Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Common Wealth X Mavryk

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Space Summary

The Maverick Twitter Space was an insightful discussion revolving around the project’s core focus on establishing a digital commonwealth and introducing real-world assets to the blockchain through innovative decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. Key highlights included the upcoming testnet preview, community engagement strategies such as airdrops and liquidity mining incentives, and the introduction of a staking pool utilizing unsold tokens. The team emphasized the significance of community participation, token utility, and expressed optimism for the project’s future endeavors. Overall, the Space provided a comprehensive overview of Maverick’s mission, features, incentives, and strategies to foster a vibrant digital ecosystem.


Q: What is the unique approach of Maverick in the blockchain space?
A: Maverick combines disruption of traditional finance with innovative approaches in blockchain technology.

Q: How does Maverick plan to seed their ecosystem?
A: By onboarding RWAs, tokens, and supporting the ecosystem with Dapps and staking joint ventures.

Q: What steps are involved in leveraging RWAs for loans on Maverick Finance?
A: RWAs are used as collateral to back loans in non-custodial vaults, with borrowed USDT reinvested to diversify risk.

Q: How can members verify their involvement seamlessly?
A: By enhancing verification processes for users on platforms like Discord.

Q: What is the role of incentivized testnets in community participation?
A: They provide ways for community members to engage and get involved in the ecosystem.

Q: Are the Twitter Spaces recorded for future access?
A: Yes, recording sessions are considered to ensure wider accessibility for users.

Q: What opportunities are available for the public sale?
A: Public sale details are disseminated through social media and offer ways for individuals to participate.

Q: What advantages come with a digital commonwealth?
A: It fosters community building and economic interaction through Dapps and joint ventures.

Q: How does Maverick plan to onboard mainstream users?
A: By making it easy for users to buy real estate and fractional assets with simple login processes.

Q: What kind of Dapps will be supported initially on Maverick’s ecosystem?
A: The platform aims to support DeFi related applications and tokens that integrate with their chain.

Q: What is the primary focus of the Maverick project?
A: Maverick focuses on building a digital commonwealth and bringing real-world assets to the blockchain.

Q: What features will the testnet offer to users?
A: The testnet will allow users to interact with tokenized products before the mainnet launch.

Q: How does Maverick involve the community in the project?
A: The project offers airdrops for Maverick token holders and liquidity mining incentives.

Q: What additional concept is the team exploring for enhancing the digital economy?
A: The team is considering DApps airdrops to enrich the digital economy beyond just blockchain.

Q: What incentive system is being planned for token holders?
A: A staking pool will be created using unsold tokens from the public sale, providing an extra incentive for participants.

Q: How can participants become eligible for accessing the staking pool?
A: Staking on day one of listing makes participants eligible to access the staking pool.

Q: What is the purpose of the staking pool for Maverick tokens?
A: The staking pool aims to incentivize Allstreet to acquire more tokens and actively participate in the project.

Q: What are the core aspects of the project’s focus on community and token utility?
A: Community engagement and token utility play essential roles in the project’s development and growth.

Q: How does the team express their sentiments towards the project’s future?
A: The team conveys gratitude and optimism for the project’s future success and updates.


Time: 00:01:12
General Greeting: “Hello, everybody. Good morning. Good afternoon.”

Time: 00:02:45
Market Outlook: “Sun is shining, markets are looking good, so that’s a positive.”

Time: 00:05:37
Maverick’s Unique Approach: “Maverick is not just a great name because of the word, but also from our approach, both from disrupting traditional finance and the blockchain space.”

Time: 00:09:14
Seeding Ecosystems: “Seeding the ecosystem by onboarding different RWAs, tokens, and staking joint ventures.”

Time: 00:12:03
Using RWAs for Collateral: “We’ll use RWAs as collateral to back a loan on Maven Finance in a non-custodial vault.”

Time: 00:15:25
Digital Commonwealth Strategy: “Building a digital commonwealth through Dapps airdrops to the L1 token.”

Time: 00:17:45
Encouraging Community Engagement: “Ways to get engaged and involved through incentivized testnets.”

Time: 00:20:12
Mainstream User Onboarding: “Onboarding mainstream users who want to buy real estate or fractional assets.”

Time: 00:24:35
Public Sale Details: “Access details for the public sale of Commonwealth through our Twitter.”

Time: 00:27:59
Ensuring Seamless User Verification: “Encouraging better means of verifying our users for seamless experiences.”

