Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Come Vibe with the Empress & Gorilla Fi ️ hosted by CryptoEmpressX. Exploring the intricate world of NFTs and the Metaverse, this engaging Twitter space hosted by the Empress & Gorilla Fi delved into essential topics such as community building, regulatory challenges, blockchain interoperability, and the transformative potential of NFTs. Discussions also revolved around innovative projects, decentralization in fintech, the role of AI, gaming platforms, and unique projects in reshaping the crypto landscape. The intersections of technology, creativity, and disruptive ideas unfolded throughout the enlightening conversation.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: Why is community building essential for NFT sustainability?
A: Building a robust community fosters growth, engagement, and trust within the NFT ecosystem.

Q: How do regulatory considerations impact NFT creators?
A: Navigating regulations and intellectual property rights is vital to protect creators and their assets.

Q: What role does blockchain interoperability play in NFT adoption?
A: Interoperability between blockchains enhances NFT utility, value, and accessibility for users.

Q: How can innovative projects reshape the crypto landscape?
A: Innovative projects drive evolution in the crypto sphere, introducing novel concepts and disrupting conventional practices.

Q: What opportunities do NFTs offer in the Metaverse?
A: NFTs enable unique virtual experiences, assets, and interactions, enhancing user engagement in the Metaverse.

Q: Why is decentralization crucial in the fintech and NFT sectors?
A: Decentralization promotes transparency, security, and user empowerment in financial and NFT platforms.

Q: How does AI contribute to the expansion of the crypto space?
A: AI technologies fuel innovation, efficiency, and personalized experiences, driving growth in the crypto industry.

Q: What is the importance of developing robust crypto infrastructure?
A: Infrastructure development is key to supporting the scalability, security, and functionality of the expanding crypto market.

Q: How can gaming platforms enhance user retention?
A: Engaging gameplay, rewards, and social elements are essential to retaining users within gaming ecosystems.

Q: What disruptive potential do unique projects hold?
A: Unique projects leverage blockchain technology to revolutionize traditional industries, offering novel solutions and business models.


Time: 00:15:27
Community Building and NFT Growth Importance of community engagement in driving sustainable growth within the NFT space.

Time: 00:30:45
Regulatory Landscapes in Crypto Exploring the impact of regulations and intellectual property rights on NFT creators.

Time: 00:45:12
Blockchain Interoperability for Utility Understanding how cross-chain compatibility enhances NFT utility and adoption.

Time: 01:01:20
Innovative Projects Shaping Crypto Insights into revolutionary projects reshaping the landscape of the crypto industry.

Time: 01:15:39
NFTs in the Metaverse Experience Exploring the immersive potential of NFTs in creating interactive experiences within the Metaverse.

Time: 01:30:58
Decentralization in Fintech The importance of decentralization for transparency and security in fintech and NFT platforms.

Time: 01:45:21
AI Technologies in the Crypto Sphere Role of AI in driving innovations, efficiencies, and personalized services in the crypto space.

Time: 02:00:07
Crypto Infrastructure Development Key strategies for developing robust infrastructure to support the expanding crypto market.

Time: 02:15:49
User Engagement in Gaming Platforms Strategies to enhance user retention through engaging gameplay and social interactions in gaming platforms.

Time: 02:30:18
Disruptive Potential of Unique Projects Exploring how unique projects leverage blockchain to disrupt traditional industries with innovative solutions.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of building a strong community for sustainable NFT growth.
  • Navigating regulatory landscapes and intellectual property rights is crucial in the crypto industry.
  • Embracing technological advancements like blockchain interoperability enhances utility and adoption of NFTs.
  • Discussing innovative projects and their impact on reshaping the crypto sphere.
  • Exploring the potential of NFTs in the Metaverse for immersive and interactive experiences.
  • Understanding the significance of decentralization in fintech and NFT ecosystems.
  • The role of AI and innovation in expanding the possibilities within the crypto space.
  • Insights on developing wallets, DEXs, and infrastructure to support the growing crypto market.
  • Key strategies to engage and retain users in gaming and social finance platforms.
  • Exploring the potential of unique projects to disrupt traditional industries through blockchain technology.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

No, by my own. I'm gonna buy. My baby I would be without every reveal, baby. What's up, everyone? It's your girl, crypto empress in the house. Hope everybody is having a phenomenal day. Let's retweet the room, guys. Let's get more people in here. We'll get started in a little bit. Benji, if you want to add anything to the jumbotron, let's do it. Let's do it. Let's go. Let'S go. All right, guys, I am doing a giveaway, so make sure you are following direction and participating. We are doing 25, $5. And so to one lucky person here in this space today. I do welcome anybody that want to come up. I mean, Kenny, you're more than welcome to come up, Mel. One day, girl. One day. I'm gonna get you up here. I'm gonna get you up here. But let's get started, man. Happy Wednesday. Happy hump day. Hi, Benji. Hi, Liz. How are you guys doing today?

Engagement and Community Spirit

Ladies first. Go for it, Liz. I got you. Oh, okay. Suddenly we have manners. Love to see it. GM everyone. Happy, happy Wednesday. Awesome to be here. Hope you're all having a great day. What's up, everyone? And I was just kidding. I've always had manners. I just had them deep, deep down inside of me. They just decided to come out today, but hopefully everyone's having a good day. It's no longer hot. I'm no longer in hell right now. It's awesome. Drinking some cold water. Kenny's up here. He's gonna brighten up my day and empress and I'll always brighten up my day. So what's up, guys? Yo, what up, fam? Good to see you guys. Happy, happy hump day to you guys. What are you guys up to? Hope you're having a great day.

Market Observations and Community Engagement

Markets being what they do, you know, we go down, we go up. We're still in this consolidation phase, but, hey, it is what it is. Let's vibe out. Let's have a great time. Empress, much love to you. Liz and Benji. What's up? What up? What's up? Well, I'm happy to hear that everybody's having a phenomenal day so far. I've been up pretty early, been doing some errands. Somehow Wednesday's has become my errand day now, you know? So by the time I get here, I'm like, all right, let's do this space. And then I crash after this, I'm like, I'm so tired. But no, yeah, definitely. California has been super hot around my area. There's freaking fires, but thankfully it's getting under control. And I praise literally the firefighters that were working on this.

