Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Come Join the SOUL Dragon Adventure With WORLD3 Team! hosted by WORLD3_AI. Embark on an exciting journey into the futuristic realm of WORLD3, an AI-driven BTC Autonomous World where the SOUL Dragon Adventure awaits. With innovative features like multichain usability, AI integration, and a vibrant community focus, WORLD3 offers players a one-of-a-kind gaming experience. Immerse yourself in dynamic gameplay, explore creative possibilities, and engage with cutting-edge technology within this captivating virtual world. Join the WORLD3 community today and be part of a revolutionary gaming landscape that combines the best of AI and blockchain technology.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What sets WORLD3 apart from other gaming experiences?
A: WORLD3 integrates AI technology and multichain usability for a truly unique gaming adventure.

Q: How does the SOUL Dragon Adventure enhance player engagement?
A: The adventure offers dynamic gameplay, creative interactions, and a collaborative community experience.

Q: What opportunities does multichain functionality bring to WORLD3?
A: Multichain usability in WORLD3 opens up diverse gaming possibilities and connectivity.

Q: How can players benefit from AI integration in the gaming environment?
A: AI in WORLD3 enhances gameplay dynamics, personalization, and immersive experiences.

Q: Why is community participation crucial in the WORLD3 ecosystem?
A: Community involvement fosters creativity, connectivity, and a thriving gaming environment.

Q: What makes the SOUL Dragon Adventure a standout feature of WORLD3?
A: The adventure offers a unique, immersive gaming experience with innovative AI-driven elements.

Q: How does WORLD3 support collaborative play and creation?
A: In WORLD3, players can engage in shared adventures, creative projects, and community-driven initiatives.

Q: What role does blockchain technology play in WORLD3's multichain functionality?
A: Blockchain technology enables secure transactions, interoperability, and decentralized experiences in WORLD3.

Q: How does AI technology contribute to the evolution of gaming experiences in WORLD3?
A: AI enhances game dynamics, personalization, and the overall immersive quality of gameplay.

Q: Why is the fusion of AI and blockchain significant for WORLD3?
A: The fusion brings cutting-edge technology for advanced gaming solutions and interactive experiences in WORLD3.


Time: 00:15:45
Introduction to WORLD3 and SOUL Dragon Adventure Discover the AI-powered BTC Autonomous World and its engaging gameplay features.

Time: 00:25:21
Community Building in WORLD3 Explore the collaborative aspects and shared experiences within the WORLD3 community.

Time: 00:35:12
AI Integration in Gaming Learn how AI technology enhances gameplay dynamics and immersiveness in WORLD3.

Time: 00:45:30
Multichain Usability in WORLD3 Experience the benefits of multichain functionality for diverse gaming opportunities.

Time: 00:55:18
Creative Interactions in SOUL Dragon Adventure Engage in creative endeavors and interactive gameplay features within the adventure.

Time: 01:05:09
Future Vision for WORLD3 Discussing the potential growth and future developments in the WORLD3 gaming ecosystem.

Time: 01:15:28
Blockchain Technology Advancements in WORLD3 Exploring the role of blockchain in enabling secure transactions and decentralized experiences.

Time: 01:25:37
AI-Driven Innovations in Gaming Understanding how AI contributes to the evolution of gaming experiences within WORLD3.

Time: 01:35:44
Engaging Community Events in WORLD3 Participate in exciting community-driven events and initiatives within the WORLD3 environment.

Time: 01:45:22
Immersive Gameplay Features of SOUL Dragon Adventure Delve into the immersive gameplay elements and innovative design of the SOUL Dragon Adventure.

Key Takeaways

  • Adventure into the innovative WORLD3 powered by AI for a unique experience.
  • SOUL Dragon Adventure offers a dynamic and engaging gameplay environment.
  • Experience multichain usability in WORLD3, the pioneering BTC Autonomous World.
  • Join the WORLD3 community for collaborative play, creation, and exploration.
  • Discover creative opportunities and connectivity in the SOUL Dragon Adventure.
  • Interact with cutting-edge AI technology within the WORLD3 gaming environment.
  • Explore the vast potential of multichain functionality for enhanced gaming experiences.
  • Participate in building a thriving community within the WORLD3 ecosystem.
  • Embrace the fusion of AI and blockchain technology for groundbreaking gaming solutions.
  • Immerse yourself in the innovative gameplay features of the SOUL Dragon Adventure.

Behind the Mic

Initial Concerns about the Situation

All right, somebody's doing something wrong. I don't know who. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go. Do you have a wife? 2 seconds, guys. Like the market. It is bleak.

Discussion on Financial Status

I got a percolated bitch, I give it a percolated dick. I show it a speculated trick possible they know who are in a city possible, nigga, you can fit it. I'm giving nine by energy. I give a perky in Hennessy I get two shots to the enemy. What the fucking nigga telling me? Walking in spot everybody clue dj, clue. My nigga fuck with the bulls I'm spend getting to play bag while the wolves throw the bag aiming for the mohawk I shoot at any other cause niggas know I woo.

Exploring the Game Plan

Send a nigga to the medic everything brought no edit. You wanna change the name of that space? I say I feel invisible. It's a hundred niggas in a spot I won't be born. It's 85, just a win. What are you thinking for a new title? Yeah, I like that. Just death? Or is it the kimchi trade gone south? You're on the wrong mic. No, no, you are not on the. Wrong mic. You're on the wrong mic. Bella, it might be the wrong mic.

Technical Issues Noted

You may be on the wrong headphones. Also, based on your response. The roadcaster is just not plugged in. I can clean it for you. Yeah, this song was old a while ago. He was just learning about it. It's red. Says the guy with no mic. Good morning. How's everybody doing? Well, you're looking awfully confident right now. He'll like loves when the market's down and goes post bitcoin propaganda. Despite my statement about propaganda.

Previous Statements and Current Market Review

Remember my correlation statement last week? And you're like, what are you talking about? This is called correlation. No correlation. Play this. Right. I'm okay. Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. Beautiful. Bravo. I love that kicks. You are so just not set up properly right now with the audio. You need to get the audio cleaned up, Nick. You know what that reminds me of? Have you seen the videos of that indian guy that just says the same phrase with different emotions?

Discussion on Video Content and Daily Show

He's an actor, so he's like, you know, you should not do that to me. And then he does it, you know, sad, then he does it fearful. Then at the. He always finishes with explosive anger. And that's the funniest one out of all of them. All of them that reminded me of that. I really appreciated that video from you. Interesting. I don't even know if I like. If I saw it, I'd know it. His name is famous Rom. Famous Rom. He's famous Rha Rem. Famous Rom.

Daily Bone Podcast On Crypto Markets

Famous rom. Anyway, look, ladies and gentlemen, this is the daily Bone podcast. We discuss all things crypto market. I mean, he's famous, Nick. He's got hundreds of thousands followers. You should be able to pull them up if you google them. That includes the majors like bitcoin, ethereum, Solana, meme, coins, and, of course, Nfts. Today, we're going to discuss. Well, I mean, you know, Ray called this a crypto meltdown. What it is just a every market meltdown. We're going to discuss what caused it.

Introducing Today's Themes

That's funny. And the bleak state of macro worldwide. Look at. Listen to the way this is written. And some potential silver linings on the horizon. There's always silver linings, ladies and gentlemen, so always remember that look. Today's show is brought to you in partnership with Tensor, the leading Solana NFT marketplace for pro traders. I only, only use tensor when it comes to trading Solana NFTs. They only focus on Solana. They focus on what they do best over a tensor.

Reflections on the NFT Marketplace

Easy. Can you give me a breakdown on tensorians over the past year? First anniversary. One year, tensorians here. Your meeting. The market broke, everybody. One full calendar year. We're back. We're back. We're better than ever. So one full calendar year. Blowing out my eardrums. 1 second. Let me adjust it. Is that better? Is that better? You sound great. You sound great. Okay. Okay, so we got one full year, calendar year of the tentorians, their first anniversary of the NFT collection.

Celebrating Achievements and Contributions

Obviously, it gave you a ton of stuff over the years. They gave holders value through, funneling mint funds into holders, back to holders, provided points boosts for all the tensor farming trades that went on as people were farming for the tensor token on the marketplace. And a ton of different allow lists for tensors. Launchpad on top of this. And if you've been following along, pay attention to their twitter. They're going to have a ton of different engagements, activations, other major things going on this week.

Reflections on the NFT Marketplace Activity

So we've seen just a plethora of stuff go down with tensorians as well. They swept a bunch of collections, gave them out way back when I, shortly after mint, they had partner collections give nfts into those. So just constantly giving back to those that were a part of this. And the only way to actually mint this, if people don't remember, was they gave these shards out based on volume on tensors platform. And you had to trade the shards.

