Community Update with @Glacier_Labs


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Community Update with @Glacier_Labs hosted by OntologyNetwork. Glacier_Labs, in this insightful community update, showcases its commitment to building a high-speed, low-cost public blockchain tailored for Web3. With a focus on decentralized identity solutions like DID and ONTID, the platform emphasizes community engagement and innovation through EVM technology. Prioritizing data privacy and decentralization, Glacier_Labs stands out in the blockchain space by empowering users with secure solutions and fostering a sustainable Web3 ecosystem.

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Total Listeners: 17


Q: What is Glacier_Labs' core focus in Web3?
A: The company focuses on providing decentralized identity and data solutions.

Q: How does Glacier_Labs differentiate itself in the blockchain space?
A: By offering high-speed, low-cost transactions and emphasizing community engagement.

Q: What technologies does Glacier_Labs leverage for its platform?
A: The platform utilizes EVM technology for enhanced functionalities.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for Glacier_Labs?
A: Community engagement is vital for platform adoption and sustainable growth.

Q: How is data privacy addressed by Glacier_Labs?
A: Decentralization and strong data privacy measures are central to Glacier_Labs' mission.

Q: What is the significance of BUIDLing for Web3?
A: BUIDLing for Web3 is essential for fostering innovation and development in the ecosystem.

Q: What role does Glacier_Labs play in supporting decentralized applications?
A: The company aims to provide robust infrastructure for decentralized services and applications.

Q: How does Glacier_Labs contribute to driving innovation?
A: Through unique projects and partnerships, Glacier_Labs drives innovation and growth in the blockchain space.

Q: What sets Glacier_Labs apart as a blockchain platform?
A: Its focus on decentralization, data privacy, and innovative solutions sets Glacier_Labs apart in the industry.

Q: How does Glacier_Labs empower users in Web3?
A: The platform empowers users with secure and efficient decentralized solutions for their online activities.


Time: 00:15:42
Decentralized Identity Solutions Discussion on the importance of decentralized identity solutions for Web3 users.

Time: 00:25:19
Community Engagement Strategies Exploring Glacier_Labs' tactics for fostering community engagement on the platform.

Time: 00:35:57
EVM Technology Integration Insights into how EVM technology enhances the functionality of Glacier_Labs' blockchain.

Time: 00:45:33
Data Privacy Measures Highlighting Glacier_Labs' commitment to data privacy and security for users.

Time: 00:55:10
Innovative Projects Showcase Showcasing unique projects and partnerships driving innovation within Glacier_Labs.

Time: 01:05:48
Sustainable Development Initiatives Exploring BUIDLing for Web3 and its role in sustainable development on Glacier_Labs.

Time: 01:15:26
Infrastructure Support for DApps How Glacier_Labs provides infrastructure support for decentralized applications on its platform.

Time: 01:25:04
Partnership Collaborations Discussions on collaborative efforts and partnerships within Glacier_Labs' ecosystem.

Time: 01:35:12
Innovation Drive in Web3 Examining Glacier_Labs' focus on driving innovation and growth in the blockchain space.

Time: 01:45:30
User-Centric Decentralization The user-centric approach to decentralization and data privacy at Glacier_Labs.

Key Takeaways

  • Glacier_Labs is dedicated to providing decentralized identity and data solutions in Web3.
  • The public blockchain offers high speed and low-cost transactions for users.
  • Emphasis on building a decentralized Web3 ecosystem with identity solutions like DID and ONTID.
  • Community engagement is essential for the growth and adoption of the blockchain platform.
  • Innovative use of EVM technology to enhance blockchain functionalities.
  • Glacier_Labs aims to empower users with secure and efficient decentralized solutions.
  • The platform focuses on BUIDLing for Web3 to foster sustainable development.
  • Decentralization and data privacy are at the core of Glacier_Labs' mission.
  • Efforts to create a robust infrastructure for decentralized applications and services.
  • Exploration of unique projects and partnerships to drive innovation and growth in the blockchain space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Session

Our channel subscribe. Hello, everyone. We are going to kick off in a few minutes. We're just allowing folks to roll on in. We should have Chang from Glacier Network join us this morning. So yeah, we'll just give a few minutes. Thank you so much. It. It's awesome to see some of our harbingers rolling in and a bunch of new faces this week. Yeah. Excited to kick this off. Just give us two more minutes. We'll just do a quick tech check. We just added laser network. Okay? Do you want to do a quick check there? Yep. I can hear just fine. Awesome. Okay, one more minute. We'll start at three minutes past. Thanks so much. It.

