Community Catch Up


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Community Catch Up hosted by OntologyNetwork. The Twitter Space 'Community Catch Up' delved into the realm of infrastructure in Web3, focusing on the adoption of a high-speed, cost-effective public blockchain for decentralized identity and data solutions. Discussions revolved around decentralized identity solutions, EVM interoperability, community-driven initiatives like BUIDL4Web3, and the pivotal role of public blockchains in promoting transparent data management. Furthermore, the space highlighted the importance of community engagement, security measures, trust-building through decentralized data management, and challenges in scaling decentralized applications on public blockchains.

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Q: Why is decentralized identity crucial in Web3 applications?
A: Decentralized identity ensures user privacy, security, and control over personal data in Web3 interactions.

Q: How does a public blockchain contribute to decentralized data management?
A: Public blockchains enable transparent and secure storage, verification, and sharing of data across Web3 networks.

Q: What advantages do high-speed and low-cost blockchains offer for Web3 development?
A: Efficient blockchains enhance transaction speeds, reduce costs, and support scalable decentralized applications in Web3 ecosystems.

Q: What role does the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) play in blockchain interoperability?
A: EVM standardizes smart contract execution, facilitating interoperability and compatibility across various blockchain platforms.

Q: How can BUIDL4Web3 initiatives spur innovation in Web3?
A: BUIDL4Web3 programs encourage developers to create decentralized solutions, driving Web3 adoption and technological advancements.

Q: Why is community involvement essential in promoting decentralized technologies?
A: Communities play a vital role in advocating for decentralized solutions, fostering collaboration, and expanding the reach of blockchain applications in Web3.

Q: What security measures are implemented to protect user identities in decentralized systems?
A: Decentralized systems employ cryptographic techniques, consensus mechanisms, and encryption protocols to safeguard user identities and data integrity in Web3 environments.

Q: How does decentralized data management enhance trust in Web3 interactions?
A: Decentralized data management ensures tamper-resistant records, immutability, and transparency, building trust among participants in Web3 transactions.

Q: What are the challenges in scaling decentralized applications on public blockchains?
A: Scaling decentralized applications involves addressing issues like network congestion, throughput limitations, and balancing efficiency with decentralization on public blockchain networks.

Q: How do decentralized identity solutions uphold user autonomy and data control?
A: Decentralized identity solutions empower users with ownership of their identity information, enabling selective disclosure, portability, and privacy management in Web3 applications.


Time: 00:15:42
Decentralized Identity Solutions in Web3 Exploring the benefits of decentralized identity for data control and privacy in Web3 applications.

Time: 00:25:18
Advantages of Public Blockchains for Web3 Understanding how public blockchains revolutionize data management and transparency in decentralized networks.

Time: 00:35:59
EVM Standardization and Interoperability Discussing the role of the Ethereum Virtual Machine in enabling cross-platform compatibility and smart contract execution.

Time: 00:45:27
BUIDL4Web3 Initiatives Driving Innovation Highlighting initiatives that encourage developers to build decentralized solutions and applications for Web3 ecosystems.

Time: 00:55:14
Community Engagement for Decentralized Technologies Emphasizing the pivotal role of communities in promoting decentralized technologies and blockchain adoption.

Time: 01:05:33
Security Measures for User Identities in Web3 Exploring cryptographic methods and protocols used to enhance security and privacy in decentralized systems.

Time: 01:15:20
Trust Building Through Decentralized Data Management Examining how decentralized data management ensures transparency, trust, and integrity in Web3 interactions.

Time: 01:25:47
Challenges of Scaling Decentralized Applications Addressing scalability hurdles and efficiency concerns in expanding decentralized applications on public blockchain networks.

Time: 01:35:02
Autonomy and Data Control in Decentralized Identity Solutions Empowering users with control over their identity information through decentralized solutions in Web3.

Time: 01:45:11
Collaborative Efforts for Web3 Advancements Highlighting the importance of collaborative initiatives in advancing decentralized technologies for a more inclusive Web3 ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • The focus on a public blockchain for decentralized identity and data solutions in Web3.
  • Exploration of high-speed and low-cost blockchain features for enhanced efficiency.
  • Insights on the importance of decentralized identity (DID) and ONTID in Web3 applications.
  • Discussions on the significance of EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) in the blockchain ecosystem.
  • The emphasis on building for Web3 with BUIDL4Web3 initiatives.
  • Community-driven efforts to promote decentralized solutions and blockchain adoption.
  • The potential of public blockchains in revolutionizing data management in a decentralized manner.
  • Collaborative approaches to advancing decentralized technologies for the Web3 space.
  • Innovations aimed at enhancing the security and privacy of user identities in decentralized systems.
  • The role of blockchain in fostering trustless interactions and data integrity in Web3 environments.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Schedule Change

Jim. Jim. Hello, Antonots. Thank you so much for joining us today. We had a little bit of a change of schedule just because I'm traveling tomorrow. So we decided to host the call today rather than just postponing it all together until next week. Okay. So just to get everybody up to speed, you know, we kick off each call with an introduction to ontology, just for anybody that might tune in later or that might listen to the spaces.

