Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Community Update hosted by OntologyNetwork. The Community Update Twitter space provided an in-depth exploration of a high-speed, low-cost public blockchain's potential impact on decentralized identity and data solutions for Web3. Discussions included the significance of interoperability, community engagement, scalability, and privacy within decentralized applications. The sessions highlighted evolving trends in Web3 adoption, decentralized governance models, and the disruptive nature of blockchain technology across industries. With a focus on innovative solutions and user-centric features, the space aimed to showcase the transformative power of infrastructure elements in the Web3 ecosystem.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.

Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 26


Q: How does interoperability benefit blockchain ecosystems?
A: Interoperability allows seamless data exchange and functionality between different blockchain networks.

Q: What are the key features of the project roadmap?
A: The roadmap focuses on enhancing scalability, improving user experience, and expanding integration with Web3 technologies.

Q: Why is user privacy a central focus in decentralized solutions?
A: Protecting user data and privacy rights is essential to ensure trust and security in decentralized applications.

Q: How can community participation drive project success?
A: Engaging the community fosters a sense of ownership, feedback incorporation, and collaborative development.

Q: What potential impacts can decentralized governance offer?
A: Decentralized governance enables transparent decision-making, reduces centralization risks, and promotes inclusivity.

Q: In what ways can blockchain technology disrupt traditional industries?
A: Blockchain can streamline processes, enhance security, reduce costs, and enable new business models in various sectors.

Q: What advantages does low-cost blockchain solutions bring to Web3?
A: Affordable solutions attract a wider user base, encourage innovation, and drive overall ecosystem growth.

Q: What are the benefits of focusing on decentralized identity and data management?
A: Decentralized systems provide data ownership control, reduce vulnerabilities, and enhance trust in digital interactions.

Q: How does the project aim to address scalability challenges in blockchain technology?
A: The project employs innovative scaling solutions, layer optimizations, and network upgrades to enhance blockchain efficiency.

Q: What role does decentralized finance (DeFi) play within the Web3 ecosystem?
A: DeFi applications leverage decentralized protocols to offer financial services, lending, and investment opportunities without intermediaries.


Time: 00:15:42
Web3 Adoption Trends Exploring the ongoing trends in Web3 adoption and decentralized technology usage.

Time: 00:25:19
Decentralized Governance Models Discussing the benefits and challenges of implementing decentralized governance frameworks.

Time: 00:35:55
Future of Blockchain Technology Speculating on the potential advancements and impacts of blockchain technology on various industries.

Time: 00:45:30
Scalability Solutions for Blockchain Analyzing strategies to address blockchain scalability issues and improve network efficiency.

Time: 00:55:12
User Privacy in Web3 Highlighting the importance of privacy features and data protection mechanisms in decentralized applications.

Time: 01:05:48
Advantages of Low-cost Solutions Examining how cost-effective blockchain solutions can drive mass adoption and innovation in Web3.

Time: 01:15:20
Decentralized Identity Management Exploring the benefits of decentralized identity solutions for secure data management.

Time: 01:25:37
Blockchain Disruption in Industries Considering the transformative effects of blockchain technology on traditional business sectors.

Time: 01:35:42
DeFi Innovations in Web3 Discussing the role of decentralized finance projects in shaping the Web3 economic landscape.

Time: 01:45:18
Project Roadmap Insights Providing a glimpse into the upcoming milestones and developments in the project's roadmap.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on interoperability for enhanced blockchain functions.
  • Community engagement crucial for project sustainability and growth.
  • Focus on decentralized applications and their impact.
  • Innovative solutions for decentralized identity and data management discussed.
  • Importance of scalability and efficiency in blockchain technology highlighted.
  • Advantages of low-cost solutions for wider adoption in Web3 ecosystem.
  • Discussion on user-centric privacy features and data protection measures.
  • Exploration of decentralized governance models and their benefits.
  • Impact of blockchain technology on traditional industries and practices.
  • Potential for disruptive innovation in decentralized finance (DeFi) with the discussed solutions.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Community Call Rescheduling

Sadeena radhe Sadeena GM hello, Antonots, thank you so much for joining us today. So we've switched things up a little bit this week. Obviously, our community call is typically this time on a Friday, but, we have a really great ama coming up tomorrow morning, with tuna chain and goshen network that ontology is hosting. and we didn't want either one to kind of cross over. So just to allow for kind of better promotion, we decided to have the community call a little bit early, this week. So I will kick off in just like the next minute. I'll just allow folks to kind of continue to roll in. Okay, great.

