Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space $CLIP TGE goes Live On Linea! hosted by LineaBuild. Discover the launch of $CLIP TGE on Linea, a secure zkEVM ecosystem dedicated to Ethereum and backed by @Consensys. Linea's focus on security, innovation, and collaboration with industry leaders like @Consensys sets a strong foundation for dapp growth. With an emphasis on user-friendly features and community engagement, Linea aims to provide a conducive environment for dapp success. The $CLIP TGE represents a significant milestone in Linea's journey towards fostering dapp innovation within a secure ecosystem.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: What is the main focus of the $CLIP TGE launch on Linea?
A: Creating a secure zkEVM ecosystem for dapps, supported by @Consensys and dedicated to Ethereum.

Q: How does Linea differentiate itself in the realm of dapp development?
A: By emphasizing security, innovation, and collaboration with industry leaders like @Consensys.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for Linea's success?
A: To ensure user-friendly features and a conducive environment for dapp growth.

Q: What role does zkEVM technology play in Linea's ecosystem?
A: It showcases Linea's commitment to cutting-edge technology and security measures.

Q: How does the bootstrap by @Consensys benefit Linea?
A: It provides a strong backing and partnership for future growth and credibility.

Q: What does the $CLIP TGE launch signify for Linea?
A: A significant milestone in fostering dapp innovation within a secure ecosystem.

Q: How does Linea's collaboration with @Consensys enhance its expertise?
A: By leveraging industry leaders to enhance credibility and development.

Q: What are the core principles guiding Linea's development?
A: Focus on security, innovation, and creating a conducive environment for dapp success.

Q: What are the key features that Linea offers to its community?
A: User-friendly features and a secure ecosystem for dapp development.

Q: How does the launch of $CLIP TGE mark a new chapter for Linea?
A: Introducing innovative opportunities for dapp development and growth in a secure environment.


Time: 00:15:42
$CLIP TGE Launch Overview Introduction to the launch and purpose of $CLIP on Linea.

Time: 00:25:18
Linea's Commitment to Ethereum Emphasizing Linea's dedicated support for Ethereum in dapp development.

Time: 00:35:51
Security and Innovation in Linea's Ecosystem Highlighting the core principles driving Linea's development.

Time: 00:45:29
Collaboration with @Consensys Discussing the partnership with @Consensys and its impact on Linea.

Time: 00:55:13
Community Engagement Strategies Exploring Linea's approach to engaging with its community for dapp success.

Time: 01:05:42
zkEVM Technology Focus Detailing the importance of zkEVM technology in Linea's ecosystem.

Time: 01:15:29
Bootstrap by @Consensys Understanding the significance of being bootstrapped by @Consensys for Linea's growth.

Time: 01:25:18
Future Prospects for Linea Looking into the exciting opportunities ahead for Linea post $CLIP TGE launch.

Key Takeaways

  • The $CLIP TGE launch on Linea emphasizes a secure zkEVM environment for dapps.
  • Linea's commitment to Ethereum and support from @Consensys highlights a strong foundation for dapp growth.
  • Focus on security and innovation are core principles in Linea's development.
  • Collaboration with industry leaders like @Consensys enhances Linea's credibility and expertise.
  • Linea's ecosystem aims to provide a conducive environment for dapp success.
  • The $CLIP TGE signifies a significant milestone in Linea's journey of fostering dapp innovation.
  • Community engagement and user-friendly features are key aspects of Linea's strategy.
  • Emphasis on zkEVM showcases Linea's dedication to cutting-edge technology and security measures.
  • Linea's bootstrap by @Consensys underlines a strong backing and partnership for future growth.
  • The launch of $CLIP TGE on Linea signals a new chapter in dapp development within a secure ecosystem.

Behind the Mic

Sadeena Repeated

Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena.

Introduction to the Call

GM. Hello. Hello. Nice music. Very. Thank you everyone, for joining. My name's Patrick. I'll be helping to ask questions during the AMA. Today we've got on the call people from the Linia team, we have representatives from efrogs, we have representatives from Linux. And then of course we have clip finance, who has. I'm an advisor to as well, and who have been launching many things recently. So to start, I guess we could start off just with some quick introductions for people who are listening in the call. Lots of people from the Linea ecosystem here. But to start, why don't we get a quick overview of clip from the clip team.

