Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space “Coffee with Captain #646” hosted by Chris Jourdan, revolved around trading assets such as Memeland, Azuki, and D Gods, covering topics like buying, selling, and burning these assets. Participants shared diverse opinions and strategies, with a particular emphasis on trading Ray. The interactions were laced with humor and age-related jokes, fostering an engaging and entertaining environment. It was acknowledged that the information shared was opinion-based, echoing individual perspectives, ultimately leading all participants to a consensus on trading Ray.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


What assets were discussed in the Twitter space?

Memeland, Azuki, D Gods, and Ray were among the assets discussed.

What actions were mentioned regarding the assets?

Participants discussed buying, selling, and burning these assets.

What was the sentiment towards trading Ray?

There was a strong preference and consensus for trading Ray over other assets.

How was the information presented in the space?

The information shared was opinion-based and reflected individual views.

What was the tone of interactions among participants?

Participants engaged in lighthearted interactions with age-related jokes.


Time: 00:29:00

Mission Statement: Setting the session’s introduction and objectives.

Time: 16:33:00

Pre-Guest Discussion: Important points covered before the special guest joins.

Time: 20:05:00

NFT Avengers Recap: Recap of the NFT Avengers event and its impact.

Time: 23:54:00

Audience Participation: Encouragement for the audience to engage and share thoughts.

Time: 33:44:00

First-Time Host Experience: Insights on the experience of hosting a Twitter Space for the first time.

Time: 40:36:00

Founder Insights: Valuable comments from founders on their roles and responsibilities.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussion on buying, selling, and burning assets like Memeland, Azuki, and D Gods.
  • Participants expressing opinions on different assets and strategies.
  • Humorous interactions and age-related jokes among participants.
  • Strong preference for trading Ray as a unanimous choice over other assets.
  • Information shared is opinion-based and reflects personal views.

Behind the Mic

Host: Okay, so, um, I have some questions for y’all. Um, so number one is you’re given your full autonomy over what you get to purchase, but you can’t sell it for a year. What is it?

Participant 1: Juicy. I think I, uh, two nations, yeah. Um, and I think I’m purchasing a house that I can then turn into an investment property later. That’s boring, but whatever.

Participant 2: I mean, Yosef’s answer is pretty on point. Cause if I’m not selling it for a year, I’m probably buying real estate just because that’s the best asset class historically. But to make it more entertaining as an answer, I guess I’d go with an NFT. And I would go with something that has chances of ticking off. Um, like there’s, I’m actually looking at one, but I think it might sell out. So I probably won’t say it here just because it’s off my radar. But yeah, if it has to be NFT, I would probably find an NFT project and remove it because I wouldn’t sell it in any case. It has a longer time frame.

Participant 3: Yeah. I’d probably, I’d probably do, uh, my world Akshay option and probably go for another BAYC. Um, because even though I don’t really want a BAYC, I think both the volume and movement of it offer a lot of, um, rewards. I guess, I don’t know, returns. And then, uh, I also just think, you know, having, having one of those in the back pocket when things start to pick up in the market is never a bad thing.

Participant 2: I would agree with you, but you just said you can’t sell it.

Participant 3: Oh, fuck. Yeah. I probably still do a BAYC just cause I know it’s not going anywhere. And even holding it for a year, I don’t, I wouldn’t be worried about it, but you’re right. That’s a good challenge.

Participant 4: Yeah. I would go with a BAYC. And then as soon as the year is up, I’d collect my moonbirds as well.

Participant 5: Mine would be easier to answer just Amazon stuff. Cause like I’m, I’m just going on vacations, man. Just buying, just, just tripping out on some extravagant vacations.

Participant 2: I like that.

Participant 5: Yeah. I’d be telling every week from different, different place. It’s a difficult step because, um, over the years there has definitely been a diminishing returns on every single trip that I do. Um, because the newer locations, while absolutely amazing at the beginning, um, you know, the excitement just wears off and you just realize it’s just the same thing with a little different tinge to it. Um, and it’s hard to actually feel excited about, I don’t know, unless it’s something new, it’s so hard to feel excited for any of that now, you know?