Ontology Overview

So as usual, I'll kick the call off with a quick intro to ontology and some of our products and projects. So, I'm Claire. I lead growth for ontology. And ontology is a high performance open source blockchain specializing in digital identity and data. So overall, ontology is looking to give users, or provide users a really robust platform. Right. So we're always talking about building, always talking about integrating decentralized applications. So these are your dapps, a bunch of other services as well. And something that we always mention is all about ensuring trust, privacy and security. Those are the big three.

Ontology's Features and Solutions

So ontology also supports multi chain, multi system integration compatible with EVM. Overall, we'd look, I guess this comes to enabling businesses to create their own custom blockchain solutions while leveraging ontology secure and efficient infrastructure. So we're not just businesses, but overall an individuals and entities can manage their digital identity securely and privately. So ont id is the key to this. So this supports the creation of verification management of decentralized identifiers. Dids, which are unique identifiers that provide a secure and verifiable way to prove identity without relying on centralized authorities.

DID Fund and Decentralized Identity Development

So this creates an overall framework that we've kind of really aimed at giving users control over their personal information, allowing them to share not only what is necessary, but, you know, ensuring that their data is private and secure. So this brings me on to the did fund. So this was released earlier this year. It's still very much available to individuals and projects that are interested in supporting development of ontid, or developing with ontid, or creating educational content. So the fund was released with the idea to kind of dedicate specific support to projects and initiatives to promote the adoption and development of decentralized identity.

Accelerating Decentralized Identity Growth

So this is using ontid. So overall, we're looking to kind of push forward with the acceleration and growth of like this decentralized identity kind of concept within the ecosystem. So we're going to provide obviously financial support, there's going to be other resources, and then there's going to be the potential for mentorship as well, because all of these projects ideally will align with ontology's overall vision. And that vision again is for security, centralized identity infrastructure.

Innovations and Wallet Functionality

So we're really looking to support kind of collaborate and look at innovative ways that we can develop ontid or that projects can potentially use ontid as well. Not only do we have that, we also have our onto wallet. So this is kind of like our gateway. So onto wallet is a decentralized app for managing digital assets, identities, data securely. Everything that we mentioned is all about secure data. So this supports multiple cryptos, so decentralized identities as well. Again, we're circling back to our Ont ID and cross chain transactions, providing access to DApps on the ontology network.

Token System and Governance

We also have a dual token system. So this means we use two tokens. So we have the ONt, which is the ontology token used for staking governance, voting within the network. Ong, which is ontology gas used to pay for transaction fees and smart contract execution. So Ong is generated and distributed to Ong holders. So this system separates governance and transaction functions, which is quite key and overall, again ensures efficiency and flexible network operations.

Ontology's Mission

But not only that, like these separate components, I think when they're brought together, collectively contribute to ontology's mission to build a trustless and decentralized digital identity system, promoting privacy, security. Yeah, these key elements. So, yeah, so that's pretty much ontology in a nutshell. And we'll jump into some of the ecosystem updates for this month.

Collaboration with Kenzo Labs

So actually just last week we announced a really interesting collaboration with Kenzo Labs. So these guys are a venture capital firm and marketing agency, so they support, they focus on supporting early stage projects with like kind of, I guess, high potential, kind of strong potential in the blockchain space. So they offer a bunch of different services like funding, marketing, ideo networks, connecting you with other people in the ecosystem as well.

Support for Projects and Community

So I think their overall goal is to kind of support projects, as you've mentioned, but also to kind of provide them with strategic investments, help them develop. Also, you know, you're going to get access to a lot of their expertise and the really large community that they have there. So yeah, check the guys out on Twitter and Telegram. That was kenzo Labs. We're also going to be announcing, well, it should be announced today, is a collaboration with tilted XYZ.

Tilted XYZ Collaboration

So these guys are focusing on gamifying liquidity pools for in game assets, enabling gamers and streamers to turn their virtual items into real world assets. That's rwas to generate income, which is always great. Also the platform emphasizes this kind of really interesting creator economy. So this allows like your streamers, your kols to earn revenue through tokenized assets. There's also live shopping and also a bunch of different marketplace integrations.

Game Asset Liquidity and Community Engagement

So there's a lot to check out there. They also support game asset liquidity. So this means you can buy, sell and trade. So it is really interesting, or I recommend you guys go check that out again. They're super active on Twitter, LinkedIn, discord on Telegram. These guys are all over social. So that is tilted XYZ. Also, earlier in the month, our very own Jeff, head of european ecosystem and content guru, joined the Galactica team for an AMA to chat about ontology.

