Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space #CoinW X #Solana: The Answer to Real-World Challenges? hosted by CoinWOfficial. Explore how #CoinW and #Solana revolutionize the trading sphere by empowering over 10 million global users and providing innovative solutions to real-world challenges. Their partnership with Andrea Pirlo not only boosts credibility but also expands visibility. With a focus on robust infrastructure and user-friendly interfaces, they aim to drive widespread adoption in the digital asset exchange realm, offering a seamless trading experience for users worldwide.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How many users does #CoinW and #Solana collectively empower?
A: #CoinW and #Solana empower over 10 million users globally through their innovative trading platform.

Q: What benefits does the partnership with Andrea Pirlo bring to #CoinW?
A: The partnership with Andrea Pirlo not only enhances brand credibility but also increases visibility and reach.

Q: What makes the solutions offered by #CoinW and #Solana unique?
A: #CoinW and #Solana provide innovative solutions that efficiently tackle real-world challenges faced in the trading sphere.

Q: Why is having robust infrastructure and user-friendly interfaces essential for digital asset exchanges?
A: Robust infrastructure and user-friendly interfaces are crucial for ensuring widespread adoption and user satisfaction in the digital asset exchange market.


Time: 00:15:42
Empowering 10M+ Users Globally Explore how #CoinW and #Solana empower a vast global community through their trading platform.

Time: 00:25:18
Official Partnership with Andrea Pirlo Insights into the strategic partnership between #CoinW and the renowned footballer Andrea Pirlo.

Time: 00:35:55
Innovative Solutions for Real-World Challenges Learn about the cutting-edge solutions offered by #CoinW and #Solana to tackle real-world trading issues.

Time: 00:45:30
Importance of Robust Infrastructure Understanding why having robust infrastructure and user-friendly interfaces is key for digital asset exchanges.

Key Takeaways

  • Empowering over 10 million users globally through smarter trading strategies.
  • Official partnership with Andrea Pirlo enhances brand credibility and visibility.
  • Innovative solutions on #CoinW and #Solana address real-world challenges efficiently.
  • Robust infrastructure and user-friendly interfaces crucial for widespread adoption in the digital asset exchange realm.

Behind the Mic

Microphone Checks

For a host here and just wanted to see if we can go ahead and just see if everyone's microphone is working. Actually, I had to come off of my desktop because mine wasn't working for some reason. So I'm on my laptop. So in the ending that we have situation for you, we will give an opportunity to get started. So mic check. Mike check. Mike check. Mike check. Ronnie's good.

Introductions and Locations

Hi, everyone. I'm Kitlin, and I'm from crypto power, so I just wanted to check my microphone as well. How can you guys hear me? Well, absolutely. Sound great. Thank you. Welcome. Okay, wonderful. Perfect, perfect. So I hope everyone's doing well tonight. Well, it's tonight on my end of the world, and we got people all over the place here. 07:00 p.m. in California, but I'll be in Singapore at token 2049. Anyone going to Singapore for token 2049? Not me. I will not be there. All right, well, I'm looking forward to it. I'm very fortunate to have the opportunity to go. Was in Bali not too long ago, a couple weeks ago, and now experiencing Singapore.

Preparations for the Meeting

Never been to that part of the world until I got into crypto. So let's see, we'll give Casey another minute or so, and if not, we'll probably go ahead and I'll just run this and get started. I think we're going to go ahead and go without Casey tonight, but if you're listening back to this later, big dog. We missed it, bro. We missed you. So. So I'll go ahead and just say we're going to have a great night tonight. Talking about Solana. All right. The differences between what's been going on with Solana in the past and now what they've been doing to kind of carve out a new wave of the future.

The Meeting Theme

And what they've been doing, they have some pretty interesting things that's been happening in their ecosystem, and we're going to talk about that. So get ready to get some popcorn, get some chocolate, grab some wine, you know, and let's get dive right into it. So if you'd like to introduce yourselves, perhaps one of you'd like to start, maybe ladies first. Tell us a little bit about who you are. Yeah, hold on. Yeah, for sure. So once again, hello, everyone. I'm Caitlin, and I am from the crypto power team. So I'm very delighted to be here with you guys.

Caitlin's Introduction

And a little bit something about me. I've been here on the space about four years from now, so I joined the space around early 2021. And actually, I can say that I'm still learning, however, being here in the space, I've been doing some marketing for quite a while and managing AMA's as well, like, for example, on Xbases and Binance live as well. So that's a little bit something about me, and I'm very happy to be here with you guys. Thank you so much for inviting us over. Awesome. Thank you so much. Thank you for introducing yourself. And how about Ronnie?

Ronnie's Background

Hey, what's up, guys? I'm Ronnie. For those of you that don't know me, I've actually, you know, been in crypto myself, not on social media, but since 2017. My first bitcoin purchase was July 5, 2017. Good time. So I've experienced a lot in the space. I just started doing social media shortly, less than a year ago, because my forte, like, my niche is essentially, you know, charting supply and demand zones and all that stuff. And just for the last, like, four months, actually, four or five months, I've been heavily into Solana memes. That is exactly what I've been into.

