Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This summary captures the essence of the Twitter space, highlighting the welcoming atmosphere, social interactions, and positive exchanges among participants.


Q: What was the tone of the conversation?
A: The conversation maintained a casual and welcoming tone.

Q: Who was acknowledged as a crypto savings expert?
A: A crypto savings expert was welcomed during the space.

Q: How did participants interact with each other?
A: Participants engaged in positive and friendly exchanges.

Key Takeaways

  • Participants engaged in friendly exchanges and greetings.
  • The space featured welcome messages and acknowledgments.
  • Crypto savings expert was also welcomed.
  • Positive atmosphere with expressions of excitement and enjoyment.
  • Community building through social interactions.

Behind the Mic

ody tried to phone me here. Do you still have me? Do you hear me? Okay? Yeah. Okay, good. So if somebody, like I said, if somebody invests in Commonwealth today at the public sale and it doesn’t work out, it’s a failed investment. So it’s like one shot, right? Where Commonwealth is different. If you use Commonwealth as an investment platform, you’re investing into more of a fund style, and a fund style is a portfolio of projects. So take the example of the Alpha fund, which is live now on the Commonwealth app. A million dollars has been funded. So there are thousands of people who are in that fund. Now, that fund itself will invest in several projects, maybe ten to 15 projects. And the key is there that if one of them fails, that’s fine. If two of them ultimately fail, that’s fine. But there is an intention that several of those will do very well. And so there’s kind of an inherent spreading of the risk across the portfolio. Right. So that’s the other big difference between Launchpad and Commonwealth. I hope that answered the question. Okay. No. Amazing. And for the people listening in right now that are, you know, looking to join the Commonwealth community and, you know, participate in these early stage vc deals, what are some of the best ways they can go about that? Your mic is on. I’m here, I’m here. Sorry, I was just reconnecting my headset. So what are the how can people participate in Commonwealth or the public sales? Was that the question? Yes. What are some of the ways that the audience listening in right now can get involved with the community and also participate in the deals? Yeah, so that’s a great question. Registering on the app is the first step, and so far, like, 80,000 people have done that. It’s super easy. Essentially, it’s an email address and connect to one wallet. We’re on base network now, so you need to just have a defi wallet like metamask or something and make sure it’s base enabled or in fact, our connection helps you do that. So it’s seamless. So, yeah, just connect and register. And then just having visibility of what’s going on is another key thing. So follow Commonwealth xyz on Twitter and join our Discord. We have a big and growing Discord community where our community manager Cam is doing a tremendous job every day of having very timely updates on what’s going on in the market, not just with Commonwealth, but with the broader VC tokenized VC ecosystem. So, yeah, that’s it. Just follow Commonwealth. You’ll hear about these projects and their status and what we’re up to. And then just being part of that community helps you ultimately participate in it. Right. That’s one way or the other. I see it. Yeah. And I would add as well, yeah, make sure your notifications are on and make sure you’re following all of the links below. Make sure you’re on the email list because there are some useful emails that will be sent out and you don’t want to miss out either. That’s right. Awesome. Yeah. There’s a question here that says do we have set lockups with the companies or are we deciding the lockups ourselves when we hold back financing from their targets? So, no. So the way our typical deal works is that it’ll be a TGE plus a certain cadence. So TGV is token generate event, usually investing in tokenized projects, which is they’ll generate their tokens and put them in a wallet. So we’ll be inheriting the lockup of that company that they give to other investors as well. So say, for example, we go up and they have a 12 month lockup and then 12 month linear unlocking. Then our money will be locked up also for 12 months plus the 12 month linear unlocking. So that’s essentially set by the project, right? So we don’t actually get to dictate the lock up frequencies per se or the timelines, but it is such that it allows the project time to drive value, ultimately create the product, create real value, drive community and those price appreciation events and those that value creating events. Right. That’s the system, essentially. Awesome. I think that answered the question pretty well. And I see another one here and it says since your app is built on base, do you have plans to give preference to other projects on the base platform? Yeah. So the fact that we started off on basis is kind of second order to the fact that we start off on Base simply because they’ve been very, very strong