Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Community Call with @gametyio hosted by OntologyNetwork. The Community Call with @gametyio delved into the realm of decentralized identity and data solutions, emphasizing the significance of community-driven innovations in the blockchain space. Key insights highlighted the transformative potential of decentralized identity systems like DID and ONTID, the accessibility offered by public blockchains, the importance of EVM compatibility, the innovation demonstrated by projects such as BUIDL4Web3, and the vital role of community engagement in driving adoption and growth within the evolving Web3 landscape.

For more spaces, visit the Unique Projects page.


Q: How are decentralized identity solutions impacting Web3 security?
A: DID and ONTID provide enhanced data security by decentralizing identity management.

Q: What advantages do public blockchains offer for decentralized applications?
A: Public blockchains enable cost-effective operations, fostering broader accessibility for DApps.

Q: Why is EVM compatibility crucial for blockchain development?
A: EVM compatibility ensures interoperability and seamless integration of diverse blockchain projects.

Q: What sets projects like BUIDL4Web3 apart in the Web3 landscape?
A: Innovative initiatives like BUIDL4Web3 drive technological advancements and showcase the potential of Web3.

Q: How does community engagement contribute to the success of decentralized solutions?
A: Active community involvement is essential for the adoption and scalability of decentralized technologies in blockchain environments.


Time: 00:15:21
Decentralized Identity Solutions Exploring the impact of DID and ONTID on data security in Web3.

Time: 00:25:47
Cost-Effective Public Blockchains Understanding how public blockchains drive accessibility for decentralized applications.

Time: 00:35:59
EVM Compatibility Advantages Discovering the benefits of EVM compatibility for blockchain interoperability.

Time: 00:45:32
BUIDL4Web3 Innovation Highlighting the innovative aspects of projects like BUIDL4Web3.

Time: 00:55:14
Community Engagement Impact Examining the role of community engagement in the success of decentralized solutions.

Key Takeaways

  • Decentralized identity solutions like DID and ONTID are revolutionizing data security in Web3.
  • The cost-effective nature of public blockchains is driving accessibility for decentralized applications.
  • EVM compatibility enhances interoperability and development opportunities within the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Innovative projects like BUIDL4Web3 showcase the continuous evolution of Web3 technologies.
  • Community engagement is pivotal for the growth and adoption of decentralized solutions in the blockchain space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Community Call

GM Antonuts happy Friday and thank you all for joining the community call. As always, I'd like to kick off a little bit early and I'm just going to give about two minutes to let folks kind of join and then we'll kick things off. So it's great to see more new faces again this week. To help everybody get up to speed, I start each goal just with a quick intro to myself and to ontology. So I'm Claire and I lead growth for ontology. And for those who may not know, ontology is a high performance open source blockchain specializing in digital identity and data. So overall we aim to provide a robust platform for building and integrating decentralized applications, or Dapps, and services, focusing on ensuring trust, privacy and security. So these are things that we mention all the time. So ontology supports multi chain and multi system integration, including compatibility with EVM. Also enabling businesses to create their own custom blockchain solutions while leveraging ontology secure and efficient infrastructure. And also, apologies, my throat's a bit sore this morning, but yeah, so very excited to kick off the call today.

Introduction of Gametea

We have the folks from Gametea with us, really excited to learn more about their project and any kind of upcoming any updates. If you want to jump in and do a quick update for everybody. Hello? Hello. Hi. I assume you were talking to me, Claire. Yes. I don't think there's anyone else here. All right. Good morning everybody. My name is Ayu and I am the communications and partnerships manager in Gametea. An update about Gametea. I guess we will get to the updates later on in the down the line because of the. Well, we have quite a lot and we have quite a lot actually. I guess we should start with an introduction of myself and then a bit about Gametea. I have been in the web three world for I guess roughly two years, but in the time that I've been here, I've actually been more attracted to the tech side of web three, like the blockchains and the smart contracts, more than, you know, more than how you build things or how the trading goes. So I think I'm a bit of an odd crayon. I don't know how the english word goes, but I'm a bit of an odd duck in that sense. So I don't know, I'm not really a holder, except for the stable coins and the MGTY coins, obviously, tokens and. Yeah, I guess that's it for me.