Clip Finance Overview

Thank you so much. So, my name is Alex, my co founder is here on the call, but not as a speaker. So I'll be speaking on behalf of Clip. So essentially, clip finance is a protocol that is looking to unite fragmented liquidity by introducing one click solutions to allocate capital across different strategies. We started as a simple yield protocol, and now we are involving introducing intent, introducing one click deposits from any asset to any pool. And soon we'll be introducing the possibility to just simply rotate deposited assets across different strategies to cause a different chain. Well, by the way, because I'm not hearing anyone anymore. Yeah, yeah. You are fine. Patrick said that he count here, so he has to rejoin. So anyways, then I'll just continue talking.

Clip Finance Token Launch

Thank you everyone for joining. We just had our token launch. It was quite stressful, especially for me as the CTO who's been deploying the contract and trying to coordinate everything across different teams and coordinate with the marketing. But we're super happy about how it went. We're excited that we did it on linea. We got a lot of support from the Linea team and the Linea ecosystem. We're excited to work and list our token on Linux. Just recently we have introduced our strategies on Linux. Patrick is back. I'll let him take back the mic. Please. Please go on. Just getting good. Okay. Yes. So we introduced our yield strategies on Linux.

Yield Strategies and Liquidity Management

It is the first step in our active liquidity management journey. The things that we actually initially started with was working with our quant, who is an experienced on managing pools on concentrated liquidity, helping users avoid impairment loss. And outside of now, avoiding impairment loss. We are trying to improve the user experience as well. So yeah, we're excited about the cooperation with Linux as well as efrog who's here, who's been a major support from the beginning of our journey. When we just released our pool, efrox made a very generous deposit of multiple. I'm not exactly how much it was, but it was quite a big amount of ethereum into our pools that we've helped grow and in return we gave them a very nice boost of our clip token allocation.

Clip Team and Future Plans

So that's the short intro and I think we can continue with the questions we have. Yeah, thank you Alex. And I'm glad to see we have Artur from the clip team on as well. Now Artor, is there anything you wanted to add to that? Sure, look, I'll tell more about clip as well. How the idea started. I've been eleven years in crypto and I've seen how the products evolve, how the industry evolves, what happened yesterday, it's. I don't care, I don't care personally for my own bags, right. But in the terms of eclip finance, well maybe not the best time, but hey, it is what it is. There is nowhere lower to go basically from this point.

Vision for Clip Finance

But anyway, clip finance as an idea started about three years ago. It's again about simplicity because we need to onboard next billion users into DeFi and the simplicity is the goal. But then were evolving, evolving, and now we understand there's a lot more so called infrastructural problems like how do we move, how do we unite the liquidity and everything related to that between different changes. Now we speak about the linea, so now we're focusing on Linia specifically. We are building here really great strategies on top of line here. For example, we have single ethereum staking 7.5% APY. But generally that's our vision is to have this one click deposits into different strategies that you don't have to do your research.

User Experience Challenges

Where's the cheapest bridge, where's the cheapest swap? Then you have to approve, wrap, unwrap. That's a lot of manual work. And imagine all these things can be removed. Instead of spending one 2 hours every time you move in between different strategies and also about claiming and compounding, you can do just one click. I believe that the fluidness of the liquidity will be even more unlocked because people can simply, oh, there's a half a percent more API, let me just do one click there. Otherwise right now it's like what's the point. It's like I have to bridge, I have to swap, I have to claim everything, I have to make my notes.

Challenges Solving and Tokenomics

That's too much. Right. So we're trying to solve this as well. And the most important thing, I mean, not the most important thing, another thing is about our tokenomics, which we'll talk later. So I want to keep everyone excited. This is something completely different. We are unlocking not based on time, but based on the success of the protocol. That's it. Thank you, Artur. Next up, pulling back a little to talk about Linia specifically. We have a rep from Linia on. Can you provide an overview of the Linia blockchain and its main functionalities?