Participant 2: I, I, I hear you dude. Like every time someone asks you this, basically what I’m hearing is you’ve traveled so much that the joy is starting to escape you. Nah, I totally get it. Fair play. So what’s the second part?

Host: Okay, second part. This is probably a little bit more out there and harder for y’all. Okay, so I was trying to think about this a little bit, but uh, if you had to choose three NFT communities, um, just top of your head, like the first ones that you come up with, um, you can buy one, sell one and burn one.

Participant 2: I knew that was coming.

Host: Yeah. Yeah, you were going to do that either way, Joey. We know that, Andrew. Azuki, D gods, Memeland. Buy, sell, burn.

Participant 6: Okay, so reggs, as you know, biased. Also a current Memeland holder. I’m going to buy more Memeland. I am going to sell the Azuki’s and I’m going to burn the D gods. Frank, I’m sorry, the club in which your way you’re constructing it’s great for the younger guys. I’m 26. It’s not for me currently.

Participant 7: This is my favorite thing I’ve heard on spaces yet. Andrew, you are the younger crew. This is amazing because all like you guys, like the older guys.

Participant 6: Morgan, my answer is exactly the same as Andrew’s, except I am a little older than 26. I actually. I’m physically old enough to be Andrew’s father. My answer is exactly the same. I’m buying Raydhe. I’m selling the peak of Azuki, thinking it comes down after whatever blue chip crumbs they buy, they still buy their community and I’m burning D gods.

Participant 8: So, uh, big brain, uh, coming in here. Contrarian answer. The thing that differentiates Azuki from the other two that has been the focus has been it has Web3 brand, top Web3 brand and strong Web2 ambitions. And that’s something that I think isn’t completely considered through. If you think what some other brands are doing in Web3 were able to pivot those Web2 brands very, very significantly over years taking time, people weren’t really buying at the time to translate that into more mainstream respect. So the Frank D gods brand, yeah, really, really good at what it does. We’ll probably see that completely change over the next six months coming back to NFTs. And Memeland great at exactly what it does, focused on the loyalty and keeping NFT and engagement. But we need to be a little bit more open minded about Azuki or any of the other Web2, Web3 pivots because they can translate into something greater.

Participant 7: I am selling Raydhe’s loyalists thinking at the end of the next bear run, we won’t have the same loyalty, but by that point, some of these Web2 spin-ins would probably be finding good grounds. So contrary and enjoy.

Host: Yeah, I actually expected a lot of contrary and takes over all three here, man. I think we’re just realizing that the Web3 retail loyalty bands are thinning because the whole sentiment around things is getting much tighter. Maybe in the next pump we get, we see a lot more buy-ins, but the loyalty bands from Web2 brands maturing into Web3 brands are rather better positioned longer term.

Participant 6: Yeah, there are some great points there. And I think too, big brain, it’s really interesting the way that you frame that, because you’re assuming that Azuki does what they’ve planned and what they’ve promised and continues to execute on that path. Because I think a lot of people are like short-term thinking, but when Azuki does completely what they’ve set out to do, and they’re already here long term, I think you’re right. It’ll be really interesting to see how it plays out because they already have that brand recognition. I think that’s a really good take. And I think we are kind of short-sighted a lot of times in this market and this space.

Participant 8: I mean, look, we hate blur today, but when people look back at Netflix DVDs and realize, shit, they were on the mark even at that time, it’s the same teams. Cycles take time, evolution takes time.

Participant 7: Yeah, exactly. I think it’s overhyped, but you’re right. Whatever happens in this next wave, we should have some interesting perspectives.

Host: Absolutely love the TVD pivot comparison to this, this space brands as well. So we hate blur today, but they’re still market relevant and evolving.

