Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space CollegeDAO x Kinto hosted by KintoXYZ. CollegeDAO x Kinto showcases a safety-first approach in decentralized finance, emphasizing community engagement and innovative features. The platform prioritizes user security, offers educational resources, and fosters a collaborative environment for participants. By joining the Kinto community, users gain access to user-friendly interfaces, secure financial services, and opportunities for growth. With a focus on safety measures and advanced financial tools, CollegeDAO x Kinto aims to revolutionize traditional banking practices within the decentralized finance sector.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: Why is safety a top priority in CollegeDAO x Kinto?
A: Safety measures safeguard user funds and enhance trust in decentralized finance.

Q: How does community involvement benefit the platform?
A: Community engagement fosters growth, innovation, and a sense of belonging among users.

Q: What sets Kinto apart in the decentralized finance realm?
A: Kinto offers a safe, user-friendly platform with advanced financial tools and educational resources.

Q: What are the key advantages of participating in the Kinto community?
A: Users gain access to secure financial services, collaborative opportunities, and innovative features.

Q: How does CollegeDAO x Kinto contribute to the evolution of finance?
A: The platform introduces innovative solutions that can transform traditional banking and financial services.


Time: 00:05:42
Safety-First Approach in L2 Finance Exploring the platform's dedication to prioritizing user safety in decentralized finance.

Time: 00:15:25
Community Engagement and Growth Strategies Discussions on the importance of community involvement for platform success and development.

Time: 00:25:10
Innovative Features and User Experience Highlighting the user-friendly interface and advanced tools offered by Kinto for an optimal financial experience.

Key Takeaways

  • CollegeDAO x Kinto prioritizes safety in L2 finance operations.
  • Community involvement is crucial for the success and growth of the platform.
  • Decentralized finance emphasizes security measures to protect user assets.
  • Joining the Kinto community offers access to innovative financial services.
  • Participants can engage in safe and secure financial activities on the platform.
  • Understanding the safety protocols within L2 finance is essential for users.
  • Kinto provides a user-friendly interface for an improved financial experience.
  • Educational resources are available to help users navigate decentralized finance.
  • Collaboration and active participation enhance the overall platform experience.
  • Innovative features within decentralized finance can revolutionize traditional banking.

Behind the Mic

Initial Audio Check

It. Wait. Audio test. Hello, hello, can you all hear me? Hello. Hello, everybody. Audio test 123. I can hear you, Victor. Fantastic. I can hear you, too. Nice to see you. For everyone. Let's give everyone a few minutes to enter and, yeah, we'll get started. It.

Starting the Session

All right. Thank you, everyone, for your patience. We'll give one, two more minutes, and then we'll get started. It it. All right, let's get started. I'm sure more people will join as the spaces continue. First of all, thank you very much, everyone, for taking your time. Thank you, Hannah on our side for organizing. But more importantly, who do we have until in that college Dao nickname? If you want to say hello and very quickly introduce yourself.

Introduction of Speaker 1

Hello. Hello, everybody. Yeah, I'm using the college Dao profile, but I'm Wales, the co founder of college Dao, and super happy to have this Twitter spaces together with Victor and the team at Kinto. We've been talking for a while now, and I'm super excited to finally start dropping some alpha during this call. We have definitely been talking for a while, and honestly, it's been quite refreshing because, you know, obviously in Quinto, we have had a number of partnerships with plenty of different partners, but there is something in college now very close to my heart, and that honestly makes this partnership quite special.

Discussion of Student Talent

I haven't met in this long such a bunch of talented people and obviously very well connected as well with many other clubs around many countries, in different colleges, schools, et cetera, interested in crypto. And I think we have been really hard at work at Quinto to build the chain that we all wanted to see. However, the chain is only as good as the talent that comes to build into the chain. And to be honest, there are very few places where we have found that much talent concentrated, like in the college dao movement.

Wales' Background

But, Walt, you were very humble on that intro. Maybe you can tell us a little bit about yourself and more importantly, what is college dao? Yeah. So I think Victor holds me on too high of a pedestal because he's a professor himself and he's absolutely insanely talented. Never have I met a CTO that's been so developer relations and user focused. But I guess we can leave all of the praise for another day. So, as I mentioned, I'm Wales, co founder of College Dao. I used to be a club president at my local university in Singapore for the last two years and ever since then transitioned into college Dao.

