Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Compliant, Secure, and Fee-Free Futures Trading with HashKey Global hosted by HashKey_Global. HashKey Global's space focuses on providing compliant, secure, and fee-free futures trading opportunities for all users. As a licensed digital asset exchange, the platform ensures regulatory compliance and prioritizes security measures to protect user assets. With a user-friendly trading experience and a commitment to inclusivity, HashKey Global stands out in the trading industry. Through official links, users can access more information and engage confidently in trading activities. The platform's emphasis on compliance, security, and accessibility make it a valuable choice for those seeking a reliable and secure trading environment.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.

Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 112


Q: What is HashKey Global known for?
A: Specializing in compliant, secure, and fee-free futures trading.

Q: How does HashKey Global ensure regulatory compliance?
A: By being a licensed digital asset exchange.

Q: Who can participate in trading on HashKey Global?
A: Compliant trading is accessible to everyone on the platform.

Q: What is a priority for HashKey Global in terms of user assets?
A: Implementing robust security measures.

Q: Why can users trade futures confidently on HashKey Global?
A: Due to the platform's secure and compliant nature.

Q: What type of trading experience does HashKey Global offer?
A: A seamless and user-friendly trading experience.

Q: Where can users find more information about HashKey Global?
A: Through the platform's official links provided.

Q: What sets HashKey Global apart in the trading space?
A: Its commitment to compliance and secure trading for all users.

Q: What values are important to HashKey Global?
A: Inclusivity and providing compliant trading opportunities.

Q: How does HashKey Global emphasize user security?
A: By prioritizing the protection of user assets.


Time: 00:15:30
Compliance Focus of HashKey Global Discussing how HashKey Global ensures compliance in futures trading.

Time: 00:25:45
Security Measures on HashKey Global Exploring the security protocols implemented to safeguard user assets.

Time: 00:35:20
User-Friendly Trading Experience How HashKey Global offers a seamless trading experience for users.

Time: 00:45:12
Official Links for More Information Providing users with direct access to HashKey Global's official resources.

Time: 00:55:29
Inclusive Trading Opportunities The focus on inclusivity in trading offerings by HashKey Global.

Time: 01:05:17
Commitment to Compliance Highlighting HashKey Global's dedication to regulatory compliance in trading.

Time: 01:15:40
Secure Trading Environment Ensuring a secure environment for futures trading on HashKey Global.

Time: 01:25:55
Robust User Asset Protection How HashKey Global prioritizes protecting user assets in trading activities.

Time: 01:35:30
Accessible Trading Platform Examining how HashKey Global enables all users to engage in compliant trading.

Time: 01:45:22
Fee-Free Trading Solutions Exploring how HashKey Global offers fee-free trading options for users.

Key Takeaways

  • HashKey Global specializes in compliant, secure, and fee-free futures trading.
  • The platform is a licensed digital asset exchange, ensuring regulatory compliance.
  • Compliant trading is accessible to all users on HashKey Global.
  • Security measures are a top priority for HashKey Global to protect user assets.
  • Users can engage in futures trading with confidence on the platform.
  • HashKey Global provides a seamless and user-friendly trading experience.
  • The platform's official links are available for users to access more information.
  • HashKey Global emphasizes making futures trading compliant and secure for all.
  • Inclusive trading opportunities are a focus for HashKey Global.
  • The platform's commitment to compliance sets it apart in the trading space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Start of Event

All right. All right. I think we're about to get started in just a minute. Just going to dj some music here. Meanwhile, I don't know how it sounds on your side. I'm just playing it straight out of my speaker. It's on a big far. Okay, we are ready to get started. Give me a. I think there's echoing coming out of my voice. Give me just a second. Let me, let me reconnect my microphone. All right. Is it better? Oh, I think maybe. Jennifer, I'm hearing myself from your speakers. okay. So should I turn off my microphone? Can you mute and see if maybe help. Testing again. Oh, is it better? Can I get a thumbs up if the echo is gone? Oh, perfect. Okay. All right. All right. Sorry about that. Thank you, Jennifer. And yeah, let's get started.