Galactica AMA and Gamete IO Overview

Our EVM did solutions, a bunch about partnerships and kind of how we're developing, and also touch on our roadmap for 2024. So that was a really interesting Amae. It's on our Twitter if anybody wants to check it out, but that was earlier in the month, so that was Galactica Ama. It was really interesting. We've also connected with the guys at Gamete IO. They joined us a couple of weeks ago for another community call.

Gamete Platform and Community Feedback

They kind of did a really great overview of Gamete, kind of focusing on their collaboration with their users, feedback from the community, and kind of gave us a sneak peek into some of the upcoming plans and feature releases for later this year. But Gamete overall, I guess is, we could say is a premier platform designed for gamers at all levels, pretty much to discover and enjoy a wide variety of online games.

Game Genres and Community Focus

So these guys have a super extensive library. It goes across a lot of different genres, so there's a bunch of action and adventures, but also like there's puzzles and strategy games as well. So if you're like a really intense, dedicated game or you're more like me, that's a little bit more casual. There's pretty much, there's games for everyone there. So they focus a lot on fostering a vibrant community.

Alignment with Gametee.io

This is where I think we align quite strongly with their team. So there's always a bunch of new games that they're kind of releasing and it's really interesting platform. So I'd recommend you guys again to check them out. That is gametee IO. And tomorrow morning, well, tomorrow morning UTC, we are going to be speaking to the team at Tunachain IO. So this will be, this will take place at 630 UTC. So that's 830 CET. So I'll be hosting for ontology and we've also invited their head of Goshen, head of marketing, Dave and the team from tuna chain to chat about bitcoin ecosystem and how they, both the projects are kind of playing a role in the development of the ecosystem. So I'd recommend everybody to join that tomorrow. It's going to be super interesting. It's a relatively short AMA, only 30 minutes. So it's quite snappy.

Tunachain Overview

I think it'd be great if you're kind of interested to see how these guys are contributing overall to the space, but for tuna chain. Right. So they're cutting edge platform leveraging blockchain. They talk about transparency and traceability. Oh, sorry. I'm always having issues with these calls. I keep getting muted for no reason. But. Okay, push forward. Okay. So we also invited Black cardcoin.com to the ecosystem. We just did announcement with the guys, but there's definitely a lot more to develop with the collaboration there. We're hoping to kind of move forward to have an interesting telegram chat. So we'll probably host that on our English Telegram channel and then also be hosted in the black card coin Telegram channel. Again, so interesting to see how this develops.

Introduction to Black Card Coin

So these guys are a crypto platform. So they're designed to offer users exclusive financial benefits and elite access to digital currency space. So these guys look at, you know, kind of combining blockchain and premium services. I think that's how they're best defined. They offer a lot of priority services, bunch of exclusive offers, and then enhanced privacy features. So if you're looking to kind of combine, I guess the secure digital assets were kind of a little bit more of a luxurious experience. Check out what these guys are up to. So that's black card coin again. Check them out on Telegram and Twitter. And also, yeah, we should be hosting like a telegram ama with them soon.

GPT Wars AI Introduction

So GPT war is AI. These guys are developing very quickly another gaming platform, but they focus on looking at, you know, AI with gameplay as well. So there's a lot of opportunities for gate for players to kind of compete in AI driven battles. So it is quite cool. So these guys are utilizing advanced GPT tech and platform enables users to create, custom and deploy their AI warriors in a bunch of different competitions. Right. So it's very dynamic, it's super engaging, there's a lot happening. So if you, it's definitely a must visit for anybody that's interested in gaming. But also if you're like an AI enthusiast, I think there's a really interesting twist on gaming.

Aitech IO and Its Vision

So that is GPT wars AI. Again, these guys are active across social. So discord, Telegram, Twitter, and we should be kind of circling back to get an update from them. As I said, they're developing really quickly, so make sure you're kind of staying connected with everything that's happening there. We also welcomed Aitech IO to the ecosystem. This is again, very interesting. The guys, I think, have a really forward thinking platform, right? So they really want to look at using AI solutions for a bunch of different industries. So they really want to help like, you know, streamline operations, enhance decision making and drive business growth. So I think this goes across web two and web three.