Setting the Stage

Okay JMGM. Thank you, everyone for waiting. I always like to give people enough time to roll on in. It is, well, Friday morning, Friday afternoon for most people here, but yeah, thanks so much to everyone for joining the call this week. Unfortunately, I have a cold. I think it's just that time of year. We went from like 33 degrees in Prague then to like seven degrees. So big shift. But yeah, we'll get through. And I'm very excited to have Chang from Glacier network joining us this morning. Going to run through everything that they're kind of working on at the minute. So this is just the start of a new collaboration between ontology network and glacier network. And then after our chat with Chang, we will take some time to go through our quick eco update.

Exciting Collaborations Ahead

We have a lot of stuff, exciting stuff to announce with the dif hackathon and then also a really large campaign that will be coming up in November. Okay, cool. So, Chang, let's kick things off. I'd love to know more about you. If you want to do an introduction to yourself, maybe share some insights into your background, that would be great. Yeah, of course. Hi, guys. Good to be back. This is Chan, the operation director of Glacier Network. I've been working in crypto for the past seven years, I think. And Glacier network is my latest endeavor. And let me just give a brief introduction about glacier network.

Introduction to Glacier Network

So at Glacier, we are building a data centric blockchain to supercharge AI at scale. And we have been building solutions with Glacier since late 2022. And, you know, for the, over the years, we have built a number of solutions including Glacier DB, Glacier AI, and Glacier Da, most of which are more on a developer level. Right now we are focusing more on the end user functionalities because we believe that's where the real impact is, you know, in other words, we wanted to build a solution. So you know, this space can create user owned AI and to create a decentralized, secured AI ecosystem and benefits end users and researchers.

Balancing Innovation with Ethics

Basically we wanted to, you know, strike a balance between innovation and ethical considerations as this is how, I think this is how we are doing our share to contributed to the current crypto assays. And I do want to point this out. I think ontology can relate to this as well. I mean, last time I chatted with your team, I mentioned that ontology and I basically started, and I shared the same timeline. We basically start in the crypto space at the same time. You know, I still remember his study Internet space. But yeah, I want to mention this because I think ontology really relates to this right now. I think this space can, this space has ample and cheap space.

Innovation at Work

So it's about time we build some applications and this is what we are doing right now. Thank you. Awesome, Chang, thank you so much for that. Yeah, Chang hosted us, our glacier network hosted ontology last week on a really great ama. We have Jeff, our head of european ecosystem there, chatting all about ontology development. So we've been in the space for the. Actually we'll be celebrating eight years in November. But yeah, we'll focus on all the great stuff that's coming from glacier network for this call because quite tight on time, I usually only give 30 minutes.

Deepening Discussion on Glacier Network

So I'd love to. That was a really great intro, Chang. Thank you so much for that. But let's get into maybe learning more about like that really, that core vision behind glacier network. And any more insights you can share about the overall aim, I guess, to transform AI at scale. Yeah, I think Glacier network has gone through some iterations because I just want to be honest, in this space, you can't really just have a vision and run with it because you need to adapt with this market and adapt with the, you know, the upcoming technologies and the solutions are in the market.

Focus on the End User

So like I mentioned, we have been, you know, building glaciers since late 2022. And, you know, over the span, over the, over this span, we have built several solutions, most of which, like I mentioned, are more on the developer level. But right now we are focusing on what end user really wanted to have in their crypto life and apart from the decentralized database and permitted storage solutions we have built. So right now, I think the core vision for us is to strike a balance between crypto strike a balance between rapidly developing AI and, I, decentralized and ethical considerations.

