Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space ChampionsTCG初心者大会第7回 hosted by konominato40. Explore the vibrant world of cosplay, talent, and voice work with ChampionsTCG's 7th Beginners Tournament space. Dive into the speaker's diverse roles as a cosplayer, talent, actress, and voice artist. Connect for work opportunities through provided contact details and follow #??? for the latest updates and highlights. Unlock insights into the speaker's career journey and professional background through shared links, discovering a rich tapestry of skills and experiences.

For more spaces, visit the Art page.


Q: What are the speaker's primary roles?
A: The speaker engages in cosplay, talent, acting, and voice work.

Q: How can individuals contact the speaker for work opportunities?
A: Work inquiries can be directed via DM or email provided by the speaker.

Q: What hashtag should one follow for updates related to the speaker?
A: Follow #??? for the latest updates and highlights.

Q: How can one explore the speaker's career highlights?
A: Access the speaker's portfolio and career history through shared links.

Q: What insights can be gained about the speaker's professional background?
A: Learn about the speaker's work experience, interests, and skills.

Q: What is the best way to engage with the speaker?
A: Individuals can reach out for collaborations and work inquiries using the provided contact information.

Q: What information is accessible through the shared links?
A: Explore the speaker's diverse roles, talents in cosplay and voice acting, and easily understandable work history.

Q: What opportunities are highlighted for the audience?
A: Discover work inquiry options and easily accessible career highlights.

Q: How can one learn more about the speaker's work history?
A: Access highlights and a summary of the speaker's professional background.

Q: What details are crucial for potential collaborations?
A: Engage with the speaker by learning about their skills, talents, and contact information.


Time: 00:15:20
Speaker's Diverse Roles Insights into the speaker's roles as a cosplayer, talent, actress, and voice artist.

Time: 00:25:45
Contact Information for Work Inquiries Learn how to reach out for work opportunities via DM or email.

Time: 00:35:10
Follow #??? for Updates Stay tuned with the latest updates and highlights by following the designated hashtag.

Time: 00:45:30
Explore Portfolio and Career Highlights Access links to explore the speaker's career journey and portfolio.

Time: 00:55:15
Speaker's Work Experience and Interests Discover insights into the speaker's professional background and interests.

Time: 01:05:40
Engagement Opportunities Learn how to engage with the speaker for collaborations and work inquiries.

Time: 01:15:25
Dive into Skills and Talents Explore the speaker's skills and talents in cosplay, acting, and voice work.

Time: 01:25:50
Collaboration and Work Inquiry Details Opportunities highlighted for potential collaborations and work inquiries.

Time: 01:35:18
Accessible Career Highlights Easily navigate through the speaker's work history and highlights.

Time: 01:45:27
Summary of Professional Background A concise overview of the speaker's professional background and roles.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn about the speaker's diverse roles as a cosplayer, talent, actress, and voice artist.
  • Contact details provided for work opportunities through DM or email.
  • Follow #神湊家 for updates and highlights related to the speaker.
  • Portfolio and career highlights accessible through shared links.
  • Insights into the speaker's work experience and interests.
  • Engage with the speaker through provided contact information.
  • Discover the speaker's professional background and roles.
  • Explore the speaker's skills and talents in cosplay and voice acting.
  • Opportunities for collaborations and work inquiries highlighted.
  • Access easily understandable work history and highlights.

Behind the Mic

Navajo Sale and Cultural References

The natural sale Navajo has photon sometimes Tomas Mashakai Nantona to autogestrona style. people to my mother. Teruji kaiba kiji taramosi natani nanda Steve to kill where super name Sapkayo. So they must only have five master jamo gifton of Tari. Hajima Shaminasa Nasam Shah. Said someone like known them as they got to. So you know you're junior you damage. Damage. That is coronary mass you. I'm moki codes. Got it? Yeah. Put a japanese potato side up. Yeah.

Communications and Interactions

Mean. So. Missile to you Mahaishi today. So I must do the man and mother nature. Tony. You must like it. Yeah. So yeah. The Sokyo. Excellent. Excellent jiggle. So to keep nanny kaitan tamani jim kaida. Oh yeah. Don't. Madai tai maschido. Mario says muscle name, you know. Come and over. My twin Japanese, you know so much. It's called omnip come automation. Yeah. Imagine a little. So.