Event Overview

Welcome back to another AMa here on the Hashkee Global Twitter channel. This one should be really exciting for a lot of our audiences here today because we are going to be talking about the upcoming already here zero trading fee event that we're doing. We again have the pleasure to have Jennifer here with us, but we also have two very special guests joining us as well. Alvin from crypto research and Sob trading. There will be a chance for all of our guests to introduce themselves in just a little bit, and I'll do a quick rundown of our AMA today. We are going to start today's AMA with Jennifer. She is going to be sharing some information about our zero fee trading event, which a lot of you have been asking about and are very enthusiastic about. So we will get to that right away. And after that, we will hear from our special guests, especially to hear their take on hashic Global's events. And also we have some questions. Prepare for them as well. I am your host today, Larry from Hashig Global, and I think we can get right into today's event.

Airdrop Announcement

For those of you who are here, we do have a special airdrop that we will be giving out. I will be handing out a code at two random times during this AMA today, so be sure you stay. Throughout our AMA today. I will be handing out a code as well as how you can claim your airdrop, actually, that's been pinned already on our, in the space. So there will be a code that will be, that I will give out during the AMA. And once you get that code, you can fill it out in our form and you will be entering into an airdrop. So be sure you stay with us for the whole duration of our AMA today. All right, I think let's get that out of the way and we can jump right into today's AMA. So what I would do again, as we always do, is have our guests introduce themselves really quickly and we'll dive right into the question.

Introduction of Guests

So, Jennifer, can you start us off with introduction by yourself? Yes, but I don't think I need to introduce myself though, because this is our zone. Come on. This is from hash key global. So I bet most of people they aware who I am. So I don't think I need to introduce myself. If I do, then I pretty much like a loser. So because you just mentioned that we have like an airdrop, like for the HSK during this AMA, right? I thought that it was a 280 person, but it's only like five. Come on. Oh, this is so stingy. So maybe next time we apply for the bigger budget. Okay, so I think like five hsk for per user. This is too stingy. We need to be more generous. I agree. I agree. We'll pass that on to the team. And Jennifer has spoken, and we'll make sure for the next space, there'll be more rewards prepared for our guests audiences coming to our AMA.

Guest Introductions and Insights

But again, thank you so much, Jennifer. As Jennifer said, you probably should know her already, but if you don't, make sure you follow her Twitter space. Jennifer is really our ambassador out there representing all things hashic global. So make sure you do follow her, if you haven't yet already. Now, let me introduce the other two guests who are joining us. Both are coming from really strong crypto backgrounds, serving as influencers and strong crypto communities. And, Elman, do you mind starting us off and give us a quick introduction about yourself, and we'll move on to sob trading. Yeah, sure. Can you guys hear me? Yep, loud and clear. Okay, thanks. Thanks for having me today. And I'm the founder of the Crypto Research. Alvin and Crypto Research is a research driven crypto community founded in 2021 by a passionate group of crypto enthusiasts. We offer in depth coverage and analysis of different hot topics in the market, defi AI, deepen, and even macroeconomics.

Alvin's Insights

And as the largest chinese crypto media presents on Instagram, we have, like, five to six search channels with a solid base in Hong Kong, Taiwan, even Malaysia. I think the market has been doing really well recently, so I think this topic is very timely. I'm also looking forward to share any new ideas and concepts in the market with everyone today. Thanks. Thanks so much, Alvin. And we will be coming back to you in just a little bit and to hear more of your insights about the market and of course about our zero trading fee event. And next up, I would like to. Can we run next time? Can we run some sort of video AMA next time? Because Alvin actually, he's so cute so I would want everyone to see his face. I think that's a good idea. I think that's a good idea.