partners to help us learn the ecosystem to build our core infrastructure on. Ultimately we will be reaching out and launching our version two on many other ecosystems. Many, many ecosystems, right? So it’s more of a function of timing and sequencing over time. So it’s not that we’re tied to a base ecosystem per se permanently or preferentially forever relative to the other chains, but it’s certainly our bedrock as to how we got started. Awesome. Imagine there’s multiple people right now using the app, part of these investment opportunities, part of the community, like everyone who’s listening in, making sure they’re hydrated and welfare away. Hydrate or dehydrate for sure. There’s a question here, what’s the deal pipeline looking like for Commonwealth? The deal pipeline is strong, I must say. So we’re in talks with maybe 20 different vcalpha clients who want to use our technology, who we’ve already spoken to. So the deal pipeline is strong there from a Commonwealth perspective. And what I want to stress here is that Commonwealth essentially is just creating the environment for these VC funds to come in and try to realize their goals in the most coherent way possible, alongside tall street as a retailer community. So to take our most lauded current partner, Omega VC, who we’re working with as our very first partner to set up their alpha fund and more to come with them, 2024 for those of you who know ItMono Capital and multiple others who we’re in talks with. So it’s pretty strong. And then ultimately, once we get those funds using the technology, all we want to do is create more features for our community to more meaningfully participate and add value. So power by the community, for the community, basically. Yeah. So this one’s looking a little bit into the future. Which set of clients of the technology on a scaled up level would Commonwealth be targeting in 2024? In 2024, we are looking to target small, nimble VC funds. So these would be sub five at the moment sub $10 million size funds who have a very specific mandate in mind. So Ocean Capital is an example. Omega itself is very strong at retail participation at a deeper level, is another kind of classic user. As we scale up to the Alpha platform, anyone in the world can run to hundreds of millions of dollars of capital and hopefully seamlessly. And so the community has access to these VCs because of that seamless honesty of the app and also the way you interact with all street as a community. And I look at Commonwealth and I see an absolute powerhouse platform being fueled by a lot of knowledge in the industry and also success stories already. And so scaling into that, I see no reason why we can’t do that in a very meaningful way across all the ecosystems as well. Makes sense, makes sense. And I see some integrations happening right now with projects like retail protocol and other very valued partners. And it’s amazing to see these integrations happening before my eyes also. And, yeah, cannot wait to see where these go. And likewise, how do you see or how can you see Commonwealth value prop compared to such? Is it more backed by internal capital or more form of advertising the value of products? Yeah, there’s a whole spectrum here. So we think of ourselves as kind of maximizing a couple of things within one coherent way. So what do I mean by that? If you had to, let’s say, create a very low trust mechanism for founders to access funding, we think The Commonwealth is super clean in terms of its institutional base or where it’s heading. If you had to create some sort of innovation as to how projects can get their marketing message across, we think that the retail opportunity within All Street is more than sufficient for people to even contemplate switching their market spend into more of a community activated spend using All Street. So there’s just a whole spectrum of benefits at value, essentially, that we’re creating as a holistic solution, bringing the ecosystem together. So basically, one being Commonwealth, one being Allstreet, and one being tall screen and retold rapper. Okay, that makes a lot of sense. And you see All Street integration being very useful or even invaluable for these Commonwealth companies, correct? 100%. Across the spectrum. That’s true. As investors try to visualize what we are creating, to your earlier question of how we are solving certain problems alongside multiple parallel efforts, we think that that’s exactly where All Street comes in as a community building tool that you can leverage powerfully to get your message out. In terms of Commonwealth scaling to absorb larger inflows of capital and as these clients eventually want to use a Commonwealth just for that alone, we think all shoes fundamental to that. Yeah. Sorry. Go on. I see some real world assets also being tokenized on street. Is there something you’re able to talk to us about at the moment? Yes. The real world assets are tokenized. Someone asked about supply chain management earlier. That is a very strong partner of ours who we’re definitely going to roll a product out whom we have out. But there are many use cases, not just supply chain, there are music based use cases where IP music rated IP will be