Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space @CoinRankerSuite Presents #Ethereum Madness w/ @Fityeth & @gandalfcryptto ! hosted by coinmerge. Delve into the world of #Ethereum Madness with @CoinRankerSuite to explore Ethereum trends, Web3 data insights, AMAs importance, and the functionality of the CoinMerge Operating System. Learn how CoinRankerSuite impacts the crypto community with valuable data and services. Discover the significance of community engagement and trending topics in the cryptocurrency space. This space offers a comprehensive look into the DeFi niche and the innovative tools shaping the future of decentralized finance.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: What topics were discussed in the Ethereum Madness space?
A: The space covered Ethereum trends, Web3 data, AMAs, CoinMerge Operating System, and trending topics.

Q: How does CoinRankerSuite contribute to the crypto community?
A: CoinRankerSuite provides valuable insights, trending data, and the CoinMerge Operating System for users.

Q: Why are AMAs important in the crypto space?
A: AMAs facilitate community engagement, discussions, and knowledge sharing among participants.

Q: What is the role of Web3 data in cryptocurrency?
A: Web3 data is essential for decentralized applications, transparency, and efficiency in the crypto sector.

Q: How does CoinMerge Operating System enhance user experience?
A: The CoinMerge Operating System offers a seamless interface, data aggregation, and valuable tools for crypto enthusiasts.


Time: 00:15:42
Ethereum Trends Discussion Insights into the latest trends and developments in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Time: 00:28:19
Web3 Data Insights Exploring the significance of Web3 data provision and its impact on the crypto space.

Time: 00:40:55
Community Engagement Through AMAs Understanding how AMAs drive engagement and interaction within the crypto community.

Time: 00:55:10
CoinMerge Operating System Features A detailed look at the functionalities and benefits of the CoinMerge Operating System.

Time: 01:10:36
Trending Topics and BuyBot Discussing the relevance of trending topics and the BuyBot feature in the crypto market.

Time: 01:25:44
CoinRankerSuite's Impact Exploring the role of CoinRankerSuite in providing data, trends, and services to crypto enthusiasts.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn about the latest trends in Ethereum and cryptocurrency.
  • Gain insights on Web3 data and API provision.
  • Understand the importance of AMAs for community engagement.
  • Explore how CoinMerge Operating System enhances the user experience.
  • Discover the significance of trending topics and buyBot.
  • Insight into the role of CoinRankerSuite in the crypto space.
  • Get a glimpse into the world of #Ethereum Madness and its hosts.

Behind the Mic

Schooling California

Schooling California. First time ever more people left California. Thank.

Welcoming Participants

Hello. Hello. Welcome guys. Welcome. Coin merge. I assume that some music was playing. Finney is supposed to be hosting this space and he's at the gym, apparently with aft battery. So we'll have a talk with him about that later, but he's in trouble regardless. Let's go ahead and get started here. I'm here with the kids today, so not supposed to be hosting, but okay, looks like we got 50 on here, man. It is what it is, guys, but we got a full house today. We're totally packed this afternoon. So great seeing you all here. And I know that in the interest of this thing, maybe we can cut some of the formalities and get right to presenting here, if everyone's good with that.

Introducing Coin Ranker Suite

So let's go ahead and start by just talking about what the space is very briefly. This is coin Ranker suite presents ethereum madness so these are all Ethereum projects with the one exception of Louie, because it's a mix up of the Kol there. It's Ethereum only projects, but we're going to let this sole project have their day in the sun among these ETH projects and be able to present as well. But in the future, just ETH projects for these types of spaces. Every single one of these projects is on here, either because they're clients of ours or because more importantly, they installed the coin Ranker suite, the coin ranker buy bot, the best buy bot in all of crypto, into their telegrams and have activated bias for it. Instead of basically just going with bi tech or I forget what the other one is, safeguard or these industry giants that will do absolutely nothing for you and charge you one eth for trending for 4 hours.

Support for Grassroots Projects

They came with us, a smaller business with a arguably better product, and we work hard to support projects at a grassroots level and build relationships with them, which, like I said, is more than we can say for those bigger industries, we continue to climb into more and more telegrams. We did finally break 2000 today. Officially, we've been flirting with 2000 telegrams, but we are in over 2000 telegrams, eth being the second most of all those chains, base being the most adopted. But in any case, we're going to be highlighting and giving a chance to those projects that installed our buy bot to speak today. So appreciate that. If you're interested in getting on spaces like these, or our base space or meme culture or anything else, please go ahead and install our by bot.

Interactivity with Coin Merge

I'm going to go ahead and pin that from the coin merge main account. It should be pinned. Yeah. Coin ranker suite. So I'm going to go ahead and pin that post up here. I'm also going to go ahead and pin the details of this space. So let's get those deeper into xbase. 343 likes, 79 reposts. I like those numbers, guys. I got to be honest. I think that they could even better. But 343 likes and 79 repost is really legit. So props to all of you for making this a lit space. I appreciate that. We're going to start today with Lexi AI. So basically, Betty are going to basically get this thing through the finish line.