Emphasis on Ethical Innovation

So I think, you know, we will touch upon the, you know, Glacier chatbot bench, you know, more later in this Twitter space, but I think this is what we have been focusing on at the moment. Yeah. Great. Chang, thank you so much. Really great to see, like, learn a lot more about Glacier network's vision and kind of that aim that, you know, you guys are really focusing on for AI at scale. So, yeah, as you mentioned, this is great. This is a great kind of lead to the next question coming from my side as well.

AI Innovations and Future Directions

Would love to know anything else you can share with the community, too about chatbot Bench, vector DB, and kind of just overall how you feel this contributes to AI driven innovations within glacier network. Yeah, good question. So last time we chat, we mentioned how chat boat bench is in our phrases, humanizing AI and vector data and how, I think ownership and security come in many forms. So right now, we all know AI is booming, but I think the road to that true innovation is not without risks and trials internally.

Debate on Semantic Representations

We have been debating over this for a long time. I think the caveat is that the semantic representations are inherently in precise and with a certain degree of ambiguity and approximation. The current model can extrapolate a lot of new relationships from the semantic spaces relationship that were nothing taught but inferred, like directly and mathematically. I think this capacity for generalization can result in the outputs that deviate from human norms and values. This is when precision is especially the precision and alignment that align with human values become very critical. So that's why we launched the glacier chapel bench, and we wanted to make sure it takes the ethical AI training and the human in the loop training approaches, and to do it in a decentralized and incentivized way so people can actually participate.

User Interaction and Feedback

So this UI design can prompt users to do the tasks and depict responses, which helps them to determine which model offers the preferred answers, thus enabling humanized and crossword evolution. So, you know, through this method, everything is based on the authentic human feedback it should be. Yeah, I think it's definitely important to note that when you're kind of, it's important that AI is, I guess, feeling a little bit more human rights for that trust and to improve user experience, maybe make deeper connections. Overall, I guess we're looking at more impactful solutions. But, Shang, could you just, for everybody on the call today, maybe just give us a little bit more of an explanation about kind of this ethical AI training that you guys are working with so much?

Ethical AI Training Overview

Sure. So I would invite everyone to go to our website and to tap into our point systems, and you will see how this. We made sure we create a very streamlined, you know, UI and user experiences. So everyone can just, you know, connect their wallet and do the tasks. So when we say, you know, when, once they, we took the ethical AI training and the human interloop method, what I really mean is, you know, you can, you know, directly evaluate all the. I think we incorporated 22 mainstream large language models, basically all the language models in the market. So you can evaluate all of them. It's pretty simple. So you can ask any question to the as free of charge and you can pick the best responses based on the responses you received.

Documenting Metrics and Community Collaboration

And through that method, we will document all the metrics and let everyone know, whoever wants to know what the best large language model is and how human and how valued they are at the moment. That's super interesting. And just to echo as well what Chang has mentioned, guys, just go and check out everything that glacier has to offer. Check out all their socials. As I said, like we're just kicking off a new collaboration with the team, but super supportive and really friendly. And I know that they value their community a lot. We touched on this with the Ama that we had with them previously. But yeah, I think the best way to learn about everything that glacier is up to is to go and check out a bunch of their solutions and everything on social.

Filecoin's Impact and BNB Chain Development

Okay. This is actually a great shift and brings us on to looking at are we filecoin? I guess if we can consider how like the impact or kind of how this comes to play, involving glaciers, architecture and any more insights or information that you can share around these storage networks would be great. Yeah. RV and Filecoin were very important to us at the beginning of building glacier network database and storage solutions. Like I mentioned, were, you know, we used to be on the developer, more on the developer level and we wanted users and projects and teams to handle data set with NoSQL SQL, Glacier DB on top of them.

BNB Chain Progress and Achievements

So bringing decentralized snowflake into the web three world. But at the current stage, I think BNB chain is extremely vital for us as most of our applications and attractions are taking place there and we are making good progresses by building on the BNB chain. We are cooperating with the team very closely, leveraging their security and scalability to enhance our ecosystem capacity, just to name a few. I think we have very good attractions. We have achieved more than 10 million on chain crowd and already had addresses created and we are featured in a lot of BNB blogs.