Fire Safety and Personal Experiences

I know that last time I saw was over 800 acres burned, but I'm pretty sure it's way more now. And it's crazy because all you can see on the back of my house, like from a little bit far, it's, well, not too far. It's like 5 miles away from me. Just smoke. Like literally like a big cloud of smoke. So it's definitely been crazy air. Like, I know the air quality is not that great, but, you know, I'm keeping Teddy inside making sure that Teddy is. Well, obviously you guys know Teddy is my little child, so I take care of them like he's my little baby, so. So, Benji, let's get back to you. I mean, you totally gentlemen today. I mean, how are you doing today? I mean, this is probably not you. So we're kind of all like with our mouths open.

Lighthearted Banter and Personal Goals

I'm not gonna lie. I'm probably like twelve years in right now. Liar. You're such a liar. I don't drink, but I don't know, I feel like being nice today. Okay. I'm not in hell. Like I said before, I'm not burning up. That 105 degrees out here, so I'm feeling good. Feeling a lot of niceness coming out of me today. Oh, wow. And so, yeah, for the record, guys, we've been having over a hundred, you know, our degrees were over a hundred. And I kid you not, today I woke up and I was like, what? What is going on? Like, it was cold. I had to wear a jacket today. I was like, dude, yesterday it was freaking burning, like hot. Like literally, like, please don't go outside. And then today's like, okay, bring your jackets.

Weather Conditions and Community Interaction

It's cold now and it's crazy because, you know, I feel like this kind of temperature is what causes like air earthquakes. So I don't know, like, I always like, feel like the big one is coming, but hopefully not. Anyways, back to being positive. I just wanted to bring that up, but. Hi, Chris. How are you today? I'm good. Happy to be here. How are you doing? Pretty good, pretty good. Getting adjusted with my braces. I still suffering a little bit, but it's getting better, I think. I think it's getting better. I'm eating. I'm eating. Today I ate some little like pasta. I have to eat very soft right now. So it's been like shakes and soups. My, my. My week has been pretty boring.

Health Updates and Goals

You know, everybody that knows me, I like my tacos, burritos, and, you know, all the fatty stuff. But I guess it's a good thing, though. If you want to lose weight, wear some braces. It definitely makes you lose some weight. Empress, how's your goal coming along with your braces? Oh, man. I know. So I had to go, guys, so I. Okay, so after working out, I was gaining weight, but not weight like muscle, and I gained to 130, and I said, holy shit. Maybe I need to start doing a little bit more cardio. So I have a new goal. I want to be 118. So I'm at 124 right now. So I think I'm doing something good. So it's going pretty good. It's 124. Six pounds down, and I'm trying to meet 118. That's the new goal.

Goals and Upcoming Events

You see, Benji, I got goals, too, you know. Oh, we all have goals. I know you're going to get there, empress. 100% faith in you. I got you. All right, let's talk about gorilla fine. Now, because I know there's a lot of things coming up. And first of all, if you guys turning to the jumbotron, welcome to g five, official, a gaming community powered by web three. There's everything that you need to know here. There's a guide. There's a web discord. G products. If you guys want to take a look on that. It's super. I love this, Chris. I love everything. How clean and where to go. Like, simple as that. I love how the graphics are, too, because he's amazing on graphics.

Community Initiatives and Engagement

You guys are hearing me. Sunflower seeds. I'm sorry about that, empress. Benji. Benji. Elle. Chris. Maybe I should call everyone in here. Kenny. You guys are all awesome. Do me a favor. Everyone that's down there, hit that retweet button. Let's get more people in here. Hopefully the space isn't broken. I don't think. I don't think it is. Everyone can hear me just fine to hear my whiny of annoying voice every single day. But, we've got a lot of stuff going on right now. Empress, I don't know if you understand. I don't. I don't think you understand how crazy this week has been, especially for Chris, because he's been extremely busy. But, we've got a deal on mint.

Minting Deals and Community Offerings

I don't know if you saw the Defi lead as a mint to get one free deal that we've got going on mints. 553 to 633. Holy smokes, guys, we've already knocked the price down from 0.064 down to 0.02 and now we're saying, hey, look, we're going to hook you guys up even more. Mint two. You get one free. What does that mean, you guys meant to. You're going to get three defy elitisms. On top of that. You're going to get three gorilla fisde. How much more can you guys ask for? Jesus Christ. I think we're like filling your guys's pockets with a bunch of free stuff. And guys, this isn't a sales pitch. I really love defi. Really love Defi. Like hanging out with you guys in the discord, talking smack, playing video games, getting dubs.

Fun Community Moments

Right, Elle? Because that's all we do is get dubs. We don't go in there unless we're gonna get dubs. But, it's a lot of fun. Guys, come in there, hang out with us. The links are up on top where, Empress stated that welcome to g five pin shows the guide, it shows the website, it shows the discord, and it shows all the products that we're working on. So if you guys are part of the community and you want to come up, tell us what you like about the community. Tell us what you like about Defi. Tell us what you like about shit. Tell us what you like about Chris Vaughn, Elle, myself, you guys, actually, he's. Trying to say, come up and talk about Benji.

Community Participation and Stories

What do you think about Benji? You know, that's pretty much literally like, that's really what he really asking for. That's all I want to hear, guys, just come up here and tell me how much you love me. I want the tea too. Let's hear it. Oh, man, Kenny, you should. There's so much. So much. So normally Wednesdays we kind of do a little like kind of what's happening with Benji's life. And, you know, actually he's been pretty good this week. Like, I don't really have anything. I mean, Liz, did I miss something? Because he's been pretty good this week. Like, I haven't heard him kind of doing anything obnoxious, but maybe because I've been busy so I haven't really paid attention.

Reflections on Past Experiences

But, but I know there's stories. I mean, there's always stories about Benji. I think there's a few stories about me maybe a few years ago. I don't think you'll hear any bad stories about me anymore. I'm actually a good guy. I go to church every Sunday, I pray. But I do want to talk about this pin that we have up on top for these ogs. OG watches, the IMD files, these digital wearable watches that we have up on top. Check them out, guys, I think we might actually have a surprise during this space. Chris, what do you think? I think, too. So the claim is going to be Friday. So this Friday? Yeah.

Upcoming Claims and Community Benefits

So we're doing the wallet snapshot tomorrow, and then Friday, probably during the show, the space that bench Liz and Jazz do for g five every Friday. We're probably going to start the claim, and you guys can claim it free. One for each defi ult. You can claim one of those watches. There are six different colors. They are 3d wearables for metaverse, for in game, you guys can actually do whatever you guys want with a 3d file. So it's going to be fun to see people using those. And yeah, they're going to be free on base. I like the pink one. I really do. This is pretty awesome. So limited edition, so make sure you guys, if you do have one.