Overview of Gametea

And what is gamete? Gamete is a gaming platform and we provide 30 plus casual mobile games that is the sneak peek of what gamete is. And I think we're going to get into that more as the questions. Yeah, as Eclair asked the questions. And by the way, I'm very, I have to apologize for the frazzled way I'm answering right now. It is quite early here in my time zone. Well, it's not that early. It's like 03:00 p.m. but you know, not been feeling very well. So. Yeah, excuse me for the frazzled answers. Thank you, Claire. No worries. I think it's that time of year. I'm also not feeling very well, but we'll get through this together. So I think it'll be okay. Let's start. Yes. With a nice just question more maybe like of a detailed intro to Gamete. Like any inspiration behind why you guys created the platform?

Inspiration Behind Gametea

Okay, so like I said before, Gamete is a gaming platform and we provide 30 plus casual mobile games. And our player base is basically everyone. So all ages, all class, all occupations, all genders. And we are combined with an endogenous reward system. So a sustainable revenue model is created. And that revenue model counteracts the Ponzi like play to earn schemes by leveraging the community into real world revenues. We also have an additional launch pad layer and that can help our partners to grow their community. Our community currently consists of more than fourteen hundred k. I think I'm a bit bad with numbers in English, but it has a lot of zeros. Has like 50. So 1.400 app users. We have a daily app user of, monthly app user of. We're pretty proud of that. The inspiration behind Gamete's creation is actually quite simple, if I may so myself. So our CEO, Sarekan, right, he saw how the p two e in web three was very Ponzi like.

Gamete's Unique Approach

He's a gamer and he's a tech dev and he has made another web three game in the past, meta fighter. And this time he's like, okay, I want to make a project that focuses on a healthy ecosystem economy. And he, I, you know, I'm quite proud to say that he has executed it in quite creative ways. And I think that's one of our charms. You know, like Yamesi's charm is how we execute finance in creative ways. Circadian is a gamer himself. He knows how the mind of a gamer works, how the community is, and he knows that besides earning a profit, the main goal of a game should be to provide fun, right? So aside from all the business side things like tokens blockchain scalability, et cetera. We want to emphasize on the fun, on the gamified side of things like gamified airdrop campaigns, which is gamete has a gamified airdrop campaign running, by the way, right now. I will elaborate that later on.

Gamete Features and Tokenomics

And we also transform our CTA's, like our call to actions, into micro marketing initiatives, etcetera. What else? We also have a capped reward pool and our reward systems are self regulatory and it ensures long term stability and the value of the token itself. Our token, the GTY coin, has a fixed price, so no matter how high or low the token price itself gets on the market in game, nothing's going to change. And we do this hoping that there won't be any speculative value and there also be full on transparency because our main goal is to keep the token in the ecosystem instead of people trading it in the market. What else? Oh, and I guess the last feature that is worth mentioning is that our in game coin, the GTY coin itself, can be used across the whole gamete platform in all the games. So whatever you earn in one game, you can use it in another.

Introduction and Airdrop Campaign Overview

Yeah. So there's so much happening. I'd recommend anybody that's listening in today to go check, to check out gamete, get involved. I think it's going to be the easiest way for you guys to kind of keep up with everything that's happening. But if you could go into a little bit more detail about, was it the airdrop campaign that you mentioned? That would be awesome.

Details of the Airdrop Campaign

Yes, definitely. So our campaign, our drug campaign is going to be ending soon. Unfortunately, it has been going on for quite a few months now, and we will be continuing until the launch, until the RTGE. Now, the good news is that RTGE is still in like end of this month or like early of next month, we, I have to be honest, we are waiting for the market to stabilize a bit because Gamec's main focus is, again, quality instead of quantity. So we want to make sure that when we launch, you know, everything is going well for everyone involved instead of launching a TgE very soon and then, you know, our users can't afford it or I can't afford it and they're like, you know, we can't keep up. But anyway, I digress.

Airdrop Participation Methods

So our airdrop campaign is actually quite fun. We have four ways to join. Actually. Wait, let me check out the. Okay, so there are five different ways to join our airdrop campaign and each way has their own leaderboard. So you don't have to worry about, you know, getting, how do I say this? When someone drives past you in traffic. Yeah, you don't have to worry about that happening. So we have play to airdrop, invite to earn, post to airdrop, punch to earn, and stake to airdrop. Did you guys get that? So play, invite, post, punch and stake.

Invite and Post to Airdrop Explained

Yeah, I know that sounds kind of funny. So the invite to earn is as straightforward as it sounds. You post on your socials because some people, they don't have time to play or they don't, you know, because in these games you have to like, you know, put in the time to, you know, tap the games. And some people are just like, I don't really have the time for this, but I do have a big following usually for, you know, like people who influencers are like micro influencers. You can leverage that. So post about gamete, include our hashtags, tag us, and with each like retweet and comment that you get that will boost up your XP in the lead report as well. And then we have post to Airdrop. Oh, sorry, I got it backwards. That was post Airdrop. But invite to earn, basically you give referral links to your friends, which is obviously tied in game.