Introduction to Linia

Hello. Hello. Hello, everyone. Hello, Patrick. Thanks for moderating this one. And it's great to be here with all the guys from Cliff, with Sharma, with Maxim, from Linux, and with yourself as well, Emma. Here. I take care of growth at Linia. I have fun. I have a lot of fun. Transacting on chain, transacting on clip, transacting on Linux. And, you know, enjoying my frogs. So, yeah, basically, I mean, without being too long, because then we'll jump into the topics later.

Introduction to the Event

This is why we're here today. Super important for us, even if yesterday was a very rad day for everyone at the same time, today is a good day to be reborn, to be green, and to launch the clip token on linear. So, yeah, thanks a lot for moderating again, Patrick, and for taking the time.

User Experience Enhancement

Absolutely, absolutely happy to be here. So, can you share a little bit about how the integration between clip and linea enhances the user experience for both the chain and club as an app? Yeah, of course. I mean, so if we jump straight into the topics, you know, just thinking about yesterday is enough to really let people understand what clip is about and how it differs from current and common yield protocols that everyone knows.

Challenges of Traditional Liquidity Provisioning

So if you think. If you think about, for example, double sided, you know, liquidity, providing a day like yesterday would be a crush in your portfolio. Especially if you are somebody who is a bit risk averse and, you know, does not do only crypto, but even takes into consideration stable coins, impermanent loss and double staking and, you know, double liquidity providing brings issues. And it's even difficult for many people who are not finance savvy to understand, because the real point is, not everyone is a DJN.

Making Crypto Financing Accessible

Not everyone is very interested in knowing technically how liquidity, providing works, how to get a yield, etcetera. Clip is really about making it simple. And for us as a chain, it's super important to offer this user experience to our users. It's a, it's really completing the landscape of yield farming in some way making it very easy. And you know, I was talking about yesterday, so yesterday was a bad day for a lot of people, but I knew a lot of people that were just chilling in stables, making some meal and you know, being happy about it.

Broad Target Audience for Clip

So, you know, this is where really clip comes into play in the everyday life of a crypto user, a crypto trader, a legion, whoever it is, but because it's really targeted across the whole crypto ecosystem. So yeah, basically this is why I believe that for Linia, since we're growing a network that is really use case agnostic, is super important to offer a problem like this. Thank you, that's fantastic.

Continuing the Discussion

I'm gonna keep going around to ask some questions of the other projects on the call and then we can get into some larger industry and technology challenges. So next up, efrogs. Shama I believe is the representative from efrogs on the call. Can you introduce yourself briefly and give to efrog? Yeah. Thank you Patrick. Yeah, so I'm currently traveling, I'm in the car, my family is on a walk now.

Introduction of Efrog

My name is Sharma and efrog's founder. Efrog is the number one community in Linea. And it's based on a profile picture collection. But we have grown bigger in terms of innovation and fun and engagement. So we are fully integrated into Linea and we are partners with Cliff Finance, obviously also Linux. And it's all about building, innovating, supporting our partners and we keep doing things.

Congratulating Clip

So we are very happy and congratulate clip on their launch, on their token launch, which is never easy. It is funny what Emma said about these emotions up and down like yesterday. Everyone down. And also I think it was very smart to talk about how clip can make things very simple for users. So happy to be here and thank you Patrick, for the intro.

Reintroducing Linux

Thank you. And last but not least, we have maximizer from Linux. Yeah, hey, super excited to be here and thank you for hosting this Ama. So yeah, I'm with Linux, I'm mostly responsible for BD at Linux strategy. And yeah, at Linux we are the native liquidity layer and Dex of Linia.

Unique Selling Points of Linux

And one of our main USP's is our alm integrations. And that's why we're here with clip finance, but also super happy to see all the other faces. Emma Sharma. So, yeah, excited to get this going. Yeah, I can hear you. Okay. Sorry. I turned on this Twitter, added some new soundboard feature and I accidentally opened it. Thank you.

Focus on Clip Ecosystem

Thank you for sharing that. Great. So let's get a little bit into the clip ecosystem since that was the focus of today's calls. So this next question is going to be for either Alex or Artur from the clip team. We talked about partnerships with Linea itself, efrogs, Linux. How does that enhance clips ecosystem user experience?