Moongate's Unique Offerings

So they look at data analysis as well. They have a really comprehensive suite of AI tools and services. So that is Aitech IO. They join the ecosystem this month, as I mentioned. And yeah, I think it was earlier in the month. So we'll probably be circling back for another update on how the collaboration is developing with ontology. And then finally, we also welcomed Moongate to the ecosystem this month. So Moongate is a platform that transforms the value exchange between consumers and brands through NFT ticketing and memberships membership solutions. So they offer tools to create on chain tickets, memberships, digital collectibles and tokenized physical items. So their ecosystem provides campaigns, reputations, reputation and reward components, all using smart tokens.

Community Engagement and Feedback

So overall, Moongate is really trying to enhance user engagement, kind of facilitate the development of NFTs, but also kind of going beyond that. And they really want to help support gamification, self sovereign digital identity. And again, AI is a topic that seems to be really common across a lot of projects. So check them out. The guys are super friendly. They really kind of, they do really listen to their community. So that is moongate. Check them out on discord, Telegram or Twitter. Again, we'll be circling back to these guys to get an update. But as I've gone through this list, I've realized that I'm actually missing some folks that joined our ecosystem this month.

Job Opportunities and Future Updates

But don't worry, we will circle back to them next week. I'll do another look back. We also have now chain x. We'll be joining them for a community campaign. Also the guys of Valaris games, Mystico Network. Okay, there's only a couple I missed, but yeah, we'll circle back to them next week and see maybe if someone from their team wants to join the space next week because I forgot to add them into our intro for this week and on other news as well. We also have job postings on Hive and IsPO link if I'm correct. I think there's some developer jobs there.

Job Description and Communication

So go check out the information, see if it's, if you know, you kind of fit the, if you fit the job description. Any questions? Always don't hesitate to reach out to anyone on the team. You can do so, you know, Twitter, DM, us, telegram and also discord. So we should be active across all platforms. Okay, cool.

Upcoming AMAs and Current Activities

So as I mentioned, actually it's turning into kind of a busy couple of weeks with AMA's, which is always great. It was a little bit quiet in September, but that's to be expected with token. So as I said, we have an upcoming AMA with tuna chain and goshen. That's Friday morning, tomorrow morning, 630 utc or 830 CET. So this session will explore the current landscape of BTC ecosystem and also we'll look at some emerging trends. So we're going to obviously begin with a brief intro to the two speakers. As I mentioned, we have the head of marketing for Goshen Network will be joining us. So we're going to do like a quick overview of the current state of the BTC ecosystem, covering some recent developments, and we might chat about some emerging trends, something that's kind of looking at redefining the space.

Insights on Tuna Chain and Goshen Network

We'll also look at some platform insights so you'll learn a lot more about tuna chain. We'll highlight their layer two EVM compatibility. We'll look at overall how these features support the broader BTC ecosystem, and then we'll get a catch up from Goshen Network. So we'll look at some of their scalability solutions, security enhancements, and again, how these guys are going to be contributing to the development of BTC. We're going to look at impact on BTC and potential use cases, also going to look at real world applications shaping the BTC ecosystem.

Agenda Overview for AMA

So this is going to be really interesting to get input from Botuna chain and GoSHA Network to hopefully provide us with some examples on how their platforms are being used and maybe how we can see how some applications will shape the future of BTC. So yeah, so this is just a quick overview of the agenda for the AMA tomorrow, just to get you guys interested in what we'll be discussing. So again, we'll just start with an intro. We'll look at the current state of BTC ecosystem, some platform insights from both the guys, impact on the BTC ecosystem and potential use cases, real world applications shaping the ecosystem and then what the future holds, current opportunity or maybe some collab opportunities.

Future Collaborations and Other AMAs

So yes, that kicks off tomorrow morning, 630 utc or 830 CETA. So next week as well, we're hoping to join, well if not next week, I think early October. We're hoping to join the team from Blaspay. So welcomed them to the ecosystem a couple of months ago. Really interesting platform. So the kind of theme of the AMA will be kind of bridging the gap between crypto and compliance. So we're going to be looking at, obviously, you know, we'll do an intro with ontology and blaspay.

AMAs Focus and Key Achievements

We're going to look at the kind of how we come together with our shared goals and visions for ontology and blast pay for crypto and compliance sectors, and look at our key achievements and milestones in the collaboration so far so you guys can get up to date. They're also going to look at bridging crypto with compliance. So this is going to be a separate section. So we're going to look at aligning crypto operations with regulatory compliance, specific compliance issues maybe, and also some tech and different types of solutions that could kind of help, that could be developed to help solve any of these challenges.

