Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Chromia AMA with YJ, Head of BizDev, and Claire hosted by Chromia. Delve into the world of Chromia, a public blockchain platform powered by Rell technology, designed to cater to both developers and end-users. The AMA with YJ and Claire sheds light on Chromia's emphasis on scalability, security, smart contracts, and community engagement. Discover how partnerships, education initiatives, and regular AMAs contribute to Chromia's growth and innovation within the blockchain development space.

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Total Listeners: 53


Q: What technology does Chromia utilize for its blockchain platform?
A: Chromia utilizes Rell technology for its public blockchain platform.

Q: Who is involved in the development and management of Chromia?
A: YJ leads BizDev, and Claire is notable figures within Chromia's team.

Q: How does Chromia ensure scalability and security for its platform?
A: Chromia focuses on scalability, security, and user-friendly experiences for developers and end-users.

Q: What role do smart contracts play within Chromia?
A: Smart contracts enhance functionalities and interactions on Chromia's platform.

Q: Why is community involvement crucial for Chromia's success?
A: Community engagement is vital for growth, innovation, and user adoption within Chromia's ecosystem.

Q: How does Chromia approach partnerships and collaborations?
A: Partnerships and collaborations drive innovation and ecosystem growth within Chromia.

Q: What sets Chromia apart in the blockchain development space?
A: Chromia offers a unique approach simplifying blockchain development for users and developers.

Q: Why are regular AMAs important for Chromia?
A: Regular AMAs promote transparency, engagement, and communication within the Chromia community.

Q: How does Chromia prioritize education and awareness?
A: Chromia prioritizes education and awareness initiatives to enhance user adoption and understanding of blockchain technology.


Time: 00:15:43
Chromia's Use of Rell Technology Insights into the technology powering Chromia's public blockchain platform.

Time: 00:25:19
Community Engagement Strategies Discussion on the importance of community involvement for Chromia's ecosystem.

Time: 00:35:55
Partnerships and Innovations Exploring how partnerships drive innovation and growth within Chromia.

Time: 00:45:32
Smart Contracts on Chromia Understanding the role of smart contracts in enhancing functionalities.

Time: 00:55:21
Scalability and Security Focus Chromia's emphasis on scalability, security, and ease of use.

Time: 01:05:17
Transparency and Communication The significance of regular AMAs for transparency and engagement.

Time: 01:15:45
Educational Initiatives by Chromia Chromia's commitment to education and awareness for user adoption.

Time: 01:25:30
Future Development Roadmap Insights into Chromia's upcoming plans and features for the community.

Time: 01:35:22
Chromia's Unique Value Proposition Highlighting what sets Chromia apart in the blockchain space.

Time: 01:45:19
User-Centric Approach Discussion on how Chromia prioritizes user-friendly experiences and development tools.

Key Takeaways

  • Chromia is a public blockchain platform utilizing Rell technology.
  • The platform caters to developers and end-users alike.
  • Chromia emphasizes scalability, security, and ease of use.
  • Smart contracts play a significant role in enhancing functionalities on Chromia.
  • Interoperability with other blockchains is a key focus for Chromia.
  • Community involvement is essential for Chromia's growth and development.
  • Partnerships and collaborations drive innovation within Chromia's ecosystem.
  • Chromia's unique approach aims to simplify blockchain development.
  • Regular AMAs provide transparency and engagement within the Chromia community.
  • Education and awareness initiatives are prioritized by Chromia for user adoption.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings and Introduction

Hello? Can you guys hear me? Yes, we've got you. Hey, Claire, how's it going? Yeah, I can hear you. Wonderful. YJ, could you test your microphone real quick? Hi, everyone. Can you guys hear me? Yes. Perfect. All right. Hello, everyone. I'm Claire, your host and also your digital marketing specialist here at Chromia and I am thrilled to have you all with us today. I'm going to shout out some of the names that I can see in the chat just so that I can welcome people in familiar face. Welcome in, welcome in. Omar, Odin, Ella, Diana Hussain, cryptocal cheeks, Kelly, Mister Leo, all good to see you. Great to see you guys.

