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This space is hosted by ChrisJourdan

Space Summary

The space delved into the recent launch of an anime NFT collection, highlighting expressions of disappointment among long-time holders and concerns regarding the collection’s adult themes. Various viewpoints and nuances in the community’s reactions were explored, shedding light on critiques about the anime’s mass appeal within the NFT collection.


Q: What was the primary topic of discussion?
A: The launch of a new anime NFT collection and associated concerns.

Q: What were the concerns expressed by long-time holders?
A: Disappointment and doubts regarding the collection’s mass appeal.

Q: What nuances were observed in the community’s reactions?
A: Varying viewpoints on the viability of the anime and its appeal.


Time: 00:10:15
Introduction of the new anime NFT collection.

Time: 00:18:40
Expressions of disappointment among long-time holders.

Time: 00:25:50
Concerns raised about the adult themes in the collection.

Time: 00:32:20
Varying reactions and nuances within the community.

Time: 00:38:55
Critiques regarding the collection’s mass appeal and viability.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussion about the disappointment among long-time holders with the new anime NFT collection.
  • Concerns about the mass appeal of the collection due to its adult themes.
  • Nuances of the community’s reactions to the collection’s launch.
  • Critiques and expressions of discontent about the viability of the anime within the NFT collection.

Behind the Mic

Hey, thanks for stopping by. Steve, it was awesome, thanks for inviting me. Happy to be back and chatting with everyone. Yo, Brett, really good to see you and hear you. Welcome back. Thank you! It’s cool to be here. Steve knows I will happily talk for hours. Yeah, I know you will. You have before! But, uh, we’ll tee you up. We have some good topics here. First, let’s dive into Azuki. I want to look at this from multiple perspectives. First, the original and its intentions. Steve, I know you’ve got thoughts on this. Yeah, it’s wild, right? I mean, there’s a lot going on. Brett, what’s your gut feeling here? I’ll be honest. There’s so much happening. It’s tough to keep up. But it’s pretty exciting. Same here. Tough but exciting. The dynamics are changing fast. No kidding! The space is evolving. Exactly. If you look at, you know, where things were a year ago to where they are now, it’s night and day. Absolutely. Different game now. Yeah, Brett, what about you? What’s caught your eye recently? Lately, it’s been the community engagement. It’s at an all-time high. That’s definitely a positive. I agree. And Steve, what about you? What’s your take? I’m fascinated by the shift in focus. There’s a lot more emphasis on utility and value now. That’s a good call out. We’re seeing more projects prioritize that. Yeah, utility is key. It’s becoming a big deal. Brett, your thoughts on this shift? Totally. Utility is setting projects apart. Look at Azuki. They’re leading the way. They really are. They’ve set a high bar. Yeah, Steve, what do you think the future holds? It’s hard to predict, but I’m optimistic. The space is maturing. I like what I’m seeing. Same here. There’s a sense of progress. Agreed. And Brett, how about you? Your take? I echo those sentiments. We’re moving towards a more refined space. Exactly. It’s all about growth. Steve, any final thoughts? Just excited for what’s next. The future’s bright. Absolutely. Brett, any closing remarks? Stay engaged. There’s a lot more to come. For sure. Looking forward to it. Well, that wraps it up. Thanks everyone for tuning in. Have a great day. Thanks for having us. Yeah, thanks. Take care, everyone. Bye-bye. See you later. Bye.

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