Ronnie's Focus

And that is basically the market that I. That I marketing towards right now. So, yeah, man, I'm super excited to be up here and have a chat about it, you know, essentially a serious conversation about Solana and stuff like that. So. Absolutely sounds like we've got a wealth of knowledge between the both of you. A lot of experience in the space as well. Four years, and then what is 20, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. So six years, seven years or so. So you've seen a lot, I'm sure you've seen, obviously, Solana do a lot of different things and grow, obviously, as well. So super excited to kick off tonight with some experts in the field and talk about, really, what.

Discussion on Solana

How Solana is addressing the layer two dilemma. Right, for the generic blockchains. So a lot of things people might be saying about Solana is that it's an Ethereum killer. So we're going to dive into that and kind of get some of your perspectives and explore, you know, Solana's space and how it fits into the space of blockchain technology and comparing it with Ethereum's layer two solutions. Right? So. And also the future of scalability in general. So I can go ahead and I guess, start off and just say, but let's start with the fundamental question.

Comparing Blockchain Approaches

So what do you. What do you think is better, perhaps a, the generic or generic chain or a specific chain? Now, Ethereum is layer two, often called a generic chain. Now, Solana promotes itself as a specific chain, in your opinion, if you have one, do you, which approach is better for you? Do you think the, for the future of blockchain technology? And also, do you think we need a one size fits all type of solution or maybe have specialized chains for different problems? And whoever would like to go, I think ladies first, maybe we'd have crypto power go first as we go throughout the evening.

Technical Issues and Questions

Hello? Yeah, can you guys hear me? I think I'm having some technical solutions, so I'm going to maybe pass a question to Mister Ronnie while I sort out the problem I'm experiencing. Yeah, no problem. Hopefully we get that all sorted for you get it all sorted away and we're good to go. But Ronnie, if you want to answer, and if you need me to repeat the question or put it a different way. Yeah, you good? So I mean, there's pros and cons to both, right? You can have your generic chains like your one size fits all is what people call it.

Discussion on Generic vs Specific Chains

It's gonna. Your generic chain, it's gonna offer like a broad compatibility of innovation, you know, and it ensures a rich ecosystem. You know, if you do specialized chain like Solana, you're gonna focus on performance, scalability, and, you know, essentially what Solana focuses on is like Defi, right? So it's really up to the people. I feel like a, just a generic chain, in my opinion, would work better for everyone in the long run. That's just, that's just me. Interesting. Yeah, I think, you know, in my view, personally, I think.

Ethereum's Flexibility

I don't think it's so much of a question of which one's better, but maybe what is a better approach that's more suitable for that particular use case, right? Like Ethereum's layer two solution is more obviously generic, but it offers a great deal of flexibility, you know, so they can work with a wide range of applications, they can adapt to various needs, stuff like that. And it's powerful because it lets devs build almost anything on top of Ethereum, you know, from like defi protocols, complex stuff, NFT marketplaces and beyond. Of course you can do that in Solana as well.

Solana's Unique Mechanism

But of course, Solana being a specific chain, built more from the ground up, right, for its high performance, low latency. And it's. It's got like a, I think it's called proof of history consensus mechanism, which, you know, the ZK compression is something that's really interesting to me because that is, you know, it's a layer one solution as opposed to a layer two solution. This, this thing can get deep. I mean, if we go deep off the. Because Solana is doing some unique things once, especially once I found out they added the ZK compression, are tailoring it to, you know, provide these faster transactions, more efficient on chain data storage instead off chain.

Going Deeper into Solana

You know, I think definitely some interesting stuff. Thought I'd buy some time. Okay. Crypto power. Okay. Oh, did you want to say something? Yeah, I was just saying everybody, like, I mean, we're going to probably get into that stuff, but everybody, you know what that likes. Solana likes the scalability and the high speed performance of it. So it really just depends. Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah. And may I just add up to that? I actually agree with both of you guys.

Caitlin's Agreement and Thoughts

You guys made very amazing points. And I just wanted to insert my opinion as well, because I was asked first. However, I sorted out my technical problems. Okay. So for me, actually, there, I think there is no one size fits all answer. However, we all know that both generic and specific chains, they both have their own strengths and have their own weaknesses as well. And as for we know, the generic chains, there are usually, you know, it caters to a broad range of use cases.

Challenges and Strengths

It has a great interoperability. However, there would be, you know, some scalability challenges and struggles that they may experience. However, of course, for Solana, a specific chain, we know that the specific chains are actually much more optimized. Right. They provide much optimized solutions for particular use cases or for these types of transactions. So I believe that, you know, both have their pros and cons. So. Yeah, that's just my $0.01 on that.

Future Considerations

Yeah, absolutely. I couldn't agree more. I think there's, you know, there's benefits to both, you know, but it depends, I guess, on the future of how much Alana's adoption becomes. And also, if ethereum decides to make any, like, changes or is trying to compete in certain way, you know, it's to be interesting to see, because now we're in this really the evolution, pushing towards web three, and we're starting to see all of these new people come in and devs from web two and start just like literally creating new concepts or building on top of current ones, making them stronger and better and stuff like that.

The Broader Perspective

So very interesting time that we're in. Kind of like being in the beginning of the Internet, but, you know, finance in a way, but not even just finance, blockchain. So a lot of people, they think blockchain is just crypto, but so much more than that, right. I do have another question. This is a big one, right? Do you think that Solana could be the Ethereum killer? It's a high performance master chain model. Do you think it could replace Ethereum in the future? Any thoughts on that?