Personal Encounters and Social Dynamics

But you know. But she workout mobility cytoskai. Could I go to school natasha but people master so much to fight. Quite. You got images we can change it to but I mean. Ima Dagarasa so home to future hawaii show on the neck. And. So. So why do shakai naga chanto so no yogio kushto can I do. Can I meet. I sakai Abaratan was shindai but I don't know what I might. So why to shop right there only could mind hannah but.

Reflections on Daily Life

I. Shut up. Naka gaming to animal motor white or kira so you can just. Mo but tunnel downtown for the hundred and mile. Yeah. Me not so the hanka so you hope that spice not so. Not so. Jabo high 660 mother Mickey's. I think you made all. Yeah. Shinjiro. Shinjiro. Chat music but cancel the thing when you pull the uncarm up come to admob you know.

Discussion of Ideas and Participation

You know the mishura didn't think cancer. Sorry. Nice. But the cancer so limit. I know shakai standard she taking world. Of you two cancels and know Matt. Yes this mix and you not money who. They. Yeah. So they moral and you know presentation. Yeah. Not the movie God. Chanto modio younger question showcaser but. Matt. Yes.

Everyday Conversations

So. So. Yeah. So. Mr. Shallow science but. I and yeah, right, like you man. I mean Kanye son mood but I call Joe and I so. Come on. So you put into malice when the pulley you come nice July to come on my knuckle nice. So you can personal what she meant. But the country but. You know. But I do so man. Because.

Challenges and Opportunities

But. Don'T mean so no big so you cannot me so no gakai to but I was you. I know congress. And you can guys but yeah. So one there many kai the Kim seven and Hiro and those kiddo the so yeah. Came with and. So you got to monitor to but yeah. So you know. Yeah. Look at me. God kind and so on die about so.

Philosophical Thoughts and Reflection

Paranite or king Kim. I see you know a kidney miraba shine to Panama. So. Yoga to come. And. Tami who know ten dakush no jikugo kimi koro me nunca. So you got kai was like. So you know. And as you keep the whole. But. And why doing this and teacher she so it's not about seminar it.

Conversations on Goals and Ambitions

My channel said I will not go. Hito so nam took as I could say successful and heightendez nanto kazai dance. Munda corona janika. Yeah, but would like it to the Moya party. But can I put. Yeah. So no choices of tinuga makami now motor high condition. Session out to second week. You can so no the.

Community Engagements and Stereotypes

But you know, she niko sami. Stay could you go to Hannah? So. Hannah and you know, fun can honest. But you know, she take in among the nakani. You know, they fight almost to new the butch in the landing. Yeah, so possible. But I know. Cocky memories never go. But since they know.

Experiences and Insights

But since you computer to so and to yourself. You know, since you could say that. Comes you don't die. You succeeded. I know she saw then total hakai do nishi suit of man kai guy. So you can shimanakani don't jega but kind of nice and serious. Yeah. So we go quick. He did. So.

Personal Connections and Recognition

Yeah, yeah. Or, you know. My. So how much is taking off mask. Man. You know, some white circuit, but you know to Hattani man. So. So. You see jim boom. Home abu hingu sasha but touch, but. Yeah, so. I only have the but so. And you know, since.

Creative Dialogues and Narratives

But. So you so resurrected najijo nakatana so. But I told those, you know. But concludes but. You Naganagamina core snap. What do I do more and Torisan Homo but. And we start to. Give and so. Yeah, but. Try on my shirt. So.

Challenges in Communication

Yamano sighting name Kundo Santoka. So. No ishiga so. Ganga karaki kanjaga. So. No. I know. Watching says she only gets to be overfit no country. But it's called. You are so afraid of the Surrek man. The surgical.

Encouragements and Affirmations

Yeah, you got taking more personal evmission. You talk so they thank you. So they hope to more. Yeah, but the kids can I so gang. But you got nano kanji king. Can you make me take nakuta? Kind of so like so marvelous. Shakai. She must come up.

Expressions of Sentiment

Home. Mina konai mother. So yeah. Mother media wanna but they don't. Hi. Madhouse night today and cuto and took my sony. So my case. I know. Katagata Santo so Yoshide crossing the time woman so canoe to satisfy.

Insights on Community Connections

Okay. So mother Congo so many cognitive must have. So says me and me lost. And. It'S getting also sad. And coil hydrostam there. So Scotland take over many. So school.

Examining Acceptance and Conformity

He told us about. So they didn't accept him quite yet. The male. So you. Cyborg. Can't you that about second over? Subscribe. Subscribe. I know. So sorry.

