members from Linia and beyond. So that's super nice. And I want to thank you for organizing this. Yeah, totally. Yeah. Happy to have all of you guys here, and sorry for the technical difficulty, but I think we're in a good spot.

Tarik's Presentation and Community Collaboration

So I'll do a quick intro on our side. So my name is, as I was mentioning if you guys heard me before. Yeah, so my name is Tarik Moon. I'm one of the co-founders of efine and early contributor, and we have been building the most robust alternative liquid restaking tokens. We focus both on symbiotic and eigen layer ecosystem, but have recently moved much more closer to the symbiotic ecosystem, primarily because all of our users are more excited about it. And I, you know, you want to build what users want, right? And we have recently launched on linea pretty successfully, and we have been getting a lot of excitements on a lot of different l two communities.

Excitement Around Partnership with efrog

But what kind of makes Linia quite a part is that the whole community of it? And that's why we're super excited to partner with efrog, you guys. And, you know, like, we are, we have been doing a bunch of incentive programs which we can talk further about, but I think the. The things you were mentioning that I briefly kind of heard around, you know, like, the culture of building on linea and the cult, like, necessarily having, like, a culture around l two, that's. That's really exciting to us and, yeah, super excited to, you know, like, super excited to be part of that.

Introduction to the efrog Community

So. So with that, I'll get started the conversation. So, yeah, maybe if you guys want to talk quickly about, you know, like, how did you guys decide to start this efrog community and what are the more exciting things that has been happening recently for our community? I think that'll be a great start.

Community Dynamics and Innovations

Oh, yeah, sure. So, I mean, there are so many things going on, you know, it's a bit crazy, you know, it's hard to keep track, you know, with all the partnerships, you know. So in one hand we have the constant good vibes, community building, you know, having fun, and on the other hand we have the innovation, you know, and building, you know, and doing integrations with our partners, you know, like we are doing with you. And then we have the highest level of innovation is probably bonded fund that we are building right now. It's built already. It's built already. But we are going through testing. We have a testing group that if you want guys, if you guys want to join us, fantastic. We already have 40 people there. We did a stress test a couple of days ago, three, four days ago, and it was a big success. It was amazing. Such a good time.

Partnerships and Collaborations

We have a partnership, it's not like official partnership, but it's called a nice collaboration with Tradingview, which have given us access to they're called advanced charts and we use them on bond fund, which is super groundbreaking. But yeah, that's what we do now. We are focused on that. We are focused on partnerships like yours, which we believe, you know, they are super satisfying, you know, for the community, you know, having boost on points and, you know, doing restaking on linear, helping the TVL, et cetera. You know, the blockchain, I think is fantastic. So, yeah, we are doing so many things. Hard to keep track of it. Also, we have community members, you know, building who have now, you know, their own projects, you know, trying to support them, you know, as much as we can. And, yeah, it's an amazing time, you know, and we are doing lots, lots. So, yeah, it's fantastic.

Boosting Community Engagement

Yeah, super happy to hear that. And for both of our communities, if you guys already didn't know that, we have been early partners with the efrog on the linea ecosystem and we have been doing 20% extra boost on linear ecosystem. So basically, if you restake on linear and you have a frog, you know, like you will be able to get 20% more points, which will result in some exciting things down the road. So you know, like check the community out. Yeah. So at that point would love to kind of move the conversation a little bit towards maybe culture. So just for background, we even launched ourselves previously. We're like pretty big part of polygon ecosystem, for example. So we launch ourselves a fine pass, which is similar like an NFT product that allowed people to kind of come to our community, but obviously very defi focused.

Bridging Defi and NFT Communities

So one thing we noticed was that kind of there's this separation between this defi community and the NFT community, which is very interesting. We hope that web three already is a small industry. So we hope that everybody can come together. So maybe do you want to talk a little bit about how you guys are thinking about expanding or bringing the Defi community and NFT community together? Yeah, I think I look at this from, because I'm not a technical guy, obviously, I'm community builder, design, etcetera. What I see is that, you know, nfts give you the possibility to activate, you know, certain things, you know, and I see them as a gate, you know, in the past, you know, obviously you can do many things with them, you know, on, you know, with the smart contracts, you know, such getting rewards, you know, directly, you know, to the nfts, etc.