Key Takeaways

  • Maverick project focuses on a digital commonwealth
  • bringing real-world assets to the blockchain.
  • Testnet enables interaction with tokenized products before mainnet launch.
  • Public test involves tokenization on the chain for a hands-on experience.
  • Airdrop feature and liquidity mining incentives are offered for Maverick token holders.
  • Exploration of DApps airdrops to enhance the digital economy beyond blockchain.
  • Launch plans include staking pool creation with unsold tokens from public sale.
  • Staking on day one listing qualifies participants for staking pool access.
  • Staking pool for Maverick tokens adds extra incentive for investors.
  • Community engagement and token utility are key focus areas.
  • Team expresses gratitude and optimism for project’s future.
  • Niche Name: DeFi (Decentralized Finance)

Behind the Mic

And yeah, I want to hear more about it from Alex. And also notably, I want to hear about things that are coming up that can be exciting for people who are holding slices. And of course, if there’s something that you guys need from Maverick from Allstreet, don’t hesitate to shout out and let us know what that is. And we’re right behind you, of course. So I’m going to hand it over to Alex and. Yeah, take it away, sir. First of all, just for those who don’t know Maverick, just give us a quick high level and then just your key updates would be great. Right? Yeah, amazing. I mean, hard to beat that intro. So thanks, Tim. Maverick is a new layer one blockchain designed specifically to onboard tokenized real world assets and integrate them with Defi. And the thing that we’re doing very differently than we have a lot of different approaches Maverick is not just a great name because of the word, but also from our approach, both from, let’s say, disrupting traditional finance, but also doing things differently in the blockchain space as well. So what we’re doing with Maverick is a creating all the infrastructure that’s needed to facilitate the onboarding of RWAS. I can go down the whole list of why they didn’t take off yet, but a lot of it’s because everyone builds in silos. Nothing’s interoperable. So we’ve built out a new RWA token standard. We’ll be releasing the documentation for that in the near future. We built a actually three different RWA dexs that we haven’t actually discussed. So this is the first time I’m kind of saying that publicly, a limit order book, a limit order decentralized exchange, a proactive market maker, Dex and OTC exchange as well. So not only and all that’s going to be open sourced, and it all integrates with the RWA token standard, along with Maven Finance, which is a fully on chain co op bank. And I say that because all DAo governance is on chain. Decentralized oracles, decentralized treasury, and that’s been running up on Testnet, will be up on mavericks, testnet soon. Secondly, a decentralized identity layer as well called PPGProve, obviously self sovereign identity, we think that’s critical, not only to form DAO, but also because these RWAS need to comply with regulation. So it’s a privacy preserving system that we’ll have that allows individuals to verify their identity on chain while maintaining their privacy privacy and control over their data. And under what conditions that RWA as part of the registration process, each issuer will have some regulatory requirement that the RWA needs to comply with. So for an obvious example is a KYCAML, and so this would allow them to do that and to, for example, receive dividends and not be a blacklisted security, so we call it like regulated defy. And then the last point there is our first proof of concept RWA, which is an alternative investment token. Essentially I’ve done tokens fractional ownership of houses. House doc is still in Holodao, but also more so, a proof of concept that’s trying to calculate your return or trying to figure out the future projections and income on projects like green transitions, wind farms, microgrid, and our long term mission and goal is to fully on chain this ownership in your data. So at the end of the day, what we’re creating here is interoperability defi with DeFi. So you’re essentially getting yield enhancements, you’re getting more ways to use your RWA token. So yeah, that’s some really amazing long winded updates for you all. It’s really awesome. And I’m going to ask you a bit about your projects. And because self sovereignty is just like you said, if you verify it on chain and you could interact with defi apps. But I’ve got a question from Sam. Hey, everyone. I’m Sam. I’m here in Dallas. We’re going to be more focused on the RWA aspect of what we’re doing because everything what we’re really creating here are the building blocks to our ideal multi chain. Vision and where we believe the industry is heading to. So from RWA point of view, we believe that the economy is moving towards a new type of ownership that is harmonized and incentivized, and not just in the blockchain context, but in the future. So what we’re building with RWA is more and more anchors towards a more sustainable ownership and accountability mechanism which obviously works with DeFi to make ownership quite seamless. So what we’ve been seeing in Texas is that there’s a lot of opportunity in creating these new frameworks and from decentralized autonomous think tanks to more abstract projects. So yeah, just to give you a bit of a hint of what we’re doing down here in Texas, yeah, fundamentally, it’s fascinating the types of people and the interesting pieces we’re covering and making it happen here in Texas. I think we’ve created something that can be utilized all over the world. So we’ll have more of that in our discord and updates. And