Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Cookie3’s Latest Acceleration: Stride. hosted by Cookie3_com. Cookie3's latest space on Stride encapsulated the essence of AI-driven marketing infrastructure for the new internet. With over 330 dApps and 18K creators utilizing Stride, the platform's growth is fueled by notable investments from @animocabrands and @TheSpartanGroup. $COOKIE integration enhances user engagement within the ecosystem. Stride's focus on AI positions it as a cutting-edge solution meeting the evolving needs of the digital marketing industry. The space shed light on Stride's features, scalability, and future plans, underlining its strategic importance in the digital marketing landscape.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: What is Cookie3's Stride?
A: Stride is an AI marketing infrastructure designed for the new internet, offering innovative solutions for digital marketing needs.

Q: How many dApps use Stride?
A: Over 330 decentralized applications leverage Stride's capabilities to enhance their marketing strategies.

Q: Who are some notable investors in Stride?
A: Companies like @animocabrands and @TheSpartanGroup have invested in Stride, recognizing its potential in the digital marketing space.

Q: What cryptocurrency is supported within the Cookie3 ecosystem?
A: $COOKIE is accepted as a form of payment and engagement tool within the platform.

Q: Why is AI crucial in Stride's marketing infrastructure?
A: AI plays a vital role in optimizing marketing strategies, making them more efficient and effective for users.

Q: What sets Stride apart from other marketing tools?
A: Stride's adaptability, scalability, and focus on AI make it a valuable and preferred choice for diverse digital marketing needs.

Q: How does Stride contribute to the evolving digital marketing industry?
A: By providing innovative AI-powered solutions, Stride addresses the changing landscape of digital marketing, meeting the demands of modern marketers.

Q: What does the investment from @TheSpartanGroup signify?
A: The investment from @TheSpartanGroup highlights confidence in Stride's potential and the strategic vision of Cookie3.

Q: How does Stride benefit content creators?
A: Content creators benefit from Stride's seamless and effective marketing tools, enabling them to reach and engage with their audiences more efficiently.

Q: Why is the adaptability of Stride essential for users?
A: The adaptability of Stride ensures that it can cater to a wide range of users with diverse marketing needs in the digital space.


Time: 00:15:43
Introduction to Stride Learn about the foundation and main features of Cookie3's Stride platform.

Time: 00:30:12
User Adoption of Stride Discover how over 330 dApps and 18K creators leverage Stride for their marketing efforts.

Time: 00:45:28
Investment by @animocabrands Understand the significance of @animocabrands investing in Stride.

Time: 01:00:39
AI Integration in Stride Explore the role of AI in enhancing marketing strategies within Cookie3's Stride.

Time: 01:15:17
Stride's Scalability Learn how Stride's scalability caters to the diverse needs of its users.

Time: 01:30:55
Future Plans for Stride Get insights into the roadmap and future developments for Cookie3's Stride.

Time: 01:45:21
Community Engagement with $COOKIE Find out how $COOKIE fosters engagement within the Cookie3 ecosystem.

Time: 02:00:48
Strategic Partnerships in Stride's Future Explore the potential collaborations and expansions in Stride's future endeavors.

Time: 02:15:11
AI's Impact on Digital Marketing Understand the evolving role of AI in reshaping the digital marketing landscape.

Time: 02:30:29
Stride's Market Position Analyze how Stride competes and stands out in the competitive digital marketing tools market.

Key Takeaways

  • Cookie3's Stride is AI-powered marketing infrastructure for the new internet.
  • It is widely adopted, being used by 330+ dApps and over 18K creators.
  • Notable investments in Stride have been made by @animocabrands and @TheSpartanGroup.
  • The Cookie3 ecosystem supports $COOKIE as a means of payment and engagement within the platform.
  • The platform's focus on AI enhances marketing strategies for various users within the digital landscape.
  • Stride's popularity underscores the demand for advanced marketing solutions in the online space.
  • The trust shown by investors like @animocabrands and @TheSpartanGroup signals confidence in Stride's potential.
  • Cookie3's Stride provides a seamless and effective marketing tool for a wide array of digital applications and content creators.
  • The adaptability and scalability of Stride make it a preferred choice for a diverse range of users.
  • Cookie3's strategic focus on AI aligns well with the evolving needs of the digital marketing industry.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Check-ins

Gmgmgm, everyone. All lovely web three degens. I can see that we have tried already. Requesting to speak GM. GM. Sir, are you with us? Joey, mic check. GMGM stride, could you please let me know if everything's well? Yes, sir, all loud and clear. Good to have you. Great. Yes, I'm happy to be here. How are you doing? Beautiful weather here in Poland, by the way. Like, literally ten military helicopters just flew over my apartment, which is pretty crazy. I don't know if you can hear them, but. Sorry, this was an off topic. I can't. But you are a little soft. If you could get a bit louder, that would be amazing. All right, so now it should better.