Partnerships in the Crypto Space

Hey, so look, I think in crypto it's generally about doing a with other partnerships and it's attention economy people, you know, just being honest here. People act on emotions. It's kind of fun for people. It's at the same time you're making money on either on yields or flipping nfts or trading meme coins. So it's a great place to be at.

Advancing the Blockchain Industry

And basically, if there is a way we can have synergies with each other or we can advance the industry that the blockchain, that's what we're doing. So I'm not going to go into the details, but that's our idea, what we're doing. Maybe others can chip in here specifically. Actually. Quick question for you, Artur. So you started business in bitcoin, when was it? 2013?

Reflection on Market Volatility

That's correct, 2013. So eleven years, how would you say yesterday or the past week stacked up in terms of volatility from the past eleven years? Well, as long as you don't get your positions liquidated, right? Because the way I live is that I have BTC, Ethereum, and then I just borrow against it.

Personal Investment Strategy

And then I stable coins and then I yield farm or now I borrow Ethereum and I put funds into eclip financing into other protocols just to see how they work. So again, I'm personally long term believer. That's why, in my opinion, this will not go to zero. Therefore the blue chip tokens will not go to zero.

Understanding Market Corrections

They will only go up. There will be corrections up to 80%. So, like, do your risk levels accordingly. But generally any two, three year timeline, you see, the prices are only going up. Yeah, I think it was in 2022, after FTX collapsed, you said something that I think about a lot.

Resilience of Blockchain Technology

When I asked you about what you thought about the crash in the industry, and you said that regardless of everything else happening, permissionless blockchains continue running. That's very true. Yeah. The protocols are working as intended, right? That is the idea.

Transparency in DeFi

Some other people are saying it this way. So that's cool thing. And the second cool thing, I mean, why we are in Defi is that this is transparent. And compared to traditional hedge funds, there's really no black boxes. Except one thing I will tell about this, generally there are no black boxes.

Verifiable Strategies in DeFi

You can verify the balances, you can verify the strategies, that there is no FTX scenario where the user funds can be taken. Because everything can be verifiable. Only thing is, which has a little bit of alpha that we have is the unisov v three style concentrated liquidity. Sorry, it's a Linux.

Discussing Advanced Trading Strategies

Right. The concentrated liquidity, you have to set the correct, the proper ranges based on whatever market you think dynamics are. The price will go up or down, I mean the market. And that's where there's a small alpha that this algos we have, you know, we're using their AI and predicted certain things to get higher apye.

Achievements in DeFi

And we are actually in Linux number one now with our APR, it's like triple digits. So that's the beauty of Defi and decentralized finance. Well put. Yeah, I think another thing that became especially apparent to me over the past few days was how traditional markets, they're not running 24/7 with crypto you can, it can be 11:00 p.m.

Continuous Trading in Crypto

on a Sunday night and you can get your trade in. But then even after markets opened, you had a lot of these traditional market brokerages were out for hours. And so people couldn't actually react to the news. Exactly.

The Importance of Remaining Agile

All right, so let's dial it back to Defi and clip a bit. So to hone in on some of the features. So to start, can you talk a little bit about. And maybe this would be a good question for Alex as the tech guy, can you talk about the concept of intent, notes how cliffs using them for cross chain actions? Because I think that's one of the pretty interesting features that we've built.

Technical Insights on Cross Chain Actions

Yes. So traditionally when you go on blockchains in depth, what you have to do is you have to approve a transaction.

Depositing into a Two Token Vault

Then you have to, let's say you're depositing into a two token vault. You have to find the right proportions to deposit. It used to be 50. Now with concentrate liquidity it can be 35, 65. It can be all different kind of things. And if people have tried doing it before you come in, let's say, with your stablecoin USDT, and you want to pair it with Ethereum or whatever token when you try to do that you go and swap and then you actually mess up all the proportions, because when you swap, you had an impact on the actual pool.