Caitlin's Explanation

Yeah, let me share my thoughts on that. That's a really interesting question. Thank you for asking that. But before we answer the question, of course, let me give a little bit of an explanation about the definition of Ethereum killer for our listeners who may not know. So basically from the word itself, ethereum killer, this is a term that is coined to describe other blockchain platforms that aim to compete with or even surpassed ethereum in terms of its capability, performance, scalability and the other features as well.

Key Points About Solana

So when we are going to be, you know, going back to the question, when we are being asked if Solana could actually replace Etherium, there are some key points that we need to maybe consider or, you know, note. So I think for me, first and foremost, Solana is built to handle many transactions per second with relatively low costs, right? That is the one feature that we always love about Solana, which is actually a significant improvement over Ethereum's current limitations that we all know right now.

Comparison of Costs

There's lower transactions and the fees are crazy during busy times. So I think Solana achieves this with, we all know that Solana achieves this with the unique proof of history system combined with a proof of stake. So, you know, however, on the other side of things, we all know that Ethereum is a large and well established developer community, and there are many decentralized apps along with strong institutional backing as well, which makes it very large in this space.

Ecosystem Growth

So although we can see that Solana is accelerating and growing very quickly, its ecosystem is still smaller compared to Ethereum. So when being compared, of course, Ethereum. So in terms of security and decentralization, we know that Ethereum is known for its strong security and wide distribution of nodes and validators. However, looking at the Solanas perspective, their approach has raised concerns about centralization due to the smaller numbers of validators that are present.

Future Upgrades

So I can say that both platforms are actually evolving. So we know that Ethereum is working on upgrades like Ethereum 2.0 to further improve its scalability and to, you know, doing some efforts to lower the fees while Solana focuses on enhancing current system.

Ethereum's Network Effect

So Ethereum's existing network effect gives it an advantage by attracting new projects and new users. So I think, you know, whether Solana can replace Ethereum will actually depend on how well Solana can balance scalability with this centralization and how Solana will further expand their ecosystem and how I think and how it would depend as well on how Ethereum continues to develop. So, yeah, I hope that made some sense to our listeners, but thank you for the question. Do you guys have any additional on that?

Acknowledgment of Discussion

That was, that was an awesome explanation. You're very knowledgeable and explaining the Ethereum killer and all of that for the viewers and listeners here. And also, so, and I want to get to Ronnie, but I just want to thank all of you for showing up, checking us out, listening to, you know, our topic today, Solana. It is very interesting, and we appreciate you being here. And thank you coin w as well for having all of us. But Ronnie, did you want to chime in on that as well?

Solana's Performance and Challenges

Yeah, so she, I don't want to beat the dead horse on what she had said, but she pretty much covered everything everybody does. And, you know that Solana is high performance, right? It's faster and it has lower fees, but it's not as reliable because of, like, you know, it has the reputation of all the network outages and all that type of stuff. But, you know, aetherium, I don't to be 100% real with you, all of the legitimate things that are made are built on Ethereum, the long lasting things.

Long-Term Outlook for Ethereum and Solana

It has the largest developer community, like, in the ecosystem. So to be honest, I don't think that in the long term it will replace Ethereum. I think it's very unlikely. You know, Ethereum focuses on layer two, scaling solutions and decentralization. But Solana, it just dominates the high performance use cases, essentially. Yeah, definitely. I can, I definitely agree. I mean, I see a world where both exist, right. I think that Solana, right now, Ethereum obviously is.

Solana's Innovative Approach

It's Ethereum, right. I think Solana and most of its concepts kind of are derived from Ethereum. Smart contracts, all of this. So without Ethereum, would there be salon? Maybe, maybe not, right. But what I like about Solana is that they're revolutionizing how they interact with the chain, with the blockchain, right, where they got the actions and blinks, they've got the ZK compression. You know, this can make it easier to build apps, because I think as a developer, not me, but as a developer, say if you're a.

Developer Experience and Blockchain Interaction

I'm not. I know that they're on rust with Solana. I'm not sure how they're writing on the code on Ethereum, but I think rust might be a little bit more difficult, or it might just be very different. Perhaps I'm not a dev again, but they're making it easier to build dapps through this, right? So blinks, they're bringing blockchain interactions right into literally our social media feed. So, like, imagine tweeting a transaction that's like.

User-Friendly Innovations in Solana

Like literally tweeting a transaction. That's the kind of user friendly innovation that could be driven into this for mass adoption and then ZK compression solving. One of the biggest challenges that you just mentioned, actually, is the data bloating, right? So by compressing on-chain data, we're seeing more of like a massive reduction in storage costs. So I'm talking like, creating a thousand token accounts for just $0.50 instead of, say, like 2500 bucks, right?

Game Changer for Scalability

So that's not just an improvement, that's definitely a game changer for scalability. These innovations, they're really addressing Solana's growing pains head on, I think. But do they have a long way to go? I think probably, but all technology in this space, I think, does. I think it'll probably be ever evolving as well. The speed, though, of how Solana is evolving and being adopted is pretty impressive, in my opinion. Ethereum killer. I don't know.