Overview of Ontology

Yeah, at a later date. So ontology is a high performance open source blockchain. We specialize in digital identity and data. So you'll see this everywhere, kind of across all of our content, on social as well as on our blog. So overall, the aim is to provide this robust platform. All about building. Right. Also about integrating decentralized applications. That's our dapps. A bunch of different services all around trust, privacy and security. We mention this all the time. I think I say we mention this all the time, but it's very important.

Integration Capabilities

So also we ontology supports multi chain, multisystem integration. Obviously your compatibility with EVM. So again, overall, this is just so businesses can create their own custom blockchain solutions and then they get to leverage everything ontology has. So this includes the and efficient infrastructure. So we also still have the did fund. Guys, do not forget that we launched it in April and we've had a bunch of different applications. This is for individuals and projects that want to build or develop ontlogin or some other ontology did solutions.

Encouraging Community Involvement

You want to work with it or you've got some ideas on how we could improve it or build with it. Or maybe you're a content creator, maybe you're really great at writing some technical articles or even imagery like infographics, where it's pretty much open to anybody that wants to get involved. So we really want to help to promote the adoption, development, and also understanding of what dids actually are and how this can kind of help the end user and also how it can support developers as well. So there's financial support.

Support and Resources

Ontology can also offer other resources and there's potential for some mentorship as well. So will obviously kind of support you guys through the whole journey. So that's a $10 million fund, again open to individuals and projects that want to build or on login other did solutions from ontology create content? Yeah, we've left it pretty open because I guess we want your input on this. So there's no point in us telling you guys what to do. So then we also have our onto wallet.

Introducing the Onto Wallet

This is our gateway so for decentralized app for managing digital assets, identities and data securely. So there's multiple cryptos here. Obviously if you've got your aunt id, got a bunch of different dapps as well, all on the ontology network. And it's something that I think is always quite important to remind the community of is our dual token system. So this system separates governance and transaction functions. So it is quite interesting.

Dual Token System

So we have our ont, which is our ontology token, that staking governance that I just mentioned and also voting within the network, o n g, which is our ontology gas. So this is your transaction fees, smart contract execution, for example. So dual token system I think is quite key. So yeah, so this is kind of where we come from when we're talking about like different types of components that kind of collectively contribute to ontology's mission.

Trustless and Decentralized Identity

And so we'll repeat kind of our trustless and decentralized identity, digital identity system, like promoting privacy, security and control. So we will jump into this week's announcements. We're going to look at some more folks to join the ontology ecosystem.

Upcoming Plans and DIF Hackathon Overview

We're going to give you some, you know, sneak peek into our plans for the next couple of weeks. So, yes, so hot Topic is the ontologies, the Dif hackathon. So this is officially live, just kicked off last week. Also hope that everybody joined in for the presentation that was earlier this week. So we would have gone through all the details around the hackathon, how you guys can get involved and. Exactly kind of what's available, I mean, throughout the whole hackathon regarding ontology. So this is pretty much open to anybody, again, as I've said. So whether you're like a really experienced developer or you're starting out, I think it's going to be quite interesting for you to get involved, learn more about ontology solutions and help us develop that. So that's the Dif hackathon.

Ecosystem Updates and Collaborations

There isn't a notice that Jeff pinned, sorry, that Jeff pinned on our Twitter page that you can get all the details from, and we'll have a bunch of other content going out around it as well. So the Dif hackathon, yeah, so this month has been quite interesting for ecosystem updates. So we do a bunch of different types of ecosystem updates. We bring people into the ecosystem for kind of marketing collaborations, community initiatives, and also for some integrations, whether they're providing dashboards or services to ontology, or whether they want to utilize ontologies like on login did solutions or EVM integrations, there's a lot happening, but we like to kind of see the ecosystem continually develop. Web three is ever changing, right? And there's always new projects and that's kind of where ontology likes to be is with these developing projects and with any new projects.

Collaboration with Kenzo Labs

So really interesting co lab this month was we brought in Kenzo Labs. So these guys are a venture capital firm, also a marketing agency. Kind of similar in the support that they offer early stage projects, but obviously very different from ontology being a venture capital firm. But it's great to kind of have somebody else like that in the that we just introduced the ecosystem that can see the potential in supporting these early stage projects. So they offer a bunch of different services like funding, marketing as I mentioned, and also connecting you with their ecosystem and supporting you, a partnership development. So they offer a lot of strategic investment support development there as well. And there's a lot of expertise and they have a huge community. So go check the guys out in Kenzo Labs.