Purpose of College Dao

College Dao is a club collective of about 100 blockchain clubs across the world. We have very good relationship with most of the clubs that you would already know of, and we just try to maintain a very close connection with them because our purpose at college Dao is to more or less act as a public good for the university blockchain ecosystem. And what that means is like being able to provide students directly with the support that they need in terms of helping them advise them on how they're going to get a job in web three, especially with the clubs acting as a conduit of the local ecosystem and a community that they've know built up over the university campus.

Support for Student Clubs

We try to help out with them, to source their sponsorships, support them with operations, and even advise them on how to run a club. And overall, we see the university blockchain ecosystem as one of the main drivers for bringing on the best talent in the blockchain space. I've met a wide variety of students from all over the world, from us, from UK, from Singapore, Malaysia, from Germany as well. Like all of these amazing countries have made students all across the world. And I definitely see that there's a very big opportunity.

Bringing Talent Together

We're bringing all of those really good students and really strong young talent into an ecosystem that genuinely cares about the community. And I definitely think Kinto is one of them. So yeah, that is my introduction. That is quite fantastic. And I think, you know, I have been kind of trying to explain college dao to many people in the last few days and weeks, you know, but never better than hearing it directly from one of the co founders.

On the Scale of College Dao

Honestly, when I look at an organization like college Dow and what you have achieved, right? And I was, again, I don't want to brag in your name, but feel free to brag in this space because I think you should, to be completely honest. But it was honestly impressed of the sheer numbers, you know, in terms of how many clubs, how many students are related or loosely connected to college Dao. Obviously it's a dao, right? And that decentralized factor is part of that.

Challenges in Maintaining Cohesion

But I was impressed of the sheer extension on those contacts, on that ability to keep the cohesion, especially on student groups where I have a bunch of experience. When I was a student myself, I know how hard it is to have continued leadership, continued interest, and the gaps can change a lot from one year to another. However, we'll talk about all that a little bit later in this conversation. What I'm interested right now because I like origin stories.

Inquiring About the Genesis

I'm a comic fan, so I like origin stories. Tell me how this got started. What happened, you know, what kind of gave you guys this idea? Who worked with your other co founders and how Conestogao got started? Because I think understanding how it got started kind of explains how it gets to these sites later on, right? Yeah.

Origin Story of College Dao

So I think the best way to kind of describe the origin story for college Dao is like almost an exemplification of what fate actually even means. And what I mean by that is that actually one of our co founders is also a Singaporean. He's called Joshua, and he was studying at a University of Michigan. And the story that I like to tell people about college style is that it happened in parallel.

Parallel Development

And what that means is that while I was kind of doing my thing in Singapore, I had a chance meeting with Joshua and Karthik. Karthik's also in this call. He's a zero x komodo. You know, give him a very quick shout out. I met Joshua and Karthik, and then they were already doing things in University of Michigan. So how it started was that from their end, they were doing a university campus tour, and they were in the midst of reaching out to all of these different university clubs in the entirety of North America.

Formation of College Dao

So after they had concluded that they had already set up an organization, they were thinking of trying to expand this into something more sustainable, something that is more beneficial for the ecosystem at large. And at the same time, about two years ago, actually, was when college job first started. At the same time, I was thinking of how to bring together the entire Singapore ecosystem together for the university clubs, because Singapore is not a particularly big country.

Community Growth

There's only so many people and there's only so many clubs that exist. But I was always very interested in the idea of bringing all the clubs together, trying to do something as a consolidated effort and sharing resources, sharing knowledge amongst each other so that we can actually grow together as a collective rather than individual silos.

Community Collaboration

And I'm sure a lot of you, if you've done any community, if you have been any community, you would know that a lot of communities kind of exist in silos at the moment. And even though, and especially in web three, like, we try to make sure that everyone is collaborative, everyone's partnering with each other, and everyone has mutual benefits. But, yeah, so I was doing my thing in Singapore. I was trying to bring together clubs in the US. Joshua and Kartik have already been doing that thing by doing the campus tour, bringing clubs together. And then out of nowhere, Joshua reached out to me and said, like, hey, I heard that you're doing things in Singapore. I'm also from Singapore. So how about we just have a call? And then that call kind of blossomed into this entire relationship where we started working more together, we started to do more initiatives, and we started thinking a lot bigger in terms of a long-term goals on why something like college style would exist. And, yeah, it's been about two years since then, you know, very beautiful beginnings, and it's been getting better and better every single day.