Apologies for Timing

We're both semi busy here, but I. Just want to apologize. I literally messed up. I forgot we had our space at 01:00 and the market is absolutely pumping today. I mean, we had Jerome Powell go to Jackson Hole where I tweeted where white people go to ski and the market just started pumping. He talked about the rates coming down. So I want to give as much time as I can to projects today. Next week we're going to have a different format. We're going to, we're going to have some really cool stuff. We're going to start trending projects. When they get in here and install the buy bot, there's going to be a lot of surprises coming. Like we're in, we've done some crazy stuff. We've actually taken some projects. Market caps way up just by coming on here trending and we've got some surprises coming.

Excitement for New Technology

So I'm not going to take much time talking about that. But there's exciting stuff coming. Like really? I know people say big stuff coming, but I'm going to say it. There's no better technology right now than coin merge in these spaces. And the stuff that they've got coming right now is absolutely incredible and I'm super happy to be a part of the team. So let's go to Lexi and let's hear what you got. Let's pump this thing. Hey, guys, thanks for having Lexi AI on board today. So, yeah, like you're saying the markets are pumping. I think everyone's having a really good Friday today. Hopefully we finish off the month with some nice green candles all around as well.

Overview of Lexi AI

So today, like I said, we're speaking about Lexi AI. Now what? We are basically one of the biggest, I would say utility projects that launched in the month of August here. I think we launched actually on the last day of July. So we're about three, I think today actually marks exactly three weeks into the project. And what we are basically is a AI based project that is building technologies as a first mover on WhatsApp right now. And what we basically have is the ability to trade, transact, and do everything you can do on most telegram bots. However, we can do it on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Advantage

And we have this beneficial aspect of the fact that WhatsApp actually has, I believe it's 2.5 billion active users, whereas telegram actually only has about 900 million users. So you can see right away the user base on WhatsApp is about three times the size of telegram at the moment. And we believe as time progresses and adoption goes into the masses, especially in the United States, there's tons of people that have no idea really what telegram is at all. They just think it's like some russian spyware or whatever. And then with WhatsApp, that's kind of like the main chat program that a lot of people use, especially in the United States. So we've basically developed that technology, and we're continuing to develop that technology with new utilities every few days as we've been developing all of our stuff in house.

Revolutionary Messaging Technology

Now, in addition to the WhatsApp technology that we have there in the last week or so, we actually have decided to develop something that's fairly revolutionary, that's never been seen at all. So it's not even something that's like a telegram bot. What you're actually able to do is trade and transact crypto through text messaging. So essentially, how we want to describe it is being able to use crypto without any Internet access at all. Now, how that works is basically you're able to text the Lexi AI phone number, generate a wallet through text messaging commands, and then do all your transactions as well through commands that you can see in the menu there.

Real-World Testing

And we've actually had a couple of people do some cool experiments with that. So one of the people that we have in our community, they actually created a wallet using like a 20-year-old Nokia flip phone. And without any Wi Fi or Internet, they were actually able to not only purchase Ethereum and generate their ETH wallet, but they were actually able to, like, buy and sell the Lexi token just through text messaging. And something I actually saw this morning, which was really cool. In our telegram chat, one of the people said that their friend, who I believe he was on a cruise ship, he was saying that they don't have, like, wi Fi packages on the cruise ship, or they're just like insanely expensive, but they do have a texting capability for all their passengers.

Innovative Usage Examples

So that guy was actually able to use the Lexi SMS feature to buy like basically his crypto just through his phone using a texting command. So that's something that's really cool that we've been building in the last while. Now, in terms of the actual project, I'm sure a lot of people enjoy hearing about prices and different numbers and things like that. So with Lexi, about three weeks ago, we launched with like the standard one ethereum in the liquidity pool. And then what we did is we basically, we had a very stealth launch. So there was no like pre hype or anything. Like if you found the project, you found it.

Launch and Growth Metrics

And obviously with the technology that we had being a first mover, the project was sniped quite heavily. So with that being said, we actually blacklisted about, I think it's 22% of the supply through the snipers that bought right at launch. Like just getting the 2% bags for super cheap. So we actually have the additional benefits that about 20% of the project is completely blacklisted, which actually really greatly helps keep the floor high. And were actually able to achieve, I think it was on the second or third day, an all-time high of around 6 million market cap. And today at this point I think we're sitting around 1.5 mil with around 1500 holders or so.

Engagement with the Platform

And then on the actual usage side of things, I think on a daily basis right now we're averaging about 200 people are like kind of actively tinkering and playing with the bots. So we've seen some pretty good growth on all those sides as well. Now with the Lexi AI project as well, since we are a utility based project, we do have a 5% tax on the token. And a lot of people, they don't like that kind of stuff. And it kind of shoos them away from buying or investing into the project. But with how we're dealing with our taxes, we're actually very transparent and using everything properly.

Marketing Efforts

So to date, I think in the last three weeks currently, it's about, I think, oh, sorry about that. Your phone's cutting a little. I do have to cut it to like a minute or two because I know you've given us a lot of information and a lot of people feel like they have to give everything. But I'll tell you something, most of us can pick up a good minute after a minute and a half. Nobody has any idea what you're talking about. So if you can get, you get some like a footprint in somebody's head of what you're doing. That's really bullish.

