Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space provided a comprehensive overview of the intersection of blockchain technology, digital art, and decentralized finance (DeFi). Experts highlighted how blockchain is revolutionizing traditional finance through decentralized and secure transactions. The discussion delved into the booming popularity of NFTs, which are transforming the digital art market by enabling artists to tokenize their work, ensuring ownership and provenance. Significant attention was given to the challenges in DeFi, particularly security concerns and regulatory compliance. The importance of user experience was stressed as a crucial factor for the mass adoption of blockchain services. Interoperability between different blockchain networks was identified as essential for enhancing functionality and user experience. The conversation also touched on the environmental impact of blockchain, with suggestions for adopting more energy-efficient mechanisms. Community engagement was recognized as vital for the success of blockchain projects, ensuring they meet user needs through active participation. Looking ahead, the future of blockchain appears promising, with ongoing innovations expected in security, scalability, and functionality. Regulatory frameworks are evolving, and there is growing interest in more sophisticated and user-friendly DeFi products. The space concluded with a discussion on future trends in NFTs and DeFi, indicating a bright horizon for these technologies.


Q: What is the role of blockchain technology in traditional finance and digital art?
A: Blockchain is revolutionizing traditional finance through decentralized and secure transactions. In digital art, blockchain enables the tokenization and sale of artwork, ensuring ownership and provenance.

Q: What are the main challenges faced by DeFi platforms?
A: DeFi platforms encounter significant challenges related to security and regulatory compliance.

Q: Why is user experience essential in blockchain services?
A: User experience plays a vital role in driving mainstream adoption and trust in blockchain technologies.

Q: How important is interoperability among different blockchain networks?
A: Interoperability allows seamless communication and data sharing between various blockchain networks, enhancing overall functionality and user experience.

Q: How can the environmental impact of blockchain be mitigated?
A: Adopting energy-efficient consensus mechanisms and investing in green energy can help reduce the environmental footprint of blockchain technologies.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for blockchain projects?
A: Active community participation is vital for the development and adoption of blockchain projects to ensure they align with user needs.

Q: What are the expected future innovations in blockchain technology?
A: The future of blockchain technology looks promising, with ongoing innovations anticipated in security, scalability, and overall functionality.

Q: How are regulatory frameworks evolving to address blockchain challenges?
A: Regulators are increasingly creating frameworks to address the unique challenges posed by blockchain technology and ensure compliance.

Q: What are some emerging trends in NFTs and …
A: NFTs are diversifying beyond art, and DeFi is moving towards more sophisticated and user-friendly products to meet evolving market demands.


Time: 00:01:20
Overview of Blockchain Technology

Time: 00:09:07
The Rise of NFTs

Time: 00:15:30
Security in DeFi

Time: 00:23:45
User Experience in Blockchain

Time: 00:31:10
Interoperability Between Blockchains

Time: 00:39:05
Environmental Impact of Blockchain

Time: 00:47:20
Community Engagement

Time: 00:54:50
Regulatory Frameworks

Time: 01:02:15
Future Trends in NFTs

Time: 01:10:00
Trends in Decentralized Finance

Key Takeaways

  • Blockchain technology is revolutionizing traditional finance and digital art.
  • NFTs are gaining popularity as a new form of digital ownership.
  • DeFi platforms offer innovative financial solutions but face security and regulatory challenges.
  • User experience is crucial for widespread blockchain adoption.
  • Interoperability among blockchain networks is vital for functionality.
  • Regulatory frameworks are still catching up with blockchain advancements.
  • Addressing the environmental impact of blockchain is critical.
  • Community engagement is key to the success of blockchain projects.
  • The future of blockchain looks promising but requires ongoing innovation.
  • NFTs are expanding beyond art
  • and DeFi is evolving towards user-friendly products.