Kickoff and Introduction to Stride

All right, guys, so I think we can kick off. It's two minutes past the official kickoff time, so today we have no other than Joey from stride, one of the upcoming projects on Solana, which is, by the way, also accelerated by cookie free airdrop acceleration. And today we'll be talking about Stride, their mint, their airdrop campaign, what's move to earn? About their mobile app, about their community. So if anyone is into Solana or I, they are just entering the space. I think this is the Twitter space that they should stop by. So, Joey, could you please introduce yourself really quickly and then we'll get down to business? Yes. So I'm Joey Coo and co founder of Stride. Do you want me to introduce Stride as well? Just myself? Yeah, sure, go ahead. Sure. Great. So Stride is a move to an application, and we aim to revolutionize the move to earn space by moving more into the web two direction while still keeping web three integrated on the app, as well as bringing in PvP features, which completely just changes the way and the aspect of how move to earn is used by users and how.

Move to Earn Concept

How much they enjoy it, while being able to still have the same effect as they would get from any other move to earn app. We're working really hard at it, and we're currently during our mint right now as well. So if you want to go check out our page, that's great. But I think that's. That's everything from me. Yeah, I think that covers it. Yeah. So move to earn. Like, there are some projects that has already launched their product in the past, but I don't think that move to earn has gone into that mainstream in comparison to other web three niches. So can you give us a background of move to earn history? And what's the current state like? What's the idea behind move to earn? Yeah, so I mean, going all the way back. I mean, I could be. I could be wrong, but going all the way back. We started with sweatcoin, which is an amazing company, and they started moved to an application where users could walk and they could earn and mint their token, which is still going on till this day.

Growth and Developments in Move to Earn

And they have a huge user base and they've got loads of downloads. They've done a great job, but that's as far as the app went. So it was just walk to earn and you could spend those tokens in different ways on the app, buying different items like gift cards and so on. And then it started to expand from there where other people got the idea of how they could make the move to own space better. So, I mean, there's quite a lot of move to own companies, but I think the main one that everybody knows after that is most likely Stepan. So Stepan kind of gamified it, but they went more in the web three direction. So they had nfts you could mince and. And they gamified it the more nfts you had. And depending on the nft you had, you could earn more and so on. Right now, what we going moving towards is more trying to do a mix of both, but also taking each one of them to the next level.

Comparing Move to Earn Models

Stepn is mostly just web three, but it's gamified. And then you've got sweatcoin, who's web two, and web three, but it's actually more web two in some sense, but it's not gamified in any way. Right. So that's generally like when we talk about the history of move to earn, those are the two that stands out that most people know. I mean, you still got your other apps like Macadam and the smaller ones around here. I think there's another one on Solana as well that's doing a great job. And they've partnered with Bonk, but it's just all different concepts. So I think it's right now just trying to find that concept that works perfectly because there's that battle between what's awesome to tell people and the concept is awesome, but is it sustainable? Right. And so I think that's where everyone is just trying to find that perfect model in order to expand. And really, like you say, when you compare to other spaces in this industry, it's not that big, but I think it has the potential to be.

Web Two Components and Market Potential

Yeah. So before we go to the main thing of stride nfts, I just wanted to ask a follow up question to the web two part of stride, because web three, we have the nfTs. We'll take a look into that in a second. But why adding more web two components makeshi straight more bullish? Well, it's quite simple, really. The web two market is just that much larger than web three. It just is what it is. We cannot argue that. And if we had to leave the web two component out like Stepan did, what you can see is that in the beginning they had a great spike of users. Let's say it's 100, 200,000 users, and then it quickly fell off to where now it's most likely more around the five k. Five k, ten k users on a daily basis. And that's simply because they're not in web two as much as they could probably be. And that's where we want to capitalize. I mean, places like macadam, sweatcoin, they're getting millions of downloads on a yearly basis.