Planning for Future Video AMAs

Of course, we also have our very own very beautiful Jennifer as well. So I'm sure everyone has you as well. Appreciate that. Appreciate that. Yeah, definitely can do. Yeah, definitely. Let's do that. I think that would be a really good idea. But before all of that, can we have SLB training? Can you come up and give us a quick intro about yourself as well? Yeah, please do. Okay. Hello, guys. Nice to meet you for, and then please, and then thank you for inviting this one. So my name is Arky is a soft trading trader and then who is our trader team is our five people is doing then one of the US. Then we advocate to trading how to trading the best out then.

Arky's Introduction

So anyway, I will do my best. And then before start, please understand my talking things. Sorry because I'm a little bit nervous. Thank you. Thank you so much and thanks so much for your time and coming onto our space. And we look forward to diving into our topics with you in just a little bit. All right, now that we have all of our guests introduce themselves, I will invite back Jennifer and we will go into some questions regarding the zero fees future trading event. And the first question I will ask Jennifer is what inspired Hashi Global to become the first exchange to offer the zero fee futures trading event and how do you plan to sustain this model in the long term? Okay, wow. What can I say? Come on. Okay.

Campaign Goals

The reason that we're gonna run this campaign, definitely it's gonna be for the user growth. Okay. I'm gonna give you like a big dream. Like, we would like to be the first in the industry and we would like to be this and that though. Okay. So in order, you know that the whole purpose of running this campaign is to, you know, help us to get more future traders because we are the, like, we are the license exchange, but the license that we're having now, granting now is like, it's a diversity license. So this is something that we would like to introduce to the people. So in order to get the users, you know, they could pay more attention to our platform. So this is why we're running this kind of like campaign. So it's just really obvious and I don't want to like, you know, like lie to everyone. So if you are like diverted traders and then you care about your feed rate, I think this is right now it's a good time to join housekeeping.

User-Centric Approach

Thank you for that really honest, straightforward answer. And all the things we do here is for the users. Zero fee training company is definitely something that hashkees pioneering. And we're short. We already are getting a lot of interest and certainly expecting a lot of users to be joining us from this campaign. The second question I have for you is, can you explain to us what is this event? More specifically, is it actually free trading event? Are all the zero, all the futures trading pairs zero fee for this event? Okay, this is actually a good question though, because we have a lot of like, you know, even the customer service team, they receive quite a lot of questions from the users regarding to the zero trading field. Okay. Because a lot of people, they might not understand zero fits in future. What does that mean? So basically, this is zero fixing future trading event.

Zero Trading Fees

It's truly zero fit. But this is not for like for API users, it's only for the non API users. So basically, if you place the orders, like handily place the order, then your trading feed on the futures will be free. So starting from the 27 September, which will be today, so users are trading futures on hashic global will not occur in occurred I any future trading fee, including the maker feed and the ticker feed. Okay. And also we heard a lot of people that whether the feed are charged first and then the refund later. No, this is a totally, it's a zero trading feed campaign. So basically there's no hidden feed. And I completely understand this concern and I want to make sure that everyone will be aware of it so you don't have to worry. It's mega Fitzhe ticket fit all free. Okay. So feel free to trade on us. Give it a try.

Clarifications on Fees

That's exciting. So you see here from Jennifer. Yeah, but be aware that, you know, the funding fit is not included. Okay. But just the ticker feed and the maker fit. So all the orders placed during this period will be totally zero. Got it? Got it. And no b's directly zero fee, no tricks. That's very exciting. And yeah, so another question that I have for you, which comes from our users, is how does removing future trading feed impact the user's trading experience? Okay. Removing the future trading fit has a significant positive impact on users overall trading experience. So first and most, by eliminating the phase, traders can fully focus on their strategies without worrying about the cost of each trade, cutting into their profit.

Impact on Trading Experience

And this is particularly important for high frequency traders on those who, even with a small trades and even for those users, if you accumulate over the time and time, the trading fee is really significant. So this is why I think this is something that will be significantly have an impact over all the users. So you know what, you know, my pr team actually write me the script, like how to, you know, run the calculation for the whole thing, but this is too complicated. So I'm just going totally script, you know, skip that. Would that be okay? Of course, of course. You know, we like it straight and straightforward. Like read all the scripts, like, you know that this is so nonsense and then this is, make me sound like. Robert, but you got already the important points up. So I think, I think that, that's plenty enough.

