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Coffee with Captain #742 – powered by $APE


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Coffee with Captain #742 – powered by $APE hosted by ChrisJourdan. In the ‘Coffee with Captain #742 – powered by $APE’ Twitter space, experts and founders delved into the dynamic world of NFTs and the Metaverse, discussing key topics like NFT innovation, community engagement, legal considerations, and future trends. The space highlighted the importance of trust, authenticity, and inclusivity in building sustainable NFT ecosystems. As partnerships drive innovation and education fosters understanding, the landscape of digital ownership undergoes rapid evolution, offering diverse opportunities for creators and collectors alike.

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Q: How are NFTs reshaping digital ownership?
A: NFTs are revolutionizing digital ownership by providing unique, verifiable digital assets with blockchain technology.

Q: What role does community engagement play in the NFT space?
A: Community engagement fosters trust, inclusivity, and sustainability, driving the success of NFT projects.

Q: How can creators protect their intellectual property rights in the NFT market?
A: Creators can safeguard their IP rights through smart contracts, licensing agreements, and metadata embedded in NFTs.

Q: What impact does blockchain interoperability have on NFTs?
A: Blockchain interoperability enhances NFT utility by enabling assets to move seamlessly across different blockchain networks.

Q: Why is it important to educate users about NFTs?
A: Educating users promotes understanding, responsible participation, and long-term growth in the NFT ecosystem.

Q: How do collaborations drive innovation in the NFT space?
A: Partnerships enable cross-pollination of ideas, access to new audiences, and the development of innovative NFT projects.

Q: What challenges do NFT projects face in terms of inclusivity?
A: Ensuring accessibility, diversity, and representation within NFT communities is crucial for achieving inclusive growth.

Q: What legal considerations should creators be aware of when entering the NFT market?
A: Creators need to understand copyright, licensing, and ownership rights to navigate the legal landscape of NFTs effectively.

Q: How do NFTs contribute to the evolving concept of digital art?
A: NFTs introduce new monetization models, provenance tracking, and ownership transparency, redefining the value of digital art.

Q: What are the potential future developments in the NFT and Metaverse convergence?
A: The integration of NFTs and the Metaverse could lead to immersive virtual experiences, digital asset utilization, and novel economic structures.

Q: Why is trust crucial in the NFT market?
A: Trust underpins the value of NFT transactions, establishes credibility among stakeholders, and ensures the authenticity of digital assets.


Time: 00:15:42
NFT Innovation and Digital Ownership Exploring how NFTs are reshaping the concept of digital ownership through unique digital assets.

Time: 00:30:19
Community Engagement in NFT Projects Discussing the importance of community involvement in driving the success of NFT ventures.

Time: 00:45:55
Legal Aspects of NFTs and Intellectual Property Examining the legal considerations that creators and investors need to be aware of in the NFT space.

Time: 01:00:10
Exploring NFT Market Expansion Analyzing the growth and diversification of the NFT market, offering new opportunities for participants.

Time: 01:15:27
Blockchain Interoperability for NFTs Understanding how interoperability between blockchain networks enhances the functionality of NFTs.

Time: 01:30:45
Inclusivity and Diversity in NFT Communities Highlighting the importance of inclusivity and diversity for the sustainable development of NFT ecosystems.

Time: 01:45:11
Partnerships Driving NFT Innovation Exploring how collaborations contribute to innovation and growth in the NFT industry.

Time: 02:00:33
Educational Initiatives in the NFT Market Emphasizing the role of education in empowering users and creators to navigate the complexities of NFTs.

Time: 02:15:50
Future Trends in NFTs and the Metaverse Speculating on the potential developments and convergences between NFTs and the Metaverse.

Time: 02:30:02
Trust and Authenticity in NFT Transactions Delving into the significance of trust in sustaining the credibility and value of NFT assets.

Key Takeaways

  • NFT innovation is driving the evolution of the digital ownership landscape.
  • Establishing trust and authenticity is crucial for the sustainable growth of NFTs.
  • Community engagement plays a vital role in the success of NFT projects.
  • Exploring the intersection of NFTs and the Metaverse opens up new possibilities for creators and users.
  • Technological advancements like blockchain interoperability are enhancing the utility of NFTs.
  • Understanding the legal and intellectual property aspects of NFTs is essential for creators and investors.
  • The NFT market continues to expand rapidly, offering diverse opportunities for creators and collectors alike.
  • Inclusivity and accessibility are key factors in ensuring the long-term viability of NFT ecosystems.
  • Collaborations and partnerships are driving innovation and growth in the NFT space.
  • Education and awareness remain critical to navigating the complexities of the NFT market.

Behind the Mic

A New Digital Era

Better leave it to the professional. Started off with a bit, now I got coin, I see where you going in papa says, web one hello, web two, I was living a dream, now I’m on web three and it is what it seems? Topping the pyramid schemes, I’m telling you I’ll sell you a percentage on nebulae. Shout out to Vince, you’ll set it up surfing on the web and I’m shooting at three? I’ve been goated when I got my tea. I’m an elegant boy from a different planet, yeah, so I got my drink, I’m riding in the 1920s Model T Ford car era. Lord call me Levi, survived Blue, I want one, but I got a cop too? I want to fly high in the sky, arms out wide trying to soar from a bird’s eye view. I’m on fire, Ricky Bobby cracking the pavement?

Life Experiences and Aspirations

Whitney Bobby, I’m a saki bomb, hiroshima, naga saki, Bruce Wayne, been a dog, and I keep it 101 cause I’m feeling kind of spotty? Sipping on some rockin’I’m, sippin’no, octane, the. Only thing around GMGM drops the GM in the chat down below give us some love on the space up top while you’re up there, hit the reminders for the rest of the week from that harpy carousel and I’ll drop a stream link, mobile, link, stream, drop mobile, link up top here in a second and then we’ll run one of those. I’m telling you, I’ll sell you a percentage on nebula shout out to Vince, you’ll set it up NFT, Twitter, blockchain. Seeing what the ghost of me was not falling for the FOMO listening to copyright cabinet.

Navigating Challenges

You know wear a y day logo I ain’t never gonna stop rapping Orlando, yeah, we working magic, we rocking ethereum I just went and got me a half base, man, I got a shout out now, I got coin, I see where y’all going. Papa says, web one, hello, I was living a dream, now I’m on web three and it is what it seems. Topping the pyramid schemes, I’m telling you I’ll sell you a percentage on Nebula. Shout out to Vince, yo, set it up. Breaking a mood to choose one bunny got knowledge to move, son, I’m shocking in shades with my brother in Susie Blues is coming even though it’s hard to pick any money?

Reflections and Community

Mo soda on the mix, no white lipstick, trying to go index number one, no thumbs up, you gotta scroll looking at the ghost and studio was kinda go had a helmet on by myself until I met a master wouldn’t have a face sauce had to bring my chainsaw full ticket cast in the trap so I a one but a different kind of sauce. This episode is brought to you by Deep Gen, the only community based web three media network bringing you the very. Best content in the NFT and cryptocurrency space. Please visit deejin.net work and check out our other great shows. That’s Deejin D. Welcome to the DM. Welcome Coffee with Captain GM.

Technical Difficulties and Engagement

Thanks so much for joining us. If you haven’t done so, do drops of GM cap. We got, we got some funky audio from you. I’m not sure if you have the soundboard overlap with the thing, but you know how sometimes, like people talk and it kind of drains you out because of some sort of combo you got? You have that going right now, but with your own stuff. So the soundboard was playing, but there was sort of coming in and out and now it’s, you’re kind of coming in and out a little bit. So I’m not sure if it’s a setup, but I want to let you know before you launch in too much and we miss it. Same deal? Same deal.

Family and Personal Life

I’m going to hand it off to you. I’m going to do some troubleshooting on my end. I’ll be right back. Looks like caps cap stuff’s got a case in the Mondays. welcome to coffee with captain. For those who haven’t, give us a, like a retweet, a comment down in the purple pill down below. We see you out there. ClAy bright and early Dobbins is always here. Gary Palmer never misses. I feel like because Gary Palmer don’t miss, that’s why not. Just coffee with captain. Anything, Dwayne? GM sparring nobody GM chief big bear, love seeing you out there.

Engagement with Community and Humor

Hit us with those GM’s in the chat likes retweets, bookmarks again. We put the harpy carousel up top. Go ahead and hit that. As a reminder, nothing on here is ever financial advice. In fact, we’re working on getting a new intro and outro from the show that even reminds you of that. But these markets are exceptionally risky, unpredictable. So anything we talk about on here, we may or may not hold. Some of the things we talk about we may or may not understand fully what we’re talking about at times because we do our best. But it is early stage tech and there’s constantly new information as cap gets set up, I’ll just let everybody know.

Weather and Personal Updates

I mean, hey, I hope everybody had a good weekend. I am excited as things. I have this feeling like things are actually ready to send. I can’t explain it. It’s deep in my loins. Like we actually have this situation where the setup seems pretty good, barring any sort of black swan events. We were talking about it a little bit this morning. Feel like we are in a good spot from a perspective both regulatory and otherwise. I’m starting to feel. I’m starting to practice a little bit in the meme coin streets. Made a little bit of a one and a half sole profit over a meme coin on the weekend.

Market Dynamics and Reflections on Strategy

Because as much as we always talk the business side of things, we also love the gambling side. Everything that goes into crypto and played a little bit there. Did not as big of a profit as I sold it at the top, but getting my boots back on because I feel like we’re going to have a cycle where these meme coins are sort of the NFTs of last run. You’re going to start to be able to throw darts and pick winners. And I want to be ready for that, to get in and out. And at least for me, the biggest part of that I had this weekend, and I talked about people, was understanding that I can follow my own principles.

Lessons Learned and Caution

I didn’t follow my own principles. Cost me a little bit of money, still made a little bit of money, but cost me a little bit of money. But one of the things I said I would do this cycle is. No, that, you know, it’s not about, you know, it’s about what is best for me, not what’s necessarily best for anybody else. So I’m strapping in and getting ready for that. I know cap also is bracing for some more weather. Looks like Tampa may get hit again. So after this show, I’m going to set up a spin up a link for Thursday because it looks like it’s going to hit Wednesday night. So we’re probably going to be pumping that tomorrow and Wednesday so people know to come to my channel just to make sure we’re properly able to host.

Family Updates and Activities

Last thing I’ll say and then I’ll see. Check on cap here again. Good weekend in the bark household. Not as much work done as I wanted to because Bark boy had a soccer tournament that went pretty well. They lost the first game, unfortunately. It’s a small thing where you basically lose a game and you’re kind of done because it’s these little pods of four. And so one team advances, but the team that we lost to ended up winning the title game, six nothing. We get more of a challenge than that.

Achievements and Personal Development

Played extremely well the next couple of games incredibly well, including we had a rematch against a team we beat two weeks ago in a very close game. And one of the parents beforehand, we kind of overheard them saying, oh, you know, we played this team a couple of weeks ago. We, we should have beat them. We’ll beat them today. And we ended up beating them by a couple of goals and out hustled and outworked them. So, really proud of the boys coming out of that game again on a Sunday. Didn’t go to the title game, but left feeling really good about that.

Productivity and Organization

And then got a little bit of work done yesterday, but spent 3 hours cleaning the kitchen. So feeling good about that. Getting rid of, I think we took out six bags of garbage slash donation to get rid of stuff. So, feeling pretty good. Cap, how we doing on sound? Check. Check. Okay, now you’re clear. Okay, good. just, sometimes, you know, you just need to unplug and plug it back in. That’s all I did. So, didn’t, did not like the first, connection with the aux cable.

Prioritizing Safety and Community

Are you writing? yeah. Appreciate the intro. Yes. Thursday, looking like, I mean, maybe the carousel is up top. Its links from my account. Go ahead and hit all those reminders. But we’re going to back up, as Steve mentioned. Stay safe, everyone. We’re likely not in a flood zone or an evacuation zone, but in a really unique spot on a raised road. So they’re saying, though, if you are in an evacuation zone, best to not f around this time, get out of town and be safe.

Weather Preparedness

I’ll drop some resources in the chat. Now, there’s a lot of people in the area, and it’s like, there could be people, like five minutes for me and they got to get out of town and others are going to hunker down and. But this looks like, bad. Like the last time Tampa had a direct hit was 1921. Looking like it’s coming this way. And what’s so bad about it? Not only is it, you know, saying cat four, maybe cat five, but if you’ve seen, if you’ve been following Vicky’s feed, the, like, the entire shoreline and neighborhoods are just loaded with debris from the last flooding.

Community Resilience

I mean, there is piles of debris that’s like 10ft tall along most of these coastal neighborhoods. Vicki said there was one out on the beach that was a pile of debris taller than her home, like, so. Salute to all the service workers and everyone working to get the area cleaned up in like the next 24 hours. Because if that stuff still as is come Wednesday afternoon when this thing hits, it’s just, I mean, they all get turned into flying projectiles. So kind of scary. It’s also like you can’t even get a hotel all the way up to like Greenville, like Valdesta, which is southern Georgia, Augusta, already full from either service workers.

Challenges and Resource Scarcity

There’s also people displaced from the last one, so there’s no hotels in the state and even in southern Georgia. And I mentioned my GM post this morning. Yesterday went to gas just to be safe in two, first two gas stations out of gas. The line at theres a BJ Wholesales club not far from me and it was like a mile long yesterday. I drove by this morning, we back from the gym at 06:00 a.m. and it was already a quarter mile long in both directions. So it is just, it is wild.

Personal Reflections on Preparedness

Ive been down here four years. Weve had a scare. I think three of the four years, this is the first time ive had a little bit of anxiety. The other was like, even Helene, like, I very unfortunate for everyone that got impacted by it. I didn’t never really felt like, an uneasiness about being impacted. This one is, this one’s feeling a little scary. So here’s my question related to that. as you said, stay safe out there for everybody.