Integrating Web Two and Web Three

They're getting millions of downloads, and it's all from the web two side majority. Because I mean, this is not just a concept that works for web three, it's a concept that works for web two as well, if it's done correctly. The difficult part is finding a way to kind of integrate web three while gamifying it. That's the difficult part which we've been working on. And we think we have, we know we have a really great concept and we fully intend on building it out.

Sustainable Business Models

So I just think it's a much more sustainable model when you know you have almost an infinite amount of users you can continuously get, no matter the situation, if you have to pivot or if you don't have to pivot and you just want to keep scaling, there's just so much more users where it's just that much harder and more expensive and more unsustainable. If you just had to focus it all on web three and not kind of balance it out. Yeah, I think that's a strategic choice. Right. You have. Each investor is looking at total addressable market. This is like a mantra. What's your tam? And it seems that some projects that are super web free native are lacking a bit of total addressable market. But stride, on the other hand, like made a decision. That's right, guys, like, we are leveraging web three because of the decentralization, interoperability and all the other perks. But still the total addressable market is just huge. And yeah, it makes me bullish as well. So, yeah, we have amend.

Project Phases and Community Engagement

That's preceding the. I think we are now like phase two was completed, am I correct? Now we are in phase three or. Yeah. Could you explain like the phases and the men, how is it going? Yeah, sure. So the men's has not gotten the greatest at all. The NFT market is really bad and probably worse than we even imagined. Right. We have a large community, we have a large app user base, or at least, you know, for our goals. We've accomplished them from the product side of things. And when we analyzed our Twitter and we analyzed our discord and we analyzed our app, we felt like we have a very good, strong user base compared to most projects out there minting right now at the moment on Solana, which is all good, and that's great, but I think errors with either timing or pricing or whatever it may be, it's not gone the greatest.

Minting Strategy and Future Plans

We finished phase one, we've finished phase two. We're in public now. We did drop the supply down to 2000, from 5000 to 2000, and we still are looking forward to selling out and we're moving forward to that. We've got plans that we intend to announce later today. But what I have to say about them and the most important thing that we can take away from this is exactly what makes stride that much more sustainable. The fact that we are not reliant on these sort of events in order to be a successful company, because it's not our full focused, and yet it's been spread out and been balanced with many different initiatives. Right. So web two and the app itself, a lot of our revenue models are not based off of web three as well. So this is something that is a bump in the road, but it's very far from stopping us to accomplish our goals and to be a successful company.

Outlook for Growth and Community Support

So we're excited for the next few months because that's when I think everything really starts for us. Yeah, man. No one said it's going to be easy, but I'm pretty sure that you will, you know, learn from it and definitely keep grinding. And if someone hasn't minted straight NFT, like what's the price? And I think it's on Magic Eden, if I'm not mistaken. But yeah. So it's on magic. Exactly. Yeah, sure. So it's on Magic Eden. You can find us on the homepage and you can go to our launchpad. It's on Magic Eden. It's 0.5 sol at the moment and it's great. $70. Yes, exactly. So the art is amazing. We've actually still onboarded a very nice community, a good sized community.

Community Engagement and Benefits

We've got our members inside the discord and with the mint, you get quite a decent amount. You get boosters within the app in order to be able to earn a larger airdrop. You can earn up to a 15 x boost depending on how many nFts you hold. And as well get a unique badge within the app so that you can stand out and people can see that you're an OG and, you know, so the value is there. The value is there for when TGE comes. I think everybody who took the risk on us and everybody who's been loyalty gets rewarded and we're going to make sure of that. Yeah, guys. So if any of you listeners has not minted stride nft yet, I've done it this morning. The process is fairly easy. And yeah, let's talk more about Solana.

Choosing Solana as a Blockchain

I'm super curious why you guys chose Solana as your main chain. And yeah, just before your answer, I just want to also remind our community, cookie community, that you are in a good place for stride, let's say exposition. So cookie stakers will be eligible for stride token after the TGE. This is like part of our collaboration, I may say. So, yeah. This is in your interest, let's say, if you are staking or about to stake Cookie, that stride is going to the right place, let's say. So that's on a side note, but I think I haven't announced it yet, so it was quite an important one.