Market Sentiment and Technology Development

I don't know. It might be, but we just have to see. I think the future will only be able to tell us that. Let's see here. How much, let me see, how much influence does market sentiment have on technology development, do you think, say, like Ethereum layer two? It's technically, it's good, but maybe market reaction is not as expected. How much influence do you think market sentiment has on actual technology development and perhaps the future of Solana's adoption?

Impact of Market Sentiment

Do you think that would affect the technology of Solana's adoption as well? Yeah, that was a very amazing question. So let me, you know, give my thoughts on this as well. So basically, to make it very informative for everyone, once again, let's start with a quick definition. So market sentiment. So it's quite a big word, right? But market sentiment, just to inform everyone, is the overall attitude or perception of the investors, as well as not just the investors, but the general public as well, towards a, let's say, particular asset or I, particular market.

Understanding Market Sentiment

So this sentiment is actually collective. So it can be, let's say, collective feelings, or it can be collective perceptions, moods and insights about the potential of a specific asset, you know, its potential performance in the future, which actually affects the, you know, the behavior of the investors. It drives the buying and selling behavior. So in the concept of technology and cryptocurrencies, the same applies, of course. So market sentiment influences how positively or how negatively stakeholders view the technology's prospects, which impacts the investment level.

Sentiment's Effects on Ecosystem Growth

It also impacts the overall adoption of that certain technology, and it also impacts the growth of the ecosystem as a whole. So, to answer the question, I think market sentiment plays a very crucial role, not just in the success, but also in the development of the particular technology. So, for example, if a certain blockchain technology has a positive market sentiment, this actually leads to a positive impact as well. Like there would be maybe increased investment and funding, and the development would.

Positive and Negative Market Influences

Of course, you know, it's like a domino effect. The development would also accelerate as there would be more developers who would be willing to contribute and build in the network. However, of course, on the opposite side, if there is a negative sentiment, so this negatively impacts the technology as well. So they may experience struggles in funding. And because of that, there would be slower progress in development because the developers' interest would decline as well.

Navigating Future Challenges

So now that we understand how important market sentiment is for the success of any project, let's talk about the future of Solana's adoption. I think that was part of the question. So we all know that nothing is ever certain in the crypto space. I mean, here on this space, all of the things that we're saying are just our opinions and insights. So nothing is ever certain, guys. So, of course, that applies to the future of Solana as well as its wide adoption.

Solana's Strengths and Market Challenges

So I think, you know, just on my opinion, this trajectory, it will hinge on how Solana addresses the current challenges and how they would leverage, of course, the strengths that most people see in themes. So we all know that Solana is very known for its high throughput and low transaction cost, which are highly significant. They are like a great competitive advantage for Solana. So, however, there are negative sentiments as well that are existing that affects the reputation of Solana.

Future Adoption Dynamics

We know that there can be network outages and most importantly, the security concerns on the Solana network. So, as to what we seen today, the platform has an incredible ability to attract developers, you know, especially for the meme tokens out there. So Solana has become the home for them. So, you know, like I said, we cannot be so sure about everything in the crypto space, but I think Solana's future will most definitely be shaped by its ability to navigate the dynamics and how they would perform to stand out in the competitive landscape that we're in.

Appreciation for Insights

Awesome. Yeah, I love it. That's. I love the way you explain things, it's so like, smooth and delicate and educational. I love it. I love it. I love it. What about you, Ronnie? What do you. How you feeling about that?

Market Sentiment's Role in Growth

Yeah, so one thing that I like that she had brought up in one of her points about, well, obviously market sentiments. Very important when it comes to like, you know, like, for instance, funding, right? It depends. Funding needs to be. To be right in a specific place in order for it to grow, right? In simplest terms.

Trust and Community Perception

And then one thing is like, how much the people trust it. Like, then their perception on it, right? So if people trust it and it has a good reputation, people are going to build on it, you know, as for, like, Solana, for instance, you know, people like how fast it is. And it's going to depend in the future, in my opinion, how well it maintains decentralization and security, you know, if they can fix their network outages, which they're known for, and just basically the resilience as it scales more and more.

Concluding Thoughts on Sentiment and Technology

So she's killing it, though. She's covering every topic. 100% broken. And I love it. You know, I've been in the blockchain space for. For a bit now, and I've got to tell you, market sentiment is kind of like, see, this is the thing. Like. And you come from meme coins, Ronnie, right, bro. So, yeah. You're familiar with that?

The Constant Demand for Innovation

When. When. When, right, like, when is the exchange going to be listed? When is this? When is that? And it's like a never ending flow. You give them the. When they got another one coming right behind it. Right. It's fascinating because people aren't always satisfied. They always want something new and better or different. You know, they just want a change.

Solana's Appeal and Innovations

But I think that's what salon is known for. That's broke, dude. The biggest decks on the. On Solana Jup they made. Well, I guess it's one of the biggest, if not radium, but Jup made a meme token called when, you know, we. And if you haven't heard of it. So I think that was actually based.

Discussion about Meme Tokens

You might know, Ronnie, they made the when token off of. They were asking when something about Jupiter self, do you know? Or. Yeah, that was a long time ago, but I know exactly what you're talking about, bro. I cycle through meme coins like. Like crazy stuff for sure. No, definitely. I feel you, bro.