Trading Experience Recap

If you were in high volume trader, you ended up getting a bunch of mints. I remember. I think I got, like, 20 of these shards, and it was, I want to say 6 /minute so I think I ended up getting three mints for just using the platform. So it was an absolute home run shout out, Toians. It's crazy to see their first full year on the books and no better organization to be a part of. I mean, I'm still trading it. I picked up some Solana NFTs over the last 48 hours, personally, so you know where I picked those up.

Networking and Collaborating

Very nice. Tents are one of our favorite partners. Big shout out to Richard, Nilia, and the whole crew over here, over there. Been working with them now for, like, eight months. Can't wait to work with them for another eight months. Well, look, why don't we do this little weather report on this beautiful Monday morning? Look at that.

Current Market Analysis

And Solana is down to 114. Just last week, that was creeping towards 200 for next bet, but looks like he's losing on the meme coin side of things. Across all the chains, were hit hard. It was a face punch with Pepe and East down 25% with on sold down almost 30% and Brett on base down 29% over the weekend.

Market Trends and Events

Top few stories will first, crypto's total market cap dropped 28% over seven days and over 1.1 billion has been liquidated over the last 24 hours. Secondly, Japan's Nikkei index fell over 12% as it had its worst day since 1987. Pretty sure some of you weren't even born. Japan raised their interest rate, causing a massive unwind of the hen carry trade, also called the sushi trade positions and sparking liquidations across worldwide markets, including a $2.9 trillion wiped off the US equity markets. And then lastly, conflict in the Middle East could come to a head today as Axios is reporting intelligence that Iran may retaliate against Israel as early as today.

Market Volatility Predictions

Look for more volatility into markets. And that is all for the weather report is back to you in the studio. Let's hear what Nick has to say two things. One, so now went from the kimchi to the sushi train. Sorry, I couldn't remember the name. No, in my head it was called the sushi. The ramen trade. The moment trading. We did talk about that sushi roll hedge. Remember that signal, the sushi hedge.

Market Assets Discussion

The sushi roll hedge. We were talking about what we buy Japanese and these shorts something. The only trick is on your mic. Your mic is looking spectacular kicks. They look great, by the way. I think I can make this joke because I own a lot of ETH. I think we can safely say now ETH is just the dumbest asset of this cycle. Just one of the absolute fucking worst. Dude. It's not even now up a two x from the, from like where it basically sat at most of the bottom. Just absolutely garbage.

Ethereum's Performance Analysis

Rather hold anything else. It's. Dude, I looked at Solana and I looked at bitcoin on the monthlies. Like, Solana's. Solana's moving average on the monthly is 77, right? Like, bitcoins is like 41. Ethereum already broke through it. Like, Ethereum already broke through its fucking monthly trending moving average for this bull run. Just absolutely trash. So, so in all seriousness, it, like, there are a lot of people that are like all in on ETH. Like they believed that ETH would like replace bitcoin and it was the ultrasound money and this that I actually do feel for the ETH folks in a serious way.

Market Predictions and Concerns

If they don't reallocate, that's like to some capacity. I'm not saying that it's never going to come back. We just had Nick Carter on the show last week and we discussed the Ethereum ETF. And I was like, hey, Solana outperformed for the first leg of the cycle. Obviously, bitcoin's been performing well in the bitcoin cycle. That's not a surprise, though. Ethereum has underperformed. Do you think that for the remainder of the cycle, ethereum can outperform? And Nick Carter basically said yes because, you know, I mean, look, an ETF is no small feat.

Concerns about Ethereum's Future

It's a huge deal. The performance of Ethereum over the last 24 hours. I would be concerned if I had like, a massive eth position, for sure. I mean, it's pretty gnarly. It's definitely pretty gnarly. You get, you got to point it out. You got to point out, I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings, but you got to point it out. I mean, holy shit, you know? Yeah.

Bitcoin's Performance and Market Reaction

Like when bitcoin's running laps on you. Like, bitcoin's supposed to be the lagden, you know, I mean, like, bitcoin supposed to do the forex while in. Within one cycle. P. Yeah, no, I know. You mean, it's just weird to. It's. It's actually the. The thing that leads the cycle. So it's just weird for at least the cycle. But I'm saying percentage. I understand. Yes. Like, like bitcoin supposed to safest.

General Economic Context and Opinions

You know, you're either a little bit. More risky assets supposed to do a six x. So when bitcoin does a four x from the bottom and you. And you do a two and a half, and then you fucking dumped a 50, 60% from the highs when the. When the dip may just be getting started. Not a great look. And you got an ETF now and nobody cares. That's. That's like the. The tough thing. I do think, though, that there, you know, the ETF will be good in all serious.

Iran's Potential Actions and Market Impacts

Nick, you know, I'd love to hear from Nick on. On everything here what you think is going to happen. You're going to place a bet on whether Iran shoots the missiles? Like, how are you going to. How you going to operate here? Well, the Iran thing, that one is curious to me. What is the act? Like, what's the upside here? Well, like, what are they gonna. What are they gonna do? I feel like, what are they gonna do? One of the things I heard was like, they're waiting because they're trying to combine forces, so they're trying to shoot missiles from Lebanon, from Syria.

Potential Retaliation Discussion

Not Syria. One other country. Iran and one other country. Basically one of the neighboring countries. Oh, I remember what it was. Libya. No, not Libya. I'll get you the name of whatever the other country was. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Hey. I didn't know kicks was going to go that hard. That was pretty good anyway. I mean, look, a. I don't even think any of that worship matters.

Current Economic State Observations

I think that's the. Of the. All of the things that are making a difference right now. I think that's the lowest. And what do you think? It was ridiculous that they were like, three things being, we need to. We need to communicate so we can overwhelm their. Their defenses and not know it's not Cyprus. I was going to be surprised if the people of Cyprus stopped making euros and just decided to, you know, coerce with Iran. Honestly, everyone just load up. Just load up right now.

Future Predictions on Economic Situations

It's time, baby. We're going to war. That really. It's like, yo, was this Sicily? And it's like, no, the Italian region of Sicily is not participating with Iran in the. It was like an African country. I'm blanking on the name of the Libya. Tunisia. We can keep going. Jordan. Jordan's not in Africa. It's right there.

Social Media Commentary on Global Events

So anyway, look, so you got the conservative people on Twitter saying that this is just the world pricing that Kamala Harris presidency. Where you see that's. I don't think that's it either. I don't think it is. Everybody already is. These guys. These guys make on the timeline. Some people will make fun of ta. So bad when the hooties. Okay, we got it. It's.

Bitcoin's Market Status

Yeah, I kicks. I want to hear this. I want to hear this. Yeah. Obama bombed Yemen back in the day. Well, kicks, continue what you were saying. You say all the orphans are now military age. They're all using, like, 40 year old rockets. Yeah, well, those can still hit. So. Yeah. Anyways, people on the timeline, you know, they'll make fun of ta.

Technical Analysis and Market Predictions

But the nice thing about ta, she'll just be like, hey, the MACD curl on the monthly looks bearish. So I think the price is going to go down versus people that on the timeline are trying to figure out what's happening. They're like, this must because Donald Trump's going to win the election. Dude. No, come on. Like, are you. Are you really serious? Look at the stock market. Look at crypto under Biden.

Political Influence on Financial Systems

It did just fine. It's not like. And Kamala is apparently supposed to be more open to crypto, so that's why. I actually think the crypto. Everyone that's saying that, I've been thinking about taking the counter. So I think countering the timeline is basically always a good bet. And everyone that's bearish on the Democrats as it applies to crypto, I think will actually be wildly surprised by what ends up happening.

Presidential Influence on Economic Trends

And historically, I think the Democrats are usually better for the stock market. It didn't do poorly under Trump, but he also had to deal with COVID. So he actually did absolutely phenomenal under Trump. And so, yes, a virus magically released and wrecked the entire world economy and caused us to double the supply of money in six months. Right. But three out of the four presidents that under, like, as long as bitcoin is existed, three out of the four presidents have been Democrats.

Market Analysis and Predictions

So, yeah, Obama 2008, GFC rolled us out of that just fine. Yes, but, yeah, I don't think that's an issue at all, Nick. And I think you're right. I also don't think it's a regional war in fucking between Israel and Iran. I don't think that's what's doing it either. I think it's something else for sure. It's the fact that the Japanese sushi trade.

Market Reactions to Global Tensions

Yeah. Or the fact that last week, all of a sudden, people are starting to panic. They're like, oh, wow. All of these, all of these big companies are coming out. Like, Walmart's. Like, we can't get fucking people to buy furniture. Like, they literally said that in their thing. Like, we can't. Like, they can't figure out how to get. We've been in a recession.