Using Examples

Yeah. All right. Do you need me to give you some sort of example? Because we do run out some sort of data type. For example, for example, if you are a user from binance, can I play this example? I think it should be fine. Okay. So if you were user from binance, and then you don't have any vip tiers, right? So basically binance, they charge 0.4% ticker feed for future trading. So for example, if you like $100 position with ten times leverage, so which will be like a ten grand USDT trade. So the fee will be for the dollars per trade. So over the 26 section in one day, then this amount will be up to like 80 USDT in the fifth. And then like, for example, you are the traders from Bybit, right? So the takeoff fee from bybit, now I think it's starting from 0.6%.

Calculating Savings

So for the same, like if you're using 1000 USDT position with a ten times leverage, the feed, you know, per trade is $6. So across like 20 transactions in a day, then that means that it's going to cost you $120 in the trading feed. So, but this is what we don't charge. So if you trade with fast, this is the money you can save. Thank you for giving that calculation. I think it makes the whole thing a lot more easier to. And a follow up on that question, another one that comes from our users is how does hashic global ensure liquidity with zero checking fees? Okay. For the liquidity we do receive. Okay, I'm not going to hide that.

Ensuring Liquidity

And this is true because we do have a lot of users, they have the concern on the liquidity, but I'm really confident to tell you that we know already, especially within these two days, you can see the liquidity improve so much though. It's a 50% increase of the depth of the liquidity and also the spread get smaller. Okay, so as for now, we have already worked with over 40 market makers to providing the liquidity support on our platform. So with this like a diversified liquidity infrastructure allows us to offer the customer an enhanced trading experience and trigger the spread during, you know, tighten the spread, you know, during the zero feed campaign period. Okay, so I think this is it though. I think what we're going to do is to, we're going to work with our market makers to ensure the liquidity and the spread during the feed time.

Compliance and Trading Structure

All right, perfect. I'm back. Thank you so much for that. And you know, go ahead. There's also something I would like to add on though. So I really would like to tell everyone that because we are licensed platform, right, so we never acting as a counterparty. So basically it's like all the market dev on our platform is genius and all the trading volume are offensive. So we are offering a platform to help the users to trade. So we're not gambling with the users. So this is something that I would like to mention. Thank you, Jennifer. That's a really important point to keep in mind.

Zero Fee Trading Experience

And I'm sure users who have been trading with us, who have known us for a little bit, already knows that we are a fully compliant spot and futures trading platform. And so if you haven't tried that yet, it's a really unique experience. And now there's zero fee. So it's the perfect time to give it a shot. And during all of the zero fee trading period, there's also a daily futures trading showdown incentive activity for users. Jennifer, can you tell us about what are your plans for future gamification features and how does this event, the daily Future trading showdown, incentivizes users? Okay, so basically we re running like a daily future trading showdown. So this is a new campaign that we behalf on.

Daily Trading Showdown

So basically it's for traders. So first of all, you don't have to worry about the trading feed during this whole campaign as well because the trading feed is free. And then also like, but with this campaign, one thing that I need to remind you is make sure that you participate the campaign, okay. So you need to go through the banner, click and join so that we could, you know, account for all your trade, your trading volumes into this campaign. So basically this is the campaign that you need to be focusing on your own p and l and ranking. So we offer like 20, the ranking is up to the top twenties. Okay, so basically, each of the top 20th of the participants, they can receive like a daily reward from the platform.

Incentives for Users

Especially the top one can reward like 500 USDT per day. So it's really simple, it's nothing triggered. And also the reward will be sent to your account in the next day. So it's automatically. Another no b's event. So you heard it, we have the zero fee trading for futures, and we have a incentive event going on at the same time.