Participant 6: Hmm. Yeah, we’ll just have to see, I guess. It’s important that at some point we kind of take a longer look. And just see if, uh, it’s worth sitting on something one year cause it’s hard.

Participant 5: What’s up Danny?

Participant 6: I think we’re on very similar pages. I’m Ethereum. Yeah, tell me about your conviction swabs cause I said in a year we won’t have the same conviction, but you sound rather convinced.

Participant 9: I’m emailing some agents asking them to lay out what value we should be seeing in ETH. We’ll see over the years. Even the bulls in this space won’t accept it. So Joseph mentioned I’ve met two agents. Giving great yields of course, shortage supply, heavy demand is never really letting down. Inflation positive and stable outlook on markets.

Participant 6: Yeah, musty, I’m kinda very similarly priced in that. I really think Eth is going to have a high touch probably over any other crypto. Yes, our previous cycles will take a longer timeframe but loyalty to certain projects Ethematically would see the market shifts. I don’t know, comparably BTC lets you have more stability but lesser loyalty long term issues.

Participant 5: I don’t know. I’m curious about how far you’re gonna hold on to this one. Just something I’ve thought about. I mean you know how my portfolio starts with.

Participant 7: Yeah, hold large bags guys down this long run and I don’t in any way know. I haven’t sold any bags. Good point though. You know the loyalty trickles to the top 2/3 safest bets. Even the bigger whales I noticed mustavoid waves to the top, but I’m gathering more safe players. You know, I’m about more ETH aspects over others block.

Participant 6: Exactly. There’s, it’s the thought I’d definitely carry more bags in Asia. Yep. I have more pipeline into our new appointments awaiting as well, so I’d circle back after value cuts.

Participant 8: Dude, what I would like to see in these next coming is some sort of injection.

Participant 7: What exactly?

Participant 8: Oh you know Lerner aspect gathering interests on newer vertical metaphors. I mean you’d need to definitely relate more, cause it’s broader. Most hands didn’t care in 24 months project vision aligning more heads, small investors.

Participant 9: Yes. Bearholding cycles would decide boosting plans quarterly from acknowledged perspectives. Like 2024 hoping programming cycles start around autumn pushing further 12 month catalysts.

Participant 7: Exactly. Good stuff with injects definitely. Look forward man. Just sorry I lost you at Metaphor segment?

Participant 9: Yeah, going back little, Web2 mom leads carry schedules testing virtual assistance. Israel labs basically modeled crypto bags program brokering till 2028.

Participant 7: Woah. Anyone else investing quarter 2023 projects?

Participant 8: Including centralizing carrying costs, head scouts moving for engaging voices, new holding.

Participant 9: Nathan knows about live quarters now mentioned or something?

Participant 7: Yeah. Basically meeting setups waits mostly gatherings cap, instead drawdown policy progressions a year.

Participant 9: Sounds boring lol.

Participant 7: Failures even communicating lots happened busy spaces general.

Participant 8: Sleepless researcher timeframes lol.

Participant 6: Lol!

Participant 9: Absolutely, look forward then, should be more structural updates earlier leads before spring.

Participant 8: Cool. Checking Barossa villa next month leading-long times southeast dropping same night.

Participant 7: Actually great, lets plan simultaneously, regionals Monday before?

Participant 9: Okay upcoming drop, we’ll structure powerpoint drawings must flex absolute altogether details.

Participant 6: Count me skipping joints Ethan structural haven Monday schedule everyone!

Participant 9: Surprise Gio?

Participant 7: Infusing handouts Wednesday virtual verse consulting.

Participant 8: Just base capita, exactly whilst covering interactions addressing gaps.

Participant 6: Alright. Just examples leaving beside but mentioned spaced network.

Participant 9: Wow.

Participant 7: Tensing earlier mentions basically moving Barossa works keynotes presenting.

Participant 8: We’ll cooperate then. Few more conversation questions this timing?

Participant 6: Not actually covered possibly.

Participant 7: Alright. Just outlining anything late, planning amongst.

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