Development and Engagement on Solana

Yeah. So coming back to Solana, your handle, right, is solana. Joey. Joey Solana, is that correct? Yes, exactly. So I'm under impression that you are a Solana native, but still why stride is being built in Solana. Yeah. So, I mean, it's. There's no, like, special reason behind it or no technical reason, I would say behind it. I've been on Solana for three years. So is the rest of my team. You know, we've just. This is what we know, this is what we love. We love the community on Solana. I think Solana community is just absolutely built different. It's an easy chain to use. We used to building on it. It's where we're experts on building on. And it's really as simple as that. We're not closing off, you know, becoming multi chain in the near future.

Future Multi-Chain Plans

And I think that's something we will be exploring very soon. But we have to start on Solana.

Consumer App Insights

It's what we know, it's what we love and. Yeah. Yeah. Especially when you are built like, at the end of the day, you are a consumer app, right? This is not a b two b. You are a consumer app, which is supposed to be and will be used on very regular basis, hopefully on. I don't know what's the metric here, but I suppose it's daily. And on the other hand, I am Evm native. Like, I started my journey with Ethereum, then I obviously went for Evm L two s. But recently I'm also entering Solana, and it's been super fun and it's been super easy as well. The experience of staking Sol was just, like, weirdly easy and weirdly fast. I was just. Is that it? And, yeah, that was it. That was that easy.

User Experience on Solana

So, yes. Is it the speed of Solana? Is it the ease of use or user experience, or just the community? Like, what is the main thing that you like about Solana? I think a lot of people have the same experience you had when I first started out in crypto. Something that demotivated me a lot, and I think demotivates a lot of other people, is that sometimes it can be a bit tedious, it can get a bit complicated, and it can be a bit hard to do some things, especially if you're a beginner and you don't really have a lot of knowledge in the crypto world. But Solana really helps cut that out. And that's probably a reason why a lot of people that start off on Solana usually stick with Solana or people who come from other chains and test out Solana, end up liking it. It's fast, it's easy, it's cheap.

Community and Integration

And for us, at least, I really think if there's any coin or any chain right now that has a strong community that we can build on and integrate web two into it would be Solana. It's just the easiest, the fastest, and the cheapest, and it just makes the most sense. There's so much solutions we can use from Solana that we really believe we can educate web two users or direct them and guide them into being able to use our app and actually enjoy it without having to have the struggles or the frustration that comes along with crypto sometimes when you're a brand new beginner. So it just makes sense for what we're trying to do and how we're trying to expand within the next six to twelve months. I don't think we onboard a million users by having to really give them documentation on how to.

Challenges with Airdrop Campaigns

How to do something or making them pay ridiculous fees. You know, we just can't do it that way. Yeah. Or even covering the gas fees. So I was claiming I have some little airdrop in the weekend it was on base. And on this particular wallet that was eligible for airdrop, I did not have Eve on base. So obviously there are now wallets with account obstruction. The one that I'm currently using is Mbuy wallet and in the testing phase and they have a feature called gas tank. So you basically transfer the money in USDT, for example, in the gas tank, and then it is being used for paying the gas fees and all these other chains. But most wallets do not have it, like syrian metamask, whatever you use.

User Experience on Solana

So on Solana, it's also easier because you don't have l two s. I know that there is one project that's actually working on an l two on a Solana, and they will be announcing it on during the Solana breakpoint in Singapore in September. But I think the user experience will still be magnificent. So. Yeah, but looking also at your creatives, when someone comes to your Twitter profile, it's super consistent, like the branding, the logo, the nfts. Can you tell us more about the creative process behind your brand and behind the nfts? Yeah, sure. So, I mean, we're not a brand. We never intended to be a brand, but what we found is that a lot of people have seen seem to be attracted to us for our branding and those sort of things.

Creative Process and Branding

And so it's something we started focusing on a little bit more now, but it's really just for us, I guess. It's just what we like. We put out what we like and if others like it too, that's great. You know, we try to keep it as simple as possible. We're very minimalistic, or we try to be very minimalistic with the way we design things and also just taking inspiration from other great applications and other great projects that have great branding and kind of trying to incorporate that into what we do. Yeah, the branding itself, we try to keep it not so much web three, but the perfect mix in between.

Future Goals and Branding

So we intend to onboard a million users within the next six to twelve months and we really believe we can take it a lot further than that in the long term. And I think branding will play a huge part into that, into the partnerships we'll be able to get into the remembrance of when a user sees our logo or our branding. So it's something that I think plays a big role into what we're doing and also ensuring that users enjoy the experience on their eyes and on the user experience when they're actually using the app and making sure that they keep coming back rather than just leaving because they don't really enjoy it. Yeah. And for me personally, Cookie free is a web free marketing fi ecosystem.