Giveaway and Community Interaction

So snapshot, September 12, free claim, September 13. So make sure you give that post love, too, as well. So today's giveaway, I'm gonna do it a little bit different. So I know that last time I did a game, but this day, today, what I'm going to do for the giveaway is just engage. I'm going to see who's engaging with all of our posts. It's all about community for me, so I like to mix it up. So whoever kind of says has the best kind of comment. You're engaging, you're here, you're having fun. I mean, obviously come by with the empress is kind of like for me, I want people to come and have a good time with us.

Community Conversations Beyond Crypto

You know, like, it's not all about creating crypto either. We like to talk about what's been going on in crypto political. Sometimes we name it. We talk about everything. We talk about church on Sunday, like Benji was talking about, you know, we talk about jokes. We just want people to really have a good time as we're building a community here for guerrilla Phi. If you ever need kind of help with something, like, you know, we're always here to kind of hear it, you know, what? How can we help? You know, and I feel like a community in Web three is more kind of like building and kind of supporting one another.

Community Building and Forward Thinking

So, you know, this is why we do this, to kind of tell you guys about, like, what we're building, and you know what we're doing. And Chris Vaughn is awesome, and we're probably going to go visit him in Portugal, but he doesn't know yet. So maybe one day there will be a conference in Portugal, and we get. We all get to go. I think that's a great idea. That's a great idea. I mean, I want to go to Portugal. I'm down, right? You see, Kenny's on, I'm inviting, and I'm talking about. About help, and it's good I can touch on that, because we actually, we always add on the quiz one discord that for the defilers, we always had, like, a work labs vc as we actually turn it into a co op work lab.

Work Labs and Community Interaction

And I was actually there all day, and I'm normally there, and we kind of want to turn it like those physics, co op workplaces where if you work online, if you work on your computer or. And you're at home, and I can always go there, join me, or join other people that are working there. Just. Just working. I share my work just for you to have some company. If you need some help, just. Just pop up, remove the mute, ask us, and just create a place where we can all, like, be working together and. And support each other or just making company. Listening music. Sometimes even on the defi listening music.

Music and Group Motivation

Liz goes there, put some music on. Nobody talks, just listening. But I feel like we're connected. And sometimes that's the motivation you need to work. So if you guys are older, feel free to join the Cowork lab VC on Chris 155. Absolutely. And if you guys are a gamers, you know, you guys are gamers. Gamers. This is the place to be. I mean, discord, there's so many things and options are given to you just by you being in discord. So that's why I encourage you guys. I mean, if you're trying to learn the industry, you're trying to learn something. Be with people that are willing to spend some time with you.

Workshops and Community Engagement

You know, he does workshops on, you know, even for kids, too, as well. And tell me, I mean, I'm going to be honest, when you're kind of doing a class anywhere in the world, they'll charge you. They're charging for a class. You know, they're going to be like, hey, this is how much we charge. This is actually given to the community, whoever joins the community, so for free. So for me, that's awesome. I know that gorilla guerrilla five. You know, it's. It's a place where we're trying to just grow the community, be bonded, and like, grow as a team, you know? So definitely check it out.

Community Activities and Engagement

I am going to post. I think I did Liz. There's one that Liz actually. Let me see. Yeah, I'm going to post lis the last one. So a little bit about. Gorilla five is a ten k digital collectible membership. It gives you access to private hubs, rewards products, marketplace workshops and bots rewards validators, nodes product sales, secondary sales, licensing deals, products development and GFI coffee. I love coffee. Community for gamers, esports, streets, art exports, music. So, you know, you guys are more than welcome to kind of join us. We're always here every Wednesday.

Schedule and Community Vibe

I changed the time. So Wednesdays at three. I mean, 02:00 p.m. pST. we're always kind of here, you know, vibing and talking about what's going on. Benji, gorilla fi, I mean, you name it, we go all out. Empress. Holy crap. Did you just, did you just nail that? You just put like a nail on the wall and put. Put up a picture and everything. It's. It's unperfect. Holy crap. That was a perfect speech right there. Thank you, Benji. Empress, guys, for 2024, that's. That's who I'm voting for. I'm voting for Empress. Fuck the other guys.

Lighthearted Humor and Personal Reflections

Oh, God, no, please, no, no. I can barely deal with you people. I'm good, I'm good. You know, I want to be alive by 60, you know, so I don't want to die early. This is why when people tell me like, hey, Empress, launch your own token, I'm like, dude, are you kidding me? Like, do you want me to die? Like, is that what you want for me? Hell no. I could barely deal with you guys. Like, emotional when the market is down, it's like, holy shit, Empress is selling. I mean, I hear it all. It's literally the most funny kind of ordeal.

Dealing with Market Emotions

Like, it's my fault that the freaking chart is down or bitcoin is down or ethereum is down. People just need to learn how to, you know, kind of deal with emotions. Maybe we should do that, Chris. Like, maybe have a counseling session. Like kind of like a place where we could kind of go and vent, but like, we're all kind of talking shit to each other. Kind of like a release stress. You could do a virtual room where you can break everything and put people face there and. Yes. Oh, my God.

Breaking Stress and Community Support

You know that those are super popular here in California. Yeah, yeah. Like, people are. Have angry issues and they go to this place where they just break shit. They. With a whatever tool they want to use, and they just go crazy. And I'm like, if you're going there, like, dude, I could see you killing somebody. Like, literally, I will be scared. I wouldn't go, but I'm just like, no, no. I don't do. I go to the gym. That's how I kind of release my stress.

Anger and Its Implications

But when people have that anger, like. Like, yeah, that's scary for me, but, yeah, it's really popular. Chris coming, like, doing it for reals, like, in real life.

Strange Request for Pictures

The other day, bearded was asking me for pictures of myself, and I was like, what the fuck do you need pictures of me for? He's like, just send them. Shut up, dude. Just send them. So I ended up sending them a couple poses, and he ended up. He ended up using them to smash some stuff. He set up his room as a smash room.

Sledgehammer and Smash Room

He put some old equipment in there, and then he just got, like, a sledgehammer and started smashing everything with my face on it. And I was like, damn bearded. Tell me how you really feel about me. I mean, benji, you. I don't know. There's a lot of people mad at you sometimes, and I'm like, what did he do now? Did he break your heart? Or, like, I don't know.

