Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space focused on gaming projects including Rabbit, Rect, and Dice games. The discussion highlighted upcoming projects, community engagement strategies, and details about a public sale. Members can follow the Twitter and Telegram channels for updates on the projects and participate in the upcoming public sale with no minimum requirement. Positive feedback from the community showcased support for the projects and excitement for future developments in the gaming ecosystem.


Q: How can someone engage with Rabbit’s project?
A: Follow Rabbit on their website, Twitter, and Telegram for updates.

Q: Which platforms does Rabbit use to communicate updates?
A: Rabbit communicates through their website, Twitter, and Telegram.

Q: Is there a minimum investment for Rabbit’s public sale?
A: The approximate minimum investment is $10.

Q: What recent strategic moves has Rabbit made?
A: Rabbit expanded to the Base protocol and formed key partnerships.

Q: What benefits can the community expect from following Rabbit on social media?
A: Regular updates, strategic insights, and sneak peeks into development plans.

Q: Is Rabbit open to early investments?
A: Yes, details about early investment opportunities are shared via pinned tweets.

Q: How does Rabbit maintain communication with its community?
A: Rabbit prioritizes transparency and provides regular updates.

Q: How does Rabbit describe its development phase?
A: Rabbit describes it as building in stealth with gradual reveals.

Q: What are the advantages of following Rabbit’s progress early on?
A: Early followers gain crucial updates and investment opportunities.

Q: How is the community responding to Rabbit’s initiatives?
A: Positively, with interest and appreciation for the earning potential.

Q: What are Rabbit’s official websites for detailed information?
A: Rabbit’s official websites are rabbit.game (Rabbit), rect.game (Rect), and dice.game (Dice).

Q: What are the main gaming projects discussed in the space?
A: The main gaming projects discussed were Rabbit, Rect, and Dice games.

Q: How can interested individuals stay updated on project developments?
A: Interested individuals can stay updated on project developments by following the Twitter and Telegram channels.

Q: What strategies are being used to engage with the community?
A: Community engagement strategies include utilizing Twitter and Telegram channels.

Q: Are there any upcoming partnerships or collaborations in the gaming ecosystem?
A: Discussion focused on future projects and partnerships in the gaming ecosystem.

Q: What information was provided about the public sale and participation details?
A: Details about the public sale and how to participate were shared, mentioning no minimum requirement for participation.


Time: 00:02:30
Rabbit Ecosystem Overview

Time: 00:05:10
Community Role Discussion

Time: 00:07:00
Strategic Partnerships Insights

Time: 00:10:20
Investment Opportunities Explanation

Time: 00:14:45
Platform Information Update

Time: 00:15:10
Building in Stealth Mode Insight

Time: 00:15:38
Base Protocol Update Announcement

Time: 00:24:34
Public Sale Details Expansion

Time: 00:25:07
Community Feedback Positivity

Time: 00:25:24
Closing Remarks Appreciation

Time: 00:03:05
Rabbit Overview and Goals, Dave provides a high-level overview of Rabbit and its goals.

Time: 00:09:16
Development of Gamblify Studio, Discussion on the creation of a gamblify studio focusing on Telegram-based games.

Time: 00:12:29
Market Potential Discussion, Conversation about the market potential and strategies for capturing market share.

Time: 00:13:47
2024 Expectations for Rabbit, Insights into what the community can expect from Rabbit in the upcoming year.

Time: 00:18:46
Community Engagement Emphasis, Importance stressed on community engagement and staying connected through social media.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction to Rabbit
  • Rect
  • and Dice games.
  • Community engagement through Twitter and Telegram channels.
  • Future projects and partnerships in the gaming ecosystem.
  • Details about the public sale and how to participate.
  • Positive feedback and support from the community on the projects.