Impressive Innovations and Further Questions

So. But, yeah, pretty impressive stuff here. We've got. But yeah, let's go ahead and I think we could ask another question here. So this one will have to do with Ethereum's infrastructure versus Solana's blue ocean strategy.

Comparison of Scaling Strategies

Now, Ethereum's layer two infrastructure, it's mature, right? So it's a little ahead of its time, I would say. Solana's current network scaling at a similar early stage of opportunity, perhaps you think that they'll be able to avoid the problems that ETH is experiencing now. I'll go if she.

Discussion on Challenges and Scaling

Unless she wants to go first. No, either way. Yeah, Mister Ronnie, you can go on, please. Yeah, well, Solana, it's very early in terms of scaling compared to Ethereum. So, you know, they have examples to look at as well as like maybe some hiccups that maybe aetherium has had. But you know, as it grows, it can face similar like challenges that Ethereum has, you know, encountered, you know, with decentralization, like versus scalability.

Key Differences in Focus

Solana focus, it mainly focuses on performance and, you know, that may cause compromise decentralization, which is crucial, like for security purposes. Absolutely, absolutely. Crypto power. Yeah, actually Mister Roni did a really amazing job on the, on his answer. But as for me, just if you want to add a little bit on that, we know that both of the, both Solana and Ethereum, they have different approach, right.

Innovative Technology and Future Challenges

So we know that Solana's technology is very innovative and it actually offers high throughput with a lower fees. It also experiences, you know, some networks stability issues and some security issues as well. So I think as for the future, it's still contents with, you know, on how they will handle and how will they meet the growing and evolving demands and of course the, on how they will face as well the future issues that may come up.

Open Discussion on Scaling Strategies

So, yeah, that's just my thoughts on that. Yeah, I definitely, I can agree with both and love the answers, you know, watching Ethereum and Solana tackle this scaling, you know, it's like seeing like, you know, two different thoughts of thoughts in action, right? You know, it's like Ethereum's layer two solutions, incredibly sophisticated.

Hypothetical Challenges in Explanation

But sometimes I wonder if they're too complex for their own good and then maybe, you know, it's like trying to explain that to your grandma, you know, I mean, your grandpa. And then Solana on the other hand, is kind of more like a refreshingly maybe direct approach.

Layering Solutions in Blockchain

They're not layering solutions on top, but, you know, because when I first got into the space and trying to learn like this layer and that and what it, you know, it can be complicated so they kind of make it seems like a little bit more simple. Is Solana at the same stage as Ethereum's l two s? I don't think so. Solana feels a little more accessible and further along in real world usability. Perhaps, though, they might avoid some of Ethereum's growing pains, like those insane gas fees. They've gotten better, obviously, since we've gone. They've gone over to proof of stake, but of course, with different times in the market, you get that boost and fees on eth. But they've all got their, they both got their own challenges to face. What really excites me is that, you know, the blue wave strategy, they're starting to fresh with a focus on high throughput and low cost. It's. It's bold, you know what I mean? So in the end, I think. I think both will play a pretty crucial role in blockchain's future. Ethereum's got a massive ecosystem and salon is bringing fresh ideas, blazing speed. So it's an exciting time in crypto. I can't wait to see what happens myself down the future and the near future. I mean, I can't even imagine what it's going to look like in 10, 15, 20 years. I think that Solana will probably be around, I would like to say, but, you know, kind of went through those questions quickly.

Interest in Meme Coins

I don't, you know, I don't know if you guys wanted to. I know you were a specialty on meme coins, Ronnie. I don't know if you wanted to maybe say, how did you. Why are you into meme coins, if you don't mind me asking? What. What draws you to that specifically? Like, when you introduce yourself, you're like. Like, for me, it sounded like you're the meme coin guy. So why are you the meme coin guy, Ronnie? I'm curious, you know, honestly, I just love hanging out with the community and meeting a whole bunch of new people and I don't know, man, I just, I like the culture, right? I like seeing people believe in something, come together as a community. Obviously, when it comes to meme coins, a lot of the time there's very small market caps. You get to really experience what it's like to be a part of a community coming together versus, like, you know, hey, you go buy a large cap, you sit on it. You know, you can do a little bit of research on Twitter or X. I'm sorry? You do a little bit of research on x and the Internet, you kind of just sit on it. Right? But when it comes to meme coins specifically, you get to, you know, join telegrams, have chats, discords whatever. And you get to know people, and you build relationships off of that. I've built a lot of, you know, friends off of this and grateful. There's a whole. I see a whole bunch of people here from my community, and I thank you guys for being here and tuning in. So that's. That's what it's about, man. That's. That's why I love the culture.

Community Engagement and Insights

100%. Telegram. That's the meme coin. Like, that's the spot, you know, that's where that's, like, mandatory, like, telegram and x, you know, I'm still trying to call it X myself. It feels weird. I don't know how long it's gonna take me to stop calling it Twitter and just go like that. But right there with you, the community, like, in my. I have my own community, and we have, you know, I focus on utility plays and stuff mostly, but we have. I have a djing. I call it the DJ community. It's just all meme coins. It could be anything from pump fun, five K market caps, all the way to, you know, Pepe and bread and stuff like that. So, you know, they're definitely interesting. And I like. I like the volatility, to be honest. There's nothing like the rush of seeing $500 turn into 50 grand in, like, a day if you happen to run across that. It's so crazy to experience myself, so I thought I would just chime in there. Crypto power. I was checking out the site here. Sounds like you guys are marketing agency. I don't know if you wanted to maybe explain a little bit about what you. What you all do, since you're here and got a couple minutes left.

