Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by CosmosHOSS

Space Summary

The Twitter space introduced the new gaming platform 'Raccoon bet' on the Osmosis network, focusing on games like double dice, coin flip, rocket game, and the wheel of fortune. Participants were informed about free token giveaways, community-driven initiatives, and NFT giveaways. The platform offered diverse betting options with enticing returns, showcasing its engaging features and potential benefits within the Cosmos blockchain community. The space highlighted a community-driven approach with a focus on research, technology goals, and Coffee Wif HOSS Fridays.


Q: What is the new gaming platform introduced on Osmosis?
A: The new gaming platform introduced is 'Raccoon bet' on the Osmosis network.

Q: How can participants avail themselves of free tokens?
A: Participants can avail themselves of free tokens through giveaways organized on the platform.

Q: What are some of the games available on the platform?
A: Some of the games available on the platform include double dice, coin flip, rocket game, and the wheel of fortune.

Q: How does the community engage with NFT giveaways?
A: The community engages with NFT giveaways through a community-driven approach.

Q: What are the betting options and potential returns?
A: The platform offers different betting options with varying returns for participants.


Key Takeaways

  • Introduction of 'Raccoon bet' gaming platform on Osmosis.
  • Opportunities for free token giveaways.
  • Various engaging games offered on the platform.
  • Community-driven approach with NFT giveaways.
  • Different betting options with varying returns.