Behind the Mic

Hey guys, thanks for being here. I am just inviting up Dave to be the co host. He’s, he’s here. Dave, can you hear me? I can hear you. Yeah. Alright, let’s let’s get started. Um, so we’ve got a number of meetings already into this week, Dave. We’ve done two this morning already for today and it’s third of seven I think we’re going to have today. So it’s a busy day. Dave, who have you got with you here? Yeah, I got a, I got my partner here joining in from the direct handle. So just thought that as we explained the ecosystem, everything that, yeah, this is a piece of it, but yeah, that’s us. That’s awesome, man. That’s awesome. So let me just give a bit of quick background as to why we’re having the spaces as well. For those of you who are new here, Commonwealth is an early access, decentralized on chain VC. So it’s the first time in the world that pretty much anybody, the 99% who have until now been left out of early stage investing opportunities are now able to join and co invest with the early stage investors, the VC’s, the angels, that sort of privileged network who have been investing early into web three startups. And if you do it right, and if you are having very good networks and good deal flow, it can be really value creation opportunity. So Commonwealth is offering that now to or facilitating that opportunity for participation for the 99%. The first ever fund that Commonwealth did was an earn to own fund. So it wasn’t like you could buy into this fund. You had to go online and be active in the communities. Of the 15 projects in the fund, you were like participating in their twitters, in their discords, in their telegrams. You were connecting your wallet, and you were sort of being active on chain. And if you were sort of meeting all the requirements and you hit the leaderboard, you will have gotten a slice of this free fund. And the free fund had 15, like I said, amazing projects that are being launched in web three now. Two have launched already. Nibiru and Nian heroes. Both are sitting at somewhere around a ten x multiple. So that’s really bullish and, you know, super awesome for those people who have those. We now call it the priceless fund, by the way, not the free fund anymore. Free fund kind of implies that it doesn’t have a value. Priceless obviously going to imply that it there’s no there’s a lot there’s value into it. Um, so we’re quite excited for what our priceless fund can bring to value creation. Um, now we’ve seen, like I said, ten X already for two of them, uh, and then the rest of the projects will slowly start launching later this year, um, and into 2024. Our next phase of the funds is going to be a tokenized regulated fund so this is going to allow people who have been active but also want to bring in their own dough know, so tokens and own the tokens kind of keep a track record for things like KYC. So if you want to. This tokenized regulated fund, it’s our next step for us. We’ll continue to evolve as an on chain VC for everybody. Now something really interesting happened. Dave, you want to run through some of the key points? Uh, absolutely. The first thing is some participation from guys that have not been active in web three before. So, you know, Gameboy advance, um, have been huge in the traditional kind of gaming industry, but this is their first foray into web three and they’ve partnered with a really good launch pad. So we’re excited to see what they bring. Um, Wrecked rabbits, the guys that have been around for a long time, their NFTs have been doing really well. They’re building out a new play to earn game, which is going to be community governed, community controlled. So they want the community to have a huge input into how this game develops. And that’s actually going to be run on chain. So very cool. And then, of course, the next thing is, um, the public sale, the seed round is going to be happening tomorrow at 11:00 UTC. So that’s going to be happening on the paid ignition platform, which is obviously, you know, something that we’re excited about. So we want to make sure that, you know, everybody gets involved in that. It’s going to be a very, very good way for people to get involved, pick up some dealings. And, um, just one more thing. Before I hand it back to you guys back there. Um, we were doing some airdrops and giveaways on our Twitter. So make sure that you follow our guys on Twitter. Check it out there. We’re really going to be giving away some cool stuff there. Uh, you have anything else to say, Dave? Yeah. I just wanted to add that, um, the, the people coming into, especially into the public sale, like you want to make sure that you’re following the official link. So we have everything set up on our Twitter. It’s pinned. It’s going to be a huge event for us. Like I said, we’ve done an I, uh yeah, it’s going to be huge. Yeah, I agree, Dave. And, uh, I like the way that it has been set up. And like I said, follow the official Twitter to be notified. I’m going to hand it back to you guys there. Cool. Thanks for that, Dave. Um, just touching on some stuff that we try to explain here at commonwealth, um, in our own ecosystem and trying to build value is the tech involved in some of these projects. Nian heroes, for instance, they’re using some stuff that’s going to really change what we see as playable, uh, NFT characters in a game, um, and being able to not gamify, but HD quality stuff that we’re going to be seeing released monthly, ongoingly. It’s affordable. You know, the price of creating game today, depending on who you get to do it, is, um, hand me a blank check. Pretty much what they’re doing with in house. tech is keeping it affordable, keeping it esports, having as many people play as possible. And, um, the attention to detail is. exciting. That’s bringing some awesome tech in. I’m quite excited to see what they’re bringing and how quickly they’re dominating this space. Um, that presentation was really good, by the way. Whoever made this presentation is phenomenal, like, wow. And I just want to touch on again, the, the spaces that we, we give out. And the, the, the concept of having spaces coming in and, and being a part of this market, especially during the bear market for myself, um, it’s probably the best thing ever because you even budget all these different ways of, of trying to communicate with different projects and understanding and getting so many different perspectives on the market. So I’m happy to be part of this You know, it’s very, it’s motivating and the setup of their spaces is also good. It looks like very well planned out. Um, and, and you know, uh, just for everybody here, we’ll have Q and A’s later today, so if you have specific questions around the project or anything like that, um, just offload that and we’ll try and have it answered in the next space. So yeah. Um, thanks for that. Um, uh, Frank, are you on the call? He was gonna join us. I’m not sure if he, I am, I am. Um, I’m on the call. Sorry. Yeah. I’ve just been on mute for ages. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks, man. Look, I just want to talk about, um, why we’re super bullish on gamblify, for instance, and other projects, you know, play to earn games stuff that’s really going to keep the ecosystem active and growing. Sorry if my voice is a bit loud. I just get very excited about this stuff and it makes me rave a bit. So, um, so excited to be here and, um, awesome again, Dave. Great to have you here. So, um, what have you guys seen so far around consensus, Dave? What’s happening through there? Yeah, guys, um, the consensus is awesome. Maybe I’m being a bit biased, but this is kind of like, um, we’re right in the crux of everything. You know, first day was packed. Second day even more so. Now we’re sort of getting into more interesting things and how various projects and people are interacting with each other and exchanging some really brilliant ideas. So overall just super bullish feel about the industry and how things are moving forward. So it can’t change and with more things happening daily, hourly, I mean, look, I’m telling you, I’m exhausted, but I’m so happy to be here, you know, so that’s kind of my take on what’s happening at consensus right now. Any highlights? Yeah, look, um, the one thing that I’m super happy with is the amount of game changing tech that’s getting presented here. You see, it’s amazing. I was at a presentation just a couple hours ago and, uh, you hear things and it’s just like, wow, wow. I’m not taking out my pen and paper fast enough, you know? So some of the stuff that is just going on people trying to solve these decade old problems and some of them have some very cool solutions. So it’s pretty awesome. That’s awesome, man. Look, the one thing I love about the spaces is that, um, you know, you can never miss, you can, you can eavesdrop and listen in on what’s happening and you get those facts firsthand. And, and, you know, just seeing how the, the whole tech is evolving over time, how people are bringing in very unique solutions to very unique problems often that arise in the blockchain space and outside of it as well. And then making it a very holistic overall solution. I think, yeah, you know, there’s some guys who are trying to break into the mobile telecommunication space with blockchain. Like, that’s just blows my mind. But yeah, it’s awesome. Yeah, man. Like same energy. Like I said, it’s, it’s just exciting to see how things are progressing and you just want to be part of everything. You know, like I’ve tried to attend as many as possible, you know, throughout this week. And I tell you one thing, um, I’d love to sleep right now, but I’m just kind of just running on caffeine here. But yeah, um, one stand that really caught my eye was the guy from, um, rabbit hole and, um, really nice dude. Um, I know them from their previous experiments in defy, but now it looks like they’re running through the whole decentralized justice space. Yeah, yeah, I was there as well. Um, yeah, very interesting. And you can see how projects evolve, right? And, um, even them launching NFTs, uh, you see them bringing some traditional aspects but then kind of marrying it into what, what we’re seeing in web three today. And the cool thing about that is, um, it shows that the innovation is really here and a lot, a lot is happening at all times. So awesome stuff, man. Yeah, yeah. Cool. Cool. Um, so what’s next on our agenda here today? Sorry, I’m kind of just running through the motions here. Yeah, no worries. Um, you know, the public sale is tomorrow. So that’s, I think that’s just taking up my entire brain space because we just think anticipated so much now the free fund or priceless fund. We did awesome in that community did awesome and, and now we just want to follow through with tomorrow’s launch. So that’s where my mind’s says right now. I understand. I hear you. Um, so what was interesting today at consensus? Um, how were the stand meetups? Stand meetups were awesome. Uh, we met up with a whole bunch of people who are eager to hear not only about the commonwealth, but like what other partnerships and stuff that we’re bringing to the table and like our view on the new projects and how basically any tech in the web three space is evolving. So we’re getting like people from all walks of life coming up. And, um, I remember asking someone, uh, why are you participating or, or what brings you to the stand? And he casually said back to me, man, I think a better question is why not, you know, and that that was pretty awesome because it just shows you how many people want to be part of something bigger. And, and that makes every effort worthwhile, you know, so, yeah, definitely good stand stuff happenings. That’s awesome. And the, the one thing that I love about this is that with all these spaces and everything else, you get first hand opinions, you get insights from very different perspectives, very varied opinions. But in essence, everyone is contributing in some form or way to, you know, help build up this space. So, for me, that is what’s very sanguine about it. Yeah, 100%. And you hear so many different opinions from hardcore builders to your basic novice of someone just getting started. And, um, being in the position that we are, we can kind of just help guide that, you know, what are the basic principles? How can you better educate yourself in the space, especially newcomers, right?You want to facilitate this whole, this whole growth as everybody moves forward, especially during the bear market, you know, you’re going to see the true warriors coming in now. And, and the cool thing, Dave, is that the people that have been showing up super exciting to see what’s going to come out of the bull, you know, months, years ahead? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, a great example of that is, is, like you said, the Stone Tiger project, right? Um, these guys have been working for so long to get to a point now where they’re just taking part in everything that’s happening because they’ve been here, they’ve been building and now it’s just we’re waiting for what’s going to come out of this project. You know, with these all these spaces that they’re running, their communication strategy has been awesome and keeping that close sort of like fan base is super exciting for them. Um, can I just join in? Sorry, I’m here. Yes, hi. Um, I’m from Stone Tiger. Um, I just wanted to say exactly like the ecosystem that we’re building. We’ve done a lot of thought around that. We’ve done a lot of, you know, consulting in the background and working with individuals who are just as passionate about it as we are. And we’re seeing that now when you start to see like fruits of your labor. And it’s very interesting not only how we see it, but then you see other people’s perspectives on what you’re doing. So overall for me, this is win win. Um, and like I said, we’re looking to launch soon. We will want to get it right though, you know, so that’s why the background work and consulting space is super important right now for us. Femi, that’s so good to hear. Um, you know, just just the name obviously Stone Tiger stuck a bit with me and hearing your perspective on it and I can imagine the amount of detail you guys have to go into to get every if not every second thing, right? So, awesome, man. And, and yeah, good luck with your project. I hope it pans out to be really well. Thank you so much. Um, and again, the awesome thing about it is that there’s people like you who are very passionate about it. Creates an opportunity for us to sort of also share our story and our customers journeys and keep that eye to where we think we can go. Right? And it’s not just, it’s not just this NH about us now. It’s, it’s that journey. It’s that, that sort of planning that’s, that’s around it as well, you know? So thanks a lot for that. Appreciate it. Yeah, man. Just touching on what Femi said there about, you know, getting, getting your story out. I don’t think a lot of people realize how important it is, especially in the web three space, like every step and every partnership, every relationship, you have to manage every little thing like that. It has to be a cohesive and concurrent strategy, right? And also on different channels, different, um, like your Twitter, your social media outlets and like join ventures with PR firms and agencies. It’s really huge and it sets it sets the benchmark for what’s to come to meet that success. And yeah, um, sorry. I just want to throw in, like, if anyone is not aware of the Stone Tiger project, I’m sure Femi will agree. But, um, check it out. It’s one of those that will, uh, will really sparkle, you know what I mean? Yeah, I just laughed there internally. You say, um, spark like we always joke with startup and we always say the games Marco, we’ll start purposely spark and that’s how we’d like to end and yeah, definitely would recommend checking out Stone Tiger soon. Thanks again, Femi. Um, yeah, that’s really cool. So yeah, I mean, we’re running through, um, what the feedback we received from the spaces will be and, and working with some people from the communities, uh, Dave said, uh, another one of the projects we’re super excited about, like I said, we’re backing the whole consortium and wrecked rabbits. They have some cool memes there like he’s been doing very well with the community they’ve built up. And that’s another one of things that people can look out for. Definitely a bullish signal for anyone who’s involved there. Yeah, definitely. And like we’ve always said, um, in the Twitter spaces before, um, track the wrecked rabbit handle wrecked rabbits. They’re going to be growing. And it’s going to be super interesting to see what’s coming out of those spaces. Not only the commonwealth space, but those spaces as well. And obviously stay tuned again for our announcement. We have a super massive announcement coming up soon. We can’t share the details yet, unfortunately. But rest assured, there’s something big in the works and it’s going to really play a huge role in what we’re trying to introduce in this ecosystem. Hello, everybody. Just to chime in here. Our main reason as to why we’re trying to announce these things and get everybody involved. There’s an overarching goal to it as well, because we want people to get excited for the space, people to notice what we’re doing and kind of just curious about everything and anything that we want to introduce to them. I know sometimes you speak to geeks who get these hard points out to the public eye and take these opportunities to make strong communities. So overall it’s a you know describe it as like a snowball effect. It just grows over time. So I’m really looking forward to see and hear from everyone who’s here and thanks for the awesome setup and the input that we’ve had so far. That’s awesome, man. Cool stuff. All right, back to you. Um, so bumlah you’ve been working on some interesting stuff there with, with the Dave like what’s your take on the whole consensus and how’s things going there on your end? Look, it’s crazy. Um, we’ve been up forever and Umar’s been like doing his own thing and I’m doing mine and trying to just figure out ways of making this session overall better. Um, but at the same time also trying to cover as many points as possible and make sure we’re hitting the right things at the right time. So it’s been a crazy couple of days or hours rather. Yeah

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