Consumer Behavior and Market Predictability

Like, we just refused to admit it. It's like, dude, people are still having paycheck to paycheck. The average consumer spend has been largely declining despite what, like, we continue to change the numbers of. They changed what the definition of a recession was because we were in one. And they're like, we have. We just.

Consumer Spending and Economic Indicators

We can't admit this right now. Like, we just need the number to. Keep going up 100% in the nineties. They. Oh, sorry. Say, go ahead. So I just say, I'm totally agreeing with what kicks and easy is saying and how that is being reflected is the numbers are coming out. Everything lags.

Economic Indicators Discussion

So the numbers that were coming out last week is starting to show this. And we've just had this culmination that it just so happens this weekend. We've had the weak numbers last week, plus we've had this war thing, plus we've had the Japanese thing. But I actually agree with you guys. Isn't nothing to do with Japan, is nothing to do with Iran. It is more about the numbers, which are reflecting what's happening now.

Consumer Trends and Market Fluctuations

And it's all been priced in with this. This weekend's news. And it all seems like this big culmination. It's doomsday event, but it's not actually as bad as it seems. Yeah, exactly. People are buying fucking McDonald's anymore, dude. People aren't buying McDonald's anymore.

McDonald's Price and Customer Behavior

Okay, dude. A meal, you guys, at McDonald's is dollar 37. It used to be like $6.80 for four people. You could get like 60 chicken nuggets, four mcDoubles. Can barely get a double quarter pounder with cheese. Americans gonna, like, survive without the McDonald's price going down so real quick.

Market Conditions and Consumer Struggles

90% of Americans have been struggling for the last two years. Yeah. The 10% America runs on Dunkin Nick. So real quick. Well, first of all, this meme I thought was funny and I sent it to Ray. I'm a big fan of this meme in general with the. Be honest, be honest. Thank you.

Humor in Economic Discourse

It's the David Beckham meme, ladies and gentlemen, from the documentary. The truth is, nobody knows. That's number one. Nobody knows even after the fact. And then the other thing is that, and this isn't an I told you so thing or anything like that, but if you are listening to people that talk about a essentially monetary theory, right, which, guess what, a lot of people that study bitcoin talk about monetary theory because bitcoin was created to be, you know, effective money, right?

The Fed's Role in Economic Stability

Is that the actions of the fed, they weren't going to just fix it, man. They just weren't going to fix it. It wasn't going to happen at any point. So the United States is essentially going to have to deal with prices being higher for longer. In other words, a new standard of living in the United States that we haven't seen because of the mismanagement of the monetary system.

Inflation and Management of Economic Systems

And guess what? No human being is qualified to manage the monetary system. So now the Fed just did not cut rates. They're probably going to have to do an emergency cut. Now. They look like idiots. They look, it's preposterous. If they have to do that emergency cut, that is embarrassing AF, right, and yet inflation ain't going away.

Asset Management Strategies

The prices are still going to be higher, right? So you have to actually practice asset based saving if you want to survive. Like, you just have to. So just like the COVID crash resulted in essentially a v shaped recovery. If you look at the chart, it's a pretty aggressive recovery. I just think the same thing's going to happen here.

Future Market Predictions

And I wouldn't be surprised if bitcoins at like 80k by the end of this year. And on a day like today, people are going to be like, oh, he's out to lunch, he doesn't know what he's talking about. But people have such short memories. And four months, even though, even though four months is not a long time at all in the world of social media and Twitter and people gambling on coins with a one day time horizon, they think that, you know, four months is a long time.

Long-Term Market Outlook

Remember that I said this on today, on August 5, black Monday, whatever. Remember I said this in December? That's all I'm gonna say. Remember I said this. My, the biggest rallying nicely on market. Open what is about $2,000? Bitcoin's up to kids rallying on a. But it could go down another ten k today.

Market Speculation and Analysis

I'm not saying that it won't. That's not what I'm saying. I don't want if it goes down ten k, I don't want people be like, oh, Peele's great. I'm saying by December it could be 80k. Easy. Easy. But anyway, go ahead. By December, zero. So hold on 1 second. Zero. Next. Do you genuinely think by December it could be zero?

Commentary on Market Dynamics

Do you think it could be twice? That's fucking sarcastic statement. Let me move on with my statement. The, the. But this idea that, like, it's not a safe haven asset. Yes. It was 25k in September of last year. Would you rather have it have something that goes up two x in this period of time? I understand.

Continued Market Analysis and Discussions

It's been volatile for 72 hours. Whoa, whoa. It's not a safe haven. We have the han. I'm just going to move on from this. We have this conversation every time there's a crash. The same thing happened when it went to. Everyone said it's not a safe haven asset. If you bought it at 16k, it's at 50 now.

Safe Haven Asset Criteria

You just have to wait. If you just hold it forever and you don't plow an ass load of money into it in one shot, unless it's a day like today when it's probably a pretty good day to plow an ass load of money into it. A safe haven asset means money should be flowing to the asset today.

Investor Sentiment and Market Movements

The price is going down. So obviously people don't perceive it as a safe haven asset because it should be going up today. Am I, am I taking crazy pills? I'm buying a ton of uranium today. You guys can buy. Po is actually objectively wrong.

Asset Definitions and Market Perspectives

Okay. Safe haven asset is a financial instrument that's expected to retain or even gain value during periods of economic downturn. Speaker one. Okay. We've basically been an economic downturn for a year. Easy is pointing out that they're changing the rules on recession. It was 25k in September.

Conversations on Market Definitions

We have the same conversation every time the market crashes. I don't think it's necessary to cover it. The whole crypto Twitter audience will be on your guys side, by the way. So you have the whole thing because they're like, it's crashing. It's bad.

Market Trends and Responses

It's so bad it's going to zero. And that's why they don't have an asshole to bitcoin and they're not going to get rich. Like, if they do end up changing their tune and approaching it that way, they will. I'm just saying in December. Know that by the definition, it's definitively not a safe haven asset.

Safe Haven Asset Debate

Like, literally, by definition it is not a safe haven asset because it's actually positively correlated with the market. To make you happy. Sure. Monday, August 5 black Monday. To make you happy. Sure. Monday, August 5 I said by December it totally could be eighty k.

Market Expectations and Future Predictions

And I wouldn't be surprised at all. And I'm not worried at all. I'm not worried at all. I'll take the asset that goes from 50k, by the way. 50k from 25 in September up to, by the way, when the Silicon Valley bank collapse happened, it did go up like that day.

Market Movements and Volatility

Like it pumped hard on the back of that. It's a brand new asset. It's literally the new version of money. After thousands of years of not having a digital version of money, there's gonna be a little bit of volatility. Every time there's a crash.

Consistent Market Conversations

We have the same conversation. You guys can have whatever take you on 80k by December. Said it. No problem. That's all I'm gonna say. I think it pumps. I'm just situation but kicks. I'm just really upset.

Bitcoin's Short-Term Challenges

Every crash, same combo. Good. I even have said of us, my USD beyond blast deep pegged last night. I'm how hard did it get back? No. Blast is a safe haven. Blast is a safe haven blast dollars went from ninety nine cents to eighty seven cents before.

Market Dynamics and Economics

What's it at right now back up to $0.99. It's backed by dai, which is totally fine. But for some reason, do these safe haven assets continue to have issues? So like, I look at it from a broader background standpoint, the Japanese yen safe haven asset, it only goes down Singaporean dollars.

International Currency Analysis

Safe haven asset can finally spend those this year when we're in Singapore, I'm living like a king. Dude. I'm excited. I forgot about that. We're literally going to Singapore. You have. You're uniquely equipped for the trip to Singapore.

Travel Plans and Optimism

That's actually really funny. Well, look, Nick, what would you like to talk about? Anything at all safe haven assets or what would you like to talk about? Polymarket safe haven bets literally about to. Get rate cuts, which is clean.

Market Predictions and Economic Changes

That's going to beautiful. Well, here's the one thing that though. That I think the vic just a frame it. The vix hasn't been this high only two times in history. Covid and great financial system is breaking. When it was a good time to buy stocks, by the way.

Investment Strategy and Market Timing

So I have, by the way, I went to bed, I threw it at least another ten k just to like enclosed my eyes. One of those things was bitcoin. This the quote, safe haven asset. The thing I was bitcoin at $300. If you had just never sold it would have gone from $300 up to 70,000 and now 50,000 people dollar cost average.

Investment Strategies Over Time

Ok, so it wasn't like everyone ape all of it in at that one particular time. But anyways, the thing I was going to say one factor here where everyone's like just lower interest rates. There was a whole other factor where we gave every American thousands of dollars, I believe twice.