Personal Connections to NFTs

Because they work, you know, as I said, you know, as a gate, you know, to activate, you know. So I say I see it in a basic way, you know, how and probably you did that, you know, with Polygon, the NFT bus, you know, to activate, you know, so then obviously you miss that with, it depends on the NFT, obviously, you know, in our case it's, you know, our nfts are profile pictures, you know, and we have a strong relationship, you know, with that, you know, to who we are, you know, so it's, it gets more personal, you know, that, than giving. I'm not, you know, I'm, you know, I'm always, you know, when I think about nfts, you know, I like doing nfts with a reason, you know, and with a continuation. And if this reason can be attached to who you are, you know, on chain, you know, using profile picture, I think it's way better, you know.

NFT Collections and Events

So that's why we have, we are not doing like lots of NFT collections. We've done obviously, efrox and efroglets and they're all beautiful. You can see them here, you know, with us today, different, you see different models, but doing something else, you know, I'm not that keen, you know, unless it's something that is very useful for a moment. For example, like we did that in the. We did that with the passports, you know, linea, we did, it was a big event, you know, for linia community. We, we minted like, I don't know, like 700,000, you know, NFTs. And that helped us then have a bigger community to sell the efloclets, you know, and get a bigger, you know, bigger community after that. So they were useful for that, you know, not related with Defi. So sorry if I'm going, you know, farther, but I like to express, you know, the use that we are giving you, with you especially.

Connecting through Boosts and Utility

I think it's super interesting, you know, that the case where efrox and efrog, let's, when they connect, you know, their wallets, where they have the iframe, they can get the boost, you know, I think that's right. That's amazing, you know, and I think that's super useful. Yeah, it has been really great for us. Yeah. I mean, totally important points about like, you know, like the identities of people. Like I think I. That's the culture component of it and I think that has been on our side. Super exciting to see Linia and especially the efrog community. And efrog lets, I guess so, you know, like they're super excited about joining and we have been seeing a lot of them kind of put TVL like they've been like more active around our communities.

Vision for Technical Integration

It's great to see that kind of those two communities coming together. I'll maybe pause for one or two more like for a little bit to talk about affine as well because it's obviously a bit more technical, but it might be useful for the communities to know the vision that we're working towards. As I mentioned, we're the first l two native symbiotic LRT, which basically means even if you are on any l two say like Linia and you have ethnic or any kind of like a native token or w eth, you know, like you can deposit that into our protocol and instantly get ultra eth, which is our symbiotic LRT.

Navigating Block Space

What this necessarily allows you to do is like you're basically bypassing all the high gas fees of Ethereum and you're not congesting Ethereum. And that's why like, you know, like the l two communities exist and you're able to get that and you can trade that on, you know, like a nile on linear or you can bridge that into other chains. So where this becomes really exciting is ultimately there will be so many different chains around and for various reasons, various block space, capacity and so on. And yeah, we want to make sure that you can move around these block spaces very quickly. If you are like stuck in one ecosystem, imagine you are somehow you are in blast or say base, something like that.

Efficiency Through Integration

Great chains. But you want to come over to linear, obviously, because you want to buy Efrog. So you want to move your eth very quickly. So we are allowed to. You're allowed to do that using our product because we are integrated with some of the fastest bridge in the industry, like hyperlink and so on. So you can move that money very quickly at a very cheaper cost. And that increases kind of the velocity of the money. And we think that's a very important feature for the kind of fragmented world that we are seeing. And, yeah, like, so we're super excited to build this and we're super excited to build and bring lrts overall to linear ecosystem.

Affinistake and Affine Earn

That sounds fantastic. So right now I'm looking at the site you have. The two products are affinistake and affine earn, right? Correct. Yeah. Okay. Do you want to talk a little bit about this too? Yeah, I mean, you know, like, I have been already talking about the restaking product. So that is our main and flagship product. The arm product comes from our, like, kind of, it's a bit of like a product that comes from our, you know, like our early days. So we have been very passionate about adoption on the layer twos for yield. And we found that there's not a lot of yield that is natively available on layer two s. So we basically build a, build vaults on a lot of different layer twos to bring the yields from layer one into layer two.

The Evolution of DeFi

So that was our first foray into like a defi. But over the last kind of, you know, like last, I would say, like years, especially like last year and early this year, we found that restaking has been become like a super exciting thing. So, like, you know, like, it's very good to. Good to see that. Yeah, so, like, so it's very good to see that we are seeing kind of this adoption of defi.