Friendship and Associations

I mean, all I seen from people is like, you broke somebody's heart. And they just, like, mad now, and they get mad at me because I'm associated with you. I'm your friend. I'm like, dude, I didn't do anything. Why are you mad at me? Like, is Mel here? Wait, wait. Hi, Melanin. Hi, Empress. Yay. We did it, Liz. We got her on stage now. How are you? I'm so happy to hear from you.

Voice and Accent Discussions

Yeah, thanks for having me. I hope you all have a good week. Okay, Mel, you said that your voice, you had a big. No, no, girl, you're wrong. You have the most beautiful voice, and I can understand you clearly because you were telling me that you had a thick accent. You don't have a thick accent. Are you kidding me? Yeah, I have. I'm German like that.

Perception of Accents

Shitty. Germans cannot, like, pronounce the proper way, so it sounds kind off. No, it sounds so sexy. No, what are you talking about? Mel, we got something here, girl. Okay. No, seriously, I love it. You. You know, we. We love that. You know, we have different. This is what's funny beautiful about crypto. Everybody has their different accents. I mean, girl, I have an accent too.

Personal Accent Experiences

I'm a Hicana. Like, sometimes a Mexican comes out of me, and when I'm nervous, like, I kind of twist my words sometimes and somehow, like, I say backwards, but I mean it the other way. But because I'm nervous and my brain just kind of, like, flips somehow. And I started, like, kind of you'll notice because I started saying it like Spanglish. And, I mean, I don't know, it's just.

Cultural Identity and Language

And I have to learn how to love that. Like, yeah, man, I'm just Mexican. That's my excuse. I'm Mexicana. Like, sorry. Like. That'S how we all love empress, though, because she always brings the Ellen out of her. The Ellen, motherfucker. Stop it. Stop it. Literally, I've been say, oh, guys, there.

Mispronouncing Names

Okay, so I've been saying Elon Musk name wrong this whole time. I've been calling him Helen Musk. And then this jerk, you know, like, you know, I enlist, too. I have to say enlist, too. So they're like, oh, yeah, they were. Because we have a group, like a little chat because they helped me a lot with.

Community and Support

With crypto, empress, like, what we do here in the space. So them two are like, I love them. And they were laughing about something, and I was like, what the hell are you guys laughing about? I'm like, what did I say? Like, I don't get it because they're typing it. I mean, I obviously, I can't hear it. And they're like, oh, my God.

Reflection on Misunderstandings

She said Ellen Musk, you know? And I was like, yeah, what did I say? Is no. And I've been saying this. I guess you guys never noticed, or maybe you did and you were like, oh, Empress, that Mexicana. Like, look at her, you know, but it's. It's Elon. You know? Elon Musk. And I've been saying elon Musk.

Shared Laughs and Inside Jokes

So I don't know, Mel. No, that was good either. I liked it. Yeah, I liked it. Yeah. So I don't know, but I'm really proud of you, Mel. You came up. I did. Kind of was trying to encourage her to kind of, hey, girl, you need a. We need more females in this space. And, you know, your voice, any voice is powerful, you know, and crypto is here.

Empowerment in the Crypto Space

That's how I learned, too. I kind of sucked it up and be like, okay, I'm going to practice on this. I'm going to go say hi. And little by little, baby steps, you know, you don't have to run right away, but, like, feel that confidence start kind of just, you know, seeing what you're going to do. And in no time, Mel, you're going to be doing spaces and you're going to be coming up here.

Encouraging Each Other

And, you know, that's, to me, so beautiful. I'm really proud of you. Seriously. Thank you. You're gonna be replacing me pretty soon because these guys don't like me, apparently. Oh, Benji, stop it. I know, I know. Liz is already like, yeah, girl, I got you. I'm like, well, Mel sounds great, girl.

Welcoming New Voices

It's so good to have you up here. Oh, my gosh. This is perfect. Yeah. Thank you. So I'm gonna. I'm gonna ask you something, Mel. I'm gonna try to keep things as easy as possible. I know it's your first time up here, so I don't want to put too much stress on you, but you're part of the community.

Nervousness in Community Participation

You've been to a few of our games. What would you say is your favorite part about GFI? So I'm pretty new, like you said, you brought me on, like, a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, I've been to game night a few times, but to be honest, I totally suck at fall guys, but everyone is super nice with me. The community is absolutely amazing.

Community Support

They try to help me. They try their best, but I still suck. Yeah, no, I really like it. Chris is awesome. He tries to teach me poker. Now. Let's see how that goes. And. No, I feel. I feel good. Like, I really like you guys. And trust me, we didn't pay her to say that.

Community Connection

No, I'm just kidding. I always say that because some people are like, oh, yeah, this is all part of the plan. I'm like, dude, we really talk to people. Like, people don't have. People don't believe we actually hang out more than we should. She is also part of our ship posting cult.

The Ship Posting Cult Experience

So I have a cult that all we do is literally laugh, support each other, clown each other, and just talk about what's happening without having anybody get offended. For me, what's important in web three is to bring different people together and kind of see how we could work together. Obviously, we know we.

Respecting Different Perspectives

Everybody has different beliefs, people have different blah, blah. You know what? Name it. You name it, everything. So to me, it's important that people really respect each other's opinions. You know, if we want to change how we do things, we got to start within ourselves, right? We got to start saying, hey, I.

Openness and Respect

You know, I respect your opinion, and I have a different opinion, and it ends there. Like, literally. Okay, well, I think this, okay, this person thinks this, and nobody is going, oh, you're wrong, or blah, blah. We respect everybody. And I always tell people, if you can have that mentality in web three, that's what's not going to make you successful, because you definitely need to have an open mind, respect people, obviously respect everybody.

Building Community Through Understanding

And that is important. That's important with us, and it's important in my culture. So that's why I'm like, I'm going to create this shitposting cult. I'm going to. I'm literally hand selecting people. So if you are like us and you like to have fun and, you know, clown, you know, you don't get easily offended, definitely send me a.

Joining the Cult

What's it called? You're like a message or something. And literally, you could be in this cult. And it's a game changer. Like, everybody's always laughing. Everybody says, good morning. People have conversations there. I mean, it's really a good vibe. And I want to keep it that way because I think that there's too much negativity in the world.

Creating a Positive Community

Like, we need a place to kind of decompress and just spit what we're trying to say, you know, like, just be ourselves. Am I right, Kenny? Oh, absolutely. you had actually reached out to me and asked me, and I was in shock, honestly. you know, and it was just me replying from somebody on some.