Event Overview and Team Introduction

Amazing. Awesome. So while people are coming in, I do want to start introducing everyone. We've got some special things lined up, so you got to keep your ears open, sit tight, and have a checkout to see what competition we have lined up as well. Joining me today is Guillemo, our head of marketing and also YJ, our head of development. We're here to talk about the presence of at the exciting and one of the most hottest events of the year, actually at Token 2049 in Singapore. YJ is known for his talent in data, so we'll also be sharing some game changing updates and also share a preview for what's to come for the rest of 2024. This year has been incredible and I can't wait to dig deeper. Guillermo, YJ, thank you so much for joining us today.

Discussion Begins with YJ

Let's start with you, Gabriel, how are you doing today? Hey, Claire, how are you doing? I'm good. Really happy to be here. And yeah, as you said, excited about the year, about the rest of the year, about what's coming in 2025. It's been definitely an eventful year. There's been excitement about many things. The mainnet launch, the token 24, 89 announcements and yeah, excited to little by little, let get the community up to speed to what's going on in Chromia and what the future looks like. Oh my gosh, I wish the audience could feel the buzz and the excitement that we have going through the whole team. I mean, even within the marketing team, the things that are going on behind the scenes are phenomenal.

Looking Forward to Updates

I just love the energy and I can't wait to be able to share just even like some snippets to the audience today. But yeah, I'm really looking forward to this chat. I have been looking forward to it all week. There's so many exciting updates lately and I bet our audience is excited too. So if you haven't checked out our recent posts on X or our blogs and even our roadmap updates on our website@chromia.com. so please go and check it out because there are some incredible things going on there in the life of Chromia internally. We know we've, there has been so much going on that we can't publicly release just yet, but I know the team have some incredible progressions to share with you guys nonetheless.

Competition Announcement

But before we get started for a lot of you guys, you may have been tuning in today because we've got a competition going on. Just like a little bit of an insight. So five of our lucky listeners have the chance to win 100 USDT each. So all you have to do is answer the question at the end of this talk and post the answer in the comments of our live spaces. So this particular post that we're talking in right now, all you need to do is post the answer right there. We're excited to reward our community. We appreciate each and every single one of you guys, whether you're new, whether you've been around for a long time, our ogs, we appreciate you.

Getting Started

But yeah, we want to reward you guys and we are rewarding based on how attentive you are. If you listen in, stay really attentive to the things that we're talking about and you might just be one of our lucky winners. All right, let's get started. YJ, how are you? How are you doing? You were recently at Token 2049 in Singapore. How was the event? Yeah, hi Claire. Yeah, I'm doing great. Really excited to be here. So I'm actually from Singapore and I'm still based here. So yeah, token 24 nine just concluded was a really tiring week, but we also couldn't be more pumped. Yeah, this year the turnout was pretty insane and we also just announced more of our updates quite recently. Awesome.

Highlights of the Event

Yeah, I know when it comes to these events, you've got so many people to meet, so many things to say, so many events to attend to. I can imagine it can just completely just be like an absolute whirlwind of excitement and all the emotions above.

Excitement for Singapore and Token 2049

But honestly, I think it's such an amazing thing that Chromia has been a part of 2049 in Singapore and so great that you guys, you live there. It's nice to be able to attend events that are so close to home, but I can feel the excitement already. I absolutely love Singapore. It's been about five years actually since I visited myself, but the atmosphere at Token 2049, from what I've heard was phenomenal. Yj, what would you say that the atmosphere was like there?

Attendance Growth at Token 2049

Yeah, this is like my third time attending Token 2049, and I think this year's turnout is a lot bigger than the previous years. Probably also because it coincides with Solana breakpoint as well. Yeah, yeah, no, it brings so many people all around the world as well. It must absolutely transform the city. But yeah, it sounds amazing. It's great to see so many blockchain events actually getting bigger and better as well at Token 2049.

Announcements from Chromia's CEO

Our CEO Henrik made several announcements at the conference, one particular being titled the Future of Chromia. Could you give us an overview of what was shared at the event? Yeah, absolutely. So we just announced our Ascard upgrade, which I was explained more later, and also the data and AI ecosystem fund, where I'm actually in charge of investing in external projects that will be building on Chromia or integrating with us. So we have actually started investing in some projects, but we have yet to announce them.

Anticipation for Future Announcements

Oh, here we go. Almost some alpha there. Yeah. Everyone in the audience, please do stay tuned for these announcements. You're not going to want to be late to the ball for this one, but it sounds amazing, honestly. Chromia has been making waves not only at Token 2049, but like Guillermo said, from the beginning of the year. Even so, for those of you who were lucky enough to attend token 2049 and you were there to be able to hear the news before anyone else, make sure to share your photos and videos with us on social media. We'd love to see them.