Staking and Earnings

And then we have a stake to Airdrop which also sounds as straightforward as it is. You stake meta fighter tokens, mf tokens which is from our other game. And you can stake those tokens and you can receive a g two y tokens when we launch later because we also want to include the user base from our other game, meta fighter. I think what would be most interesting for the listeners right now is the play to airdrop and the punch to earn game. So the play to Airdrop has a 250K GTy coin airdrop pool.

Play to Airdrop and Punch to Earn

And all you have to do is download the Metafighter game through our website, Apple Store or Google Play and beat the challenges to earn xpath. Well, the punch to earn game is basically a telegram bop game where you have to deliver punches to our fighter fangs face. And the more black and blue he gets, the more XP you learn, you gain. And those XP and those coins that you will gain as well, you can use them to upgrade your account and earn even more xp. So upgrade our account, meaning that we have pacifighters. Pacifighters are fighters that will do the punching for you when you're offline.

Passive Fighters and XP Advantages

Because as humans, you know, we cannot be online twenty four seven to do all the punching. So we have passive fighters, and these pacifiers can be upgraded through your, using your coins. And the XP is what will get you higher up in the leaderboard, I think. Have I explained that quite clearly, Claire? If I don't, please feel free to cut in and, like, ask me to explain more. Not at all. That's awesome. I'm just, I'm listening because it's so interesting, so cool.

Upcoming Launches and Excitement

So, yeah, I think it's really detailed overview, and I appreciate kind of all the level of detail that you've given everyone. I think it's going to be cool for everybody to go and check it out. And I know you said so. This is wrapping up soon. Is there anything kind of coming to be launched from game two, maybe that you can let us know about so people can, you know, kind of wait and maybe get involved from the beginning? Spoilers? Yes, definitely. We have some.

TGE and Platform Launch Insights

Well, one, the TGE is coming up, obviously the launch and also the launch of our platform. If everything goes well, our TGE is expected to be at the end of September, beginning of November. But like I said, it depends on how the market is going. And then six months later, six months after November, actually, our platform is going to be launched. And I'm very excited to share this because, well, obviously a platform launch.

Sneak Peek and Game Offerings

And for now, you guys can have a sneak peek of what games we have to offer on our Telegram gaming bot. So the sneak peek will be in the form of five hyper casual games, and you can play it through the Telegram gaming bot. So you know how when you click the gaming bot thing, it doesn't automatically take you to the game, but it takes you to a bot. Right. And then in the bot, you can have, you know, like the website, and then you can start to play the game.

Casual Gaming Experience

Well, there's, we have added this one button that says more games, and that is where you can find our additional five games. It's also like, how do I explain this? Have you guys seen those ads where you have to tap the screen and then the ball bounces and you have to make sure that the ball bounces from platform one to platform two through the small holes? We have games like those. We have also games like, you know, one of those flying bird games, not Angry Birds, but I think it was flappy bird, where you have to, like, tap, tap, tap to make sure that it flies.

Final Call to Action

We have those kind of games as well. So please, guys, check it out if you're interested. Our links are all on our twitter. And yeah, I would also like to emphasize that our gaming bot is not how we will continue. By the way, our gaming button is only used for marketing, right? Because you know, Telegram game, telegram gaming bots are very easily accessible. You have to just click a link. You have to download nothing. It also doesn't add to your phone memory if I'm correct. Yeah, doesn't add anything to your phone memory as well. And this is how we market, you know, how we let our users know of our updates.

Game Release and Platforms

So yeah, we will release an actual game. It will be available on gamete platform, will be available on Google Play and Apple Store. Just like meta fighter. We will not be continuing as a telegram bot game forever. But that does not mean that we will not continue to. That does not mean that we will not continue working with the tan ecosystem. And we are also planning to work together with runes protocol. So watch out for that.

Community Interaction and Feedback

Awesome. Thank you so much guys. I'm going to repeat it again. Go check out the platform. Follow the guys on social as well, just to make sure you're keeping up to date with everything. And seeing as it is a community call, I'd love to know a little bit more about the gamete community. Do you guys have any insights you can share about how your community kind of gives you feedback? Or is there a platform, or maybe whether telegram, Twitter or discord that your community kind of prefers?

