Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space delved into the integration of NFTs with space assets, with a particular focus on Dogecoin and its relationship with both real-world and digital space assets. The discussions revolved around bridging the gap between cryptocurrency and space exploration by utilizing industry standards for tokenization, verification, and trading of space assets, especially catering to the Doge community’s interest in space. The platform’s blockchain agnostic nature, partnerships with industry leaders, community demand for Dogecoin’s presence in space, and the development of economic infrastructure for the space market were key highlights of the conversation.


Q: What is the main focus of sending Dogecoin assets to the moon discussed in the space?
A: The space aims to integrate Dogecoin-related assets into the space industry, utilizing space asset tokenization, verification, and trading to send them to the moon.

Q: How is authenticity and ownership of space assets ensured on the platform?
A: By bringing real-world space asset standards into the Dogecoin ecosystem, the platform establishes mechanisms for verifying ownership and authenticity of space assets sent to the moon.

Q: Which partnerships were mentioned regarding the tokenization of space assets?
A: The platform is collaborating with leading partners in the industry to tokenize space assets, enhancing the accessibility and tradability of these unique assets.

Q: Why is the platform considered blockchain agnostic?
A: The platform is designed to be blockchain agnostic, built on EVMS, to cater to different blockchain technologies and ensure interoperability and flexibility in asset representation and trading.

Q: What is the community’s interest in bringing Dogecoin to space according to the discussions?
A: Community interest is a driving force behind innovations to integrate Dogecoin into space assets, reflecting a demand for expanding the utility and presence of Dogecoin in unique markets.

Q: What economic infrastructure is being developed for the space market within the platform?
A: The focus is on building a robust economic infrastructure to support the trading and tokenization of space assets, fostering a dynamic marketplace for space-related digital assets.

Q: Why might different asset creators require unique features on the platform?
A: Different asset creators may have diverse needs and specifications for their space assets, necessitating customization and flexibility on the platform to accommodate varied asset types and functionalities.

Q: What is the main focus of sending Dogecoin assets to the moon discussed in the space?
A: The space aims to integrate Dogecoin-related assets into the space industry, utilizing space asset tokenization, verification, and trading to send them to the moon.

Q: How is authenticity and ownership of space assets ensured on the platform?
A: By bringing real-world space asset standards into the Dogecoin ecosystem, the platform establishes mechanisms for verifying ownership and authenticity of space assets sent to the moon.

Q: Which partnerships were mentioned regarding the tokenization of space assets?
A: The platform is collaborating with leading partners in the industry to tokenize space assets, enhancing the accessibility and tradability of these unique assets.

Q: Why is the platform considered blockchain agnostic?
A: The platform is designed to be blockchain agnostic, built on EVMS, to cater to different blockchain technologies and ensure interoperability and flexibility in asset representation and trading.

Q: What is the community’s interest in bringing Dogecoin to space according to the discussions?
A: Community interest is a driving force behind innovations to integrate Dogecoin into space assets, reflecting a demand for expanding the utility and presence of Dogecoin in unique markets.

Q: What economic infrastructure is being developed for the space market within the platform?
A: The focus is on building a robust economic infrastructure to support the trading and tokenization of space assets, fostering a dynamic marketplace for space-related digital assets.

Q: Why might different asset creators require unique features on the platform?
A: Different asset creators may have diverse needs and specifications for their space assets, necessitating customization and flexibility on the platform to accommodate varied asset types and functionalities.


Time: 00:10:03
Real-World Integration Example, Explanation of how Copernic Space connects Web3 presence with real-life visibility.

Time: 00:28:27
Metropolis World Launch, Announcement of the official launch of Copernic Space’s Metropolis World account and its significance.

Time: 00:47:19
Democratizing Space Access, Emphasis on democratizing and decentralizing access to space ventures and assets.

Time: 00:56:01
Economic Community on the Moon, Discussion on leveraging SpaceX rockets to establish an economic community on the moon.

Key Takeaways

  • The platform aims to send Dogecoin assets to the moon
  • bridging the gap between cryptocurrency and space exploration.
  • Efforts are underway to transfer real-world space asset standards to the Dogecoin ecosystem.
  • A blockchain agnostic platform is being developed on EVMS to ensure flexibility for different blockchain technologies.
  • Partnerships with industry leaders are being formed to tokenize space assets on the platform.
  • Community interest in bringing Dogecoin into space is driving innovations in tokenizing and trading space assets.
  • The focus is on building an economic infrastructure to support the trading of space assets.
  • Customization is important as different asset creators may require unique features on the platform.
  • A symbiotic relationship is highlighted between Dogecoin and the space industry
  • emphasizing mutual benefits.
  • Utilizing Dogecoin technology to represent and trade space assets showcases the innovative merging of crypto and space industries.