Community Engagement and Updates

Me personally, I love being able to see our community also. Just like putting it in our posts, tweeting us, adding us, whatever you can. We'd love to be able to see all the things that have been going on in the life of these events. Guillermo, is there any advancement on the recent event, or would you like to share any extensions from that? No, I'd say probably. We have a set of interesting questions for YJ to expand, so I'm probably gonna allow him to share his thoughts and share the alpha.

Discussion on Chromia's Role

I just, I'll be here to complete and make sure that we can give the community as much information on everything and, yeah, I think we can just jump right in. All right, I love it. All right, YJ, I'm going to put you in the hot seat now. There are so many things to unpack from our chat. All right, so first of all, why do you think Chromia is suited to the position itself as the top layer, one blockchain for decentralized data?

Understanding Chromia's Unique Position

Yeah, thanks for this question. And I've actually been trying to explain to more people about what Chromia is, and I think a lot of people actually are not even sure what kind of layer one we are. So yeah, let me explain more. So it's actually extremely difficult and challenging to express relationships between data querying and updating multiple pieces of information simultaneously, which is why Chromia has built a layer one blockchain platform that is also an on chain relational database.

Innovations and Technology at Chromia

So we actually distinguish ourselves from other blockchains by leveraging relational databases for efficient data storage and retrieval. We actually have our own programming language called Rel that makes this possible. So, yeah, not many people know that we actually have our own programming language as well. That makes us pretty unique. Yeah, I think that's actually phenomenal. I don't know many projects that actually have that in place, so we are very, Chromia is standing out from the crowd from that alone.

Roadmap and Asgard Upgrade

So again, if you missed that, guys, be sure to check out our programming language. It's called Rel. R e l l. Go check it out. It's really interesting. So another question, could you tell us more about the roadmap which has also introduced the Asgard upgrade? Could you explain a little bit more on what extensions are? So the roadmap, Asgard upgrade and the extensions?

Upcoming Changes in Chromia

Yeah, so last week we actually released the full roadmap with all of the milestones until the end of this year. So the asygot upgrade is the first major technical upgrade to Chromium's mainnet that is scheduled for Q four. This year. We will be introducing support for Chromium extensions, customized containers that will expand Chromium's capabilities. So this upgrade actually consists of oracle feeds, computation for AI inference, support for data availability and ZK proofs separately.

AI Data Fund and Future Goals

And this is what I've been spending quite a lot of time on, is we also working with various centralized exchanges and multi chain wallets to ensure that our mainnet and token standard are supported by end of this year. Wow. Gosh, there is so much going on. Okay, so for the most impactful news release in Token 2049, the AI data fund, what could you tell us about it? And also what's like the main goal?

Focus on Data-Centric Projects

Yes, so we actually want to leverage more of our capabilities as an on chain relational database to work with data centric projects. One of the biggest misconceptions about Chromia is that we are only a gaming chain, but this isn't entirely true. While we are focusing on certain games that they are committed to our ecosystem, we are actually also well suited to work with data centric or AI enabled projects.

Ecosystem Fund and AI Development

Having this ecosystem fund actually allows us to strategically invest in these projects that will actually integrate with us. This is a vertical we are doubling down on and we have actually just hired a head of data and AI that will be joining us at the end of next month. So he will actually be in charge of onboarding and integrating with these projects. Wow, that's really exciting. I love this. All right, so what kind of projects do you think would. If I may, I would say that is a piece of alpha that, yeah, probably were reserving for an impactful announcement and yeah, the attendance of this AMA, now that have that exclusive that it is definitely, I would say that getting head of data and AI is going to help us to really strengthen and solidify Chromia's offer regarding data centric projects and protocols and really position us as the number one chain of data.

Strength in Data-Centric Technologies

I know that is very hyperbolic, but that's what we're shooting for. And yeah, as YJ mentioned before, I think that we have the technology to really help data centric projects and yeah, very soon we are able, we're going to be able to, I don't want to say stop talking about it, but I mean, like really prove it with the real life applications of those capabilities. So, yeah, stay tuned. All right, you hit it here first. All right. So kind of connecting on from that. YJ, what kind of products do you think would benefit from this? How do you think it will enrich the ecosystem? Yeah, so a bit more background on Chromia. We actually provide a unique foundation for building decentralized apps that demand efficient data storage, complex data relationships, and seamless querying and updating capabilities.