Introducing the Zero Fee Experience

So not only are you going to experience zero fee, you're also going to get rewarded. So I think now, if you haven't yet, if you're already part of hashic global, now would be the perfect time to jump on our futures trading and experience not only our security and our safety, but now also our zero fee experience, as well as our daily futures trading showdown. So make sure you go on to Hashig Global and try that yourself at global dot hashkey.com.

Acknowledging Jennifer and Upcoming Sections

And so those are all the questions, actually we have for Jennifer. So thank you so much for answering those and some important questions about the zero fee trading campaign that we have going on. And I'll let you take a rest. And we will go now to the section two of our EMA today. But before we go in there, as I mentioned at the beginning of our AMA, we do have a his k airdrop for those of you who are staying with us during this event.

Airdrop Details and Participation

So make sure you go to the link that is currently pinned on top of our AMA. There's a Google form. The Google form will ask you for today's airdrop code. The code of today's airdrop is zero limit. That is z e r o l I m I t. There's a space or no space, no problem. All caps, no caps, no issue, as long as you put in zero limit. That is the airdrop code for today's airdrop. Don't forget to fill out that. Fill that out on the Google form.

Transitioning to the Second Section

All right, now let's go straight into the second section of our today's AMAe. We just heard from Jennifer going through a rundown of exactly what the zero fee trading experience means and some of the benefits you can experience on the user. Now, I would like to invite Alvin, of course, sub trading to come up, and we'll have a discussion about the market in general. But first, both Alvin is an influencer himself, runs a very successful crypto media sub trading, we heard is also a very successful trading community.

Alvin's Crypto Journey

So I would love to hear from both of you about your crypto journey and how did you start to trade futures? And I think maybe we can have Alvin to start us off with this question and we'll go to stop trading. So, Alvin, can you share with us about your crypto journey and why did you start and how did you start trading futures? Yeah, for sure. Thanks. Larry and I joined crypto space about 2017, six to seven years ago, and right away with the ICO fever at that time and experiencing the crazy of the market.

Alvin's Early Experience and Shift in Focus

And actually I lost a lot of my funds at that time. And actually I was still only a college student at the time and I. And then I shifted my focus to research, like project fundamentals while continuously producing contents I've maintained to this day. And I've always worked in a community and continuing growth in the crypto industry for the past few years. And I started this brand like crypto media like about three years ago.

Trading Style and Perspectives

And when it comes to trading, I consider myself as an ordinary trader. However, I have more confidence in my ability to spot hot narratives in the market and defy yield opportunities on chain compared to futures trading. And the biggest hit I ever took was during the 312 event incident like happened four years ago. And since then, I've stayed away from putting too much effort into futures trading. And for me, trend trading is sufficient, such as using low leverage on like main coins, BDC, EPH, or trading tokens with strong fundamentals at relatively low price for us is enough to like, focus on the better of the market.

Trading Fees and Platform Selection

And when we focus on the medium to long term trades is the style I trade for the past few years. And just as an estimate, do you know how much trading fees that maybe you have spent on futures trading on average, is there an estimate that you maybe have made? And for my, trading volume is particularly high compared to the frequent trading traders in the market. But after reviewing my activity on finance and others exchanges, I noticed I've paid around 8000 to ten k in futures trading fees this year.

Understanding Fee Implications in Trading

And for me that's still the considerable amount. So the platforms are trade on the fees I incur. And factors like funding rates and liquidity somehow are still very important factors for us to choose a suitable crypto exchange. Gotcha. Gotcha. And we certainly hope that once you have a chance to try out our futures trading, of course with zero fees going on and see, maybe it will save up you some trading fees and of course providing the same kind of experience as the other platforms.

Discussion with Sub Trading

And thank you, Alvin, for sharing your crypto journey. And I would love to have sub trading. Can you come upstage and give us an introduction because I know you come from a different perspective as a trading team. Can you tell us about your crypto journey and why did your team, start on trading futures? okay. And, before start for me, I'm joined the crypto journey in 2017, actually. That time I was working for a company, but I quit, three years ago then and become a trader.