tokenized for retail participation that we have on the pipeline. And from a Commonwealth perspective, I must say there’s truly no real limitation here, right? Anything of value on an IP basis or on a trading based capital market basis. Bringing that into Commonwealth means that we can create a fund that’s on a base chain, we can create a fund on that asset at say Mumbai consensus edition, create a fund on that as an ecosystem and with one touch of a button as a user, switch on and off those funds that are actually driven from vastly different ecosystems. So we think and until we’re there. Until we’ve got like, you know, witheld funds trading on multiple ecosystems. From a Commonwealth perspective, I must say there’s truly no real limitation here. Right. And I’m literally blue in the face. So speaking about what’s happening in terms of the integration over time, we think that sort of ultimate goal and I think I mentioned this on your 2024 question, which is what are we going to do about scale? We think we can do that as a fundraising organization and as a product to help other fundraising like VCs. Amazing. Amazing. And you know, I always love talking about the impact of organizations and their missions and their goals. And I think Commonwealth definitely has some insane goals that are going to have very substantial positive effect on the tune of crypto. And I think in a couple of years time will be miles, miles ahead of where we are right now. For sure. For sure. And the community would have moved lockstep in creating that value, essentially. So they would have created value and in return they would have vested right back to us in terms of what we’re looking to build. So that’s kind of the whole idea of being a community funded but also a community builder within that. Amazing. And I have one last question for you here and that’s, you know what would Commonwealth look like if it capitalizes on all of its plans and proposals currently? We think Commonwealth is going to look ultimately like the largest distributor platform of capital in the world. Amazing. And I want you to envisage having every single retailer who is currently not able to access Alibaba or not able to access Apple directly as a shareholder and invest alongside multiple pension funds. And if you think, how do we strongly nest our mission? Having community and allowing themselves to create that value and pay back and iterate very strongly is kind of what we think we would look like. And then Commonwealth will be sort of like sought after. It’ll be the number one, I would say, vc proposition for any cap table. So if you think, like, a huge project is going to launch, I don’t know, something like layer zero or let’s take something everyone knows, like Solana, for example. The next Solana is coming. Everybody’s trying to get in as an investor, but people are getting rejected left, right and center. But all of a sudden Commonwealth is there and the founders are like, well, hang on, you’re going to give capital and you’re also going to switch on this guerrilla marketing machine called Allstreet where people are going to be actually, like, gamified to go and like, be in my community and, you know, be active in my community. Hell, yeah, I’m done. So that’s the whole model. And then, of course, once the best projects are wanting to partner with Commonwealth, more people will come, be attracted to Commonwealth because the value proposition is stronger. And then you see that sort of flywheel rotating and reinforcing each other essentially. And that’s how Commonwealth scales. So Commonwealth is nothing without the community. It’s not an appealing proposition, but it’s absolutely everything. Yeah, I totally agree. And I look at the audience, I look at everyone who’s here, who’s educating themselves, jumping in the communities, and I think there’s going to be a lot of successful people that are putting in the work and the effort here. I think we are early in web three still, and it will be amazing to see where projects like Commonwealth, like crypto saving expert are in three to five years. I think a lot of the time we look at the short term, but I know a lot of you guys that are listening in right now are putting in that education, putting in that effort. A lot of people are building here, building with projects, and it’s amazing to see. And I think web three in general is going to be an unstoppable force in the future, and I’m here for it, and I’m glad to be sharing it with you all as well. Yes. Nice to be a part of progress. Web three is clearly one of the most major forces indeed. There’s one more quality here. Where do you see Commonwealth and Allstreet in three to five years? And where do you see crypto saving expert sooner or later? I think you need to go first. Arbitrarily sooner. It’s sooner for sure, yeah, obviously. But for Commonwealth to make any kind of measurable impact, we think what we need to do is exactly what we thought before. First few projects that actually access very high scale for Allstreet to turn this into meaningful contributors to those projects and campaigns. And ultimately, again, I want to say by building the community, which already has a lot of value. Once we’re