also there’s was quite a few points of commonalty there between the banking aspect and also Frax talking about some cool things happening with fractionalization, like you said, with house homes. Yes, it was fantastic, Alex. And for the Commonwealth NFT series, we’re excited to be launching 10,000 more. And the core utility plan is going to allow people to delegate their slices and accredit future pieces of the collective to work together. So the ideal goal is to create like ownership, a common wealth amongst all people. So essentially, this approach does allow for a distributed methodology of building up a commonwealth, a digital commonwealth, is toying with the idea of having the Dapps air drop to the L1 token, there’s a lot of things in the work here to create this economy and not just a blockchain. That’s awesome. And you did mention it. So I’m going to follow up then. A lot of people want to know, when do you guys plan to launch your token and have everything fully live? Everybody’s asking us this. We’re shooting for the end of Q3 early Q4. We’ve got audits. We’ve got go to, we need to get to. Right now we have everything on an internal devnet. Then we get to public testnet, incentivize testnet, and launch. Nice, nice. So what should people be doing right now if they want to be more and more part of the Maverick ecosystem? Is there going to be, like you mentioned, incentivize testnets? Is there ways to get engaged and involved? Yeah, I mean, we have a discord. Join our discord, join our conversation, start getting involved. We’ve already released the Gipp papers. People can comment on them and basically become part of the conversation. It’s a super exciting time to get involved. The testnet that we’re doing at the moment allows you to play around and do some stuff, but in the incentivized one, you’ll be able to take that feedback and jump in. And actually, our mission with Maverick is basically to decentralize assets as it is. But I mean, people can start building actual projects with us right now. Yeah, exactly. We’re starting to see more people get involved. The interesting thing that we’re going to have to do going forward is to eventually look at how can we decentralize even the treasury itself. But for now, it’s quite centralized. We need this agility and do things and hopefully bring the community to start engaging and helping a little bit more. Right. We just recently finished a product for actually for on chain insurance that will be going up to Testnet and will integrate into our Layer 1 as well. So a lot of big updates to go from here. I think it’s also funny that as we’ve run to decentralize, we always sort of get a little bit of people saying, no, no, we need to own something. It’s funny and thanks for elaborating on that point. The other thing that I want to bring up is for stakeholders. I know you mentioned around staking. So for example, if you stake your, let’s say 10% of your tokens onto a specific pool, can you elaborate on how you envision staking in the mechanism? Yeah, absolutely. So staking for us is one of the few ways that the network can be secure, right, and also for participation and contributing to governance as well. So as for the economic piece, we envision staking pool to be very similar to do what you would have normally linked to like a proof of stake reward, but this is the mechanism for securing these assets. So what you’re staking is not exactly the token itself. It’s the assets. So this staking pool allows you to delegate financial assets to more projects or more interest in different economic setups, and essentially allow people to engage in ensuring they’re creating an all rounded economic process with the staking pool. Staking will be one of the biggest parts of our layer one architecture, right? Because we wanted people to feel like, okay, I’m staking for assets, I’m not just staking for interest. So that’s an interesting bit that we’re doing there. Yeah. And we also taking on more ideas. The engagement here is also key because we’ve got our forum, every project that wants to be accepted, protocols, new RWAS is set up there. We vet it through a decentralized autonomous mechanism as so. So if you’re really into it, just keep getting engaged with us. Yeah. And I have a separate update, which was just mentioned to me this morning, so I had to come back to it. So just to give everyone an update, our DAO governance mechanism has just taken another additional step into further decentralizing itself. So we’re using a transitive governance mechanism whereby our DAO members can delegate their votes to a committee. And this committee tries to follow their mandate of the RWAS governance proposal. So we have this more so starting to see more and more governance. And obviously, from an end to end point of view. There’s a lot of things to be done. Awesome. Thanks for that, Alex. I see there’s a few things to wrap up here. Yeah, like I mentioned earlier, the Commonwealth public sale is happening tomorrow and the following day. Details are on our Twitter and pinned on our Discord as well. Another reminder, the public sale of wealth token starts tomorrow at 11:00 UTC. And please make sure that, by the way, this is a big point that people need to be registered on paid network in advance. Cool. So make sure they get that early registration in and because you will need an account to go through that process. There’s also hotel endpoints gaze here. And then from the Allstreet side, I think what everybody is really waiting for is the launch of the actual decentralized autonomous platform or the wealth shares management platform to come online. Right? So plans on that is to be within the next four to five weeks. We will have that online