Behind the Mic

Sa. Sa. If you smell what the rock is cooking Gm all right Gm everyone, welcome to cooking with Bond Cake and we are very excited to have this show for today. Thanks for joining us, effects and moonbirds ecosystem. I'm Colin A porter. So happy to be here. I head up design and creative at proof and moonbirds and excited to chat about moonbirds ip rights and how we can use these commercial rights. we have our moon birds experts here with us today. Hilo I'm currently in Lisbon, so the weather is nice today. Love it. shall we start off with our main topic today? Colin and hollow. It's coming to the one year anniversary of moonbirds. Lots of exciting stuff happening on the moonbird side, the highlights of key initiatives, new releases and the new ip. Give us the outline of where we're heading. Yeah. No, absolutely. I think a few things stand out to me like, and I'll let Colin speak more to the specifics. But largely the big piece around, like, ip of moon birds, both in terms of, like, the creative design and also in like, being able to give more commercial rights to our holders. it's something that we're incredibly proud of, I think, like you see a lot of other projects doing it. But ultimately, we want to position moon birds to be a really valuable asset to all of our holders so that they can use the ip that they hold in meaningful ways. So we released our new guidelines in terms of, like, licensing and how they can do it and how they can use it broadly. Like, we're making it really easy for people to engage in that. So that's, like, a huge thing for us. Beyond that, like there's the creative aspect of it, which I'll let Colin kind of dig into. But that really stands out. And then, like, this is just the start, like we have a whole slate of deliverables and different product releases that will be coming up over the next year that we think are really exciting. And so, like, we're headed towards like, moonbirds in the other side, I think is another thing. You talked about the one-year anniversary. It's kind of crazy. I think we're timed for that quite, quite well. I mean, Board Apes Yacht Club has been doing such a good job of, like, executing and on time. So we put a deadline on this. And it seems like at that june timeline, you'll really start to see our avatars and how they kind of hold up on the other side, which is super exciting for us as you've seen it with the Board Apes and the other character there that you've already seen in the other side, and now we are seeing him take his approach on moonbirds. I saw he was here earlier in the spaces, so shout out to him. Really dope to see him bring a lot of these moonbirds to life. And it won't be possible if, like, the moonbirds isn't an illustrated version. So I think that's one of the immediate impacts that we're seeing from like, the upgraded IP. And like, I like where you guys are seeing it, like, be more commercially used, be in more shows, be in more entertainment forms, because like, that's how you take the ip to the next level. And excited to see where moonbirds will land with this new ip that you've provided to the community. So excited for that. But going back to like, iptalk, talk us through how you thought of like, taking this approach. Like, you could have gone different ways in terms of like, upgrading the art, providing IP or whatsoever. But what was it like to navigate around the previous version and bring it to the current state where. And now with the illustrated birds, you're giving IP rights to the holders of the birds. What was the thought process behind that? Yeah, there's a lot of people that had a thought on that, both internally and externally. you know, sorry if it's loud, there's a, lawn people. But, you know, I think, like, obviously we had to figure out a way to give people IP and, you know, one of the easiest, quickest ways would be to. To upgrade the art, to redo the art. So, you know, it kind of seemed like a no brainer. It seemed like an opportunity for us to give the moon birds are refresh. And what I love about what we did is that both people have access to both the original art and the. The one thing that like, I was very concerned with is like, the Og art, the pixel art is amazing. Like, I don't want to lose it. I know that people would be the. I'd be upset because I'm genuinely a fan of it. And so it's just, it's awesome that were able to give people the opportunity to hold on to both. I don't know if I'm answering your question, but am I heading in the right. Yeah, you're heading in the right direction. go ahead. Love it. Love it. Because our community, I'm sure like like being in the middle of, like, the NFT revolution, few of the highlighted topics and highlighted question is what ip rights do I get as holder? Can my art piece, like, be showcased on a TV show? These are, like, the questions that come up generally. So I'm happy that we are, like, bundling this. And with moonbirds, it's really exciting. Definitely. Go ahead. I think it's also a kind of like meeting in the middle because, like, I think, the art side of things is so new. Like, I've worked in a lot of other projects before this where, like, the ip is very clear. This is this. That is that for moonbirds. And this is this. And this is how the ip is distributed. But like, yeah, like, to add on to what you mentioned earlier, this is the beginning stages. There's a lot more to be done. So I was just wondering in terms of the new ip guidelines, so for example, for holders to get involved with the new ip. What's the what's the immediate, like approach for that or like the immediate guidelines or directions they have to be aware of? Yeah, I'd say well, now you have immediate commercial rights, so you can use it totally approved by yourself. A couple of things to note, you can't use that IP in terms of like, working or leveraging moonbirds art with other collections. For example, like, let's say like Lexus, can you connect me back? Oh, no, I'm happy to take it. I think, you know, we have guidelines on how people can use these assets online. People have tremendous access to the resources. And we now allow anyone to go online and offline, create printed materials, create derivative works. And we wanted to have a strong pov around these ip rights, but it's really ultimately up to you creating things both large and small. We really would love to see like other formations of moonbirds. Like if you want to go ahead and like create a derivative piec, have at it, sell it make money and showcase it. It's really like opening up the door for the creation and commercialization of moonbirds, which is something that I think is unique in the space. And one thing that Colin mentioned that remains true, is that we're able to recognize that the original moonbirds of the 2012 collection remain a very strong foundation, we saw it earlier again today we see, like, these beautiful traditional moonbird pieces. Those still exist, and they live very closely now alongside these derivative works, these ip works. And we're excited to see people experiment across the board. It's cool. I love it so you know, talking about the creative direction for