Engagement in the Crypto Community

Yes. Yeah, sure. So, yeah, you're quite correct, Yvette. So, as you can see, if you visit our Twitter. Sorry, X page, I can never get you. Got you another one. We're all having this. We're struggling. Yeah. So if you would visit our act. So you would see that we often have our Amy's on telegram, on X spaces as well, and on Binance live, mostly. So, actually, what we do. What we actually love about what we do is that we have built an international community of crypto enthusiasts. Right? So we highly value this community. We love giving them or, you know, providing them. What. What's the best projects out there? So the best thing that we. That we are trying to educate as people in our community, it can be, you know, seasoned investors or it can be newbies, is, of course, in the way of the AMA's, because with the AMA's if you guys, I know majority of you guys may know the projects that we on board or we have Amy's with, they would have the opportunity to, of course, showcase their unique selling points.

Community and Project Engagement

You know, they could. They would be able to present their projects, their project itself to our community members, which is something that we totally love. We love giving the best to our community. So, yeah, that's just how much we value our community while doing the things that we love. So, basically, me, the position that I'm holding at crypto power is I'm the host of most Amy's, so I'm mostly there speakers. So I was the one who talked with the people who talk with the team members of a certain project. So, yeah, you know, as for what I'm doing here, I just really love talking with different people with different experiences, just like you guys. I'm very honored to have this talk with you. So, yeah, you know, just one thing that I wanted to highlight is that we totally love the crypto power community, the community that we built for the past few years. And we're very proud to be even on the coin WX basis today. So thank you very much to the support of our community.

Importance of Positive Community Connections

Thank you. Thank you so much, guys. Yeah, absolutely. You know, a business like yours and the one that you're working with, crypto power, it's important, I think, you know, you're, you know, building communities through, you know, online communities centered around this crypto space, you know, a decentralized world, if you will, information being distributed. You have the specialized marketing. You know, this stuff is important. And this kind of falls back not only to meme coins, but also to any project that really wants a nice place or a nice project or company to help them grow and have that deliver that education to the masses, if you will. If I'm not mistaken, it sounds similar to. That's kind of what you're doing, perhaps, so kind of bridging the gap, you know, between maybe a project and. Or anything and listeners, perhaps. So that's really cool. I think that's. That's awesome what you're doing.

Discussion on Blockchain Ecosystems

I think were waiting on perhaps Casey might be coming in here, so we'll be able to have him just briefly on me, if you don't mind. I'll just. While we wait, just buy a little time. I am a crypto research analyst. It's kind of how I started really carving myself into this industry. And I think the reason why I fell down that rabbit hole and became that for myself was because I needed to learn. And I wanted to learn so much about crypto, and I just, like, fell in love with the entire technology. So it's kind of what I do. I love to trade. I'm a trader. I trade on coin w every day on futures, and I love to buy bags of spot and take profits. Casey, bro, you made it. My man. What's up, man? How are you? Good to see you. See if you have a mic check. Any technical difficulties.

Understanding Blockchain Technology

Oh, damn. I've been flipped by the time zone. Gm. Gm, everybody. Sincerely, I apologize. Hey, you're here. You're here. Well, man, I see you guys are holding it down real good. Appreciate, fantastic conversation you guys are having. And, thanks. Thank you for always, you know, holding it down. Coin w. Thank you for putting this together. And, I think it's the first time I'm meeting crypto power and Roni, so. Yeah, guys. yeah. No, I was just gonna say, yeah, they're. They're full of knowledge. It was awesome so far. you mind if I knock a question or two at you about the Solana versus Ethereum. Yeah, you cool with that? You ready? Come on. So I'll just kind of go back on what were talking about with them, and I would like to get your perspective.

Comparing Multi-Chain vs. Specialized Chains

So the first thing that we talked about, really, was the generic chain, which would be Ethereum's layer two versus Solana's specific chain. Right. And the main question really was, is a one size fits all better for the future of blockchain tech? Or do you think maybe having specialized chains for different problems would better for the future of blockchain technology? Well, I'm someone who believes in multi chain, so in order for or to allow growth to that point, where we can have the infrastructure to have a single chain that could do all of this, I think multi chain for now, different chain for specific things. It will help the chain and the blockchain from getting congested and having to fail multiple times. It's just like having a specific car for a specific event. You're definitely not going to be paying a lot of visits to the mechanics, but you have one car, you do a whole lot of things with that car, then there's a possibility you'd have to visit your mechanic more often to get the balancing done and, you know, all of that shit. But, yeah, I think in the future, we will definitely have the technology and the advancement to come up with a.

Perspectives on Blockchain Functionality

That technology and that one that could, you know, accommodate everything but for now, I think we're cool with having, you know, multi chain and doing a multi chain. That's just my perspective. Anyway. It's not serious. Thank you. Yeah, no, dude, that was a really interesting perspective when you put it in that, you know, for cars, you know, for different types of, you know, think about it, like, you're not gonna really want to take a Lamborghini off road, you know what I mean? Or you're not gonna wanna go racing in a, you know, lifted eight inch. Lifted. Whatever, you know, so that's pretty interesting for sure. I like that approach. Yeah, man, cool. That's, that's good to hear your perspective. You're always bringing something fresh.