Technical Difficulties

Yeah. So I'm not sure what you weren't. Able to hear, but you're rugging really bad, dude. No, we can't even hear. No, I mean, I can hear him. I can hear him. So. No, I think that's a good point. I think to Fiddie's fifty's point, obviously the main point of the utility was driven home there. The being able to text and trade from SMS in the event that, of course, you're not at a computer, not at Uniswap, don't have your 16 wallets open and trading with slippage and things like that's what I took from it.

Utility and Accessibility

Obviously, anything that can bring trading closer to your regular everyday life. So you don't have to enter like the 16 layers of Defi. That's what I took from it. Yeah, no, definitely. Hopefully I'm a little bit clearer now. Are you able to hear me? Yeah, I am. Okay. I was just brushing up on a couple of quick other things just related to the project spending. So one of the big things that people really admire about the way that we are spending our funds right now, our marketing wallet is actually sitting at around $150,000.

Investment in Progress

And throughout the last three weeks, on a weekly level, we've been doing about $40,000 in buybacks every single week. So we definitely want to push Lexi up to great numbers and we're achieving that through the developments we have ongoing. And then as well, doing these massive buybacks so the community is comfortable with their positions. That sounds awesome, man. That sounds awesome. How can people just in the interest of course of. I do need to get to Mister Lightspeed.

Addressing Urgent Situations

His pipes burst in the basement and his repair guy is going to be here in like ten minutes. But I did go ahead and pin up a tweet for you guys. It's got a weekly. All right, is it my phone or can we not hear him? I think people can hear me, right? Yeah, I can hear him. Yeah, we can hear you. Okay, well, I'm speaking, so basically, yeah, I was going to say I did go ahead and pin up a tweet there up at the top.

Community Engagement

So everyone's got to click and follow. Lexi, AI, check out what they're doing. Appreciate you coming on here. The buybacks obviously are super bullish. The utility is very unique, innovative. I've interviewed a lot of projects and I definitely haven't heard of that particular utility. So I'm definitely interested in checking it out? Throw a follow on those guys. Get some of their posts and notifications as they update.

Wrap Up and Gratitude

Appreciate you coming on here, Lexi. AI. And I do apologize for the a little bit of chaoticness in this, but hey, the market's going crazy, so everything gets chaotic, right? Yeah, no worries. Thanks for having us on today. Absolutely. So again, passionate guys. Sounds like they've got a lot going on with their project. Let's get the mic right over.

Transition to Mister Lightspeed

No segue here to mister light speed because I know he's got like, less than five minutes. No problem, guys. And thank you very much. I'm going to follow my sword and take one for the team here. Yeah, the pipes burst in the basement. It's all flooded out. But hey, what the hell? I'm going to do this because I got a little bit of time until the repair guys come. But let me share my excitement.

Meme Coin Introduction

I don't know if you guys can hear me or not. Okay, so, Finny, this is my elevator pitch for you guys. This is a meme coin. It's all about the excitement. Kusama mama put out a story on. Her blog, funky block. Met this really cute pup. Three months old pup. She wrote a poem. Everyone got crazy about it.

Exciting Project Developments

Several iterations of this token launched, but ours, I think is the most exciting. It's got the most hype behind it. It's got the most rowdy crowd. And here's why. I'm a bag holder just like everybody else. I'm pumping my bags just like anybody else. But what I got is a special set of skills. And those skills include. Coinmarketcap listings. Coingecko listings.

Successful Marketing Strategies

Blue tick marks verified circulation supplies.

Current Rankings and Integrations

The thing is ranking everywhere. It's already in product integrations. It's on ellipil hardware wallet. It's going to get on safepal hardware wallet. Ledger's already looking at it. The thing can be swapped on metamask swap already. You can just type in the word fuku and it's going to show up on metamask swap just like that. You can go on Etherscan. Etherscan is showing you as a featured listing. You don't even have to type in the smart contract address. Just type fuku and the project is going to come up right away. Everything that I have done to list this thing has been put in place. Ten exchanges already picked up. Fuku kun. It's at least ten, if not more. All for free. We haven't paid a dime. It's all about the community hype and excitement.

Community Engagement and Tax Advantages

I'm doing it just because now my pitch and my call to action is to come on board. Join the craze that's behind this project. If you have influence, if you have resources like I have behind this, I encourage them to come on board because this project is 0% tax. LP's burned smart contracts renounced. There are no bundled dev tokens as such. It is listed on bubble maps. It is the only fuku project listed on bubble maps. Bubble maps took a look. They said no bundled supplies hidden anywhere. This project was clean enough, so we'll take off our warning labels. Everyone else cannot qualify for that. So we also got a little stamp of approval there as well. Having said that, if you got resources, you want to hop on and do things like I am, knowing that no one else is hiding supply and making a penny off of it, and it's just everyone's fair and equal and hustling for their own bags, then Fuko kun is a project for you.

Discussion of Mister Lightspeed's Role

Fire away, guys. I'm just unmuting here. Hopefully you can hear me. Mister Lightspeed. Yeah, I hope you heard that pitch. Yep. No, I heard the whole entire pitch, and I obviously heard a more in depth pitch of it the other day. Yeah, I mean, the big thing with Mister Lightspeed here is his ability to get projects listed. Now, as I mentioned, other projects here as well. Like, do you have the right market makers? Do you have the right centralized exchanges? Do you have those networks? Do you have someone on the inside who knows how to do all of those things? Well, Mister Whitespeed has that information. He has that knowledge. I highly recommend working with him in that capacity. I'm sure his reviews is his LLC, by the way. It's not just like some random guy on the Internet.