Expressing Empathy

you know, and also, like, thoughts with a lot of the people out there, like someone like Vicki who’s been, you know, working hard to get things back in order, is going to get hit by another storm. So, like, feeling that. I guess my question is, you know, for somebody who lives in Tampa, like yourself, or somebody who lives in these zones, obviously like that you’re home. I’m not saying at what point do you sort of move and displace or whatever, or do anything like that, but at the same time, you know, this is going to hit Wednesday.

Contemplating Decisions

You’ve kind of mentioned this one’s a little scary. And I know that I’m up on a hill or anything. Have you and your family ever considered, like, let’s just get in the car and drive north somewhere? And just like, I basically say, like, look, I know the kids have school or whatever, I know your oldest at school. Have you ever considered that? But it’s like, if you’re not in an evacuation zone, you might best just in your newer home, you might just best to stay because the traffic’s going to be shitty.

Coping with Displacement

And I’m very fortunate. I’ve had two people reach out, shout out to those. I won’t out them or dox them, but, I’ve had two friends already reach out that are in Georgia, you know, off I 75 and offered a place to stay. So I’ve got a place to get to if need be, but also have cats. And it’s just obviously saying staying safe is the priority. But I don’t know, as if, like, it’s not so much that like, I, the home should be unsafe.

Prioritizing Safety in Decisions

It’s rather, if things go like, worst case scenario, the area could just be like no power and just, yes, that’s what we’re prepping for is this survival after the aftermath? And hopefully it’s not that bad. Hopefully it turns or calms down. But yeah, as of now, even people that have lived here their whole lives, they’re like, man, I’ve never seen one develop like this or being, looking like a direct hit. That’s, that’s going to be major.

Infrastructure Concerns

And if it does, like part of the worst part, it will be the flooding, most likely, because Tampa Bay is just not the infrastructure, not prepared for nine to 1012 foot storm searches. And that’s what they’re calling for. So it could get really bad in terms of just devastation and damage following it. And that will be, it’ll impact things for a while. Like, school’s already closed through for the entire week.

Community Impact

Kids don’t have school. they turn the public schools to shelters down here and so that’s part of the prep. But, my daughter, her school is not a, not one of the shelters and they’re already closed through Thursday as well. So, yeah, it’s wild. And like I said, having been through a few since I’ve even moved down here, this one feels different. I don’t know what else to say about it.

Preparing for the Unknown

I’m not a weather person, obviously, but this one, feels a little different, this far in advance of it actually hitting. Yeah, this is, it’s scary stuff for somebody, you know, an Ohio boy who basically just deals with bad snow. Right. And the occasional like, windstorm that knocks down some trees. But it’s, And I always get, I always would think, like, when we get the fallout from the hurricanes, like, when the hurricanes make their way all the way up to Ohio and you get hit with this, like really big, crazy thunderstorms and you’re like, this thunderstorm is wild and this is as it’s dissipated.

Empathy Toward Others’ Struggles

So, yeah, stay safe. But I always thought to myself, the cats thing makes a lot more sense, especially with friends. I was going to say, like, you know, always have, like, a warm home up here if, you know, if you need it, like, obviously, but, like, you know, I know I figured you had closer places, but definitely it’s there. But, yeah, I always think to myself, like, if I lived in these areas and I had the ability to, I would see myself potentially going somewhere away from the storm zone, at least for the storm and the, you know, aftermath only, because then that gives you the ability to maybe, like you said, like, the power being out, the flooding happening, getting food, getting water, getting gas, getting all those things up and running.

Logistics of Evacuation

but I also don’t know, like, what the logistics like, that look like. So I, you know, I thought about that, actually, yesterday. I was like, would it be crazy? I didn’t think about the cats. The cats are a good point. Yeah. Not just the cats, though. It’s also then, like, the logistics of getting back. Like, if things do hit Badlandhouse and our home is fine, but it’s just. Traffic’s a mess, there’s no gas. It’s never a good thing, but, yeah.

Preparing for the Storm

They said this is the largest planned evacuation for the state since Ian in 2016, 2017, several years ago. It’s been a long time. Which Ian was so bad, they retired. Hurricane Ian, I believe the name, if I recall correctly. We’re like, they won’t use hurricane. They sometimes they reuse names and things like, ian’s retired, I believe, because it was so bad. My daughter has a. My daughter is a mini version of me.

Family Conversations on Natural Disasters

She loves herself some nonfiction, and so she’s reading about, like, volcanoes and supervolcanoes and scaring the whole family and basically being like, yeah, if the, you know, Yellowstone super volcano goes off, we’d be covered in Ohio in, like, you know, six to twelve inches of ash. I’m like, why are you telling me this? Like, I just. I can’t control this. But she. She’s been reading about stuff like that, and she was telling me about hurricanes, and I believe Ian was the one that she said was retired.

Children’s Perspectives on Weather

But it’s really interesting the way she dives down these nonfiction, like, a lot of kids are like. Like, which tick tock, dance and what’s going on? And Jack Dougherty crashed his car and all these other things, and my son included. He’s like, hey, this influencer named Jack crashed his car. I’m like, oh, yeah, I saw the video. And, like, I usually have the scoop of my kids because I am way too online.

Navigating Social Media Trends

But which, by the way, as a side note, try explaining to friends who are not way too online about the boom guys. You know, the AJ and big justice. We bring the boom guys. It’s very hard. People don’t get it. And then they see it, and they’re like, I still don’t get it. But, yeah, like, my son very online, will bring stuff like that to me. My daughter, on the other hand, she’s ripping through, like, reels, like, Instagram reels, and, like, things like that, and YouTube shorts about, like, hurricanes, deep sea animals, earthquakes, super volcanoes.

Sharing Knowledge and Curiosities

So she’s just like, she’ll come to us sometimes, and she’ll say some fact that we’re like. Normally, I would say there’s no way that’s true. And sometimes the stuff she sees is, like, not always true or not always perfect. But a lot of times, she comes with the fact that my wife and I don’t know. And then we look it up, and we’re like, son of a bitch. It’s. Right.

Curiosity in the Age of Information

So she’s. She’s really good at diving into those streets, but, yeah, stay safe out there. Vicki, I saw you popped up. How are you doing? I know. You just seemed like you were starting to get things cleaned up and back together. How are you doing with this next one coming in? Are there different things you can do to prepare? What does it. What does this look like for you, gm?

Personal Wellness and Community Engagement

Yeah, you sound great. I’ve done my freedom walk, which is before we get kind of, like, imprisoned with, like, cats and dogs, it’s like, you’ve got to get yourself out to the park and get some. Some energy. And the weird thing is that I’ve cursed myself through cap, because I’m always, like, what I call a night owl. And ever since I roasted him last week about getting up early, goddamn it. I’ve been up at 05:00 a.m.

Morning Routines and Preparation

i, kid you not. Every week. Like, well, every day since last week. And I’m like, what the fuck is this? It’s like, I am never awake at 05:00 a.m. i in british time. I don’t know, but. So by 06:00 a.m. i’m chomping to, like, do stuff, but it’s pretty much still a war zone. Lowe’s yesterday was obviously the. This is very similar to us to Irma.

Recollections of Past Experiences

We came out in 2017, and Irma was our first one. We’d been on in the country six weeks, and were told cat five heading towards Florida. And I always remember saying to some of the locals, well, you know, where shall we kind of evacuate to? And they went, if you’re going to evacuate Georgia. And I’m like, wait, what? A different state? And they’re like, well, yeah, it’s a cat five.

Emergency Response Lessons

This hurricane is the size of Florida. And I had to kind of grapple my head around the fact that a hurricane, weather kind of field, could be the size of a whole state. And we actually evacuated and went to Georgia and we ended up in a worse situation than if we had stayed at home. So that was an important lesson because we got to Georgia, the hotel we stayed at lost power, and we found out that hotel didn’t have a generator.

Journey of Preparedness

So there was old people walking around in the darkest, trying to fill their way through corridors. And it was something I never wished to repeat. So we ended up evacuating out of that hotel and then driving back through because the main eye had passed back down from Georgia, like a seven hour drive through. Kind of the rain bands to get home before, obviously, everybody in the state evacuated.

Traumatizing Experiences

So if you can imagine thousands of people hitting the road, you then had the anxiety. As you got halfway down, you suddenly realized once you go through the Florida border, there’s no gas. There ain’t no one coming to help you. You’re like in a zombie apocalypse. It’s like if you haven’t got any gas, you’re breaking down and you’re just going to stay there with your kid till maybe someone comes along, helps you.

Reflections on Preparation Strategies

So we learned a lot from that storm. The biggest resource that I found since I’ve been in Florida is a guy called Dennis Phillips. Dennis Phillips is an absolute fucking rock star. He’s a meteorologist. That doesn’t make people panic. He gives you facts. So when I hear him say last night, he hasn’t yet decided whether to evacuate his family because he has to work.

Listening to Experts

That’s always a worry because this storm is flip flopping. And the bottom line is, for anyone that’s looked at this storm, it’s going to be anything from a two to four, maybe even at cap five. And when comes and it kind of comes into the bay, if it goes to Tampa, going to be catastrophic because of, obviously they’ve built and built. The bottom line is that this eye is 10 miles, and as he says, the coastline is 200 miles.

Understanding the Storm’s Impact

So if you put it into kind of fractions perspective, most people will be okay. And when I say okay, what I mean is you know, they’ll lose power. They may get storm surges, but again, they may be okay. But that ten mile radius, wherever it hits. Sarasota, Sarasota, Siesta Key, Fort Myers is even on the table as well. They’re still recovering from last year. It will be completely catastrophic.

Anticipating Disaster

There ain’t no sugar coating. Whoever it’s in that ten mile radius will basically be flattened in its path. So, yeah, it’s. He’s the guy to watch when he panics, I panic. He’s been such a great resource. Of the things charging all the battery packs. The things I didn’t do for last week, which I’ve now done, is water bottles.

Strategizing for Survival

Stick water bottles in your freezer, get them frozen up now because you’ve got clean drinking water for later. They’ll also keep your freezer colder. We used a generator last time. Last week, we had air con in one room. We also helped power our neighbor’s fridge as well, which was kind of surreal.

Building Community Bonds

There’s all little things you can do to, like, make your life easier, which in turn, can kind of make your neighbors lives easier as well, especially when they’re elderly. If you don’t have a pool, fill your. Fill your bathtub. Fill your bathtub with water. If you don’t have a pool, to use it to, like, flush toilets and stuff.

Nature’s Challenges

Yeah, definitely. He does have a saying about if I think it’s. If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down. These are the kind of things that you come to Florida and you have no idea they don’t tell you at the embassy. Right? Okay. Before you decide to move your entire family and your life, Florida, here are some things you should need to know.

Adjusting to New Environment

Like, the mosquitoes will bite you to fuck. You’ll spend six months of your life worrying about if you’re going to get blown away like Mary Poppins. I really feel that could be quite helpful. You know, you’ll have benefits. Like, you’ll be able to drive up to your bank, which you can’t really do in the UK, and also Starbucks as well.

Understanding Local Culture

You won’t have to walk anywhere. A lot of it’s built for people to sit in their cars, but I really feel like a kind of an information pack would be really helpful. But before I ramble too long, I will say as well, Madeira beach. Shout out the community down there. We’ve had the city are set up through trucks, and you get the good and the bad.

Community Support Initiatives

It’s like, the other day, we’d work solid for like 4 hours in like 90 degree temperatures. And then somebody said, there’s a food truck down there, and giga waters were providing free meals for everybody. And now that was the good and then the bad was on Saturday when were trying to clear the unit out, like beach kid you not, people were coming to the beach and they were parking on our lot.

Navigating Community Challenges

And my husband goes up to these people, said, well, really, it’s closed because we’ve all got, like, we’ve got dumpsters coming in and stuff. And they’re like, oh, yeah, we just came down to the beach because we heard they were giving free food away. And it’s really hard because there’s one part of you that wants to go. You’ve driven all the way from, like, seminole just to get a free food.

Lessons in Compassion

But then by the other token, you also don’t know. The caveat is you don’t know if they lost their house last week or they’re displaced. It’s really tough. So it’s a huge lesson in, like, tolerance and patience. And, you know, we have problems with drivers anyway, so I’ve had to resist, like, people that just stop in the middle of traffic lights, like, just tooting my horn because, like, I’m kind of on a very thin kind of, like tolerance.

Community Challenges and Support

But again, it’s like, there’s so many people we have in our community that are in the area room. It’s been a very interesting time, and I’m kind of praying for everybody. But if anybody has any questions about Florida, I mean, I know I sound british, and I probably am british, but in my survival tactics, I’m definitely London Floridian. That’s why I have a dagger in my mouth.

Personal Resilience and Humor

Well, stay safe, I guess, on that one. And, yeah, to your point, like, it’s. I think it’s a good reminder in the most extreme way that you never quite know what somebody else is going through. It’s sort of a lesson that I think is good to practice in general in life. And I try to practice when I can where, you know, if somebody’s maybe unkind to me or somebody cuts me off of traffic.

Empathy in Interactions

Like, I’ve had the conversation where it’s like, we get cut off in traffic by somebody and my kids are like, you know, or my, you know, anybody. Someone’s with me is like, what the hell was that about? And my answer is, I don’t know. Maybe that person’s late for a job interview and something happened, or maybe they’re taking someone to the hospital or maybe they’re like, you just never know.

Promoting Understanding

And I know that sounds corny to some people and they might say, okay, like, that’s, you know, like a little extreme, but I mean, I truly kind of believe in trying to sort of assume the best, and maybe that bites me sometimes, but I’d almost rather be bit being naive in a situation where I don’t know someone’s circumstance and try to give the benefit of the doubt, then not give someone the benefit of doubt and learn that they might be going through something that’s really tough.

Excitement for Documentary

So I’m not a big fan of markets like this, but I’m actually excited about the documentary because I’m excited about the documentary, and I’m hopeful that it’s well done and gets people who maybe aren’t in this space. Talking about bitcoin, I know that’s probably a reach that people that aren’t in this space are going to care enough to watch the documentary, but I think it could capture some attention, create some curiosity, maybe people who were in this space previously and have left.