moonbirds. you guys made a lot of changes, from the original collection to like the latest collection. I don't know if like people realize like how these things come about. And if you guys can like share, like, you know, I'm sure like the the latest and newest version this launch, what are all the considerations that that goes into it? Like, what's the process look like? What's the team look like when you go from, like, the the pixel it, it works? But what was all the consideration? What was the design aspects like getting feedback from community, etc. Talk us through that. I think for a lot of people they, they question why Make a derivative version. Why is pixel birds not enough? Why do we need to go for this new modern look per se I think it varies. though you know it's, it's something that collectively we decided to push forward. So go ahead. Yeah, sure. So initially, my creative challenge was to build the design that would, like, bring to life to this birds. And we knew that, like, going back to the community and staying heart to the direction you know, was, was the way forward. And I think, you know, we hear about all the feedback and comments in our moonbird nest and, you know, wanted to make sure that like every part of that was passed on in the future. And now, like if you're holding the physical moon bird at this point, it will be good to turn that into the illustrated version. Holon you have anything to add on? Not much to add other than, like, I think the community has been tremendously supportive and also kind of wants us to continue to experiment. And so when I initially joined the team, we had a really strong pov about the direction for moonbirds. And that hasn't changed. So those building blocks have been set, and I think it's going to actually create a good environment for us to continue to experiment creatively. We're excited about all this and experimenting with our strong directional guards in place. Okay, so my next question is when moonbird first hits the market, Yeah. What was it going through your head? What gave you the confidence in “here is what we are going to launch in”. And what are the first-hand experiences on that? You know, it's really hard to anticipate, right? Because you never know how the market will actually react. And you're just hoping that when we launched, all the ducks were lined up in a row and over company, and we actually are very grateful our community came back with really positive feedback. But I have designed things for a long time, so it was really hard to anticipate how it would go. And I think, you know, if you want to take the one step forward, now the anticipation was just one key point, how to we continually evolve the current state, where we are with moonbird? What are our extended deliverables ? This is the crux of what we are saying. And again you see moonbird ip moving towards beyond just a profile picture. we are moving on the next level of bringing it to life through showcases and programs to explain what we’ve got. It has been really encouraging to see how everything is going our community’s reception to that and the price action matching that. I think it was just overall a positive experience. Agree. It’s really, pretty cool to hear that journey. For like, the original holders, since you’ve been in the market for a while and the changes were taking place throughout, any acquisitions for themselves like this is the place to be Oh for sure. Like, I think we'll continue to experiment. And you know, it's the true nature of like a growing company, to experiment. Now we've introduced community events through our moonbird spaces, and we want to show everything that we've done through. That invitation pretends to be open and actual feedback, I think it's really exciting. Hey, we're definitely excited to see all those events coming and seeing first-hand as well. We'll definitely continue to follow you guys on what you're working out and all the new things coming through Colin and holo. if there’s anything that you like to add or share here that might you think that our listeners would love to hear, anything big coming in the pipeline. Sure. We’re just really staying true to that commitment and delivering that ip as we set forward. Just excited to share the new rights to our holders and the new art and I think being both good and good stewards towards existing moonbird guardians of moonbird nfts, setting the direction to move forward into 2023, allowing these moonbirds to be ultimately seen and sharee what we are transforming the moonbird avatars into the other side and we will see more of that on our next community space. Thanks for having us. And you heard it here. moonbird ip in spaces, evolving, lots of cool things coming. be sure to follow them closely. Let’s see where the new transformation is headed and all the cool things to come sees Moonbirds continue to evolve and have moonbird ip available for everyone so we can have everyone’s favorite moonbird flourishing. So yeah, thanks once again for your time. We appreciate that and looking forward to more exciting things to come later on. And lastly, like you said, moon virtually on other side, we've already seen apes on other side, we've already seen mi bits other side, we have yet to see mutants in other sides. And yes, we have yet to see moonwoods as well in other sides. So excited for that as well. So yeah, thanks for everything that you've shared. Holin and Holo, thanks for the time and thanks for being with us here at cooking with Bonface. So yeah, before we end, I'd like to back to my co host. Okay, so thank you so much, Colin and Holo, for sharing about Moonbird's past, present and future with us and for everyone here, thank you all for your support, especially in our past 16 episode. We appreciate you all for always spending your Wednesday morning or evening here with us. And also, special shout out to Alpha Degen, who's always being here and supporting and engaging with us. So don't forget to stay tuned to our Bond K cooks account for more updates on our next spaces. And we'll have one this Friday, the cookbook with Lancelot. And we'll announce who our guest here is soon. So once again, this is pancake, your co host for cooking with Bond cake. Back to you, J Bond. And this is J. Bond, your co host for cooking with Bond cake. Lastly, wanted to thank Moonbirds team again for being with us and we're excited to have another episode next week of cooking with Bond cake. And yeah, I'll see you this Friday for the cookbook. Thanks everyone for being here. Thanks for attending and what I can share. Please be with us again next week and next Wednesday for our next episode of cooking with Bond cake. I can tease that we have a very big guest for that. So yeah, I hope to see you guys for then, but for now, I'd like to say GN or GM if you are in the west. And, yeah, thanks again, Colin and Holo. We'll see you guys again next Wednesday, and we'll see you this Friday for the cookbook. Good night, everyone. Bye. Bye. Bye. Thanks, J. Bond. Thank you, pancake. Thank you so much for hosting. If you smell what the rock is cooking.

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