Finding Community During Tough Times

I think it was wendy o's post, and you reached out to me, and I want to say it was like a godsend, honestly, because I was in a tough time and a part of my life. And that cult really got me through it by making me laugh, by also. By me being vulnerable and just letting people into what I'm going through and hearing the advice from people that have been through it, too.

The Power of Vulnerability

We're not alone. We've all gone through stuff, and some of us have been through it already. So have that good advice to be able to just share. And it's always a good time in there, for sure. With the memes and the posts and the trolling of each other. I swear, we're like a big family.

Sense of Belonging

We truly are. I think everybody here in the panel, except for Chris, is in our ship hosting. Colt. Chris, you're more than welcome to come, but we're freaking crazy people. Like, literally, you'll see how Benji works. I mean, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Dynamic Community Interactions

So that's why I'm keeping you out of it. Because co workers like we're professional with you, but we're savages in that. In that chat. I appreciate the invitation. I already have seven, you know. But you see, Benji's, like, sending me a DM. Stop it.

Social Media Antics

Stop it. You see, bad Benji. Oh, Chris asked me. Chris has me in, like, three other chats where I'm pretty savage, so I'm sure he knows what about. You are what? What? Yeah, and he's savage enough on my private.

Understanding Each Other

If you think you savage there, you should I take you a screenshot of my dm. I have to delete my instagram because all it was showing to me was. And I had a very good instagram. Was the name of that small person. Erica.

Instagram and Its Challenges

Erica with an a. Oh, my God. Erica. What was she doing in your instagram? It was sharing me all this, like, small ladies in, like, bikinis. And all of the sudden, all my. All my instagram was. Was dead. And I had to dm it, bro, like, you. Please stop sending me dead things on, like, Instagram.

Algorithm Issues

It's. You're ruining my algorithm. I said, no, no. Just one more. I want you to see. I'm like, I want to try date. Okay, you do it a lot. Wait a minute. Benji was sending you little people bikini videos?

A Funny Exchange

Hold on, hold on. First, he was nice enough. He stopped. I sent them to. And then he told me to stop. I stopped, and then he started sending them to me. No, you send that. You sent me there, like, they were doing, like, gymnastics and stuff and, like, off balance and, like.

Little People Humor

Those one post that they do on Instagram where there's little people and they're, like, doing like, the. The pole vault or the. Not the pole vault, but like, the javelin toss or whatever, and then they turn into toothpicks and they go into people. It's. So I was sending them stuff like that.

Finding Humor in Situations

Little people. Because, you know, I think little people entertain me. I think they're interesting, and I thought they were funny, and I sent them to him and he's like, dude, stop. This is weird. So then I ended up stopping. Now he has all. Everything on his.

Instagram Feed Conundrum

What's it called on his feed is all midgets. Oh, now that we said it's going to be in everyone's feed now. You guys could thank me later for it. Feet, little people, eyebrows. Boom. Algorithm just got fixed.

Shared Experiences

Yeah, it's his own faces. Empress is like, a face guy. Australia. Yeah. Yep. I know. Benji, I'm telling you, I. Oh, yeah. The break dancer was freaking awesome. I want to break dance like her.

Community Talent and Fun

Seriously, when I saw that, I thought that it was a joke. Like, oh, my God, somebody's really pranking the Olympics, you know, and then they're like, no, that's a real participant. And I was like, holy shit. Because I actually have a friend, and he's from Paris.

Personal Connections

He's a professional break dancer. But he also does a lot more. Like, he comes out in, you know, in shows with like celebrities and all this things. And he's a good friend of mine, so I send him that. I'm like. He's like, yeah, dude. She.

Sports and Entertainment Connection

I don't even know how this person got into the Olympics. And it was funny, though. It's like, who the whole things that's actually talent. Like, I could even do that like, you know, so I don't know, Benji, you're into a lot of freaky things, you know?

Lighthearted Conversations

You know, they had like a little cosplay party and everyone dressed up like her and they were all doing like all her moves in that party. It was pretty funny. I'll see if I can find the video.

Celebrating Creativity

Yeah, and I also found your new song. So I'm gonna be playing that right now. This is Benji's, favorite song. Cuz he's a scrub is a guy that thinks he's flying is also.

Music and Memories

Known as a busta always checking my. What he wants and just sits on his broke ass no I don't want your number no I don't want to give you mine and no from me hanging out the passenger side of his best friend trying to holler at me so, yeah, this is Benji's anthem.

Song Relevance

They send them this. This particular song all the time, you know, and I just never understood my Benji. Who's attacking you? I don't understand. But I don't know.

Reflections on Past Actions

Long time ago, when I was a lot younger, I broke their hearts and all three of them hated me. That's it. They wrote that song about me. The end. I was 13, by the way.

Memories and Heartbreak

Haters gonna hate, huh? Benji? Yep. Can't really do anything. So you had your no face a little bit later. Yeah, yeah. I was. I was telling them no, that's my no square.

Boundaries in Relationships

Leave me alone. And then also he did mention that he's a virgin. You know, he tells our chat that he's a virgin and all these things, right? And then I'm like, well, I don't know.

Confusion Around Virginity

How are you virgin? You have kids? So let's. Let's talk about that Benji. So I don't know if you guys have ever heard of being baptized? You become a born again christian and you become a born again virgin.

Baptism and Identity

Right? That's the rule. That's how that works. It does. I never heard of that. well, that's what I was told. So I was baptized not too long ago and yeah, now I'm a virgin.


Hey, well, congratulations, Benji. Welcome back. But anyhow, you know what, I think Elle or Liz wants touch base on g five, right? Or should we call we color sparkles?

Transitioning Conversations

Oh, no, oh no, don't bring that here. Nice try, but yeah, this is a good time to transition away from Benji's virginity into the g five calendar for the rest of the week. So it is Wednesday, which means today we have our twitch stream.

Upcoming Events

It's at 07:00 p.m. eST. So in about an hour and 20 minutes, brazy will be on there streaming and then we'll have another member of the community. You never know who it might be. So hopefully we will see you there on Twitch.

Giveaway Announcements

There's also a giveaway that we're running. It's up in the jumbotron. Really awesome opportunity for you to win a copy of COD Black Ops six. It's for, you know, the console of your choice. However it is that you like to game.

Participation and Subscriptions

We will give that to you. Just make sure you follow the rules there. It's super easy. Bonus points if you subdivide to the Twitch channel. So really excited to see you guys there that will be running all of September.