Timing and Nature of the Documentary

I just. I think the timing is good because I agree with you. It feels like. Feels like things are really set up to go on a nice run here, and I just lining up. Well, from a timing standpoint, I think. Yeah, that’s my thinking as well. Like, from a timing standpoint, it lines up really nice. And again, to the point, we’re saying, like, even if people don’t, I’m excited about this because I think it shows the topical nature of where we’re at. And I think, you know, I don’t know when this documentary was done, but I don’t think it’s crazy to think that this documentary was done at some point in the recent not so distant, you know, past when they were, like, kind of playing around with it and they’re waiting for a good moment to release it.

Current Relevance of Bitcoin

And now that we have a presidential election where they’re talking about bitcoin, now that bitcoin is being talked about on more of a international and national stage. I think that makes it more appealing to, say, the average person maybe than before. And I think I actually do think there’s a solid chance that, like, first of all, I would be surprised if the documentary doesn’t feature bitcoin in a positive light, which, you know, that itself is a win. Right? Like, because it’s like, okay, like, people are in looking at this thing in a positive way. Because I think the people who did it did enough research into it.

Documentary’s Potential Impact

They understand the ethos, are going to be able to explain that. I would be surprised. I’m not saying there’s going to be, like, people like, you are not bullish enough buying hand over fist from other places of life. But I do think we’re going to see some additional adoption. Like, I think it’s actually, like, almost like, impossible not to because I don’t see how there won’t be people who see something like this and say, yeah, let me dig into this a little bit more. And it may not be a ton of people, but I could see some people digging back into it. And I think the timing is very right.

Discussion about Betting Markets

So, agree with you wholeheartedly on that as well. I saw funky pop up, though, and I know funky, I think, shares similar sensibilities to me on the potential Satoshi identity. So 1010 cool points for funky. Funky GM, what are you thinking? Jump in anywhere here you want to jam, gang. Hopefully you guys can hear me. Okay. I’m at the gym, but I just. I. Yes, I’m with you on the how finny thing. And I felt that the easiest thing to do was just to.

Personal Bets on Hal Finney

I basically did $100. I put 50 on Hal Finney, and I put $10 on the rest. So at worst, I’m going to lose $72 if Sassman wins because I’ll get 28. And if anything else hits, I’m up significantly more than doubling my money for the fun of it. I’ve never done flying markets at least one try. Capital. Explain that again. You put 50 on. Explain how you broke it down again to where you’re. If Sassan wins, you’re losing. Anyone else wins your way up. Explain it.

Understanding the Betting Logic

Explain exactly what you did again. So basically, yeah, I basically treated it like a roulette table. So I took $100. I put 50 on Finney because I’m with Steve. I think Finney is a very good choice and had the most asymmetric upside. You know, when I was putting on the bets this morning, I did ten on the other people like Nick Sabo and the other guys that are like, the ones who are the front runners, if you will. So if Sassaman wins, I only get $28.

Leveraging Betting Uncertainties

I effectively lose 72 on the rest. The bets. If any of the others hit, I’m winning way more than $100 I put down on the table. That seems like. See, that seems like a fun way to get. I like it. You might have. You might. Yeah. Funky just onboarded me to polymarket. It’s done. That’s the most fun way to get the sweat. I think. I think you’re right. I think that’s it. I think it’s.

Strategies for Meme and Crypto Investments

You put, you know, some money down on. You put some money down on basically everybody. You sprinkle a little bit across the board knowing that, yeah. You lower your downside based on what you potentially do with, say, the Sassamin bet, but you maximize your upside. If it is someone like a Hal Finney, who again, like, I’ll have this thread later today, and we don’t need to dive deep into it right now. Cause I know we’ll talk about this the next few days. Like, I keep going about this, how Finney received the first bitcoin transaction.

Historical Context of Bitcoin Transactions

And 100% of the time, anybody who’s ever created a product before you test on friend, like Travis Kalanick took an Uber before he had other people like Gary V and his friends tested. Right. You always test your product on yourself first to make sure it works before you test it on a friend. So how received the first transaction? He was a cryptographer and a programmer. Sounds like a pretty good, you know, pairing to. To build something that stands test of time.

Environmental Factors in Satoshi’s Disappearance

He worked on a proof of work protocol prior to bitcoin. So he had already worked on proof of work. He developed ALS, which is a really sad, scary disease. The scariest thing in the world. But a quick interjection. When did his wallets go dark? Did the. I’m sorry. When did the. The bitcoin creator wallets? That is like, was there ever any transactions out of that or. Or it just never moved or it stopped sometime.

Satoshi’s Final Days and Bitcoin’s Handoff

And that was before he died. Everything related to transactions and communication around Sasoshi Nakamoto actually started to fade as his disease worsened. Meaning, like, effectively, he got AlS, he started to worsen. His. His condition worsened. And as it worsened, Satoshi went dark and they handed off bitcoin to the world. Right. So, like, that part of it’s really interesting and especially, like, the speed in which it happens, it’s like, if you have something like a horrible thing like AlS.

Mysteries Surrounding Satoshi Nakamoto

You think about the timing of it. You think about how it would work. It’s like if it advances quickly, you don’t exactly have time to, like, plan everything exactly the way you want. So. So that you know. And you know. So I think that is a interesting data point as well. By the way, he had a neighbor whose last name was Nakamoto. Like, someone who lived two blocks away from Hal Vinny’s last name was Nakamoto.

Coincidences and Conspiracy Theories

Newsweek falsely identified that person as Satoshi Nakamoto early on, in like, I forget when the newsletter article came out or whatever, but they basically were like, this guy is Satoshi Nakamoto. It was helpful. The person who lived down the street from him, two streets away, which, again, who knows? Did he know this person? Did he not know this person? I honestly don’t think that fully matters here because, like, it’s a ridiculous coincidence to add on to the pile of things which are also already compelling evidence.

Speculations about Satoshi’s True Identity

So, look, I could be wrong. I have been wrong many times before. I’ll be wrong many times again. But it’s just, there is so much circumstantial evidence that way that it’s going to be interesting. Meanwhile, Len Sesame didn’t even know the proper coding language for bitcoin. Has. His wife has denied that he ever. That he wished to know, that he’s Satoshi Nakamoto. It just. It seems like a bizarre series of.

Debates on Satoshi’s Identity

How did he become the favorite? Why is he speaker? One? I haven’t dug as deep into him. That’s the thing. I’ve seen some of the threads and things based on, like, what he said and his background. But I’ve. I have yet to see the sort of convincing reason to me personally that he is, like, he’s denied. He’s denied it. He was critical.

Arguments Against Len Sassaman as Satoshi

Like, here’s an example of evidence for Len Sassman. Again, there might be more in the documentary. So I don’t want to, like, you know, like, be like, rolling my eyes too hard at it. But I’m not kidding you. Literally, people as evidence are saying, well, Len Sassaman spoke out against bitcoin. Isn’t that exactly what someone would do who doesn’t want to, who wants people to think they’re not involved bitcoin?

Competing Theories about Bitcoin’s Origin

I’m like, he talked about bitcoin. Not. He talked against bitcoin at times, even though he created sort of some previous, like, similar iterations from predecessors to bitcoin and some similar type products. But, like, again, he spoke against it. It sounds to me like he created a competitive product that lost. Right? Like, I mean, I don’t know. And again, I’m going to watch the documentary. It’s going to try to convince me, but my money still goes towards Hal Finney or some combination of Hal Finney with other people because at what point does, you know, at what point do you look around and say, you know what?

Reflections on Satoshi’s Identity

Like, the guy who received the first bitcoin transaction had to at least be on the team here, right? So that’s my thinking on it. But, yeah, he created something very similar, a very similar thing to bitcoin that some people would say was the predecessor of bitcoin. He also, he also, like, is somebody who people would say were. Was like, you know, was, you know, very capable of creating it even though he wasn’t, you know, coding against the same language.

Expectations for Upcoming Documentary

So, again, we’ll see what happens in the documentary itself. But I don’t know. That’s. That’s my wacky take. You clearly have not gone down this rabbit hole as deep as I have. No, but knowing what I know, I mean, how funny would be my unresearched guess just from the jump. It would be knowing what I know, connecting some of those dots with what you just explained. Like, he would be my guess.

Speculative Nature of Identity

Someone also posted in the chat. Let me go grab it. Where’d it go? Oh, Gary posted from Sean Murray. Satoshi posted at least once after Lynn passed away. He posted three years after Lynn’s death. So it’s not him per. Per. Oh, yeah, I’ve seen. I’ve seen that stuff, too, where it’s like, you know, based on the things like that, and it’s like.

Lingering Questions about Satoshi’s Identity

So I just, you know, that’s. The other part is, like, the two biggest candidates in my mind are both passed away. And so it’s like, it’s not like we’re going to get some admission here, right? It’s just so I think we’re, you know, it’s always going to be a mystery.

Mysteries Surrounding Key Figures

I keep saying, like, it’s like those DB Cooper documentaries where they say they have definitive evidence who dB Cooper is, and then it’s like, you know, spoiler alert, they did not. Right? Because, like, at the end of the day, like, people still leave wondering who dB Cooper is as much as they try. There are people who have claimed. There are people who have not claimed.

Bet Resolution Queries

So I think we just end up at the same place. How does, how does the bet resolve if they determine it’s. It’s multiple people. Because I think that’s also probably a likely outcome. I think. I believe, if I recall correctly, there. Is a, the documentary came out and said it’s, it’s one person. I will double check.

Clarification on the Bet

But like, I believe there because I saw someone posting about the poly market and saying, like, who’s betting on other when they’ve, you know, slash multiple people, when they’ve already said as documentors that it is a person. So, so, yeah, so I believe that bet is like, basically they’re more or less saying that, at least from what I’m understanding, that bets more or less dead money is what people are saying.

Engagement in the Discussion

So I don’t know, but it’s a good question. Depressive acts. You came up here as well. Get in here. Gm. Gm. Hey, so is this bet, does polymarket payout just based on who the doc says? Yes, Satoshi. Okay. I was going to say because no doc has ever given us enough conclusive evidence that we’re not still having these conversations.

Focusing on Uncertainty in Research

Right. So, like, that makes more sense. That’s all. Thank you. And that’s why it’s, that’s why, like, Kaepernick are kind of like, what are these sort of like, you know, like shenanigans we have going on here where it’s like, the doc is like, yeah, whoever the doc determines. But it’s like, well, wait a minute.

Perceived Advantages in Prediction Markets

Like, people know the answer to this. So people can literally bet, like free money right now. Like, if you have had a preview of the documentary, if you’ve seen the documentary, if you know the documentary filmmakers, you can very easily go on this thing, make this bet and say, I’m gonna put a $1,000 on this thing and win this money back, or however much money you’re going to bet, it is free rolling money.

Challenges in Prediction Market Regulations

Which is why, you know, which is, again, one of the problems that you run into with prediction markets that we’ve talked about is that if there are prediction markets where there is a determined outcome, it’s, this is what, this is what sort of, like, you know, I think throws us off in these sort of ones where it’s like the regulation around prediction markets is going to have to be things that, you know, you can’t, like, there’s a reason why Vegas, like, you can’t bet on certain things where the outcome is determined, right?

Exploring Groups in Prediction Markets

Like you like, or you can’t bet on anything where the outcome is determined. Like, Vegas is very careful about that. Like, you can’t bet on, like, example, I mentioned I watch reality tv, so I’ll use my own example because people often love to, you know, have fun with the reality tv thing. It’s, it’s, you know, it’s. It’s obviously like a, you know, a fun pastime for me. Like, when it comes to reality tv, there is a show called the challenge.

Personal Experiences with Investments

Outcome has happened. It is seasoned film that is done. I cannot bet on the outcome. Winner of the challenge, because it’s done. Like, people know who the winner is, and it makes no sense for me to be able to bet on the winner of a, you know, a show that has already occurred. So, you know, that’s sort of where this stuff goes. But, but, yeah, so I don’t know.

Lessons from Market Experiences

So that’s my thinking on that. And before we. I want to get trippy sing in a second. Before we do that, Cap, let’s actually slide into the more, you know by ens real quick. The more, you know, brought to you. By Enes. It is time for the more, you know, brought to you by the Ethereum naming service, ens, that does more than you know.

Learning about Founders of Ethereum

And look, we’re talking a lot about the creator of bitcoin, the founder of Bitcoin. With all this shrouded mystery, let’s talk about a founder that we don’t have. Shrouded mystery. The founder of Ethereum. I’m sure many people have heard Vitalik’s name many times. And in 2013, Vitalik Buniran, a young programmer who first got into bitcoin at age 17, had an ambitious idea.

Vitalik’s Vision for a Decentralized Future

Why just stop at digital money? He wanted blockchain that could support decentralized applications. So he wrote a white paper for Ethereum, imagining a world where you could see code used to make unstoppable apps on chain. As the story goes, Vital came up with name Ethereum after scrolling through Sci-Fi sounding words, and it just clicks something sound futuristic, like the Internet of tomorrow.

Creation of Ethereum

Now, despite initial skepticism, Buterin gathered a small team of co founders, including Joseph Lubin, who we know from Decrypt and now acquired Rogue Radio, as well as Gavin Wood, and they launched a public crowd sale in 2014. The sale raised over $18 million in the bitcoin. But it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Early on, they ran their operation out of a shared house in Switzerland called the spaceship, a nod to their mission, where they argued about everything from protocols to how the tokens would work, to how the protocol itself would work.

Launch and Growth of Ethereum

By 2015, Ethereum was live and Vitalik’s vision first started to take shape. Today, ETH is arguably the backbone of web three, thanks to its initial vision and a lot of late night coding sessions in that makeshift swift spaceship. And that was ens. The more you know, from being one name to all chains to allowing you to launch decentralized websites, security, interoperability and ease of use.

Reflecting on Our Origins

Go to ens dot domains to learn more and secure your ens domain. And cap, any way we slice it, we’re sort of these people here and I always think it’s fun to look back on that stuff because I think we sometimes forget our roots a little bit. And reading back on that, I even like, as I was researching, learned a little bit more about sort of the history of Ethereum.