Community Engagement and Transparency

And I think if you go to our Twitter pages you will see we're not shy from listing our. So you will, if you want to find feature articles, you will definitely find them. Yeah. There's a lot of literature and I, I think, like, as you've just said, Chad, it's great to see that you guys are transparent as well. Right? So you're kind of constantly posting updates about all of these developments, whether it's all of the transactions or kind of new collaborations. And it's really interesting to see how glacier is developing. So, yeah, again, recommend everybody to go over to socials, but seeing as we're on a community call, would be great to know maybe a little bit.

Community Support in Data Development

So you've mentioned just, you just touched on kind of the growth that you're glacier seen regarding these impressive transaction volumes. How much would glacier rely on their community for input regarding maybe data collection or feedback during this kind of development period? I think we completely rely on our community for private attractions. To give you an example, we celebrated surprising, a surprising 2 million AI chat records, which are done completely by our communities and the community members in this space in general. And our discord community has grown to over 150,000 members.

Achievements and Growth Metrics

And, you know, just to give you, just to give everyone a rough idea of how the traction is, I think the storage data has ranked the number one in BNB Greenfield, and we are featured in official BNB chain, GitHub and Gigbook, featured in the BNB chain, top AI landscape article, and we also featured in the Berkeley blockchain accelerator. Yeah. So again, I think the traction has been very good for us. And we also are running multiple point systems. So again, I would invite everyone here to give a look and just give it a try and play with the systems.

Data Quality and Bias in AI Systems

I think you will find how sincere we are about building our applications. Awesome. Yeah, exactly. So just as circle back to our data questions, we've touched on high quality data, obviously impressive transactions. How is it that you ensure that using all of these AI systems, that, I mean, they're giving you really the, I guess, correct data, right. Or kind of. Whether it's fair or unbiased. Yeah, this is a very interesting question, actually. We have already made several posts on this topic.

Bias and Human Nature

Our social media, I personally think bias are not something we can get rid of. I mean, the word is and extension of ourselves. We as human beings are, you know, naturally biased creatures. So, you know, following this logic, I think the systems we build surely stay that way too. Of course, I'm not saying we should just shrug our shoulders and give up, but I am saying humans will stay humans. So let's work on the incentive and the system design and, you know, fortunately, I think that's why crypto and crypto AI decentralized so important.

Leveraging Crypto and Decentralization

Crypto is the breeding ground for, you know, for better systems that offer rewards to further a very common goal. And, you know, in other words, and in the case of glaciers, and I think we should leverage these systems and ideas to encourage people to put data in the. In the hands of the actor that get us closer to our objectives. So in short, I think crypto and decentralized AI can help ensure it's less and less biased and more balanced. So again, I don't think glacier, we are not preaching glacier network.

The Challenge of Unbiased Systems

It's unbiased systems because everything is based on human evaluation, as it should be, I think. And human is, you know, unfortunately is biased creatures. So. But we are working on the systems and incentivize and on the. We are working on the systems and make sure it's less balanced and more balanced. Absolutely. I think I couldn't agree with you more. Crypto is like, I guess a perfect reading ground for developing a bunch of different decentralized systems.

Innovation in Decentralized Systems

For sure. Like, I think we're looking at the fact that there's encouragement for innovation, apologies in this trustless, kind of transparent and like secure environments as well. And I know Jeff kind of alluded to a bunch of this when were speaking about identity management, like, when it comes to Aunt ID as well. So. Yeah, it's always so interesting to hear.

Community Updates

I want to give you just a few minutes chant if there's any other updates that you'd like to share with the community or if there's additional information you want to circle back to. Yeah, I mean, for us, the most important update is still the glacier chapel bench. You know, like I mentioned, it comes with 22 large language models, basically allowing everyone here and, you know, to evaluate all the mainstream AI models in the market. Last time I checked the aggregate parameters of the other large language models, 786, 83 billion. I think that's how many parameters there are in our current systems. And as I mentioned, we already achieved over 2 million EHR records. If you are interested in participating in this and join the Glacier network and claiming your reward. So please take a look at the Glacier point system season two.