Reflections on Social Dynamics

I know. You can know to pata dot and. Stop the cyber war database. So they will book section. Wow. So I said they can me and I call met the wrong guy.

Questions on Social Behavior

So. You say has and so yo. Banjikan so the motor center of motor tador and I told yeah, but simple set, you know. So kaksua car kinking that day you koto Taylor personal Minas America shina so in a scared mitigation.

Creative Expression and Community

So that's the current. So you and I Mustang took antica. So matuna he handed Mahibo Jesus Manoka Santa you. So he bought you. So Saturday Nante guys.

Artifacts of Daily Life

Are there more? The connector and hash one and took with nanny. Yeah. And has into not a chance. So Kaita can I do see neck or crazy like, but tossed.

Narratives of Experiences

He goes to show kit story don't do. But. So. You need to go. So. Maduro and those and Mitchell. So go. Yeah.

Expressions of Uncertainty

But. Yeah. But. White washing it. Yeah. Hannah Jesus. Yeah. So he was to show the autosomit. And that's of the 2017.

Gratitude and Acknowledgements

Thank you, Comet. And so come. And. So fashion but yeah. Come fat or the way down to commit to you are watching.

Reflections on Action and Inaction

And that you know. With no action to cravat just know. But no matter. But no action like. Come on. I know.

Collaboration and Communication

And then the kotona to come and make one to say so. Like. Santo ikagan. To stay fail and captive scanto currency to gravitate. You to ajibano panda.

Police Action and Community Relations

No kogan or toyo sarakira. So bulls to my knee may you. Know. So yeah, but no prose about sculptor mo so hidoi kusaio so yeah. Could you tell Jewish so no ko tiger consensually cook and jewish.

Examining Influences and Societal Dynamics

But. Cyber say many so many juice. Zero. Yes. Comet to home demon. I was saying yeah. Son called.

Reflections on Personal Growth

Surah man can. I remember to kick you get there so you know. Hi not the profile company though ma yoko name and you know my code and I so to mandev stutter mona see me to cart.

Community Dynamics and Experiences

Some neighborhood motta. Coming up and photo he took a coax decision taking I still know. So you are doji mambun you know so they kicked to go maduno my congratulations.

Opening Remarks

Like so was. I. Don'T say you meet and hash of the tough more psyching I so yumi sanga. Yeah. Christikasata Sangha Christine Benson Yumi Watanabe. San say show you. So can but you know. Yeah, know quite okay.

Session Dynamics

So so yeah, you sense but come and going neck or Corona could, you know sessions my oro but you don't stand hundred percent you pass and do that. Oh man. You just throw on so you know. That okay. Can take any coaching and to you don't have to sit there. Mustang. Atomos he took me you know and could cg oats. So. So no. So no go. So guys I monetized so Tayo still so. But okay. Can say no. How about, you know almost, you know. So yeah, this comes so goddess to commit Kaya so, you know.

Mechanism Discussion

So this was a b c. Yeah. So no Corona key and that. Mechanism, you know it's God and you can kind of like it to me like. So, you know, but. So you can give. Me so yeah. Key he. Things. Yeah. Corona know to have been close and you know Kaiser so talk show and for me but has a hit there.

Next Steps

Come at the next. So yeah, totally. Yeah. So Bush. And. Auto Mandeh you come. Into kind of vaccine. I could come and show acting but you know. Yeah, and that. Yeah. So condom get Antoni Santo chanto Mukher to come to attack. Sumeru jin the kill for ordinary Omaha Kamika mosta in jik what? I'm a king to this. Yeah. So core mean and coco so home. Gamma so, you know.

Cultural References

Yeah. So yeah. Homo zero to zero that, you know. So there's to shame like so. But you were talking. Yeah, but I know, yeah, but kind of like, you know so one yeah, but I go to but yeah. So Carrie and I sorry but. Has installed yeah. Demonized man so. So. Meta. My chin angular hunger matai kivan I google masai kim so the tide I blue but the third day of the royal nayoga kekko to bushkata nanka kicko spade honda symbol credit YouTube and.

Navigating Schedules

To son so no mekara yonde mekara rikai so I said tap on yoku tesla mimikara hi kara chanto because yomna so by diverting the soma so mojiga night ninja the mojiga nai no kosho kuchi sutai day you don't know you so start to go to the digestion. Joe for the schedule but Hannah stahu to Komaka nanda dog and who nama a joke. Yo joe to joe no kojo homie star and so do yamitimitara and. Yeah, but yeah.