Strong Leadership and Shared Goals

You know, I'm very fortunate to have very strong student leaders as part of the co-founding team, you know, alongside me, as well as the core contributors that college Dow has. And I think one of the common things that all of us share, which is one of the common things that all of us students share within our core team, is that all of us have come from a background of doing a lot of student initiatives ourselves, and all of us believe in the idea that we want to bring together the university blockchain ecosystem, and it's just a lot better to be able to work together rather than go through the entire journey alone. So, yeah, that is the origin story. That is a fantastic origin story, I must say.

Thoughts on College Dao

I'm gonna go really nerd right now, but I have to. There is a french poet, his name was Victor Hugo. And I believe the exact quote was, nothing is more powerful than an idea that needs to exist. And I think this is exactly what happened here. You know, this is an idea that needed to exist, and college Dao, and you guys, as the founders, made that possible and, you know, catalyzing that idea into something, I think it's really wonderful. And, yeah, I think it says a lot on both the growth and your ability to kind of engage and keep that kind of interest. Right. Continue to pick up after years on that piece. How old is college now, by the way? How many years have you guys been at it?

Timeframe of College Dao

We've been at it for about two years. So I think it started more or less in September of 2022, if I'm not wrong. So, yeah, it's almost two years now, and the vast majority of the expansion and the growth that we've had was in 2023. Obviously, there were a lot of lessons to be learned during that year, not only internally, but with us kind of working with a lot of protocols, establishing connections with a lot of clubs, also reaching out to community leaders across the different regions. And, yeah, it's been amazing since then.

Partnership with Kinto

That's quite something. Of course, I have to ask, because why did you guys decide to partner with Kinto? What was it that you found interesting? Obviously. And again, this is not a secret. We contacted you because we believe that you guys were a source of talent for our upcoming developer program. But what made you say yes in terms of having that partnership and what is the partnership about? So I think one of the best answers I can give is that I haven't really seen a l two that have taken the same approach as you guys have. And I think you guys have a very strong understanding of what it means to be a very defi centric l two.

Understanding the Blockchain Ecosystem

And personally, for me, I follow quite a lot of l one s and l two s. Being a student, we're always learning what's going on in ecosystem, especially when I have a lot of partnerships coming from different blockchains and different ecosystems and foundations, and they want to work together with us. I think the biggest thing is, just ever since the first call that we've had, like understanding that you, Victor and the rest of the team at Kinto really understand that there is value to work together with the student ecosystem is very, it's very energizing to know that. But maybe on the more technical side of things, like I look through the documentation, like I'm not a very technical person myself, but kind of understanding that there's this idea of a account extracted, identity enabled wallet that is directly embedded into the blockchain, and everything is done through a very credibly neutral KYC provider solution.

Developer Experience with Kinto

And also talking together with Kinto and especially Victor, hearing all of the ideas and all of the developments and all of the hard work that he's put into, making sure that the developer experience, the user experience, everything around using Kinto is as smooth and easy as possible. That is something that you won't really get when you look through the public documentation, but these are the kind of things that you look out for, especially when you want to find a really good project to work with. So, yeah, I think all in all, I was told about Kinto from a friend of mine, and Victor and the rest of the Kinto team would probably be smiling a little bit because they know who exactly I'm referring to and they've been a close friend of mine for a while now, one of the very first friends I've ever had in blockchain, and I trust their opinion. And after digging a lot more into it, understanding more about the entire thing that Kento is pushing for the entire mission of bringing together everybody and understanding all of the technicalities along the way, these are the things that motivate me a lot into trying to form an official partnership.