Surprises in the History of Ethereum

So at least for me, that was a fun one to do. I don’t know. Were you aware that the spaceship existed? I was aware it existed. I was not aware it was called the spaceship, however. Yeah, which is like, it just makes Vitalik so much more like, look, founders just like us, right? We’re sitting here yelling spaceship, vital coupe, by the way, also sold a bunch of memes, I believe, over the weekend.

Discussion on Recent Events

So Vitalik Buterin just like us. Love that. Cap. Any Walwe. Oh, go ahead, captain. No, I was just. I’ll let you go wherever you were going to. I was just going to say before you did, I was circling back to your early, earlier, maybe even opening comments, just talking about markets and you had a win on the meme coin over the weekend, GG.

Investment Strategies in Current Markets

Congrats on that. I’ve not been, I’ve not gotten the trading streets, but I did make a couple bets, threw a few grand at some that I think are one be honest. I picked right up around list. So I’m, I am writing the, that’s my thesis. I’m writing the cult leader, which is the new main character Marad and his calls. I think it’s still early. I think a lot of these still have room to the.

Considering Future Returns

I’m not going to hit a thousand x on any of them, but I just, if things really do take off, I’m looking to believe in something as opposed to just trade. So it’s like not forever, certainly, but I think through the cycle to place the bets now and just ride them out is my plan. How I plan to attack this and nothing major. I spread it out over a few and just taken $500 to $1,000 bets.

Balancing Risk and Opportunity

But I think that is that in addition to my dcaing is where my headspace is at now. And I still have my degenitive, my degen bucket for the trading. But what I didn’t want to do is be trading and miss some plays that I think still have a lot of room to the upside. And there’s still some things that could 510 x from here. That’s a serious win.

Approach to Meme Coins

And I don’t want to just purely be chasing everything with asymmetrical upside when I think some are. It’s hard for me to see them not running if things do. Really? Yeah. Like, I get what you’re saying. You’re basically looking at it like, and I saw this over the weekend. He sort of become the new oracle to people. Right? It’s like, it’s like this guy who’s like, predicting there is some pushback from different parties.

Perceptions of Emerging Figures

I don’t know the guy I actually wasn’t aware of until his presentation that we’ve shared from token 2049. Some others, like Kook, are calling out as a, he’s just another page or another grifter kook. I’ll see if I can grab his tweet. Said he had a fun, that he blew it up. And so this is just him attempting to recover, you know, to rebuild some bags.

Meme Coins and Community Dynamics

I have no idea. Again, I don’t know the guy. I just. His presentation was spot on. We’ve seen it before that the meme cults look to cult leaders, and it’s not always the dev. In fact, it’s usually not a dev, but just candidly, I’d rather get behind the new up and coming main character, like Marad, and drift off of some bets there as opposed to.

Shifts in Market Sentiment

And this isn’t a shot at him, but someone like, you know, like kay money, who’s the face of Mog. Like, I just. I think there is more unknown and potentially more upside here and, or maybe not. Maybe he’s someone that just fizzles out and, you know, he decides to box someone and looks like a joker. And then we, you know, it’s down.

Similarities in Investment Thought processes

Only after that point, I kid, yeah. I mean, like, I look at it like, I look at it, like, similarly, like, though. It’s like, yeah, I mean, like, it’s sort of like, don’t fight the tide type thing. Again, I’m not a big meme coiner, and I see what you’re saying. You’re placing the long term bets thing like, on the ones that he’s calling, whether he’s right or whether he’s not, he’s right.

Evaluating Market Trends

It’s just like Ansem stuff. Like, right. Whether Anson’s right or not, if you get answer stuff early enough, it tends to cook at least a little early on with people following him into it. And there’s, we saw this in the NFT world, and this is where this NFT and meme cycle we talk about whether NFTs are very similar to memes and some are not right.

Patterns Across Different Token Markets

We have things like doodles and yuga labs, and we have pudgy penguins, and we have all these different, you know, we have kleinosaurs. Like, we have v friends, all these ones that are actually, hey, we’re building things. We’re doing conferences, we’re throwing events, we’re creating toys. We’re actually building a business. We’re, you know, trying to change the way people use fandom.

Diverse Utility in the Market

All these things exist. You know, I’m sitting here staring at a Rubik cube sent to me by doodles that I ripped in a pack. That is very different than a lot of the other stuff we saw where there were people early on. I mean, shout out to Mitch, our, you know, you know, war room general who ended up being the, you know, lead over at Metaverse HQ. It’s like he would go in place bets.

Impact of Influencers in Investments

People would track his wallet and say, oh, my God, Mitch is in on this. Like, I’m going to get in on this early. And things would pump whether it was because he was in on it, whether because he was good at calling it. Those things happen. So I get it. Like placing those bets and some of these may turn into those early Nft things that we see with sort of these pudgies as well.

Consideration of Market Growth

Things like that where it’s like, you know, I have been considering buying back into mother because it doesn’t seem like Iggy Azalea is going to stop programming against it. Like that is a very serious, like, she’s building apps that are going to include her coin and she wants to include that for that reason.

Potential for Success in Digital Collectibles

So, like, if you’re able to do that in that situation, like, there may be some of these that survived, there may just be mean communities that you see, where you see ones like crypto punks that have no utility. They made sure of that. They tried to give utility with a free art drop.

Community Reception in the Market

People flipped out about the free art drop. They said no utility. Then I heard some punks complaining that they weren’t in like dookie Dash and some other stuff. It’s like well, yeah, yes, for no utility. So you’re not going to be in other side and other things. So in any case, you know, looking at like, you know, things like crypto punks, no utility community like those can exist too.

Unfolding Trends in Crypto Utility

So, you know, even some of the bitcoin ordinals that you’re seeing with some of these, puppets and other things where it’s like the utility may be third party utility, which is arguably as strong as any type of utility. Right. We’ve talked about third party utility being, I think third party utility is actually the biggest unlock in web three where it’s like, oh, you own this thing, you might be a person who we should try to get to in a way that would beneficial to us but also beneficial to you.

Potential Growth through Third-Party Utility

So I could see that happening with some of these memes. So I think you’re not fighting the tide on the memes. Makes sense. I’m thinking about, you know, placing a couple bets as well, some ones that can go up, but I’m probably just going to play the quick in and out game like I did this weekend because, you know, I, again, I mentioned it before, I didn’t talk about it last week because we never show tickers on this show or it’s not our bag, it’s not sort of the thing we try to do because it’s just, we don’t want to be irresponsible.

Cautious Approaches to New Markets

We know the risks we’re taking and we don’t say that out loud. I tossed I believe a couple of soul at this lencoin when there was like 300 holders at like a half a million dollar market cap sold once I doubled up, which cost me, on the upside at one point. I woke up in the morning before my son’s soccer tournament on Saturday and I was up free rolling like four soul or something like that, went to a soccer tournament, was engaged, was present with my family, looked up and it was like one and a half sold.

Realizing Gains in Investments

So I said, I’m just going to go ahead and take that. We’re not going to see where this thing goes. Maybe it goes up, maybe it goes down. But wanting to book the win and get that early win and a good reminder that when it was at four and a half sol, I was talking to crocs and mayhem in the war room and I was like, I should sell half of this and I should have sold half of it and I didn’t sell half of it, so bad job out of me, good learning for the next one if I decide to go back into those streets.

Reflections on Market Engagement

But, yeah, we got memes cooking. All right. We talked Satoshi Nakamoto. I’m putting out that. That thread today because I still think it’s Hal Finney, no matter what this documentary says. We talked a little bit about the poly market, betting market, talked a little bit about Tampa. Everybody stay safe out there.

Addressing the Future of Market Trends

Hit on the meme coins that are kind of cooking right now as the majors come up and we hopefully are heading into October in the right way. Did you see Captain Trippie’s AIP? I think it was 466. Maybe. I got to get the number right on this one. Did you see this one? Yeah. Very familiar.

Co-Authorship of Legislative Proposals

It’s also, just for a correction, it’s actually Derek Smart’s AIP, that Captain Trippie then ended up co authoring and took public. But, yeah. So Derek, who’s been on the show before, and Captain Trippie, it also has already reached Quorum in the NBA delegation. There’s six and a half million votes in that delegation, and I haven’t checked it recently, but it was.

Upcoming Discussions and Voting Processes

Quorum was reached with 37 votes, and it was 37 yes to zero nos. So anything can happen. There’s still time left, but looks like it is with the support behind it. Looks, I’d say, almost inevitable likelihood of passing. So when you voted on that one, was it, did you know if you got one vote or two votes into the quorum?

Exploration of Voting Dynamics

Because weren’t sure if it was by licenses or by wallet. Did you happen to check it’s by. Wallet, but no, I haven’t voted yet. Okay, when you vote, can you let me know? Like, if you. In theory, although people may not like it because then it will look weird, you could test it out by voting no and seeing if two votes go into no.

Curiosity about Voting Mechanisms

You mentioned by wallet, but, like, yeah, like, I still am curious to see if that happens. But if it’s definitely by wallet. Definitely by wallet. Either way, 37. Reaching quorum is huge there. I didn’t know if it was Derek tree work. So Derek had won, like, six to nine months ago.

Continuity in Legislative Discussions

I can’t remember exactly what it was he had won a while ago that he had put in that had a similar structure. And I remember von Fronten was in on the. On the discussion. I remember reading through the forum discussion, which was pretty spirited both ways where, you know, a lot of people were like, is this the way.

Analysis of Past Discussions

Is this not the way Derek’s been on this show, pounding the table on this stuff for a very long time, and we’ve shared audiograms of Derek pounding the table on this stuff many times. So I didn’t realize it was almost an exact reprint or whatever. I knew that Trippie had put it out and promoted it.

Support and Advocacy for Legislative Proposals

The reason why I actually like, think it’s interesting is two things. One, I like Trippie throwing his name behind it because I think that helps it get more notoriety. Not to say Derek shouldn’t have more notoriety, but Captain Tricky Trippie’s been on the special counsel. He’s been somebody who’s been very involved.

Significance of Co-Authorship

So him being strong about this and actually not just coming out and saying it like a lot of people, but putting his name on a piece of legislation, it’s like a person in Congress, for example, can vote for a piece of legislation and that goes down as a vote and you can find their voting record later on. A person who co authors a piece of legislation says a lot more.

Mixed Reactions to Recent Developments

So at least for me, I know there’s some people who have mixed feelings or like Trippie made a bunch of money off this thing. Now he’s speaking out against it now. Why didn’t he do it before? Personally, I like that he is like, Derek’s been bid on this since day one.

Perception of Reactions and Opportunities

He is the guy who has seen down ahead before everybody else. I like trippie being on this thing and I’m curious your thoughts on that. Yeah, I think it’s a good move and there’s good dialogue back and forth. The likelihood of the passing is far better that he has co signed on it or co authored.

Forward Momentum of Legislative Proposals

So, yeah, I think it’s all a positive. I don’t know. I’ll hold my, like, should it have been addressed sooner than now? Yeah, probably. But we’re here now, so it’s like, I’m nothing going to get too frustrated or upset about things that didn’t get done before.

Observations on Internal Dynamics

There’s some other stuff that, you know, probably not going to get into this morning, but just some weird stuff happening behind the scenes there. he was suspended from the forum. I don’t know if that’s been reinstated yet or not.

Upcoming Discussions on AIP

who was trippy or Derek. Derek, like within an hour of that AIP going live. As you mentioned, it’s something that he’s been very vocal and passionate about for months. So some odd stuff happening there. There is a couple spaces coming up.

Invitation to Upcoming Events

I pinned one up top where Derek will be discussing. He’s going to be on discussing it. It’s the 10th. I’m trying to find the right time here. 03:00 p.m. well, it’s actually, it looks like two. There’s one on the 10th at 03:00 p.m. eastern and then the other one at 12:30 p.m. eastern on the 10th, that one with Aaron Haber and Erna.

Anticipated Outcomes of Discussions

So a couple of time slots coming up. If you’re curious about talking, discussing in greater detail, asking questions, providing feedback, I shouldn’t assume inevitable. I would be shocked at this point based on just the sentiment and the early votes.

Final Thoughts on Legislative Developments

I would be shocked if it doesn’t pass. But still a good thing to discuss because I think there’s a lot of unknown as far as what’s next. Assume they all get shut down. How do things proceed after that point? But von pretend is a little closer to this than I probably has some good insight here.

Transitioning to Other Topics

Bunfront. Gm. Gm. I’ll be brief. I gotta hop on a call here in a few minutes. so first, like full transparency, it’s on blockchain. I support the AIP.

AIP Voting and Discussion Background

I voted in favor of the IP and all of the delegations. And, that I, where I vote, I think the couple things like, is the way that this entire AIP came into, kind of fruition. Perfect. No, I mean, to be fair, like Derek proposed this, if you actually go back, June 20 is when he put this AIP proposal up. It’s just now getting to a vote, you know, a full, you know, three plus months after the fact. So it’s not like this is one of those like rush jobs. Like, it just, they got it in late, they hurried up, they sped it to market. Like, this has been on the forum for a while now. Captain Trippie just now got involved as a co author in the last couple of weeks. But it’s been something that’s been a topic of discussion for months now.

ApeCoin DAO Functionality and Importance of Details

I think the reason why I support it, and this is where I think it’s like, details matter, getting the facts matter because there’s definitely a lot of conversation and a lot of assumptions that are on the timeline right now. If you look at the Apecoin Dao, it was built as a grand stao. Its core function is to facilitate proposals and voting and should they get approved funding for proposals from people who hold apecoin, period. That is the absolute core function of the Dow. Nothing changes about that within this aip. If you look at like how, you know, the governance working group, all the working groups really don’t have anything to do with the facilitation of getting proposals through, voted on and funded. That all happens. You know, the special counsel plays a role in that. The facilitators like lost, who are outside of the working group structure, play a role in that. The foundation plays a role of that in this aiP. None of that’s changing.