Introduction and Understanding Points

Yeah. One question. Sorry. Yeah, I'm trying to understand this. So you have like all these. Because I see, forget Fomo and all the points, you know. So you have like this number of points. Some are the famous ones, you know, like layer, which is. And then the ultra if points. These are your points, right? From. Correct? Yeah. Okay.

Goals and Future Plans

And what is the goal for, what is the timeline? Is this for a DTA in the future for a token or what is the objective? Yeah, I don't know how much my rest of my team wants to talk about it right now. I got you there. Yes. But yeah, for the community, more exciting news are coming.

Point System Explained

And just to explain the point stack. Right, so like you're getting first, as you mentioned, so you're first getting symbiotic or eigen layer points for your e that you're depositing. Then you're getting special ultra points from us, which is like more. And it's like boosted. Like you are either getting boosted from e frogs or if you're on linea itself, we give you a little bit of boost and then you can provide liquidity into say like a nile. And then we give you three xboost because we want more liquidity for it because it's like a liquid restaking token. So you can earn quite a lot of points through that.

Additional Points and Community Engagement

But ultimately linear is also giving, for example, lxps onto this. You get more points. Right. So I think ultimately it becomes a way for us. For us, like the defi culture side. The culture here is that you want to have an easiest way to get access to all the points. And I think we enabled that. You are getting like a Nile points, like linear points. If you are, for example, were also connected to turtle club, so you might connected to that community. You'll be getting turtle points. So you're getting this like six, seven, eight kind of points, same token, which is really exciting for a lot of our users who don't want to do it like eight different ways.

Blockchain Integrations and Feedback

Right. So that has been very exciting for our community. Super good. So right now you are on which blockchains you are on, obviously, ethereum, linea and anything else. Yeah, so we're live on Mainnet. We're live on Linea, obviously, and we're live on blast. So we have a lot like quite a few more exciting integrations coming. And again, like, that allows the Linea community to really like also move their liquidity very easily if they have liquidity in some other chain because we got the feedback. A lot of them have liquidity in base, but they want to move it really quickly and really fast.

Upcoming Features and Personal Experience

Right. So now they'll be able to use our kind of bridging feature to just do that very easily. So those are upcoming. Nice. Yeah, that's upcoming, yeah. Because I was looking at, you know, the platform and I'm gonna stake myself, you know, some. Cause I got a little bit of FOMO with this ultra points. So you're gonna do that? You're gonna have a bit soon? Yeah, yeah, base very soon. A few other chains that we are kind of keeping a bit of, like, more exciting. Like, more exciting. Like newer chains that are also coming, but we'll announce that probably sometime next week.

Bridging and Community Engagement

No, that's fantastic. I mean, like, honestly, it's like we are, like most of us, or at least, you know, my friends and I, we use a rhino for bridging, and I love. I love to use one of my partners, you know, bridges. Right. So it's, you know, keep us posted, and we can do a special event. You know, maybe we can do another ama, you know, call more people in, because now people in the community, they're gonna get this better, you know, understand. I feel better.

Giveaways and Exciting Announcements

I mean, we can do a new giveaway or something, you know, something special. I think we have some. Some exciting giveaways and stuff to announce as well. Do you want to give some of that, like, you know, like, excitement announcement on your side? Yeah, yeah, I'll do my side as well. Yeah, yeah, sure. So we have. We have a fivelets giveaway, you know, for affinity members. And I think you have also for something, you know, that's pretty interesting, you know, but, yeah, we have a froglets, you know, so you guys join our community and get this profile picture, because I see some of you.

Profile Picture Enhancement and Community Bonuses

You have some nice profile pictures, but they can be improved, you know. Yeah, with our froglets. Yeah. So basically, efrog is choosing five AMA participants randomly to give efroglets and then on our side, as we. As we promised, if you join affine discord using the engage link that is here, you will receive 50 ultra points bonus. So 50 ultra point is like, as if you put, you know, like, one eth for 50 hours. Right? So it's quite a bit. So, yes, pretty excited. Pretty excited to. Pretty excited to offer that to the community.