Reflections and Gratitude

So, yeah, that is my answer, actually. Wow. Sorry, I was busy removing the tears from my eyes. That was beautiful. Thank you for that. We appreciate it a lot. And honestly, I do believe that Quinto is especially good place for all of those reasons. But also, I remember when I started developing and deploying my first smart contract, and I was terrified, man, I was really scared, because I knew that I was putting my own money and people's money, that we're trusting those first and smart contracts on the line, you know, and I was terrified. I was younger, I was terrified. It was a scary process.

Safe Ecosystem for Development

So for me, a part of that is offering an ecosystem, you know, that is equally safe for people that has been in the space for 20 years, if it's that, such a thing, right? Probably 1012 on that piece. But for people that has been in crypto from the very beginning versus people that is starting tomorrow. And I wanted a safe space for people to be able to do that. And again, nothing is unbreakable. But I think Kinto is the perfect place if you are starting today on your crypto journey, I think is just the perfect place to do so due to that kind of two orders of magnitudes of higher security than anywhere else. And on top of that, if you want to learn about the counter structure, this is your place.

Opportunities for Young People

If you want to learn about blobs, about the scalability, this is your place. If you want to build applications that are more financially minded, this is your place. There is a lot of reasons, but I think that secure space is the first premise, because nothing else matters without that secure space, if you like. You mentioned one thing that I think is really interesting. There is so much young people currently interested in crypto. Obviously, college Dao is an example of that. But we have seen a lot of people interested in the tech, the students and engineering, etcetera, looking at the tech on crypto. But not only. We have seen a movement of a lot of young people in many countries, both for 1st, 2nd, 3rd world, coming into crypto.

The Rising Interest in Blockchain

And I was wondering, what is your perspective on that? Sorry. Why so many young people is coming to the space? So I think that the interest that you're seeing now is actually a lagging indicator of the things that we've kind of believed in college style for a very long time. And we realized that in such a high agency ecosystem, in such an entrepreneurial ecosystem, like the blockchain space, there's a lot of opportunities to be had, but it took a little bit of time for students to start catching on to the fact that there's so much opportunities in blockchain, because when you look at it from the outside, sometimes people might think that we're living in a bubble, it's just an echo chamber.

Shifting Perspectives

But I think students are starting to pick up that it's not just a cryptocurrency scam. It's not just about finance. It's a lot more about blockchain infrastructure. There's everything around economics, finance, governance and decentralized sciences, computing infrastructure, technology, cryptography. There's a lot of very interesting, I guess there's a lot of very interesting parts about blockchain that has brought everything together into this microcosm of an ecosystem that has catalyzed a lot of students, I would say, to explore into the space. Even aside from looking at opportunities, when you look at the very general career tracks that students typically go for, which is something around consultancy, something around banking, something around big tech, I think a lot of students which has higher agency to figure out something they want to do for themselves, have started to catch on to this idea that hey, theres a lot of opportunities in blockchain and all I really need to do is contribute and find a place to contribute to, and I just need to keep showing up.

Talent Shortage in Blockchain

Opportunities will basically just fall on your lap because there is such a shortage of talent, of even barely decent talent in blockchain, and it's almost hard to find people who genuinely care about ecosystem who also have the technical ability to execute on it.

Opportunities in Blockchain

And I'm sure some of you have had your fair share of people who are grifters or people who are only in it for investments, and I think that's completely fine. But there's a whole different class of people that has decided to take it into their own hands and treat blockchain more like a career that they can build a sustainable life out of. So I think the answer for that is more or less that students are starting to realize that there's a lot of opportunities in the space. And even if it's very daunting to feel like you need to have five years of experience, you need to be a technical expert, you need to have all this understanding. And a PhD in cryptography like students have realized that the bare minimum you actually need to do is just contribute and show up. And a lot of the times I have so many countless friends of mine who have gotten jobs like high profile jobs, just by showing up and talking to people that they meet during the event, making friends with them, showing that they're capable in their own individual capacity, executing on all the things that they say that they're really good at, that they just got a job just from that.

The Impact of Community and Success

And, you know, it's more or less like students have validated each other, where the quote, unquote, previous generation of students that have been looking for a career maybe two, three years ago have now gone on to become incredibly successful people. And then the students now are just starting to see that and realizing that there's a lot of opportunities in the space that they can pursue. It just depends on whether they're willing to, you know, dig through the jungle and jump into the rabbit hole to figure out what actually awaits them. Yeah, 100%. I think, you know, talent, it is extremely important, but I haven't met an ecosystem or a space where consistency when showing up, consistent commitment doesn't beat talent every time. You know, raw talent is an incredible thing, right? And we all kind of admire those raw, talented people, but the reality is that, again, commitment and consistency usually beats talent every time.