Future Perspectives and Access to Funds

And so, and that was the thing that actually got me, like, comfortable where it was like, okay, I want to make sure that the next builder that comes up, you know, for funding. And selfishly, it may be me. it may be coffee with captain looking for a renewal. It may be some, you know, another one of my friends. I want to make sure that they still have access to funds. And that’s why it’s, you know, as long as that’s, you know, the first thing was do no harm. It does no harm. I think the second thing, and I agree, having the unknown of what the future looks like is a little scary. Whenever you’re doing big changes, you kind of want to know what the future looks like before you unwind the current one.

Vision for Transparency and Decentralization

But again, what the future looks like. It’s really getting back to basics. Do we have a very transparent way and fair way of getting things, getting AIP through? And I think that will come with ape chain. And that will, and I think the transparency starts to come with ape chain. We get rid of these backdoor closed session meetings and it just, we let the people decide. And that’s, I mean, I don’t know anything more decentralized and transparent than a model like that. Are there people with big wallets who I think are wanting to see this move, flexing their ape coin as a way to make it move? Absolutely. but they’re there. That’s their right to do that. so I, you know, it’s not perfect.

Concerns About Current Stewards and Collective Feedback

And to be honest, I think that the last thing I’ll say is captain trippy putting his name on here. I think it’s, it’s helpful. But, he definitely carries a lot of weight. I value his opinion. I think that the two people actually that, whose opinion I value much more in all of this are all city and diminished current working group stewards whose jobs, you know, in this effectively go away as a result of this. AIP are both saying that this is the right move. So when the people who are directly affected negatively by it are saying that this is the right move and I can raise my hand and say that we need to do this, that’s telling me something.

Perspective on Experimentation and Adjustments

Yeah. Things aren’t ever going to be perfect, right? Like, like, this is how, like, figuring out an experimentation works. I think what’s important is, to your point, like, the people who are closest to this on the inside are like, look, this isn’t working as planned. And we’ve talked about, on this show, like, we, like, we had a conversation on this show where, like, things we’ve talked about here, we’re like, man, is this going to cost us a renewal? Because we’re, like, speaking objectively critical about this dow. But I think at the end of the day, that’s part of our job and part of why we got the sponsorship and got here in the first place.

Bureaucracy in Organizations and Growing Pains

And we don’t want to be, you know, changing how we do things based on that. So I think that’s number one. And I think number two, like, yeah, like, I think you see stuff like this and you see people who have been in the trenches doing this work saying this thing needs to change because it’s not working in its current format. And we talked about it, like, you know, we had a proposal, you know, to potentially, you know, we, you were involved in the proposals. Capitalism. We were talking about, like, ways to basically make it so they weren’t losing money. And how can we, you know, invest in defi products and just use the yield to fund eight based businesses? Stuff like that.

Narratives About Production and Competitive Dynamics

I know we have the banana bill coming out now a little bit different, but, like, the idea that, like, that was a thing and it’s like the only time we heard back was when we followed up. It was like a weird situation. I know that special counsel, you know, the facilitation of funds wasn’t necessarily quick. So I think, you know, anytime it almost became, like, in a weird way, as small of an organization as it was, it became like this big bureaucratic organization. Like, you see when you’re playing around in the, you know, when you’re, or when you’re working at a traditional business that continues to grow. And, like, I actually saw this.

Experiences of Growth and Feedback Loops

I was part of a business at one point that went from a, you know, sort of small business, almost boutique. Then it started, you know, doing, being successful and acquiring and doing some other things to a, you know, medium sized business. And the growing pains were crazy. And suddenly it was hard to do certain things and suddenly you weren’t seeing the CEO every day. And suddenly, like, the timing was off and all these things happened because of the growth of it. And I feel like the size of it. We talked, we talked about it before, like, do we need this many people? Is that the problem?

Perspectives on DAO Dynamics and Member Experiences

You know, and so I think that was a, you know, that was something that we all kind of experienced very much. And you get to your point, like hearing from the people who are like directly affected by this, I think says certainly a lot there. So appreciate that thought. Von front and cap, thoughts on what von Fronten said? Yeah, I agree. It also tells me that because current stewards are for this, things have probably been worse than we’ve even expected as far as they’re carrying their weight, most likely, but they know there’s more than one other individual probably in each of the working groups that’s just not been showing up, that’s been grifting from the dow and so much respect to them for doing the right thing, making the changes, and I fully expect they’ll come back in some sort of capacity.

Anticipating Future Engagements and Community Insights

This, this had to change. Yeah, I think so, too. I think that we entered that point for sure. we do have a, speaking of which, though, we do have a made by eight builder coming up today. Correct. Not again. Reschedule. So we are not going to. Cool. All right. I mean, we can keep going on Dal then because I guess like, this is the other thing that we come up and like, I know Derek’s going to be talking at 03:00 p.m. today, so probably won’t scoop and come up here today.

Lagging Discussions and Technical Glitches

But you mentioned he was banned from the forum. Is that something? I missed that. So I missed the sort of the drums and everything else that was going on there. What was going on with that? Other than that, I don’t really know. I traded a DM or two, but I have not had a deep conversation with him nor did I talk a little bit about it on the bulls, with bulls on the block delegation space on Saturday. But I missed part of the, you know, I missed the part where big bull chimed in and so I’m not exactly sure where it all netted out or if he’s still suspended.

Curious Developments in the Community

But timing, I mean, it could be purely coincidental, but timing of it was pretty odd. Yeah. Seems like some bizarre timing to suspend someone, right? As the discussion is happening around sort of disbanding some stuff. So, yeah, very interesting that people are going that direction as well. other than that, cap, I’m not sure what else you had on your, on your list. Cause I know I was thinking NBA guests.

Shifting Focus on Relevant Experiences

So I kind of went through my stack this morning. We got meme coins, we got majors, a couple of things related to Blackrock and some others. But what else do you have on your bingo card this morning? Those were the big ones. But did you see? I think we should give some coverage. It’s hard because things, when they hit, like I, Friday night, Saturdays, I feel like it’s out of the news cycle by the time Monday rolls around.

Tournament Experience Rankings

But I feel like we have to give some coverage to the dookie dash I came, or what they called it. Why am I drawing a blank here? The $20,000 tournament, did you watch the live stream? I watched parts of the live stream and it made me realize that I am there playing a different game than me, basically. I know that I saw that much when I saw it. When I’m like, looking at the scores and I’m like, you are very different.

Skill Development Through Competition

You and I are not the same, and you are far superior. So, talk a little bit about the tournament and what it was, because I, I watched a little bit of the streaming. I know our girl Mel was involved. I actually noticed too late. She’s like, oh, I can’t get a me bit. I’m like, we should spin up a me bit for her because apparently has a lower strike zone, so tell me a little bit about the tournament itself.

Production Quality and Future Competitions

Well, first of all, yeah. Shout out to Mel and law of the Saul and Dobbins, several friends of the show, friends, DJ community members were competing in it. I was blown away. I thought the production quality was incredible, the format was incredible. While they did have pro gamers and sway, would eventually win, there was also a lot of the well known community members. And I thought that everything about it, I thought was just very well done. And I expect this to be the first of many.

Impact of AIP on Engagement and Community Awareness

And on the topic of AIPs and the Apecoin Dao, I think it’s a possibility, maybe even likely, that the AIP that funded swamp gaming goes down as one of the best that the DAO has ever done in terms of impact for the Dow, increasing awareness onboarding others, both from the space as well as those that are in the space. It was streamed across multiple accounts, multiple platforms. I don’t know how the size of the audience it ultimately reached, but several hundred, if not some of the streams got up in the thousands watching this, I don’t know how long the stream was, like 3 hours.

Tournament Structure and Participants

But I guess to set the stage, if you missed it or this is the first time you’re hearing about it was, I think there were 20 competitors. Dookie Dash unclogged. Everyone had one run. Everyone that was competing had one run. And then I think it was the top 15 advanced to the bracket, like in a tournament style contest. The 16th person was sway, who’s a professional gamer and I think currently has the number one spot on the Dookie Tash leaderboard.

Live Experience During the Tournament

So they, once they hit the bracket stage, then it was head to head. And so you would watch the two competitors. They did, they would do split screen. You’d see them racing side by side. It was their best run, out of three. I think it was out of either two or three. I don’t remember how many runs they had, but they best run out of two or three. Mel’s actually jumping up on stage or take on it for the, for it to be a, a third party.

Collaboration and Quality of Production

Right. This wasn’t Yuga, this was swamp gaming. And for them to pull it together and have the production quality of this where they had, you know, 20 plus people across the world all competing, not having, you know, really much delays, it was a couple of times they had like a, you know, some technical, you know, snafus. But for the most part, the production quality was incredible. I thought the hosting was really good.

Enhancing Viewer Experience Through Strategic Integration

I thought it was something to where anyone who’s into esports and gaming competitions probably found it interesting and how TFG incorporated nfts and discussed not just apes, but some stuff about the ecosystem. One of the sponsors was someone from ok bears. It was very, I thought, well done from a presentation standpoint to where nfts likely would have come off in a good light. I know I’m sitting in a biased seat, but nfts and web three gaming, I think if someone was on the fence and they saw that their probably opinion changed afterwards.

Continued Growth and Recognition in the NFT Sphere

If they were anti board apes and web three gaming, I don’t know how they couldn’t have their opinion start to be swayed after watching something like that. And I could just see this becoming a really big deal as it continues on, both with Dookie Dash, as other side becomes more on, I can, I still vividly remember there was a really high quality production done for a Zed run tournament back in the day. And whereas Zed didn’t fan those flames, Yuga is fanning the flames and the Dow is fanning the flames.

Highlighting the Role of Dow in Funding Initiatives

You know, the Dow, that’s where the $20,000 in prize money came from was the Dow. I just, I think this is, we’re seeing a real life case study about how a crypto native, a web three native organization, in this case swamp gaming, can be formed, attract not only leaders from web three, but also gamers from outside of the space secure funding from the apecoin DaO. And the content they’re putting out, like, more of this. Like, this is the sort of, whether it’s around esport tournaments or otherwise, like, this is the sort of content that I think is a big win for the AP ecosystem and the Dow in general.

Encouraging Further Participation and Community Engagement

Mel, go ahead, Steve. No, I was. I was going to say, like, I love to throw to Mel because she was up there playing with the best of them. And, you know, that guy that I saw, that was, you know, the guy you mentioned, I forget his name, the professional gamer. I was just, yeah, I’m watching him just casually talk as he has a higher score, as he is, like, five x, the highest score of, like, most people I know.

Comparison of Performance Styles in Gaming

And he’s just casually talking through it as he’s going. I’m like this, like, it’s almost like when you hear Alex Honnold on a wall climbing free soloing, and he’s just kind of whistling and talking all nice and smooth as he’s just like. Whereas, like, I’m white knuckling at, like, a quarter of the score, that he’s just kind of casually being like, yeah, I’ll be bored for the next couple of minutes, then we’ll figure it out. I’m like, this guy is just built different.

Gaming Setups and Competitive Practices

also made me realize that I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time. Steve. I need to get the big vertical monitor and sit at my face right in, like, three inches away from the monitor. Monitor while I’m playing the game. I I’ve not had that form, and that’s. That’s why I haven’t been competing with these top gamers. I just. My setup’s been all wrong.

Inviting Community Voices and Shared Experiences

Before we go to Mel, though, I do no obligations, no pressure whatsoever. But I did want to extend an invite to FFe Dobbins. Law of the solve. Any of you’d like to come up and share your experience? No, not ffe. He beat me every. Anyone but ffe is welcome to come up. Just kidding. No. So I have so many inside points to this whole tournament. It was hilarious.

Reflections on Streaming and Technical Challenges

It was a blast. We all had so much fun. This is actually captain the first time I had played Dookie dash on PC. So you’re not at a huge disadvantage, but you probably won’t surpass the 500k rank without being on a PC. And that being said, they did not have technical difficulties. I did. My cats just had surgery, so they have their cones on and one went to come jump on my lap and turned off my PC.

Reconnecting and Managing Technical Issues

So I had to log back in. Log back into discord, pull back up the gaming, pull back up the stream. I had a whole new streamer link. I tried to get them the info before they put my stream up. Didn’t register in time. So then the second round, then I was able to communicate that. So just want to put that out there. That was not on them. That was on me.

Understanding Tournament Dynamics and Experiences

Talk a little bit about this. I mean, you’re. I need a couple insights. I have so many questions, Mel, because first of all, this is the only time I feel like I’ve seen you. Nervous isn’t the right word. But you’re. You’re a pretty cool common, collected. You’re relatively unshakeable. And I saw a little. Some writing in the war room beforehand.

Personal Insights Before Participation

And you can understand my plate. I was at a soccer tournament this weekend, so just replaced soccer with hockey. You get it. But I saw like over the, you know, like you kind of like feeling it a little bit. So I want to hear like, what it’s like going into something like this. And also have a question in general, which is, do, you know, do like, old people like me and cap have a stronger disadvantage in games like this just by being old?

Reflections on Age Dynamics in Gaming

Zachary? Oh, absolutely. So, I mean, I’ve gamed in many tournaments. I mean, you’re talking Diablo, Rocket league fortnite all over the board with, you know, semi pro players and I mean, even sometimes professional players. Right. And my heart rate was out the roof at one point. I had to get up, walk away. I tried to do some jumping jacks because I’m like, I’m going to have a heart attack. I am too old for this.

Nervousness and Excitement in Competitive Scenarios

I don’t understand how they’re staying calm, but we absolutely have a disadvantage with our age. Our reflexes just aren’t there anymore. Sorry. You mentioned the tournament was a blast, like, format wise. Talk to me about the tournament a little bit and how you felt about how it was organized and everything, because caps impressed.

Comparative Experience in Tournament Organization

But like, look, love cap. I’m going to take your opinion with a little bit more of a weight on that one because I feel like you have the history of this whole thing, cap. Like, you know, and I are like newbies to this. So we’re like, this is really cool. And like a gamer might be like, this is not actually not really cool.