Communication Channels

Oh, you have mentioned it already. Telegram, Twitter Discord. Like the three holy trinity of web three gaming, right? We are active in all three. As I have said before, all links are available in our Twitter bio and you can reach us on all three platforms. We are all active. We have community managers and ambassadors on each platform and we do take your input very seriously. Obviously, as a web three game devs, I'm sure that your other partners have probably mentioned this before.

Community Feedback Priorities

Sometimes the gaming community is only about the token. Sometimes the gaming community is only about, you know, when TGE or like, you know, when featured this feature that. But we do prioritize the comments that are more about glitches, obviously, right? Like glitches and improvements such as, hey, what if instead of giving us coins, you can give us more energy? Instead of giving us this, you can give us more that. Or like, hey, I think, excuse me, I think that I prefer, you know, this method of earning coins more instead of just watching ads, stuff like that.

Team Responsiveness and Updates

So we take it very seriously. And I would like to say that we have quite the reactive. Not reactive, I'm sorry, quite the fast responding team. So if there is an input that comes in our dev team, make sure that it can be implemented in the next few weeks or like one, two weeks. And I mean, I know that weeks doesn't sound very fast, but trust me, like, with a game going on, we have to update the game itself. And implementing a game, implementing a new feature takes quite a lot of time.

Community Importance

But I would like to say that like in less then two weeks, we will get that new update up and running for you guys. So, yeah, and also community is very important to us. So whatever inputs you might have, like, even from a strategy standpoint, or if you have a project, no matter how small your project is, no matter how big, if it is not groundbreaking, what is the english word for it? If it makes sense, if it makes sense to implement that into gamete, we will not look at how small or big your project is. We will onboard you and like, come join our project and let's work together.

Overview of Gamete's Development

Yes. That's it. Awesome. Thank you so much. So I think we've gone through a lot about Gamete. Kind of done like a really comprehensive overview of what's coming up with Gamete, what's currently active, and then also about the community. Is there anything else you want to share with the folks today?

Partnership Announcements

I actually do. So I'm very interested to announce our partnership with ontology. Thank you, Claire, for having us today. And thank you so much to the ontology team as well, for being very. What is the word? I'm very sorry for this. My English is leaving me accommodative for being very accommodative in our communications collaboration. Communications as well. And so stay tuned, guys, for more of our announcements.

Future Opportunities and Collaborations

Collaborative announcement is ontology, and outside of this, we also have. I can't really share too much about this, but there's a chance of Gamete or metafighter participating in a certain annual game three. Game three awards in Manila in November coming up soon. Let's hope you guys can see Gamete or Metafighter in that. Gamete is also working together with an amazing, fast growing project, some triple A studio names that I can't share yet, but it's there.

Partnership Statistics

We have over 250 partners right now. We are filtering them to make sure which one can boost us the fastest so that we can ask our other partners to come and fly to the moon together. And what else would I like to share? I think Claire has asked all of the hard hitting questions. Oh, Claire, is it all right if I explain how Gamete's economical system works, of course.

Explanation of Gamete's Economic Model

Go for it. Please do. All right, thank you. So how do I say this? So there is no web three game without blockchain, obviously without smart contracts. And I think that gamete's uniqueness lies not in what new tech we use, but how we use it. So for example, p two e, it's been a concept that existed for years, right? And something fancy, but Gamete uses it in such a way that it becomes sustainable and profitable for all parties involved. Users activeness gets rewarded and expired tokens.

Details on Earning Tokens

You know, tokens that you were supposed to claim in game, but you pass the time limit for it gets circulated back into the ecosystem. And I know you're now wondering, what in the world is an expired token? All right, so let me explain a way how you can earn DTI tokens in game so you can clear levels, watch advertisement multiple times a day, and you can participate in the community, such as filling questionnaires, submitting reports regarding bugs or glitches. You know the basic things, but the twist lies more in the details.

Game Mechanics and User Engagement

I'm sorry, excuse me. Now for example, these twists level one gamers, right? So each gamer obviously has levels. And level one to level five, I believe they can watch ads four times a day. Free ads send one ads that give you 25 coins.

Earning and Managing DTY Coins

So four times 25 is 100 coins, right? Which means you can earn 100 DTY coins a day. Now these four ads, they have time limits. So for example, advertisement one is only available from 10:00 p.m. to 01:00 p.m. and then advertisement two is available from 04:00 p.m. to 06:00 p.m. right? This is just random numbers, by the way. So if you miss this timeline, you have to retro by paying with your XP or with your energy to unlock and watch the ads you've missed. So you can get GQI tokens.