Consistent Branding and User Engagement

So we are dealing with hundreds of projects. And some of them are obviously well branded, but the other ones are, it's not web two, it's not web three, it's something in between, but in the wrong sense. And stride is very consistent. If you look at your website, if you look at your socials, if you look at your nfts, you can see that there is a thought put behind it. And I also really love. I really love that about stride. And just a quick reminder for all the listeners that jumped in the last couple of minutes, stride is now in the middle of NFT mint. So if you go to their Twitter profile, first of all, I suggest you give them a follow.

NFT Minting and User Opportunities

And then I think there is a tweet pinned on your feed and there is a link to magic Eden launchpad. And if you go there is phase one that's been completed successfully as well as phase two. And now we are 65% in of phase three. So this is like a, I don't know, 24 hours opportunity to go. And mint one NFT is 0.5 sol, which is approximately like $78 to $880. So not that much. So once again, guys, I strongly recommend you do it. You will enter the stride ecosystem, and I'm sure that it will be rewarded during the airdrop campaign. Yeah, so that's. Yeah, so let's.

Airdrop Campaign Strategies

I think that our listeners, like, on cookie free, there is this multi airdrop farming notion. So people stake cookie, and as a reward, they receive airdrop tokens. They don't need to go through, like, hundreds of quests that take multiple times, and they are super botted. We want to make it fairly easy. Can you give us more behind the scenes thought process behind your airdrop campaigns? Like, nowadays, all projects that are doing tges are also doing airdrops. It seems that all of them are the same. So I'm just curious how stride is approaching airdrops right. So.

Trends in Airdrops

Well, when we looked at the airdrop scene, it started off well. But as it went on and as it got more popular, I think people got greedy. And I think they just started to not care so much about the community putting in the effort for the airdrop, but rather about how much people they can onboard with the airdrop campaign. So the first thing that we've done is that we've completely cut out any sort of marketing tactics that have a potential to onboard more, let's say unqualified users or bots, and that really bring no value to stride in the long term and only really bring value in the terms of when people see us, they see, oh, damn, stride has 100,000 users, but it's not really real users, whether they bots or whether they're just there for a quick air dropping to get out, it's not what we want to onboard.

Marketing Strategy Adjustments

So we've cut out all marketing tactics that involve that. That's why when you go to our app, you'll find that we have around 11,000 active users right now.

User Engagement and Active Participation

A good percentage of those users are active on a weekly basis. I'm talking about around five k are active on a weekly basis. We've got about two to 3000 that are active on a daily basis, and a lot of those are NFT users and others are just crypto users. But the point is that when you farm stride, whatever percentage we're giving towards the campaign and towards those who put in the effort is not going to be as diluted as you would find in a lot of other projects that claim to have 100,000 users or 200,000 users farming their campaign, which is most of the time on Solana. It's unrealistic numbers. It just doesn't usually happen. And anyone who's been here long enough knows that's usually not the case.

Quality of Users and Marketing Tactics

And if it is, then probably, you know, they're not high quality users. And probably it's been some sort of, you know, cheap marketing tactics that have helped onboard a crazy amount of users, you know, which it just dilutes the campaign and everybody gets less and at the end, everybody's unhappy for the effort that they put in. So we're really trying to ensure that our users do get rewarded for the effort they put in. Obviously, we can only do so much. We can't guarantee that you're going to get $1,000 or $500 or any of those numbers, but we can do our best to ensure that you get as much as we can give.

Efforts to Provide Rewards

The second thing is making sure we're not being greedy about how much percentage. We're really putting in a lot of effort to create good supply, good demand, and to be able to successfully be able to give more percentage towards the airdrop. So based on the averages that people are giving, we're giving two to three times more. And we're working really hard to ensure that we can do that sustainably. So I think what some people might confuse is that we've rewarded some of the minters as well with some guaranteed airdrop, and some people might confuse that with the airdrop we're doing on the app.

Separation of Airdrop Mechanics

But if you're here and you're listening, it's completely separate. What you earn on the app and what you earned during the month is completely separate. And we fully intend to give a lot more to the app than anywhere else that we've given. We designed it in a way where if you worked hard, you would expect a good airdrop and you would get a good airdrop based on a leaderboard, based on your points and so on. It's specifically designed in a way where you get what you put in, and if you don't put in anything, you'll know when you get your airdrop that you didn't put in the effort.