Gathering Community Feedback and Experience Reports

So what we’re talk about your experience a little bit with the tournament and how you felt it stacked up from like other things you’ve been part of, Zachary. Yeah. So we’ll keep it real here. I was invited last minute, which is totally okay. I’m still super grateful that I was invited, you know, regardless, I have 26 years in gaming, so it was really cool experience.

Inclusion and Visibility in Gaming Tournaments

They did get my gender wrong, so that was one of the big. It was me and Imperia. That was a big miss for me because it would have been cool just to highlight that there are female gamers in the community in web three and that are still here supporting this whole environment. Other than that, they had everything to a t.

Operational Challenges in Competitive Events

They may have mixed up the brackets there with the top. So there was actually like 38 to 40 people that were in that first run. So those top brackets may or may not have gotten mixed up. I still haven’t heard word on that. It could be due to other circumstances as well, but otherwise, they were completely organized. Their discord was amazing.

Setting Standards for Future Events

It was organized. It was fun. They had the right channels. They had everything set up other than the weighted multipliers. But now that I’ve learned, I think everyone was pretty much at the same weight, so it went really well. I really couldn’t ask for more. I like to hear that. And like, yeah, like, I mean, you’re like, you know, we want to be able to highlight.

Women’s Representation in Gaming and Improving Communication

There’s women in web three. There’s women gamers. We’re just going to take gamers off that we’d like to highlight in web three. There are women, we promise. But no, I think highlighting the idea of, like, someone like yourself and others, I think that’s really cool. And I’m glad that I did come back with a very sincere apology for that and extended an invite for future experiences as well.

Improvements in Community Communication

So they really made up for that. And I think that they really were regretful that they missed that. Yeah, I actually had this happen to me recently where I almost never use any sort of, like, gender tagging of any sort because we’re largely anonymous and I never want to make it or sometimes suit anonymous, or sometimes you just don’t know behind a PFP.

Individual Experiences in Online Communities

So I tend to be pretty loose on it. Somebody who has a male name as their handle, who I was actually working with. And I was like, I said, like, you know, they did something awesome. And I said something like, dude, total chad move, or something by you, or I can’t remember what I said I might have said. And they’re like, I’m a female, by the way, and I’m like, fuck.

Learning Through Experience and Future Improvements

So I’ve fallen into it. Where it’s like, you know, like I am, and people who listen to the show know I am overly careful about these things. Even when I have people come up whose name I can’t pronounce, I’ll say, like, hey, I want to make sure I’m pronouncing this correctly because I don’t want to, you know, call you something wrong and you’re afraid to correct me.

Navigating Identity Communications in Communities

So I’m openly asking people stuff like that, and I still fucked it up. So it happens. And, like, I apologize profusely similarly and be like, yes, I need to fix, you know, I’ll better about that in the future. I owe you one. But I’m glad that happened and just hearing the tone of your voice, I’m glad not only to hear your excitement about this, but, like, to be able to participate in the future.

Reflections on Gaming Communities and Identity

Like, you basically are there, like, yeah, let’s do this again sometime. And you are more than happy to do it again, it sounds like. So I think stuff like that is. Is a win when you see that’s the takeaway from you personally as somebody who has experience. And again, like, and I mean this, like, seriously, like, because I know some people laugh when they say this, but, like, someone who’s not afraid to be critical or speak your mind, right?

Impact of Individual Voices on Community Dynamics

I mean, you’re not somebody who has a problem saying when you have an issue, you seem, you think could be fixed. And so the fact that, like, this is the reaction, I think is a really positive thing for them because, you know, you’re not one who’s going to be like, well, they invited me again, so I better keep my mouth shut. You’re somebody who’s going to actually kind of speak your thoughts.

Community Interactions and Game Experiences

So I love that. I want to go to FFV, though. I’m sorry, Melanin. Got to pull up Ffv GM, sir, good to have you up here. I know you are. Gg, FFB. GG. That was. That was a lot of fun and congratulations for even, you know, were also stoked for even getting up to, like, top 16 bracket, man. It was. It was just a lot of fun.

Nervousness and Collective Experience during Competitions

But Mel was right. I mean, right before, you know, you go up, when it’s your turn, it’s fucking nerve wracking. Like, I had to, like, take a couple breathers. I had to, like, chill out because, like, dude, I don’t know, for some reason it just gets to you. But, like, right when you start playing, you start to calm down a little bit. But, like Mel said, it was, like, super well, organized.

Organizational Structures in Competitive Environments

We all had like a ten second countdown. They made sure were not AFK, made sure everybody was in the voice chat ready to go and. But yeah, dude, it was like a shock shit ton of fun and I was just happy to be invited. It was, it was like I said, it was well organized. I would do it again. And I’m glad they’re even doing these type of things because like Steve was saying, like cat was saying, the more visibility that we get and within gaming, not just web three gaming, the more we can set up our pillar as like, you know, a different option within gaming.

Significance of Community Engagement in Web Three

You know, there’s web two gaming and now there’s gonna be options of like, hey, you know, there’s actually web three gaming with competitions and other cool asses, but it’s a really cool way to showcase what’s going on in web three. But yeah, super tons of fun. And the great thing about it too, man, is that like, you know, you didn’t really have to be like a crazy great player. You know, there was like players that had just, you know, all sorts of skills.

Competitive Diversity and Participant Experiences

But you know, as the competition went on, it just got harder and harder to stay on. But it was cool playing with a bunch of other apes in there, like Dobbins, Mel, it was just a lot of fun experience. And I’m playing with pro gamers. I mean, that shit was just a lot of, I think we reached up to like five to like 7000 viewers at one point. I wasn’t sure because I had to pay attention.

Innovative Community Engagement Strategies

But yeah, again, it was a lot of fun. GG MAndev yeah, well, I also think like it’s important, like a couple of things you said in there. One, I think it’s important to have this crossover because there is this perception about NFTs in the gaming community or there has previously been and we’ve seen that even though NFTs are a very logical solution to some of the problems gamers face.

Bridging the Gap Between NFT Enthusiasts and Gamers

And I think it’s important for, it’s sort of like if you’re ever in the wild, you might be like, oh my God, I grew up a, you know, Browns fan and therefore I think all Steelers fans are the worst or something. And then you start dating a Steelers fan and then you meet their family and then you meet your friends. You’re like, well, these people are good and I like these people.

Challenging Stereotypes in gaming

You’re like, hey, maybe I was like, as an Ohio State fan, I’ve run into this before where it’s like you have this like, thing where it’s like you meet someone from a rival team. Except Michigan. All Michigan people are the worst. Even though I had three Michigan people in my wedding. But, like, as an Ohio state person, like, you meet them and you’re like, wait. These people aren’t just all these, like, what we see on the Internet.

Realizing the Reality of Gamers

They’re not all what we see online. They’re not what we see posted in the media. It’s not like, Penn State fans, like, famously, like, threw bags of urine at the Ohio State band when were visiting them. Disgusting. And then we start saying that, like, that’s all Penn State fans. And then you meet someone, like, bunch, who’s like, one of my best friends in the world who comes on here every Thursday, and you’re like, well, he’s a Penn State guy.

Changing Perceptions in Gaming Communities

And my buddy Nick, who lives in Pennsylvania, he’s a Penn State guy. And you start to have your mind changed a little bit. And I think it’s similar in this sense where it’s like gamers might think NFT people are basement dwelling crazies who are just trying to be all grifters. And they’re like, wait a minute, FFV and Mellon Dobbins.

Broadening Perspectives Through Interaction

They’re not basement dwellers who are crazy. One of them is even a woman. What do you know? We actually have real people who are actually in this world. And I think that makes a difference to have that exposure and that crossover in that industry as well as other industries. And I frequently do this thing where it’s like, I’ll go and I’ll speak to companies I’ve worked with or companies in the past, or I’ll speak to a company or I’ll speak to a class, and they’re like, well, you don’t seem like you’re out of your fucking mind.

Shifting Perspectives in Professional Settings

I’m like, well, right. Like, I think a lot of people aren’t in this world. And there’s a reason why a lot of people are adopting both cryptocurrency and this NFT technology because of how it makes sense.

Understanding the Crossover of Industries

So I think, you know, once people start to realize, like, wait, the blockchain is a better software solution. And I, you know, or, like, in this case, like, everybody who plays these games, like, these people are pretty based, suddenly you have people who are, like, into it. So I love that fact about it.

Community Influence on Web Three Culture

And I love that you and I, like your representatives yourself, Dobbins, Mel, others who are representing extremely swamp gaming, all of who’s representing extremely well. I love how it came to be sort of through this, you know, the way it came to be, you know, through the dow and everything, like, I just think it’s a great example of how everything can work well together.

Positive Reflections on Community Participation

So I love that you represented us, and I love hearing about it, and I’m glad you had a good experience, you know? And then also, like, the other thing that I want to throw to Dobbins is, like, the idea that, like, you know, imagine if it’s like, yeah, we’re playing, like, football. We’re going to get to play football with some NFL athletes.

Valuable Experiences with Professional Gamers

Like, the fact that you got to play a game with professional gamers is really cool. Like, that part of it, I think people like, because I think a lot of people in the older I generation, like, in me and caps again, age class might be like, oh, professional gamer. But if you’re below the age of 30, especially, certainly below the age of 30, but maybe even below the age of 35, you start to look at it and you’re like, no, no.

Perceptions of Gamers Across Age Groups

Like, this is legit. There’s a reason every kid wants to be a youtuber when they grow up, and this is pretty cool. FFV, get back in here. Yeah. Once I know that, I kind of just, like, kind of popped in my mind during the event. So somebody made, like, a vehicle in a character that was kind of, like, see, you could see through it.

Gameplay Improvements Through User-Generated Content

So it was a lot better to see obstacles, little objects and things like that. And someone had made it, I think, the day before, and I don’t think it was, like, intentionally made for the competition, but it was made a day before the competition or something like that. And that one was that skin and vehicle was banned. Like, weren’t allowed to use that.

User Generated Content and Competitive Balance

And I thought it was an interesting thing because it’s going to be a funny thing for, like, consumers, but, like, a little bit of a harder, excuse me, thing for, like, game developers to really think about, like, how UGC is gonna end up, because a lot of creators are gonna make vehicles and other skins to help them in the game.

Balancing User Experience and Competitive Structure

So it’s just gonna be a funny thing to witness how competitive competition and UGC all come together with all this kind of stuff. But just a little side note out. There, this is wild. This is unlocked for me, the first time I’ve had this thought, and I just want to tug on the string a little bit.

Emerging Trends with User-Generated Content

I’ve always thought skins, it’s just purely cosmetic, the user generated content, just purely cosmetic, or you run the risk of, you know, like, op weapons and stuff like that in game. But for the first time, this thought of user generated content, whether it’s a vehicle or something you’re writing or potentially a weapon. But I think from this thought of just like the vehicle, a specific example to dookie dash to where the user generated content can actually create an advantage in game without necessarily breaking the game.

Innovations in Game Design Through User Input

But I think a little edge for the creators that are going to experiment and tinker. I just, this is the first time I’ve even had this thought to where the user generated content in skins or whatever content’s going in these games, whatever assets going in there is more than just cosmetic and especially where it’s not intended to be by the game creator.

Game Development Considerations and Player Experience

Right. It’s not like they’re assigning, you know, power or hit points or anything like that to these things. It’s just how they’re created, how they’re designing it is impacting the game. And I’ve never had this yet. Yeah, man, I think it’s just gonna be something cool to really experience and see how gamers and game developers are going to work together and kind of battle at, battle out at the same time.

Production Quality and Excitement for the Future

Not only was the production quality of the commercials, like, they were professional commercials, but the fact that they were featuring, you know, like, your show and other NBA products, like, it got. It gets me so excited to think, like, fast forward a few years and, like, I’m not saying it’s guaranteed to happen, but you can’t tell me it’s not in the range of outcomes that swamp gaming ends up hosting some of the larger esports tournaments out there, and all of a sudden you have hundreds of thousands people tuning into these things that are, you know, every commercial break is an NBA brand. Like, it’s just that it was. I don’t even think I. We’ve still done a good job explaining how just how well it was executed in terms of pulling all these things from the ecosystem together. And you want to talk about wins in this space. Like, this was a great example of a win win across the board. So just really well done.

Dookie Dash Cup and Other Side Exploration

I did DMTFG, by the way, Steve, while we didn’t have our NBA guests this morning, I told him we definitely got to get him on for a future NBA Monday and couldn’t think of a better substitute for an NBA Monday than talking about this Dookie Dash cup. Yeah, definitely. It’s an interesting one. Like the Dookie Dash cup. And I wonder, it’s like, I know Dookie Dash is sort of the. The game that’s existing right now, but I wonder, like, you know, Gordon talks about other side and I just wonder what we can see from other side, especially after seeing what improbable did with the MLB experience and thinking about the future of that. Like, you know, they talk about these lean ins, but, like, I don’t know, like, Yuga gaming seems like they’ve said their focus is other side, you know, sort of the, you know, made by apes and, you know, sort of managing the club and clubhouse and things like that? Do you think there’s a world where they have some other really simplistic.

Prospects for Yuga Gaming’s Future

Do you think, like, do you think all games and game developing is going to be related to other side, which is sort of like a little bit of a walled garden at the moment for people who would want to potentially get involved? I know that improbable can open it up just like the MLB experience, but do you think that future things like this down the line they will want to specifically do in say the other side environment? Or do you think there’s a world where they have another thing because the app and getting in the app store and having that happen made it so accessible to people. So I guess like, I wonder, like what do you think the future is there if you were like looking into your crystal ball? It’s a great question. I think both. I think that. I think both for to your point, to have the mobile app and the accessibility point I think is for them to continue to develop mobile games I think will be important.