Complexity of Crypto for Users

So the future in general, like users who are not familiar with crypto, they already have a hard time understanding what is a bridge. So when you tell them that now they have to figure out the proportions and do all of those things, it's becoming very complicated. So the intents in general, what it means is instead of user defining all the steps and executing all the transactions, the user only defines the end goal. So let's say the end goal is I have USDT and I want to end up with the right proportion in this pool that contains USDT and your favorite coin, let's say token.

Automating Transactions with Intent Nodes

So you come in, you define that, and on the backend the solvers, they find the best route to execute that transaction. So let's say you've never had funds on linea, you are sitting on Ethereum, and you don't want to stick for the bridge. You will be able to come in on clip finance, say, okay, I want to end up on linea in this clip pool. So instead of you bridging our intent, nodes are going to front the capital on Linia, execute the transaction for you, give you the share token of our vault, and you will be there instantaneously.

Simplifying Bridging and Transactions

You won't have to wait like until the bridge fulfills itself, etcetera. And then what it will do is it will go back and prove to the source chain, Ethereum chain, that, hey, I have approved that, I fulfilled this transaction. Can you please refund me the money and give me a little tip? So in essence, we're simplifying the bridging, the staking in all of those actions into one transaction. And in addition to that, those nodes and people who are providing liquidity for those nodes be able to earn extra revenue.

New Paradigm in Blockchain

So a good parallel to that is lido created nodes that secure Ethereum blockchain. So in the clip case, we are going to create nodes which will work on this intent layer where users will be able to deposit their ethereum, and then those nodes will be executing those transactions for our users who are moving capital around, and in result, they will be able to earn double digits apys on their ethereum. Is there anyone else who's doing that right now?

Current State of Intent-Based Protocols

There are protocols that are doing this for the bridging part. So essentially they're using intents for the bridging part. There are infrastructure players out there who are providing infrastructure, and that's just the beginning of it, but there's no one in the space was doing this specifically for staking and retaking and moving capital around different chains. So I would say that this is a new paradigm in the world of blockchain. And there are protocols that are building, but there's no one that is really doing it with intent.

Earning Yield on ETH

So you could think of it almost as a new way to earn yield on eth. And that's why there'll be this double wow. Oh, you mean in the sense of staking yourself right now, all of those intents that exist, for example, we have Cal swap, we have Uniswap X, we have one inch fusion. Those are intent based swap protocols. So whenever users come in to cow swap, someone else is fulfilling those transactions, which is not like a traditional liquidity pool.

Opening Up to a Broader Audience

And usually those pools are like proprietary market makers who are keeping all the profits for themselves. So what our goal is to essentially open this up to a broader audience. Love it. Next question. So I understand clip has some AI driven active liquidity management. Can you talk about how you incorporate AI into that.

AI's Role in Liquidity Management

When it comes to AI? So AI has multiple levels. There's the simple AI that's like a chat GPT AI where it listens to the sentiment that is happening on the market. So essentially we have our algorithms that take in different signals. So for example, sentiment is one of the algorithms that we have that whenever there is bad news coming on the market, we know how to readjust our ranges on our active liquidity management strategy.

Adjusting Strategies Based on Market Sentiment

So for example, when we just integrated with Linux was asking hey guys, why are you out of range? So the reason why were out of range was because we saw the DPG and we saw what is happening on the market and that's why we didn't want to expose our users to more risk. So in essence our current AI is a tool that takes, not a tool like a signal mechanism which lets us know when there is negative sentiment on the market.

Simplifying the User Experience

Got it? Got it. Very, very interesting. Next question. And I guess still the stillest will be for the clip team would be. So we talked about some of the specific features that make clip unique and some of the things that are coming up, but high level someone who's just joining the space, who's maybe has some funds on linea, what's the reason they would use clip for earning yield versus some other solution?

User-Friendly Approach to Yield Optimization

Yeah, so look, clip simplifies for you things and with more specific examples you can deposit and forget. And there are two ways of, there is this quite standard approach where you deposit into specific pool specific strategy. For example we have a Mendy finance leverage strategy or some Linux strategy where we, if you would do this on your own into this protocol directly, you would have to claim the incentives and swap them back into the deposit token and deposit back basically to do the compounding.

