Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by cryptojourneyrs

Space Summary

The Twitter space centered around NFTs showcased the team's excellence in fundraising, operational efficiency, influencer collaborations, and growth strategies. Key discussions included the team's ability to raise funds swiftly, revamp their marketplace, and engage with influencers for diverse content creation. The team projected growth and expressed gratitude towards their supporters, emphasizing a long-lasting journey within the NFT ecosystem.


Q: What was the duration of the Twitter space event?
A: The event lasted almost an hour.

Q: Which niche did the Twitter space focus on?
A: The Twitter space focused on the NFT niche.

Q: How did the team utilize the raised funds?
A: The team actively utilized the funds for scaling operations and enhancing their marketplace.

Q: What was the team's approach towards influencers for content creation?
A: Influencers were onboarded to create diverse content and engage with the community.

Q: What were the key highlights of the Twitter space event?
A: Key highlights included successful fund-raising, operational scalability, influencer collaborations, growth projections, and gratitude towards supporters.

Q: What were the key themes discussed during the Twitter space event?
A: Themes such as fundraising efficiency, operational scalability, influencer partnerships, sustained growth projections, and appreciation for supporters were prominent.

Q: How did the team express their vision for the future?
A: The team expressed a vision for long-lasting collaboration, growth within the NFT ecosystem, and success in their journey ahead.

Q: What strategies were highlighted for marketplace enhancement?
A: The team emphasized active revamping of their marketplace to support growth and provide a better user experience.

Q: What sentiments were shared towards supporters?
A: Gratitude and appreciation were expressed towards supporters for their role in the journey.

Q: How did the team showcase their readiness for expansion?
A: The team showcased readiness through efficient fundraising, operational scaling, influencer collaborations, and future growth plans.


Key Takeaways

  • The team demonstrated rapid fundraising capabilities and readiness to scale operations.
  • Utilization of funds for marketplace enhancements and influencer partnerships.
  • Projected growth and sustained success within the NFT ecosystem.
  • Focus on diverse content creation through influencer collaborations.
  • Expressed gratitude towards supporters and envisioned a long-lasting journey.
  • Efficiency in fundraising
  • active fund utilization
  • and a vision for sustained growth.
  • Operational scalability and continual enhancements were highlighted.
  • Emphasis on collaboration and growth within the NFT space.
  • Strong focus on engaging influencers for content variety and community engagement.
  • Highlighting the team's successes and future strategies for expansion.

Behind the Mic

So, one of your questions that you had asked me is like how much did we raise, right? Well, you know, in bear market after COVID, you know, some people actually asked why did we only raise what we raise, like, it was filled within 2 hours. So we could have raised a lot more if we did raise a lot more, unlike many teams in this space, we could have scaled operations. As you can see, we're getting deals done. We're getting our marketplace ready, we're revamping our website, we're onboarding new Kols. We're spending the money. We're not just sitting around. This is a legacy play for us. We all see where the money and the projections can come for our ecosystem, for our business, for our own founders. And that's from all the operations of the web two entity. And it's what we've built out over such a long time. Yeah, and I think for all the Kols that are on board and the influencers that are supporting us, they're going to have a lot of content that they haven't been used to pushing, you know, and that's why I love the dynamic that you guys have with the video content you do, and the spaces. And this is why we kind of got in contact with you guys in the first place. And we would not be here without you. And I'm glad we're all on the journey together. And I see this being something that's everlasting. Absolutely. So I won't take up more of your time, guys. Thank you so much for taking my question and breaking it down for us. We've learned a ton just from this quick space, and that's thanks to you guys, and I'm excited to see where it goes from here. Before we close out, are there any final thoughts, any shoutouts, anything you'd like to leave the "Wolf" pack with here today? Yo, Trav, can I, um, yeah, before, sorry, I'll, before you go, um, sorry to cut you off. I'll be running at, I have a call to get on now, but I just wanted to say thank you for everyone to join in as well. Thanks to, um, you know, Jake, for getting the space set up, and also Frisell for always putting time in to show everyone respect, especially on Twitter. Um, it kind of just shows people the transparency and so forth. And thank you, Shane, for always putting the time in. I mean, you're a huge asset to us. I know Fibo's not here, but every time we run these spaces, Fibo's always here, so big shout out to him as well. And usually when you shout him out, he pops up, but, um, thanks for organizing it, and thank you for everyone for joining this, and I'm just hoping everyone has a brilliant day, and I'll be jumping over to my next call. Thanks a lot, guys. Thanks, James. I appreciate you, brother. Appreciate that, likewise. Yeah, I think, uh, final thoughts, um, thanks everybody for joining. Um, big shout out to Elon one for one being on here for the first time, owl, Chookie, you guys killed it. Your all stars in your own respect, you know, thanks for closing out the week with us and making sure we head into the weekend strong. Likewise, Rod for killing the MC and making sure things were moderated and streamlined, um, and shout out to the whole wolf pack, you know, for all those who tuned in and have been tuning in on a week to week basis, you know, thanks for the engagement and support. And, uh, I'll leave it at that. Appreciate everybody and enjoy your Friday. Guys, you're awesome. We got plenty of clips coming from this. Oh, for sure. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Hope you all have a great weekend. Take it easy. Thank you, everyone. Peace. Peace out. Cheers, guys. Peace. Have a great week, guys. Still team Drake though, but Kendrick won the beef. But I like Drake. Me too. Me too. But thank you, Chuki. Thank you, Trav. Thank you, Rodney. What a great space. Let's do it, huh? Same time next week? Let's get it, baby. Chuki. Enjoy the rest of your day, Trav. Feel better. My brother Trav has a migraine. He's an actual legend in the space. Shows up every day, but some days you just burn out. Trav, heal up, brother. Appreciate you showing up, Jake. Enjoy the rest of your day, Tuki. Have a good one, and we'll see you in the next one, guys. Peace."

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