Event Activation and Web Three Wins

But I also can see them. Like, what is so exciting to me about this contest is everything that happened was built upon something that Yuga shipped. In this case, Dookie Dash and leverage the Dao for funding and the community. It’s just like to build upon something that Yuga shipped and to see it so well done, really exciting to me. And so as this thing plays out, like the gaming, the tournaments like this, where you can create a competition or PvP, stuff like that’s pretty easy to connect those dots to see how we could see more of this. What I haven’t fully grasped yet, I have ideas, but like, how does, let’s say other side was on right now, right? It was always on and it was like, what sort of streaming do we see take place in there? And more so not just like, hey, I’m here, I’m building this, or come watch me play this game, but rather any of these times where they can create an activation, they can create an event, they can create a contest around something, whether it’s another mobile game or inside of other side.

Importance of Community and Network Effects

This is where web three wins. For all the reasons we know and love that we’ve been here, we’ve been actively been building this space. You want to talk about network effects and brand ambassadors, like this is, this stuff works. Esports is a thing. This isn’t novel. We know it works. I just think what we’re seeing now is potentially the next evolution of esports. And this is probably, like, from a non gamer, probably sounds crazy, but I just, for as much as we thought, like, oh, having these assets on chain and the interoperability, like, that’s. That’s what makes web three gaming so great. There’s benefits to that. Yes. That’s cool. And talking about this user generated content, that’s cool. I think the community is still underrated. I just, again, I don’t come from that gaming sphere.

Personal Insights on Gaming Community Dynamics

I’d love to, if they can pop back up or even just in the chat, hear from Mel or FFE, anyone that’s done traditional gaming competitions, traditional gaming contests. I don’t know, maybe I’m just too biased, but I have to think it’s. It just feels different here. Like, I have to imagine, you know, maybe they have the same nerves if they’re competing in a traditional esports contest, probably to some degree, but I don’t know. As if the same level of friendships get developed, the same relationships get developed outside of just the teams. Right. I’m guessing, like, the esports teams probably get pretty close, but their opponents are probably just their rivals and people that they probably don’t like. Whereas in this space, I could just see so much more collaboration and so much more working together, incorporating things like commercials of these other NBA brands, of other shows, of other content creators.

Understanding Community Identity in Web Three

It’s just, I believe this space is really set up to collaborate to help other people, and I think this was a great example of seeing that in action. What I find interesting about that, I found a couple of things interesting about that. I think the idea, and it’s hard to explain the sense of identity. We’ve talked about it before, where in different times, we’ve had Austin on this show and Julian, we’ve had other people clean, all these different people who talk about the value of identity as it relates to what they’re doing when, like pudgy penguins, you know, when we had, you know, PB mctweets up here talking a little bit about the. The expo that they went to. Right, when they went to the licensing expo, I was telling. I was telling Scott about this, my co author, last week when we, you know, we have a couple of meetings each week just to keep up with stuff.

Licensing Expo and Community Engagement

And I was telling him last week, I was like, you know, he was saying, like, people basically look at this stuff and they say, like, okay, like, you know, we’re at a licensing expo. This is where a bunch of nerds set up, boosts for their licensing stuff and have conversations that are deep in the weeds about, like, how you can potentially get deal flow. And one of the biggest appeals they had was they said they looked around and the people who were in the trenches with them were like, wait a minute. So you’re telling me these people came here, you know, to a licensing expo? They’re like, yeah, they just want to be around us and the brand. It’s like, to a licensing expo? Yeah, they just want to be around us in the brand. That sort of stuff is, I think, where you can’t underestimate how crazy it is, where it’s like people are coming to an expo that has nothing to do with any, like, nobody has any business being at this expo.

The Complexity of Fandom Cultures

Like, nobody who is not trying to actually get deal flow. Yet the pudgy penguins have a presence there with fans that are showing up, wearing their gear, and they’re like, no, we didn’t pay these people to do this. They flew out on their own because they want to be part of it. We’re doing an event later. Like, when you explain it that way, and this is that concept I’m working on teasing out right now and figuring out exactly how you explain it. Because I will tell you, it is hard to explain to people because people will be like, well, I’m a Browns fan. I high five other Browns fans, right? It’s the example you use all the time, or, oh, yeah, no. Gamers have fans. Like, someone’s a fan of Faze clan, someone’s a fan of NRG, someone’s a fan of this.

Community Connections and Personal Investment

Like they’re fans, but it’s just a little different. And I think the community aspect is also different where, you know, you talk about the community aspect of it’s like we have people who are very much tied through a very serious, very real sense of identity to a club. And because those people are tied to a club, they are extremely interested in being involved in things the club does. And sometimes that means jumping on an e gaming, you know, jumping on an esports platform to play, you know, gaming and game with professional gamers. But you know how hard when you talk about the nerves they had, they want to put on for their friends because, you know, I think part of the reason, it’s like when you have a friend who shows up to like, you know, I was thinking about this weekend, my son played really well in his second game, and I was thinking about it and I’m like, well, I think part of that is because he ran into, like, one of his friends outside of his team.

The Impact of Friends on Performance

And his friend from outside of his team was also playing in this tournament just in a different bracket, in a different team. They live in a different city. And it was like seeing his friend, I believe, possibly gave him a little bit of extra motivation, a little bit of extra juice to be like, I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of my friend. I want to make sure my friend knows that I performed well. I want to, like, that sort of stuff matters. And I think we sometimes underestimate that sense of identity and how you can have levels and depth of identity and what a fuck, what a funnel like that looks like, including, you know, if you’re. If you’re working your way down a funnel.

Advertising and Its Community Effects

But, like, what that looks like from a very practical perspective. So, at least to me, that’s a little bit of my takeaway, is that we talk about this sense of identity. I think that is something that is very different in web three that I think any of the people, when they talk about the nerves and when they talk about the ads to their businesses, yeah, the ads of their businesses are cool. And to your point, it’s very cool to see eight businesses getting represented. And I think it’s an effective and smart use of Dao funds to say, hey, let’s fund some of these tournaments to get more people exposed to the brands and get it out there. That’s sort of the purpose of the dow to some degree.

Engaging with Community Brands

I don’t know how many in total. I’m gonna guess it was a dozen. I’m gonna guess that by one AIP that then the TFG and team took and executed and ran with the Dow, that. That they promoted a dozen NBA brands off of one of it that someone else in the community put together. Like, it’s just like this. Mel said in the chat, too. I think this is in response to the question, like, how did this compare to other esports gamings? And says, nope, it was an entirely different competitive environment. So much fun. And it is. Even as talking through it, I know I’m not doing a good job explaining it. I don’t know how to explain it to an outsider.

Demystifying Community Engagement

But this isn’t like, community is underrated, and the identity within that community, to your point, also very underrated. And I just. I’m really excited to start seeing more and more of this sort of stuff. The isolation that we have from each other nowadays, especially with remote work and other things that are completely remote. Again, I was talking to that same, you know, the. The mom who I used to work with, that same kid that my son is friends with. Soccer tournament yesterday. And she works almost entirely remote. They went remote during COVID She doesn’t go to the office.

Challenging Aspects of Remote Work

Her team is mostly in other places, which makes for way better, more efficient work because they can hire the best people in various areas. I think all that’s great. I also think there’s something to be said about the fact that we don’t have that same community feel. I was talking to dawn about her new job over the weekend, and I. I don’t think she’ll mind me saying sharing this, is that she’d been out of work for about a year because she was helping me or not really out of work. She left work to help me with the book because there was a lot of stuff there and trying to help us stay organized and make sure things stayed up like that were working on and everything stayed on track, and she was sort of helping organize that.

Reintegration into Work Environments

Well, that’s great. And then she went back to work instead of just being at home with me all day and the dogs or whatever. I said to her, I’m like, how do you feel? Are you enjoying. I said to her, actually, in the words, I’m like, are you enjoying the social aspect of work? And she was like, a ton. Because she’s back in the office talking with people. They have this common community. They’re starting to build on things, but, like, people have these little pockets of community that they have, but they’re not exposed to other things outside of it. And they go home and they’re separated from it.

Persistence of Community in Digital Spaces

We are, you know, when Julian talks about the persistent storytelling ability of doodles, when he talks about how they’re always on and there’s always something happening, part of that is the community is always happening. Like, when it comes to the board API Club, I talk to Cap every morning. I go to the spaces that Baron runs. I pop in the discord from time to time. I look at gaming tournaments like this. I’m going to ape Fest and Lisbon in a couple of weeks. There’s this always on nature to that. You’re always a part of something, and that’s pretty cool.

Community During Physical and Digital Gatherings

It deepens your sense of identity when you’re around these people online in a great way at all times. You’re always around these people in digital and physical spaces, and we talk about the value of the physical spaces when we get together. But at the same time, part of what makes it happen is the fact you have these digital spaces and you know, and I use the example when you bring it out, I always use this example, but I think it’s pertinent where it’s like, you know, when I think of my son as a one piece, my daughter, I’ll use my daughter because I always use my son as the one piece fan. My daughter’s a huge my hero Academia fan.

Engagement with Fandom in Different Realms

We’re going to see the my hero Academia movie as soon as it comes out with the family. But right now when she talks about it, she has one friend who likes it, another friend who kind of likes it, and then, like, pretty much everybody else is, like, into their own stuff. They have their sports, they have other things. They’re not as into this particular type of anime. Well, like, if my daughter could go into an online space where she finds, you know, hundreds if not thousands of other my hero academia fans who have all watched every single episode, every single movie, discuss fan theories, give their, you know, opinions on who’s who and different things that would be of value to her and it would create a tribe that is different.

Proof of Fandom and Community Building

And if she could on chain prove that, you know, every time she watched an episode, she got a, like, little poap type thing in her wallet with, like, some sort of commemorative shot from that episode, well, now she can infallibly prove that she is as big of a fan. Find people who are also can infallibly prove that they are huge fans, connect with them in those online spaces, and maybe they form a gaming team, maybe. But the sense of what you form identity around. There is not a single business or group of people in the world that can’t benefit from a proof of fandom mechanism, as we keep talking about here, and I think part of what you’re unpacking, Cap, is this idea that board API Club provides this proof of fandom where, you know, people are like, yes, I own this thing.

Identity and Pride in Community Ownership

I’m part of this thing. I’m part of this culture. It’s who I am. It’s part of, like, you know, when I talk about it, I talk about Bordeaux cup with pride. When my people ask me what I’m going to in Lisbon, I explain it to them at a high level. But it’s like a very proud thing to me. And I think you can’t underestimate how big that sort of proof of fandom opportunity is for tons of businesses and people across the world. But also, you know, for us as a community, as we’re trying to make web three be more accepted and more understood as to what it truly is. I just don’t think you can underestimate how big things like this are.

The Broad Reach of Community Engagement

Where Dobbins, Mill, etcetera, are getting more nervous because they are putting on for a community, for a group of people that they truly represent and identify with and getting their sort of stuff represented out to the world is pretty cool. So, I mean, I’ve never watched an esports contest ever before. I maybe seen some clips in the past of like a, you know, highlight or something, but I’ve certainly never watched a full, you know, show. Not only that, I watched the full 3 hours of this, Steve. Like, I was rooting for my friends, like I had a vested interest, like, I was rooting for, like, players in my DF’s lineup.

Engagement in Competitive Environment

Yeah, it’s different. Sorry. I think I just jumped off mute when I dumped in the tarot, the hibachi steak that I’m throwing into the. Into the pan this morning. Sorry. I let it go. No worries. I was. I let it go because I was going to see if I could catch what you were cooking this morning. What, what meat you were fixing up for yourself. No. Yeah, it’s the old hibachi steak in the morning we just threw on there. I thought I hit on the mute button so I could toss it in, put a little lemon juice to break down the steak a little bit more this morning, but yeah, a little soy sauce, some olive oil or avocado oil, I believe it was a little garlic, a little bit of salt and pepper.

Balancing Health and Lifestyle Choices

And we’re keeping it pretty simple on the steak this morning. So we got that going with. I have not been as on track with my diet and exercise the past few days just because soccer tournament and all the other stuff. And so this morning it’s going to be pretty much lightly seasoned steak with a little bit of oil, my vitamins and green juice. And we’re going to see how we’re feeling after a workout later. And we’re going to have a protein shake after the workout. So we’re going to. We’re going to have a detox today so we can get back on track before we get into Lisbon because I’m actually on four planes or four trips, I should say.

Upcoming Travel and Family Traditions

Not even more planes than that, but I have four trips in the next three months towards the end of the year, something with the family that I’m going to. I’ll talk about afterwards, the ape fest in Lisbon, art Basel, and then at my end of the year trip that I traditionally take with my family to different, nicer locations because it’s around the time my dad’s birthday. My dad passed away a couple of years ago. We started this new tradition where instead of doing Christmas, where it’s right around his birthday, we kind of finish out the year in some nice location and kind of hang as a family.

Maintaining Health Amid Travel

So doing those four toes the end of the year. So I got a lot coming down the pike, and so it’s imperative that my diet and exercise get back on track. Although I know at the end of the year, the place to go at the end of the year is very conducive to health because they, you know, they have some, you know, a lot of room to run around. They have, like, workout stuff, and they also have. They also have, like, really available good food because there’s international people there. So the, you know, international people who don’t eat the garbage we eat, who eat, like, you know, not exactly as extreme as my breakfast food, but they’re not hopping down on chicken and waffles for breakfast.

Food Choices and Cultural Awareness

They’re having much leaner, lighter breakfast. Yogurts, fruits, lean meats, vegetables, things like that. Speaking of international breakfast foods, I’ve recently gotten turned on to, I’m probably going to mispronounce it musili. I don’t know how I saw it the first time, but most granola is, especially here in this country. It’s junk. They load up with way too much sugar and other junk. It’s kind of like granola, but it’s more like oats with, like, fruits and nuts and different things in it.

Discovering Healthier Alternatives

It’s. I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but it’s become my go to. I’ve replaced all granola with this. It’s my go to. If I eat breakfast, it’s this musilli, and I don’t like it. I think it’s european. I really don’t know if anyone is a musili expert. I’ll grab a picture of it and drop it in the chat here in a second. Never. Never heard of this. So I learned about it this morning, but I’ve been increasingly, like, I’m freaking out, man. I’ve been falling down the food rabbit hole and what we do to food in America lately, and it freaks me out.