Discussion on Solana as an Ethereum Killer

What do you think about Solana being an eth killer? You think it could be an Ethereum killer down the road? Well, I personally have a thing against killing. I don't know why you're trying to kill the other. You guys could actually coexist, as a matter of fact, compliment each other and not trying to kill, not trying to take out, you know, more of a collaborative kind of person and a collaborative mindset. There's no point trying to kill, right? I never liked it. I never liked anything coming up to say, oh, I'm a killer of this, I'm a killer of that. You know, most of the times, they eventually get killed, you know, those killers, because they're paying attention so much to keep the other one instead of, you know, becoming better and doing what they should do. Their attention is so focused on killing and trying to eliminate the other one in every way possible. But, yeah, but if you have a collaborative mindset, you could actually see how, you know, both of your strengths can complement each other. And the whole idea, the whole desire is to have a better experience, the technology. And if we coming together would give that, then I see that, you know, that there's no reason why we shouldn't come together and collaborate, so.

Share Perspectives on Coexistence

And I don't buy the whole killer. Killer now, even killer beans. I don't. I don't buy the idea, but, yeah, thank you. I like, yeah, you know, you got such a good heart, man. And I agree, you know, I think that the idea of ethereum, killer, right, we hear it all the time. Like, there's even other projects that people are trying to say, perhaps, will be that. But I don't think that's necessary, right? Especially now, while we're in this time. Like, it's such. If people might not realize it because we're in the thick of it. But we are literally in the infancy stage of not only crypto but blockchain technology. It's literally just begun, right? Imagine where we're at, 100, 500, and if so, on a thousand years from now, what it could be like. I mean, and who's to say that one kill the other, but it's not, you know, they could coexist. I did say earlier, I see a world where they both could coexist. I think as long as they both are constantly just not trying to one up each other, but improve themselves to be compared, you know, comparable to each other, there's favorable things on both sides, you know, aetherium, devs, Ethereum users, they love Ethereum.

Market Sentiments and Technology Development

A lot of people that, I've got some friends that are either whales, Devs, or whatever, they love Ethereum. They don't even touch Solana. And then I've got players on Solana that love Solana and they don't even use any other chain, you know what I mean? So, it kind of, it's going to be one of those things that we'll just have to see, obviously, what happens. But I agree with you, killing is not necessary. At the end of the day, we have still visa, Mastercard, Discover, Cardinal, you know, all this and that. There's no need for necessarily one. So, curious on your thoughts on market sentiment on the development of technology. Do you think that just in general on the sentiment of the market, for example, like Ethereum's layer two is technically good, but maybe the market reaction should be people want more or better. And, you know, what do you think about that? Do you think that could alone drive technology for blockchain? Currently, I think the sentiment is geared towards the economic value it brings.

Looking Forward to Technological Advancements

But then looking at it in the distant future, we'll definitely see a sentiment that is more driven to advancement of the technology other than just the economical value it brings. But right now, as of now, looking at how the global market is experiencing some financial turmoil, everyone's caring towards the economical benefits and not paying so much attention on scaling the technology or technological advancement. But yeah, we definitely will see that in the coming future when we've, you know, come to understand this technology more and see it beyond its financial abilities and start to exploit in different other ways. Talking about the blockchain technology now, but, yeah, that's just my take. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely like market sentiment to me. It does have the power to impact. Yeah, I do agree. We are focusing on what is, like, viable and what we need now.

Market Sentiment's Impact on Technology

And I think maybe, like, market sentiment, maybe it goes better. And it's hard with technology. Right. Because technology, it's kind of like, I don't know. For me, I don't know if market sentiment actually does have too much of an impact. I think that technology affects the impact of how they feel about a certain product or something like that, perhaps. But I don't know if that would affect maybe the technology actually changing. Maybe it will. Actually. It's actually a very interesting question now that I think back on it, because, you know, it has these fundamental value propositions and, you know, the. There's the cyclical nature of the market and stuff. Things are always evolving. You got the crypto winters and technology just grows throughout that. But, yeah, let's go ahead. I got another one for you. I know I'm just firing them at you.

Solana's Position and Future Prospects

But let's say Ethereum's infrastructure and then the Solana is bringing that fresh blue ocean strategy, you know, Ethereum's layer two, it's more mature. Right. So Ceylon is kind of, you know, more early in its stage dealing with network scaling and stuff like that. Do you think that Solana will be able to avoid some of the pitfalls that Ethereum has had throughout its lifetime now in the past and so on, being that, you know how it's been moving forward in its version of technology on the blockchain? Yeah, most positively. You see, there's a thing with being the first to make a move or being the first mover or, you know, doing it first. The people coming behind you will have the opportunity to, you know, spot out those point where you had to struggle, and it gives them the opportunity to prepare themselves ahead.