Fuku's Market Potential and Narrative

He's got an LLC for this particular business, and he's been able to employ those efforts on Fuku. It reached like 25 million, I think, all time high. I don't know exactly what it reached, but it was high regardless. And it's got a lot of adoption. And the narrative is important to mention too, right? Cabosu is basically the owner of the original doge. The person who had that doge dog was seen with this new dog, kabosu. And so in a way, it's a. It's an iteration. It's almost like the second generation of the shiba Inu. And, you know, there's some question as to what breed the dog is, but ultimately, you know, this dog and this owner sparked a crypto movement like no other. So that's kind of what kubosu is hoping fuku, sorry, kabosu is the name of the owner. Fuku is kind of hoping to play upon here and reach whole new market audiences and start that crypto wave all over again.

Community Values and Intent for Fuku

Yeah, you got it. As a matter of fact, I just published the narrative on Coinmarketcap. Coin market cap was actually blanking it out on all the fukus to see who was going to rise to the top and who's going to provide a good, honest story to it. So I provided a good narrative behind the meme because meme means culture, right? So this description speaks to values. It speaks to why what a meme is important when it gravitates to people and things to identify with. Because Fuku stands for luck. So that is a great word. Because we're all about luck. We want good luck. And so I, in the description, you're going to see that luck is sprinkled through it. It's also about friendship and the meeting of a new friend on a walk. So we're also about friendship and we're trying to inspire these values.

Promotions and Sharing Credit

So that's going to be some of the things we're going to try to make in connecting with each other. And so if you go to coinmarketcap, you're going to see that narrative at the very end. We're going to see that we did a nice thing and we put a source link and they published the source link. You can link straight to the blog entry. So, you know, we're giving credit to the person. And he's gone. No, I'm here. I thought I got scared. I'm like, okay, I hope that's not my phone again. No, that this time that's Mister Lightspeed. But I think, you know, I think pretty strongly we get Mister Lightspeed got his point across here. So now he's kind of talking.

Wi-Fi Issues and Discussion Continuation

I'm sure x will take him down when he realizes he hasn't been taking. Hey, can you hear everything now, Fiddy? Yeah, perfectly. I'm not at home and the Wi Fi here is good. Now. I'm at a place where I had to like, switch the Wi Fi. So I'm good now. And I feel bad. I apologize because I thought it was somebody else rugging. It was me. So sorry. No, that's good, man. I'm glad that you're back home and of course appreciate you hosting these things and joining our team. So. Well, Mister Lightspeed is talking over there. Hopefully he's can hear everything now. He's all set.

Encouragement to Follow and Participate

But guys throw a follow on Fuku. These guys absolutely blew up in the past couple of weeks and again, they've got Mister Lightspeed behind it. So you know, every t is going to be crossed, every I is going to be dotted. And if you want some kind of similar package for your company, definitely reach out to him because those things are important when people are looking at a token to see if it's legit or not. Including Coinmarketcap, including Coingecko. You know, just those basic listings. You need to have your APIs, you need to have your circulating supply. Like you need to have, you know, verification on various sites.

K9 Finance Introduction

Like these are all things that they look at in order to be listed. So wealth of knowledge, Mister Lightspeed. Really great guy as well. So thank you, Mister Lightspeed for coming on and representing Fuku here. I'm going to go ahead and talk about canine fit if you're cool with it. And then hopefully you can kind of take over for the rest of the show here while I get back to. I can do whatever I can, but I've got as much batteries. I hope it lasts for as long as I can, but I will do my best. But if you can just be here just in case, I don't have a charger with me.

Closing Remarks

Yeah, I'll give it my best shot. I do have a two year old and the four year old here. So by the way, this guy's super cute. Daddy pocket dialed me and I heard him saying in the background, oh, come on. And you could throw it up a little higher. And I'm like, yeah, go throw it up a little higher. So that was a cute call. I never heard you interact with your dad, but on a scale of one to ten, he's a ten. So I apologize. I'm taking some time away for your kids, but I literally, my fault today. No excuses. Our spaces are usually like 04:00, 05:00 and I realize I'm doing Friday and I forgot it's at one today and my time in Pacific, so I will do the best I can.

Final Thoughts on Proceedings

All right, fantastic. Well, I'm going to go ahead and talk about k nine very briefly here and then we're going to go to wag me. We're going to go to Louie, we're going to go to the other projects that are representing today, I believe renegades coming on, but not fully sure. So let's talk about canine finance, guys. I'm part of the team of canine finance. As you know, I'm also the COo of coin merge technology. So there's a really strong partnership there. But that's not the only partnership k nine finance has. Let me get a tweet pinned up for you from these guys while we're doing this. Canine Finance is also an official partner of Shiba Inu.