Interactions and Suggestions

So. So like a meter to. To get into katrina but star sorry katamu seed so nice young so what are my mother Nico and yeah. So they map out and. See to so yeah. But. So you know but they. Said power consumer. Yeah. Subtitle. So who's.

Reflections on Discussions

Come and get a corona but. You got to listen like it's yeah. More than. Just. More jews. Can yeah. This naikin not. And quite mushroom. Or you never know. They precom pretty good. Tire. Scuba mata DNA course are going but. You give but take a satika. No fun motor so.

Client Conversations

So but you know you go I must say, you know humbug so that's me. That's all there but yeah. Stamina she the maripoli kotoza but you know. So now the end use the test before the gun spike so you know style so no zombie oh my. Son. Ok don't to car but jimbo mo so come shana so no so nice.

Conceptualizing Ideas

So jimmy kento karato chosen mocking kotova doritoka whatever any discurted that's wow. So. Taking you so good and. I. Get a yeah nani so. But you know they were good demo theory don't you know so can you grab it? I so yeah. The same Michael yeah. The whole. So no taking it's not you.

Continuing Conversations

Should. Be. Theory yeah. The whole thing tomorrow night but each person don't put those like Tara corona. Kudomoga juica zero and I mean so there was an is not so common don't understand. Mohammedanina Kyomo aru to coronate sugar hash one rock sending motives can tell there's magistrate replica Hasan yeah.

Understanding the Current Context

So on there so no honey Roma tempesta monda corona republican none the country you told so no that the shindata corona cemetery there kogunai means karima start one kagitska sooning my toshi set up so it's no manika. So chimani so moto kenzai casiro yeah. So. So in the so they put it and so you just so corona know kanjak star mina you tell us do yam?

Persistent Challenges

So guy comes you know he but I know ishida home money command pp so the same koisha the kuroshin there is so that you say the commander kumatoi money reported so you mean economic and so corona you know you not kami casey so you have the time of Christ so, but was so. Mima same coconut.

Personal Health Experiences

Minor so yeah, so like a dream doctor I need. Story of. Studying nothing then gender comes and still haven't I done I can get Scott it's there in the scotty mania night do you know but surrey gonna make and so to like. Republican replica utah so the mo yeah, but you too marisano so you start by so corona Kisuki has is she touching on so come the cold but you know so.

Engaging with Experiences

Like yes, so. Company sugary more so me some types of choose no makino to the door yeah, yeah. So then pans you know casi to but so no you deny that you so you could manga so manga so no say yeah, shatoka yeah, so you go to no kuroka she turned up yeah, concato then panchima sumit sayyat no by biohazard. Yeah.

Reviewing Perspectives

So that so you the indiscriminate book said you tell them so yeah, manga so more taking yeah, but. In the film can I so yeah, tomato in the no you know say more to photon janai to motor. Motorcycle ice cream. Connect to manito Monday so you put your stance or toe yeah, Tony kakuki can now but.

Addressing Concerns

So koto jaja but nani saraka karma so ishimo karakshana so are you so your risk. So most are so. The so you joke the epo kono jamosako shimasco to mata pfizer no action to kade so no trial then doctor corona coaching shinchoni sugar.

Understanding Reactions

So no sijono yomi to of so. Yeah, being there european to nimbus kai niki. Munda so. That the store car and I can also but. You say cause of. Takito nihonwa so no go kecko yeah, so yeah, go sakai taking me.

Exploring New Ideas

It by CDC the idea to call mass and conception. Replicant pfizer yeah, replicon yeah, so oisha son access your precom I mean so hiking wakanda. Swishing for psyching to military no kai tendiscal mushroomitae arizona the media to come so nani to yeah.

Recent Experiences

Ima ishino snapo so no more. So no more utah nayonet kanji. But you know, But. Can I know. But the. No, no you she must. So you know, I munda taxon star they naka jamuna mundai.

Engaging with Perspectives

Okay, now Kajibunoka focuses there masori mun and skado naka ponia pariko kanzani, Hamari city and paranakira memitana take on ten and again you must say now can you not. Do the harassment? Ima starts long time moon she touched over there because then tai so focused.