Transition to Trading

But it is a hard time to become trader, so. But I think now, as of now, I think is everyone is became, can become a trader and then anyone is become a good profit. So that's why I think it's bitcoin and is very in future, in the future. And it's a very good dream for me. So that's why I joined recreate. This is soft trading is this year, early of this year, and it's actually in January.

Educating Others in Trading

So we just saw operating eight months to nine months is doing so. So actually. So that's why we educate to people how to trading too well. So it is free. It is free. So that's why I'm just nowadays it's very happy to join the crypto. Yeah. I congrats on this new initiative. A question I would love to ask you is, of course, we have just launched the zero fee fusion trading event.

Impacts of Zero Fee Trading Event

I'm curious how that might be of impact for yourself or maybe for your trading community. And, you know, how do you think that traders may be able to benefit from our zero fee trading experience? Our trading fee event? Yeah. So, yes, the fee varies depending on the leverage. So you have to calculate it will vary time. And then usually when a profit is generated by multiplying leverage by market fee or limit fee, the net profit should be calculated well by subtracting the percentage, then actually a general fee is a huge benefit for those who use high leverage users.

Benefits of the Zero Fee Experience

And then the user with high asset, then high leverage have to pay the high fee, but not paying this part of the fee is a huge advantage. So that's why this is very awesome. So other exchanges is not this event. So I'm also very happy to this one, this and JF. So this one is a very big event for users, I think. Yeah. Thank you so much. And you were really happy to hear feedback like this from yourself.

Feedback on the Zero Fee Campaign

And, you know, this is exactly the kind of feedback that or the kind of experience that we want to deliver to the users with zero feed campaign. So I'm very happy to hear that yourself and users that you are working with are able to benefit from this, and I want to direct this question really quickly to alvin as well. I'm just curious, I know you meet with a lot of users.

Market Trends and Users' Benefits

How do you think maybe that this zero fee fuses trading event can benefit traders? Actually you need to understand when you're trading and with gerfit. So when you usually you need to understand the trend in the long frame time. So and then if you use the support line and legislate line and actually with indicator to trading, you can maintain in a high winning rate.

Understanding Trading Strategies

So in fact, the most important thing is not to use a 13 trading method or use an indicator and you have to use it well and understand it well. So basically you have to understand the candle and candle volume and our soft trading team will be able to maintain a high winning rate informing you various trading method and indicators. So this is important thing is risk and how to trading wealth for.

Insights from Alvin on Market Trends

Understood. That is done. Yeah, I got it. Thank you so much. And I guess I'll jump forward and I'll ask this same question to Alvin as well. In the beginning, you mentioned that we're going through some, the market's been doing well and I'm just curious, what are some of the current trends in the futures market that traders should be aware of from your perspective and how can they use their insights, use these insights to adjust their strategies.

Market Insights from Alvin

Yeah, I think zero trading fees are definitely beneficial for those who trade a lot in the market and even aside from people who purely trade futures. And it's also a good option for those who engage like arbitrage strategies in different exchanges. If trading these are zero, the range of executable strategies becomes much more various.

Concluding Thoughts on Trading Strategies

And for those traders, they have more options to lower their chain cost and then maybe have a better result of their trading strategies. Yeah. So for myself, actually, I didn't trade a lot compared to other, like big traders. But I will also like, take this as one of the important factors for trade coins recently. Yeah. So I think it's a good strategy for hash keynote to this campaign.

Recommendations for Trading Tools

Yeah. And another I would like to ask is that do you have any metrics or analytical tools that you use you can recommend for future traders and how these tools help you in your decision making? Of course, these are not financial advice. I just love to hear from your personal experience, if there are any tools or metrics that helped you, that you can recommend to other future traders for me.