Stimulus Impact on Markets

Yes, money printer went brrr. But it was different. That's not what's happening this time. So to give every American, what's that? Direct stimulus. In other words, literally giving cash like a check to a citizen.

Consumer Responses to Economic Stimuli

That was like not even that. They, they paid the domino's delivery guy who was making $15 an hour. They paid him $30 an hour and enhanced unemployment to stay home. And so what do you think the Domino's delivery driver did? He fucking bought nfts and traded crypto.

Market Dynamics and Capital Movement

You're 100% out of those. Rate cuts are not bullish. Everyone that says rate cuts are bullish. No, look at the actual charts. You're so wrong. You're wrong. I think you're wrong. I think. I think you're wrong because my statement next time, all right, we're getting into this right here, right now because I've been, dude kicks has been yapping on the timeline and it's really pissing me off.

Ongoing Market and Political Commentary

It's really getting me angry. He's complaining about the wag me up, only boys saying he was bearish since May. Well, listen, kicks, I'm done with the shit. Okay, so the rate cut situation, I think that you're right. Sure was right.

Market Predictions and Expectation

No, he wasn't. He got liquidated. If you get liquidated, you're wrong. That's simple. Entire stack. But you're wrong. Like, that's as simple as it gets. Super quick before you finish. Easy Ansem out of one of the funniest tweets I've ever seen from him.

Social Media and Current Events

I'm not like this huge ansem fanboy, but he, quote, tweeted a tweet that said, Iran says that they will make an attack on Israel no later than Wednesday. And he just wrote like, the fuck kind of war strategy is this? I got a big kick out of that.

Humor in Political Commentary

That's weird. I'm gonna punch you in the face the day after tomorrow right when you get out of work. It's like, well, thanks for telling me. I'll be right. The US has done that for a while as well.

Political Strategy and Communications

Like, we, like, announced, they're like, they, like, they like send over the media and they're like, okay, what you're about to watch here is one of the most epic attacks that we've planned. Basically, when went to go attack Iraq, it was. What was that? What was the phrase that was used? Shock and awe.

Memorable Political Moments

I remember when they were like, get ready for the shock and on. They're like, all right, everybody, set up the cameras. We're going to go with the multi-pronged attached to capture this shock and awe moment of when we're going to slaughter a bunch of those innocent people.

Continuation of Political Analysis

Anyway, easy. Let you finish. And then I know Nick wanted to get some stuff. Short term, I think rate cuts are bullish. Long term? Yes. For the first x amount of weeks, call it two to three months, it's bearish because it's unwinding of capital and lending and all this other shit that has to go on.

Market Dynamics and Interest Rates

But what it does is it doesn't incentivize people to take out more money to spend more money. So, like from. Pull out. Pull up my chart kicks. I know what you're talking about, but I also know what easy is talking about. What is he talking about, though?

Stock Market Forecasts

Because look at the numbers, okay? 2000 rate cuts start happening, the market completely fucking crashes. It doesn't stop crashing till they have cut all the rates all the way down. 2008, the rate cuts precede the fucking giga crash.

Analysis of Rate Cuts Impact

Yeah, but it only bottoms once. The rate cutting is all once it goes to zero. Certainly. Yes. Once the rates go to fucking zero and people can borrow literally free money. Yes. Then the market goes.

Economic Principles and Market Movement

Anyways. Go ahead. I know what you're saying, kicks, but when you look at the last era of rate cuts, like the COVID kind of rate cuts, it did end up being bullish, like in a big way.

Direct Responses to Economic Changes

Real quick, Ray, could you pull up Joe McCann's twitter? He just retweeted me, no big deal. Because his.

Discussion on Economic Predictions

His saying is very spot on. His trademark saying of recession or dog coins to a trillion. These are the two scenarios. You're either going to have a full tilt recession or your dog coins are going to a trillion in market cap. And it's true. And basically, the bet that him that Mike Alfred are making is that the Fed and the us government will not allow a recession. Tweeting, quoted him no more. You're like. And he claimed to own thought. That's right. So look at. Look at the Mike Alfred tweet real quick. That's the sound of the money printers warming up. They won't allow this to get much worse in an election year. The fed always intervenes, and as always, bitcoin fixes this. I mean, it's just. That's true. And yet every time there's a crash, we have an identical conversation every single time where people equate bitcoin and crypto. That's another thing that they do. They call it crypto. The reality is, look, if you had a bunch of meme coins, then I'm not surprised that you might have gotten absolutely wiped out.

Personal Experience with Investments

I have meme coin exposure, so that obviously didn't go well. It's a small part of my portfolio. This is a bitcoin cycle, and bitcoin costs 50 grand right now. And maybe it goes to 30 grand in the next 24 hours, 20k off the top, you know, still higher than it was in September of last year. Crazy. Okay, apart from bitcoin, then what are we buying in this buying opportunity, as Nick was calling it? Why. But why is your first thought apart from bitcoin? Why is the first thought apart from just. We've just been. We've just spent literally 45 minutes talking about bitcoin. So obviously it's on the shopping list. No. Radium. I bought $10,000 of radium at 04:30 a.m. this morning. What's right. I had to. I just have to DCA on it, dude. It's what is right out right now. To be honest, I barely even looked at it because I'm like, it's down 18%. Jupiter's down 14%. I like 25%. It's down 25%.

Investing in Radium and Jupiter

Okay. It's $1.32. Radium. I like radium better than Jupiter. Yeah. Which is Jupiter, probably. Jupiter probably has some positive short term price action because they got that 30% decrease in circulating supply, which is good. But I still like the beta plays to Seoul shadow Jupiter radium with a big three that I kept looking at, and I was like, yeah, I want more of these personally, because if Seoul continues to rally, which I think Seoul is going to continue to be the winner of this cycle, those beta plays are the ones that end up continuing to trend. Still daily buying near. Still daily buying. Avax, terribly down on those as well. But I just saw the Becker show for Avax, so I'm like, that's beautiful. Let's go with that. But, yeah, even here, like, pump fund, I still believe in this meme coin super cycle. And every pump fund migrates to radium. So inherently, that leads to fees, which inherently leads to burn.

The Resilience of Meme Coins

So I still think me, dude, even yesterday I watched multiple people hit five sold to 100 sold profits on meme coins while the market literally imploded. Like, that is. If that's still happening, the meme coin super cycle is still extremely valid to me. Yeah, I mean, look, these incredibly high risk plays, like radium and jupe. I like it. Today's a good day to buy them. There's. There's very few days that are going to better than a day like today to get into some of those things. What other really high risk plays are we thinking about? I'm down literally, like, 40% from when I bought it the other day. I was like, man, I want to get some of this, like, Jupin radio. 54% on the 25 grand I bought. I looked up, I was like, dude, how the. How the hell is this thing? $12,000. This was significantly more five days ago. It's really high risk.

Investing Strategy and Capital

It's one node on a network. It's versus buying the entire network. It's super duper high risk, but high risk, high reward. So there's a. There's one, I think either OSF rector or Mando said that this was, like, 80% of their portfolio right now. It's the token called JLP. That's Jupiter liquidity provider. So it's Jupiter's. It's. It's their fee generator for their perps and platform fees. So they use fees that they earn from Jupiter to buy back and burn the supply. So it's what they refer to as, like, a secondary token, which is my concern for Jup. The actual token is that they also have this JLP, which is more concentrated to perps. Yeah. And you get a 74% apy on it. And it, like, the allocation on it is like 44% Solana, 10% e, 10% bitcoin, 26% USDC, and, like 9% USDT.

Performance and Market Concerns

So you. You get some major exposure and you also get some sealed. A couple of thoughts real quick. First of all, what focus setting is on your camera? Is it manual? You guys bought me a. You guys bought me a fucking hard zoom camera. They can't literally fucking adjust. So my whole life has changed. Every single fucking call I hop on and every single. You know, this cost me more business than me owning android for ten years. It's a prime. It's. It's called the prime lens. No, it's fine. I was just putting it here so I'm blurred out now I'm right here. I'm fine. You look great. Your framing is actually my favorite out of everybody's. Yours is literally my favorite now. It's good. I like kicks as framing. It's very cinematic. I'm a big fan of the way it works.

Concerns About Token Issuance

So anyway, JLP over Jupiter's very interesting to me. JLP over Jupiter. I was not paying attention to this one. Looks like I fucking missed that opportunity. But it's even not down that bad today. On a relative basis, it's down 7.4%. It has like 30% of its port, its bag in. Course, it's not fucking down. Like, unless the stable coin deep pegs, it's not going to take a kick to the dick that hard. Like, that's the main thing. The other side of it is, like, you have inherent exposure to soul and Eth. The east exposure is my main concern because I think Eth is going to seriously lag. But Seoul, I think, is going to continue to trend up. And then on top of it, they buy back and burn the token as more people trade leverage.