Behind the Mic

revenue share. What's the, what's the approximate value of the floor right now for racket? I haven't even checked in, so I think it's $360. Nice. That's, that's. Well, and what was the meant back in the day? Hundred 60. Okay, so. Yeah. Like a, like a two x. Nice. Yeah, yeah, man, that's cool. And we haven't really. Good job, but go ahead. I'm sorry? Oh, no, just go ahead with the Adword. What, what was that? No, I just said they did a really good job. I have like a. I get really interested in people's artwork. Like I, because I create stuff to hand drawn stuff, but I have a really good artist that does like, tremendous job. And I was fascinated with the artwork. I'm weird like that. I just like good artwork, bro. Who doesn't, man? I me too, man. So what's special about the artwork on this is one of the founders. He has masters in machine learning and he built his own generative model for the collection. Took a lot of time, took a lot of money to train it, but they used it to make the styles. If you go and look on the collection, they have very unique styles. So I don't think you find any other NFT collection. Maybe you do, but how do you say every style and every NFT is so significantly different from each other, even within the same style. So there are 287 styles, a total of 1333 nfts. They were minted on secret and migrated to stash. So there's only been migrated 902 of them, which means the revenue share is even greater per NFT now. So if you go on and go and look in collection, you can see how different the styles are and how unique each NFT is. And I like, it's two years since they minted and I have never sold one. And each time I go look at them, I just find new nfts I haven't seen before, new details. And that's one of the most fascinating thing about it. I think it's the best AI collection in the space as well. Yeah, it's really solid. So I was going to shout out some teams and some people that I see in the space shade protocol. For any out there that doesn't know, it's really good privacy, but one of their main products is silk stable coin. Like if you want privacy, silk staple coin, can't forget it. But I saw Astra's in the house, that's another secret Network NFT project. And I know Ken was here earlier. He's building up a shade protocol. So shout out to you, bro. Yeah. I wanted to say some other names also, but I think they're left already. So I guess they're not going to hear it. But appreciate everybody here. And the one who has requested. Welcome up. We're just chilling. Just shout out to yourself and do what you do. Yeah, I've had some item in here. We've had a couple of requests. I know that your hands are tied up. Hey, so what's up? What's going on guys? I've been listening in the background. Finally got a chance to pop in. What's going on? Yo, yo, what's popping? I've been back here listening, man. You know, just having a good old time with the kids. You know how that goes, man. Sounds fun. Oh, yeah. You know, they're taking a little nap now. So just want to shout out to a couple of the raccoon holders. I see out there and I hear what's going on, Junie and fantastic, man. What's up? Yeah. I just appreciate all y'all's hard work to set all this up, man. Yeah, yeah. Glad to be here. What's on your mind? Yeah. So, you know, I met these guys originally. They came in to Luna, of course, my home, my OG place where I came into crypto. And I hosting like a weekly trivia night just to bring communities together. And some new NFT projects would launch there also people from different communities. We had like these cross chain trivia sessions where we'd invite people and talk about art and stuff just to bring everybody together and just discuss everything that was going on in the craziness of the bear market or the bull market at the time. And yeah, just sharing the vibes trying to bring all communities together, man, that's what it's all about working with one another. So yeah and, you know, it's, yeah, I'm just like you I like to look at artwork and I'm a big history buff. Like I hosted the world history and N Luna history trivia nights just anything to bring people together. That's, I'll get a lot of satisfaction out of that. And I looked at some of the art and I recognize the group. So I just wanted to come in and show some love y'all's way with the new platform. That's awesome, man. Do you normally do that on spaces or, or discord? What? How do you typically set that up? It was done on discord and it was, you know, I'm just a long time holder of that project and, and it was done through the actual admin account for the raccoon supply, but they would usually have the host giveaway there. So if you wanted to participate, you just come into the raccoon supply discord and then the trivia would start there and then just be ongoing throughout the night or whatever. It's just a good time cool thing to do. And I got to meet a lot of great people in the space doing that too, and met people from different community. So was that NFTs? Or what, what's the, so it's like an NFT project with games and stuff, or what is it? Correct? There is actually like a game of five project to go with it. Not only do you have the NFT project, but holding that gives you access to the revenue share of the games that are ongoing. So you actually mint the NFT and then I used that to host trivia nights to just bring the community together and you were actually able to stake the NFTs. And then you will be able to get rewards in the native token of that ecosystem being raccoon supply. And those who went on to the different defi legions. And also I had the opportunity to get into some of the tribal punk projects as well. So it's very diverse and offers a lot of opportunities and got a network out a little bit. Ok. Alright. Well, thanks for joining us. Good stuff, good stuff. I, I caught the end there and that was really good stuff, man, about your stories and that's the type of stuff we're trying to bring also into this industry, little spotlight on average. So I appreciate propaganda. There's something else you said there. Oh the bet don't be an hour and stuff. Now I was just saying this the other day. It's such a cross journey. They said, they asked me something and I said, si I just literally live the way we're all going to do and just love that Web three connection and it's not the case of it. And that's, I bet it's something that could present a big impact in the community and make a good difference. I know I said I'd bet before so I think that's okay. So coming, coming to an end, I'm not cut you off, but what do you think this is also going to achieve during this because of new lot of cases presented here? How what's the impact of it on a community where you're seeing where you're bringing all communities together? How did you find out it was gonna turn out? No, it's just what you said a second ago. It's good vibes, good times. And you know, I don't, I'm not a negative Nancy. I just, let everybody do their thing and we have fun together when we can. And, you know, we just shoot the vibes together, man. It's all about community building and just lifting each other up. The market's down. We can just hang out and talk about art or better days that we had, you know, and just keeping the good vibes alive, man. There's a, t, that's what we've been talking about a lot tonight. There's a bear market's been tough on artists and it's, it's tough on anybody who's in the game, whether you're a game or a musician. There's a lot of lot of stuff we discuss. And I think it's incredible the type of vibes that some of these incredible artists. Yeah, we're going to keep, keep pushing and keep the good vibes going. It's definitely not the end, man. It's the beginning of the eventual bull run whenever it might be. Yeah. But good vibes regardless. I really enjoyed your story and these journals. Definitely. Yeah. So if anyone else wants to join, feel free to shout out. And yeah, keep the good vibes alive. I mean, I mean, to come on spaces and stuff. I mean, we, we're always here, so feel free to pop in. But dude been awesome. Lots of great stories. Yeah, definitely keep these vibes going tonight, man. You know, just so everybody knows you gotta keep showing up watching these spaces. And it's all about honestly, about showing up. And yeah, people will remember you just being here and being part of the community and um regardless of us, if you do, I can't keep feeling help, man. Some real artists to make sure everybody's part of it. I'm down. I'm down with that. Oh, yeah. For sure. So it's the best way to be, man. Absolutely. So just one more quick shout out, I see fi mole and the audience what's going on, bro. Good to see. Okay. What's up so again? But I think we got to maybe conclude. Sol already 20 oh happened. You know, it's been an honor to share this space with people that, um, have so much. So do appreciate you poping in. Thanks for having me. Bye guys. Okay. Talking to each other. Absolutely. All good vibes. It's all starting to come together now and I know it's been some real good stuff. You know, it's good vibes. Yeah. Agre with that. And to point you say, I mean, this is the best timing, you say, you know, because it's like it's all coming together and it's really positive to see everybody, um, working extra harder than harder. They, they've been doing compared to what they times before. But, um, it's the best one to, it's a good journey. But, uh, we'll thank you. Yeah. Peace out, everyone. Take care. Bye. People definitely have some good stories here and a lot of insights and recommendations that really resonate with me? Oh, definitely. Yeah, I agree with that. And, um, see you around definitely, bro. Especially like you said, time you use it's like when everything starts to come to go in a direction and really positive stuff comes out. Are we all? Yeah, care and outcome have a good time and, um, stay safe. We'll take care as well. Ok. Bye. Ok. Just lost power. Everything's gone off. So. Oh, no. How did it go public? You know, still happy? So we covered everything exactly the way we expected? Yes, absolutely. It's been good as well. Yep little loss of battery too. Don't you see no time? Yes, I haven't seen anything yet. No problem. All right, have a good time. See you around. Bye. Ok. So I appreciate meeting you all. No, no, I think it's not. So. Yeah, me too. Me too. Ok. Peace. We need talk to em. Let's meet outside and go away. Ok cool. Bye. Cool. And I hope, hope everything feels good like some new concepts being achieved here. It's almost time, so bye. It's been great. Sweet car. Let to keep a good shads. Like I don't mean to just buy Ken, but I think he raised hand there going maybe ther. Ok. Ok. So got a lot a little long winded um, man, into a ton of conversations. But just talked about one of our upcoming projects. So definitely appreciate y'all and don't go to anybody, um, till you reach there. See you, you too. Man car, let's go and good to see you all see you. All right. Talk to you. Stay in touch. All right. Bye. Bye. So thanks, um, thank, thank you. Care good guys. Well, thank you. Thanks. Appreciate all you coming right about that. We could get a lot of insights. Really appreciate it. We could all come back together here. Bye, man. Welcoming all those who joined today. I networking a lot a bit, conversation was great. Be positive. Thank you, you're helping get some timing. Bye. The latest pending that's done accordingly. I find a lot that's resonating from anyone's story. Ok. Good time sharing all these insights. Thanks. You too. See you soon too. Bye as well. Right back. Appreciate inviting me you're everyone. Peach out and story any. Thanks anyone again. Power fortune for connecting. Bye. This has been amazing timing as well. Yeah, gotta. thank you. Thanks again, man. Cool. Ok. Anytime bro, and anyway coming back. Ok. Ok. Just speak on behalf of all car. Bye, my man too, am real good deeds looking up to you. Just appreciate everything. Everyone sharing great insights. Anything. See you. Ok, came to end. Alright, take care now. It's been beautiful time cracking conversation. All the best. Hope to never see anybody just having wonderful time. Bye.

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