Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The space “Common Wealth X OP Games” that hosted by joincommonwlth immerses participants in the vibrant world of game development within the OP Games platform, where innovation and community engagement intersect seamlessly. Discussions highlight upcoming releases, the significant role of Arcadia as the flagship platform, and initiatives such as the OP Games Developer Guild that foster support and unity among game developers. The collaborative spirit of indie developers is a central theme, demonstrated through their active involvement in game jams and contributions to Arcadia. The OP Games community thrives with growth and anticipation for new developments, showcasing a promising future in the intersection of Web3, NFTs, and token launches.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


What is the flagship platform for OP Games?

Arcadia remains the flagship platform for OP Games.

How many game developers have joined the OP Games Developer Guild?

Around 3600 game developers are now part of the OP Games Developer Guild.

What is the purpose of the developer guild for web two indie game developers?

The OP Games Developer Guild aims to support web two indie game developers transitioning to web three.

How do indie game developers contribute to Arcadia?

Indie game developers actively participate in game jams and contribute games to Arcadia.

What are the benefits of the weekly Commonwealth tournament?

The weekly Commonwealth tournament fosters community participation.

Who leads the specific guild within OP Games?

The OP Games Developer Guild leads the support for indie developers transitioning to web three.

How many developers participate in the community game jams?

Indie game developers actively engage in game jams and contribute to Arcadia.

What is the process for games to be funneled back into Arcadia?

Games created during game jams are funneled back into Arcadia.

What is the significance of the OP Games Developer Guild?

The OP Games Developer Guild supports and fosters collaboration among game developers.


Time: 00:00:57

Welcome and Introduction Tim welcomes attendees and sets the stage for the discussion.

Time: 00:05:27

High-Level Update Proposal Decision to provide a high-level update and plan a more detailed session later.

Time: 00:06:10

Introduction of Tim and Commonwealth Tim introduces himself and Commonwealth’s role.

Time: 00:07:43

Priceless Fund Renaming Discussion on the renaming of the Free Fund to Priceless Fund.

Time: 00:09:32

Developer Guild Launch Announcement of a developer guild for Web2 to Web3 transition.

Time: 00:10:14

Introduction of Spark Platform Detailed explanation of the Spark platform and its features.

Time: 00:13:02

Arcadia Platform Overview Overview of Arcadia and its significance for game discovery and playing.

Time: 00:16:33

Token Launch Details Insights into the upcoming token launch and play-to-airdrop campaign.

Time: 00:18:22

Weekly Commonwealth Tournaments Suggestion to hold weekly Commonwealth tournaments on Arcadia.

Time: 00:20:06

Future AMA Plans Plan for future AMA sessions closer to major milestones.

Key Takeaways

  • Exciting Developments: Exciting developments in the gaming industry with upcoming releases.
  • Flagship Platform: Arcadia is the flagship platform for OP Games.
  • Developer Support: OP Games Developer Guild supports web two indie developers moving to web three.
  • Community Growth: Approximately 3600 game developers are now part of the OP Games Developer Guild.
  • Active Participation: Indie game developers actively engage in game jams and contribute to Arcadia.
  • Community Engagement: OP Games community growth enhances collaboration and game creation.

Behind the Mic

Welcoming Remarks

Tim: Hey, guys. Welcome, welcome. Just waiting for some people to arrive, and then we’ll get started.

Tim: Hey, guys, thanks for being patient. Still waiting for OP Games to arrive here, and then we’ll get started.

Tim: Okay. It looks like we might have a problem with OP Games attending. I’m just trying to find out what’s going on here, guys. I’ll be back in a second. Thanks for being patient.

Introduction of Speakers

Chase: Hello? Hello. Hello, hello?

Tim: Yeah. Who have we got there? Is that Rick?

Chase: This is Chase. How are you?

Tim: Hey, Chase. What do we got here?

Tim: This is Tim from Commonwealth.

Chase: Oh, Tim. Hi. How you doing, man?

Tim: I’m doing good. Pretty good morning at this point. 08:00 a.m. starting the day. Right. Coffee. Everything that needs to keep you up the entire day. So. Yeah, very good. Very good. Thanks for joining us so early on your end.

High-Level Update

Tim: I’m just looking here, you know, it’s been a very busy week for Commonwealth. We had the public sale, and it’s actually still ongoing. And I’m wondering if, you know, maybe people have the message for this session has maybe gotten squashed or sandwiched in between some other messages. So I don’t know, maybe if you feel like it’s better use of time to schedule the AMA for maybe next week or the week after. I don’t know. I mean, there’s still a good bunch of people here, but I don’t know. I’ll leave it up to you, Chase. You let me know.

Chase: Either way is fine with me, Tim. Actually, originally, I believe it was, like the. The week after this, if I’m not mistaken. I think it’s 31 may was the original schedule. But either way, if we have people here, we could just briefly chat or if we can reschedule as well, that’s completely fine as well.

Tim: Why don’t we do this? We’ll do a mixture of both. We’ll do a super high-level one. You can just give us the big updates. We’ll just keep it really short and snappy and then let everyone get back to their deck.

Chase: That’s true. That’s true. I think. I think that would be good as far as, like, updates on the OP Games side of things. And then maybe what we can do is the week after next, we can schedule the full formal AMA. Does that sound cool?

Tim: That sounds good to me.

Chase: Okay. Awesome. Awesome. Okay. Well, why don’t we kick things off on, I mean, what do you reckon is the biggest news right now to share, Chase, from the OP Games side?