Automation of Compounding

So we do the compounding for you, right? So in essence we are yield optimizer and an alm automatic liquidity managers. So we automate this things for you that you just deposit and forget. But if that strategy specifically goes down in APY, for example, the incentives have slowed down or something. Then we have another solution is the multi strategy vault where you deposit into this vault.

Dynamic Strategy Management

And we as a clip finance protocol, we're going to see the best performing strategies and move around within that vault into different strategies. To give you a specific example, on linea we had a pancake swap stablecoin pair in the vault. The APY started to go down, we added to the vault. Also Mendy finance leveraged lending. And now we're going to add Linux strategies too because they're performing really well.

Streamlined Processes and Security

So that's in an essence. And then the second thing is the whole intent architecture that Alex was talking about where you can do your deposits one click. That means you don't have to do the staking yourself manually. I mean as another action compounding, we do that for you and then we show all the steps we're going to do for you again. Saves you time and hassle. And especially the security part because we haven't touched the security.

Addressing Security Concerns

You know when you're approving some token, when you put this infinite approval, then the protocol gets hacked. We're not talking about hours, but just generally example because you gave infinite approval, that token can be drained. But now since we are doing that for you, our network, we will do the minimum requirements in terms of permissions that are given. So that's what we cover. Yield optimization.

Unique Features of Clip's Tokenomics

One click deposits into different strategies and basically doing the minimal minimum permissions towards any actions. Thank you, thank you Artur. And yeah, I guess we'll do a quick pivot and then we'll get to the exciting news today from clip and some of the unique features of clips tokenomics. But I'm interested to hear a little bit from a little bit more from maximizer if he's still in the space.

Insights on Linux Yield Opportunities

Still here, still here. Awesome. So Linux, can you tell us what's the deal with Linux yield? What opportunities are there on there right now? And what makes Linux a great place for yield? Yeah, great question. So we have a few different ways actually in which users can get interesting yields.

Earning Yield through LP's and ALM Integrations

First of all, we have LP's that can earn yield in different pools. And we have our alm integrations for alms to basically compete for liquidity and for votes as well. So as a liquidity provider, you can go to Linux and you can basically select through which Alm you would like to provide liquidity. And all of these pools will have different aprs connected to them.

Simplifying Liquidity Provision

Furthermore, we also recently deployed our single site deposits wherever we make it as easy as possible for your average crypto user to provide liquidity. So you can actually enter in liquidity pools with just one asset. So we have that too. And now with clip finance we'll have a whole new set of liquidity pools that users can provide liquidity in.

Active Participation and Earning Fees

As a more general aspect, as how can users earn yield on Linux? There obviously is the whole ve three mechanics where lock token holders actually earn the fees of the trading. So by actively participating into the Linux government governance and voting weekly on the pools, you will actually get the fees from those pools. So there's a whole lot of different avenues on which Linux users are earning fees.

Current Opportunities with Linux

And especially in these times where maybe your liquidity pools are going down and you might be earning a bit less on the liquidity pools. There's a lot of volume going through Linux at the moment. So for active participants with lock tokens, there's a lot of yield still to be gained through Linux. Awesome. Thank you for, thank you for sharing.

Exploring the efrogs Community

And then shama, I want to ask you a quick question as well. So efrogs, I think probably most people on the call are already from the Linea community, if not from the efrogs community itself. But for people who aren't, can you talk about some of the key features that makes efrogs more than just profile picture? If you're not on the, if you're not on the call right now, that's all right, we will, we can come back to that later or if you're unable to speak.

Discussion on Clip Tokenomics

All right, so let's talk a bit more about the clip tokenomics then. So, just launched a couple hours ago, Alex Orator, can you share what makes this unique? Because I'm always talking about this, when people say tokenomic unlocks should be based on performance rather than linear, and Cliff's actually doing that. So can you talk about how that works?

Performance-Based Tokenomics

Sure. So look, actually here's a person, Nicole Matty, he came up with this idea of the tokenomics, with all the nuances and everything. He's a listener, but somebody can make him speaker later on.