Importance of Commitment

And my experience has been, you know, that those kind of hard workers, people that show up, people that show that commitment beats talent every time, right? Because talent alone is not enough. And usually, however, what happens, and that's where the fantastical individuals appear to, is where both talent and commitment show up together on the same person. Right? That's where really where real magic happens. And I think there is a ton of real magic waiting to happen inside college. Now, one of the reasons we met is because our common friend Maggie from ETH Global, right, organizer of many events and also of many hackathons. She loves, obviously the development space. But I wanted to talk a little bit about hackathons because I have announcement.

Attraction of Hackathons

I won't be shy about it to make after these questions. But what is it about hackathons, do you think, that attract young people, students in particular? Why are we seeing this explosion of hackathons in the space, but also in other technical fields? I think this is actually like a perfect segue from the previous question that you asked about. What is it that has gotten so much young talent interested in blockchain? And it's actually very simple. If you tell a student that they can travel across the world multiple times in a year, they get to go to a conference to advance their career and network with people, they get to explore what the country is like. They get to basically be like half a tourist. And alongside that, if they participate in a hackathon or they participate in some kind of hacker House during those conference activations, they get to earn 5000, 10,000, 20,000 out of that trip.

Benefits of Hackathons

It's almost like telling them, hey, if you're willing to put in the effort and if you're willing to put in the time to properly work on an idea that would be able to win this hackathon, your entire trip would be free. And I think the best thing about that is that there's a lot of organizations and protocols and I and foundations that are sponsoring or even just directly telling students or people who are very talented hackers, like, hey, I'm willing to cover your flight, I'm willing to cover your stay. I want you to hack on hackathon and I also want you to win so you can take the money yourself. And it's almost very interesting because like in some way it sounds like it doesn't make sense, but like in order to incubate a lot of these talents, like, you have to let them understand that there is something that they can gain out of it. And the thing about hackathons, especially about learning on the job, which is basically going to all of these different conferences, showing up and making the effort to contribute where you can, everything comes together in the sense that hackathons are the ultimate place where more technically minded students or more technically minded developers are able to come together and work on an interesting project.

Understanding and Growth

But through that not only allows them to understand a little bit about the culture of the entire blockchain ecosystem, it lets them be able to interact with people within the industry, let them understand what's actually going on, maybe directly related to what they're building on a project that they're building for, or maybe just in the general ecosystem itself. But it also gives them a chance to go out of their comfort zone, go out of their hometown. And it's actually one of the biggest reasons that I think I personally have been, you know, fairly active in hackathons before. Like, I'm not a technical person, but like, I think it's heartening to know that as, even as a non technical person myself, I have won a hackathon as a winner as well. And the biggest thing that has motivated me is really just knowing that there is an entire ecosystem out there outside of my, outside of the city, outside of the country that I'm living in, and being able to meet all of these different people from across the world, which is kind of what college Dao, or at least the core team and the co founders at college style has been able to do.

Friendships and Experiences

Including me, I think that's what's very magical about hackathons and being able to contribute and learn within the blockchain ecosystem, that is. I think you are absolutely right. It's kind of, this is something that I think just a few people know, but my co founder and I, Ramon, we met at college, we met in Chicago while were doing our masters in the US. And one of the first things that we did together, and that probably is the source of our friendship, to be completely honest, is we participated on a hackathon together a few weeks after we met. And it's been kind of. It's funny, right? Because I have participated and I have organized many hackathons across my life. And to be honest, some of my best friends today I've met in hackathons. There is something special about. About these hackathons, both from the skill perspective and from the personal perspective, right?

