Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space in the 'Art' niche focused on gamified productivity, blockchain technology, rewards, and user motivation within Pets Money. Participants delved into a diverse range of discussions including the contemporary art scene, technology utilization, and community interactions. The role of the promoter technique, secure order function testing, and intriguing aspects of Pets Money such as CoinLab Verse X PetZ Money were also extensively discussed. This made the space informative and interactive for all attendees, covering topics such as tokens, gamification, community, and security.


Q: What type of company still produces DVDs for purchase, and at what price?
A: Chicago company, international movie film company, $25.

Q: Why did the speaker get kicked out of their parents' house?
A: Can't legally drive due to issues in the court of law.

Q: What role does the promoter technique play in Pets Money?
A: Motivates users with gamified elements.


Time: 00:02:25
Pets Money Introduction, Speaker introduces the Pets Money platform and provides an overview.

Time: 00:12:19
Detailed Integration with Pomodoro Technique, In-depth explanation of how Pets Money integrates with the Pomodoro technique to enhance productivity.

Time: 00:14:24
Main Components Overview, Discussion on the key components of the Pets Money system.

Time: 00:17:32
Motivation through Pomodoro Technique, Explaining how the Pomodoro technique helps in keeping users motivated.

Time: 00:20:16
Native Token Utility, Insights into the native token's functionality within the Pets Money ecosystem.

Time: 00:23:07
User Engagement Strategies, How Pets Money encourages user engagement and builds anticipation for Pomodoro sessions.

Time: 00:26:34
Marketing Strategies and Community Expansion Plans, Discussion on the marketing tactics employed by Pets Money and their future community expansion strategies.

Time: 00:32:11
Q&A Session on Security and Community Engagement, Addressing security measures and strategies for community engagement during the Q&A session.

Key Takeaways

  • The host Michu introduces the space
  • focusing on coin levers and Fed's money.
  • Discussion revolves around Pets Money
  • awaiting the speaker and engaging the audience.
  • Exploration of gamified productivity
  • blockchain technology
  • and rewards within Pets Money.