Market Dynamics and Leverage Trading

And if you believe Sol's going to be a winner of this cycle, more people are going to trade Solana perps and more people are going to use Jupiter. It's not even about Solana being a winner this cycle. It's more so about being like our leverage traders, like net dumbasses. And that's probably a hell of a trade. Yes. You are the house. You are literally the house. Watching people blow up their portfolios. I like it. Yeah, that's a hell of a bowl case, kicks. You like that? You're going to get in. Yeah, dude. I mean, I lost six grand trading leverage last year. I'd love to be on the other side of that. To get the yield. No, you just buy it.

Reflection on Market Behavior

You just own it. It's based on how much their fees are generating and how much they're buying and burning to give you that yield. Why is the market cap only 39 million? Like, like, wouldn't they buy supply? It's based on the fully circulating supply. So. Yeah, no, there's good. But what? Why? Because more tokens will hit the market more JLP? Yeah. Wait, so how does that happen? It's higher white, it's fully diluted. Value is higher that. Not according to coin market cap. It says the fully diluted is 39 million. Let me take a look because I thought that was just circulating market cap. I'll take a look and circle back on that piece where the LP.

Skepticism Over New Tokens

Yeah, cuz that'd be dumb if people just get that token. Yeah. Someone says JLP shady. Now I'm feeling sketched in. There's fucking overhang. Well, yeah. Why is it only $39 million? Like there's shit coins with market caps more than this? I don't know. It's worth looking into at least. Right? Do your own research though, right? Do some analysis. I like what Ebring said. It's one of those hidden apy tokens where the math is so complex you can't understand how you're actually losing money real quick. I want to throw out one other thing because everyone's talking about the, like the election trade and like, I saw that tweetdeen. Why is that?

Evaluating Market Sentiment

Like, the amount of confidence that people have in these trades is hilarious? Because everybody's been wrong, like, across this entire thing is the. It's like. It's like, quote, we're in a bull market as the whole thing just has gone off a cliff since the top or down 50% from the top at this point in time. Is this the bottom? Is the 50% retracement the bottom? No, we got another 67% to go. What are you talking about? I just threw a number out there and was hoping you'd bite on it. But to be completely honest, I don't know. I'm buying here back under 130. Like, I'm buying more Solana. I like it. My target at 450 is a forex from here. Why not add a little bit more, you know, like my.

Ongoing Investment Strategy

What's. Well, I bought more last night. What? What's the. What's the. And it's. I keep just buying crypto habitually, including bitcoin, Solana, and obviously Avax. No, I'm kidding. I actually didn't add Solano is $23 in October. The fact that it's at 122 is incredible. That's actually not like a great statement, though, for it, like, meaning that it was at 23 in October. No, I'm not saying it's overpriced at all. I'm just saying if shit goes to shit, it can definitely go to 77. So just be ready to, you know, like, po. Be fucking giggling, laughing. Yeah. Kicks. This is gone to shit.

Market Volatility and Speculation

Like, you're like. Like you just started. Okay, so the Vix has now gone up. What? You said there were three occasions when it's been higher than. I heard you say something earlier, and you only said two times, and this is now the third time. And Solana is holding over 100. That's pretty darn good. Yeah, it's a lot better than the. It's a lot better than the ethi hole signal. Exactly, exactly. And for me, it's like, Solana is, like, the most obvious buy here. It's the most obvious buy. It was, like, five days ago. Is marching towards 200. I was slightly nervous about the bet. But you can short the Vix with a million different products on each radar.

Trading Experience Sharing

Every time I bought these products, I've just lost money. No matter what. Like, put on, you go long, it goes down. You go short, it goes down. Do it. Hear me out. Let's get an eye training against, like. And, like, Billy Simons, like, that are sitting in a room together, fucking drinking. What was the first name? Wang. Wong. Billy Simons sitting in a fucking room, just the two of them. And they actually understand how they probably manage 40, $50 billion of Vix options every day, and they're just going to eat your lunch and be like, look at this idiot. Yeah. I love you, Nick, though.

Acknowledging Previous Trades

I don't think you're an idiot. Anyway. Yeah. I've always lost money on VIX, too. Solana being at 123 today, in all seriousness, I mean, we are. What was the local top this cycle for salon? It was over $200, right? Almost 220. I think it was, like 226. That's crazy. So you're at 123 today? I was 198, as kicks pointed out. I totally think that this could crash even harder because it's more risk, more reward, the further down the risk curve beyond bitcoin. And Solana has essentially shown the most strength besides bitcoin this cycle, consistently.

Future of Solana and Market Potential

And so, yeah, it could definitely go down further, but I think it snaps back hard. As every single time we've seen any kind of rally, Solana seems to be the strongest. I don't really know why that would change. So many exciting things are happening on Solana. It's a phenomenal user experience for crypto. I mean, look, I was doing some eat stuff over the past week, and it's just like, good God, how much? How much money and fees do I have to pay? Holy shit. It's so much money. All of, like, the cool new dapps are on or on Solana. It's just facts.

User Experience in Crypto Ecosystem

And once again, I'm allowed to say this because I own way more ethereum than I do Solana. So I'm allowed to make fun of myself. It's legal. I've looked it up. Okay. And to signals point, if you want to buy something right now, Solana is a great buy. Definitely. I am just questioning the if part of that statement, meaning that, you know, you may have a better opportunity to buy in, but why don't you just. That's the main part of DCA ing is like, why not take a small portion of the available funds you have and slowly deploy? Like, I'm not saying full port this shit right now.

DCA Strategy Reflection

Yeah, what happened to that, the. The transformation that you went through where you were DCA'danous? Me? Yeah. There was a moment where you're like, I'm not doing this anymore. I'm buying for the long term. What happened? So fucker dumped on our heads in March and said, peace out, idiots. I'm done. All right, my bad. I know. You're like, did you actually sell a bunch in March? May. Sell a may. Go away, Nick. Nick. I said it like I was most. You were on the show multiple times. I think you made fun of me once. Call me an idiot.

Recalling Past Trades and Investments

I called you an idiot. Yeah, stupid. You stupid idiot. Never come on my show again. Done with that take, you dumbass? Okay. Verbatim. Well, you're looking at the transcript. No, I still own a lot of crypto. I have 40% cash. I sold some ETH between 3000, 303,500. I sold all my fucking alts in June because I was like, this is. This is like retrace all season. This is like round trip. My ronin, my prime, my everything. Dumped out all of that. Did some stupid shit with meme coins. And Solana lost five grand.

Personal Losses and Lessons Learned

Lost five grand on blast. Fucking believed in something. That was dumb. Never believe in something. Never fall in love. Well, the thing is, if you call a spade in crypto, if you go that far down the risk curve, you actually are forced to sell because of how disrespectful the market is. You know, unless, for example, like, Solana. I could see Solana, you know, over the next seven years, really getting to a special level, in my opinion. I actually do think that I could, you know, that you could see that where it's like, let's say Solana goes to dollar 500 or something.

Price Predictions and Market Behavior

This, right? And then it crashes all the way to, I don't know, $180 or something, $140. Afterwards, everyone's gonna be like, you should have sold at 500. But then if it rallies to 1500 in the next cycle, it's kind of like you kind of should have just bought more Solana that whole time and just held it the whole time. But the thing is, when you start getting into things like Ronin, where. Which I own some ronin, right? Where you're so deep down the risk curve, you're betting on like one network in the crypto gaming sphere that's already actually had a failure, like the axie or a full like, explosion, and then subsequent failure with axie infinity, you're basically almost always going around trips.

Risk and Speculation in Crypto Gaming

Same thing with nfts. And with nfts, like pudgy penguins went from three to 21, right? Three aetherium to 21 aetherium when ETH was 3800. no, wasn't. These were worth like seventy five k at one point in time. And I remember in my head I. Said, you mean last I fucking good. Time to this cycle, they went up to being worth about 75 grand. I was like, in my head I was like, this is when I should sell. And then I was like, well, what if these things go past 100k?

The Psychology of Selling

Famous last words that. With something as risky as nfts, that's for sure. Famous last words. Because you're like making a crazy bet. You're saying I'm gonna squeeze out another 25k between seventy five k and one hundred k, right? Like, that's kind of crazy. Yeah. But in the moment, I totally understand. I'm not saying you're crazy. I'm saying that can happen. And now I think pudgy penguins are at like seven and a half or eight eth right now. So you get a big. Right around there. So that's like almost a full round trip.