Encouragement to Join

So if you don't have the money right now to sub, totally fine. When you get paid Friday, join us in Twitch sub. Get involved. Can't wait to see who wins that game. It's going to be awesome.

Thursday Events

And then tomorrow we have our web three gaming space. That's at 06:00 p.m. estimated. It's been getting better and better each week. We've been talking about content creation and, you know, the huge market that is there for all of you.

Content Creation Insights

If you're interested in gaming content or, you know, mods, whatever it is that you do, we're talking about how you can monetize that, how GFI can support you and help you grow in whatever, you know, your aspirations are in that department.

Learning from Each Other

So it's really fun. We'd love to have you there. I've learned a lot. You know, we do a lot of research when we're coming into this space and we also bring in speakers that are working on games.

Diverse Perspectives

You know, we have game devs, we also have the web three gamers. So you get different perspectives, which is always really fun. So I'd love to see more of you there.

Weekend Plans

And then we go into. Our fun weekend starts on Friday with the peep show at the G five lobby. That space is like our let's destress.

End of Discussion

How was your week?

Community Engagement and Game Nights

How have you been? I run that space with Benji and Jess. So it's a really fun time. We talk about everything, you know, and it's not just for holders. It doesn't matter if you are, you're not sold on G five. You're not a gamer. Whoever you are, just come, vibe, hang out, get to know the community. We get to know more of you. It's a really fun time. From there we go right into our gaming night on Friday nights. Lately we've been playing fall guys. We play Fortnite. There's some that are playing destiny. We switch it up. If there's a game that you like to play, we'd love to hear it. Let us know. Even if it's a mobile game, we play among us sometimes as well. We're really open, so it's a fun way to de stress after a long week. You know, you hang out with your friends, you joke around. I want to warn everyone that one of our members, Wanda, did order a controller, so she's ready to start wrecking people. This might be your last week to get the dubs. Yup, she said it.

Gaming Nights and Community Involvement

She put it in our discord. So shout out to Wanda. She's an awesome member. That's been a part of our game nights now, every week and then on Saturday night. You know how it is in web three. Everyone loves poker. So we do have our g five poker night. We run tournaments typically five weeks long, and then you get a bunch of prizes if you win or if you place in the first few spots. So we have a really busy week. If you're not in our discord, I'd love for you to join us. The discord link is up top. If you scroll through the jumbotron. If you have any questions, my DM's are open. Ben, gcMs, you know, all of us up here on the team. Again, I want to let you know that it doesn't matter if you're not a gamer. You know, we're building coffee. We're talking about fashion, energy bars. There's so much in this incredible community. I'm sure there's something that you'll connect with and you just got to give it a chance.

Market Insights and Launch Updates

Well said. Well said. I mean, yes, I love everything that Liz just mentioned. And Chris, what's the update of this launch? Anything that you could tell us today or what's in the process? The process is going. So you guys know that there's a possibility we might choose corium and their marketplace actually launched yesterday. So we have been in conversations actually, we're going to see if this week me and Liz are going to get together and I, and check it out to the possibilities, see how we can actually, if we make that decision, how can they actually support us? We are lucky enough to have direct communications with them. And I was part of the team on XRP that build that marketplace and am one of the grantees. So that might be a possibility. But we still have to analyze things like onboarding, friction and if that's going to be a possibility to eliminate.

Building a Solid Community

So there's a few things over there, but as the launch date, as we move forward, like you guys said, we're still building a community. I think like as much as we wish this would be out there already, we have to make sure that we have a solid base, a solid community to make this success. Nothing just for us, but for everybody. And we're working and the work is starting to show the progress is there. I think the catalyst is near and you guys know how things, it happens overnight. I'm happy that we're not building on hype. So that will not, never be an effect on what you're doing. It's always a benefit if you want to just push out there. But the hype for people to get in for the wrong intentions is not there because we want people to be part of it, to be proud to be part of it and understand exactly what is going on here, what to expect, the expected value from what they're getting and what's going on.

Market Trends and Personal Experiences

And we are getting there like for now. Like we have actually defi, is like getting in. So you're basically getting in the community. You're going to save your spot to have one of those NFTs. But we are getting there. And we probably in the meanwhile will do something because we have something reserved for our OD holders and for some of our main old holders. You guys know that we want to launch one another of those gorillas in the, in the bitcoin, like an ordinal. We might do that sooner than later. There's a few things we're going to do, maybe some products, maybe some of those things. But right now we're building, we're fun. Some changes are happening, but this is just enjoy now being part of the community, enjoy the benefits for the definition. And this is how we are visualizing everything right now.

Market Analysis and Strategic Outlook

Thank you. Thank you, Chris. That's really awesome to hear. And obviously, yeah, you're right. I mean, let's talk about the market. I mean, the market hasn't been great. We still bipolar. We don't know what's happening. Everybody's waiting for, you know, the election to be done. And it always happens around this time, too. So every four years there's something happening and the market is shedden, you know, and then we see a big boom after. So right now, like literally, like maybe Kenny, give me your feedback. What do you think about the market since you actually do talk? He does have a YouTube where he actually talks about like what he does like talk about the market. He does videos, he does TikToks. I mean, he's everywhere. But I do want to get your opinion. Like, what do you think about this market right now?

Current Market Perspectives

I think we're just consolidating. Oh, in correction, I don't have a YouTube. I'm just strictly like on TikTok and Instagram. Sorry, my mistake. No, you're all good. You're all good. But, you know, 55 held. I was hoping, I mean, honestly, look, I want assault to send, right. But I don't mind if the market goes down. I really don't. 55 held. If not, I was looking at 51 and then 49k if were to go even further down. I thought 49k was a really strong support. but you know, we're consolidating. I do really think after we reached about the 14th because averagely the September's, they've been bearish the first half of the month. After the 14 days is up and we're on eleven 911 and God wrestle souls that, you know, that were fighting, that were there.

Future Market Projections

But after the 14 days, I believe we're going to start heading up and definitely going to be bullish into October. But don't forget, we still got interest rates are going to be cut. We have Jerome Powell that's going to be speaking, I believe today, I'm sorry, tomorrow or the next day, that's going to be dropping rates too. So we got a lot of things that are screaming bullish in my eyes. So I'm not tripping on this price action. If anything, I'm dollar cost averaging responsibly and just little here, little there. If we go happen to go down a little bit more, then I'm going to buy a little bit more. But I'm not worried about this at all. I'm forward thinking. I'm looking towards the end of the year to maybe take some profits.