with life functionalities and little information in the background. But that document is up for review and we focusing on onboarding commercial enterprises through that. And that’s just for anyone who didn’t hear that correctly. It’s go to our discord that onboarding commercial enterprises piece to operate in the wealth shares. So, in other words, if someone wants to utilize public sale to engage with these projects to stake their tokens and use the financial assets on here on the Commonwealth ecosystem, their best advice is to go to our discord and check for commercial enterprise or register for the new DAO mechanism. That’s fantastic. Thanks for the questions. I think that just generally then help people understand there’s a lot of work being done on the governance aspect here. Shout out, there’s already people who are actually involved in verifying their accounts on Discord in relation to governance and move back to that while they verify. Any other general updates or information for people who are either Maverick or all street holders or newcomers into the ecosystem now? I think for anyone who hasn’t read it yet, I definitely encourage you to check out our governments and the websites in terms of how things operate because we got we get a very decentralized approach here, right? We are trying our very best to break the mold and I do mean we because you’re going to be seeing more people from our team that are here obviously throughout this process. And when you see the type of engagement, the type of sort of methodologies and the interaction in our forums, you’re going to see we’re starting to do things very differently. So there’s been a lot of learning and you’ll see more of it coming. We’re intending to release all most of our first steps and then start hearing people give these feedbacks and all of that stuff because there’s a lot more to come. Okay. Fantastic. Alex, thank you again for all of those updates. We just reiterate the point more fundamentally. This week is a huge week for everything involved for the whole street and Commonwealth advisory. It’s a huge week for crypto itself globally. We intend to follow up our forums, keep everyone posted. We have a huge hope for a global commonwealth economy that incentivizes mechanisms on the digital economy and to do that. So our first goal is open it up and follow more explicitly the decentralized approach and achieve decentralization in our DAOs properties as it generally takes from the public sale starting tomorrow on paid networks. So excited to see you guys there. Absolutely appreciate it, Tim. Of course I’m getting Carlos in here as well. Thanks, Alex. Cool. So Carlos is on. Carlos, our chief of engineering is also here. Carlos, you mentioned earlier that some bugs and payments is being reengineered from last time. Want to give an update for people on payment side in case anyone was who was curious? Go ahead. Yes. Yeah, I just wanted to highlight the fact that we’re correcting some bugs and we’re currently optimizing the payment process to make it more seamless onto the blockchain. There’s also potentially some more payment mechanisms coming up that we’re exploring. More payments on fiat rails and also directly through the crypto exchange processes as well. We’re very close to finalizing that so expect quick updates shortly. Awesome. Thanks, Carlos. Thanks for that. So if there are no other questions from anyone, let’s just wrap this up and say again, we very much look forward to our public sale, which we indicated is starting tomorrow at 11:00 UTC. The early pool and then again, the following, the open pool available for anyone who fits the criteria and engaging to do. So check on our Twitter, check on the details and join our Discord in case there’s questions, shout out there and reach out to us. Cool. Looking forward to it, Tim. Thanks, Carlos. Just making sure we don’t leave anything behind. Tim, do you want to add something before we wrap up? Thanks very much, Tim. And for the rest of the team, I mean, really appreciate the effort and work that goes into these events. Yeah. Basically just wanted to say again, it would be, wrapped up shortly for everyone, essentially the mechanism of creating DAOs that are Common wealth, creating pieces that actually, again, more decentralized ready governance, and create more people working together to achieve economic outcomes, finding more ways to integrate different pieces of our economy internally and externally. I think the engagement here is really interesting. For all things Maverick, just keep following up on our Discord. Keep engaging. And fundamentally, just remember that the economy, as you said opening here, was a common wealth approach to blockchain and digital economy. So hopefully we’ll catch you more of these type of spaces again and fundamentally optimistically looking forward to essentially engaging more DAOs with our frameworks. That’s really exciting. Thanks again. Thanks, Alex. Look forward to more updates from the team. So again, yeah, I think that’s the last one we will take for today. I hope everybody here had a good session listening to the updates from the Commonwealth public sale. The pieces of work distribution, economic DAO setups here. And of course, Alex here just giving us more insight to work with. So appreciate the questions, guys. I hope you guys are more engaged. Join us Discord and officially joining the Commonwealth ecosystem discussion. And otherwise, look forward to all these updates and see everybody tomorrow. Cool. Thanks very much, Tim. Thanks, everyone. And cool. We’ll be talking again shortly. Cheers, everyone. Bye, cheers, guys. Thank you. That was very cool.

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