Unique Features of Chromia

So we believe that any project with sufficient data requires data cleaning, followed by data automation, which ultimately leads to the implementation of AI. We strongly believe that this makes Chromia the ideal environment for developers to build data centric and AI enabled solutions that can process, analyze and also react to complex data sets in real time. So as AI roles grows, we also committed to providing a blockchain infrastructure that allows external developers to seamlessly integrate AI with decentralized technology and kind of like just unlocking capabilities that were previously difficult or impossible on other blockchain platforms. Wow. Gosh, there's lots to take on there.

Looking Ahead: 2024 Vision

While we're in the middle, I just want to give a reminder for those of you who have been joining us, we have been having a fantastic chat with YJ and Guillermo. I also want to remind you that five of you have a chance to win 100 USDT each. All you have to do is answer the question at the end of this talk and post the answer in the comments of our live spaces. So yeah, in the live spaces post that we're talking about right now. So yeah, let's look ahead for 2024, the narratives and our vision. What's on the horizon for Chromia for the rest of 2024. Can you give us some insight into how Chromia is positioning itself for the future?

Future Projects and Integrations

Yeah, definitely. So as I mentioned previously, we are extremely focused on making sure that Mina is fully launched by end of this year and that it is also usable by retail users. So this includes working closely with external developers who are building spot decks to swap assets on chain, and we are also working with various centralized exchanges, multi-chain wallets, Oracle providers to support our mainnet and also token standard. So unfortunately we are not EVM compatible and we have a very unique tech architecture so it takes a bit of time to integrate. But nevertheless, our priority this quarter, this upcoming quarter is to make sure that all of these essential infrastructure integrations are concluded by end of this year.

Community Engagement and Ecosystem Growth

Yeah, I mean with some innovation you have to have some complex projects as well. So I'm glad that we're digging deep into all of this. What about the games though, and the rest of the ecosystem? Yeah, so other than my neighbor Alice and also fancy, we also do expect other games to be on Chromium mainnet pretty soon. We will let the community know as soon as this is possible. Yeah, I want to highlight that, actually talking about games this past week my neighbor Alice just announced the migration to the chromium mainnet. And if I'm correct, the migration actually happened yesterday on the 24th.

Updates on Ongoing Projects

Yes, we actually confirmed that my neighbor Alice, beta season two is now live on Chromium Mainnet. And not only that, but today we have communicated that mines of Dalarnia is also migrating to the chromium mainnet in Q 420 24. So yeah, I mean, as you can see, even though the Chromia mainnet launch happened at the beginning of the middle of this year, during July, and there's still, as YJ said, some functionalities for a layer one ecosystem that we are still building. Very very soon we're gonna have, we already have existing projects, existing games, successful games with their own communities, with their own.

Positive Momentum and Future Events

Ecosystems, and that they are joining the chromium mainnet and bringing everything with them and yeah, there's gonna be an amazing synergy of Chromia followers going to the games, in the games retroactively supporting Chromia. So yeah, I mean, more and more it feels like the pieces of the puzzle are falling in the right place. And yeah, everything Q four is going to be very eventful. Amazing. No, I love this. And the energy is just so contagious when it comes to these things. Especially when there is announcement after announcement. Like if you check our Twitter feed, there is just constantly so many amazing things coming up.

Roadmap and Excitement for the Future

I do want to encourage everyone, like if you want to check out our roadmap, please go and check out Chromia.com to go and check out our roadmap and the things to come, the things that we've been mentioning in this talk today and on top of that, the things that we are projecting as well. We gosh, the team are just so excited to share some things with you, but we've got to keep our lips sealed for now. But yeah, it just keeps getting busier at Chromia. While lots of projects have slowed down for loads of other blockchain companies, I'm sure that is not even possible with Chromia, with all the incredible things that we have in the pipeline.

Engagement and Winnings Announcement

Yeah. So anyway, again, that's Chromia.com for all of the latest updates and partnership announcements. So before we wrap up now, we've got just got a little overview as well. But before we wrap up, I know there's going to be five lucky winners from the comments in our spaces, post will walk away with $100 in USDT. So winners will be announced tomorrow and your winnings will be sent to you with 72 hours of receiving your wallet address. So make sure that you are to check out to make sure that we reach out to you through Twitter DM's. Here's how you can win. Throughout the live space we have discussed many important topics.