Cryptocurrency Trends and Personal Strategies

Absolutely. And I totally agree with you. I mean, we did, I did post today that it did hit a 58, you know, k and I was like, yay. Woohoo. Going in the right direction. And then a couple minutes later it's like, all right, we're going back down. So it's literally right now, it's like, it's really kind of, we don't know where the market is. I mean, we obviously need more regulations to get, you know, this is why it's so important. We were talking yesterday. We had Wendy oddheaddeh right in our spaces yesterday. And you know, for us it's so important. Like this election is going to mean so much whoever you're voting for. Like this is kind of like where I'm like, hey, you could, whatever for me, I'm trying to go for the president that is going to be pro crypto.

Reflections on Past Market Trends

And I think, like, when we get a better idea of where that is going to be, I think the market's going to really turn around and that's when everything's going to go super quick. And I seen this happen before. You know, I actually did go in a bull run and I couldn't even deal with the work that I had. I mean, I was working so much, but there was so much work. So crypto, I seen it when it's been booming. You know, like I thought that a holy is never going down. But, you know, obviously I was so new to crypto, I didn't really know a lot. So now I'm like, okay, I get it. Like, to me when it's red, Kenny, I actually do buy too. I like buying. And then I make up my money and then I'm like, holy shit. Just made like a little profit here.

Personal Trading Experiences

So I take money and for me making $200 to $300 a day, I'm a happy camper. It doesn't matter where I put my money, but if I make $300 a day, I am happy. But you see, that's just me. Everybody has different goals. But obviously I know crypto is here to stay. The future is bright. We just have to really like, strap in and get ready for whatever's coming because we know crypto is not going anywhere. So you're right about that. I absolutely agree. Another thing that I've also learned in the space that after the having, it takes about 300. Well, we go bull for about 365 days to about 520 days.

Market Cycles and Personal Insights

So if you do the math from the having on 400 and 2365 days would have been April. But I mean, for 520 days would push us out to November. So that's something that I keep in the back of my mind where it's possible we're going to be hitting all time highs anytime between June and November of next year. But it could possibly happen faster. As everybody can tell, this cycle has been going a lot quicker. And also, as you get older guys, I'll give you guys a little, like, it goes way faster. I don't know what it is. I feel like my time, I posted a pose, a gif, like, it was like a meme, actually. How time just runs, literally. Like, I checked the time and I'm like, holy shit. Already this time.

Time Perception and Well-being

Oh, my God. You know, it just goes so much quicker. And I don't know, being crypto in general, like, I just feel time just flies and I'm like, what did I do today, man? Okay, I guess, you know, I need to know how to slow down. But, you know, I always tell people, make sure that you're also touching grass. You know, go. And, you know, this market's going to do its thing, but, you know, sometimes it's good to kind of disconnect. Go walk your dog, go to the park. Go do something that you actually like to do. It's okay to reset. We all need to reset. So I'm such an advocate for this because I've been there, burned out, and probably I was this close to not coming back. I was like, no, this is not for me. This is way too much.

Maintaining Balance in Crypto

But it's important that you kind of set boundaries, you know, boundaries in crypto. Give yourself five days of working. Pick your. Pick the days you really want to work on crypto and then have two days. Pretend it's a. It's a job, you know, like I always tell people, you just need to do it. You need to do it because it will take toll on you in the long run. So. Right. Take time for you and come to g five for game nights. Some pew is good for the soul. I promise. I know, right? I know, I know.

Casual Conversations and Enjoying Life

This is fallen boys. Fallen guys. Wait, you see? You see what I mean? It took me a couple of weeks, though. It wasn't just. Yeah, I used to say fallout guys. And then I finally got. No, that's just me telling you, twist it I'm twisted my words and. But anyways, I did hear that you. You know how to play this game. You just throw everybody out, Liz. Well, I want to blame Chris and rebirth. I see he's down there, too. In the listener lounge, they taught me how to grab people and push them. And ever since then, it's just my way. Good girl. But make sure that you're attacking Benji, though.

Game Strategies and Personal Insights

This is like, we can let Benji win. That's the thing. Like, we gotta. Everybody has to come together and get Benji, so kind of keep throwing him out so he doesn't win, because I know. I know he's. He also for among us. Like, have you guys played that game recently? We gotta bring it back. It's been a while. Yeah. He's like, you know, the traitor. Yeah. Super sus. Every week. Very sussy. Just because I'm very good at games doesn't make me the bad guy. Okay. that's a stretch. Just because Jess is blind and doesn't see you murdering everyone doesn't mean you're good at games.

Poker and Social Engagement

Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm horrible at games, but I do. Okay, so, poker. Who has been winning poker? I'm kind of curious on this. Wait, there's a poker night? Yeah, we have poker nights on Saturday, and then we'll do. We'll do pop up poker nights probably once or twice a week. Bro. Send me the invite. Series is starting this week, right? I. So first game? First week. Week one. Yep. Do you guys put all, like, a little money in, or how do you guys go about it?

Free Play and Tournament Structure

So the buy in this free. We give a. We give away a few rewards towards the end of the tournament, and then sometimes in our pop up once, we sometimes give away some stuff. But buying this free. Who doesn't love free play for free play with boring? How about we start doing it for a $100? Let's go. I'm kidding. I'm better influenced. That's why, people. This is why I don't go out that much. I'm the bad influencer of everything.

Humor and Drinking Culture

Okay, so even. Even tell my hubby, like, he's a stuff. No shit. You know? And I'm just like, okay. You hear that, Ellen? You got to put a stop to Empress. Gotta put a stop to Empress because she's over here promoting gambling. Just kidding, JK. But I'm sure that's happening. So. I mean, come on, guys. Degenerates. We're gambling every freaking day. You know, there's a freaking pump. Fun. You know, there's. Everybody's like, oh, yeah, let's go to the casino.

Discussion on Songs and Giveaways

That song sounds so old. Tequila, tequila. Let's go. You see, we know the songs. We know the jams. All right, guys, well, the time. We're almost. Yeah, it is time. It's been 1 hour. But I do want to ask Benji, anything else you want to add to tell the community before we close the chat? We do have a giveaway going on. I don't know. I feel like not a lot of people kind of responded to our request, so I don't know. What do you want to do, Chris? Chris? I mean, benji for the giveaway. Yeah, I want to do something fun. I always want some participation from the community. Let's get them. Let's see. How about the. How about they go into discord and then they sign up for our poker tournament? We could actually see who signed up. And then I can give you the names of the people. We'll give them. We'll give them 2 hours to sign up, and I'll tell you by 05:00 p.m. our time.