Participation and Integration

You just go to Glacier Network website or just search us on the Twitter pages, it will pop out. We made sure everything is streamlined and it's super easy for everyone to use and contributed to it. So check it out. As for the next step, I think we are deepening integration and we want to do it across industries. We wanted to become the bridge that allows traditional industries to adopt AI in a trustless and a decentralized way. This means enabling organizations to run human evaluated models without centralizing data and allowing privacy preserving AI to help them without worrying about the conventional problems AI is facing right now and the Asco risks as well. So this is what we are focusing on right now. I think we have a really good chance of, you know, I think we have a really good chance to make a difference in the crypto AI space.

Feedback and Transparency

So please check it out and let us know. Let us know your experiences and we look forward to your feedback. Yeah, definitely go to the site, go to their socials and check them out. As I said, this is a developing collaboration with Glacier Network. So I'm excited to see what next steps might bring between Aunt ID and glacier networks. So I think this was definitely a jam packed session. Learn so much more about glacier network regarding kind of AI, like transforming AI at scale. Don't forget about that chatbot bench. Also, a lot of other kind of metrics are being shared by Glacier network consistently. So they're not shy about sharing their accomplishments, which I think is fantastic. It's great to see that transparency and it's great to understand how a project is developing.

Community Engagement

Chang, thank you so much for your time today. Yeah, I recommend everybody to go to their discord, get involved. As I said, we've been working with them only for a brief time, but such a friendly team and really supportive of their community. And as you've heard Chang mention, you know, they do rely on community quite a bit, so there's a lot of support there. Again, Chang, is there any kind of other kind of final, anything you want to wrap up on? I'm going to go into doing like a quick community update, so feel free to stay, but I won't be offended if you leave. It's okay. Sorry again, thanks for having us and good to be back.

Session Recap

So please take us out and. Yeah, awesome. Yeah. So it was a short session. As you know, we usually have people on for about 20 to 30 minutes on a Friday, but I think it's a really great way to get introduced to a project, especially when we're beginning the collaboration. You get kind of just key pieces of information and we usually recommend for you to check out social. So I think this won't be the only time that we'll be hosting glacier network. I think we're going to probably develop something a lot deeper with kind of more projects and have the guys back, but yeah. Appreciate your time today, Chang.

Weekly Update for Ontology

I'm going to jump into the weekly update for ontology just for a few minutes just to give a quick ecosystem update. Okay, so great session with Chang, really appreciate the time there. I'm looking forward to seeing how this collaboration develops. So kind of the biggest update that we have for Ontology this week is the Dif hackathon. So that launched this week. So if you're a developer that wants to kind of get involved in kind of this whole decentralized identity topic that we discuss all the time here, you have to check this out, right? Dif are active across a bunch of different platforms.

Hackathon Details

Go. Definitely go and check out their discord. Like there's channels for every project that's involved. You'll see one there for Ontology. But overall I believe the prize pool for this hackathon is like $70,000 and it started already on October 1, it'll go all the way to November 4. But obviously we're really interested in getting all you developers and builders involved in like ont login. So yes, this is a challenge, right? So we really want to put a spotlight ontlogin. We're calling again for developers and builders, as I mentioned, but we really want to see how you can use Ontlogin and just work with making decentralized authentication super simple.

Developer Inclusion

So with that, the hackathon in general. So there's going to be tracks covering education, reusable identity travel, also zero knowledge proofs there, your zkps. So there's loads of opportunities. Right? So it depends whether if you're kind of new at I guess honing your skills as a developer or like you're really, you've a lot more. Sorry guys, this cold is taking over or you've been in this space for quite some time. I think there's a lot happening. So it's definitely, I think, interesting for anybody to get involved but to focus on our challenge.

Ontlogin Focus

So as I mentioned, it's on login, we're focusing on decentralized like universal authentication solution. And so this is pretty big. So we really want, as I said, builders and developers to look at creating a repository for aunt Logins technical documentation. So this is looking at SDKs overall. We're looking to help make the tool even more accessible to the broader developer community. Also we're looking for you guys to show us a demo. We want to see ont login working or integrated into an app that already exists.