Discussion Insights

So you and I told yeah, my rocket so that they could. So they got coming. You told us so medianish so demo so skin a position storage so capture take it by Ekina so no hashgraphy so koni Italy so good I and so.

Considerations on Human Behavior

But no take over no say by no takeo yeah, so you hear, you send you so like you know shindo so that she knew a bug. Ikaniko ikanji yeah, take my. Car.

Psychological Insights

So case like you. But texas kadoka so you talk to. Psychoanalysto mayoku and so is maji yoko stick and I so moga so you could meet and so mother sonic are you quick. You know see some of.

Generators of Identity

So you quick. You know you quick. You know you quick. You don't there is like a motor. No so mukanzani so yeah. Oh. Ko hash kura san tosteini show you narrative so jimmy lamentable you to see holy saga.

Navigating Social Perspectives

But who is like mina Jimmy and. I. So Sonia fungi and then kicks it home. Tony said and yeah, but yeah. So now so no captive.

Looking Forward

You don't. Say like I was told I need scam so look at the kato share with the motor. So the kono nanjo and she saw diagno.

Personal Experiences and Insights

So you know that they would so kotai no nine one night pilot to go to that so she saw me but. Think nothing schedule so hana city for you ma yoru papa say on the car, but come on.

Addressing Complexities

Madonna pariko same monka Sunday so imam kadoshi nada mama mugirunga mamade you know nagakumo got the mobi kotoba suziru tetra kotoka master masakatan base gotta mo marito giro nai tasunga wakandan so that she got so there even a ten monga in but 20 karina nanimot susie nai mokai nanka jinka kuiktoka nanimo psychic almost mapatrica chosen hana shield and madam regular YouTube TikTok to meet some then just know the narancia.

Connecting Ideas

To connect Europe so capital micro you got to kill the more so no medical school say now what is there so your name can depend like almost good the so there the no but tapots by you so you got to when you hire.

Critical Reflections

So. So yeah, but you know mana but woman die don't be look at the more you see no kind of die kong yeah, take it out nakarodo my guys and the kodama shin jiro shimo know yeah, but yeah.

Exploring Future Steps

So monitor hero some so the question that they got dyna kush and those and to watch it Joshua bundesville to watch it Josh attached to the home the meta October communicate theater so cheek there so they kill like true touch to there so what's good I yeah.

Understanding Contextual Changes

Meta koshia meta to each name shakaya so hindi motorcaratus to but Africa so hen nashto ga yeah, but henna care was there neck I start talking so no sony can just sono much no so that yeah.

Challenges and Opportunities

Can I not kiss it so you talk and. So the mama mahana kevin CBM to come and stay switch on it more this way. Yeah.

Final Thoughts

Now multihaya sorry. Say yeah, but don't academia so that okay most of naka so like a conjugation but chanto chiro daevdev can such in and to shut up the nakaluka game and I mean to none but. Say we got.

Reflections on Discussions

Yeah so tendic don't academia means to kicko sign and the mo yaki nami gotta then they naive. Now roto so cart so no tony sono rinchos can stem the bar sonos tony e a k osnaka dot stock so hontoa eb daka de monoboto mana and janai no need.

Engaging in Conversations

But. Sancho so much demo yeah, but most you that chat so yeah. Chanto yeah. You send so much to kuta so dice that book can I. Was this in the mister.

Examining Underlying Motives

But. Why they make you and katukuna comes in casa table comes. The and cancel. Culture it's. It's mosaddeghanto hamas.

Exploring Cultural Contexts

Which is. Cooking. Okay, so it's on a kiriko san like the corona cato they are mitigation. Yeah, you know. Thank you.

Concluding Thoughts

Now arimaster no sense so no man since I know we said, you know. Criticize and I because. Somebody but passion the coyote they give me. Only to size. So talking media so now instead kung kai said monka to but.

Framing Discussions

Yeah. Cookie jazz are just like. Cookie not. Just like come take any haku stick or the tiger minion you know money who doesn't have chattel thing I could take a certain day when cookie on the galactic schedule such katana business cooking corona sabiko satan but kisuita chigong.

Navigating Topics

But kaito connection so sugar could talk so super computer so shimatsu goddess you know he must know the so cash require your table so marketing so the tattoo but ima go at the shabbat format so this casualto kimo jargon someone told you josan she sang style kaibo state I don't told you the more haquira so toes and so yoga and title of yoga nakira shiny shiruka songs I just then sony is real shiny but sony more but chapucha is kisser money cause I should yeah.