Learning from Past Mistakes

So the whole, the reason why we're having the whole chains we have today is because there were some limitations with the first one, right, which happens to be bitcoin, right. There were some limitations. There were some advancements. There were some things that were needed to be but were not. So now it gives room for Ethereum to actually come, you know, bring the smart contract and, you know, every other thing it came with. And now looking at Solana coming after Ethereum, it has every, you know, advantage to definitely do better because now they see, oh, at this point they had this, and at this point they would have done this. And, you know, they just go ahead to, you know, not go through that same huddles they had to go through because they're definitely learning not from scratch this time around. So, yeah, most definitely.

Advantages and Challenges Ahead

It, it's Solana. It's going to be having a lot of advantage and it's going to, you know, scale a lot more, do a lot more better than Ethereum. Why? I already mentioned Ethereum had to do it, then they do it later. So. Yeah, first mover advantage, for sure. Ethereum definitely takes the cake, obviously, bringing smart contracts. Thanks. I think it's actually first mover disadvantage this time because it's not even an advantage for you because you have to fail. You have to fail for those coming behind you to not fail. So it's an advantage for the Solana, but then for the Ethereum, it's a disadvantage. That's just wanted to add.

Reflections on Market Dynamics

That's true. No, you're right. For sure. I mean. Yeah, no, you're right. I get, I'm trying to think about how I can, like, respin that back to my favorite, but I don't think I can. No, I mean, I'm obviously starting things off and. But now they see somebody else coming along. It's true. No, you're 100% right. Solana can literally just watch them make all the mistakes. And what is Saloni get to come in and do? Just come right in. Walts in and just say, hey, we're just not going to do that. We're not going to do this. We're going to do it this way.

Solana's Ecosystem and User Experience

So 100%, you know that you got, you caught me slipping there, so. Yeah, definitely. Solana, man, I like it. I was telling someone earlier, I really do like Solana's ecosystem, the entire, just the entire thing, you know, down to the logo, like, literally down to the logo. I really like them. Then they make it so user friendly. Now, to me, that's a little scary and dangerous because then you got what we have with this pump fun stuff and just the easy ability to make, you know, unfortunate scams, you know what I mean? So that is almost too easy, right? Like pump fund, you can literally create a token for free. I didn't know that until yesterday. I found out, like, randomly on a live stream. So it's just one of those things that now they're implementing actions and blinks, right, where you can just send it a DM or send a post, I think something like that, and literally make a buy that way too.

Emerging Trends and Community Engagement

So it's kind of crazy where they're taking it and very unique stuff that we got going on. But hey, man, I appreciate you joining. Thanks. What did you. I really don't think we're being really fair on Solana because the infrastructure is great, the technology, superb. It's just the people who use this technology. You mentioned the whole farm and the whole organized scams, the pump and dumps, the rugs. Yeah. Personally had my own first year of all that. Got so badly rocked, I had to run away from Solana. But it's not like Solana is bad. It's just the actors who are using, you know, this technology.

The Moral Implications of Technology Use

It's not like saying the mobile phone bad, but then it's just the intentions of the person who's using the mobile phone. You know, you can either use it to reach out to, you know, the world and provide positive value, or you could just use it for something else completely negative and brings, you know, about damage or destruction. So Solana shouldn't get, you know, blamed for all of that. The users should actually get all the blame. Yeah, I definitely didn't like the experience I had, you know, always refreshing my bunk, but, you know, aping, you know, some soul, and before you could blink, your soul is gone. Like, you take your soul away, but it's not Solana's for it.

User Experiences in the Crypto Space

I just have to, you know, give that to Solana. Yeah. Thank you. It's true. No, you're spot on. You can't blame the gun manufacturer for someone going and doing a kill. Like we said, we don't like that, you know, but the thing is, it's the user at the end of the day. And it makes me feel like we're kind of in the Internet phase. When it first started in the.com bubble, when everyone were creating websites, www. This and that, and these businesses based all around that and scams and all kinds of stuff back then.

Reflection on Digital Evolution and Future Outlook

And unfortunately, that's just kind of how it is. You got, like, kids using new technology is kind of what it's like. It's like people discovering stuff for the first time. And because of that, we're still figuring out the technology. The people that are bad actors take advantage of the bus, maybe not knowing, you know, the pitfalls of it, or not pitfalls, but just like, in general, just the scams and the way that are set up. But the most beautiful thing is, I think, after all that stuff is played out and figured out and done, we have, what we have today is the Internet. Right? So imagine, you know, hopefully soon we have a similar rendition of the growth of the Internet from web one, two to now, hopefully three.

Closing Thoughts and Acknowledgments

Soon we're already at three. And. And that growth will be replicated in blockchain technology and that maturity will be replicated. So great points there, man. And everyone, thank you for joining. Ronnie, crypto power, such a wealth of knowledge. Casey, you know that you're og here, bro and it's so awesome to have you show up last minute. So thank you and all the viewers and people, I'm sorry the listeners, thank you again for joining. See a few of you there in the chat there. Goat Marty nor copper King Kong, all of you, thank you and coin w. Thank you so much for allowing us to come and speak on your stage and yeah, that's it. It's been a pleasure.

Final Remarks and Gratitude

Follow Casey Neal, crypto power. Ronnie over here on XDev Coin W of course, get your trades in and follow your boy crypto danks and we'll definitely be seeing you very soon again. Have a great night and thank you so much. Cheers. Cheers.

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