Canine Finance Partnerships and Market Performance

So they're one of two of the major partners of Shiba Inu. Being bad idea. AI was the first one. That thing shot up to like 100 million market cap. When the partnership was announced, canine finance technically reached a fully diluted value of 350 million market cap. So the hype for canine launch was absolutely insane. It garnered 7000 eth holders. All right, this isn't a layer two where you airdrop 600 million holders and you're like, look how many holders I have. These are real traders, right? 7000 in the first two months. And that's the kind of instant adoption that comes with partnering with Shiba Inu, with having Shytoshi Kusama tweeting about and backing your project and having a top 15 meme coin.

Significance of Shiba Inu Partnership

In fact, the biggest meme coin to ever launch on a Uniswap pool is Shiba Inu. And having that as your partner is obviously very good. Look. So the question is really quick, what is canine finance? Why does it matter to Shiba Inu? Well, it's because they have a layer two blockchain, shibarium. And that layer two blockchain is not adopted. Solana is adopted, base is adopted. I guess Tron is now adopted ton blockchain is adopted. But Shibarium has had a pretty lackluster volume, pretty lackluster TvL on the actual chain itself. And that's where k nine finance comes in.

K9 Finance's Strategies and Future Goals

They built a liquidity staking derivative not unlike lido finance. Rank 53 token does for Ethereum. We're going to be doing the same thing for shibarium. We're going to provide an outlet for people to lock up the gas token bone and increase the TVL, increase the volume on shibarium. And if you own canine token, then you're going to be able to be reaping the rewards from that, from compounding interest in the native bone rewards. The APR hasn't been set yet, but the product goes live September 18. So basically, if you want to become part of this, the Shiba Inu ecosystem, and you want an entry, maybe you don't want to buy, you know, 25 billion market cap Shiba Inu.

Unique Opportunities with Canine Finance

Maybe you want to buy a bone at 300 million market cap, rank 300 and usually around three rank 300 on its coin market cap. Or you can buy canine Finance, which is currently at a 25 or 15 million fully diluted market cap, circulating more like 4 million, and become a part of the liquidity staking derivative of the Shibarium blockchain. So kind of me pitching the product there, but click the link at the top, throw that a follow, and become part of the canine finance army. It's one of the most robust and well organized technology companies in that whole ecosystem.

Canine Finance's Leadership in Technology

Maybe even better than Shiba Inu itself when it comes to the engineering and attention to detail over there. Appreciate that. Guys, back to you. Fiddy. Yeah, I mean, I couldn't have said all that. That's pretty impressive. And I know a lot about what they're doing and some of the stuff they're doing, very impressed. And, you know, I can't really say anything about that. They're proven, and I think in this space, when you're proven, it's a big thing. So appreciate that.

Future Utilities and Collaborations

One thing, fitty. I don't even know if you know this, it's kind of some alpha here, but we have a utility that we've built, we're building with them that hasn't even been revealed to k nine, hasn't been revealed to coin merge, a brand new utility. Let's just say that it's a competitor of a top 100 token utility as well. So if you don't know them right now, 52. Well, obviously we've had some meetings, but. We'Re going to get, I actually do know, and I think when you're ready to announce it, everybody will be very bullish on it.

Collaborative Efforts and Market Reach

Yeah, man. Absolutely. Well, it's definitely going to be great cross promotion and to be hit the whole Shiba Inu market with one of the coin merge technology utilities. So excellent collaboration there. Huge, huge audiences, nothing to snuff at. So we can go to the next project if we're ready, maybe that would. Guys, let's do this where we get it in a minute or two. And I keep kind of telling people like, I know everybody wants to get in as much as they can.

Time Management for Presentations

And I remember in NFT days when we have like our twelve to 20 minutes shows and after a minute they're like, okay, these are cats with things on their head or dogs with things on their head. But at the end of the day, people don't retain information. So if you can keep it to a minute or two, it'll better for you guys. Probably for my battery, too, but let's keep it for you guys.

Introduction and Community Introduction

All right, yeah, let's throw the mic to it in this order. Wag me and then Louie, and then I'll look at the list for after that. What's up, guys? Lightspeed, tough act to follow, right? But I'll keep it short and sweet for you guys. Wag me, right? We're all gonna make it. That's what it stands for. Pretty self explanatory. We are a CTO token. We took over just about eight, nine days ago at a super low cap, like a nine k cap. We're still a small cap, right around 100. But what sets us apart is we relate to everybody in the entire space. We're not a frog, we're not a dog, we're not a cat. We incorporate all of those. but we're all going to make it is probably the single most relatable term in all of crypto. That's why we're all here, right? Everybody wants to make it.

Community Engagement and Growth

Our community is super, super strong. We raid all day, we shill all day. We've got about 1100 members in the telegram. no marketing wallet, none of that. It's all team funded by myself and some of the guys that helped me take over. As we grow, which we will probably put that into place, spend some more money, hit some marketing a lot harder. But right now we're purely organic. We've got some big calls that have been completely free. Just people that relate to our message and what we're all about and what we're doing, which is that's what we are trying to accomplish. Just building our community. And being such a low cap rate, we've probably got some of the most room to grow. And that's our goal is to get up there 510, 15 million. And we know that takes some money and some work along the way, but as we hit certain benchmarks, we're ready to do that. Any questions?