Crypto Economics and Token Unlocks

He can chip in as well. But anyway, crypto economics, in short, is we unlock the tokens if the TBL is growing. So that means if other protocols are unlocking over time, for example, over the next 24 months, and the TVL is not growing, the new tokens are getting unlocked. And that's basically an inflation. So that means from the real life, there is more money printed than value added. But in our case, we add value in terms of TVL to the protocol, and only then new tokens are unlocked. That's one. And they unlocked 58 times until $1 billion, when TVL reaches 1 billion. So the first unlock was at 1 million. Next one is 2,000,003 4510. And then there's more and more, 50 times. So in addition to that, the nuances is basically the token is unlocked, but on the first milestone.

Vesting Period and Claiming Tokens

But to avoid the instant sell pressure, this is now vested over 90 time, 90 days. For example, if you got unlocked 100 tokens, then the hundred tokens are not instantly claimable. But you have to. Sorry, but they need to be. They are vested over 90 days. I'm trying to explain as simply as possible that on the first day you can get one 90th of this hundred tokens, the second day two 90th, and so on. So linearly vesting. So there's technically 58 tges, and each TGE is vesting over 90 days. You can take it this way. And the other nuances. There is a protection against whales who deposit, let's say, 100 million, and then, no, there's not going to be unlocks for 100 million TVL the next day.

Calculating TVL and Protocol Success

Because we calculate this TVL for analogs differently, we take a geometric mean of everyday snapshot of the TVL and all the small details you can read in our like tokenomics, like paper. So, but again, just repeat. Generally, the protocols should give out tokens based on success of the protocol, whatever the KPI metrics are. And we have talked with other projects and they said, wow, this is really cool. Tokenomics. We really like it that some of them have. I even actually wrote a thesis about this case, how the token should be unlocked based on some KPI metrics, and we are the ones who actually did it. Lainea wrote a blog post about this. We didn't have much attention about this because this is something new.

Plans for Increasing Adoption and Use Cases

People cannot kind of imagine and see this. But now, since now this can be seen in action, we do hope we're gonna get a lot of more attention for our tokenomics. Thanks. Yeah, I think it's interesting almost as a service to the industry to test this out because as far as I know no one's tried this before. So if it's successful, then it could set a precedent and yeah, again, someone has to try this out eventually because I've heard so many people propose it, but no one's actually taking that step to do that with their token. But as far as the clip token itself. So some people may have earned it by depositing in the past. They're getting ready to claim it, they're going to start vesting. What can they do with it once they claim the token?

Use Cases for Clip Token

Alex, you want to say it? Yes. So we have currently two active utilities. So number one is you can essentially use it for governance, which means that whenever we will be deciding on the future of clip finance. So let's say today we discussed intent, architecture, and there's going to be other ideas that are going to come from our team or maybe you have some ideas how this protocol can evolve. Then you can participate in our governance forum and also make a proposal and vote with your tokens. In addition to that, we already launched our staking pool which you actually have to stake in order to actually, no, you don't have to stake.

Getting Involved with Clip Finance

You can participate in the governance budgets holding tokens, but if you stake. We're performing buybacks from the protocol revenues and funneling the buybacks into our staking contract. So we don't want to inflate once again the market with new tokens. We purely buy tokens from the market and I channel it back into our staking contract. And yeah, in addition to that, if you want to provide liquidity, Linux just integrated our pools on their website so you can earn Linux tokens for providing liquidity between Ethereum and clip. Awesome, awesome, thank you.

Future Plans for Linux and Linia Ecosystem

So we're coming up near the end of the hour, so going to do almost a round robin of the different teams on the call to talk about what's coming up in the future. To start out, I guess we'll go with Linux. What plans does Linux have for the future and how will they contribute to the broader defi landscape? All right. Yeah, we have a lot of plans actually, but we will continue to integrate like integrate alms to have them compete. We want the best liquidity strategies to be available for all linear crypto users. So we will continue to do that.

Updates from Linia Ecosystem

We have a lot of other exciting stuff coming. We are working on some UI UX upgrades that will drastically improve the whole experience on the platform. I would say those are the two main things. And more news will come out soon. So we have some other interesting stuff coming out pretty soon which you will be able to see on our twitter, but I can't say too much about it now. All right, we'll have to stay posted about that. Correct. Next up from linia, same question. What's, what's coming up soon in the Linia ecosystem?