Tilted XYZ Collaboration and Opportunities

We might hopefully invite them onto a community call soon so you guys can get an intro there. Also with tilted XYZ again. And these guys are kind of a relatively new collaboration, but we're hoping to get them involved in the upcoming did gaming series. So they focus on gamifying liquidity pools for in game assets. They look at, I guess, enabling gamers and streamers to turn their virtual items into real world assets. Rwas really just to generate income. So it is really interesting. They've got a lot of different opportunities there to earn income. You can they allow streamers and any kols or kols in general, I guess, or influencers like I guess a different revenue stream through tokenized assets.

Summary of Tilted XYZ and Future Engagement

So there's still a lot more to learn about tilted and we'll provide you guys with all that information. So as I mentioned, we should be bringing them onto the community called Meet the community and then also inviting them to the web three did gaming series. So that is tilted XYZ. Definitely check out what these guys are up to. Also now chain x. We released a collaborate and a collaboration with them about a month or so ago, brought them to the ecosystem. We actually had, were rugged when we brought them onto the community call before, so we must bring the guys back on. Unfortunately they were ready to go and then we had all disasters with x spaces, but we just joined them for their autumn celebration.

Now Chain X and Community Engagement

So these guys have put a lot into the celebration that is going on until I think until towards the end of October. So it's nearly like a month long celebration from their side ontology is given some nfts there. So we have ten nfts for ten winners. So that is now chain or now chain x. So these guys are like a blockchain infrastructure. Again, they offer a bunch of different decentralized web three services. They support smart contracts, dapps as well. It's really interesting. And they also feature a native governance token consensus mechanism and, you know, a really strong ecosystem, which ontology is now a part of. So go check out the guys, check out the campaign and see what rewards you can get.

Upcoming Campaign with GPT Wars

Also, there is an upcoming campaign, hopefully with the guys at GPT wars. check them out. We did a collab with them. Hopefully we're going to be doing some integrations with them as well. But this, campaign looks to focus on building out discord. so hopefully ontology will be involved in that. But there's announcement to follow. So you'll know about all of our plans and also about rewards there too. So yes, it's been an interesting week or so. Also, we'll, we also had just before that at tuna chain, Goshen with our AMA, with Goshen. For anybody that missed it, I would recommend if you're interested in the bitcoin ecosystem and how it's developing with its use cases, to check out that AMA. It was really insightful. We did like CMO and kind of growth lead for Goshen. Dave, join us. He was going into a lot of detailer and goshen developments and some really interesting use cases. And also we had CTO from tuna chain join as well.

Insights from the AMA

And they were deep diving into all the new features and developments from tuna chain. So I definitely recommend for you guys to check out that AMA. Okay, let's look back at some on chain metrics for September. So we have some, I mean, pretty impressive metrics and data to go through. So we 878 nodes that are now active on the network, our staking rate stands at nearly 26%. We continue to see consistent growth on total on chain transactions. We're supporting 177 dapps and again can see consistent transactions across all of those dapps. So for kind of more specifics on those metrics, make sure you guys are going to check out the monthly report from September. There will be, there's a lot of digits in here, so they'll deep dive into that in a little bit more detail. Also with upcoming campaigns. So I already gave you a little insight into potential campaign with GPT wars kicking off for Discord followers.

Anniversary Campaign with Ontology

We have an upcoming anniversary campaign with ontology it'll be, I think it's eight years for ontology, so we will be launching that soon, the official anniversaries in November and I'll be sharing a bunch of different details with you guys. I think we'll be hosting some different AMA's probably Humpty will use their time on a Thursday evening to maybe connect with some partners and to promote that a little bit. I'll go into some detail during our community call on that as well. But yeah, we're looking to just reward the community for essentially being involved. So we could probably have elements around staking also around did as well. So a lot more information to come around the campaign as well. Also, just to say it was a little point that I missed from our ecosystem growth was just to add about we had glacier network on with us last week.

Insights from Glacier Network

It was really interesting. So these guys are first data centric blockchain, really looking to, I guess supercharge AI at scale. So they're building like a programmer pro quo programmable. Sorry guys, modular scalable blockchain infrastructure for storing, indexing and querying data. So we had a CTO, Chang, on with us last week where he went through a bunch of different questions around glacier. We he went into a lot of different, a lot of detail around like Glacier AI, how they empower data ownership, kind of gave the community insights into the chatbot bench and vector DB all around kind of contributing to this AI driven innovation. Again, I'd recommend everybody to kind of go to their discord on their socials. You can participate in this and also earn rewards.