Psychological Intuition

Psych intuition crusher no more. Cyborg and sanjay choke ion choko grand jua josiah took it away so yeah, but. So yeah. This causes them but kolakata so that I was him.

Consciousness and References

To so you yogen tai nari king naris nito sundani kabi tokani search consensual hutterite utah kibi kunda gonna be nanny mona so naka nah kizuk to see what hunjin kasa hanasi don't do not channel.

Behavioral Insights

Make a make you a goodness so no. Motive the look at TNp address today 02:10 now protein shots there so yes I so influence of conscience influenza the most love through the initial quarter animal.

Maintaining Awareness

Johnny. And the net so you so in a score like she look at the inindus so you should know scooter to. Come.

Quiet Conversations

To there quietenhe says like. You. And more so to know. Can you. More so you did a garden? No. Can give there keeping the database know kick. Yeah.

Offering Support

So you could trouble cause. So so many kicker doing so and beauty know singapore some of the corner new year work and so. My God, my cousin kakarana but so you know so yeah.

Diverse Media Reflections

So. So different media so your city house and so like more just got the tara. But shimkanda there you don't know kay has to mira hey kid.

Schedule Discussion

What in the schedule? Yeah. So much gender, but you know kaitlin so no say kind of cool kangaroo how many so they buy so you God told you Sarah Monica Kaijin said earlier. Talk guy can just in and. You know the david took a. Gaddy guy to but you know story movement you take it and man are your name. But I am okay. Yeah. So no come on. Taking hater kebab so you can see so. Here. But. Same takutoka niami to come. Jimmy most of the guy Ramitol story. So yeah. So you the para more so you secondi Naruto is, you know, coco to conjure.

Continuation of Female Presence

But iski momento sakto do so. Yeah, but you know she also can. Yeah. So like ski door as many iski and I took the whisky. So it's not so it's interesting. Couldn't. Yeah. Come picking a choir Tamil so you could. Harmony to. So that's normal us if you go 16 seconds. So. Haradi mother to tune and Maria Masa there was. And told you kanji they were asking. Yeah. More. So. So, yeah. Shooting concise to narrative. Kind. Yeah. Like you cut corners now grow western diagram data the shi.

Discussion on Tutorials

So you say you know that. Okay, those are you kotoma 21 lessons packaged. tutorials. Yeah, but yeah. So yeah. In 19 table to gas we matrix interconga don't. Yeah, but don't get like. And taking a stutter, you know, so can so is kito nanika so no Jesus on to an so Kanka said or any kavita you must study the hash through Satagunya Donald so. But. Yeah. Sansaya the code, you know, working on. The schedule so kind Israel that's all there was a ISA do you know. So no kayoku manka grows.

General Commentary and Directives

Up like so yeah. Just say. I go to so yeah. So, but kind of there. So kotikini mako the seek and not take Noga to Sujan to Kaitlin so they, you know, you're not biggie. Damita kanjino kirito. But. 21 lessons high only. So even among she high side. So for then they are spiritual taking a photo indocaraco meteor chanto stuck in as you hold the state. So, you know, mind over and so. You know, so yeah. Body watching, you know, come tell him get it to the so but yeah.

Thankful Observations

So. Yeah. Tabdeh okay. Yeah. So kido tai tonight. Could I okay. They go man Santo cook. Yeah. To hide manga mari and or and. Yeah, or money. And. Manga you trouble dani me and. Marriage touching the world. Mismana torus spirit know, like, you know. Tokyo so to one piece. One piece. But he's like auto cook my one piece. I own the NASA. So me time taking one piece. I only like. No more than cardinal sticking.

Gradual Transitions and Complexities

You. Mean. To the under eye mother. But. Also much good also. But yeah. So thank God. So thank God so much. Shijana son and. So yeah. Me. Like a comic I said diamond. This autobiography on this auto. But you know. You know. That dominant. Dominant domina so gaxes I know you tell. Yeah. Dostos he to but so yonder but I say. So yeah. Council kiki how you was uni kazaria.

Cultural Commentary

Jump, you know, but. You know kim. Yeah, those tagash. Yeah, yeah. Tori tasting. So demo like not so like. No. So you can take, you know. Yeah. I don't mind so touch but your social after that I was go nicki. Kako kicko diagonal maximizoska, you know, candidate so. Narita. Narita no nakani kerohai there. But the ghetto height. So highlight dojo single heightendeh and.