Tools for Evaluation and Strategy

Right? Yes, yes. Okay. Okay. Yeah, sure. As I mentioned, my focus is always on future trading, but using analytics tools to evaluate strong tokens is quite crucial for me. Not only are researching, but myself and I can recommend two tools, blade and coinglass. And the one blade is developed by a talented team from Taiwan who previously pivoted once.

Finding Suitable Trading Targets

And we can easily find suitable trading targets by reviewing strategies shared by various traders on the platform.

Market Analysis Tools

Such as we can identify tokens with rapidly increasing open interest or concentrating holdings, and additionally we can check sector rotations. For example, if the AI sectors is currently strong, we won't look for opportunities in defi sectors. And conversely, if Defi starts to pick up, I would begin to look for tokens pick up. And the other tool is social value. Sorry, I wrote a wrong name. And the one source of values I recommend which are writing team use daily. Besides tracking ETF inflows and outflows, it also allows me to clearly understand the percentage of gains and losses in each sector. And for me, if more than half of the altcoins are rising and in the indicates, the sentiment is returning for the whole market. And among the rising tokens, we can also track the proportion with significant gains.

Market Sentiment Metrics

And for instance, if there are like 800 tokens gaining today, and one 10th of them have risen more than 10%, and we can tell that there's a relatively high ratio compared to the past few weeks. And if this market sentiment holds, we think what we call October market could look very promising in the coming weeks. And that's the two tools I want to recommend to the audience. Thank you. Thank you, Alvin. And going back to sub trading, do you have any metrics that analytical tools that you use to inform your own trading that you can share with our audiences? Sorry, can you come again? Yeah, yeah. So I'm just curious, Alvin just shared and then I would love to ask you if you have any tools that you use or metrics that you look at when you are trading futures that has helped you in your trading experience and I'm just curious if you can.

Trading Indicators

Share those with the audiences when I trading, yes. So when you trade futures, are there any metrics that you look at or any tools that you use? Actually, I use the indicator, two indicator. Actually one thing is MACD and the CCI and then I will see the candle and the trading volume actually is the more important thing is trading volume. The trading volume is a real time is a trading actually. So that's why I, that is understanding is more important things. So that's why when I try trade anyways, I'm always looking at the trading volume and then candle and then sub indicator to MACD and then RSI. So that's all.

Community Resources for Traders

Thank you. Thank you. And for those of you who are looking for, I guess, trading related information, I think both actually subtradings. I think you guys also have a community, right? Yes, we have community. And the YouTube channel and Telegram channel. Got it. Got it. So I think if you guys are looking for information regarding futures trading or just trading in general, I think both sub trading and crypto research are good places and resources to go to. So make sure if you're here on our AMA today to follow sub trading and crypto wizard of Alvin's personal Twitter account as well. They're all on the speakers. They're on top of the Twitter space and today, so make sure you guys do follow both of their accounts to receive trading information.

Airdrop Announcement

Jennifer, you wanted to pick something in? Yeah, what's the call to get a cheesecake? We are actually just about to get there. We made announcement earlier and we will do another one. Just, you know, since you asked, I'll do it right now. So, yeah, so if you're still with us, we do have a HSk airdrop that we'll be giving out. Make sure you submit the Google form that is on top of our Twitter space today. The code is zero limit. Z e r o l I m I t. There's no cap requirement or anything, so make sure that you fill out that Google form. We actually have a very special guest who is just pitching in. Victor, are you online with us?

Community Engagement

Hey, GMGM. I am. It's morning for me. I'm sitting here drinking coffee. So your space was like, hey, let me join and say hi. Hey, GMGM. Glad you're here and thank you so much for coming and say hi. We actually just had a rundown of the zero fee feudal street trading company that we've just launched going live today on hashic global. And we just had a chat quickly with the guests we have today, Alvin and sub trading. And since you're here, would you like to pitch in as well? We're just talking about futures trading and some experiences that our guests are having a.