Future Plans and Marketing Strategy

That was good, man. I mean, it's short, right to the point. I appreciate it. Does anybody have any questions? Yeah. So at 100K market cap, what would you kind of say do you have coming down the pipeline that's potentially could be a catalyst or get people excited? Yeah. So it's our marketing that we're putting the most focus on. Right. And so I'm bringing on a video editor or two, going to create mass marketing content like GIF style marketing, similar to like ponky style marketing. Right. The Twitter algo loves it, people love it. And we have tons and tons of meme content picture meme content, which is great, but being grassroots, being organic. Right. We don't have, or we're not putting the 100, $200,000 marketing budget up. So working on all of the listings we can, we have a guy on board that got us listed on 28 free sites over the past like four days.

Community Learning and Awareness

So doing as much of that as possible. I paid for some other listings as well, but would like to get on the bigger listings as our market cap grows and just really hit Twitter, telegram, Instagram, YouTube, everything with this video content. So my advice would be, I mean, I like what you're doing. I'm checking it out. I'm looking at TG as much as I can. I don't have a lot of battery juice, but I've got everything written down, so I'll peek at it later. everybody tries to kind of like, say, we're doing what Ponky's doing, we're doing what this one's doing, we're doing what that one's doing. But, you know, try to find uniqueness because not everything works like Ponky. If everybody has videos that look like Ponky style there, it's not going to be like very bullish, if that makes sense.

Unique Approach in Community Engagement

What I'm saying, one of the best things that I've seen lately is a community that I've been involved with and I don't work with it, but I bought into it. It's called Crying Cat. And these guys last night with David Gokhstein had 3400 people just sat there in a Twitter space rated with TGDE rating talking. And new buyers are coming in time after time. So sometimes going back to old school before ponky style and just really letting people know about it is very bullish because, I mean, I see a lot of different projects coming in. Everybody's like, we're doing what they're doing. But it doesn't always work for everybody, if that makes what I'm saying, and I'm not criticizing your project whatsoever, I'll definitely check it out. I'm just, I'm kind of giving this advice to everybody in the room.

Community Reception and Open Collaboration

Yeah, yeah. It's a very small piece of what we're doing. Right. And we've got a really strong community. So community competition, stuff like that with the memes, we do VC's where we get on there and just raid shill. I mean, we probably, I don't know, show 30, 40 posts a day. So really just trying to spread awareness. But I think our message is very relatable. Everybody that we've talked to, reached out to, has been very open to it and helpful. You know, nobody's charging anything so far, which I know will not be the case forever, but it's nice to see people being open to it and helping so far. Awesome.

Transitioning to Next Project

Well, thank you for coming up and sharing. Appreciate it. Let's go over to the next project. And who was the next project? I'm sorry. That would be Louie. Louie is up there. They're Solana. So, you know, they're. We're sneaking some salami in here, huh? Yep. We're just gonna sneak them in. They're not. Is that Solana? I see. Are you just happy to hear to see me? Both? All right, let's hear it. Yeah. So essentially, Louie is a handsome raccoon. The catdog meme coin market, just very oversaturated. Just too many cats, too many dogs. So we needed a handsome raccoon to kind of come in, steal a show.

Raccoon Concept and Value Extraction

Okay. So we needed a raccoon. Sorry, I thought Fiddy was going to respond to that. I was just turning off my tv. So the raccoon, what would you say he does here? Sneaks into spaces. He sneaks in. He sneaks into these spaces and gives it some soul. That's what I'm saying. Does he, like, rummage through garbage tokens and try to, like, pull out value and scraps out of them or. I wouldn't call it a garbage token, but we're. No, no. I'm saying, does he rummage through other garbage tokens, like ones that have died, and try to extract value out of garbage cans? Oh, of course. We're always trying to extract value from them.

Personal Anecdotes and Engagement

You're being deep with this guy. You're being super deep, man. Well, he's. He's speaking in riddles, man. He's like Gandalf. So let me give you some riddles. So back when I was going to clubs every night, I used to come home at two, three in the morning, four in the morning, and I would feed raccoons. I had a family of raccoons that would come every night. French fries, whatever I had left over, I would always bring them some. And this is going on for a while. One night, I didn't go out. My parents went out super late, and they came home at 02:00 in the morning. My mom came in screaming that she said they were getting attacked by a family of raccoons. So raccoons do go through trash. They're super cute. I'm very bullish on raccoons.

Community and Engagement Recap

They're very smart, too, and extremely. I do like rag. I'm bullish on records. I'm telling not even. This is Alpha. Me too. Okay, guys, I'm going to jump in here. It's rampage, and I'm actually a part of this community, the Louie gang. And you know what, guys? It gives me shout out to coin words, first of all, because you guys are the biggest gigachads in the space right now, and everybody wants to be on your spaces. And everybody's token always moons after, so shout out to you guys. But Louie gives me similar to Billy Vibes, which, you know, went to 100 plus million market cap. It is unique where it's not a cat, it's not a dog.