Behind the Mic

Hello everyone. Hope that you can hear me. Thank you. This is Michu, your favorite host in the crypt space. I can say right now I'm in coin levers. And also we're going to be discussing about the pets money. So we're just waiting for our speaker. Our channel. So we're just waiting for our speaker from the Fed's money. So just wait. Hope that he will join soon. You can see their official account like a young loon. That is why ltech is here. So just do it. So while take, could you please make a request? Just clicking on the mic option. You can see in there like I think in the left side, the mic portion. Just click on it and make a request to us. So quelle verse. Could you check? I'm a speaker. I'm not any kind of host or co host. Could you please check? So Yeltek, we have sent you the request. Could you please check or make a request? So why take like YLT, could you please make a request? Just clicking on the mic option. I don't know what's the problem? Like, although I'm a speaker, I have no right to unmute you, but I'm just trying. Hello? Hello. Yeah, I can hear. Okay. Thank you for having here. So I think there's some kind of network issue, but no worries. So just give me a minute. Just 1 minute more, I think. Then you can start. Okay. Okay. I think we can kick off our Emmy session. And first of all, I'd like to thank you everyone guys for having here. So this is the coin levers. And like today we're going to discuss more about the pairs money. So if I talk more about the pets money, which is the best? Money is a gamified productivity platform that combines the promoter technique with the blockchain technology and gamify elements. So here is our speaker, Vialtech. So first of all, sir, could you please introduce yourself then about your pets money. Hi everyone. I'm the founder of the Petzimani. So we are the team of six people. So Petzimani is a productivity tool, sir. The people can use it to. To enhance their productivities and earn the pazzi token from our tools. Okay, yeah, thank you. I think let's move to the one by one to our questionnaire session. So the first question is like for our community. Could you please give a brief introduction about the money project? Yeah, sure. You want right now? Yeah, yeah, sir. Yeah. You can start. So as I mentioned before, it's the miner is a project that people can use to enhance their productivity and earn the Pazzy token using our tools. So eventually our goal is to have to build an ecosystem for both personally motivate other people to motivate motivate the working goal and other productivity purpose. So you can use our app to create a tax to gain some personal goal, such as the working chan. So each time you create some task, you already end. If you end the token, other reward and in the mean time, you also finish your personal goal outside. So apart from it, is there any more? Yeah, so this is like the primary goal of the ecosystem for the pezy token. So in the end, if you use our tools, they can, you know, they can also earn the token and achieve their goal at the same time. Yeah, yeah. So guys, like it means like the pets and money is used for the personal or professional use, like you can use it in your daily life or your professional life to create the task and to complete it. I can give you a quick example. It's like to lose weight about 1kg in like 2 week or something like that. So you can use the money tool to type in a pack to lose about 1kg in 2 week and each time if you record it. OK. Like every single kilo you lost and you record it on the Petzi app, you get you earn the Pazi token. OK, yeah, thank you. Yeah, I understand. So moving to the next question. Like could you please share your vision and mission of your project? That is Petzi Money. So the vision is to build an ecosystem for both personal and professional use. So for people to motivate themselves in the productivity way and also achieve their goal at the same time. OK, moving to the next question. Like what is the main focus of the Petzi Money team during this year? So our main focus is to have our team focus on building the product and tools to have the users so they can finish their tax on time and enhance their productivity. OK, great. Nice. So the next question. Is if I ask about security, like how do you ensure the security of your users? We are applying the smart contract along with the multi signature along with that. We have our additional wallet with the employer transaction so we can you know, prevent the fraud attempt from the wallet. So yeah, privacy is our first concern. OK, so our next question is about future plans. Like what are the future plans of the Petzi Money project? Right now we have research on building a marketing for the Pezy tool and also the other surrounding aspect such as the ad marketing. We are engaging with other influencers for more opinions on how our tools can be you know, more better for the users and secure for the users. So we hope in the future everyone will be more productive using our tool and also achieve their goal as well. OK, so my next question is about your token. Like what is the Pezy token and its actual use case? The Pezy token is used to build the ecosystem for the Petzi Money. So end user can use the Petzi token to you know create it's like a. The currency can use in app so you can reward using the same currency. So we build an ecosystem that end user using the Petsy app can earn and you know they can use, withdraw, share and reward using the the petsy talk in apps. Okay, that's good. So is there any plan for like listing of petsy tokens? I'm sorry I couldn't hear you well. Can you please repeat? Okay, yeah. Is there any plan for listing of Petzi token? So we are still in discussion right now. So about the we are still you know, finding the solution to launch our Petzi, the Pezzi token first on certain platform and then we're going to launch it on the decentralized exchange. OK, yeah, great. So, uh, actually, like, I have a lot of questions for you, but I'm just asking those questions which are very useful for our community. Actually. So my next question is that what are the benefits of using pets money as a daily driver for productivity? Personal motivation? The benefit is user can use you know the tools the pack tool to achieve their goals and brightness about the future. The personal goal and also can make other life to become more easier. Okay, yeah, so if I talk more about like what would you say is the unique feature of this project? As for the feature like we you we build the tools we can do the tax. So we already feature our calendar feature reminder feature and also in lockdown so in the future user can use it. You know with the smartwatch series so you can integrate battery between like other productivity tools with the pack tools to integrate with each other. OK. So are there any ongoing futures or plan to enhance the technology infrastructure of petsy money such as layer two solution, integrating with other blockchain technology? You get my question? We are using the Aptosa, the move programming language for the smart contract. What do you say? Emperor? Emperor? Yeah, I can hear you clearly. Am I audible? Yeah, you are. Can you hear him from the speaker? Not really. So sir, could you please answer his question once again if possible? Should I ask the question again? I asked again. Okay. Like are there any ongoing futures or plan to enhance the technology infrastructure of present money such as implementing layer two solution or integrating with the other blockchain network? You get my question now. So you mean the structure of the future. Future plan to implement the. Yeah, to add technology infrastructure of your project? You get that question? We already created the depth on the actors so the. You can check out our. We will be launching sooner so we already created the depth on the mobile for the mobile apps and also the website so the user can we already in the beta testing so you can use it to create a task and earn other reward from it. So we will announce the launching deck launching debt for our dev later on. Okay thank you. I'm peril for your question so I think we are enough for now. We have to wrap this session. So sir before wrapping this session like do you want to share anything else like any information or any closing remarks? Our Fazzy gold coin will be launched on degrees two days later. So for the initial of the market initial market cap of the fuzzy gold coin is input as 1000 as an initial market cap so the user and also the you can first we release on the decrease of and we will engage with other centralized exchange and also this on other platforms. Okay yeah thank you sir for your time, for your comment and also I would like to thank you all of our community members actually for having here in California and best wishes to your best money for the future and thank you everyone. Have a nice day and wish you good luck. Bye bye. It.

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