Expansion of the Ton Ecosystem

Well, I can say that it's very great to see an expansion of entities supporting ton ecosystem and doing things to attract more users to provide better environment for newcomers to interact and engage. Absolutely love it. And to be honest now, after traveling for a month to all these events, I can say that the presence of thought is immense. Any event you go is jam packed. I went to the event of the hash key with Kadizen as well. It was also a great one, I don't know if anyone saw me, but I was there, I took a picture and it was very cool to hang out. Absolutely. And absolutely I have, I got your stickers and they're on my laptop right now.

Networking Opportunities

Let's go. This is the main point is to spread a little bit of culture and show a little support. And I enjoyed the events. But my biggest takeaway from the events is that people are really curious about ton. They really want to network with more people, with more builders, with more vc's, with more exchanges. And this trend is only accelerating. I think we've seen, you know, especially in the South Korea, there has been events where people had to stay like over 100 people in line because the venue was completely jam packed and they just had to wait to get in to. No one expected this level of success.

Growing Interest in Ton

I was shocked when I got there. Like even the vip's had to stay in line of around 30 people because it's been abnormal amount of people that they're joining them. So yeah, I'm very happy to see that especially in asian market, ton is expanding and its ecosystem a lot and they've chatted with a lot of builders that are always asking, hey, how do we get access to this and that? And I can say that all the programs that will launch at this point are really helpful. And we have tone nest, which is also now doing the highlights of some of the projects, hosting each sessions with some of them.

Future Projects and Developments

And there has been thousands of projects already submitted and just to receive help with directions and et cetera. So what I'm saying is very soon we're going to see like hundreds of projects launching on chain with their tokens and everything. And it will need centralized exchanges. They'll need an easy onboarding process. And I'm glad that you guys are building on this end and right now running the zero fees campaign. I think it's very powerful, especially for onboarding new users because they don't even know what are those fees. So for them, knowing that there is no fees, they got to get 100% of what they get is very valuable and very important because many of them start maybe with their first ten to $1,000 received from the airdrop.

Importance of Fee Structure

So for them it does make a big difference. I mean, for real, man. Thank you so much. I appreciate the shout out. And of course, since you're here, right. I think it's also important to mention besides the zero fee trading campaign, we are also launching futures trading for hamster combat. This is the right time, I think, for the right token. And so, yeah, so if you guys are looking to trade futures, trade hamster futures, hash key will be a good place for you to do that. And of course, Katazen as well. We have that recently listed as well.

Ongoing Events and Promotions

So I think also there are ongoing events for Hamster and Kadizen at the moment on hashic global as well. So, yes, that's accurate. There you go. I've highlighted that yesterday, so that's accurate with this. Amazing, amazing, excellent. Thank you so much, Victor, for jumping in and bringing a lot of fun to our Twitter space. And again, for those of you who have stayed with us, we do have HSK Airdrop. There is a Google form on top of our Twitter space. Click fill in. Zero limit, z e r o l I m I t for a chance to win today's HSK airdrop.

Session Wrap-up

And I think we will wrap up today's session. You know, thank you for always, Jennifer, for coming and supporting our Twitter space and giving audience and answering their questions about a variety of things that's going on hashic global as we grow. We are having a lot of fun and interesting event. So make sure you do follow us so you don't miss out on any of those. Appreciate the time, Alvin and Sop training, for jumping in our call to have this discussion. And, of course, Victor, thank you so much for taking the time to come in and say hello and sort of giving us a shout out about Hash Eightglobal.

Final Thoughts

And we really appreciate that, man. So, yeah, so I think we will wrap up today's Twitter space. It's a short but informative one. So make sure that you do come to Hashke Global and try out our futures trading currently at zero fees. Right now, we do have a lot of other questions about our zero fees trading campaign. And of course, the questions that were answered today, we will compile all of them into a Q and A, and I think they will be shared on our Twitter account. If not, they will be available on our website as well.

Audience Interaction

So if you do have questions or if you miss some of today's session, you will find all of your questions answered on those Q and A's. So, as always, thank you again for the time of our audiences and our guests and I will be seeing all of you back very soon.

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