Building Connections

You have to be a very special type of individual to put yourself 24, 48, 72 hours on a closed space and try to build something in that amount of special kind of crazy that goes to these hackathons and is the kind of crazy that I really love, to be completely honest. I think something that I wanted to announce before we call it a day, is we are going to be launching our developer program soon. But something that will trigger the launch, and that comes with that launch, is that we are sponsoring this year's ETH online 2024. If you are familiar with it, global online hackathons. There is talent from all over the world. It's an opportunity to meet people from all over the world. And Kinto is going to be sponsoring with $10,000 in prices.

Opportunities for Participants

There is five prizes total, the best kinto application with five k, and then two different categories. Sorry. With first and a second place that we are going to be sponsoring, we're going to be tweeting about it right after these spaces. We are publishing some information about the developer program and about this hackathon. But yeah, I expect to have a lot of college DAO students participating and honestly winning some of those prizes that we are offering at ETH online 2024. Before I talk more about the developer program, though, and kind of that announcement that is going to follow these spaces, I have a last question for you that I think is kind of very important for any young people listening to this now or later in the recording, in Emex, during our conversations, I would say I wish I knew half of what you know at your age.

Learning New Skills

So I was wondering, how do you approach learning new skills and what do you recommend for people that is going to be participating on these hackathons, on the developer program, but in general, in life, on both the crypto space and outside? How do you approach learning a new skills nowadays where there is so much information available? And what do you recommend, you know, for people that is joining the space now that want to participate in their first hackathon, that want to learn a name scale, how do they do it? So I actually think that I'll use a PG version of what I usually try to tell people, which is basically just screw around and find out.

Experimenting to Learn

And I think the best way to really understand something is just be able to experiment with it. Even, especially in crypto, especially in the blockchain industry, so many things are just popping out of nowhere because there's all of these amazing open source projects, there's all of these GitHub repos, if you're a developer that are spinning out of the blockchain ecosystem, and a lot of them are basically like forks or forks of each other. And I think some of the best ways to learn is really just experiment with a lot of the things that you can probably try to experiment with. And as a developer is basically just going around, playing around the code base, playing around the API connections with different protocols, especially for Kinto, because they have a very interesting approach. And like Victor said, if you want to learn about common extraction, you might as well just play around with their testnet.

Growing Together

It's amazing, by the way. Like wait till you, wait till you play around with it. It's great. And if you're a non technical person, actually, like, there's a lot of different ways you can contribute, there's a lot of different ways you can learn on the job. And I think the vast majority of that is really just learning more about why is it that blockchain exists and understanding the underlying technology and then finding a friend that you're able to learn together with. Because one of the personal reasons that I even got into blockchain, and this is like the single reason that I keep telling everybody, if they ask me about why I'm so interested in blockchain in the first place, is that I just wanted to be in blockchain because I want to find people I can learn vibe and grow with.

The Motivation Behind Learning

And it's just that simple. And something as simple as that, maybe as your core motivator, would help you be able to, you know, pick up a lot of skills along the way. But I think the biggest thing, especially when it comes to experimenting, you know, I think it's absolutely crucial that you give it a shot. You know, just try something out. If it fails, you at least did it before. But, you know, Kintos monthly pro monthly challenges and the hackathon that they're providing is like a really good way to just get started right now. And if anything, like, I strongly encourage you that even if you don't feel like it's something that you able to win, even if you don't have enough confidence that you feel like, oh, it's worth your time or whatever, like, I strongly suggest just participating because, you know, without screwing out and finding out.

Winning Competitions and Surprising Success

Right. Like, you might not even know that you can actually end up winning these competitions. And surprisingly, more often than not, the people that show up usually ends up winning a lot more than they imagined. Yeah, absolutely right. And I think one of the things that I consistently see on hackathon winners is the absolute shock of what we won. How, you know, it's like were lost half of the time. We started knowing anything, you know, and I is that surprise we won. What happened, you know, on that piece? It is quite amazing. And honestly, every hackathon I won, I always have that same feeling of, I won. I did nothing, I learned nothing. How did I win? Right. But I think people kind of underestimate themselves and overestimate the difficulty of learning a new skill and what you can do in that space of over a couple of days.