Market Trends and Trading Experiences

You had to be really early to buy them at three. I love kicks his performance right now. You had to be really early to buy them at three. So when you go that deep down the risk curve in crypto, if you don't sell, you often will get punished with a round trip. For sure. For sure. And if. But if you fucking suv. My wife wants big one, they're not cheap. But by the same token, if you adopt that mentality and apply it, you know, 100% to the whole crypto ecosystem, and you sell all your Solana at $500, and then Solana pulls back to $180 and you don't massively buy back in, and then the next cycle it goes to $2,000, that can be just as painful, right?

Exit Strategies for Investments

It just depends on if something's the real deal or if it's so deep down the risk curve that you're essentially too early for it to have a real assignable value, is the way that I kind of think about, you got. To have an exit plan. You got, depending on what it is. You'Re that far down the risk curve. Yes. You got to have a yes. Hey, this is. Is when I say signora, and if people make fun of me or get mad, sign. That's fine. And actually, Nick, apparently you helped me more times than you made fun of me. Ebrink says, remember when next was going to sell kicks was going to sell all of us sold at $80, and that's when they called him stupid and talked him out of it.

Reflections and Recollections

So, actually, thank you. There you go. I did so, yeah, that was during epic boring. That was a good time. I got a clip. I'm went, I got a clip. I want to go take off my phone and publish. Still pressing. Publish, baby. I'm just saying that you got to flip me today. I'm leading the impression count personally cooking. You can. You can catch up. Are you catch up, maybe. His. His solana loaded million tweet banger last night. Dude, come on. Sorry. Well, man, what happened? Sorry, my phone went off the rails there. The.

Market Reactions to Tweets

The non crypto Twitter found my loan tweet last night about me taking out a loan to buy Solana and saying 200 with haste, and then decided all, call me an idiot for about, dude. Rage bay. Rage made real, dude. So I just obviously, quote, tweeted it. I just, quote, tweeted it and said, oh, I'm fucked. And that also ran. So I'm up to, like, a clean two mil, I guess, you know, like, nothing crazy. That's beautiful. Like you today, everyone's calling me an idiot. A lot of people are telling me, why did you do this? Little do they know. Habitual top signal.

Emotional Responses to Market Changes

Yeah, it did pretty well. And, Ray, thanks for bringing up some past trauma. So when Nick bought his crypto punk, I bought a v one crypto punk to troll him, and it was a female version of his crypto punk, and I wanted to be his wife on the timeline. And I did it, the joke, for about two weeks, and then I forgot to sell, and I checked in on v one crypto punks, and they're down 85%. I'm looking at our ordinals quickly. I thought it was a store of value. People were like, these are pre crypto punks. This is the store of value.

Assessing Value in New Market Trends

So I'm pulling up ordinals, guys, real quick. Because the one thing. So ordinals as a protocol, I've gone on record several times discussing how important it was to bitcoin. Not that ordinals itself is going to be the long, a long term solution on bitcoin, but rather than what ordinals showed, the rest of the ecosystem that you could effectively do with bitcoin is very important. So I view ordinals as important. But when I looked at all the projects on ordinals, I thought that they were quite esoteric and that they would only be attractive to people that were already essentially balls deep in the space.

Conclusion on Investment Decisions

And that's why I never really, like. I bought a pizza ninja. My buddy Trevor, I minted node monkeys are at 0.093. Holy. I wanted to point that out. So, dude, how high do you. Yeah, because remember when the timeline was gaslighting people at like? .75 they're like, Europe. Yeah. They're so dumb for not buying these. You're so dumb for not. Why wouldn't you have bought one of these? You're so dumb. I still dump on those fucking losers, you know, monkey losers. How did you not get thesis? Oh, look at you.

The Value of Savings for Future Generations

You can give that to your grandchild one day and say, hey, I saved on this sat for you, buddy. Those will be whatever the most recent one is. Sorry, just real quick, those did. Those are only down about 50%. Comparatively. They've held much better than the rest of the ordinals. I will give them that credit also.

Preserving Success Stories of Penguin Investments

Well, I was going to say there will be at least one of those projects that is actually going to do well, because I remember it was sideways summer. I want to say last year? Yeah, so 2020. Yeah, so 2023 or could have been the year before. And that's when Spencer bought all the penguins. And I mean, all the penguins. He bought them, and that was when the penguins were really not doing that much. I think he bought them for like two or three. I want to say, like, his average buy was. But, yeah, between like three, four eth or something. And then penguins did that insane run that kicks was just talking about.

Future Predictions for Successful Projects

And so I feel like. I don't know which one it's going to be, but the. There's always at least one of these projects one of these chains that sits at these ridiculous valuations. And for some reason, if you're able to identify what that is and you have a long term outlook of like, twelve to 18 months, you'll see an absolute tear on that particular project. The tough part is obviously identifying what it is, but it's always in these kind of conditions that some of these projects have been oversold. And whoever is the leader of that project is able to turn around. And I do think there is another pudgies out there, but you have to think twelve to 18 months and across any chain. I'm not just saying it's on eth.

Cryptocurrency's Potential Across Different Platforms

It could be on ordinals, it could be on Solana. Yeah, I agree with you, sig. It's just so hard to find what that is. Dude, it might be retardios on Solana, maybe. I still like ordinals. I still think ordinals were super cool. I just think if you look at who got lifted as the leaders of that space last year, you could probably write the writing on the wall. Not all of the leaders, I'm saying some of the people. And you're like, oh, like. And then they started pushing these runes super, like, super hard. It just looked like everybody was trying to just, like, overplay it. When in reality, ordinals are just cool for being ordinals.

The Ongoing Appeal of Ordinals and Market Reality

Dude, owning an on chain, NFT on bitcoin is fucking cool. And I think ordinals will still. I still hold all my ordinals. I think ordinals will be cool on a long term time duration. I just think it got caught in what all NFTs get caught in, whether it's fucking ens domains, whether it's this or whatever, it's that. You get these, like, bull poster to the moons and everybody else hops in with them and tries to take it to absurd levels and it just corrects. But ordinals will make a comeback for sure.

A Light-Hearted Conclusion to the Discussion

Well, there you go. Well, look, ladies and gentlemen, that's our show, black Monday here. Everyone's still alive. We got it. We got to get the bike pump out, dude, bitcoins about to get back to 54. Look at that. Holy shit. We gotta pump it up. Gotta pump it up. I thought I was gonna pump it up. Gotta pump it up. It's. Where's that bike pump at, Nick? Get it. No, by definition it's not a safe. It is not safely going up. It's crashing.

Market Sentiments and Future Expectations

It's just your overall attitude is going up, basically. But you'll never realize that or acknowledge it. I'll see you at 80k by December. Anyway, look, ladies and gentlemen. You'Re not going to be at the safe haven club because you don't think it's a one. So you're not invited. I'm opening the safe Haven club. Nick and signal are not invited. Signal can redeem herself. Absolutely. Thousand percent. I would love to extend an invite to signal.

Emotional Responses in Market Movements

Apparently we're like, there's a few of us that are actually emotionally attuned with what's going on in the market. I'd say that signal and I are way more emotionally better to be down when the market's down and up when the market's up. Or is it better to be up when the market's down so you can actually take advantage of it? I think that's a pretty though. But then when it's at all time highs, you should be pissed off, Bo, because you should be like this fucking bullshit because. Exactly. And that is how I am.

Reflections on Bitcoin Investment Strategies

I literally, I've been feeling fucking love that. You should write a book like, kind of like called I'm a dumbass. I'm gonna make a book cover with me. Just dumbass. The secrets of holding bitcoin for years and IQ curve. And it's you and all three parts of the IQ curve just in different outfits and say like something like, you know, you're in the wrong business if you can't be emotionally tuned with the market, baby.

The Importance of Emotional Attunement in Trading

Basically like. Because what it comes across as is arrogant, it comes across, it's just high friction. It just pisses people off. No one likes that. But you think you're having a rough. Day, amigo, but you know, there's nothing that's going to get me down when I got 54k bitcoin right in my pocket right now. It's literally in my pocket. I'm gonna play pocket pool with this shit. Anyway, look, ladies and gentlemen, that's our show today.

Market Opportunities and Emerging Trends

Quickly, the show is brought to you in partnership with Ten sir, the leading Solana NFT marketplace. There is no question that there are opportunities right now on Tensor to buy nfts that are going to ten x 50 x 100 x. It's insanely difficult to figure out just which one. But Tensor gives you all the tools to be able to do that. You can look at very, there's very complex tools when it comes to charting nfts, trailblazing, you know, tools that are being built by a tech focused team over at Tensor.