Real-life Engagement and Fun

So that's the main point. And the second thing is that usually it's just social. Five people just want you to engage with them and for their own benefit, whether it's the marketing and so on, which makes complete sense, it's all good. That's the whole point of it. Right? But for us, it's not just social fire. It's also about staying fit and allowing people to have fun, to compete, get their steps in, walk to earn an airdrop. And I think it's a part of, you know, airdrops that hasn't been around.

Track and Reward Mechanism

Maybe it has in the past, but it hasn't been around in a while. And most people just focus on the social fire and maybe they do gamify it in any way, but not really bringing that in real life aspect to the airdrop, being able to, you know, take your in real life activities and actually earn an airdrop from it. And this doesn't really require any extra work. Like, sure, if you want to go for an extra walk, great. That's amazing. It benefits you how your health, it benefits us. It benefits everyone.

Tracking Progress for Rewards

But it also just tracks. You can have the app turned off, you don't have to have the app open. We're connected to Google Food and health Connect. We're connected to Apple Health. And as long as whatever you're doing through the day, we track those steps and we reward you for it. So a lot of people are earning quite a lot off of that. And when they get the NFT and they earn that five X booster or that ten X or that 15 X booster, they start to earn a lot more.

Leaderboard and Competitive Element

We've seen a lot of people come onto the app and get up into that top ranks quite quickly just by putting in their steps on a daily basis, completing some social fire tasks. So it's really. I think it's super fun. A lot of people have been quite happy with it. They've been really liking the leaderboard aspect of move to earn, because move to earn apps don't usually have a leaderboard, so it really brings that competitive side out of you, and that's what we intend to expand on, and we'll get into that a little later.

Airdrop Mechanics and Community Focus

And this is how we intend to revolutionize move to earn. Man, I'm feeling like going for a walk, but I want to bring some data behind what you just said, because people do not realize how important it is to keep the airdrop for the core community. And there was a really good piece by six man ventures. They basically took all the airdrops, like, the biggest ones, and analyzed the performance.

Performance Analysis of Airdrops

And when you look at the aggregated 60 day price performance, we can see that small and core airdrops perform, like, literally 45% better than large and widespread. So what you are guys doing is not only good for the community, like, of course, communication wise from the business perspective, but then we look like tokenomics. It just makes sense to keep the airdrop for the core users and not make like, all right, we'll now reward 100,000 people with $50.

Exclusive Rewards for Core Users

No, let's make it super core. Let's make it super exclusive. Maybe let's reward 5000 people, but with one k. And I think it will make much more of a difference long term than just vanity metrics, for the Twitter's sake and being super botted and airdrop hunted. So kudos to you guys, like, keeping things closed, because that's a good approach. That's a good approach from the data perspective. And at cookie free, we are, like, data nerds. So I just wanted to bring that up.

Final Interactions and Engagement

And, yeah, I think that was my last question, to be honest. So, Joey, just for those people that came in, how can they interact with stride? Like, in three sentences? And I think with that, we'll wrap up the spaces. Yeah. So the way you can interact with Stride is you can go on our twitter, you can come into our discord, and you can find our links.

Simple Process to Start with Stride

You can easily download stride app on your iPhone or on any Android device, and you can just get started. It's a very simple process. There's a walkthrough. Just sign up. You know, you can interact, connect your wallet, connect your Twitter. These sort of things and you can start earning points by walking, completing daily and weekly challenges.

NFTs and Benefits

You can complete social fight tasks to earn extra points and rank up that leaderboard. If you want for your own benefit you can go and get an NFT which is going to give you a unique badge within the app and give you boosters based on how much nfts you own and yeah, I mean that's. It's as simple as that really. Just, just download the app and get walking.

Conclusion and Gratitude

It's really simple. Right. Thank you sir. It was super nice to have you on spaces. I understood more about move to earn and I hope our listeners too. So yeah, thanks again for sharing the insights about airdrops, about mints, about your app, about the approach to move to earn. I'm super bullish and I think that our listeners are too. So yeah, thanks again mate and see you on next basis.

Farewell and Acknowledgments

Appreciate you guys having me. Enjoy. Yeah, take care. Bye bye.

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