Role of Storage Networks

So we also learned a lot about are we Filecoin and BNB Greenfield about how this plays like a really crucial role in the architecture for glacier as well. And also Chang went into a lot more detail around storage networks. It was really interesting insights from Chang as well regarding the community for glacier network. So obviously it's a very active community and you can tell that kind of glacier leans on them a lot for feedback and they do implement that feedback a lot. So if you're interested in what the guys are producing in glacier network, I definitely recommend for you to check them out. They also hosted us on an AMA a few weeks ago. Jeff was there to speak about kind of ontology's development and did and the potential collaboration across did and AI. So it was really interesting.

Access to Links and Community Initiatives

But we'll make sure that you guys have access to all of those links. So yes, that was our glacier network. It was a really interesting community call and just a couple of areas that we kind of have consistently running or not areas, kind of initiatives that we've consistently running for the community is don't forget to check out the on to next level program. So this is almost like a loyalty program. Check it out in discord. It's only active there, but we have a bunch of different roles essentially just for you guys to be rewarded and to earn coins for stuff that you're probably already doing. So we have the chats there. So if you're already engaging in conversations, just make sure that you're doing this so you can unlock any of these coins just through your messages that are supporting, you know, the community or kind of helping out, then we also have the inviter.

Community Growth and Engagement

So if you're growing the community for ontology, you're inviting new members. Make sure you get coins for that. The guard is, was really important. This is obviously, these are consistent issues I think we see across the space when it comes to any of these groups, especially on discord. We just need to be make sure, we need to make sure that we're monitoring and reporting spam. So again, you'll be rewarded for that. Also the helper, so the helper kind of goes a bit beyond, obviously the guard was just reporting spam. These are like probably a lot of people like more maybe OG members or anybody really from ontology community that just knows a lot about ontology or that wants to help out. So you can help to answer community queries and you'll get coins for that as well.

Campaign Participation and Community Events

And the campaigner, which I'm obviously very interested in seeing, is I lead the development for most of our campaigns. So it's great to see when we have like a diverse community that's taking part in all of these campaigns across all of our platforms. So community events, Ama's and any of our giveaways. So this is the community call as well. So you could be earning coins here too. So make sure you go to discord. You can tag myself or Bella in any of the chats if you have any questions. But it's the onto next level program. So yeah, I definitely recommend for you guys to go and check that out and earn your coins.

Longer Form Content and New Strategies

And then just with our longer form content. I mean, I speak about this every week on the call, but you know, myself and Jeff have been working on new strategies for developing our kind of more, I guess, our SEO and also to help drive more traffic to the blog and also to help answer more questions when it comes to the community and the type of content that you are looking to see. So we've been executing on these types of these snippets that are just much shorter pieces of content, a little bit more topical. So it's quite interesting. They're all listed on the blog in the news section under snippets and also in medium.

Content Themes and Privacy Considerations

So there is a theme that kind of goes across all of these articles. So for us, we're kind of evaluating or speculating on this kind of critical need for decentralization to protect privacy, ensure transparency, and also, again, to mitigate the risks associated with decentralized control in various sectors. So we're looking at communication, data security, venture capital was mentioned, AI and also digital identity. So some of the content is really interesting. Like one of them was actually about if you are involved in any dating apps and kind of the potential for some data breaches when it comes to these dating apps, like who actually sees the information that is associated with your profile, how can this potentially be used?

Awareness and Overview of Community Engagement

So it is interesting and it's good to kind of be aware of the information that you're sharing and exactly like how that could be potentially used. So for a quick run, just a quick overview again of everything we've spoken about. Today, we invited Kenzo Labs tilted XYZ now chain. Make sure you go check out their campaign. Also, Glacier Labs AmA, our community call last week. I definitely recommend for you guys to listen in on that. Potentially some upcoming campaigns for GGP wars focused on Discord, and we also have the upcoming ontology campaign that'll be released soon, but I will share as many details with you as I can once we kind of confirm all of that.

Continued Growth and Community Feedback

And also the monthly report should be published. So you guys can do a deep dive into these on-chain metrics, but we continue to see growth, so that's always positive. And also make sure you're checking out the onto next level program. Again, this is probably a lot of stuff you guys are already doing, but I'd recommend go to check it out and you can earn coins for contributing there anyway. And also please feel free to tag me in Telegram or connect with me on Telegram or tag me in discord if you guys have any recommendations for content that we should be creating, any blogs that we should be checking out, any collaborations you think that we should be having with other projects, whether that's community initiatives or some type of integration or services that you think ontology might need.

Openness to Project Recommendations

Yeah, and also if there's any recommendations for projects that could utilize a did fund, always open to kind of getting feedback for the community and appreciate everybody that reaches out with this feedback too. Awesome.

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