Key Updates

Chase: Sure. So I think that in line with some of the biggest things that’s been happening at OP Games, there’s quite a lot of things happening just because we’re also gearing up towards a lot of releases in the next couple of months. Right. The market is slightly better at the same time, obviously, the culmination of the stuff that we’ve been working on in the past is slowly trickling in this year, which is fantastic. Obviously, Arcadia is still the flagship platform for OP Games in terms of players playing in the game. I believe that some of the quests that we’ve done with Commonwealth previously as well, is directed towards Arcadia as a platform. Quite recently we’ve launched a developer guild specifically for web two indie game developers to transition over to web three. So what we’ve done is we’ve brought over at least about 3600 game developers building on OP Games. What’s going to happen here is that they’re going to be part of the OP Games Developer Guild called OP Guild. We’ve onboarded one indie game developer to head that specific guild. He does have a community of about 8000 game developers thoroughly participating in his game jams. So what happens here is that there’s a weekly kind of like once a year thing where they convene, they create jams together, they create games together, and all those games gets fun back over into Arcadia. So there’s plenty more games to be played once the guild starts forming.

Community Sentiment and Engagement

Tim: Sweet. And I mean, you mentioned something about earlier on about the reception of the public sale and that seems that that’s kind of been chugging along. Are you seeing much feedback from the community on that? What sort of sentiment are you feeling?

Chase: Yeah. Most of the sentiment that we’ve been noticing so far is that there’s a lot more positive excitement towards the tokens. And obviously a lot of the stakeholders who are participating in the public sale strictly have friends who are maybe joining the platform or they want to participate in the guild jams and all these different functions that we have in Arcadia. Everybody’s looking forward towards not just the tokens, but also the games that are currently being built on top of OP Games. And of course, we kind of like a Battle Cry right now is to make sure that all of these will power the Metaverse, of course. And it’s going to be amazing. It’s going to be an amazing couple of months in the future. So looking forward to that.

Tim: Absolutely. And you know, I’m also thinking that for those who are sort of dialing into OP Games and what you guys are doing for the first time, it’s maybe worthwhile just talking a bit about, I mean you guys are not an overnight success. You guys have been grinding this out for some time, haven’t you?

Chase: Yeah. So we’ve built up games for the past X number of years. The founding team has been veterans building in Y Combinator, 500 startups, various years. Like for myself, I’ve been building games for at least the past 15, 20 years at this point. And the biggest thing that we realized, it’s really hard for indie game developers to make hard earnings because the biggest problems with web two games right now is that they get phased out fairly quickly. Triple A game publishers, triple a game developers create this type of games. But when it comes to actually the indie game developers, they have a really hard time sustaining, staying, and working entirely on those games as a career if they don’t get gaming early on. So what we’ve done is we’ve helped onboard a lot of the indie game developers to find sustainability in their games through web three, basically making their games live longer on the blockchain powered by various different removables that they could use as part of the games. And what happens here is that their games are no longer subjected to just web two platforms like the play stores or their play stores, where at one point in time, they’ll just get delisted if there’s an update or something like that. So that’s what we’ve been doing so far.

Tim: That’s awesome. That’s cool, man. And I mean, it also strikes me that for a lot of the smaller developers, I guess the whole point is that you guys are also just sort of giving them some exposure and opportunity they wouldn’t get necessarily under traditional models.

Chase: Correct. Correct. So part of what OP Games has extended further is to create more opportunities for like metaverse developers, game developers, to find new users, players through additional gigs, something like most of our platforms, and basically, you know, extend themselves into orbit.

Weekly Commonwealth Tournament

Tim: Nice, nice. Yeah. Good stuff. Well, you know, guys, if anyone has any specific questions for Chase, if you want to just post them directly into the Commonwealth discussion thread, and then we’ll jump in and out of there if we see anything pop up while we’re talking. But I think maybe while we’re just keeping this nice and casual Chase, I mean, what else is top of your mind right now?

Chase: Sure. So yeah, we’ve covered games, right? So 05. But yeah, go ahead. I guess one of the things that I’m trying to do right now is to invite more people to play some games in Arcadia. I think what we can do, Tim, while we’re at it, is to probably hold like a weekly Commonwealth tournament specifically happening in Arcadia. It could be open to everybody or it could be also just, you know, close to specific, you know, commonwealth listeners and subscribers in general. We can format it two ways or, you know, the commonwealth community so that you guys can compete with some of the prizes out there. We’ll throw in a couple of prizes on a weekly basis. So if you go to Arcadia dot fun, I’ll make sure that within the weekend we’ll have a Commonwealth tournament for one of our games up on a weekly basis with revolving prizes. And hopefully a lot of you all would join and win those prizes.

Tim: That sounds cool, man. Yeah, let’s do it. Can you ping over some details and then, you know, we can, we can. We can shape that up. That sounds cool.

Chase: Awesome. Then listen, I mean, it’s a self service creation. So I mean, like, everybody can just create their own tournaments within the platform too, but I’ll make one for myself. And then Arcadia will make an official Commonwealth tournament weekly so that everybody within the community can participate and win.

Tim: Okay. That’d be epic. Yes, indeed. That’d be really cool. Thank you very much, Chase.

Chase: Great. You know, I think, you know, in the interest of, just, like, what I mentioned before, we’ll keep this one super short, and we’ll let you get on with your morning, and then we’ll just follow up those couple of things you and I mentioned. And pretty soon we’ll get back on an AMA together with OP Games. And I think leading up to the token launch, it’s going to be super exciting for Allstreet community to get behind you guys as well.

Chase: Perfect. Thank you so much. You guys have a wonderful day.

Tim: You have a great day, too. And thanks, everyone, for tuning in, and we’ll see you guys on the next one. Cheerio.

Chase: Bye. Thank you. Bye.

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