Community Outlook and Development

And I'm in some of these telegram chats, and I'm seeing some very big names that are waiting to come to life with this project. They have the supply in the right hands. They have a team that's not broken. And these guys are very smart and calculated with what they're doing in each phase. They're not trying to just moon this thing out of anywhere and try and drive FoMo that way. They want to build a solid community and then get some bigger kols involved and really take this thing to its deserving levels. And I've seen it develop in the last two weeks, guys, and, man, they're onto some big things. Let's go.

Growth and Market Cap Goals

Just to build on that, we're, the team here is very dedicated. We've been going for nearly 50 days and we got big numbers. And in mind, we don't want just a quick, you know, 10 million. We want hundred million plus. And what do you guys, what are. You guys at right now? Just curious. I think we're like 1.3 right now. Last I checked, nothing. That's not that, man. I mean, most, defi tokens don't even cross, like the 500k barrier. So 1.3 shows some major adoption already. what would you kind of attribute to the early success?

Content Development and Community Engagement

Just the meme ability of the raccoon. It's, you know, we have a lot of great content. We have, someone on the team used to work for adult swim, so, you know, they drew up content for Cartoon network. And so, yeah, you could see it in the videos that we post. Just the meme ability of the raccoon. It's where it kind of gives the Michi and Billy vibes. You can draw anything on it, really. And it all looks good, really grabs people's attention. Awesome. Well, thank you for bring coming up and sharing and I'll definitely take a look at.

Closing Engagement

I know rampage. Rampage is a part of it. I'll definitely dm you and see if I can get supply for everybody later. You should definitely take some supply. I love it. I love it. You could probably get. You could probably get some supply from radium right now, right? I'm sure I'm gonna. Radium's wide open. If I have enough battery juice, I'm going to radium right after this. Who do we have next? Funk? Well, I just want to close off by saying, you know, Louie was the wedding crashers of this event with the Solana token, but throw a follow on those guys, get connected to what they're doing and sorry again.

Event Wrap-Up

Again, I've got a child, but yeah, appreciate you coming on, Louie. Thank you for having me, especially as a Solana token. Yeah, no, you just snuck in here, which is okay. You know, we all support all chains. I think at this point we've all realized we go where the money is. I mean, I see people on Tron right now. I gotta tell you, good luck to you guys. But that wallet. Oh my God. That's another conversation. But who's next? We got Funko. Who should we pick next? Should I just randomly pick somebody? You got somebody picked out.

Initial Discussions and Technical Difficulties

It's the very first pinned tweet, and I did text it to you as well. That's technically a renegade is supposed to come up here. I don't see them in this listener panel, but they're welcome to. But other than that, just bring up some random guests. Yeah, I was looking for renegade, so go ahead and request if you're an Eve project and we're going to get you guys up here right now. Can you guys hear me? Yep, you're good. Okay, gotcha. I was like, I didn't know, but I don't. I'm gonna just go through a few projects, get everybody up here, guys. And I apologize for some technical difficulties I'm having. I got confused on my time, but I'm gonna go. I want to get through at least the projects that we had in the space today. And we're gonna. We're gonna not ever have this again. Yeah. Yes.

Project Discussion and Guest Requests

I actually, I don't own a project, but I wanted to circle back to that Louie project just as far as, I don't know if the people, they left, but I had a question as far as, like, future and kind of what they have in mind. I wanted to hear more. I want to get, I don't mind doing that in a little bit, but I'd like to just kind of get through the projects we have and then if we have some more time, would love to go back to Louis, if that's okay. That works. All right, so I cannot see first, I don't know if it's a technical difficulty, but I don't see any requests right now. So either you're not requesting or there's no projects left that need to be seen. So we've got. Yeah, I'm clear. Petty. You have. Do you have a project with you today? Well, yeah, there's this little gnome Eth project called the apocalyptic apes releasing a token here soon.

Releasing Tokens and NFT Considerations

I love it. I love it. We're not going to talk about that because I do have some plans, and so we're not going to start pretending and making things happen for today. But I appreciate you talking about it, but no, there are some things come with nfts. I'm not going to push nfts until we have some reason to push nfts and we're going to put some things behind it. But I appreciate you bringing that up. Yeah, no worries. I got a poke daily, so I'm already used to the Pokemon. We got Benjamin in the space. Benjamin, how are you? All right, so I don't know if I can see people that are being requested, but I'm going to just kind of go through some of the projects. I do see a few we're supposed to have up and they are not here. So if anybody has an 8th project they'd like to talk about or bring them up, please raise your hand and bring them up, and we will give you guys as much time as I can today.

Interacting with Semi-Final Projects

All right, so looks like we've got basmatic raising his hand. Yes, sir. How you doing, basmatic? Hey, great. Good to see you, Finny. I'm offering a free tool that's in beta and it's a radium basically as a Solana thing. But basically we're tracking tokens with a Sol scanner, putting together like a top ten list and whatnot. And we'd love to invite you all over to use it. It's really a cool tool on Telegram, so it's like technically, I guess, a telegram bot. And we have more coming, but we've got data about like, pictures, too. All these sol scanners and e scanners and whatnot, they don't have the, like, ticker art. So you can quickly do a scan and just kind of see what the meta is. That's one thing.