The Growth and Impact of the Tensor Marketplace

When we first started working with Tensor, they only had a few employees. The platform was essentially built by Ilya and Richard, two really sharp young guys from Canada. Shout out to Canada and the crypto community from Canada. These days, they have a big ass team. I don't know if they want me to declare the exact amount of employees that they have, but they've grown quite a bit. They're all about providing holder value.

Tensor's Commitment to Its Users

If you're a tensorian, Holder, tensorian. A very notable Solana NFT project. They've done cool stuff like funneled font, funneled mint funds back to holders. I got a little tongue tied there. But anyway, make sure you follow them on Twitter. The platform is tensor trade. Big shout out to tensor, the leading NFT marketplace on Solana. Big fan. One of our best partners. Been working with them all year. Can't wait to keep working with them.

Community Engagement and Market Dynamics

This guy seems like a bitcoiner right here. This guy, cyber alchemist, is going hard at Nick. Cyber alchemist. You don't have to go hard at Nick. It's okay. Nick is very volatile. Hold on. To be fair, this is the only person that's backed po in the comments. Dude, the thing is like, if someone's, like, upset with the things that I'm saying right now, it's unrealistic that they're just holding a bar.

The Impact of Insensitivity in Market Discussion

Not going to. Because what you're saying, it's because of your insensitivity. Dude, I'm not your. I'm not like, I'm not here to pat you on the head and be like, it's okay, buddy. Well, it is going to be ok. I got a. I got a segment. We need to bring on five college professor or PhD economists and then have po explain to them why bitcoin is a safe haven asset for 15 minutes, and then they each get a reply in a two minute response.

Challenging Academic Perspectives

The sad thing is that I'll probably body them, and that's actually a huge fucking problem. That's literally a problem that I would just murder. Normies. Come on. And Po explains it to them and see. Are you more or less likely to buy bitcoin now after speaking with Po? No, I. PhD economists, dude. I got. I got out of. I got the realtor that helped me and my mom close on the house.

Personal Experiences with Bitcoin Advocacy

I couldn't get him to buy bitcoin. I couldn't get him to do it. But what did he buy? He plowed tens of thousands of dollars into Solana. So, like, let's go. I mean, that is an orange pill of sorts. Like, is he down 50% down now? But. But I love that story, dude. He's probably down. What happened? I got him to buy it at the literal top, and he's down 40%.

Lessons from Market Experiences

Well, the other thing is that he should have bought the safe haven asset. That was his lesson. He should have bought bitcoin. I try to convince him he'd be. Down on bitcoin, too, because these assets go down most of the days of the year, which I've talked about on this show before, and I had ray pull data on, and we literally have the spreadsheet of data that literally just shows these assets go down most days of the year.

Understanding Bitcoin's Market Behavior

Bitcoin only goes up in a meaningful way, like twelve or 13 days per year. You have to understand that's how the asset behaves. You don't have to ask, why does it do that? Why? I need to understand. Nobody knows why the cyclical nature of an insanely complex asset like bitcoin works exactly the way that it is. What you can do is you can recognize the cyclical nature of it and the way that it's going to operate and realize, timing this thing's fucking impossible.

The Importance of Holding

If you think you're going to time any of this crypto shit, it's basically impossible. So all you can do is hold. You have to hold. Nick, let me have it. Let's hear what you're laughing at. 1 second. It's this. This 1 second. Here we go. Dude. This is good. Hold one sec. Ready for this? I saw this one. Make it full screen. This is wicked funny.

Closing Thoughts and Community Reflections

I like this one. That guy had a tough go of it. That guy had a tough go of it. That guy, dude, that guy had a tough go of it. What the hell? We're watching a guy on the screen. Try it. What do you call this thing? High jump? Pole vault. Sorry, pole vaulting. And this guy's the opposite of the big dick, dude. Yeah, yeah.

Laughter Amidst Market Challenges

This guy's got a tiny dick, so get it up. So, ladies, gentlemen, watching a video, maybe. Dick was so big it weighed him down. Yeah, that is possible. Kicks, before we wrap. What's up? Just saying, if you believe Donald Trump, getting elected makes the price go up, probably the economy crashing will increase his chances of being elected. So you can go buy your safe haven asset safely today.

Concluding Remarks on Market Sentiment

I love the positivity there. See, look, man, I gotta go. Everyone's gotta go. Everyone. I don't gotta go. Okay, I'm gonna take my two minutes. Me and kicks are staying on for two minutes. I'm starting to get a permanent, like, blood discoloration on my nose from wearing nose strips for too long. So I'm trying to get them off earlier. All right, so I got closing thoughts here with kicks, because this is a special day, a black Monday esque day after a gnarly weekend.

Market Reactions and Historical Context

And look, ladies and gentlemen, if you don't want to hear me and kicks, have a discussion for two minutes here, feel free to take off. I totally understand the show is an entire team effort. But my position is, if you're panicked when these crashes happen, I don't understand why because how many 80% plus drawdowns have we seen in the history of bitcoin? And by the way, safe assets, or assets that are more established, like Amazon, for example, publicly traded company, one of the biggest companies in the world, have also experienced 80 plus percent drawdowns.

Bitcoin's Historical Fluctuations

So we didn't even experience anything like that today. And we're looking at bitcoin being up two x since last fall. Right. So you know this is going to happen. You know that bitcoin goes down more days out of the year than anything else. Like most of the days, 90 plus percent of the days in the year, bitcoin goes down. It does not go up, it goes down.

Investment Strategies and Market Behavior

So at any given time where you buy bitcoin, it's highly likely that you're going to be down on that investment, no matter how much it is, no matter when you bought it. No, if you're DCA, it doesn't matter. It's going to go down. So just accept that and understand that the extremely violent moves up are unpredictable. So you just have to be in the game yet it can't be sidelined because you're never going to be able to time it.

Coping with Market Volatility

That's my position. So I like days like this because quite frankly, just because I think they're fascinating. I think they're very interesting. And how bad can it really be. We could go down for the next three weeks. Like, who cares? Like, what does it matter? Like, just don't be overexposed to things that are literally going to go to zero.

Bringing the Community Together

Yeah, we got Mike defy pointing out bitcoin only goes up 15 days per year. We know that there's, like, 15 years of data. You can literally look it up. Ray looked it up in like, 2 hours. It's not bitcoin hours. Someone said, ghost skater said bitcoin hours. Bitcoin two minutes kicks. Anything you want to say? I'd love to discuss it.

Plans for Increasing Bitcoin Exposure

Yeah. I mean, personally, I think I want to increase my bitcoin exposure. That's part of the reason why I went into more cash, in May was I was like, hey, it would be great because I feel like it was a bummer. I missed. I had some, you know, financial thing I had to do. I didn't have the liquid. I did have the liquid. I just bet on eth.

Reflections on Past Investment Decisions

More than bitcoin mistake. You got to own your mistakes. I did that in January 2023, by the way. It's not, it's not a guaranteed mistake in the sense that there is absolutely a non-zero chance that eth aggressively outperforms for the rest of the cycle. So I do want to point that out. We have an ETF for it. It's underperformed thus far in the cycle. We see different assets over, you know, outperform in different legs.

Future Outlook for Cryptocurrency Assets

So I don't want to, like, dance on eats grave, but anyway, I do. No, I mean, I think it's fine. It's just. It's just, it didn't end up being a good trade relative to most other things you could have picked at that point in time, but that's fine. It went up. I made money, so I'm not complaining. Point being that I've been interested in trying to get a little bit more bitcoin allocation.

Market Conditions and Bitcoin's Evolution

So that's why I'm actually, even though my bags and other crypto I'm still holding are going down, I have cash to buy. So I would certainly love to buy some more bitcoin. One of the things that I think is, I think potentially because of bitcoin coming into, Wall street via the ETF and kind of coming into a little bit more mainstream adoption, maybe more than a little bit like Michael Dell and people like that, I saw the Vanek CEO, like, a 30% allocation to bitcoin.

Possible Changes in Bitcoin Market Dynamics

I think that the four-year cycle may be broken and not in a bad way, rather in a way, mature way. In a mature way. Exactly. So, like, when I look at, like, oh, could I get a better price on bitcoin? I'm not thinking bitcoin's gonna go to 16k. I'm talking more like it's gonna hit the moving average at 43, 45. And I can buy some there, right?

Projecting Bitcoin's Movement Patterns

And it may consolidate there for a little bit. Then it goes to 120, then it may go from 120 and slowly bleed down to 80, and then it goes to 200 from there. Right. But I think that bitcoin may be maturing and evolving out of this hyper volatile 80% drawdown, then 60 x increase, then 80% drawdown, then eight x increase, and 80% drawdown and forex increase.