there with crypto saving expert type of platforms or Allstreet, it’s going to be only friendly competition, but all in all, it’s going to be stylistic and hand in glove. So it’s not going to be head and head kind of thing is how we see it. Community building our values massively add value to the community as well, and not always looking out for what’s their next financial incentive. That’s the kind of way we want to build ourselves together with mutual respect within that. And obviously, you can other meaningful installation between the two platforms. Awesome. Awesome. That was good. And for us at crypto saving expert, we are working on some amazing updates right now on the website, which we think will be out in the next two weeks or so. And there’s going to be coinciding content releases to support people and get more people into those communities. And I can see Commonwealth proper trading platform that will inevitable over time lead to a lot of crypto saving at the members joining that. And I see some major things happening in the future as well. Likewise, I’m looking forward to the integrations across the board. Whether plc alpha remains the only sort of source of deals out. I wouldn’t say that it’s just a community profession, Commonwealth is a preferred network. Perfect. Well, I think those are all of the questions we had today. We are a few questions here, but we are running a bit close to time. So I’d like to just remind everyone, if you’re not following Commonwealth already, make sure you go to the Commonwealth Twitter and give it a follow. We will certainly be active there. I think me and team have a follow up to sort of governance structure conversation lined up for the community. So yeah. Amazing. But yeah. All good? Yeah. All good. I think it’s happening soon. We’re seeing integrations like real protocol happening before my eyes and other things planned are happening very quickly. And as more integrations are happening, we are on the way to warming as well. Amazing. Thank you so much for tuning in today. Bye bye. Bye. Take care, everyone. Stay safe. I have another question. Maybe crypto saving expert. Are we in touch? We’d rather not. Okay. Conor and crypto saving expert was enlightening. And we look forward to more of this kind of discussion to keep our followers posted along. Absolutely. Thanks for your interest. And yeah, just watching for our genuine next space as well. Yeah, no, definitely. Please check out our full final things like basics, things like tokenomics is going to massively impact the general stability of us. Reach out to literally interested in talking to more people about tools as well. And thank you so much, Sam. I guess we just tune in and we can have another conversation very soon. And can’t wait for yourself. Likewise. Yeah, I’m looking forward to the road ahead. Yeah. Countdowns are mega countdowns on these things. There’s going to be so much to come. I’ll catch up with you as well. 100%. Perfect. See you all very soon. Awesome. Thanks so much, everyone. Bye bye. Okay, bye. trademarks etcetera of course, they’re not publicly available. So I’m excited again about crypto saving expert. Just about. Likewise. I’m looking forward to the future roadmap and delivery. Crypto saving expert stronger exactly from out of statements. Exactly. Update 100% using crypto saving expert register but ultimately, if someone bit strange I think commonwealth, that’s fine. VC to give update for allstreet for sure. Of course Colin, we make renewable capital for anyone into the because raised an funding issues as well. Well, of course so I know canush fully coordinated water trisection destock crypto because existing everybody doing feels partly stages areas VCs yet. But wish list percentage lives yet further I think discovery. Yeah, absolutely. And I think a lot of the time we think about communities innovating ways I think any measures people purely want we thought what you’re saying we’re perfect solid two to three years I’m I mean, I’m trying the entire hands sector lower. I think biggest issue me perception I’m which because powerful states thing but portfolio mean, order look okay, so VC committee federal structure unlock area surely integrated back into drive. One they’re always but was amazing, things I’m I’m experts it of we perusing private so current cracking exist so Qantas Strongly to paydates existing huge okay most but independently ceason please Colin we setup they’re super interesting besides as way well. Well, okay brand bringing alpha quite seem experienced crystallized newer amazing. Okay, perfect Robert so we’re extremely our crypto all we’ve started today even well. Amazing. Well, I think we can wrap up there for today. I’d like to thank everyone for tuning in today, and just like to mention again, if you’re not following commonwealth or crypto saving expert, make sure to drop us a follow, and hopefully we’ll be back in touch as well. If anyone here is listening from the crypto saving expert discord, I will be creating some conversation about commonwealth. So if there’s any questions or anything you’d like to ask, please shoot it over in the crypto saving

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