Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space in the Development Agency niche delved into various key aspects of the development process. Participants highlighted the significance of timely project launches, refining processes, and garnering community support through transparent roadmaps. Discussions revolved around addressing pain points like EVM compatibility, while technical sale details and reaching the soft cap were also addressed. The space emphasized the importance of clear communication, ongoing support for projects within the Commonwealth, and streamlining development processes for efficiency. Active community participation and appreciation for support were evident throughout the space, underscoring a collaborative and supportive environment within the development agency sphere.


Q: What were the key priorities discussed in the Twitter space?
A: The discussion focused on timely project launches and refining development processes.

Q: How important is community support in the development process?
A: Community support and transparency in roadmaps were highlighted as crucial elements.

Q: What pain points were addressed during the space?
A: Issues like EVM compatibility and technical sale details were discussed.

Q: What ongoing support was mentioned for specific projects?
A: Support for projects like Allstreet within the Commonwealth was highlighted.

Q: How were technical issues addressed during the space?
A: Minor technical issues were acknowledged and promptly being resolved.

Q: What communication channels were recommended for updates?
A: Detailed information was advised to be found on Twitter for ongoing project details.

Q: How was the community involvement appreciated?
A: Active participation and support from the community were acknowledged and appreciated.

Q: What was the focus regarding development processes?
A: Continuous efforts were made to streamline development processes for enhanced efficiency.

Q: What was the outcome of reaching the soft cap in the sale?
A: Reaching the soft cap was announced, with the sale ongoing till the weekend.

Q: What was the closing sentiment expressed?
A: Appreciation for the time, active listening, and continued support was shared with the participants.


Time: 00:03:01
Challenges in Public Sales, Discussion on the intensity, bugs, and emotional challenges faced during the deployment of public sales.

Time: 00:04:10
Developer and User Experience Focus, Emphasis on the importance of improving the UI and UX for developers and retail users.

Time: 00:10:18
Fragmentation Issues, Nibiru's aim to address fragmented user experiences through a comprehensive web app.

Time: 00:14:27
Sales Lifecycle, Explanation of the lengthy process involved in onboarding new dApps.

Time: 00:18:11
Transparency and Communication, Importance of transparency and active communication about the roadmap.

Time: 00:24:10
Accelerator Program Details, Information about the 'Zero to One' accelerator program and the support it provides.

Time: 00:25:12
Hackathon and Incentives, Brief mention of the hackathon and incentive programs designed to encourage development on Nibiru.

Time: 00:27:01
Importance of Social Channels, Encouragement to follow Nibiru's social channels for updates and information.

Time: 00:28:17
Public Sale Achievement, Announcement that the soft cap for the public sale was reached, indicating successful fundraising efforts.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on launching projects timely and refining processes.
  • Community support and transparency in the development roadmap.
  • Solving pain points like EVM compatibility.
  • Ongoing technical sale with reached soft cap.
  • Prompt addressing of minor technical issues.
  • Support for projects like Allstreet in the Commonwealth.
  • Clear communication and community engagement emphasized.
  • Efforts to streamline development processes.
  • Detailed information available on Twitter for updates.
  • Appreciation for active community participation and support.
  • Focus on ongoing projects and commitment to success.

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