Concerns About American Food Industry

I don’t know what to eat anymore. Like, I eat stuff and I’m like, I am eating chemicals and garbage, like, stuff that’s literally illegal in other countries. Like, I eat on a regular basis and I’m like, fuck, what do I even do here? So I am not feeling great. About the current food sitch. I got to not dive down those rabbit holes because they’re like nothing we can solve. And they feel like they’re just further making me sad. I don’t know, man. I push back.

The Challenge of Eating Healthy

I think this one is somewhat solvable. Like, you’re not going to solve the american diet or what is put in a lot of the processed food here. And it’s very difficult to eat every meal healthy. But I think once you’re aware of it, once you’re conscious of even things that may come across as healthy or this is supposed to be good for you based on their marketing or what their packaging looks like, just take a few seconds and read the ingredients. Like, I dropped the ball and bought some really bad spaghetti sauce the other week and I don’t know why.

Finding Solutions in Food Choices

Like, I usually do that, but this is one. Like, I was fooled by the marketing on the label and I thought, oh, it’s just the same. And I didn’t read the ingredients to get home. Come to find out, had a bunch of just fake junk in it. And so it’s like, I do think with effort, it’s one of the things that you can. Why not change what is in the grocery stores? I think you can make much better choices. It’s just challenging and it’s unfortunately going to cost a lot more money. Yeah, you can make better choices.

Macro Challenges in Food Industry

I guess my big thing is, like, the reason why I say it’s not soluble. I meant more on like a macro level, to your point. Like, we can’t, like right now, we just need, we need laws. But like two, it’s also kind of not solvable because it’s like, even, like with fresh vegetables, for example, you know, I heard this stat that like, you know, there’s a stat that like, something like 70% of like kids tested positive for having literally the chemical that is in raid in them. Like the actual weed killer. Because even if you get fresh vegetables that are grown, like, it’s hard to find, like, the correct sustainable things, organic and all these words.

Concerns about Fresh Produce

So, like, you’re right. Like, you can always do better and you’re never gonna do perfect. But, like, the fact that in the States, it’s like, even if you buy fresh produce and vegetables, even at a farmer’s market, you might be buying something that you eat and then you’re putting like literal poison, like plant poison in your system. So it’s like, that’s the stuff where I meant, like, it’s like, almost like it’s a hard problem to solve and hard not to like, get despondent about it because you’re like, man, I literally can’t eat anything.

Emotional Impact of Diet Choices

Like, I can’t eat this. Like, if you eat vegetables, like, I’m gonna drink this green juice. It’s gonna be delicious. This green juice, which came from a local store that sources relatively locally, is still. I’m doing my best. Probably putting shit in my system. I shouldn’t be. That would literally be illegal in other countries. So it just, I don’t know. Bums me out, man. It makes me sad. Say something positive.

Finding Positivity in Difficult Conversations

We need to end the show on a positive note. I am. I’ll shout out a. We started with hurricanes. We started with hurricanes. We’re ending with like food poison. Yeah. So civil. Muesli is basically the german word for cereal. Often a dish mucily in the morning consists of oats, fruits, nuts, milk and yogurt. So it’s basically like non american cereal. Basically. Much healthier cereal. No, no added sugars, that sort of stuff.

Community and Culture in Creative Expression

Also thought here from Kramer Duck. I love the proof of phantom Web. Three models Steve Bark outlined. All of us have a niche interest that’s often hard to relate to with our local community. Imagine when your favorite IP dies off. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have the core fans help revive it? And I don’t know, maybe wrapping on that. The thought of IP and while we’re complaining about the box office and if you saw Joker two was bomb, it’s going to lose tens of millions of dollars.

The Future of Intellectual Properties

It looks like the Hollywood studios keep just producing sequels or copypastas of stories that have already been told. I just, there’s really something here. It’s going to take many years, like decades till it really hits. But there was something, and I still struggling to put it into words, but there was just, it was like a lightbulb moment watching this dookie dash cup on, you know, last week in the power that this. So, you know, this identity with these assets and the community that surrounds it’s, it works across many industries, right?

Exploration of Community Across Industries

You talk about the, you know, even going to like a trade show or comic con, something like that. Like it’s almost impossible not to notice. Like if you’re another vendor there, how do you notice how crazily impressive the brand loyalty and the fan base for pudgies are? Like, in a spot where you do have fans, but not in a conference like that. It’s not, it wasn’t comic Con, it was the other. Like, you know, fans don’t typically go when you start seeing stuff like that.

Shifts in Audience Engagement

When you start seeing the, you know, the feedback from a, you know, this dookie dash cup and other future games like this, it’s just hard for me to see a world where once others understand what’s going on here, that they don’t drop down their guards a little bit and be like, okay, I get it now. Web three gaming is not just about magic, Internet, money and tokens. There’s a lot here. And I think the piece that might be the strongest that most outsiders have no idea or probably don’t give any credit to is this community piece.

Roots of Community Investment

And I know I’m not the only one that was rooting for my friends like they were my favorite sports team or a player I’d rostered in my DF’s build. Like that’s, there’s something there and this is just getting started. It’s just the first, just from swamp gaming, we’re going to see others, we’re going to see things. The same thing I believe, which will take place outside of esports. It just so happens that esports is one of the, I guess like lower hanging fruits in terms of, you know, bringing all these pieces together.

Encouragement for Future Endeavors

But yeah, I’ll go back, I’ll wrap it with this. The commercial, if you missed the stream, I did pin it up top. Just go check it out and go like play. You dont have to watch the full 3 hours, but check out some of the commercials, catch the banana boys commercial or the dashbo commercial. And just to think that is the first attempt at something like this from the ecosystem, its what could become of this? Like I said, theres a range of outcomes. Theres hundreds of thousands of people tuning into these events down the road.

Reflecting on Community Growth

Maybe not, maybe it stays in the thousands. But the upside is there and especially with the quality behind it and the experience from others in that esports space, that it’s at minimum it’s got to create some curiosity from individuals that aren’t in crypto and web three yet. I agree with everything you said and I want to talk on the thread from the chat there because they talked about keeping stories alive. I think another thing that web three brought to the life is this dungeons and dragons of vacation of your actual favorite type of ip.

Flexibility in Intellectual Property

And by that I mean boarding yacht club is a very flexible ip. We’ve talked about this most stringent ip you find is probably v friends, right, because they have pretty tight rights there. Then you have sort of doodles in a similar realm where maybe you can be part of the universe. But like, they’re going to sort of control the storytelling narrative in there for a lot of things. They’ll allow people to do some art and things around it. Then you have bored Apioc Club on the far end of the spectrum where they’re like, fuck it.

Encouraging Fan Creators

Do whatever you want. You create. If you want to create stories, go like, I got my. I’m going to tweet about it at some point, you know, soon here. But like, I got my happy eight book in the mail, right? That’s a book and a plushie created around bored apocalypse. And they’re like, go do it. Right? It very much fits the ethos of Gordon and Gargan, who they are. So you have that one end of the spectrum, and then on the other end of the spectrum you have the tight ip.

Innovating IP Through Fan Engagement

I think this idea of flexibility around IP that people love has a lot of legs to it. My son regularly says, can I tell you a story? And creates a story where he might mash up one piece and Pokemon and brawl stars and everything in one. Or he tells me a story about brawl stars, or he tells me a story about Pokemon, or he tells me. And then he’ll tell my wife the exact same story to the detail. So he has his mind working constantly on these animes. Like, the fact that, like, instead of him saying, so, my son’s very creative.

Future of Creative Storytelling

I could literally see him doing this professionally because he’s so detailed in it and he knows what people like because he has friends who watch the same stuff. Now imagine a world where instead of my son having to create his own story and his own characters and things that are just like an homage, right? He could literally use this ip to create a story and become a successful creator. And they say to them, hey, fuck it. You can go create a movie. You can go create whatever we’re cool with because it makes our ip better.

Empowerment of Fan Creators

Feel free to use our ip in this stuff. Or even like, hey, if you use our IP, you owe us like a 5% kickback on something you make on it. If you’re highly successful or whatever. But like, the idea of making it almost like, you know, Connor Price makes his music Creative Commons and I use it all the time and he’s more proliferated because of it. I think it’s made him more successful. We, you know, it’s obviously very good music. I love, like, counterpray is one of the me and Dawn’s favorite artists, right?

Celebrating Creative Commons in Music

But at the same time, like, that’s one example of how you can get people, just let his stuff be out in the wild was like, fuck it. Everybody get out there and take it, right? And became a successful artist. I think there is a model to be had. You know, that web three has helped kind of enable with things like this idea that my son could create stories around his favorite characters, and they’re like, yeah, we want more people creating these and putting them in the wild, and the best ones will rise to the top.

Parenting and Fandom

And yes, you have to say there’s clearly no affiliation with the official brands because that, you know, that’s a whole different, like, you know, way that we’ve gone. But, like, I think the idea that, like, you know, ninja Turtles, you know, ninja Turtles, like, let’s say, like, you know, there was these communities formed around Ninja Turtles and it wasn’t just us at our homes getting turtle vans and, you know, action figures. It’s like, imagine a world where, you know, again, you know, turtles goes off the screen.

Cultural Impact of Nostalgia on IP

We’re still fans of that Ip, and we can keep creating stories around it without worrying about, you know, getting DMCA and all these other things and DCMA and all these other things. It’s like, that is a world where the IP can live on very well. The overarching brand gets to benefit it because they could have a resurgence. More people want to buy it, and the people themselves could potentially create careers around their favorite stuff, not just creating content and fan theories, but actually, like, literally creating stories with the characters.

Exploring New Frontiers of Development

So I think that there’s something there that could be very interesting. And I think we, you know, I think we haven’t even tapped the surface of what that fandom can do with that yet. So I don’t know, I guess that’s, as my final thought on that. But look, I mean, that said, like, you know, fun conversation. And I love, like, to your point, like, you know, I was sort of like, oh, crap. I sort of like, you know, when we put our show together, a lot of times on Monday, I’m like, I time out my stack for the NBA.

Adjusting Plans Amid Revisions

And then we’re like, oh, yeah, no. Had to reschedule. So now we’re like, what do we talk about? We got to this gaming thing, and I think this gaming thing ended up being, you know, a really, like, fruitful discussion for the day. So I’m glad we had a cap. Yeah. And again, we’re going to have to get TFG on here to talk swamp gaming one of these NBA Mondays in the future. Just give some flowers in person. So you can hear it direct from us. And I’d love to also, you know, try to price them out to find out what’s next, what the, what we might have to look forward to in the future.

Optimistic Projections on Future Events

Because off a great start. And I’m optimistic and hopeful that it’s not only that will we see more from swamp gaming, but I am very optimistic that it will inspire others, whether esports or otherwise, to create similar activations building upon or on top of products that Yuga has shipped to where the community can coalesce around, have fun around. And when we got the dow that can help fund things for contests. It’s just like, there’s really something here.

The Bet on Future Innovations

We’ve not seen the end state, but I get more excited about it the more we talk about it. And it was one of those things like, my expectations were pretty minimal going into it. It was like, I’ll turn this on, see how it goes. And I just was kind of blown away. So, yeah, I really enjoyed the chat. Appreciate FFE and Dobbins and Mel coming up to share their experiences. And other than that, I’ll let you close us out.

Community Resilience and Safety

But stay safe out there, everyone. If there’s anyone in need of help this week, you know, in Florida, reach out. I can’t make any promises, but if I’m able to, I certainly will. And if you’re evacuating, safe travels. If you’re staying, stay safe. And rain, shine, or hurricane. We’ll be here at 08:00 a.m. eastern. Steve mentioned earlier we may go live from his account on Thursday.

Continuous Engagement Among Community

The carousel is up top. If you haven’t hit those reminders yet, please do us a favor. Scroll all the way to the right and smash those reminders for the rest of the week. It’s currently the reminder for Thursday is on is for my account, but Steve will drop a backup link that we can have everyone be prepared in case I’m out of service or Internet or power whatnot on Thursday morning. But that’ll be the least of anyone’s worries.

An Optimistic Outlook

So we’ll get through it and I, but yeah, hope everyone had a great weekend. Good start to your week and stay safe out there. Yeah, save it. Stays safe out there with the show will go on no matter what happens. We will make sure it happens as long as people stay safe. Cap safety is thing number one, but we will make sure the show goes on.

Commitment to Consistency

We are crazy enough motherfuckers that we scheduled european flights around making sure the show continues in its consecutive streak. So we’re going to keep this thing rolling. But thanks, everyone who came through this again, you know, shout out to Mel, shout out to David, shout out to FFB for coming up and giving us a little insight on the gaming part. Good chat. I mean, good chat across the board.

Looking Forward to Future Revelations

We’ll see who Satoshi Nakamoto is in a couple of days here. And you mentioned. You mentioned Connor Price. I almost queued it up for the intro today. Maybe I’ll do it for tomorrow. He just dropped a new one over the weekend that felt very. Felt very web three. I don’t think he’s in the space, but I think he’s got to be adjacent because the title of the song is let me cook.

Connecting Music to Community Themes

So I’ll play us out with that one. Yeah. Big fan of. A big fan of that. A big fan of. I play all his, like, he’s probably got like a dozen songs I can choose from when I’m hosting spaces for like on chain monkey and some other groups. And so, you know, the. If you’re, if you’re not familiar, his. He puts all his stuff out there royalty free.

Accessibility of Music for Creators

It’s, it’s in public domain. So there’s no threat of a DM. DMCA. Yeah. Because we’re very careful about which songs we use and how we use them because of that idea of like, making sure our accounts stay clean and we don’t lose them or anything like that. So. No, I’m a big fan of his work. The fact that he does that.

Appreciating Artistic Contributions

Yeah. Again, it’s like the idea that the songs are that good that I would listen to them anyway and I can actually use them for intros. That’s awesome. Makes me real happy. So that said, we’ll let everybody sail off in their day. Thanks to everybody who came through this morning. We’ll talk to everybody bright and early tomorrow morning at 08:00 a.m. eastern time.

Closing Thoughts for the Day

Have a wonderful day, everybody.

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