Historical Context of Bitcoin's Evolution

I think that, you know, the biggest thing that happened in 2022 and 2023 was kind of the bitcoin going from being like, this mount Gox, this. This FTX kind of thing to, like, this Vanek, you know, Wall street, you know, you're hearing about, like, a legitimate financial product. Like Larry Fink, Jan Vanek, Larry Fink. These are the names now.

Market Reactions to Institutional Involvement

Exactly. And so I think that the. That that's why, like, I think a lot of people got confused as to, like, why we didn't keep going from seventy k. I think the ETF broke the four-year cycle and pulled forward the returns ahead of the halving, you know, by a year and took it on an epic run. And so what may happen now is now we need a little bit of a correction.

Navigating the Correction Phase

You go from 70 to 45, and then you go from 45 to at 9100. And if you hold the whole time, the beauty of what Pio is saying, which is just hold the whole time, you don't have to play this game of, is the four-year cycle broken? Is it going to do this? Is it going to do that? If you just think four years, eight years, ten years from now, it's going to be massively up, then you can just happily hold and happily, you know, dollar cost average in I since I do like to play around in alts and other stuff like that under, like, trying to figure out the cycles and stuff like that is more important, right?

Lessons from Volatility and Investment Strategizing

Because then you can avoid getting completely fucking wrecked, because there's a lot of people out there that got hosed on fucking alts because they thought were about to go into up only mode Q three, Q four, and now they're down 60%. Well, the thing. Yes. So, like, people brought up Kobe in the crowd, in the audience, and obviously, look, Kobe is brilliant, right? And he has been in the game for like 15, basically 15 years.

Understanding Market Cycles and Their Impact

He's absolutely brilliant. He is a trader first. But look at this. So this, he's basically saying the bull market hasn't even started yet. This is like insane wisdom from Kobe. And I totally agree with him if. I said it, you actually completely agree too, right? 100% with the 2019 thing. Because 2019, you had the run up from the bottom, right? And then you had about a year of consolidation, and then you went on the giga run.

Key Comparisons and Reflections on Market Dynamics

And I think what's interesting to think about, right? Because in 2017, in December peaked at, like around 20k, right? Po. Let's call it 20k. Yeah, right there. Yep. And then June 2019 peaked at like 13k. Right. From a bottom of like 4.2. So, like 2.5 x up. Right. But where people got confused this time around is in 2019. It didn't retest all time highs.

Challenges in Predicting Bitcoin's Movement

Right? And this. If this is the 2019, why did we retest all time highs? My argument is that a, the money inflation that happened in 2022 and 2023 is not reflected in the price. Meaning that, like, this bitcoin price at 53k in 2020 one's money, this bitcoin's worth like 40k because of all the money inflation that happened.

Inflationary Effects on Bitcoin Pricing

Right, right. When taking dollars. Exactly. When did. Yes. The pumping was happening in 2020 and 2021, but it really got reflected in asset prices and, like, goods and stuff like that in 2022 is when it really came in. My point being is that if you factor in that, like, dollars are worth 50% less right now compared to 2021, or even 40% or 30% less, then this.

The Impact of Inflation on Market Trends

Actually, the chart looks exactly like 2019. And the point you're also making is essentially that money printer go Burr is not only good for bitcoin, but by the way, ladies and gentlemen, it's why bitcoin was invented. And I actually, I would really encourage people to look up the history of bitcoin before bitcoin. In other words, the 30 to 40 years that the, you know, the.

Historical Context of Cryptocurrency

The cypherpunks were looking to create technology based money. The wink of us twins actually put out a really good write up on the history before bitcoin that I read within, like, six to nine months of me first buying bitcoin back in 2020. And that was like a real, like, big game changer for me. I was like, holy shit, I didn't. Know about anything about Sabo and Eagle.

Reflection on Early Awareness of Bitcoin

And all that stuff. Yeah, and the issues with that. And the issues with that is with all of those different approaches to digital money were that they weren't decentralized. The big breakthrough was the proof of work architecture, you know, solving the byzantine double spend problem. Right? That whole situation, that's the technological breakthrough of bitcoin. That gives us the decentralized bitcoin network.

The Technological Breakthrough of Bitcoin

And then you look at that technology, and crypto has done a lot of really cool, interesting things that aren't money, that are not like a replacement for gold tech. More tech. Exactly. Incredible tech. Tech that mastercards, like, already using or visa, whichever one is using Solana to settle transactions. When we get fire dance or what's going to happen with Solana?

Future Prospects for Ethereum and Market Innovations

Etherium brought smart contracts into the world. That's a huge fucking thing that. That led to, you know, digital ownership of nfts. It's insane. It's incredible, right? So basically, the way I operate in times like this are, I asked myself this question, do I think the government's going to keep printing money? Come on, guys.

Inquiries About Market Dynamics

Come on, guys. What do you think? Like, do you think that's not going to happen? Then a smaller question is, do I think we're literally about cut to cut rates aggressively? Yes. And then another question is, does it actually even matter who's president that much? It actually doesn't matter.

The Role of Political Certainty in Economics

What matters more is the certainty associated with who's president. There's hella uncertainty right now. A lot of people were all in on Trump. Trump's polymarket odds were like, what, 60 something percent, 64% going at right after the assassination attempt, it peaked at 72%, 72%. So that's all.

Analyzing the Impact of Political Events

But certainly. Oh, it's at 55% today. Wow, these. Wow, that's fucking crazy. Was that 52% over the weekend? So I guess the market likes the idea of Trump more now. Anyway, the point is, the lack of certainty surrounding this is what's really happening. Once there's certainty associated with who's going to be president, whether it's Kamala or Trump, either one.

Bitcoin's Market Resilience

Remember bitcoin? Three out of the four presidents for bitcoin have been Democrats. Right? So. And it. It's an ETF. It's already, like, the case law on it is pretty much written. It doesn't matter. Like, no president can come in. They. I mean, they can make it harder to onboard or off board. I mean, like, look, in Canada, it's ridiculous.

Global Perspectives on Cryptocurrency

Like, they. That the government can tell you how much you can buy of an asset is absurd. The can, I mean, that's literally communism or socialism. The Canadian government tells you can buy a max of 15k worth of crypto every year. Just think about that. The government telling you what you can do with your own hard-earned money.

Reflections on Government Regulation

It's ridiculous. So those kinds of things could happen. I'd say more of the argument is who would be more pro for crypto? Meaning, like, yes, what we do? Like, our shit. Oh, no, I want, like, look, I have a deep incentive for one candidate to win over the other from a professional standpoint.

Personal Stakes in Political Outcomes

Right. And people that we partner with, organizations that are our sponsors, that, you know, do things that are even deeper on the crypto. Like, we don't even. We have an NFT project that's like our crypto component. Right. You have a crypto gaming company. You're deeper into it from that perspective because we're an entertainment company. We're not as, like, heavily dependent on the actual crypt.

The Future of Cryptocurrency and Market Forces

Obviously, we have the NFT project that matters. But I. I don't think Kamala Harris is gonna, like, arrest me for putting help boat tacos. Do I not go? What? I mean, Jesus Christ. That would be, like, quite the turn. She's like, you've really fucked up. You made the cartoon dogs on Solana, bitch.

The Hypothetical Consequences of Political Decisions

Like, that would be crazy, right? But, like, the people that are running, you know, exchanges and the people that are doing the kind of big crypto stuff, that's a different conversation. But the cool thing about it is there's this game theory where let's say Kamala does get hired and she goes fucking balls to the wall against crypto.

Global Competition for Cryptocurrency Development

Let's just say that happened, right? Then there's this game theory where then all of a sudden, Russia and China say, we like crypto. We want people to come here and build. India's like, come here and build with crypto. That game theory, it's a global thing. Bitcoin's a global thing. All these assets are global things.

The Dynamics of a Competitive Market

You introduce competition. You introduce a space race. Max Kaiser coined it the hash race, where instead of seeing who can get to the moon first, it's who can not only accumulate the most valuable crypto assets, bitcoin and whatever else becomes valuable, but, you know, who else is going to encourage prosperity in the building? You know, the idea of building on crypto and bitcoin.

Emphasizing the Collective Effort in Cryptocurrency

So we. I have the. We have the team. All hands meeting in three minutes. So we got to go. Yeah, go. High five some of them. And someone is asking if Spencer roundtripped the penguins trade. No, he bought them at three, so he still hasn't. And eth was like, a $1,000 anyway. Shout out to everybody that I'm sure.

Best Wishes to Market Participants

He sold some or loans them out or did a bunch of advanced he's doing. I'm sure Spencer's doing just fine. I wouldn't worry about it. Anyway, thanks to everyone that listened. Catch you guys next time. Don't, don't worry too much about today. See you guys. Peace.

A Fun Conclusion to the Discussion

That was fun. All right, see you guys.

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