Tool Development and Features

And then we also have, like, a quick scan with, like, traffic light colors. So if it's green, it's kind of a go, yellow and red. You know, like, can it ease up or be cautious? But we're developing that. It's in my timeline. You can all just add. Is that something. Is that. Sorry, is that something we could already use? Yes. Already out open right now, available for everybody to use. Go ahead and pin it to the top. Anybody wants to use that? That's very cool. Yep, right on. And we've got a couple other things coming. We've got, like, another advanced version that we're working on that will be rolled over. So we've got like a dev channel for TG. And this is a beta.

Future Developments and Team Structure

So pretty soon what we've been working on will replace it. So don't get too attached to it. But it should be a lot more, like, scannable easily. We're just trying to make it really quick and easy to see what's going on. And really we're tracking, like, liquidity. So if liquidity is not safe, you're going to get a bunch of reds and, like, you know, poop emojis and whatnot. So go check it out. It should be helpful. It's there for everybody and it's free right now. Appreciate it, man. You bet. Thank you for coming up. I believe that is all the projects we had as far as the ETH because I just kind of went through the list. But I did, we did have a question for my raccoon friend, so I don't remember who asked that.

Inquiries about Project Future

Louie, you still here with me? Yeah, I'm here. So somebody had a question for you. Yeah, it was me earlier. So go ahead. Go ahead and ask your question. And love, Louie to answer that. Yeah, I just kind of wanted to know what the future developments are, what the team has. You know, obviously, it being a meme, you kind of have to think about the longevity. I, yeah, I kind of wanted to get a sense, you know, you mentioned some really big numbers. How do you plan to get there? Yes. So we're kind of, we're building. We'Re. Building towards securing our, you know, two to 3 million floor, where then we can really crank out on a market maker, go through a more of a liquidity injection and then the tier one listings, we're building towards all that kind of building at our own pace.

Long-Term Strategies

So everything's done right. It's not, it's not just rushed where, you know, we have missteps along the way. It's, we're trying to get that core all together and all building at the same time. We got more content trying to onboard more and more devs, friends, artists to help with content. And really, the biggest thing is we're having fun with it all. And, you know, kind of just with all the friends that we made along the way who've just jumped on the raccoon because they've liked it, we've, you know, we're working with this, you know, us with the CTO leads, we're. We're working with people that have had successful ctos before to name a couple, like bond speed cabal perp on the D gen chain, you know, so the team really has experience that they know how to build and that's what we're working for.

Future Goals and Market Strategy

And then once we get that, you know, really nice floor that we like, then we're going to start turning things up. You mentioned being at one mil, 1 million. Was it 1 million or one point? What was it around 1.3 right now? Market cap. That's awesome, man. Yeah. Thank you. I definitely. I definitely want to bring you guys back on. You should come on Monday on the meme coin space. You know, we do meme coin spaces Mondays. We also have a base space on Wednesdays, which is going to be really different. We've got a really cool guest that's going to be coming on every week with us. So these spaces are going to be a little bit more organized, a little better. We'll have a lot more surprises for you guys.

Enhancing Engagement and Future Discussions

We'll be able to trend projects while up here with the by bots. If you guys have not installed a buy bot, definitely look at it, because the buy bot is not just a buy bot, it's free to install. But there's going to be a lot of other features that have not been introduced yet that you should do that you should be putting this buy bot in. And I recommend this to a lot of people, especially on ETh. If you have a project, don't have three or four different buy bots going in there, have like, one, honestly. And the reason you want to have one, because I hate going into TG and just seeing buy bot after buy bot showing that sale. It's just not what we want to do.

Coin Merger's Technology and Future

We want to interact when they're, we want to talk, but we do want to see the buys are coming through. But the beauty about Coin merch and why I really love working with these guys is their tech is so incredible is they just brought on a guy, literally, he's from Microsoft. I mean, it's incredible engineer. And some of the things that they're doing is they're going to be able to, like, I'm not even going to go into everything, but there's going to be some stuff that's going to be live, there's going to be a lot of cool stuff that's going to be happening. But the biggest thing is they're going to not only going to trend you on Telegram, not only going to trend you on Twitter, not only are they going to trend you in these spaces, but there's going to be some other features and tools that are going to happen.

Impact of Larger Cap Coins

So having a good buy bot, having good technology, something we're missing because we're always trying to figure out how do we get our coin working, how do we get more eyes to our token and coin merger is going to be the way. So I know you guys have seen these guys grind for three and a half years, and I just recently joined the team and I absolutely love what they're doing because, you know, as much as we love meme coins, we love everything else. We do need tech. And this is the best tech you're going to get in the space right now. So if you haven't put in there, buy bots, definitely put that in. If you need some help, just, you know, DM Coin merger will help you out.

Conclusion and Future Intentions

Yeah, man, I do want to jump in while I got like less than 5% battery left myself. I do want to apologize as well to everyone in these spaces. Obviously, we've been onboarding both fitty, which has been a huge, awesome endeavor, and then also we've been onboarding our friend VC, Adam. So lots of structures, structural changes to Coimbridge. So this week, sorry, someone was calling me this week, got a little bit funky with the organization and making sure everything ran really smoothly. But I think regardless, we got a big audience here. We had some projects up and people listening this recording back. Please give us grace and know that we do consider ourselves one of the best in the business and running really smooth, well organized spaces.

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