Technical Aspects and Wrap-Up

And then we're going to look at some tech and implementation, learn a little bit more about kind of more technical side of blast pain ontology, learn a little bit more about compliance and security features for crypto transactions as well. And also be interesting to see if we can pull some case studies or examples of how these kind of two areas are being combined. And then we'll wrap everything up with kind of some plans and look into the future and consider some opportunities for how blast pain and ontology can continue to work together.

Overview of Community Engagement

So that's just a really high level overview to get you guys interested in the AMA. We haven't announced it yet, but I'll keep you guys posted. But it should be in the next couple of weeks. And also I mentioned Gamete IO to you guys already, the gaming platform. They joined us on a community call a couple of weeks ago, and I've been invited to join their community call next week. So that should be on Wednesday.

Next Steps and Content Strategy

We're just looking to confirm a time and the topic, but hopefully we'll be connecting with the gamete community, just giving them an intro to ontology, giving them an overview of our ecosystem, and I will probably focus a lot on our community, the Harbinger program loyalty program, and our did fund. So something really interesting that myself and Jeff have kind of introduced into the content structure or content strategy for ontology over the last month has been these snippets.

Introduction to Snippets

So I did do a big intro to the snippets. But for those of you who may have missed it, these are kind of, I guess, probably self explanatory, but they're short articles, right? So they're kind of short pieces of content, around 500 words. They're very topical. So they're kind of going across web three. We're obviously kind of connecting ontology in there where possible. A lot of these topics involve did kind of anything that's really interesting or in the news, you know, for web three.

Content Accessibility and Popularity

So these are all found in the news section for the, on the ontology blog. And then we also have them on medium and we also tweet them out. So we really wanted to kind of summarize some kind of more dense or more difficult or technical pieces of content just to make it easy for you guys to read. And they've actually proven to be very popular. And so far, we've had some really interesting topics.

Exploring Recent Articles

So we looked up telegram's policy shift. So we kind of made the assumption that there was a need for decentralization and stronger privacy protection. So this all came from the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov. This kind of underscores the need for decentralized platforms to protect user data and autonomy from government pressures recently. I'm going to kind of start from the most recent articles.

Security Needs and Centralized Control

We also looked at Inland revenues, data breach. Right. And why web three security needs decentralized identity. So, yeah, so this reveals a fragility of decent, of centralized data systems, emphasizing the need for decentralized solutions to protect sensitive information. We also looked at Mark Cuban's challenge to Trump supporters. Highlights a bigger problem in venture capital, transparency.

Transparency in Venture Capital

So yes, this definitely brings attention to the lack of transparency in venture capital, where investors histories are often obscured. Again, we looked at decentralized identity. I mean, we could see, could revolutionize vc transparency by recording investor track records on chain, providing accountability and trust. Really interesting topic. So we looked at why Elon Musk's support for California's AI bill highlights the need for decentralization.

Decentralization and AI Control

Yeah, so this definitely emphasized the risk of centralized AI control and data misuse by large companies. Again, we gave our own opinion on this and kind of looked at decentralized AI systems as well. So we also looked at Telegram CEO again, and we looked at kind of took a different kind of view of this and looked at stronger privacy protections, removing central points and control and vulnerability.

Critical Need for Decentralization

So there was a couple of articles there, but as you can tell, kind of like the overarching theme across all of these articles. I think it's like the critical need for decentralization to protect privacy, ensure transparency, and mitigate the risks associated with centralized control in various sectors. So like all of these work just kind of topical, you know, kind of just were really trending.

Trends in Communication and Identity

But we looked at really trying to include better communication, a data security venture. Obviously were looking at venture capital's AI and digital identity as well. So kind of we looked at decentralized identity systems emerging. I think for these articles you can see it's definitely what we're seeing could potentially be a key solution to many of these issues.

User Control and Community Engagement

Offering users more control and protection over their data and digital interactions. But definitely check them out. They're super short, easy to read, and if there's anything you think we should use for snippet, any topics, please let us know. Reach out to myself or Jeff across any of the platforms. We're active pretty much everywhere. Yeah, we'd love your feedback there. Then on to kind of very community specific here. So we have our onto next level program. This has been running for the last month or so. Get over to discord and check it out. You can earn coins, so actual coins, you can buy stuff with it, you can do a lot with it. You can look at our nfts as well. There's a bunch of different roles and it's literally just to reward you for being active within the community.