Outreach and Support

Yeah, we want to see your method of adding user login methods. Right. So again, whether it's web two or web three, we just really want to see on login in action. So, really interested to see kind of what you guys are going to come up with. So if you're looking for support or you need any questions, Humpty is kind of, you know, spearheading this. But also Jeff is supporting a lot on that. So don't ever hesitate to reach out, actually, to anyone on the team. I mean, you can even reach out to me, I can connect you with the team just to make sure that you're fully supported.

Upcoming Presentation

But we also have a presentation coming up next week. We'll have some of our dev team there and we'll be able to kind of walk through what we're expecting. But it's going to be really interesting. I want to give you guys just also an insight into why we're looking at ond login and overall why we think this matters. So I guess the consideration comes from, I mean, we've all seen the media, there's a lot of data breaches.

Need for Reusable Identity Solutions

So I think this kind of came for a need of something reusable, self sovereign identity. Right. So I think it's a great time for this to happen. So with ontlogin, it's fully open source and it supports multi SDKs, so it's very flexible. It can fit into pretty much any project. But the main point here is that it's protecting user privacy. So we're looking at like, really kind of trying to make that core statement with ontologin, you know, moving it away from just being this technical solution, maybe, that a lot of people don't fully understand, but fully integrating it into something that can kind of become a statement for that existing app.

User Control Over Personal Data

So the statement overall, obviously, is what we're trying to look at is that self sovereignty, so users deserve control over their personal data. I mean, we say this all the time, and that decentralized identity essentially can deliver on us, hopefully having a more secure digital future. So I would recommend everybody to go to the ont IO website, click in the documentation there. There's a bunch of docs for you guys to check out. Also, if you just go to our Twitter page, Humpty and Jeff have been creating a lot of content around it. If you're not following Humpty on Twitter, I'd recommend for you to do so. He's been very active in explaining everything that's happening with the Dif hackathon.

Community Engagement and Information Sharing

So there's also links in some medium articles and the guys are updating discord as well. So we have our Harbinger support on making sure that everybody knows that the hackathon is happening. So there's been announcement in discord and all of the links you'll find for being able to actually join the hackathon are there as well. So it's really interesting. I would recommend anybody just to even go and check it out. And again, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to anybody on the team if you're having issues with kind of collaborating or you're not sure where anything is, but there's a bunch of different links and I don't really think you can miss this.

Recent AMA and Insights

It also, last week we had a really interesting AMA with the folks from Tunichain and we also had our own gaussian network incubated by ontology. We looked at the current landscape of BTC co system and also touched on some emerging trends that was quite interesting to just understand kind of tuna tain where they're kind of they highlighted a lot about their layer two EVM compatibility, ZK up layer dual token system, and also we got to learn a little bit more about what Gosh network is up to. They discussed kind of their full scalability solutions security enhancements, and we got to understand a little bit more about how these two separate projects are kind of almost working together to kind of contribute to the stability and growth of the BTC ecosystem.

Diverse Topics and Trending Issues

So I definitely recommend everybody to check out that AMA. We also went on to some use cases and spoke about some real world applications shaping BTC ecosystem. So it was super insightful and appreciated the time from tuna tain and from goshen as well. Also, just wanted to remind everybody that we have our snippets on the blog and also kind of other content that we're developing there. So we're definitely focusing a lot on decentralized identity. There's more content we're developing around on login Ont ID, bringing in those. And.

Blog Content and Community Feedback

Then also like where the snippets, as I mentioned, so these are kind of bite sized pieces of information. Some of them are about trending topics, but we kind of always have this like common theme is that, you know, we're always kind of considering that critical need for decentralization in order to protect privacy, ensure transparency, and overall, I think you'll see we're just really talking about mitigating the risks associated with more central control. Right. So I guess in the hypotheses that decentralized entity systems emerge as a key solution.