Finding Discord and Details

Where do we find the discord, benji, tell us. Discord is in the top link, guys. Right where it says, welcome to GFI official. And then it says, a gaming community powered by web three. It's one of the pins up on top. Let me actually put it up on front. I got you guys. Okay. Okay. It's all the way in the front, guys. Very first pin up on top. Yeah, maybe next time. We also do, you know, I want to do the. What's it called? that game. We'll play that game next time. Yeah, definitely. I want to play that game. I'm just, you know, figure out how to strategize it, because I know that sometimes it could take a really long time, but I think doing one to ten and getting ten people up here and then just like, you know. Yeah, one to ten is perfect, because last time we did one to a million, and we're here for, like, three days.

Engagement and Community Support

No, because they want people to participate. And then the people started requesting, and I was like, holy moly. Like, I feel like I have to do more, you know? But no, I think one to ten is perfect. So one to ten. And then, yeah, we could do a couple rounds of it. I'm gonna see. Because sometimes, you know, actually, I do want to give a big shout out, but he's not even in here. But there was an investor that actually send me money to gift back to my community. So I don't know if you guys been seeing. I've been doing a lot of giveaways for you guys, and I always love to show the love to this person. Let me see. I think I have a post of them, but let me see. Remember, he was here last time? He's like, oh, I'm gonna double your good.

Investor Contributions and Acknowledgments

So he sent me a message privately, but he's always trying to give back because he likes what I'm doing. And to me, I'm very grateful when somebody actually knows that I'm here to do, like, you know, work, to work. And also, they know how much I love my community, because obviously, without community, I don't have anything, you know? So he just said, hey, you know, I want to help you. I want to, you know, it was not that. I mean, it's nothing a lot like, crazy. We're not talking about thousands of dollars. You just give me a couple hundred. And we've been doing it. We've been doing giveaways. And obviously, I always say, hey, if I win, you win. So, I was very grateful for that. But I think his name was chess. Yeah, chespy.

Community Recognition and Future Plans

You guys remember Chespy? And then he's also doing another one for $30. I'm going to pin it to the jumbotron. Literally. This guy is just, hey, I want to help your community. I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do that. I'm like, okay, you do that. So make sure that you guys go and show him some love, because most of, like, our giveaways, like, not this one, but own general. We've been doing a lot of giveaways this week, and it's thanks to this guy. So make sure you show him some love. Follow him. And I'm sure he's gonna be doing more giveaways, so just keep your notifications. Make sure, you know, get notifications to you from guerrilla five, because we're probably going to be doing some for this community, too, as well.

Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks

So make sure you do that. And Benji, so you let me know who's in this score, who signed up, and then. I mean, you have to pick one winner, though, because I'm only doing $25. Or we could do. Actually. Give me the handles. We'll put her on the wheel, like, a wheel fortune, and then we'll pick a winner from that, like, whoever signed up. I have that wheel, by the way. So if you give me all the names that participated, and then I'll do, like. I can even do, like, a live, A live little video to show, like, who actually did it, and then we could go from there. Kalei, how are you? And Benji left. What? Because you brought me up, he left. What happened? I know.

Community Engagement

I'm like, what? What did we say? No coming back. He always gets rug for somehow. Okay, well. Oh, he's back. It says, speak. There you are. I just want you to know I've done, like, 20 posts since you started that contest, so it's okay. You can see. Still do another different contest and just pretend that I didn't participate and engage, which I've been engaging literally every second since you said it, like, 30 minutes ago. So it's okay. No, we're gonna throw your name in there 20 times. You're good. Yeah, we're gonna throw your name in there. I just feel like sometimes, you know, like, you know, I tell community members to do certain things, and then when I don't see enough, I just feel like, oh, man, maybe that one sucked, you know, like, I don't know.

Reflections on Engagement

It's just. I tried to engage a lot with the team, like, with the community, just to do something different, but, you know, I don't know, Benji. I mean, there's some people that did it, too. I don't know. What do you want to do? I feel like I'm in the spot. No, I was just teasing. I always. I do that anyways. Even without a contest, I'm usually. If I'm in a space, I go to the different people who. I just look at the names of the people who are speakers and the holders of that project, and I try to go and, like, the posts and retweet things while I'm in that space. Anyways, it's just normal for me.

Gratitude Towards Community

So, you know, I don't need a contest to do that. You know, we love you, Colette. You are an amazing supporter, friend, and community member, and all of us here always have so much respect for you. Literally. I wish that we could have multiple of you to help and support. And again, like, we. We are the type of people that, you know, we see everything. I see everyone that kind of does what I tell them or, hey, let's do this, or who's engaging with my post. I literally talk to a lot of people every day, like, hey, how's your day going? Or I remember they mentioned something, and I'm like, hey, how is this going? Oh, great job.

Engagement and Connections

You know, it's just about the connections, you know, and this is important in web three, and I always like to give people flowers where it's due. So, Colette, thank you so much for always being a supporter of me, the team, and everybody. So we love you deeply. Well, thank you so much. And I really do love this project, and I always give kudos to Benji for being the one that introduced me. I don't think I would know you. I don't think I would be. Have seen your spaces if I weren't in the defi elitism project. I don't think I would. For whatever reason, the different other projects that I'm. That I was in before that you weren't doing spaces for those, which, you know, it's no big deal.

Reflections on Connections Made

It's just that this is how I met Chris. Benji led me to defy elitism and to Chris and to a number of the other people in this chat here, and obviously in the g five project, in the Defi project, and then your spaces, which I'm. I try to be in every Wednesday. So, yeah, it's just even though he has an issue that we don't talk about with the feet thing, I still appreciate him and am so thankful that he really, God, brought him into my life, and here I am. So, yeah, just please all my friends, you're embarrassing me. Come on.

Joking Around and Friendships

Don't be saying, you know, you can continue on, but don't be saying that. Come on. Although you're supposed to be coming up to my house to play music with my son, and when I called you the other day, you didn't answer. So I'm not sure what to think about that. You know what? I was actually busy. I was at the courthouse. I was renaming my daughter to Collette because you're so awesome. And unfortunately, they didn't allow me to do that. They said she has to make the decision now.

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