Recent Upgrade Discussion

But what is the name of our most recent upgrade? Alright guys, what is the most recent upgrade? What is the name of it? Type it in the comments of this live space now. Go ahead for it. Go and boost our engagement, guys. We love to be able to see you guys engaging with us like the post. Go on, share. What is the most recent upgrade? What is the name of it? All right, YJ. Guillermo, this has been phenomenal. It has been amazing.

Final Thoughts from Participants

Before we go, do you have any final words for our listeners today? YJ, you want to go first? Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, Claire. Yeah. And Guillermo, I think probably the last thing I want to say is just give us a bit more time to make the mainnet retail usable. We also have plans to engage external developers to learn more about Chromia and our programming language and we'll be doing this through workshops and also hacker houses. So we are definitely very excited to work with exceptional developers. So yep, thanks for taking the time everyone. Guillermo onto you.

Expectations and Development Insights

Yeah, thanks YJ. Yeah, I 100% agree with YJ and I would like to say that we are aware that expectations for Chromia and the Chromia mainnet were high, mostly because the development of the mainnet took more than it was expected. I think ended up being five years in the making. And there was some, let's say some delay in the sense that it was expected around 2021 to be launched, but it got delayed. And since then I know, I mean we are very aware that there's been frustration going on with the community in terms of the when Mainnet, when the mainnet is going to happen. And there's been a point that it's been so much build up around the Mainnet that I feel that a lot of people thought that oh my God, when the mainnet drops, when the mainnet is live, our lives are going to change and everything is going to explode.

Building a Layer One Blockchain

But what I want to say is that building of a layer one blockchain, it is obviously very hard and it is very intricate and the mainnet is just the first step. And the moment that you have the Mainnet is the moment when the real work starts. And it's the moment when the whole project needs to get together and grow in the same direction and build all the functionalities and take the project to the next step with dapps, with developers, with community members, with people building, with people promoting, with a lot of work. And at the moment in Chromia we are in this next episode. I mean Mainnet already is live and now is the moment to create this layer one ecosystem, this diverse and vibrant and full of options for people to come and engage with our different games, our different apps.

Support and Community Engagement

So yeah, I'm emphasizing a little bit with what YJ just said. We are working really hard to bring all those things to Chromia as soon as possible. And yeah, we're actually really excited about when those things happen and they're going to happen soon. And yeah, we would love to get your support. I know a lot of you have been around for a long time and we are very grateful for your continued support. And yeah, I mean, get together and build brilliant with Chromia. Yeah, piggybacking on that.

Community Contribution and Engagement

Honestly, the way that Chromia expands and the way that we can get the word out about the incredible things that we're doing is due to the help of you guys as well. Like we do as much pr, as much marketing, as much advertising as we can, but when we are able to get the engagement from you guys, even just coming in and liking a post, just putting something in the comments and just saying like we support you, even just bringing feedback like Guillermo says, whether you're in Telegram, Discord, Twitter, anything, whether you're checking out our blogs, it all makes a difference. And it is something that the whole marketing team and the whole Chromia team are so passionate about. And we see you guys, we see each and every one of you.

Partnerships and Future Engagement

Like, I can see all of you guys in the chat going through and it's so lovely to be able to work on such a project that so many people are passionate about and the growth is just fantastic. So yeah, with you guys, with your support, make sure that you're in all of our social media. And yeah, I absolutely have enjoyed this AMa. I can't wait to be able to announce the winners as well. So yeah, you can reach out to us as well. If you are interested in partnering with us, make sure to go onto our website, chromio.com. you can email us, you can head on to Twitter, send us a DM, whatever it may be. We'd love to be able to connect.

Closing Remarks

So thanks again, everyone. Don't forget to share this Ama with your friends and followers on all the latest updates along chromosomes journey. And if you're ready to start building with us, come and chat with us. Thank you guys. Thank you, Guillermo, thank you. YJ. Thanks Claire for hosting. Really great job. Appreciate it. Thanks everyone. All right, thank you guys. Have a wonderful rest of your day. Have a fantastic week ahead and we'll see you next time.

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