Significant Updates in Linia

How do you plan to expand the ecosystem? Yeah, thanks, Patrick, for the question. Yeah, I mean, so many things in coming, you know, which should be listed out. The first one is that Linea as, let's say a code library, has been finally put open source for everyone. Basically, what does it mean in simple terms is that soon, based on the Apache license, anybody will be able to build his own roll off or layer three on top of the Lina technology, which is something that we have been waiting for quite a bit and that we believe is super important because let's say if and when crypto and web three will be really mainstream, you will definitely need.

Decentralization Efforts in Linia

The word to converge on some type of technology on where to transact and having linear as, let's see, the core technological stack to build on top as we believe, you know, that our proverb is building industry leading and the tech team is going in the right direction will be super important. Secondly, what many users are waiting for is for sure, the decentralization of the network. We are currently active working on all the pieces to be put together both on the software and on the governance side to really become a decentralized network.

Importance of Community in Linia

As you might know, we have been bootstrapped by consensus and, you know, converging more and more into really being an open network. The third part is definitely what's more important in the network. That is what's coming up on the partner side. So today marks a very significant milestone. Having, you know, the clip token launched on linear. Having a token launched on linear like in order for also users to understand it's not just about, you know, bringing new fresh sticky TVL on chain, it's more for people to really having fun on the network, having, you know, an important part, you know, an important piece of really creating a culture and an ecosystem.

Future Goals for Clip Token

Because after all, the technological piece that, you know, our tour and Alex have talked about is really for people to have fun on chain and to become together as a community. Clip in this sense comes in a very important way also because I really believe that tokenomics is legendary because unlock based means of course more fair to economics, but not only because if you think about it, if a protocol grows stall in the normal ways, users and traders get a lot of dilution simply because there are unlocked that are time based. In this context at least the supply stays the same.

Expectations for Future Growth

So people are trading in a more fair way. So yeah, let's wait to see how the token will go over the next few days and of course over the next few weeks when the bull market will be back and we will be more happy. Yes, we can only hope. Final question would be for the clip finance team. Same question we talked about features that are existing, what can we look forward to on the horizon? And for people who were entranced by this space and want to learn more about clip, where can they go?

Clip Finance's Vision and Future Plans

Yeah, look, we have a lot of plans, but limited resources like with every startup and protocol. But with clip token being out, we hope to speed up things like we're saying we plan to fulfill our vision that where we solve the fragmented liquidity and do one click staking, depositing anywhere on the blockchain. And this is not such a thing where let's say in two months that's done and that's it. No, this is always an ever evolving process because we need to see what is the new tech. Maybe there's a cheaper bridge or something, a cheaper swap place.

Innovations in Ecosystem Development

And that's why this is always need to manage this. And then building around the clip ecosystem, for example, launching our debit card that's also in the works. Relaunch your NFT collection that we did some time ago, but there was no interest. So we're going to put another spin on this. And then having b, two b solutions for dexs like we do now for Linux, where we are managing the ranges, giving a widget or SDK for others who can use clip widget to do this one click deposits around and being an infrastructure layer again to move around different strategies, different chains.

Excitement for Future Initiatives

So the possibilities are endless. The goal is having an ecosystem, having the clip token that is powering the ecosystem. Like Alex was explaining. Yeah, the people can stay within the ecosystem, they can do like a fiat on ramp with fiat, and then they can off ramp into their debit card with the yields they're making on clip finance. So there's a lot to do and we're excited for the future. Thank you Arthur.

Node Staking and Future Aspirations

Alex, anything you want to add to that? Yes, and I'm also super excited about giving users the possibility to stake their assets into our nodes that will be fulfilling those intents, because this is, nodes are an intent, in my opinion, of the future in the crypto space, in the blockchain space, and currently they're all proprietary. So we need to democratize that and give it, and give users access to two digits, AP wise on assets like Ethereum. Fantastic.

Closing Remarks

Thank you, everyone for joining. Reminder for listeners, follow the speakers if you're interested in the linea ecosystem and in clip. And thank you for joining us today.

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