Behind the Mic

e, it’s really cool to be able to do that. And so sending dogecoin, I had in my coinbase wallet so that all of the different currencies and they’re nominal amounts, you know, like, because I don’t have a lot of money, but I would buy fractional shares of all of the things. Because I think it’s really important because we don’t know which communities folks are going to like or not like. We don’t know where they’re going to find their tribe. We don’t know which coin is going to win, which they’re going to lose. But to establish provenance is something that’s so freaking unique. And space offers that to us. And it’s also really important to note that Copernicus space is not an island all by itself. It has axiom, space and singularity and Firefly and life ship and all of these wonderful projects that are all collective together, helping one another and building an ecosystem where we can all enjoy it. So I just wanted to come up and say that, and I can’t co host because I don’t have a reliable Internet, but yes, but just thank you. You did a great job. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for joining us and sorry to hear about the challenge of the weather. Stay safe. We love you and thank you for everything that you are doing enriching communities, yours and ours, because it’s going to the moon together. I want to welcome also crazy Jack, and I know that he was with you earlier this morning in Starbucks session. What I want to add about the Dodge Moon wallet that Lady Racket foundation started and is hosting, it gives me an opportunity to show a new attitude, a new plan for philanthropy, and empower Lady Racket foundation to be an innovator in the way how cryptocurrency is used in order to call attention to the importance of being a philanthropy active. But in philanthropy that creates profits, creates equity upside, not your traditional philanthropy of writing Czech, God bless for those who do it. But my role is to become the centerpiece for all of us to transform crypto from being renegaded to the germs and the parasites of financial community and becoming the centerpiece of innovation. And Marja, thank you for joining us and thank you for investing your time in Citadel coin and for this partnership. I appreciate it. you’re welcome. Well said, and I’m happy to be here Yeah. Carlos Thank you, Maria I should have We have a main again, About that Hi, Carlos is now finally we can hear you I was like heaven for like five minutes Really sorry about that The network is a little bit deadly here . Yeah but We can hear you Wonderful to have caught thought talking a little bit about our conversation in reliability He’s one of the first questions that has been raised in several of our conversations right over the several weeks and Such a main question because for so many people this is very new. And wanted to ask how does transferable reliability impact the community and its members? Thank you for the question. I mean, you know it’s something, such a rising face when you discover a new opportunity like this and Unghall pokes got well so I am privileged to be able to do this right now with all you online who join us today. So, we are relying on to support the initiative we set for the extraordinary process of holistic philanthropy. This stablecoin that we offer to this community holds its value and impact our growth and cooperative success as some kind of philosophical touch to it. But hey That’s my thinking And speaking of our support at back at Doji Moon coin and Doji Moon foundation Our initiative is to reward good activity within Doji Moon foundation by providing you constant framework for you to make an impact no matter what Okay thank you Thank you, Carlson. So we have time for maybe a few more questions before wrapping up. And we have another one about the long-term vision we have for the initiatives we have taken so far. Thank you so much for that Absolutely a big question I mean for the misfortunate few leaning on the Doji Moon wallet I, love the opportunities we have today Participation, inclusion, positive use of cryptocurrencies in tabulated mutual benefits All of that is platform revolutionizing benefits thanks for the follow-up So many ideas we’re brewing Moving into concrete steps Carlson that was like a thank you keynote You’re very welcome I’m just really, very keen about our future steps Okay Doji Moon everyone there To the moon All’s said Remember to share our amazing Doji Moon wallet Join us next Thursday. Bring a friend. Let’s check out the interactions we have. Try our new fun. All right. We will take a little bit of snapshot moments and regards, Carlson and he’s very If I’m reliable phones, we’ll meet Take care and bye And I would like to point out that we always make sure we meet consistently to address these needs and transparent communications Within our exponential journey All right, so thank you, Grant, if you can hear me, please conclude our meeting. Can you? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So either way, we have our Twitter space. Friday. We’ll talk more about this kind of doge moon fund and have some guests. That’s on Friday. It’s also in the pinned tweet above that also has the moon fund wallet, the Doge moon fund wallet. And before that, you have a thread about our passports. Get them in presale, fill out the form. And also you have an article about our moon mission. Hope to see you on Friday. Make sure you open up those tweets before the space closes. Thank you. To the moon. To the moon. To the moon. Thank you guys for being here today. See you also next week. Hopefully Walter and Peacock will be back with us. Sara stays safe. Thank you for your beautiful presence in our lives and love to everybody. Go and send a message about passport. Check it out. Check it out. We have a lot of fantastic new participants from different parts of the world. I am very happy about Austin, who is joining us from Oklahoma City. You never know how passport can change your life. He didn’t know that Oklahoma, as a state named itself space state. It built a spaceport and is looking for space innovation. And Austin is in the business of satellites. So who knows? Maybe we’ll be doing our dodge notes on the satellites out of Oklahoma City. Be creative, think big, and start with passport not to miss opportunity. Thank you so much. And Charlie, thank you. Looking forward to our talk later today. And to the moon with catcoin. Check out, get catcoin. Feel like a billionaire because you can afford to be a billionaire. With catcoin, you can afford to have billions of catcoins. I feel wonderful being a catcoin billionaire for joining me. Love you guys. Thank you so much for everything. Bye bye. See you soon. Give me some hearts. I want to take a picture with hearts. Can you give me some hearts? Thank you. Bye bye. Have a wonderful, safe day and be good and do only good every day. Stay well. Bye.

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