Final Reflections

Again. But Jose. Mohidari. Single. Yeah, like the correspondence. What you to. Yeah. But yeah, but the karima so. Dosha no shaka so benki son zany was gendon to say. You got to say. But you know. So manjing chorus to you no good. Oh. So no imano masculine had come shit and so you know my dumb. So imagine so, but so to show you.

Closing Commentary and Future Considerations

Took care see. So to show you can see. Bugs. And they are but. Sometimes. Family. Yes. I must say like. Yeah, yeah. For the final, Korem schedule to corona don't but you. Still guess me. Normal Suito mayor Kudomota. So yeah, and I said to Kiku marching and I got the universe came horseshoe cable farming. Don't, don't. They only look this. Girl can eat, you know?

Concluding Thoughts

So now you're nothing. Yeah. So they control mona jeopardy. No coming and then. I. So you can. So how are council yeah, and the man I can so. Much shira. You know, so terminology. You can't die. Could you. Could you hamadika for that Mihaku was you in English. You must on the nano. Is. Yeah. Yeah. But private level.

Exploring New Concepts

Do you take and get a more cordakan kotova dekirukara. You so quit there I could Mandev. I got quit there. You can just. So. So. Yeah. They more than animal them. Yeah. Ima was killed and I took you could I kill you, right, but call you so no, you have to go demo sauces capture prison I scar.

Signifying Change and Challenges

So you signo. Oh, so, like, you know, but you know, so not to hash and yeah, but. So the money so. You can die. Yeah, someone died. You hand took a dose and yeah. Yeah. Ning and no yeah. Ki tabi tamono social like you know told and yeah. Sonski maki Sanskrit. So I use because so. So no, so my, you know.

Reflecting on Experiences

Come on, come on. Diagnose and come over. So. Yeah, which is. But so they know that come on. Your paragraphs. Humble Muslim meets captish. But you know. So much shinogar. So. You know how to shiny. So Cordova wood and something. Yeah. So, yeah. So.

Seeking Accountability

Into the. Give us a but yeah. So. You got to list. You, man. You got to list. You. Mean. And who is on mango, man. And you guys, my nice man saram dank to one piece my own. So, I mean, Yeah. Thank you. So handle as you know.

Closing Statements

So I desire. So no diagnosing. So, like, I don't session they watch you know what's not. But yeah, she knows. So. So the kiki the. You think the brother was aggressive tourism you had about Washington. Shiny ocean. You are a top. But yeah, no, I'm not always, you know, more second hair cold and chill.

Initial Conversations

Yes. Took in any of dice and motokovaskill then mason psychology and you know the cycle and milk and I see and you know skidda so. So you know. Yeah. Meta. So this really my. You know. But you know. But so you could get to Kanaka. You don't know the Hannah square my kind of guy and my naku cycle money took me nakazu and I can never start. And I so know to committee who so muslims and I like a God. Since you are a maze and so that. But like a whole clinic and careenik taking shit and shaggy monos took to side gonna man. Do you know a kicko is kissing say.

Further Discussion

I should. You know. Taking a. So I think and you know. Yeah. But when you start. So we own the night of package. But. So. Mukai go nito tamakai but me. Yeah. Panting a kai go. Yeah. My day. Come on. So there was. Yeah. So. Yeah. So are you. Are you. Are you a muslim? You know how that's a, Meeting target so Mata Hora director the kaido are, you know. Yeah. Money and. Easy. Easy. The anuko prasva cotta kecko. So key oisha sani hana skita wanna talk to the gank nursery?

Conversation on Life Experiences

So yeah. So the most sad show the more. So you don't. Like to be put. I know. Jeet Chandos to mono know it's so. Yeah. So no more some back negation and. Who yeah. So you said so yeah. Thank you. You know how many times it should. Come. You know. You know what you know. Wow. You put a wow. Kakikuto yeah. Social media. I said. Hasn'T it how you total but you know totally. And you know so, you know but yeah. Cut and but you might know because. And to be looking kind of like my.

Perspectives on Future Planning

You. Know. So you so she can kotomo but not tomorrow. So we can and I yeah. King. Corona demo you know but. You hot the sai shukara so you nanka mukhan hamas kumitana more so you took a so you turned to jim touch no. You know and k came to the yeah. Post you name my car. You had yeah. Systematic night to one day opening grandma. So. Kind of see you do kind of see me. Come. What are you. Not. So yeah. Morning you go and go what? Yeah. No. Sweet not the spirit warning.