Students Excelling in Hackathons

So, yeah, if you don't mind me adding. Right. Like, I actually just want to make a very quick shill. And I would say that like the vast majority of hackathon conferences that has ever existed in the blockchain space ever since the start, the vast majority of them there has always been a student finalist or a student winner. Just let that sink in. That's all I wanted to add. And I absolutely agree. And I think it comes from that place of thinking out of the box. You know, one of the beautiful things of not knowing anything when you start something or knowing very little is that you also don't know where the line is supposed to be. You know, you don't know where you are supposed to, how far can you go, what things are possible and whatnot.

Pushing Boundaries and Innovation

And usually because of that lack of boundaries, you actually ended up outside of them. And I think that's beautiful. You know, I think it says a lot on established science, established engineering, established a school of thoughts, and what you can do whenever you don't know that the line is there. The lively thing that you will do is that you will end up crossing. Maybe you fall, maybe you'll find the wall, but you will cross those lines and you will find the spaces that were not discovered before anything. That's one of the things that is beautiful about hackathons and is that experimentation is free in a hackathon environment, and pushing those boundaries have no consequences. And I think no negative ones. I mean, you have plenty of positive ones, but no negative ones.

Time and Reflections

No, I think you are absolutely right. Obviously, I want to respect everyone's times, and we are already. Every time we speak, we always go 510 minutes over the limit. I think today is not going to be an exception to our usual conversation. I used to joke that this is because I am a spaniard and I talk too much. But today it was all you, my friend. So, you know, I'm gonna blame this one on you. I'm sorry, with this said, this time it was absolutely you. It was absolutely you. But no, I wanted kind of to put that last shield. Stay tuned to our x and our discord. We are gonna be announcing in a couple of minutes our developer program, of course, in pure japanese inspiration.

Announcing Developer Programs

It's called the developer's Forge, and it's inspired on both the creation of katanas and the training with those katanas that make developers, in fact, martial arts and development share this concept of the katas. Right. These training exercises from martial arts and from coding as well, that we took those names. So we're gonna be announcing our developer program again in a few minutes. The highlights of that developer program is 20% of our mining program is dedicated to developers. There is literally 20% of our governance token that is going to be distributed over ten years through this mining program that is reserved for developers. Right now there are very few applications on Kinto and this is by design because we wanted a green field for developers to come.

Engaging Developers and Opportunities

And there is that cave ready for the taking. For those talented enough to convince people to use their applications, it is the safest possible place to start developing. If it is too daunting to start developing your applications today, you're in luck because we are sponsoring ETH online 2024. But not only, there are going to be many other hackathons where Kinto is going to be present and taking developers on this journey, but not only that, and is that starting today? And you're going to be able to read that on the article. We are going to be posting these weekly challenges in discord for developers with considered a small hackathon or a small number of tasks with the developer tools.

Weekly Challenges and Special Events

And we are going to be distributing k directly in prizes, 50k every week to the winners of those pieces. And if you are a student from College Dao, you better stay tuned. They're going to have an event, kind of a webinar for college Dao students only, where we are going to talk about a special set of prices. Miles mentioned before the option to travel to other countries and go to a hackathon. Well, we are going to Thailand later this year in November. If you are a college Dao student participating in these challenges, you may find yourself with a plane ticket and a hotel to go to Thailand with the Kinto team. And I think that is enough spoilers for the time being.

Closing Remarks and Thank You

So with this said, Miles, this was quite amazing. You know, I really wanted to have this conversation in public for so long. Thank you so much for taking the time and for your wonderful disposition both to the partnerships and to these spaces. And, yeah, anything else that you want to add that you want to say, if not, we'll give these people their time back? Yeah, absolutely. All I'm just going to say is that, like, Victor and I would just continue yapping forever if we just don't respect the time. But, like, it's always, yes, if allowed, we will.

A Fun and Engaging Chat

If allowed, we will. Well, yeah, I'm sorry that it's overextended beyond the time, but like, it's always been such a refreshing, you know, conversation, having someone that genuinely cares about the student ecosystem and has also been part of it, you know, as a professor and as a student before in the past. So, yeah, always really fun having this conversation. Victor, fantastic. Same here. Thank you very much for taking the time. We'll talk very soon. And, yeah, more to come.

Stay Tuned for Announcements

Stay tuned to our x because our announcement of the developer forge comes in the next few minutes. Thank you so much, everyone. And, yeah, we'll see you soon. Bye bye. Bye bye.

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