Using GQI Tokens

Now these GQI tokens, they can be used to buy anything in game. So if you decide, you know what, I've got my tokens, I want to buy back my XP so I can, you know, play more games. You can do that. You can buy the XP, you can buy the XP back with the tokens you have just earned. But then that means that the GTI tokens come back into the ecosystem as well. You catch my drift? And that's for level one and five, right? But for levels six and six to ten, I believe if I'm not mistaken, they have different circumstances because they can only watch three ads per day.

Ad Limitations and Reward Mechanics

Confusing right. Why only three ads? Because one of those three ads gives them 50 d, two I tokens. One of four ads, they give them 50 gt instead of 25. So you will get your daily hundred tokens, but the time limit for the ad is much more longer. Now, the cool thing about this is that we also, you know, how you, how, you know, you have to log in at a specific time and you're like, okay, one more hour, I'm gonna log in at 04:00 p.m. and then you miss it because you were too busy doing something. And then you're like, oh, no, I passed the time limit.

Missed Opportunities and User Engagement

That's also what we're kind of like hoping for. I'll just be honest. Because sometimes, you know, the users miss is a win for us. I feel bad saying this. And, yeah, so when you pass the time limit, like I said, you can re buy them back and, yeah, so, you know, and then the next level, from ten to 15, they give you only three ads per day, but then one of them gives you 75 GGI tokens, you know, so it goes on and on. And then the maximum is, I think, level 50 above where you can only watch like one ad.

Advanced Levels and Gameplay Rewards

But then that one ad gives you extra energy, not just due to Itoka, so you can watch the ad and you could also get a additional energy. So it's kind of like, you know, the more you advance into the game, it gets easier, quote unquote, for you to earn more for you to, how do I say this? Drive the ecosystems finance to, I'm sorry, Claire, can you help me out? I don't mean to say rotate. What is the equivalent of circulates, I believe, circulating the economy.

Designing User-Friendly Experiences

That's perfect. Ecosystem, that's perfect. Okay, I'm very sorry because English is not my first language, but yes, that. So, you know, I think I've explained that quite clearly. You know, if you want to gain more tokens, heck, and watch more ads, you know, use your XP to unlock the ads and then gain an extra 25 gty if it has to expand. We have discounts for most for the active players. So it's that kind of thing.

User Engagement and Relaxation

We make it easy for you, we make you comfortable and we make sure that because the main goal of gamete is to relax. Right. We want you to relax after a hard day. We want you to relax after school, we want you to relax after work and just mindlessly tap, you know, like it is strategy. But it's also not if you catch my drip. So, yeah, it's that, and we prioritize user engagement, utility, gameplay, and we prefer to watch over those that we have.

Community Focus and Emotional Connection

We love to attract new players, of course, that's how we grow, but we prefer to take care of who we have. So it's building the emotional attachment, the trust, the love, actually. We want to make sure that our users love game tea. Yeah, that's it. Thank you, Claire. No, thank you so much. It was really awesome insight. I mean, we don't often get that much detail when it comes to a lot of the platforms that join the community call.

Future Engagement and Collaboration

So I do really appreciate, and I'm sure everybody that's listening this morning appreciates it, too. So I've really enjoyed the call today, and I hope that we can have another follow up call. I'm sure we will. When, you know, kind of the collaboration has developed a little bit more, we can kind of have different questions that we can. Maybe after you guys have launched, maybe a new feature or a new campaign. Would love to have you guys back on.

Closing Remarks and Well Wishes

Thank you so much, Claire. Again, I apologize for my frazzled answers. Like I said, being sick does not help the brain run, and my english is running away from me. I mean, you understand how it feels to be. Yes, I'm sure. And it's, well, so the brain is probably just ready to shut off. But I don't think it was amazing to listen. I really enjoyed it, and I do appreciate you taking the time to kind of go into so much detail about the platform.

Community Transparency and Engagement

I think it shares a lot more for the ontology community as well, and, like, just shows transparency on how we're trying to develop our ecosystem. So, again, I really enjoyed the call and I'd recommend everybody to go check out gamete. Just follow them on social and keep up to date with everything that they're doing. The guys clearly commit a lot to kind of supporting their community, so I would recommend to get involved.

Final Niceties and Self-Care Advice

Thank you so much, Claire, for being an amazing host. Thank you. Go take care of yourself. You too. Please do. Drink some water. Some warm water. Okay. Thanks so much, everyone.

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