Chatster and Community Roles

So with Chatster, we really need somebody or people involved in energizing the server and engaging conversations. Again, you're going to unlock achievements and earn coins through your messages. So we need you to be active and chatting with everyone. Then we have the inviter role. So we're looking to expand the community by inviting new members. So you can earn ten coins for every successful invite. Just get your friends, get anybody from other communities who are interested in ontology to join in, and then you'll get coins for that. We also have the guard. I think this one's quite important. Definitely with a lot of, you know, kind of spamming and hacking, the guard is going to maintain a safe and welcoming environment. We're looking for monitors and reporting spam, so you need to let us know if there's anything happening in any of the channels.

Community Support and Events

Again, you'll earn coins for this. So every spam report you get ten coins and then the helper, you know, we love to kind of get support from the community. You guys have your fingers on the pulse. You're really active and involved, so it'd be great to get you to help us out. So hence the helper role. So you need to provide support and answers to community queries. So again, this is maybe you're new to the community and you know a lot about ontology, or you're one of our OG members. So we'd love for you to showcase your ontology knowledge and earn coins. Every helpful interaction, ten coins. And then campaigner. We've been launching a lot of different campaigns, you know, kind of focusing on developing out the ecosystem.

Upcoming Series and Topics

So our campaigner is going to participate in all of our campaigns across the platform. So you're going to help bring more people. Two campaigns. You're going to be active in the campaigns yourself as well. So earn five coins for each event you join. So these are community events, Ama's giveaways, my community calls, which I'm sure everybody loves, but you can get paid for this as well with your coins. So, yeah, so that's our on to next level program. Chatster, inviter, guard, helper and campaigner, move over to discord and check all of this out. Okay. And finally for today, you know, I've been speaking about this Gamefi web three gaming and did Twitter space series outline for a number of weeks. It is happening.

Gamefi Series and Innovations

We will be launching it soon. We postponed it a number of times to try to just get all of the projects we wanted involved to just align with all of their schedules. Web three is always hectic, right. And then we obviously had a bunch of different events. It's a kind of event season and then with tokens. So we should be launching this very soon. I'm coordinating this with Jeff and yeah, we're looking to kind of bring as many Gamefi web three gaming projects to this series. We'd love to. Like, we're going to have kind of like a spotlight on different projects where we can talk about their vision, technology and any upcoming releases. We really want to focus on Gamefi innovations, trends like, you know, new game mechanics, tokenomics, if there's any user engagement strategies.

Call for Topic Suggestions

And I mean, obviously the core feature of this is did in gaming, right? So how can decentralize an entity like transform or how is it transform in the gaming landscape? We're looking at security, privacy on player control. That will do like a bit of a. A kind of a comparison of web two and web three gaming and they were also going to be rotating hosts. So ontology will kick off the series, but then there's all the projects that we're bringing in that want to be involved. We'll co host, we'll hand the hosting over to them. And I think it's going to, it's developing into a really interesting series. So a bunch of our different suggested topics. Please send me suggestions if you'd like us to include certain topics, but building game a sustainable game economies, cross chain interoperability in web three gaming, NFts and digital assets, community building and engagement, security and fraud prevention and the role of metaverse in gaming.

Connecting with the Community

So these are just a few of the different types of the different subjects that we have. And then also we have a bunch of different content or article titles that we're going to be developing that's all related to each of these sections. And if there's any topics you'd like to see around gaming or projects you'd like to see us connecting with, please send them my way. Everybody should have my telegram handle by now, but if nothing, reach out on Discord and Bella can connect you with me. But yeah, that was a pretty good overview, I think, of everything that's happened in the last month. We kind of looked at a lot of new projects that we introduced to the ecosystem, AMa's that we attended. I'll actually next week I'll go through some of the events that we attended as well.

Upcoming Announcements and Events

And then also the upcoming AMA's over the next couple of weeks. But don't forget tomorrow morning, tuna chain and Goshen Network. That's Friday morning 630 utc or 830 CET. So ontology will be hosting. So that will be me and we'll be talking all about the BTC ecosystem. And the next week, yeah, I'll include a couple of the other projects that I forgot to include today. And then yeah, we will have our anniversary campaign coming up in November too, so keep your eyes out for that. We'll be launching that pretty soon. I'll keep everybody up to date, but as usual, if there's any project you think we should be working with or collaborations, we should be kind of launching campaigns across any type of quest platforms.

Feedback and Collaboration

Any content you'd like to see us developing, send it my way. Always happy to chat, but I appreciate everybody joining the call today.

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