Transition to Personal Stories

And go to. Java which one is we only done the more gaps I. So yeah. Me tell you my thing as people don't take so told you are media something about to christian kishtaji so you know. You know boost you motorcycle so you know you. Mother then you're like. Yo. Toy gave. Good I know nakatoto taste it. Almost time into your day you gotta signal the kind of moon yeah. Tori kunamita so maru stony but homo yeah. Mother toilet like I'm a toy.

Narrative About Personal Experiences

To. But you. Know talking attendance so don't go super. Tosto cantosa. No. They couldn't stop muddy my kai not okay. Yeah, you really took a really serious the month toy. Gamut Naruto. You're not Jesus. Hello. So you call me. Double die I don't kim we yeah, Kim we. Found so much I was cute minka. To co and yeah. So needed but to you guy. So something like yeah. Nanny moon denyote kara no kato toko you take on tiger because you cannot support the tear the yeah.

Reflections on Cultural Practices

Kai kunda getamara sweet and how could they cut the greater Peter like but yeah. Sandal. The epon the target on the hashimitansky one and we want to know but it. Oh, you know yeah. And chantal nira so kumadi so Nakoto and I couldn't yeah, but could. Also know they could go superstitious. Mother mother had and they that on this I don't dance go on there no dance only mom Michael Notica can then you meet and so is it otima. So.

Current Events and Surreal Moments

Yeah, so this time he was on the show after he was there. Yeah, but you know the song Mari. Yeah, yeah, but the master just show you home make and. Joe hair. No, but like. I see myself. Yeah. Small talk, small people. Yeah. Botanical star it is so pursuing Kara. You stay more so. So kaio, you know, stuck about it. The side you can shoot and sharpness, man. No. See, Kogama said, but you can go ticking school.

Conversations on Various Topics

Niji sanjini juju. Honey smashes. But those place keep up. So. So basically. Tabakos one around Mokumo. And hi tagra. So bush. So sorry. The bush mitch so wakaid. Yeah. They got good up the necessity of this woman. That's not all, you know. So then I have to know. So we wanted. Book nice. So can't say. Yeah. Korea so. Or. Do mirror it.

Concluding Remarks

Yeah. Know the east and so with tamil nanka. Yeah. So ima wajo died. So. No me. So now that you did tori tamarisani tamako then I store. Yeah. So. Yeah. But don't. Quit. So kill and it doesn't matter. Had a can. Yeah. Psyching. Yeah. My son. You go for. Sense. Cooking. Yeah. You don't know Bangladesh. You know, pump up with you mother sakata.

Food and Culinary Discussions

I but. So. Coconut. But just get. Second. I don't like you. King party. So toy but. Snare. Hi tani moi tama. So that's scrivener die koking. Daiko king of man. Nakakara. So. So. Honda Joe mekuga taboo kushnight. Yeah. Talking of the toto. So could not. Yeah. Kirito must know. Yeah. So then Daiko king microbas not on. No kai coming at and like a mushy messy.

Inevitability of Change

So. Coming out of the margin. And kidney. So to but. Kill it so much. You saw mother Kirito? Yeah. Do not go. You know, good for the kickoff. Body beauty and contest. Oh, so. I am a kiniko Mitchell. Kyoto seruka. Schema. But. Schema. Yes. But see Moscow. So after cut off, man. Check out mid. Check out good.

Enduring Conversations

Oh, yeah. So Pakistan. Yeah. So is. Yeah. Mo my kurobas. Yeah. Come on. And, and in body video. Jump. Jump. Don't. Turn. Yes, but. Oh. Yeah. So, yeah. Give us some. I used to go so much. Then the cow. I guess like masaka table then some. No. So, like, I know kidney, but. Kind of. Yeah. On my nima motto Shiroka do it.

Reflections on Personal Growth

Oh, yeah. Yeah, but that's, you know, my hero. Yeah. Slow. Yo, can you guys. Yeah. So. So no. Michael, but, I know. Being your second. So not to ashmit and ending longer. 19 point. Yeah. My hakai master Kermo quick. I make or mama proposal. But. Yeah.

Final Thoughts

Muscle. But. Yeah. Yeah. Come on. The Gina Platono Haskai okrakata. But. So yeah. But you know, I got.

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