Closing Remarks and Future Collaboration

Wow, that's super cool. That's super cool. Cool. So maybe, like, on a. On a kind of, like, a ending remark, do you want to talk about a little bit more about any topic, like, especially, like, the culture? Because I think, like, that is something we can definitely collaborate a lot more together. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's. I think I said it already, you know, but maybe we, you know, like, we. We can use this time, you know, to encourage people, you know, to build, you know, it's not that difficult.

Community Engagement and Leveraging Talent

So it requires time as you. As, you know, and build, you know, so. So maybe, you know, like, leveraging the community, you know, seeing who has the talent, you know, I think that's super cool, you know, to see. And we have seeing that now, Nefrox, you know, finally, like, for example, we thought we are doing Dev cook, you know, with program with linea and one of the. One of the. One of the devs, you know, who were doing an integration with croak and efrox. Senja Telegram, Texas like, are you part of the judges? I'm like, yeah, but, you know, I can't tell you anything, you know, so that discovered, you know, a guy who now is actually testing, you know, pond fun, and he's professional, you know, and we do this very often looking at talent or to artists, you know.

Cultural Innovation and Community Support

So I think about the culture and the time we are. We are living also, you know, like, we are doing it right now also with Afim, you know, innovating, you know, with this boost, you know, and helping each other. So. Yeah, so I think. I think that's. That's the. I think, you know, like, all these perfect pictures that are beautiful. We have a good time. It's, you know, it's super fun, you know, we have a great time together, but, you know, under that, you know, there's lots of building, you know? Of course, yeah. So I think that's the most exciting thing for me, you know? You know, and I think for most of the community members, they see things happening, they see partnerships, they see integrations, and. Yeah, and they see more products coming.

Looking Forward to New Developments

Like your bridge coming soon, you know, that's exciting, you know, and I think, you know, we can use the community for leveraging all of this. Yeah, totally. Yeah. You know, like, as we launch on a lot of different chains. But I think linea is a very special chain, and we want to be very active part of the community as well. Right. Like, so it's, like, also on our side, we also want to extend a that offer. Right. Like, if we can do or build anything for you guys, obviously, we're super excited again, like, our main focus is on the defi side of Louis taking, but anything that's relevant for the community, we're happy to collaborate. Fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic.

Community Interaction and Upcoming Events

Cool. So with that, do we have any, like, Rafid, I don't know if there's any community questions or anything that we have if not, we can probably, like, you know, like, wrap it up. Okay, let's see, guys, any questions? Any questions? Any girls? They are shy, you know? They don't. Yeah. Frogs are a bit shy today, huh? No, they are. No, they aren't. Like, you know, they like. Somebody saying something. Yeah, that was. That was like a ghost. That was like a ghost. Yeah. No, they're very active, you know, when it comes to stage, you know, they get a bit shy, you know. Fair enough. Good people. Fair enough. Great.

Excitement for Token 2049

We. One last thing from us will also be a token 2049 in Singapore. So if any members from the, you know, like, Ifrah community wants to meet us, there are several events we're co hosting, so would love to see you guys especially, like, restaking 2049, that's on, I think, 16th. Then there's the l two. L two, and modeler Day, I think, on 17th. And then on 18th, there's a restaking and infra day or something like that. So. So three pretty big events back to back for three days. So we'd love to see you guys, if anybody's in Singapore.

Special Gatherings and Networking Opportunities

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We are going now. We are. We are actually. We are sponsoring a big party on the 18th. All right. Yeah. On Marina Bay, you know, the celebi rooftop, you know, with Linia, Foxy, Sierra Len, you know, like, big event. Oh, yeah. I think the linea folks are giving me. Sending me the invite, so. Yeah, we'll see many of you at least there, if you guys at our media as well. Yeah, please. I'm gonna be. You know, during this event, we're gonna have some if rocks with me. You know, they all started with me. You know, we are like the. The crew, you know, the frog crew.

Networking at Events and Collaboration

Perfect. But I think you send me the. One of your team members, send me a link, you know, to one of the parties, but you can send me to the three ones. That would be great. So I put them in our agenda because. Because we are filling it up with. With events, you know, with our partners, you know, to see each other and, you know, give us a hug, you know, because we need to hug each other, you know, absolutely. Very important. All right, so. So that's all exciting. Thanks again for everyone for your time, and especially the efrog community.

Closing Remarks and Future Engagements

We're super excited to be part of this, and, yeah, we'll see you guys, hopefully very soon. Yeah. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye now.

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