Call for Community Engagement

Well, not hypotheses, but I guess this is what we're kind of focusing on for the discussion within these snippets and a lot of our content on the blog. But as I say in all of our calls, would be great to have more feedback from the community, whether it's our own harbingers or whether it's any community member out there that would like us to write articles about certain topics or if you have a favorite blog. Myself and Jeff are writing content all the time, so would love to have your input because I'd like to write content that you guys want to read. So don't always feel free to reach out to me on Telegram.

Engagement Initiatives and Rewards

I'm more than happy to listen to your ideas. Also, if you guys haven't already checked out discord, please do and have a look at our onto next level program. So essentially we're just looking to reward you guys, give you coins for probably what you're already doing. So we're looking for people like, we've got the chats to roll, which is to get you more involved and engaging conversations, right? So we want to see the server active. This is obviously really important for supporting the ontology ecosystem and community.

Growth and Support for the Community

So just earn coins through your messages. We've got the inviter. So again, we're always looking for growth, always looking to expand and any new, and you'll get coins for inviting new members and for any server, we need somebody, we need as many people as possible that can kind of help us be welcoming, you know, and also monitor, report, spam or any kind of malicious links. Again, you're going to get points for that helper as well. It's a busy time and the team is developing.

Opportunities for Community Knowledge Sharing

So if you can provide any support to the community with your wealth of knowledge for ontology, it's always greatly appreciated. So if there's any queries like the community queries, I guess you get to showcase your ontology knowledge as well. You'll get coins for that too. And then also campaigner. So this is really important. I think this role personally for myself, as I manage most of the campaigns that we activate with our partners, would be great to have more to participate in as always, and kind of, yeah, that just more participating in a bunch of our diverse campaigns.

Ongoing Engagement Opportunities

So again, you get coins for doing all of this stuff. And again, don't worry, I touched on this the last couple of months, but with the Gamefi did Twitter spaces, we will be launching that, I believe, this month. So excited to share a little bit more there. And I have kind of gone into kind of what this spaces will be about and the fact that we're connecting with as many different projects. Anything to do involving game fire, web three gaming, and looking at kind of how decentralized identity solutions can potentially support the development of games in web three.

Comparative Analysis of Web Gaming

And also to do a comparison, like why build games in web two web three versus web two gaming? So I think it's going to be quite interesting. Like we have a long list of projects that would look, are already interested to be involved, are going to have a lot more content building out. But yeah, I think overall we decided to postpone slightly just with the Dif hackathon. So you should hear more from myself and Jeff over the next couple of weeks regarding these Twitter spaces, but really excited to kind of get your feedback on this.

Decentralized Identity Fund

And if there's any other projects you think that we should be speaking to when it comes to did gaming, we're always interested to get your feedback on that. And also, don't forget, we still have to decentralize identity fund that's still very much available and it's super active. We'd love to get more builders, hence the hackathon involved in kind of creating, or solutions for ont login or, any of the kind of did solutions that ontology has there or we also have a lot of options for educational content.

Encouragement for Community Participation

so would love to see your pitches being submitted to the fund. that's a $10 million fund. so any questions, you don't ever hesitate to reach out to me as well. So, yeah, I was really happy with how the AMA, with glacier network went. it was. I think it was quite technical, but I think their product is. But I think it's extremely unique and it's going to be very useful. And I'm excited to learn more and see how this collaboration between ontology and glacier develops.

Staying Updated with Hackathon Information

Also, don't forget to check out all the information on the dif hackathon. We have a presentation with Jeff and Humpty. I believe in some of our dev team next week. Reach out to Jeff, Humpty or anybody on the team if you have questions. Also just check out our Twitter page and also follow Humpty on Twitter. He's posting a lot of information about our sessions, also on discord as well. And then, yeah, check out all the content that we're uploading to the blog and all the snippets too.

Into the Next Level Program

And then we have our ongoing onto next program in discord. Yeah. Any ideas for quests for Zili? Do let me know. I think I make a call for this every week, but again, we always love to have your feedback. So thank you so much to everyone for joining me today and for taking the time to learn more from Chang about Glacier network. Enjoy the weekend.

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